Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » I kid you not: Freshman Republican legislator claims electing a Chicago school board in November is actually a scheme to elect Dems statewide in perpetuity
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I kid you not: Freshman Republican legislator claims electing a Chicago school board in November is actually a scheme to elect Dems statewide in perpetuity

Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Jed Davis (R-Newark)

During veto session, we voted to allow public elections of the Board of Education for Chicago Public Schools. Without question, it’s great placing elections in the hands of people. However, the timing is essentially a legislative scheme to ensure electoral victories.

“This bill aligns the city’s school board elections with general elections, meaning it’s the same time people elect statewide officials like their governor, secretary of state, and treasurer.” Representative Davis continues, “Everywhere else in Illinois, school board elections occur during consolidated elections, during off-years, meaning not during general elections. So, we must ask why are we allowing special circumstances for Chicago?”

Representative Davis answers why, “The city’s school board elections will turn out voters in heavily democrat areas. It’s an infusion of democrat votes for statewide officials, ensuring a republican never wins a statewide election again. It’s corruption right out in the open for everyone to see.”

This nonsense must end and Representative Davis promises to push against this legislation and address the issue as needed through judicial means.

“We must ensure equality across the aisle and not give one party or the other advantages during general elections. This legislation is shameful and the people deserve better. Let’s absolutely give the people the power to vote, but let’s not treat Chicago differently from a timing perspective compared with all other Illinois voters. I’m asking both House and Senate leadership to do the right thing and fix this issue before sending anything to the Governor’s desk.”

Seems a bit much to claim that electing those school board members in November will ensure “a republican [sic] never wins a statewide election again.” People turn out in higher numbers in November anyway, and particularly in presidential years. I doubt this will have much turnout impact next year.

Rep. Davis’ head will likely explode if/when the Dems put an abortion-related constitutional amendment on the ballot next year.

Anyway, your thoughts?


  1. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:40 am:

    It’s just another lame excuse that this Republican is using to try and explain why they can’t win elections. Republicans don’t care to look inwards to understand that the majority of the state’s electorate doesn’t agree with their policy positions. They just look to blame others for their inability to win elections. Maybe try a different message or put up better candidates.

  2. - wildcat12 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:44 am:

    Republicans know that Democrats win when voter turnout is higher. Rather than attempting to figure out why that is and appeal to a greater swath of people, they try to disenfranchise voters and discourage people from voting.

  3. - JoanP - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:45 am:

    Oh, for pity’s sake. It’s not like the Illinois Republican Party has been winning statewide in the absence of an elected school board in Chicago.

  4. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:45 am:

    Davis - Mommy, I think that boy over there is trying to steal my lollipop.

    Mommy - What boy are you talking about? There isn’t anyone trying to do anything to you.

    Davis - but mommy, what about my lollipop?

    Mommy - why don’t you count how many licks it takes to get to the center of your lollipop.

  5. - VK - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:47 am:

    In what reality does someone look at what offices are up during a general election and go “Can’t be bothered with this Governor or Attorney General nonsense” only to be shocked to learn there is a school board election happening and rush out their door to cast a ballot?

    I wish to meet this person because I have a bunch of questions.

  6. - ;) - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:49 am:

    Read my mind with the last line about the constitutional amendment.

  7. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:50 am:

    ==they try to disenfranchise voters and discourage people from voting.==

    That’s exactly right. Never in my life would I have expected a major political party to turn into a party that clearly hates democracy.

  8. - The Truth - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    when the Dems put an abortion-related constitutional amendment on the ballot

    Ohio just showed the blueprint for November 2024. I imagine many swing-y states will have a similar vote on their ballots, and it will indeed drive turnout. And the post-Dobbs Republicans are the dog that finally caught the car.

  9. - H-W - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:51 am:

    Apparently, some Republicans would have us do away with elections, without offering alternatives for representation. They could suggest we do a census of the communities and school districts and water districts and every imaginable geographic entity, and then assign seats based of the relative representation of political orientations in a geographic area, with adjustments made every time someone sells or buys a piece of property.

    Or we could just have elections.

  10. - T.S. - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:55 am:

    ===It’s corruption right out in the open for everyone to see.===

    Translation- republicans aren’t coming to the ballot boxes and democrats are winning elections because they have more votes and voters. This is now our stance for Republicans nationally and now on a state level. When we lose we say the system is rigged and it’s corruption. It is only fair when we win.

  11. - JoeMaddon - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:55 am:

    I mean… I’d support him if he wanted to move all school board elections to the regular even-year election cycles!

  12. - Local Person - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 10:56 am:

    I worry that Republicans are unable to understand grammar. Anyone with a fifth grade education knows that the correct adjective to describe voters from the Democratic Party is *democratic* not democrat.

  13. - Norseman - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:00 am:

    The MAGA craziness never stops.

  14. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:06 am:

    ===ensuring a republican never wins a statewide election again===

    And to his credit, Rep Davis is doing his part.

  15. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:08 am:

    =Rep. Davis’ head will likely explode if/when the Dems put an abortion-related constitutional amendment on the ballot next year.=

    No statewide elections next year. Save it for ‘26 [banned punctuation]

  16. - Homebody - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:09 am:

    Politician is admitting that placing lesser elections in off years is a strategy to minimize electoral participation. Seems like we should always have all elections happening at the same time. We should always be doing everything we can to maximize turnout.

    I am always automatically suspicious of anyone who is against increasing turnout, regardless of their political party. (Yes I’m looking at you, spring time Chicago mayoral election)

    Also it is just a waste of money to run numerous elections throughout the year.

  17. - Pundent - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:12 am:

    The GOP brand on a statewide basis is toxic and unappealing to the majority of voters. And it’s getting worse with the passage of time. As long as that condition remains the party will continue to lose. The excuses that Davis offers make clear that things will not be changing in the short term.

  18. - Lagartha's Shield - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:14 am:

    I would love to see all school board elections for the state moved to November.

  19. - low level - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:14 am:

    Well, everyone knows moving the statewide elections to the non presidential off year elections (beginning in 1978) was a scheme to ensure permanent statewide Republican victories so maybe this is just making it equal, Jed.

  20. - no use for a (nick)name - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:18 am:

    I miss David Welter

  21. - Horseshoe voter - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:21 am:

    Let’s move all school board elections to the General. School boards won’t drive turnout, but presidential and gubernatorial races will help boost the number of people who vote in school board races. He should file that bill. Sandack/T. Cullerton we’re working on that at one point but it never got much traction.

  22. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:22 am:

    Let’s face it with guys like Davis as potential candidates, the Republicans don’t need any help losing statewide elections.

  23. - Lurker - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:24 am:

    Let me make sure I understand:
    - it is great putting elections in the hands of voters
    - elections in November increase turnout which supports the first point
    - only Chicago is doing the first two so we should make it so the whole state of Illinois is doing it. Wait? What? No? Instead you argue that the Dems are up to some devious plot instead of concluding we need to help all Illinois voters?

    The Illinois Republican Party is annoyingly backwards.

  24. - Siriusly - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:29 am:

    So - conversely these weird expensive and low turnout off year elections are a scam to elect Republican s?

  25. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 11:58 am:

    On the other hand, it is nice to finally see a Republican acknowledge the role of elections.

  26. - Near Westside - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:07 pm:

    Has there been a recent uptick in the number of Republicans voting in Chicago elections? Or does Jed believe that the Chicago School Board race will drive voting statewide? I’m confused.

  27. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:11 pm:

    How do you spell paranoid? R E P U B L I C A N.

  28. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:11 pm:

    In which a Republican expresses terror that the Democratic segment of the electorate might receive political representation proportional to their size, and the day ends in the letter “Y.”

  29. - Thomas Paine - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:13 pm:

    1. Always great to hear the GOP say the quiet part out loud. “We believe voter participation puts us at a disadvantage.”

    2. Once you’ve reached the point that you are storming the Capitol to try to overturn an election, you’ve pretty much admitted that Democracy is an existential threat to your party.

    3. The irony is that he’s not totally wrong, except that i believe he got it backwards. Municipal elections are held in off-years instead of even years, and gubernatorial elections were moved to non-presidential years, in order to disenfranchise voters and give both regular political parties more control over the outcomes.

    4. So yes, if he thinks his argument is kosher, lets move local elections to even years to coincide with congressional races and cut the costs of running elections dramatically. According to his argument, electing mayors and school board in downstate in even years should boost GOP turnout.

  30. - Stuck in Celliniland - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:13 pm:

    =I would love to see all school board elections for the state moved to November.=

    As well as all local and consolidated elections. Even if we just decided to have the consolidated elections on the NOvember election day of the odd numbered years, which makes more sense and might help turnout. And would help suppress the annoyances of local campaigning beginning immediately, if not before, after the November generals. Rather than the random, nonsensical days in April that the consolidated races are presently held.

  31. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:17 pm:

    I thought the knock on the elected school board idea was that the few would care about them so CTU was going to sneak all of its candidates in?

  32. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:19 pm:

    (The reality is that Chicago voters don’t really mind CTU and even take it seriously on education issues, and that’s why this will result in a pro-CTU majority.)

  33. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:24 pm:

    Yes, people turn out in huge numbers for school board elections.

    It can and does get dumber.

  34. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:24 pm:

    =I would love to see all school board elections for the state moved to November.=

    Please no. We have enough crazy in schools as it is.

    Shorter Davis- “hi, I’m Jed and I am crazy.”

  35. - Captain Obvious - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:26 pm:

    What about election equity, all school board elections in April, including Chicago. Seems a simple solution.

  36. - Gruntled University Employee - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:53 pm:

    He completely lost me at “heavily democrat areas.”

  37. - Pundent - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 12:53 pm:

    Not to burst Davis’ bubble, but I will turn out any time and at any place if it means keeping the likes of Darren Bailey and Tom DeVore from holding state wide office.

  38. - Minority party viewpoint - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:01 pm:

    He has a valid point, it does skew voter demographics in favor of the Dems with increased city of Chicago and CTU interest in the election. But there is one way to solve it…do the job and win some elections instead of talking. Action not words!

  39. - thisjustinagain - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:01 pm:

    This is the best the Republicans can come up with?
    “Elections disenfranchise voters”???
    Very Orwellian “Slavery is freedom”-type thinking.
    But the CPS bill should have just dissolved the existing Board and held the first election on the next general election date, instead of the staggered mess created by our illustrious Legislators.

  40. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:15 pm:

    ==Seems a simple solution.==

    Seems like a “solution” isn’t needed here. You need solutions for problems. I don’t see the problem here.

  41. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:17 pm:

    ===He has a valid point, it does skew voter demographics===


    Convincing voters to participate next year just because of this one race is a waste of time and money. The job is to convince people who are already planning to vote in a presidential election to side with your candidate.

  42. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:19 pm:

    Rep Davis, or Jed! as I prefer to think of him as is 10 months into his first term and probably just now realizing the insignificance of the role that his views will play in crafting the future of Illinois policy, law, and government because none of his views are in the majority.

    I’m sure Newark is a fine village. This is literally the first I’ve ever recall hearing of it but I don’t think we should really let a Jed! from Newark enact legislation that forces the City of Chicago to pay millions of dollars to hold a different election for school board members because Jed! wants to see low turnout because low turnout helps people with his radical views.

    Jed! is in the legislature. Where’s Jed!’s bill?

    Did get so distracted by the School Board Treason and Plot that he forgot to propose legislation with as an alternative?

    I hope Jed! does something besides stuff like this to earn the salary we’re paying him.

  43. - Just a little patience - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:36 pm:

    == if/when the Dems put an abortion-related constitutional amendment on the ballot next year. ==

    I wonder if the Dems would be better off waiting to put that on the ballot in ‘26. No doubt, it would help drive Dem turnout in a handful of contested state legislative races next year, but do they really need a turnout gimmick in a presidential year? Why pad Biden’s win when a U.S. Senate seat and all the state-wides will be on the ballot in ‘26? And if for some reason JB isn’t running for a third term, ‘26 is going to be a hugely consequential year in Illinois politics. A turnout tool might be much more handy then.

  44. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:38 pm:

    Moms for Liberty types did badly in elections this month, and it’s not a presidential election year. Maybe worry about the party doing poorly embracing anti-abortion and MAGA, instead of elections. In Illinois, the right wing has wrecked the ILGOP.

    “It’s corruption right out in the open for everyone to see”

    That’s the MAGA Republican stolen election theme. Democratic voters are inherently corrupt. It’s past saying the quiet part out loud. This is said more or less daily by the party leader.

  45. - Huh? - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:42 pm:

    Nick Name - you misspelled paranoid, it is spelled
    republican’t. Not republican.

  46. - Frida's boss - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 1:53 pm:

    Amazingly I understand the string board on this one from the Representative.
    TFH theory is -that school board elections are anemic but these will be very important in Chicago, especially these first two or three elections. They are being held in November to ensure the incredibly massive voter turnout in Chicago from electing a school board will trickle throughout the ballot to the statewide Democrats, thereby making sure of statewide electoral success for Dems.
    That’s like a super deep dive into conspiracy right there, I kind of like it. I like my TFH about the Chicago school board better but this one is a pretty solid use of string board theory.

    All that said, school board and municipal elections should be held in November anyway. Tired of only seeing 18-22% turnout in March races.

  47. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 2:07 pm:

    Speaking of idiots we wonder if this was out dog walkin’ with the GOPie caught dozin’ with FIDO? Wonder how many priors dozer has? and….
    Did everyone take note Illinois’ #1 Empty Suit the Son of the Confessed Congressman was a NO vote on the spending deal that prevents a government shutdown? Slick move Smiley.

  48. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 3:21 pm:

    ==He has a valid point, it does skew voter demographics in favor of the Dems with increased city of Chicago and CTU interest in the election.

    What elections have the highest turnout:

    A) Presidential Elections
    B) Are you kidding me with this stuff?

  49. - Annon3 - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 4:08 pm:

    Bless his heart! Rich has succeeded in making him trend on Google searches no doubt this makes him happy.

  50. - Dotnonymous x - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 4:50 pm:

    - The MAGA craziness never stops. -

    Everything that arises passes away…what’s left of freedom and democracy (in the end) is the question.

  51. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Nov 15, 23 @ 5:16 pm:

    === it does skew voter demographics ===

    No, no, no…a thousand times No.

    Statewide turnout in 2022 was 51%.

    Chicago voter turnout in the same election was 46%.

    The turnout already skews the election results against Cook County.

    If school board elections increase turnout at all, and that is a huge if, it seems unlikely they would add 70K school board voters.

    In that case, all we are doing is reducing the skewness of the election.

    And school board elections are unlikely to have the astronomical impact of adding 150K new voters to the mix, which is what it would take to make the election turnout more skewed than it already is, only in the other direction.

    I’ve been modeling elections for over 20 years, and this is one of the wildest election-rigging allegations I have ever heard.

    If the GOP wants to stop losing Illinois elections, stop being so rigidly conservative on every single issue.

    It is the same advice that Democrats took 40 years ago.

    “Teenagers make great parents and should have assault weapons” is not a winning message.

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