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Isabel’s afternoon roundup

Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Rep. Adam Niemerg was kicked off the ballot

* Press release…

CHICAGO—Today, Governor JB Pritzker announced that Illinois secured 14.9M in competitive federal grant funding from the US Department of Transportation’s FY22-FY23 Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program. The Illinois Finance Authority (IFA), in its role as the Illinois Climate Bank, was chosen to receive the $14.9M to support the expansion of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Illinois.

“As Illinois moves toward a clean energy future, it is imperative that no communities are left behind,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This investment from our partners at the federal level will ensure Illinois has the resources to make electric vehicles accessible to all our residents. With the incredible work from the Illinois Finance Authority, regional partners, and local leadership, I have no doubt the Community Charging Program will make a positive impact statewide.”

The proposed project, “The State of Illinois Community Charging Program,” aims to advance community-based transportation efforts across Illinois and prioritize equity in the clean energy movement. The statewide initiative is a joint effort between the Illinois Climate Bank as well as local and regional partners, serving 273 project sites (144 of which are located in or in close proximity to disadvantaged communities). The funds will support construction of 845 Level 2 EV Charging stations, and 36 DC Fast Charge stations.

Of the total $18.7M project investment:

    - 43% will be allocated for disadvantaged community projects.
    - 63% will be designated to dense urban communities with a high percentage of multi-family housing, as well as rural communities and small towns.

* Tribune

Illinois set another record for recreational cannabis sales in 2023, with more than $1.6 billion in sales — but sales to out-of-state residents showed a significant drop.

Sales to Illinois residents increased by 14%, but sales to out-of-state visitors fell by 14%, reflecting increased competition from Michigan and newly legalized marijuana in Missouri and Minnesota.

Out-of-state customers accounted for one quarter of revenue, but with Wisconsin lawmakers considering legalizing medical marijuana, those sales are likely to decrease further in the future.

* Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker visited the Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH) Cancer Institute today to announce a $10M grant to Southern Illinois Healthcare for their recent expansion of the SIH Cancer Institute in Carterville. The grant is made possible through the bipartisan Rebuild Illinois plan to improve infrastructure statewide.

“As Governor, there is nothing more important than the health and safety of Illinoisans — no matter their zip code or income status,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I couldn’t be prouder to announce that we have awarded the SIH Cancer Institute $10 million in Rebuild Illinois grant funding to help cover the cost of this recent project. After years of planning, design, and construction, each and every one of those patients, and many more, will have access to the modernized healing spaces and the quality, holistic care they deserve.”

The 10M general investment, will be utilized for upgrades to facility furniture, medical equipment, and the buildout of the Cancer Institute in Carterville. The Carterville plan, completed in December of 2022, included an approximate 20,000 square foot expansion and the modernization of both clinical and non-clinical areas.

The State is also awarding two additional capital grants to SIH. The first, totaling $150,000, will support the expansion of the SIH Cancer Institute Café, which serves 300 cancer patients with nutrient-appropriate meals daily as well as caregivers and employees.

The second, also totaling $150,000, will be dedicated to costs for the design, oversight, and implementation of kitchen renovations. The expanded kitchen space will provide space for high nutrient-value meal preparation workshops and demonstrations, led by the SIH oncology dietitian.

* Sun-Times

The Bears own the 326-acre former Arlington International Racecourse property but continue to flirt with the city of Chicago and other suburbs about building a new stadium. When president/CEO Kevin Warren was asked Wednesday whether the Arlington Heights property remained his priority, he said instead that “the priority is to make sure we build a world class stadium for our fans.”

The Bears are still talking to Arlington Heights officials to try to drive down their property tax assessment there. They’ve discussed staying on the lakefront, including building on a parking lot south of Soldier Field, with city officials.

“What intrigues me about downtown is I strongly believe Chicago is the finest city in all of the world,” Warren said. “Very rarely do you get the opportunity to have such a beautiful downtown with a vibrant business community, with an absolutely beautiful lake and the energy that goes along [with it].”

The Bears could decide on their next stadium site in the next few months. Warren said it would likely take three years to build the stadium from the moment construction begins.

* On this day

* Here’s the rest…


  1. - NIU Grad - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 2:37 pm:

    “The Bears could decide on their next stadium site in the next few months.”

    This I doubt.

  2. - Homebody - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 2:38 pm:

    “yes, we valued the property at X dollars, which we willingly paid Churchill Downs, but we want to be taxed as if it were worth Y dollars for… reasons.”

  3. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 2:42 pm:

    Just shows again that Freedom Caucus members are not serious people.

  4. - Wowie - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 2:50 pm:

    @ NIU Grad

    Totally agree. I’ve been (half) jokingly asking friends if they think Bears will be in new stadium before or after 2030.

  5. - Zim - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 2:54 pm:

    Purely anecdotal, but whenever legalization comes up for discussion on Reddit in subreddits for neighboring states, numerous complaints about Illinois’ taxes and non-resident purchase limits almost inevitably follow. As competition increases in the region, it may be time for the GA to take another look at how Illinois compares in these areas.

  6. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 3:00 pm:

    ===it may be time for the GA to take another look===

    The taxes fund lots of neighborhood revitalization programs. Part of the problem is that the industry’s own prices are way too high, although that’s been coming down.

  7. - JoanP - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 3:09 pm:

    Oh, for pity’s sake. How do you not get a notary’s signature, particularly when the notary is right there? And it’s not like this is Niemerg’s first time at the rodeo.

  8. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 3:18 pm:

    “but with Wisconsin lawmakers considering legalizing medical marijuana”

    I’m sure they are moving at the speed of molasses in January too.

    The small hit to Illinois sales from nearby states will be meaningless in the larger goal of national legalization. That is the goal after all, isn’t it?

    The way things are moving, I’d be surprised if federal legalization wasn’t the ‘October surprise’ this year. The market is certainly establishing its expectations, with the chicago-based Green Thumb stock increasing over 50% in the past 3 months. Some of that is due to the recent stock-buyback program they implemented, but the market is also expecting the financial benefits of federal legalization which means a lot of money for cannabis companies(from that nasty double taxation going away).

    With federal legalization, prices to the consumer would be able to come down significantly AND the company could still make increasing profits. It’s a win-win.

  9. - TJ - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 3:25 pm:

    I honestly don’t know what the Bears were ever expecting regarding the Arlington Heights situation. They never should’ve made that public until the second they were ready to have the shovels hit the dirt.

    As it has been, all they’ve done is allow for Chicago elected officials at the county and state level to get easy brownie points with voters by making a hassle for anything and everything that the Bears have attempted to move out of the city, because of course they would. Why would any Chicago politico do anything other than make it as much of a pain in the keister for the Bears to move out as possible?

    And the Bears are free to try with a collar county, but good luck overcoming NIMBY opposition.

    But hey, there’s always Hammond, Indiana if those bozos get really desperate.

  10. - SammyG - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 3:26 pm:

    What are the Bears going to do with that massive Arlington Heights property if they build a stadium in Chicago?

  11. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 3:27 pm:

    Illinois’ marijuana business is robust and growing despite social media critics/trolls. There is only room for more growth, and more dispensaries in areas where there are none and people have to travel far (the opposite of alcohol and tobacco that they can get nearby somewhere).

  12. - Jimmy Hart's Megaphone - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 4:04 pm:

    It’s been several years since I was involved in the challenge process, so maybe someone currently involved can enlighten me as to the point of challenging Niemerg. Back in my day, you didn’t challenge the petitions of a candidate from the other party, for exactly the reasons stated in the tweet. You have enough to do to keep your own people from getting tossed without wasting precious time and resources to get an outcome that can just be reversed with a party slating. Then again, back in my day there was no Freedom Caucus, no Trump, and nowhere near the polarization of today. So maybe someone just wants to have fun with Niemerg. Now excuse me while I go outside and yell at clouds.

    It is fun watching Bloc members shown to be the unserious people they are, though. Not much for details, those folks. Or, apparently, following election law. “What part of illegal don’t you understand?”

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 4:15 pm:

    ===Bears going to do with that massive Arlington Heights property===

    It’s AH. They could develop it or sell it. They’ll be fine.

  14. - Duck Duck Goose - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 4:34 pm:

    I’m struggling to see how HB3396 can be even close to constitutional. It sure looks like a content based restriction on speech. Courts are not generally fans of those.

  15. - Jimmy Hart's Megaphone - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 5:37 pm:

    Curious why my comment about Niemerg was not posted. Did I offend someone?

  16. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 5:55 pm:

    The Ryan clemency was a disaster - not the decision itself, but because Ryan made a huge dog and pony show out of it and forced the relatives of victims of the inmates to give gutwrenching testimony against clemency to “assist” in his making a decision. Then, instead of soberly issuing the decision, he announced it surrounded by fawning law students in a campaign like setting. IIRC both papers ran editorials criticizing the process. And it was almost surely done to offset the bad press of the investigation of his corruption.

  17. - Fivegreenleaves - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 6:31 pm:

    I know the Bears practice in Bourbonnais, but why couldn’t they develop Arlington Heights into a new practice facility with a shopping and entertainment district, and build a new state-of-the-art stadium in Chicago near where Soldier Field is now? One of the things I like about the Bears is they play in their namesake city.

  18. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 11, 24 @ 8:04 pm:

    =I know the Bears practice in Bourbonnais=. The Bears haven’t trained in Bourbonnais since 2020. They train and practice at their HQ, Halas Hall in Lake Forest. Hard to see them leaving that facility.

    I still believe that when all is said and done they’ll end up in Arlington Heights although the town and its residents seem ambivalent. They overplayed their hand and really have no leverage.

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