Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards
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Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Friday, Dec 15, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Do-Gooder Lobbyist is a tie. I decided to break tradition by seconding the nomination of William McNary with Citizen Action

I spoke at Will’s recent retirement dinner, as did the governor, both US Senators, several members of the congressional delegation, Chicago’s mayor, the two Democratic legislative leaders and others.

They all spoke of the big things Will did during his career. And that list is very long. I focused on the smaller things that don’t get a lot of notice, like putting a lid on payday loans, helping people pay their utility bills, etc.

Will is one of the smartest people I know. He’s also one of the hardest workers I’ve ever met. He’s honest and he’s never sold his soul. He’s also a kind, sweet man who believes that his short-term legislative defeats are only temporary.

Chuy Garcia spoke after I did. He started by saying that the person sitting next to him leaned over during my speech and said “I didn’t know Rich Miller could be so nice.”

That got a good laugh. But I was nice for a very good reason: McNary truly deserved it.

And Niya Kelly at Chicago Coalition for the Homeless

She is very smart, always prepared for the excepted and unexpected, she preps and supports her sponsors and their staff, she’s a resource for staff generally, does substantive and budget work on an issue that can sometimes feel like fighting an uphill battle. On top of that, she’s a good person. She takes the time to develop relationships with LA’s, security and staff around the Capitol, Stratton and Howlett, and can be a blast of sunshine and fun when you see her. She also shows up every day and gets the work done. There aren’t that many lobbyists who do the work on a consistent basis the way she does. All these years of committed EFFECTIVE hard work sure merits the best do-gooder designation.

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Legislative Liaison is also a tie. Allison Nickrent at IDPH

Allison Nickrent at DPH is single-handedly one of the most talented professionals in the business. DPH is a behemoth of an agency and the level of institutional knowledge she has is impressive. Allison was tasked with negotiating the bylaws of a newly created board with its (*sometimes pushbacky*) membership and she handled it with precision, intuition, and class. She is no stranger to JCAR and knows her way around every square inch of DPH’s rules and regs. Allison’s unique skill set makes her a pleasure to work with. She takes a hands-on approach to mentoring her team and truly is one of the best.

And Wendy Miller Butler at CMS

I love working with Wendy Butler at CMS. She’s super responsive and understands the extremely difficult machinations of procurement. She works with you to meet your goal in a way that will be effective.

Honorable mention to Kieran Fitzgerald at DHS.

Y’all submitted some very strong nominations in both of these categories. It was difficult to choose winners, hence the ties.

* On to today’s categories…

    Best State Agency Director

    Best Statewide Staffer

As always, please explain your nominations or they won’t count. Also do your best to nominate in both categories. Thanks!

* And here’s your daily reminder to contribute to our fundraiser so that Lutheran Social Services of Illinois can buy Christmas presents for foster kids. As I write this, we’ve raised $53,432, which is enough to buy presents for 2,137 children. LSSI helps care for 2,530 children, and while others are also raising money for this cause, LSSI needs to raise another $10K to help all those kids. So, please, click here and contribute if you can. Thanks!


  1. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 10:19 am:

    Best State Agency Director - Theresa Eagleson, Healthcare and Family Services.

    Very early in her career, dealt with Theresa and even then it was obvious she was going places. Hardworking, professional, fair, accomplished a lot.

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 10:27 am:

    Please remember that we have two categories.

  3. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 10:43 am:

    Best Statewide Staffer - Recently haven’t had enough direct contact to vote.

  4. - Dakno Thing - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 10:46 am:

    Best Statewide Staffer: Andy Manar. This was a record setting year for business development in Illinois and so much of that is a credit to Andy’s tireless work wooing companies, coaxing the legislature into passage of the closing fund and the Rev Act, and acting as a tireless concierge for the companies looking to locate in Illinois. All while being pretty much singularly responsible at the staff level for getting a budget passed.

    Best Agency Director: Heidi Mueller at Department of Juvenile Justice. Heidi does one of the hardest jobs in government with little fanfare or drama - which is a true testament to her success. She has made DJJ a true model for the nation through two administrations and truly cares about the kids under her care.

  5. - lol - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 11:03 am:

    Best Agency Director — Heidi Mueller at DJJ. She puts her head down and does the work because she truly cares. She’s held on to her job through multiple administrations because she’s just that good. She’s reform-minded and willing to take on tough projects because it will make life better for the kids in her care. She deserves more accolades for the work she does that doesn’t get a lot of praise.

    Best Statewide Staffer — You’d be hard pressed to find someone who has surpassed expectations more than Anne Caprara. She transitioned from Pritzker’s campaign manager to the person who is his right hand in getting big things done and running the government through some unprecedented crises (yes, multiple). She fought to prove to the men of this state that she had the chops and she’s still around while many of them are not. Pritzker doesn’t get to where he is without her. It’s about time she gets the recognition she deserves.

  6. - Friday - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 11:08 am:

    Heidi Mueller with the Department of Juvenile Justice. She has the toughest job in the state! She is constantly advocating for youth and seeks to eliminate biases surrounding youth. She does not back down! She is surrounded by an amazing team that works to push policies and programs that are trauma informed and evidence based.

    Heidi maintains an open-door policy between her Juvenile Security Staff and is always present at the facilities. She ultimately seeks peace between DJJs opponents - she brings everyone to the table!

    She has brought DJJ from the bottom and made them a national leader in trauma informed care

  7. - walker - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 11:25 am:

    Andy Manar for best senior staffer. When people cannot get to the Governor because of his busy schedule, on a pressing issue, the next question is usually “Well, what does Manar think about it?”" He’s a remarkable presence who treats people and ideas with respect.,

    I am so tired of Departments/Agencies which seem to be in a continual state of crisis, Let’s give some attention and thanks to the most competent and controlled and courteous of these heads: David Harris at DOR. He makes no news, and his department could be a source of much angst and consternation in less capable hands..

  8. - Moe Berg - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 12:14 pm:

    State agency director: David Harris. Everything else the state does depends on his agency doing its job well. Gov. Pritzker made a very wise choice in selecting him for the role and we’re fortunate he accepted. He’s given a lifetime of public service in various capacities, served our country in the military, and is level-headed, friendly, smart, hardworking and puts on no airs, despite his rank and accomplishments. Prior to heading up IDOR, he was a constructive presence as a Republican lawmaker in a General Assembly dominated by Democrats.

    Statewide staffer: Hanah Jubeh. It says a lot about her that she was willing to put aside her private sector work to join state government and help Sec. Giannoulias get his office up and running, and working to modernize its processes and procedures. She is affable and accessible. Treats people well and, like Director Harris, not self-promoting.

  9. - Back to the Future - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 12:50 pm:

    Got me on the daily reminder.
    No rule on against giving twice to a really good cause.

  10. - Watcher - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    Statewide— Emily Miller in the Gov’s Office. She’s a do glider actually doing good from the inside. She comes with principles but knows how to get to yes on some of the toughest issues. I’m glad to see her still on the Gov’s team after educating us on what the Rauner years meant.

    Agency— I’ll also nominate Heidi. I’ve never met someone who leads with their heart on such a practical way. She deserves the accolades

  11. - Watcher - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    * gooder

  12. - Tennessee Jed - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:16 pm:

    Director: Secretary Omer Osman. The Secretary has been an integral part of the Pritzker administration. Folks in Illinois continue to see Rebuild Illinois being put to work as we rebuild our roads and bridges. It is the gift that keeps on giving!

    Staffer: Matthew Rigali. What else can I say, Rigali is the best. From serving as the Governor’s body man, to joining the prestigious external affairs team (shoutout Rapelyea), to being a key part of the Governor’s legislative affairs shop - the kid has done it all. Governor Pritzker is lucky to have him.

  13. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:33 pm:

    Best staffer: Andy Manar. From Chinese mega corporations to tiny central Illinois villages, he works hard to make sure everyone can get what they need from state government. And while he doesn’t have time for everyone, he sure tries to find it.

    Best Agency Head: Seconding Eagleson. Medicaid is only interesting if something’s going wrong. She’s kept it nice and boring across two Governors now, even as we’ve seen a Medicaid brain drain in the GA.

  14. - Staffer - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:36 pm:

    Statewide Staffer: Emily Miller in the Governor’s Office. You will not find someone more determined to get to the truth of the matter and bring people together to practically negotiate the hard stuff. She remembers every conversation from over nearly two decades in Springfield and brings that experience to the table when advising others in the Governor’s Office and supporting the state agencies.

  15. - Who else - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:40 pm:

    Best statewide: Caitlin McEllis in the AGs office. She’s practical and smart as heck, and has handled all the post-Dobbs work for the AGs office. She navigates the unfettered egos of electeds with grace and keeps her cool.

    Best Agency: I’m getting on board the David Harris train. The guy has life experience (I hope people know the background here, but if not check Wikipedia) that should preclude interest in things as mundane as Illinois taxes, but he’s genuinely enthralled by his work. His respect for and treatment of staff and stakeholders is an example to be followed.

  16. - Staffer - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:46 pm:

    Statewide Staffer: Emily Miller in Gov’s office. You would be hard pressed to find someone more determined to get to the truth and practically negotiate through the state’s toughest problems. She is not afraid to speak up when it is important and has been a backstop time and again when things go too far. She remembers every conversation from her years of experience in Springfield and brings that knowledge with her into every meeting. She’s always available and leads with heart.

  17. - Frank TJ Mackey - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:46 pm:

    Statewide - Has to be Emily Miller in Gov. Pritzker’s office. She’s not afraid to go to the mat when necessary and you won’t find a more kind, genuine person who cares deeply about their work in state government.

  18. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:53 pm:

    Andy Manar seems to me to embody the phrase “good government is good politics.” That is not to say that he is not fiercely loyal to the governor - he’s like a junk yard dog. But when it comes to the governor’s agenda, Andy puts everything aside…politics, titles, partisanship, political boundaries, personal egos, and bureaucratic silos to get the work done. Manar always seems to put his best self forward in every interaction every long day to advance the common good, and that makes everyone else want to be their best selves too.

    As for best agency director, I don’t know what Kristin Richards has been passing around at the staff meetings this year, but that DCEO has been on fire. It seems like the agency has been rolling out a major announcement a month. Its arguably been one of the best years for the governor, its been the best year I can recall for the IMA and its members, and the unions they employ have got to be over the moon. Obviously a lot of people put in a lot of work to make it happen and Pritzker’s name is in big print on the marquee, but the role of agency director is like supporting actor, and I think the clear frontrunner is Richards this year.

  19. - People Forget - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 2:54 pm:

    Staff: Agreed on all counts for Emily Miller in Pritzker’s office. She’s a special talent who never loses sight of true north. Those kind of people were increasingly rare when she was making a name for herself in state government. It speaks volumes that she’s still around while others currently find themselves in some, shall we say, hot water.

  20. - Annon'in - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 3:02 pm:

    Best Agency Director Natalie Phelps Finney
    has done a top notch job at DNR. agency humming along.
    Best Staffer Andy Manar is a great choice. He has tangled with a wide range of problems and gotten results.

  21. - SKI - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 3:14 pm:

    Agency Director - Natalie Phelps Finney at IDNR. She has dove head first into the position, and started making great changes. IDNR has become more responsive to groups and users of the many state facilities. She has made sure that she is personally available, and taking responsibility for decisions made by the agency. When you have groups representing widely different constituencies singing your praises, you must be doing something right.

    Staffer - Andy Manar. I’m not sure that there’s anything I can add to the already great nominations for him. A Great public servant.

  22. - Santa - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 3:22 pm:

    Agency Director - Heidi Mueller (IDJJ). A juvenile justice veteran that keeps a smile and gets the job done!

    Best staffer: Chris Shallow - Gets the job done with swagger!

  23. - NotMe - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 4:29 pm:

    Agency Director - piling on for Heidi Mueller at DJJ. Her transformation of this department should be bottled and replicated at several others. Her insistence on infusing trauma informed practices at every level of the agency’s work has changed (and saved) lives.

    Statewide staffer: I second Caitlin McEllis at the Attorney General’s office. She does the work of several it seems. Her focused attention on the post Dobbs work was an add on to an already very full plate managing a complex portfolio that folks don’t always love her for. She’s professional, empathetic, caring, and knows her stuff inside and out.

  24. - Jen - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 5:13 pm:

    Agency Director — Echoing all the other kudos for Heidi Mueller, who is brilliant, strategic, tenacious, and fiercely dedicated to the kids who are in her care. DJJ is one of the hardest jobs in state government and no one could do this work better than Heidi. We’re all lucky to have Heidi fighting for the kids of Illinois. 

    Statewide staffer: Caitlyn McEllis at the AG’s office is another state government superstar who deserves more applause for her work. Caitlyn’s work on reproductive rights alone (I can’t think of a more important issue over the past year and a half) merits recognition, but she’s also the AG’s point person on a whole range of complex and difficult issues and handles them all with brilliance and grace. 

  25. - Candy Cane - Friday, Dec 15, 23 @ 5:14 pm:

    Statewide staffer: Joseph McGhee - LGs / Govs Office

    Joe continues to be a source of information. He knows the legislature well and is well respected.

    Agency Director - Sec. Omar (IDOT) - Stands up for his agency and knows the IDOT portfolio better than anyone. Not afraid of a challenge and always open for feedback

  26. - New Day - Saturday, Dec 16, 23 @ 1:50 pm:

    Best Agency Director: Hands down Theresa Eagleson. In her five years at the agency, Eagleson took charge of an agency that is usually the source of so much angst. She moved critical initiatives forward such as the major nursing home reforms and just today we learned that Illinois has lowest rate of Medicaid disenrollment in the country in the nation. That doesn’t happen by accident. It’s steady leadership and real smart decisions by a pro who knows her agency inside and out with an encyclopedic knowledge of the industry.

    Best State Staffer: I’ll second the nomination of Matt Rigali. Class act who treats everyone with kindness and respect.

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