Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards
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Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Lifetime Achievement goes to the late Susan Catania. Rep. Kelly Cassidy made the nomination

For sheer “ahead of her time” fearlessness, I nominate the late former Rep. Susan Catania. If you look back at some of the big legislative advances in the last 10 years, you’d be hard pressed to find one that she wasn’t standing alone or nearly so pushing for when she served in the 1970s. Moms of young kids serving? Her daughters basically grew up on the House floor. LGBTQ equality, the Equal Rights Amendment, criminal justice reform, reproductive freedom…the list goes on and on and she was fearlessly in the forefront of issues that seemed impossible then and are reality now. She’s a hero and a role model to many who have followed.

* I have gone back and forth for the last two days on whether to shut down the blog today or tomorrow. We’re going with tomorrow, so that gives us two categories for today…

    Best US Representative

    Best Statewide Officer

As always, please explain your comments or they won’t count. Also, try to nominate in both categories. Statewide includes federal. Thanks.

* Donations have slowed because lots of folks have already given and people are on winter break. We’re at $54,248 right now to buy Christmas presents for foster kids, but it would be great to reach $55,000 by the end of today, although I’m not confident we’ll do that. Every little bit helps, however, so please click here. Thanks!


  1. - Southern IL - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 11:29 am:

    US Representative: Mike Bost. Congressman Bost has served Southern Illinois well. He serves on three committees, all of which are important to Southern Illinois, when it’s normal to only serve on two. Plus, he chairs the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs, serving veterans in every corner of the country. He works his tail off to serve his district well and comes home to a primary challenge that attacks him for the clothes he wears. Southern Illinois is lucky to have Mike Bost.

  2. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 11:32 am:

    Thanks, but there are two categories.

  3. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 11:32 am:

    Let’s go with Mike Boston so he can promote his “Capt. Fax best rep” in his tussle with the Evil Gomer
    Best Statewide must be Lite Gov. Stratton for the smooth implementation of the SAFE T Act

  4. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 12:05 pm:

    US Rep: the freshman phenom, Nikki Budzinski. She was everywhere in her district during the summer recess. Pretty sure she attended when my daughter had a wedding for her Barbie dolls. She’s also been laser-focused on issues that matter for her district, even though they’re not part of the DC culture wars- the farm bill, veterans affairs, and labor. Her team is top notch and Republicans couldn’t get a real challenger for her. If she survives for a few more terms, I expect to see her make a play for leadership.

    Best Statewide Officer: I hate repeat winners, but it’s gotta be JB Pritzker. JB had a flurry of announcements this year- new businesses, new jobs, new investments. Basically, everything Rauner wanted to do, but could never pull off. It’s been a great demonstration that we don’t need to kneecap labor or defund social services to expand the economy in the state. This is JB Pritzker’s state right now.

  5. - Who else - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 12:05 pm:

    Raja Krishnamoorthi is absolutely beloved by his constituents and is quite smart. He’s my pick.

    Statewide is Gov. Pritzker. If you look back on what our state’s fiscal landscape was just 5 years ago it’s hard to imagine we could be where we are now. The governance of Illinois in his admin is not flawless—not even close. But the leaps and bounds we’ve made as a state in almost literally every progressive policy area is astounding. Cannabis, $15 minimum wage, paid leave for all, CEJA, and a ton of others including every Black caucus pillar (which he cannot take credit for, but did sign and work to make implementable.) And the states economic development progress is remarkable. This is against the backdrop of a global pandemic and the junk level credit ratings he inherited. The guy can do whatever he wants, but he chooses to be Governor every day. I hope a third term is in the cards. He’s got my vote.

  6. - Change Agent - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 12:16 pm:

    Can we just give it to Alexi for coffee in the Capitol?

  7. - Young Dinosaur - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 12:45 pm:

    US Rep: Nikki Budzinski. She has been very active in arenas that were not her background, learning on the job, while staying true to her word to support working people in her area and beyond.

    Statewide is a toss up between State Treasurer Frerichs and Secretary Giannoulias. Both have taken major and more significant strides in modernizing their respective offices than most constitutionals and not to the detriment of their employees. Similarly, they have really listened and addressed their employees concerns and in doing so are attracting quality employees. These two walk the walk! Others say they do but start employees at really low starting wages (less than 40K/year), subcontract their work to historic numbers and continue to make a mockery of their hiring system.

  8. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 12:58 pm:

    As a Democrat, I have disagreed with Mike Bost on just about every single political issue over the last 25 years. But I can’t think of a member of Congress who outworks him, who understands and represents the values of his constituents in Congress more faithfully, and puts constituent service first above everything else. I can tell you from personal experience that if someone in his district needs help, and you call Congressman Bost’s office, he’s going to do everything he can to help you.

    Best Statewide Officer is one of my least favorite categories, because it seems like its always the Governor’s to lose. During the Blagojevich, Quinn and Rauner years, it was like the Festivus Tree with everyone lined up to lay out their complaints.

    I’d like to nominate Governor Pritzker this year though, not just because he is the Governor (although it helps!) but because I think he has earned it. Pritzker has arguably had his best year ever as an Executive, especially between the jobs announcements and the implementation of the SAFE-T Act. I think he also batted about 1000% on his legislative agenda and budget. In the end, it appears he’s also wrapped his arms around the manufactured migrant crisis.

    He crushed Bailey last year, and usually when the Republicans are such a nearly insignificant minority, you can bet on major infighting among Democrats. That’s what happened to Democrats after the remap in 2003 and again in 2013 when Democrats held both legislative chambers and the governor’s mansion.

    But history didn’t repeat itself again this year, and Democrats in Springfield atleast have remained largely unified in large part because of Pritzker. I think that’s in large part because Pritzker has held pretty firmly to the core principles of the Democratic Party, unlike Blagojevich who decided to play footsie with Republicans and Big Business, or Quinn who was always chasing the approval of the Chicago Tribune editorial board. We have a surplus of talent among all of our state officeholders, but I think this is Pritzker’s year.

    Footnote: I just made my gift of $250 to try to help us reach Rich’s goal of $55K. If you’ve read this far, I hope you will join me in making a gift (or additional gift!) of $5 or $50 or whatever you can afford to make one child’s Christmas a little brighter.

  9. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 1:18 pm:

    Not sure if y’all realize this, but if Bost wins this award Bailey will use it against him. That’s only half snark.

  10. - Someone you shoudl know - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 1:23 pm:

    Not sure if y’all realize this, but if Bost wins this award Bailey will use it against him. That’s only half snark.

    That’s why my vote would definitely be for Nikki Buszinski. She has quickly become a leader in central Illinois. She is Everywhere. I see a great future for this young congresswoman.

  11. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 1:31 pm:

    I absolutely love my congresswoman Nikki Budzinski. She has been super responsive and constantly keeping the pulse on her district. I see her all over her district from her Facebook posts. She really does care and she proves it.
    For statewide I have to go with JB. He’s such a nice guy. Honestly if we were kids again I’m sure we’d run down to the basement to go play legos. He’s just that awesome.

  12. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 1:48 pm:

    Statewide: There are good reasons to nominate each of our statewides (although, for me, the “tummy time” incident disqualified Alexi). That said, JB Pritzker has done so much this year. Attracting & keeping businesses (the Stellantis plant is a great example); addressing the migrant issues (picking up the slack from the Feds and the City of Chicago); recognizing the role higher ed plays in Illinois; and so many other areas. The guy is showing everyone else what good political leadership looks like. It’s difficult to find something he’s messed up.

    Congress: Rep. Underwood deserves a nod. While she was initially elected in a solidly suburban district, her new district is a mix of suburbs and rural. Her response has been to spend a significant amount of time in the rural areas where she has listened and responded to the needs of that area and quickly built a dedicated following. In DC, she has shown herself to be an effective legislator who is likely to move up.

  13. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 2:03 pm:

    Statewide- The governor. Hands down with no close second. Without gutting the state he was able to lead us to financial stability. Debt is still and issue and his social agenda is left of where I am at, but all of his leadership has lead the state to its best position in decades.

    Congressman- I like Nikki Budzinski too. She isn’t my rep but I read about her all of the time and it is good.

  14. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 2:09 pm:

    === Not sure if y’all realize this, but if Bost wins this award Bailey will use it against him. That’s only half snark. ===

    I remember folks pitching a fit about Bost pitching a fit, and about shooting a dog.

    My response was “The Dude is achieving rock star status in his district and you don’t understand why because you’ve never driven his district.”

    Just to be safe though maybe create a special award entitled “Best Political Insider” and I will nominate Bailey, on the off chance he tries to use the Golden Horseshoe against Bost.

  15. - JoanP - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 2:20 pm:

    = it would be great to reach $55,000 by the end of today, although I’m not confident we’ll do that. =

    Nice to see you were wrong.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 2:23 pm:

    ===Nice to see you were wrong. ===

    About the only time I actually like being wrong.

  17. - KBS - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 2:45 pm:

    US Rep - Nikki Budzinski! She did an amazing job getting federal funding for her district. Especially impressive since this is her first term.

    Statewide - I have to go with JB, for fiscal gains without having to sacrifice his progressive agenda. If I had to pick a second choice I’d go with Treasurer Frerichs, in large part because of the way he supported his wife’s career and defended that decision. It’s great having multiple good choices for this award!

  18. - Strategy Geek - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 2:54 pm:

    Best U.S. Rep: Illinois’ Ukrainian community would wholeheartedly vote for Rep. Mike Quigley as legislator of the year this year. He has fought harder than any other member of Congress to remind us all that protecting Ukraine from Putin is in the United State’s interests. Putin is celebrating Congress going home without approving aid to Ukraine, he said on CNN in recent days. From the day he was elected, he has remembered that constituent service is Job 1 - and given the number of Ukranian-Americans in Illinois, his resolve on this issue is consistent with that.

    Statewide: She has won it before and she earned it again this year reminding the rest of us we need to pay attention to fortifying the Rainy Day Fund, paying extra into the pensions and continuing to push Illinois out of the bond-rating basement: Comptroller Susana Mendoza travels the state bringing the good news that Illinois’ finances are improving; the backlog of bills has been paid and the state pays its bills faster than the private sector. She also brought both sides together to unanimously pass a bill this year making sure police officers who caught COVID in the days before vaccines - including her brother - get full duty disability benefits.

  19. - Justin - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 3:15 pm:

    US Representative: Nikki Budzinski (D) has my pick. She finally got to flip IL-13 that has eluded Democrats at least twice in the past decade under the prior map, albeit aided by redistricting that took in more of the Metro East.

    Statewide: Comptroller Susana Mendoza (D) has my pick. She has helped Illinois get back on track fiscally.

  20. - Suburban Dad - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 3:27 pm:

    Best US Rep — second the nomination for Mike Quigley. His experience and expertise as an appropriator is invaluable to the state. He quietly works to bring home much needed funds for Illinois, getting resources for projects that move us forward. In addition, his experience as a senior member of the Intelligence Committee makes him a quiet and solid member of the House and a credit to Illinois.

    Best Statewide - The Governor. Handles difficult issues with aplomb and keeps all the complicated matters up in the air. Has assembled a great staff, but more importantly listens and takes advice like a seasoned pol.

  21. - The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 3:28 pm:

    Rep - Budzinski by a country mile. When she’s not in Washington, she’s traversing every square mile of the district and ensuring that she’s acting on behalf of the people she represents.

    Statewide - Mendoza. The fiscal status of the state is due in no small part to her efforts within the Comptroller’s office.

  22. - Central IL Mom - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 3:44 pm:

    US Rep: Have to go with my Rep. Nikki Budzinski. Her support for labor, vets and work in addressing youth mental health and other health care issues make her a solid contender. She represents her oddly shaped district well.

    Statewide official: I’ll nominate Comptroller Susana Mendoza. She’s a fierce stalwart of state finances who won’t take no for an answer when it comes to improving IL’s fiscal situation and plumping up the Rainy Day Fund. Add that to her willingness to travel all over the state, her popularity in Southern IL and her strong advocacy for law enforcement and she’s the clear winner. She’s also great at explaining complicated fiscal issues in a way families can relate to their own household budgets.

  23. - Torco Sign - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 3:48 pm:

    US Rep–Brad Schneider has worked his diverse district hard and made it not even a pipe dream for Republicans to flip (and that’s even before redistricting). He’s kept together the Democratic coalition while being very vocal on Israel. Not an easy feat.

    Statewide–Mendoza. Any real Republican surprises are not even on the radar for 2024 because Mendoza has taken away the go-to talking point about Democrats in Springfield being bad with money. It’s a team effort but she leads the team on that.

  24. - uialum - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 4:11 pm:

    Lauren Underwood - recently received an award for constituent service and someone who will surely have a prominent role at the convention next year and has done a great job of building a campaign organization that will be ready if/when Durbin announces his retirement.

    JB Pritzker - keeps racking up wins even as the going gets tougher. Truly kept the state’s finances on track by reining in an out of control healthcare program and crafted the budgets that let others claim credit for the rainy day fund. Was the driving force in bringing the convention to Chicago and, let’s be honest, he deserves this award just for dealing with the Johnson administration’s growing pains (it’s the holiday season so I’m being charitable in my description)

  25. - lol - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 4:14 pm:

    Congress— Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski gets my vote. She understands her district, travels to every corner and puts her head down and gets to work. Those are qualities that are missing from a lot of folks in Washington. She’s got a bright future and will deliver for central IL.

    Statewide— if you’re not nominating Gov. Pritzker then you’re just not paying attention to what’s happening in the state. So many positive developments this year from credit upgrades to significant jobs announcements to early childhood education investments and free community college. The man knows how to get things done and is always available to the press. We’ve seen how important being able to explain your policies is and he has become someone who leads with humility and clarity.

  26. - Hello There - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 4:18 pm:

    Congress: Nikki Budzinski. She does the job incredibly well with relative ease. She has put together a stellar staff and works her district like nobody else in the Illinois delegation. Her hard work has made any formidable opponent think twice about running.

    Statewide: JB Pritzker. Think of where this state was a handful of years ago and where it is today. No offense to the Comtproller or anyone else posting here but she takes a lot more credit for the fiscal condition of our state than she is responsible for. The Governor’s fiscal efforts are unmatched in State history. And his ability to work with the General Assembly and compromise on the budget is a key to his success. He’s unrelenting and focused on both the immediate and the future of state finances. He is the adult in the room. Period.

  27. - collar living in cook - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 4:18 pm:

    Hands down Governor Pritzker. Simply put, he is kind, he is tenacious, and he gets stuff done. There are too many accomplishments to list, especially the credit upgrades… all 9 of them. Having followed his campaign and now his years in office, the guy keeps his promises and really does care about the people of Illinois.

    For federal I’d have to go with Congresswoman Budzinski. She is another elected official who truly cares. I love that she returned home to Illinois and is back to her roots building a life in Central Illinois. She’s always cared about downstate and I’m glad to see her advocating for it in Washington.

  28. - Led Tasso - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 4:27 pm:

    Congress: Lauren Underwood. She has a tireless motor, jetting all around her new district and making it clear to her new constituents that she will represent all of them, while keeping her head down and working effectively across party lines in DC.

    Statewide: Governor Pritzker in a walk over. He is the state’s biggest cheerleader: just ask Goshen, or dozens of other companies he and his team are pitching. He got a closing fund through the legislature and immediately put it to work. Some elected officials are all sizzle and no steak, but not JB: nine credit upgrades, an infrastructure bill finishing projects on time and under budget while creating good jobs across the state, five years of balanced budgets in partnership with the General Assembly, record K-12 funding, affordable college, a nation-leading climate bill, and perhaps most importantly calm, competent leadership in the face of local and national crises that contrasts sharply to other leaders. Nobody does it better than JB.

  29. - Dakno Thing - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 4:46 pm:

    Congress: Nikki Budzinski gets my vote too. Being a freshman member of congress is hard. You have to find ways to elevate yourself, scare off challengers and get your voice heard in a legislative body filled with clowns. Nikki manages to do all of those things and more. I’m so impressed with everything she has done.

    Statewide: JB Pritzker hands down, running away. I’m not usually into back to back nominations either but I make an exception for the Governor. I’ll focus my recommendation though on why he deserves it for this particular year. The state’s efforts around business development this year have been spectacular. It took a lot of perseverance and discipline for the Governor to keep up his happy warrior, state’s best salesman pitch year after year, through covid, and in the face of all his detractors. He did. And now it’s paying off. Without the Governor, last year’s balanced budget would not have been possible. And watching JB deal with the migrant situation compared to the Mayor has made me really appreciate the sheer competency and attention to detail that has characterized his time in office. On top of all of that, his kindness shines through in everything he does. And he appears to have a genuinely devoted and loyal staff which is usually the best indication of how good a person any elected official is.

  30. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 5:32 pm:

    I need to add to my nomination of JB because it hasn’t been mentioned (except by Honeybear): He’s fun. He started the year with an awesome party and when he shows up for parades and other events, he is clearly enjoying himself and encourages others to have fun as well. Hopefully, with the help of Honeybear, he’ll put a Lego room somewhere in the Capitol building and we can all have the opportunity to play. :-)

  31. - jackmac - Tuesday, Dec 19, 23 @ 6:02 pm:

    Congress? Lot’s of well-earned praise for Nikki Budzinski, but I’ll go with my rep (Lauren Underwood) who is quietly competent, immersed in issues important to her district including agriculture (as redistricting handed her some rural areas and small towns). She does not grandstand (unlike some of the shouty GOP women in Congress). I’ve attended her town halls and a separate meet-and-greets and found her engaging, a good listener and willing to help. WaPo did a great profile of her several months ago (look it up).

    State official? If this were baseball, I’d say JB Pritzker had a career, MVP quality year. He navigated the pandemic and with the help of legislative super-majorities he got another balanced budget passed. Such efforts have helped restore fiscal sanity to Illinois (note the improvement from ratings agencies). There’s spending on roads and services that didn’t happen under the previous governor and the man is everywhere (he hits dedications and announcements all over the state) He’s also quite smart and has an impressive mastery of state issues. Pritzker doesn’t seem to shy away from tough questions, tends to answer in complete sentences and those statements have depth and context. And his efforts to position Illinois as a contender in electric vehicles is impressive. There are some long-term problems — like pensions — on the horizon, but Illinois is lucky to have him.

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