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Winter is coming and the city is still scrambling

Tuesday, Oct 31, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune reporter…

* From her story

Thousands of migrants sleeping at police stations woke up to freezing cold conditions this Halloween morning as city officials, volunteers and faith-based organizations scrambled to find warmth for a population, mostly from Venezuela, that has never experienced cold before.

Temperatures plummeted overnight to a low of 30 degrees at O’Hare International Airport, said the National Weather Service, and safety networks stepped in to react to emergencies brought on by the cold. Temperatures were expected to range between 36 and 37 degrees with light snow flurries for the next 24 hours, weather officials said. […]

Dr. Scott Dresden, an associate professor of emergency medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a Northwestern Medicine physician, said he wasn’t sure how the thousands of migrants that have arrived since last August would influence the numbers of people he treats in emergency departments over the next months.

“This is certainly a unique winter with a larger population who are without housing than we are used to,” he said.

* Fox Chicago

On Monday, Chicagoans – who know what to expect – bundled up amid chilly temperatures, but many new arrivals will be experiencing the cold for the very first time.

The CTA is now providing warming buses during certain hours at the migrant bus landing zone near Clinton and Vernon Park Place and 16 police districts across the city, but long-term solutions are desperately needed.

“We have minors in police stations and in the streets, this is an emergency response,” said Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez who represents the 25th Ward.

Monday morning, the Committee on Housing and Real Estate, which Ald. Sigcho-Lopez chairs, signed off on the city’s plan to purchase land at the corner of 115th and Halsted.

The former Jewel parking lot could become a migrant base camp built by GardaWorld Federal Services, but South Side community members are pushing back.

* ABC 7

Also on Monday, downtown Alderman Brendan Reilly sent a letter to constituents, claiming the city was looking to convert the Hotel Chicago in River North into a migrant shelter, something the mayor’s office denies, and the hotel said it had no information about.

Ald. Reilly also complained that the mayor was acting without legal authority, despite a gubernatorial disaster declaration that sets aside provisions of the procurement and joint purchasing codes

To aid with emergency purchases necessary for response and other emergency powers as authorized by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, the provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code and the Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act that would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the disaster are suspended to the extent they are not required by federal law.

We saw that same sort of rhetoric during the COVID emergency.

* I checked out this encampment near the 17th District police station in the Albany Park neighborhood not long ago. Tents are set up on both sides of an adjacent street, with some, like these, right next to houses…

* At the end of a Sun-Times story about how the city says it can’t risk using reserve funds to pay for migrants is this tidbit

Once the Council approves the mayor’s budget, attention will turn to the urgent search for additional revenue — a task Johnson has punted to a subcommittee led by freshman Ald. William Hall (6th).

[Chicago Budget Director Annette Guzman] expects the options presented by that subcommittee to include broadening the sales tax umbrella to cover a host of professional services favored by the wealthy and business interests.

The idea has been talked about for decades, only to hit a dead-end in Springfield.

But, Guzman said: “We’re in a place now where people are more open to this idea. We’ve seen the dramatic shift in how people purchase things. It’s shifted more now toward services over goods. … Sometimes, it’s all about timing. … I look at it as a way of sharing the burden more equitably.”

A tax on high-end services might feel good, but I seriously doubt it’ll make much of a dent. Looks like the city is again passing the buck. Then again, maybe proponents have other numbers. I’d love to see them.

…Adding… All very valid points…


  1. - MaddyMoon - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 1:48 pm:

    Chicago needs a leader. and I can’t help but feel like the current occupant of the Mayor’s office is highly unqualified to handle the magnitude of this issue. my heart aches for every individual that came to this city thinking this was a path to an opportunity.

  2. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 1:51 pm:

    “attention will turn to the urgent search for additional revenue — a task Johnson has punted to a subcommittee led by freshman Ald. William Hall (6th)”

    This would be funny in some other context.
    In our current context it just looks pathetic.
    People who don’t want to have to do a job don’t have to run for the office. Not running is always an option. Just throwing that out there.

  3. - Shake Up the Team - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 1:59 pm:

    The mayor was elected on April 4. Over 7 months to get a plan together and rolled out to the public. Cold weather is a guarantee yet the mayor failed to prepare. No excuses.

    And now he has now gone missing. It has been weeks since he answered questions in front of press. His press secretary and PR lead has stopped answering emails. More and more aldermen have made the decision to be in opposition to him public.

    Saying he is a disappointment would be an understatement. This is worse than a deer caught in the headlights. This failure of an administration is historic low for the city. CTU has failed massively.

  4. - ChicagoBars - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:05 pm:

    The past six months of “migrant” response have been the most depressing thing I’ve watched in a long, cynical 15 years spent watching City Hall good intentions meeting City Hall actions.

  5. - DuPage Dad - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:07 pm:

    When Mayor Johnson talked about making decisions on his own timeline, I certainly got what he was saying. I’m all for making good decisions. But sometimes we need to act and just move things forward a little bit, especially when seriously vulnerable people’s safety and welfare is at stake.

  6. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:11 pm:

    I’ve gone from distantly hoping that they were smart enough to be working something out in the background to believing that the Mayor is panicking, hiding, and trying to wait all this out.

    This isn’t what he was expecting when CTU/DSA put him up to this…

  7. - Lurker - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    @ChicagoBars, I respectfully disagree with your sentiment that there have been good intentions. Otherwise, I fully agree.

  8. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    It’s time to stop griping about the tent camps, even if the gripes contain a lot of truth to them. But I WILL gripe about the lack of coordination of volunteer efforts. Lots of people, including us hostile to sanctuary cities and pro-border security, want to help these people who are here but the oportunities are haphazard and chaotic. Like, you can buy coats and warm clothes on Amazon and have them sent to a recommended place - seriously, nobody can negotiate a better deal for a bulk purchases? I’ve looked at the United Way and other local charity web pages and haven’t found good information for which established groups are helping and which are not. And I’ll say it again: where is CTU in all of this? The would-be shadow government with the organizational skills to elect a mayor but seemingly unwilling to spend much clout on the biggest local humanitarian crisis in recent memory. So, so frustrating.

  9. - AAA Minors Not Pros - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:16 pm:

    The mayor does not have an IGA director or a communications director 6 months in. We are watching a D-league team try to play in the NBA.

  10. - Franklin - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:19 pm:

    Treating refugees so poorly that they want to flee your city is an interesting form of sanctuary. Let’s see how this plays out.

  11. - Dan Johnson - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    The transit fiscal cliff policy leadership has largely landed on expanded the sales tax base to include services.

  12. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:25 pm:

    ===- Lurker - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:13 pm:===

    Ditto. At least certainly not for the City Hall as a whole.

  13. - No Urgency - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:30 pm:

    When you have a severely understaffed and inexperienced office this is what happens. Rey Wences and Beatriz do not have a human services background. Ronnie Reese does not have crisis communications experience. John Roberson is nowhere to be found. Rich G is just doing as told by police. Jason Lee is absorbed by trying to make his way to DC. And CPZ might still be in Texas?

  14. - Steve - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:32 pm:

    -sales tax umbrella to cover a host of professional services favored by the wealthy and business interests.-

    More revenue is needed but it will have to come from those who aren’t wealthy. You want a progressive government : everyone has to pay up. Especially since wealthy people don’t have to go downtown to see a lawyer.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:55 pm:

    Personnel is Policy.

    Deciding not to fill, or being unable to full, or not understanding the need to fill… these openings in obvious holes… at some point it’s a policy, not just “unable”

    I can’t help them. They need to realize that filling these openings matters in fulfilling the mission of being the Mayor, as an office

  16. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 2:58 pm:

    Has there been any discussion in Illinois of using National Guard facilities and personnel to get these people through the winter? Pick up the phones guys, it’s snowing outside.

    Send a bill to the feds later, there isn’t time to dream about tax increases.

  17. - City Zen - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 3:05 pm:

    ==where is CTU in all of this?==

    Not their job. Besides, their wheelhouse is problem awareness, not problem resolution.

  18. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 3:11 pm:

    No corporate, medical, or financial institutions would ever consider hiring a candidate like Brandon Johnson to direct their organization. His inexperience in planning, developing, and instituting policies and procedures comes to the forefront with the migrant crisis in the city of Chicago.

    Brandon Johnson is in over his head and lacks the connections to the corporate and business sectors which might provide some guidance.

    If Johnson is humble enough to reach out to the business sector, they might provide the direction and advice he so desperately needs. Will he listen?

    To refresh a memory from Michael Bilandic’s term—-from January 2 through January 12 temperatures dipped below zero for ten consecutive days and the temperature never reached 20 degrees.

    All this was before the blizzard.

  19. - Chicago Voter - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 3:23 pm:

    The Mayor’s Office held an emergency meeting with mutual aid volunteers today because police officers were kicking people out of police stations and the Mayor’s Office didn’t want that to happen.

    Instead of Mayoral staff going to their boss, they punched down to volunteers to report conditions on the ground.

    Rey Wences is out of depth. Google Forms filled out by volunteers that the Mayor’s Office prefers to deputize is not a way to (co)-govern. It’s shirking responsibility, full stop.

  20. - Jerry - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 3:28 pm:

    Would the Republican mayoral candidate be doing anything differently? He was “Lesson Plan Writer” too.

  21. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 3:39 pm:

    Where is the County Board on this? They must have space and facilities. Why should they get a pass they must have some thoughts on ways to help

  22. - Disappointed Suburban Female - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 3:53 pm:

    Have a very bad feeling the Winter of Brandon’s Tent Option will be depressing/distressing….. asylum seekers may die in the Chicago weather

  23. - LastModDemStanding - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 4:34 pm:

    Three Words:
    Chicago Leadership Void

  24. - Disappointed Suburban Female - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 4:41 pm:

    -sales tax umbrella to cover a host of professional services favored by the wealthy and business interests.

    Illinois Super Majority ain’t giving this up….They’ve been saving this for their ….”We need more revenue ever since the “Pritzker Fair Tax Failed”

  25. - Tim - Tuesday, Oct 31, 23 @ 6:26 pm:

    === Would the Republican mayoral candidate be doing anything differently? ===

    It would probably feel a lot more dystopian–maybe actively busing people elsewhere, or having CPD cite them for being camped in the public way.

    Otherwise, probably not.

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