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Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Democratic Illinois State Senator goes to Sen. Cristina Castro

She runs the exec committee efficiently, but ensures every opinion is heard. She quickly picks up on issue specifics, and can articulate key points in hearings and floor debate. She is also a political animal, and does the work needed to win, and to help her colleagues win.

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Republican Illinois State Senator goes to Sen. Sue Rezin

Republican Senator Sue Rezin was impressive in efforts to pass the nuclear bill. She worked with Democrats to get the legislation through both Chambers and find a compromise with the Governor. She’s an experienced, solid lawmaker who knows how to get things done even though her party is in the super minority.

They’re both highly deserving, but congratulations to everyone who was nominated yesterday.

* On to today’s categories…

Best Contract Lobbyist

Best In-House Lobbyist

Please fully explain your nominations, and please do your best to nominate in both categories. Thanks!

* Here’s your daily reminder about buying Christmas presents for foster kids. So far, we’ve helped Lutheran Social Services of Illinois buy presents for 2,087 children who don’t have a lot going for them in life right now. LSSI, their foster families and people like you who help out every year are their lifelines.

Isabel and I will be closing up shop next Wednesday or Thursday, so we’re running out of time. If you haven’t yet done so, please click here to contribute. Also, if you’ve already contributed but think you can give just a little bit more, click here.


  1. - City - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:06 am:

    I know he’s a perennial favorite but there’s a reason for that. Dave Sullivan has racked up many successes for his clients over the years but the turn around this year for the Chicago police has to rank up there with one of the best. Sully has guided a client from the doghouse to success on a big bill. Congratulations on a great effort.
    Jen Walling is also so very sharp and successful. She makes the environmental causes always part of important discussions and key to solutions

  2. - Annon'in - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:10 am:

    Contract: Gotta be Liz Brown a human dynamo who covers more bases than most teams
    In house will come later after further review

  3. - Capitol - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:12 am:

    Mark Denzler is a pro. He always seems to be engaged on big issues with the not always pro business Dems. He makes sure the IMA voice is heard. Great effort and success.

    Kudos to Dave Sullivan for a big win on an important bill for what must be a challenging client. It seems that difficult clients is right in the wheelhouse for the likable former Senator. I just wish we had more elected officials like him. But glad he’s a successful colleague. The FOP is wise to listen to him. He’s a great asset for them.

  4. - FIREDup! - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:20 am:

    No one works harder for their clients than Larry Luster. Kind, knowledgeable, and always willing to go the extra mile. He is definitely deserving of the GH.

    Likewise for Marc Ayers. He takes some unpopular positions for the humane treatment of animals. Love his persistence and passion.

  5. - Hannibal Lecter - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:30 am:

    Contract: Kristen Bauer - She’s a nuts and bolts lobbyist that works her fanny off for her clients. Everyone around the Capitol has seen her in action introducing her clients and the issues they care about to legislators. She’s not flashy, but she just gets wins for her clients while nurturing the relationships necessary to be successful in this business.

    In House - Jen Walling (IEC) - I cannot think of another lobbyist that is more passionate about their cause than Jen. Professional and knowledgeable, Jen has taken on some heavy hitters on big issues and prevailed. I couldn’t think of a better leader for the environmental movement.

  6. - Waffle Fries - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:36 am:

    Contract Lobbyist: Mike Grady. I could go on about how complete his work is on behalf of his clients and his work ethic, but I won’t. At one point this session his work to advance use of recycled carpet pulled together half the statehouse lobby together in opposition. A sign of true effectiveness.

    In-House: Randy Wells. Over $200 million in increased behavioral health funding the last two years. It’s never easy to bring together diverse caucuses in support of singular social service priorities but he was a big part of that effort.

  7. - Chaz Michael Michaels - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:44 am:

    In-House: Emily Miller, IARF. There has been a resurgence in recognition of mental health needs in Illinois during and post pandemic. The Administration and legislature has renewed its commitment to mental health through much needed rate increase investments in Medicaid behavioral health services. Emily is a true collaborator in her work with multiple trade organizations and interests to see successive years of these investments.

    But this wasn’t the only area! We’ve seen an expansion of the behavioral health loan repayment program and structured improvements to crisis behavioral health policy and Emily has been at the center of all of that.

    Contract: Ryan Taylor. Ryan is a true professional and represents a huge range of client interests, from education, to renewable energy, to retail, to social services. Significant investments in disability and behavioral health services the last year are a testament to his in-depth work in the halls of the statehouse.

  8. - Bridges - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    Building bridges is key in this business. Out here in Will County we opened a new bridge this year. Thanks to the efforts of Dave Sullivan. This bridge would never have been built without this public private partnership. Dave’s efforts (and others) got this done. I know he’s a bridge builder in other matters but this is a huge win for Will County!
    (I don’t know many in house well enough to nominate)

  9. - that guy - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:49 am:

    Contract lobbyist: Matt O’Shea. He is a bulldog who can either dazzle you with his prose, or arm wrestle you for your vote. You would never know that just below that gruff exterior is such a warm hearted and loving man. He has been a leader on all the big issues from marriage equality, to gaming, to marijuana, and even school choice. When he sets his sights on you, prepare for a full on charm assault!

    Best in house: Bob Myers. He knows his subject matter and studies it each day of the week. He is good natured, and always there to lend a hand. I am a supporter of beer, and his passion makes me want to drink even more beer.

  10. - Change Agent - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:50 am:

    Contract: John Amdor does a great job fighting for criminal justice reform while continuing to counter misinformation about the Pretrial Fairness Act. Bonus points for Cricket.

    In-House: Ben Ruddell at the ACLU works tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure that many outdated, harmful “tough on crime” bills never see the light of day.

  11. - Cruisejan - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:56 am:

    Contract- Hands 🙌 up for Dave Sullivan! Just take a walk around the Capitol early morning or late into the evening you will see him. He ALWAYS greets everyone with a smile and very respectful to Staff & LA’s all while working multiple clients difficult agendas.

    Review in-house for comment later.

  12. - low level - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:03 am:

    Contract Lobbyist : Tom Cullen. It’s been a difficult year for Tom, yet he continues to work hard for his clients and is always there to offer assistance. He has mentored more people than I can count over the years and remains a trusted friend to many.

    In House Lobbyist: Jen Walling, for all the reasons mentioned above.

  13. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:04 am:

    ===for all the reasons mentioned above. ===

    That’s not really a nomination.

  14. - low level - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:16 am:

    Jen’s ability to break down complex issues so they are easy to understand and bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, all the while staying down to earth is impressive.

  15. - Statehouse Staffer - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:19 am:

    Contract Lobbyist: Rebecca Mason with Taylor Uhe. Rebecca is a very experienced public affairs professional who works with both sides to ensure that all legislators understand the positives and negatives of an issue. She is always truthful about what the impacts would be for legislators and their communities and works well with staff to make disseminating information easy and digestible. She is much more of an informative, rather than relationship/social based professional which ensures that her initiatives are communicated professionally and through the right channels. She also runs the Transportation Coalition for Illinois that is a vital resource for members on both sides to understand how policies affect both the business and labor industries. She is kind, interesting and fun to talk to no matter who you are. I strongly recommend her for this award.

    In House - Betsey Evans with Ameren is my nomination for best inhouse lobbyist. She doesn’t just push for new initiatives, but ensures that all caucuses receive the most updated information from the company to assist their constituents with energy issues. This constituent support is vital for member and community management. She is professional and bright and a wonderful addition to the statehouse secene.

  16. - NotMe - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:28 am:

    Contract: gotta second John Amdor. He covers a broad range of topics, has an encyclopedic knowledge of the General Assembly and its history, understands the power of an inside/outside strategy, and does it all while being relentlessly pleasant and funny as heck. I credit Cricket for all of these traits.
    In house: Agreed on Jen Walling from IEC. Her successes this year after some serious challenges over the last couple of sessions speak to her poise, professionalism, and solid policy chops.

  17. - lol - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:29 am:

    Contract: Liz Brown is everywhere all the time. If you need something done you can call her and know it’s handled. She’s a superstar staffer turned lobbyist who knows everyone and knows who to call to ensure your issue is at the top of the list. If you’re looking to succeed in Springfield she’s someone you need to have on your side.

    In house: Marc Ayers works his tail off (see what I did there) for those who don’t have a voice and he accomplishes big things by working with people not against them. He deserves recognition for what he does.

  18. - Suburban Dad - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:32 am:

    In House — though a past winner, I nominate Khadine Bennett of the ACLU of Illinois. Khadine is a powerhouse who not only steeps herself in the issues she works on — but is always open to listening and engaging the interests and needs of others in negotiations and conversations. She continues to push hard issues - like a bill to ease name change for folks with a felony conviction — and make changes in policy in Illinois. We are a better state for Khadine’s involvement and presence.

  19. - NotRich - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:55 am:

    Contract: Dave Sullivan. Broadly respected.. level headed.. a true Irish gentleman.
    In House: Mark Denzler. Manages a tough association.. all 4 leaders look to him for his position.

  20. - Kubik - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 11:57 am:

    Throwing C&G Consulting - Greg and Cecelia - into the mix.

    They are the most proactive lobbyists out there. Something that’s hard to come by in this business. Not only do they take care of issues - they anticipate them and we have a plan of action when they arise.

    Even when the rest of the industry gives up on an issue, they will fight tooth and nail to ensure the best deal for us - and in turn let the rest of the industry ride their coattails such as with SAF earlier this year.

    They have the perfect mix of an old school hard working attitude but are willing to adapt to the changing times.

    They take arrows for us, but give us all the credit when things go as planned.

    Couldn’t imagine contracting out a different duo.

  21. - It's me - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 12:49 pm:

    Contract: Liz Brown. No clue how she does it but the breadth of her portfolio paired with her level of effectiveness in each and every issue she takes on is truly astounding. She is just top notch in every way and a wonderful person to be around.

    In House: I’ll second Khadine Bennett of the ACLU. One of the most knowledgeable in the business and deeply effective in all forms of advocacy.

  22. - West Sider - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 12:50 pm:

    Contract: The indefatigable Liz Brown Reeves. She knows how to navigate Springfield as well as anyone and as a result has racked up major wins over the years. She knows her stuff and her energy knows no bounds. Truly second to none.

  23. - Watcher - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 12:53 pm:

    Best contract— undoubtedly Liz Brown. Name someone who is in more places running around in better circles than Liz. She’s the kind of person that will beat you, but she’ll at least do it with a smile on her face. She’s the best of the best and her long sit of clients is proof of that.

    Best in house— I support all of the noms for Khadine. She’s in the weeds, knows her issues and knows how to get to yes on thorny subjects. The ACLU has her to thank for their many legislative victories.

  24. - Used to be Somebody - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 12:57 pm:

    Contract: Liz Brown - hands down. A lot of lobbyists with some time under their belt and a good list of clients tend to enjoy their success and rely on a quick phone call or two to get things done. No one hustles more than Liz though. She makes the phone calls, but also runs a roll call herself. She knows lawmakers, their staff, folks inside the agencies…and if she doesn’t, she will.
    She knows how to work hard - and smart. A good investment for anyone looking for turnkey access and success.

    In House. - Jen Walling. Probably not a “favorite” to my set of politics and approach…but damn effective. She knows how to advance the agenda and people pay attention when she steps forward.

  25. - SouthishSide - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 12:59 pm:

    No question, it’s gotta be Liz Brown-Reeves. A highly accomplished woman who knows everyone and should be in everyone’s contacts as the one to get things done. She’s got a robust skillset and no issue is too out of reach, not to mention she’s a super cool person. When things need doing, Liz is who you call. No one does it better. Liz Brown-Reeves.

  26. - Boss2 - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 1:15 pm:

    Best contract - Liz Brown-Reeves. Liz is smart and effective and passionate about client issues. She covers all the bases on an issue and really stays connected with both sides of the aisle in both chambers. I’ve been around here for 30 years - nobody works harder.

    In house - Mark Denzler. He knows how to build concensus among his members and can deliver their message, communicate their needs without arrogance or pretense. He will also listen to people that don’t agree with his organization’s positions and try to find common ground or at least address concerns.

  27. - Shytown - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 1:24 pm:

    Contract: Liz Brown. Repeatedly comes through for her clients. No bs - she straight up tells you what it will take to get something done and doesn’t promise what she can’t deliver on.

    In house: there are just too many. I can’t pick.

  28. - Lunchlady - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 1:55 pm:

    CONTRACT: Dave Sullivan hands down. The first person I see of a morning at the capitol. Harding working and always has something green on. So easy to work with Dave and his staff. Sullivan Causus party is always a favoite.

  29. - It plays in peoria - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 2:20 pm:

    It’s got to be Liz Brown on the contract side….hands down

  30. - Eastside - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 2:27 pm:

    Contract: I have been very impressed with Stephanie Vojas Taylor since she hung up her own shingle. I am rarely impressed with people in the State House but she has really come into her own.

    In House: Mr. Randy Wells is a State House staple and not only represents his employer well, but helps build the next generation of advocates.

  31. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 2:34 pm:

    Again, people, explain your vote or it will not count. Period.

  32. - Shaker - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 2:38 pm:

    Take a look at all the issues Dave Sullivan handles. He is definitely a go to guy when you need to get things done. As pointed out helped Cops with pensions & created road work and bridges as well as knows how to throw great parties! I’m sure many more issues will be resolved if Dave is handling the bill.

  33. - Linus - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 3:09 pm:

    Yes to Khadine Bennett for best in-house. On top of what fellow nominators have said, I would add that Khadine’s good humor and self-awareness are extremely valuable commodities in a building known for egos everywhere. She has a wonderfully grounded approach to pursuing her work, and her work is not exactly easy.

  34. - kevin mccallister - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 3:13 pm:

    Contract: Liz Brown, for the constant hustle. That lady is everywhere, and on top of it for her clients. Aside from always making things happen for her people, she also gets it done with an approach that very real and genuine. Her tactics are always honest, direct and admirable, regardless of how you feel about the cause in question.

    In-House, for me, is Rob Karr. A class-act of a guy, and making things happen for his people and his organization. He’s present for all the things, engaged in all of the policymaking discussions, and always seems to want to leave Springfield better than he found it.

  35. - Process - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 3:31 pm:

    I’m a big fan of showing up and putting the work in. Some people do it and a few excel at it. Dave Sullivan certainly excels. He is Omni present in the Capitol on Session days. He’s always working hard issues as well as standard bills. Not sure how he gets it done. And he’s such a nice person. And has been pointed out, this Irishman knows how to throw great parties.

    I think Jen Walling is a star. Super impressive work ethic. Knowledgeable and hard working!

  36. - Turnaround - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 4:00 pm:

    I think the duo of Mike Cosentino and Dave Sullivan for the FOP is it! What a turnaround they have created in the Capitol. I doubt anyone can remember such a client turn. It’s truly impressive how they have carefully and methodically worked on behalf of the police. They get my vote for in house & contract. Great teamwork!

  37. - Don Harmonica - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 4:37 pm:

    Contract lobbyist: Dave Sullivan is great and I’ve voted for him in prior years (and he’s won a couple of times). This year I’m voting for John Corrigan. He operates under the radar but is extremely effective. He’s trusted and trustworthy, only takes on clients who he believes in their cause, and, at least on the senate side, knows both the people and process better than anyone.

    In house: Sean Denney (IEA). He knows how to work both sides of the aisle, is smart, thorough, and treats his opponents with dignity and respect. Unfortunately that’s not so common anymore, especially in the arena he works in.

  38. - SKI - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 4:42 pm:

    Contract - Madeline Norris. Relentless hustle & work ethic combined with a pragmatic personality that she uses to build coalitions & solutions for her clients.

    In House - Mark Denzler. Instead of taking the easy route and continually complaining about Illinois’s supposedly hostile business climate, Mark chooses to highlight the many businesses who are thriving in Illinois. His dedication to growing and promoting his membership, while keeping an eye on the future, has become a source of pride and shows what Illinois is capable of.

  39. - Just me - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 5:22 pm:

    Contract: Matt O’Shea. I second the other commenter’s sentiments. He seems to always know where to be and how to work an issue. But doesn’t work an issue just to work it, works the issue with heart and passion. I have worked with him on a number of issues and each one always seems to be just as important as any other- from marriage equality to gun control etc. Let’s not leave out the fact he is always willing to give and help to anyone who needs it- both sides of the aisle.

    In house: Mark Denzler. The guy always seems to be in the right place at the right time and well liked by all. He seems to genuinely love and care about Illinois and bringing and keeping the manufacturers here. He has traveled with leadership, is smart, and extremely dedicated.

    Good luck to all nominees.

  40. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 6:04 pm:

    Denzler. He spent 2,000 miles on a bus to promote manufacturing. Traveled to London with the Governor on a trade mission. Helped lead efforts on REV to land Gotion and Stellantis with 7,000 good jobs. And his peers named him Speaker of the Third House. Not a bad year.

    Dave Sullivan. Classy and effective as a former GOP senator in a blue state. Green ties every day and great humor. Plus he puts up with Poulos!!!

  41. - Used to be Used to be Somebody’s Somebody - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 7:27 pm:

    Contract: No one has developed a Capitol Network and the diverse client list like Liz Brown. Others with that amount of work would farm it out to others, but Liz’s work ethic is the biggest driver of her success. Simply unmatched.

    In house: Nichole Magalis with the IHA. The best in house people are resources for legislators and staff to understand the nuances of legislation.
    People that provide timely answers in a way that is easily digestible are increasingly hard to find. She’s the best!

  42. - It's me - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 9:04 pm:

    Contract: Matt O’Shea - 100 percent - he knows every side of the business - as former chief of staff, Senator, lawyer and trusted adviser to his clients - he is clearly the top choice. He isn’t just someone who can open a door - he is someone who understands issues and will coordinate a strategy for success. The fact that Matt knows members, staff and constitutional officers and isn’t a one party, one member, lobbyist makes him the top choice.

    In house: Vivian Anderson. She is incredibly hardworking and knows the players and the process inside out. She knows how to do the work to get a bill across the finish line, even when it seems out of reach - she gets it done with class and grace. She is smart, professional and a pleasure to work with. What an asset to the SOS team!

  43. - Aprel Prunty - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:07 pm:

    Former State Rep. turned contract lobbyist, the Honorable Dr. Litesa Wallace is for the people. Dr. Lite does it right. She has worked on education, healthcare access, clean energy, and more.

  44. - NoUseForAName - Wednesday, Dec 13, 23 @ 10:27 pm:

    I’ll echo Kubik in nominating C&G on the contract side of things. Greg and Cecelia quietly and effectively represent a diverse and demanding group of clients and deliver for them time and again. They develop relationships, know policy, and understand the budget like nobody else in the building. They prove that integrity and work ethic - they grind like nobody else - can still get the job done under the dome. Clear winners.

    On the in-house side of things, I’ll goo with Randy Wells. Randy is a statehouse institution at this point of his career. He treats everyone in the building with the utmost respect, has worked on some of the toughest issues, both stateside and in the association world, for those who are often without a voice of their own, with a constant smile on his face. He’s a gem and the Capitol is a better place for having him in it.

    Best of luck to everyone nominated, the statehouse community is full of incredible people who do amazing things for Illinois.

  45. - Buckingham - Thursday, Dec 14, 23 @ 12:02 am:

    Contract: Matt Werner. He knows Medicaid (one of the hardest issues under the dome) in this state better than anyone and it’s not close. The data-driven approach gets his clients results.

    In-House: Dave Gross. His reputation precedes him. But the IHA doesn’t just luck into things. He (and the rest of his team who deserve a lot of credit as well) get the job done.

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