Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards
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Question of the day: 2023 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best US Representative goes to Nikki Budzinski

US Rep: the freshman phenom, Nikki Budzinski. She was everywhere in her district during the summer recess. Pretty sure she attended when my daughter had a wedding for her Barbie dolls. She’s also been laser-focused on issues that matter for her district, even though they’re not part of the DC culture wars- the farm bill, veterans affairs, and labor. Her team is top notch and Republicans couldn’t get a real challenger for her. If she survives for a few more terms, I expect to see her make a play for leadership.

Some of that was snark, of course, but Budzinski had a ton of nominations that couldn’t be ignored even though she’s just starting out. Let’s hope she can live up to the hype.

* The 2023 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statewide Officer yet again goes to Gov. JB Pritzker

I hate repeat winners, but it’s gotta be JB Pritzker. JB had a flurry of announcements this year- new businesses, new jobs, new investments. Basically, everything Rauner wanted to do, but could never pull off. It’s been a great demonstration that we don’t need to kneecap labor or defund social services to expand the economy in the state. This is JB Pritzker’s state right now.

We may have to retire this category until his poll numbers tank. /s

* On to our final 2023 category…

    The Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe for Best Commenter

Remember to explain your nomination or it won’t count. Thanks.

…Adding… The winner will be announced at 4:30ish today, so get your nominations in now, please.

* I expressed doubt yesterday that we could raise a total of $55,000 by the end of the day to buy Christmas presents for foster kids. Instead, we surpassed $56,000. That’s so great! Thanks!

This is our final day of fundraising. I haven’t spoken with the folks at Lutheran Social Services of Illinois for at least a couple of weeks, but I have to believe they’re thrilled with your generosity this year, because I sure am.

Because of you, LSSI can buy presents for 2,256 foster children in Illinois. You done really good, folks.

But we still have time to help more kids. LSSI serves a total of 2,530 foster children. So, if you haven’t yet done so or if you have a few extra bucks available ahead of the holidays, please click here. Thanks! Merry Christmas!


  1. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 10:37 am:

    The Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe for Best Commenter:

    Rich Miller, for keeping us all honest and accountable in the comments! :D

  2. - The Captain - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 10:39 am:

    The finish line is in sight, how much more money do we need to raise?

  3. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 10:40 am:

    ===Rich Miller, for keeping===

    *Insert Shermanesque statement here*

    Thanks, but I would never award this to myself. lol

  4. - Regular democrat - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 10:52 am:

    I would like to nominate RNUG for this year. When it comes to pension or legal issues i am always happy to see he/she has posted something because I always learn more and have a better understanding of the topic. Keep up the good work.

  5. - Proud Papa Bear - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 10:56 am:

    I’d like to nominate JS Mill. As a teacher, I appreciate how incredibly busy administrators are and yet he keeps his hand on the pulse of state educational policy and gives us his nuanced perspective.

  6. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 11:11 am:

    I nominate Anonymous, who used to be so prolific here, but sadly, isn’t commenting as much anymore. He or she was brilliant, with wild comments on all sides of any issue. You’d never know what they’d say, and sometimes it was great snark, and sometimes great insight, and more times simply drive-by comments or drivel.

    Whoever is behind that clever handle is also probably borderline schizophrenic, at least as far as my opinion as a lay, untrained psychologist. Anonymous definitely has multiple personalities, which adds an unpredictable quality to their comments.

    Maybe they stopped commenting to take some time to tend to their mental health? Regardless, it’s safe to say most regular commenters remember Anonymous and wonder where they went.

    It’s an enduring mystery of the Capitol Fax blog community.

  7. - H-W - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 11:15 am:

    I too would like to nominate JS Mill. Your insights into educational matters is always instructive. You have a keen ability to interpret the nexus between theoretical policies and their pragmatic applications in the real worlds of classrooms. Thank you.

  8. - Earnest - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 11:20 am:

    -Thanks, but I would never award this to myself. lol

    Rich, apologies for my sudden vision of you saying, Nominate Myself? This is blanking golden. LSSI, generate a grass-roots write-in campaign or your presents are toast.

    JS Mill is my nominee. The comments he originates arise out of direct experience. His replies to other comments are thoughtful and well-considered. It helps things stay grounded.

  9. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 11:26 am:

    As much as I am entertained by the comments of Oswego Willie, especially when giving the stick to LP, I have to second the nomination of JS Mill for this year’s award.

    JS Mill’s insights on education issues have provided us with a much needed dose of expertise to understand those often complex issues from the front line. Plus, his keen insights are not limited to just education but spill onto a multitude of other issues. I often find myself learning something new after reading comments by JS Mill.

  10. - ArchPundit - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 11:28 am:

    While there are many of you who are great, I think JS Mill deserves it this year as well. Smart takes on education and all around good year commenting.

  11. - JoanP - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 12:15 pm:

    Another vote for JS Mill. I appreciate his sharing of his expertise on education, and often giving me a slant on an issue that I had not considered.

    Also - thanks to 47th Ward for today’s chuckle

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 12:19 pm:

    There are two among so many I’d like to nominate.

    With a runner up, I nominate - Demoralized -. It’s important in comments that discussions stay with actual facts to the happenings and what - Demoralized - does in their comments is strengthen the entire post by being an important voice to the discussions. Add in thoughtful comments and keen observation to these times, it’s rare air that commenters bring the fresh air and add so much while doing so.

    The - Wordslinger - Commenter of the Year.

    What makes Rich’s community so special is that at any time, any post, any issue, you have no clear indication whom you are reading, or what you might be learning. What makes my nominee stand out this year, they have the qualities that the spirit of this award is and has earned it daily, and we are all better for it.

    There are a handful of commenters that when they share, you read. This commenter has held my attention and I’ve learned so much, they make me search for their take, not unlike - Wordslinger - himself. They have become a touchstone, and few can speak to education so thoughtfully, knowledgeably, and so eloquently to all facets in that field.

    I nominate - JS Mill - for the Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe.

    There are so many worthy but this year it’s - JS Mill - for me. Besides being so knowledgeable, the context to applying the knowledge, it’s the type of insight only found on this blog, and in the tradition of - Wordslinger - mixing in stories, applying facts, and giving insight and depth to their points, they embodied this award this year, and I was so grateful for their sharing.

    The goal of the exercise, our charge, is to nominate commenters that continue to make this place so special. This year - JS Mill - is best to this year’s incredibly worthy field. My hope is others will take time to think on - JS Mill - and recognize too how much they brought to comments this year.

    I would be remiss if I don’t acknowledge- Wordslinger - and the only way I can describe him; unmatched. That’s it, unmatched.

    This community even today owes a debt to - Wordslinger - and it’s right and just that this award, named after him, should be a great reminder of how much we miss him, I think of him often, almost daily.

    Rich, the community you created, even with the tens of thousands of dollars you raise over the years, even that will never measure how we all feel about you, me included. LSSI is a very worthy cause there is no doubt to that and taking nothing away from LSSI, but it’s your heart and how special you are that also makes supporting LSSI a credit to you. You’re a good soul.

    Isabel, the only way I can simply say how important and special you are is to compare you to Dennis Rodman. Now here me out, the Chicago Bulls without Rodman were the stuff of legacy and legend, but with the addition of Rodman, that Rodman Bulls team was the best of them all, making better what was argued to be “the best”, and you are taking this place to higher and higher levels, and your own ceiling is limitless too.

    Merry Christmas. Happy holidays and Happy New Year to all. You’re all aces. Hopefully 2024 brings everyone all they hope.

    Congratulations to all nominees and winners of Golden Horseshoes this year.

    Rich… love you man, thanks always for all you do. Never to be able to express how grateful I am

  13. - walker - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 12:20 pm:

    Michelle Flaherty for wit, incisiveness and brevity. Every time I see the name I smile and appreciate CapFax even more.

    Honorable mention JoanP for being to-the-point and deeply informed. Her only shortcoming is time between comments.

    My first thought was Captain Rich as well, but looks like we’ll have to wait for a lifetime achievement award — like a formal portrait somewhere in the basement of the capital?

  14. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 12:32 pm:

    JS Mill is a strong pick, but going with JoanP this year.
    Lately I liked her comments on Richard Hunt and her tip on the Botanic Gardens light show.
    In addition to covering different ideas, she is always well prepared and brings a very special twist to this blog that helps set it apart from other sources of comments that are available.
    Going with JoanP this year.

  15. - Annon'in - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 12:58 pm:

    We would like to nominate the always witty Annon’in, but since you are against self nomination we will defer. Merry Christmas to all.

  16. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:05 pm:

    There are several commenters whose comments are always a must read for me. The venerable OW is always a must read for me as is Pundent, Michelle Flaherty, Walker, and Norseman.

    My nominee this year is Demoralized. OW said it so well, and I agree. Always gets us back to the facts of the discussion. I always value his take on any topic and his perspective is always original. Like Wordslinger, Demoralized is always true to his perspective and that is genuinely appreciated.

  17. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:18 pm:

    Enjoy the posts from JS Mill and nominate JSM for commentator. The comments and focus on education are a valuable addition to Cap Fax. All commentators add to a vibrant community where ideas are shared freely. And, Rich and Isabel keep us from going off the rails.

    The Dennis Rodman note—years ago we were in a jazz club on N. Clark Street in Chicago. The quartet—piano, bass, drums, and vocals—were on stage.

    In walks Dennis Rodman with his entourage. Rodman was on stage with the musicians and was a friend of the owner. What a night and memories.

  18. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:20 pm:

    I’d like to nominate H. W., a relatively new commenter, I believe. He comments on a variety of topics, with well-reasoned ideas. I appreciate everything the group brings to the comments, but he is one of about 3 or 4 people that I will always stop to read.

  19. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:44 pm:

    === how much more money do we need to raise? ===

    As much as we possibly can. Buying presents for all the foster kids would cost about $63,250. As I write this, we’re at $57,374. So, that’s $5,876 short, but others are also raising money. I’m not sure how much they’ve raised, however.


  20. - JoanP - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 1:56 pm:

    Hi, Oswego Willie - it’s nice to see you back. We missed you.

    @ walker & Back to the Future - thank you for the kind words!

  21. - RNUG - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 2:24 pm:

    I think it’s -JS Mills- turn for the Wordslinger award. He’s been a consistent commentator over the years … and he’s one of my ‘must read’ …

  22. - Lurker - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 2:41 pm:

    I was also coming to nominate JSMill and see that many have already beaten me. Many nice things have been said above so I will just add that I quite often disagree with JS but I appreciate the thoughtful and passionate posts.

    I also give a shoutout to Chicago Bars. Entertaining but when they need to get a point across, very effective.

  23. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 2:57 pm:

    JSM. Since I’d be repeating what others have said (and not as well as they did), won’t take up space.
    Instead, wonder if (s)he is an Economist, devoted fan of Monty Python, or both.

  24. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Dec 20, 23 @ 4:08 pm:

    =Instead, wonder if (s)he is an Economist, devoted fan of Monty Python, or both.=

    Educator. Definitely devoted Monty Python fan.

    Thanks to all.

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