Question of the day
Wednesday, Jan 10, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Politico today…
OFF THE TABLE: While legislators in Florida and a few other states try to change their state constitutions to make abortion the law of the land, Illinois is sitting tight.
The article goes on to quote Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), but Cassidy told me that the constitutional amendment idea was not “off the table.” She stressed that no decision had yet been made. So I asked her for a statement…
No decisions have been made about pursuing a constitutional amendment at this point. We’ve had some discussions in the working group, examining the various versions different states have adopted as well as analyzing costs, messaging, and results. I’m also aware of discussions among advocates at the state and national network weighing pros and cons, but I don’t believe they’ve come to any conclusions either.
* The Question: Should Illinois include abortion rights in its constitution? Make sure to explain your response and take a deep breath before commenting. Thanks.
- Freedom for Everyone! - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:30 pm:
YES, but not now. In 2024, roughly a dozen states without abortion rights since Dobbs will be voting on constitutional amendments to reinstate reproductive freedom in those states. That is where our focus should be in 2024. Going forward, we should ABSOLUTELY protect reproductive freedom (including abortion care, marriage equality, and trans rights) in the Illinois state constitution. But let’s not siphon off resources or focus from states who need to reinstate their protections
- Jocko - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:35 pm:
For the moment, I would prefer we stand pat. Our stance on female bodily autonomy is clear.
Let the ‘pro-life /S’ states continue to twist themselves in knots while trying to explain their position.
- The Truth - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:37 pm:
To be super-pragmatic about it, as a progressive myself: not yet. Wait until there’s an election that seems to need an extra turnout boost.
/ducks to avoid thrown rotten tomatoes
- City Zen - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:39 pm:
Depends on motivation. If you’re trying to drive voter turnout based on this very divisive issue, then enshrining it into the state constitution works against that. You’ll have to find a new outrage du jour.
- vern - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:39 pm:
Yes. The federal court system is chock full of ideological operatives who want to ban abortion nationwide. Illinois needs every legal and political tool possible to resist that ongoing campaign against the rights and will of the people.
- loyal virus - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:42 pm:
Not now. Money & time better spent supporting others who are trying to gain reproductive rights elsewhere.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 2:57 pm:
I generally agree with Jocko, but the ultra conservative right scares me with all of the things they have going on behind the scenes. Christian nationalists, although they are vastly outnumbered have outsized influence and they are sneaky. So I say go for it.
- NIU Grad - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 3:01 pm:
As an Illinois Democrat, I think that this seems like a better 2026 issue…for reasons.
Outside of pure politics, I agree with the sentiment that it’s better for pro-choice activists to spend their money and energy fighting the draconian measures happening in other states immediately following Dobbs.
- Keyrock - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 3:03 pm:
What The Truth said.
(He beat me to it. Please send rotten tomatoes his way.)
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 4:05 pm:
I think it would eventually be nice to have it in the state constitution but we don’t need to be in a hurry about it. Choice isn’t under attack in Illinois. It’s well protected here. Pro-choice forces in Illinois should focus their attention on helping out states enshrine abortion rights into the constitution in states where a woman’s choice is under attack. We’ve seen success after success on this issue and they should continue to build on those dominos in states where the politicians want to tell a woman what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
- Fayette County - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 4:26 pm:
NIU Grad stated the way I feel exactly. Wait till 2026.
- Jibba - Wednesday, Jan 10, 24 @ 9:14 pm:
I’ve opposed amending the constitution for other issues of the day (lock box, etc), so for consistency’s sake I will say no. However, I am concerned about this issue and will monitor developments over the next year or two at the federal level and maybe will change my mind.