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It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* 25 News Now

National data shows a growing mental health crisis among children and young adults that was only made worse after the COVID-19 pandemic.

In response, Illinois State University Student Body President Eduardo Monk Jr., launched an initiative to get a state law on the books giving university students five mental health days. It mirrors a law already in place giving the same rights to K through 12 students. […]

Senator Dave Koehler is sponsoring the bill in the Illinois Senate. Representative Sharon Chung will sponsor the bill once it reaches the House of Representatives.

While Koehler was not able to speak on camera, the bill is in its early stages. As of right now, it is waiting in an executive committee. Currently, staffers are ironing out the details of the law and making it work around different attendance policies at different universities.

* Rep. Bob Morgan’s HB4282

Amends the Genetic Counselor Licensing Act. Provides that application for licenses shall be made to the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in writing or electronically (rather than in writing) as prescribed by the Department. Provides that all applicants and licensees shall (1) provide a valid address and email address to the Department, which shall serve as the address of record and email address of record, respectively, at the time of application for licensure or renewal of a license; and (2) inform the Department of any change of address of record or email address of record within 14 days after the change either through the Department’s website or by contacting the Department’s licensure maintenance unit. Provides that no association, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, or partnership (rather than no association or partnership) shall practice genetic counseling unless every member, partner, and employee of the association, limited liability company, professional limited liability company, or partnership who practices genetic counseling or who renders genetic counseling services holds a valid license issued under the Act. Provides that every application for an original license under the Act shall include the applicant’s Social Security Number or individual taxpayer identification number. Removes a provision that authorizes the Department to maintain rosters of the names and addresses of all licensees and all persons whose licenses have been suspended, revoked, or denied. Defines “email address of record”. Changes references from the “American Board of Medical Genetics” to the “American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics”. Makes conforming changes. Makes grammatical changes. Amends the Regulatory Sunset Act to provide for the repeal of the Genetic Counselor Licensing Act on January 1, 2030.

* Rep. Travis Weaver’s HB4285

Amends the Child Labor Law. Provides that a minor 14 or 15 years of age may work at an otherwise prohibited workplace if none of the minor’s job duties: (1) require any education, formal training, certification, or license; (2) involve the use of any equipment or machinery that poses a substantial risk of causing any serious bodily injury or death; (3) involve the use of or proximity to hazardous materials; or (4) require the minor to work hours past curfew. Provides that every employer of minors between the ages of 14 and 16 years shall record the name of the parent or guardian who gives the minor permission to work. Provides that any employer, upon termination of the employment of a minor, shall immediately send by certified mail notification to the parent or guardian on record that the minor’s employment has been terminated. Defines terms.

* HB4283 from Rep. Kevin Schmidt

Creates the Gun Crime Charging and Sentencing Accountability and Transparency Act. Provides that in a criminal case, if a defendant is charged with an offense involving the illegal use or possession of a firearm and subsequently enters into a plea agreement in which the charge will be reduced to a lesser offense or a non-weapons offense in exchange for a plea of guilty, at or before the time of sentencing, the State’s Attorney shall file with the court a written statement of his or her reasons in support of the plea agreement, which shall specifically state why the offense or offenses of conviction resulting from the plea agreement do not include the originally charged weapons offense. Provides that the written statement shall be part of the court record in the case and a copy shall be provided to any person upon request. Provides that in a criminal case in which the original charge is or was for an offense involving the illegal use or possession of a firearm, if a defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty of the original charge or lesser offense or a non-weapons offense, in imposing sentence, the judge shall set forth in a written sentencing order his or her reasons for imposing the sentence or accepting the plea agreement. Provides that a copy of the written sentencing order shall be provided to any person upon request.

* HB4289 from Rep. Ryan Spain…

Amends the Lobbyist Registration Act. Specifies that, as used in the Act, “official” includes specified officials of a unit of local government. Modifies “lobby” and “lobbying”, as used in the Act, to add illustrative examples and to provide that a person has not communicated for the ultimate purpose of influencing a State or local governmental action solely by submitting an application for a government permit or license or by responding to a government request for proposals or qualifications. Changes the definition “lobbyist”, as used in the Act, to mean a natural person who, on behalf of any person other than himself or herself, or as any part of his or her duties as an employee of another, undertakes to influence or lobby for any executive, legislative, or administrative action for State government or a unit of local government, and includes illustrative examples of lobbyists.

* Rep. Dan Caulkins’ HB4291

Amends the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. In a provision permitting 2 or more mandated reporters from the same workplace to designate one reporter to make a single report concerning the group’s shared belief that a child may be abused or neglected, provides that the report made by the designated reporter shall include the name, business address, and telephone number of the mandated reporter; the capacity that makes the person a mandated reporter; and the information that gave rise to the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect and the source or sources of that information. Provides that the report shall also include, if known, certain information on the child, the child’s parents and guardians, and the person or persons who the mandated reporter knows or reasonably suspects to have abused or neglected the child. Requires the designated mandated reporter to make a report even if some of the required information is not known or is uncertain to the reporter. Removes the requirement that the report include the names and contact information for the other mandated reporters. In a provision permitting any other person who is not a mandated reporter to make a child abuse or neglect report, provides that the Department of Children and Family Services shall ask the reporter to provide in the report his or her name, telephone number, information that gave rise to the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect, and the source or sources of the information that gave rise to the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect. Provides that if the reporter refuses to provide his or her name or telephone number, the Department shall make efforts to determine the basis for that refusal and advise the reporter that the identifying information will remain confidential.


  1. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 12:51 pm:

    re Weaver’s bill: Another example of Republicans wanting to take us back to the 1800’s. Let’s see, we could invest in schools and other supports to provide the well educated, high tech workforce of the future, or we could put those lazy kids to work.

  2. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:10 pm:

    =Rep. Travis Weaver’s HB4285=

    This will make our dropout issue even worse. Period.

  3. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:23 pm:

    =Rep. Travis Weaver’s HB4285=

    will help kids who want to get a head start in the skilled trades. Start out in the yard sweeping up or unloading supplies - move up once over 16.

  4. - Huh? - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 2:02 pm:

    HB4285 is another R attempt at putting children into harms way.

    When was it ever a good idea to have a minor doing an adult job?

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