Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards
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Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Monday, Dec 11, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Government Spokesperson/Comms goes to Jason Rubin

He does a lot of work out of the spotlight, but Jason Rubin is a huge reason that the Governor’s office communications shop functions with such efficiency and competency. Jason works with all the state agencies on everything they release to the press every day. The one two punch of Jordan Abudayyeh and Jason are an unrivaled team in Government comms - Rubin deserves recognition for the quiet and steady work he puts in every day.

A very special shout-out to Henry Haupt, who recently retired.

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statehouse-Related Public Relations Spokesperson is a tie: Monique Garcia

Calm, cool, collected, knowledgeable, ever-present. Just a few adjectives that describe her. Seamlessly juggles the needs of an impressive list of demanding clients. Overlays her comms knowledge with deep knowledge of the state house and the overlapping political and social environment.

Becky Carroll

Becky has a long, diverse career in Ilinois politics and government. She is thoughtful, heartfelt and passionate. The job she did managing Protect Illinois’s Families on the gun control issue led to major results.


* On to today’s categories…

    Best Democratic Illinois State Representative

    Best Republican Illinois State Representative

We will also have a lifetime achievement award this year.

Make sure to explain your nominations or they won’t count. And please do your utmost to nominate in both categories. Thanks!

* We’ve raised almost $52,000 to buy Christmas presents for foster kids in Lutheran Social Services of Illinois’ program. Please click here to help. Thanks so very much!


  1. - yes please - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 11:26 am:

    Republican House Member - Patrick Windhorst.

    When Rep. Windhorst talks, everyone - including Democrats - listen. Patrick took on the roll of HGOP Floor Leader this year and has mastered the art of asking intelligent, straightforward, principled questions without being a jerk. Patrick has a kept a pristine Conservative voting record while still garnering respect from virtually everyone. He understands the actual job of being a legislator.

  2. - vern - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 11:45 am:

    Dem - Lance Yednock. He did an incredible job shepherding the nuclear bill despite some unexpected obstacles. He’s a smart guy and a hard worker who never lost touch with his district. He’ll be missed.

    Rep - Jackie Haas. Every year it seems like there’s a new attempt to harm her constituents over national politics, and she never takes her eye off the ball. This year it was her own party trying to kill 2500 jobs in her district for, well, reasons. She didn’t panic because of a few noisemakers, and didn’t let herself get drawn into a silly fight. She’s rightfully in leadership, but she’s also an endangered species in her party. The crew that caravanned to her district for a cheap press pop will miss her when she’s gone.

  3. - Monique Garcia - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 11:53 am:

    Thank you for the recognition. It’s an honor to be mentioned among so many talented and dedicated folks. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners.

  4. - Henry - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 12:16 pm:

    Best House Dem- Jay Hoffman. He has been doing it for years. Jay tackles many complicated issues including workers’ comp, energy, and transportation.
    He is an excellent sponsor if you are lucky enough to get him. Great negotiator, friend to everyone, always tries to be helpful. There are few like him.

  5. - Retired SURS Employee - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 12:33 pm:

    Best House Dem - Maura Hirschauer
    Each election cycle she personally comes to our house seeking signatures on her nominating petitions and is more than willing to answer our questions and discuss current and proposed legislation. She truly cares about our concerns.

    Best House Republican - Unfortunately, offhand, I can’t think of anyone to nominate.

  6. - Gerald - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 12:41 pm:

    Rep - Norine Hammond. Norine is well respected across both sides of the aisle. She listens, is respectful, and never fails to make others smile. She is happy to work with anyone and everyone and truly is wonderful to work with.

  7. - Justin - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 12:44 pm:

    House Dem: Katie Stuart. She knows how to work her district.

    House GOP: Mike Marron. He is a rare breed for an ILGOP legislator these days. His relative moderation to the increasingly Eastern Bloc-influenced ILGOP will be missed.

  8. - Becky Carroll - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 12:46 pm:

    Ditto on Monique’s comments - a real honor and privilege to be included. Huge congrats to Monique and Jason.

  9. - JoeMaddon - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 1:12 pm:

    HDEM: Mary Beth Canty — she’s already a rockstar. Her work on the full-day kindergarten is almost unheard of for a first-year legislator. She grabbed onto an idea and ran with it, and wasn’t willing to take no. She got a difficult bill across the finish line after smart negotiating AND working her bill hard with her colleagues.

    HGOP: Travis Weaver — Rep Weaver has quickly shown that he’s willing to push himself outside of the box of a typical downstate GOP elected official. He’s thoughtful, smart, and independent. I’m looking forward to how he continues to grow and build his voice.

  10. - Who else - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 1:22 pm:

    Dem rep: Leader Gabel. She is a work horse for house dems. She moves behind the scenes to get things that are accidently stuck moving, and to stop the things that have accidently slipped through the cracks. From what I can tell, the Speaker leans on her heavily to help him manage the many thoughts, opinions and desires of his caucus. Her relationship with stakeholders and her real understanding of complex fiscal and healthcare policy makes her a total package. And I’m breaking the rules again to also nominate Jehan Gordon-Booth. She and Leader Gabel, in many ways, are a one two punch. Leader Gordon-Booth is point on the budget and is attuned to the very specific needs of local communities, and therefore, the needs of state reps. The Speaker leans heavily on her for all-things-budget, and she takes that role and responsibility seriously. Our state is better off for both these women being on top.

    GOP rep: Rep. Hammond. Year after year, she is a force for reason in a caucus that might otherwise slip down the slope of hysteria. And I don’t mean that as a partisan commentary–I’m talking about actual conspiracy-driven hysteria. She’s been around longer than almost anyone else, having been in Springfield since 2010. That’s something she has in common with Robyn Gabel (though Gordon-Booth has them both beat by a year.) I’ve never had a conversation with her where I don’t feel like she’s actually listening to me and trying to understand my position, even when hers is the opposite. And she’s a hoot to hang out with.

  11. - Linus - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 1:34 pm:

    Rep. Hirschauer is smart, diligent, dedicated, and a very fast learner. During her first term, she quickly became “one to watch.” She takes the time necessary to learn an issue and talk with the people surrounding it, and then be able to work it.

    On the GOP side, I’d agree with the nominations of Rep. Hammond and add Rep. Spain’s name, too. Both are practical and serious-minded lawmakers, more interested in solving problems than in scoring political points.

  12. - Springfield Watcher - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 1:35 pm:

    Dem Rep: For me, it’s a tie. Gabel and Gordon-Booth, the “Girls,” make the Speaker look like a genius. They are both hardworking, respected, and brings the Speaker balance between progressives and moderates. They are trustworthy and loyal to the core. The Speaker could not have picked a better left and right flank.

    GOP Rep: Norinne Hammond plays a similar role for McCombie. She is the voice of reason in that caucus, and tremendously respected on both sides of the aisle.

  13. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 1:46 pm:

    House Dem: Lindsey LaPointe. She has quickly made herself a “go to” in the House in terms of taking on tough issues.

    The complexities of how human services are funded and delivered in Illinois are not easy to learn or easy to craft legislation for. More than a lawmaker who just wants to throw money at issues, she understands money won’t solve anything if it’s not spent on programs that work.

    If you are a human service advocate and ask her to help, you better be ready to answer her tough questions and justify your ask. LaPointe is no bleeding heart push over. She’s tough and not afraid to challenge anyone.

    She has passed has passed “heavy lifting” legislation the last two sessions. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a hard working lawmaker when it comes to human service issues. And many of those issues are ones other lawmaker won’t touch because of the hard work required to move policy changes.

    If LaPointe ever decides to hang up being a lawmaker, she has future running state agencies that deal with human service issues.

    House GOP: Norine Hammond is what more lawmakers should aspire to be. She works her sprawling district hard. She seems to know everyone and what their pressing issues are. She knows how to work with Dems to get things done. Even when you disagree with her, she never lets anger or emotion take over.

    Being a former district staffer she understands taking care of things back home means working for everyone, not just the GOP but everyone. In Springfield she knows her stuff and understands how government works and how to cut through things and get to the heart of issues.

    Illinois could use a lot more Norine Hammonds.

  14. - Josh Evans - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 2:11 pm:

    Dem: - Representative Lindsey LaPointe.
    Look at her record of accomplishments in totality since she started to serve - passed bills. She has worked extremely hard on all initiatives for which she has taken the lead. She took over Chair of the House Mental Health & Addictions Committee with big shoes to fill, but rose to the occasion effectively. She has worked collaboratively with members of the caucus on areas of shared concern and been a strong and respectful voice on social service issues.

    Republican: Ryan Spain
    He has a wide range of issues he must cover and does so well. He’s worked effectively in the Medicaid space since the departure of Tom Demmer, is accessible to constituents and advocacy groups and brings a level head and willingness to see multiple sides of an issue to issues.

  15. - Democrat from Northern IL - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    Dem House Member - Anna Moeller. She is so incredibly dedicated to her constituents, kind, and has very nuanced stances on the issues impacting our state. She is a true public servant who speaks truth to power and truly wants to make our state a better place.

  16. - Annonin' - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 2:25 pm:

    Best D Rep has to be Jay Hoffman. He is a veteran who maintains sense of humor among Zanies.
    GOPpie….got go with Rep. Spain. His righteous indignation has not been seen the exit of CommandoIves

  17. - Rawrsome Rambler - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 2:36 pm:

    D- Kam Buckner. He finds himself in the middle of so many issues. NIL, Ghost Guns, Missing and Murdered Women, Elected School Board. Welch seems to rely on the ProBizness ProGressive a ton. I also watched him play football and to be so mean on the field, but so nice in person is a skill.
    R- Norrine Hammond. She is just a quintessential class act. Graceful and no non sense at the same time.

  18. - Mary Sunshine - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 3:10 pm:

    Dems: My vote is for Lance Yednock. While I don’t always agree with his positions on the issues, he is a principled, respectful and hardworking legislator who is well-liked and respected by so many around the Capitol. He gets along well with people across the political spectrum, and has been a great leader for the moderate voices in the House. What a class act. He will be missed!

    Repubs: I’m a fan of Norinne Hammond; smart hardworking and able to put aside partisan differences and work with everyone. Sharp and witty on the floor and of course, such a warm and engaging person. I wish there were more like her in this business.

  19. - ChiefM - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 3:41 pm:

    Rep. Kelly Burke. Effective lawmaker that will be sorely missed. (Hoffman gets the silver. Johnson gets rookie of the year)

    Rep. Windhorst
    He has a difficult but does it well. He has earned the respect of those on both sides of the aisle.

  20. - Observer - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 4:00 pm:

    Dem Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth. She stepped in this year and replaced the legendary Greg Harris as the House Dem Chief Budgeteer and she just knocked it out of the park. Everyone knows the House budget office was in chaos this year with it’s leadership issues in that unit and the staff union issue brewing, but somehow she pulled off a great budget.

    GOP Rep: This nod has to go to Brad Stephens. The guy is probably the only moderate left in that caucus, and he seems to have relationships on both sides of the aisle which is more than his leader can say.

    Lifetime achievement award would have to be Hoffman or Kelly Burke. Jay is Jay. He’s a steady workhorse that the Speaker can rely on, but he’s going to miss Kelly Burke. She’s a beast.

  21. - Friend of a friend - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 4:03 pm:

    Dem rep is Jay Hoffman. Knowledgeable on many issues, and can see the end before the negotiating has begun. Hes a great sponsor that will get your best bill passed, rather than letting your perfect bill die.

    Republican rep is Ryan Spain. Great guy and knows his way around the GA. He is the type of Republican that can restore the reputation of his party after people like the last Republican nominee did so much harm. Ryan is a decent person who doesn’t believe the best ideas have to come from a person with an R next to his or her name.

  22. - High Socks - Monday, Dec 11, 23 @ 4:04 pm:

    Best Dem Rep. - Bob Rita. Maybe an unconventional choice for some. But since Madigan’s departure, he has filled a lot of the leadership vacuum that Welch inherited. He’s a moderate who works well with younger, greener, further left members and no member does more to get his colleagues reelected.

  23. - Downstater - Tuesday, Dec 12, 23 @ 8:24 am:

    DEM-Rep. Lance Yednock, hands down. Lance is one of the few that always votes for his district. He is a genuinely nice and down to earth guy and truly cares about what he is doing. The House is losing a great one.

    GOP-Rep. Hammond. I don’t think I could have said it better than “Give Me A Break”

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