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Isabel’s morning briefing

Monday, Oct 23, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* ICYMI: The Chicago Police face allegations of excessive force, improper searches and extremist ties, a Sun-Times and WBEZ investigation showed

    - Officials closed a probe into Chicago cops’ ties to the Oath Keepers last year without finding any wrongdoing or even investigating most of the officers linked to the group.

    - Many of the cops on the Oath Keepers’ rolls worked in the Special Operations Section, which was disbanded amid revelations that some members committed robberies and plotted to murder a colleague.

    - The CPD are opening a new investigation after questions from WBEZ and the Sun-Times.

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* Isabel’s top picks…

    * WGLT | Judge plans to dismiss landmark Illinois prison mental health lawsuit: A federal judge has signaled his intent to dismiss a massive civil rights lawsuit pending since 2007 against the Illinois Department of Corrections seeking significant improvements in mental health care for more than 12,000 inmates. In a preliminary ruling issued last week during a telephone conference with attorneys for the state and inmates, U.S. District Judge for Central Illinois Michael Mihm said he plans to dismiss the lawsuit, finding that the court lacked jurisdiction to hear unresolved claims in the lawsuit.

    * Daily Herald | Democratic challenger outraised Rep. Foster in third quarter — but can he win?: Foster reported about $300,887 in total receipts for the same quarter. The congressman’s campaign had much more money saved than his rival’s at the end of the period, however, thanks to years of fundraising.

    * Center for Illinois Politics | Leadership, leverage and laughter: A look at the history and legacy of COWL: The tiny, yet formidable Barbara Flynn Currie shimmying across a stage in an electric blue feather boa. A bring-down-the house riff on Del Shannon’s “Runaway” the year Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley forced the closing of Meigs Field Airport. A still-poignant “Wizard of Oz” theme. And, yes, a lot of pinot grigio. Want to reminisce more? Check out the 2007 Capitol Capers performance in full here.

* Here’s the rest of your morning roundup…


  1. - lake county democrat - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 8:47 am:

    So wait…the MAGA/Q types who want to deny parents the right to choose transgender treatments for their kids think they’re championing…”the right to parent”?

  2. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 8:55 am:

    Big brain political stuff from Ives. What a surprise she comes with a pitch that requires you to first feel a baseless sense of victimization before you could be receptive to it.
    The world is cruel, in that it generally works in different ways than Jeanne Ives believes it must.

  3. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 8:55 am:

    Another merit badge for the Special Operations Section (SOS) or Sons of Supervisors as it is commonly known.

  4. - OneMan - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:01 am:

    Has a medication ever gotten the coverage from the NYT that Wygovy does? It seems they do a story every week or two about it.

    I get it is in the zeitgeist right now, but it’s like there is a Wygovy beat reporter at this point.

  5. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:20 am:

    And in California Democrats want to deny the “right to parent” and make it illegal for school officials to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender at school

  6. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:35 am:


    You didn’t address what Ives and her ilk want to do in Illinois. You, as per usual, we
    Want to play the “whatabout” game. Do you agree with Ives or not? It’s a really simple question. Try answering one for once instead of playing your little dishonesty game.

  7. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:43 am:

    Also @LP sometimes there is a reason that kids may not want to involve their parents. But you and your ilk want to out them to their parents out of spite. There is a reason that a lot of transgender and gay kids suffer from depression and high rates of suicide. You wanting to out them to their parents isn’t going to help matters. So why don’t you worry about yourself instead of sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong and trying to make life for these kids more difficult.

  8. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:45 am:

    “make it illegal for school officials to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender at school”

    So you want the state to take a heavier hand in the parent-child communication process? As a parent I don’t want my child’s school to overcommunicate about things that do not pertain to learning or safety. Schools are asked to do way too much that is beyond their actual purpose already, I’d rather they not be mandated by government to become mommy and daddy’s Stasi on top of everything else.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:46 am:

    ===Do you agree with Ives or not? It’s a really simple question.===

    Ball game.

    The reality of the ridiculousness of what - LP - pretends to bring, the reality is - LP - agreed with Bailey on every single policy, never saw a Bailey position where there was disagreement, and here wholly agrees with Ives.

    There’s no nuance exactly to two things;

    * Gotta whatabout
    * Gotta agree without saying plainly - LP - agrees

    Reminds me of Ives’ budget wants when finally put on the floor… so many crickets… thanks to IPI

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 9:53 am:

    Not a whatabout game

    I am for parents being responsible for their minor children’s educational needs, medical treatments, mental health, doctor visits etc.

    You know the way it’s always been my entire life until Illinois removed parental notification effective January 1 2024

    Now suddenly parental notification is a radical concept pushed only by Q type, MAGA extremists?

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:05 am:

    - LP -

    Do you agree with Ives, yes or no.

    You want to force a child to have a pregnancy go to term, or are you pro-life that any choice that a woman could make is unacceptable, no nuance?

    You only need one word for the Ives question.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:07 am:

    This alone,

    Choosing to want to restrict abortion at any thought to choice is a losing political position and my hope is Republicans feel a need in states and nationally to tell women that Republicans should control women’s health choices, not women themselves.

  13. - yinn - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:14 am:

    ==How can the nation afford lifelong treatments for so many people, with sticker prices for each patient ranging from about $900 to $1,300 every four weeks?==

    They can’t, but there are fixes. For example, instead of granting long-term patent monopolies, fed gov could pay pharma companies for R&D up front and ensure generic versions are available ASAP.

  14. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:17 am:

    ==Not a whatabout game==

    That is exactly what you are playing and what you always play.

    ==I am for parents being responsible for their minor children’s educational needs, medical treatments, mental health, doctor visits==

    Good. Then I take it to mean you are against banning books and against making it illegal for parents to get their transgender kids the medical care they believe is right for them.

    ==until Illinois removed parental notification==

    That’s not even a topic here. More proof of your “whataboutism” game.

  15. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:18 am:

    And, you didn’t answer my question. It was a simple question LP. Have some guts and answer it.

  16. - H-W - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:19 am:

    It seems some parents want to own their children, much as they might own property. Under that model, anything that “diminishes” their property is a crime.

    At the same time, most of the people who believe this way also want fetuses to have citizenship rights that they would not bestow upon their property / children.

    They would deny the state the right to adjudicate the rights of minor citizens under the assumption that giving birth bestows ownership rights that cannot be infringed upon by a civil society.

    If this is what “making American great again” means (returning to the 1950s when men ruled over women, children and property, no thanks.

  17. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:25 am:

    I don’t know what Jeannie Ives positions are on every issue so I can’t speak to them.

    I did tell you quite clearly what my position is.

    I agree with the 36 states, that are not run by Q MAGA extremists, and require parental notification like Illinois used to.

  18. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:38 am:

    ===positions are on every issue===

    “Shall the written consent from a minor’s parent or guardian be required before any entity, person, clinic or school can provide a minor (under the age of 18 years) any non-emergency medical procedure, medication, pharmaceutical or any gender modification procedure, gender identification counseling or gender therapy?”

    Now you know.

    Notice, it’s actual consent, not notification. Get back on topic.

  19. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:43 am:

    ==I did tell you quite clearly what my position is.==

    No you didn’t. I’ll take that as you agree with her since you refuse to answer a direct question.

  20. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    Well as I stated I think parents are responsible for their minor children’s care including medical treatments

    Since when is that a radical position? George Orwell’s 1984?

  21. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    ===parents are responsible for their minor children’s care including medical treatments===

    So, no medical care of any kind without the parents’ expressed permission.

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:53 am:

    So being against parental consent and notification for life altering medical care for minor children is the extreme position?

  23. - Big Dipper - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:55 am:

    ==I am for parents being responsible for their minor children’s educational needs, medical treatments, mental health, doctor visits etc.==

    Parents don’t always know best. If they did we wouldn’t need the equivalent of DCFS in every state.

  24. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 10:56 am:

    ==is the extreme position==

    Yeah, it is. Because you don’t understand the consequences to the kid that could sometimes come from that demand. Do you not care about the potential consequences to the kid?

  25. - Roadrager - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 11:08 am:

    ==Since when is that a radical position? George Orwell’s 1984?==

    Everyone, please, hold your cards. I think we have a bingo.

    Now, while we check for a winner, I want everyone in the audience to reflect on LP and the culture war activists in his lane citing “1984″ for any perceived rebuke of their words and deeds while they enact legislation that is literally getting “1984″ pulled from school library shelves.

  26. - Shevek - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 1:59 pm:

    == You know the way it’s always been my entire life until Illinois removed parental notification effective January 1 2024 ==

    It wasn’t until 2013 that the courts allowed the law to go into effect (it had been stayed since it was passed in 1995). So unless you are 10 years old, I don’t think it was your whole life (and it was repealed 1/2022). Even once it went into effect there was still a process to by-pass notification by going to court. Finally, that act had absolutely no teeth anyway. A violation by a doctor would constitute unprofessional conduct which could result in discipline of the doctor’s license by the Medical Board. There is no way that board was ever going to impose discipline on a doctor who performed an abortion without notifying the parents. They basically said as much after the law was allowed to go into effect.

  27. - cermak_rd - Monday, Oct 23, 23 @ 3:35 pm:

    The type of identifying as transgender they are talking about is not medical. It’s just wanting to have different pronouns and to be referred differently. Some kids may want to play with the concept and if no one makes a big deal about it, they may easily shift back or not. Certainly if a child has a good relationship with their parent(s) they might want to talk to them, but you can’t mandate that.

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