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It’s just a bill

Monday, Feb 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* HB4728 filed by Rep. La Shawn Ford

Amends the Department of Human Services Act. Requires the Department of Human Services to implement a Child Care Collaboration Program by no later than July 1, 2024 to facilitate high quality collaborative programming between child care and other early care and education providers and funding streams in order to increase, through collaboration, the quality and quantity of early care and education for families in Illinois who are eligible to receive child care assistance under the Department’s Child Care Assistance Program. Provides that to be eligible to participate in the Child Care Collaboration Program a provider must meet certain eligibility requirements, including: (i) be a profit or nonprofit early childhood center or licensed family child care home; (ii) receive or be eligible to receive child care assistance funding; and (iii) be a part of an existing or pending collaborative arrangement with a Head Start or Early Head Start Program or with a pre-kindergarten program funded by the Illinois State Board of Education through the Early Childhood Block Grant. Sets forth approvable models of collaboration and application requirements for providers seeking approval of their existing or proposed child care collaboration program. Provides that each eligible provider that receives Department approval of its existing or proposed child care collaboration program shall receive an annual contract from the Department that allows for the advance payment of child care services at a rate that is based on the license capacity of the program. Provides that a family’s eligibility for collaboration services under the approved child care collaboration program shall be determined in accordance with all current child care rules, with certain exceptions, including, but not limited to: (1) a family’s eligibility period for collaboration services shall be up to 36 months to coincide with the family’s eligibility for a Head Start or Early Head Start Program or an early childhood or preschool program funded through the Early Childhood Block Grant; and (2) no child care co-payments shall be assigned or collected from the family. Effective immediately.

* Sun-Times

Two proposals in the Legislature would better protect our health information, and legislators need to take action on both.

Health data has become a potential gold mine for advertisers, data brokers and others who traffic in such things. Millions of people across the country use devices to track their heartbeats, how many calories they consume, how well they sleep and where they travel. […]

A bill in the Illinois Legislature would make it unlawful for anyone to sell or offer to sell a consumer’s health data without permission. The bill did not pass last year, but privacy advocates have worked with big tech companies to address their concerns. Now it’s time for the Legislature to pass it. […]

Meanwhile, as David Struett reported in Thursday’s Sun-Times, a related and broader bill in the Legislature introduced last year by state Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid, D-Berwyn, would bar tech companies from collecting, processing or transferring a wide range of personal data unless doing so is reasonably necessary and proportionate. That bill needs to get out of the Rules Committee and be thoroughly discussed by lawmakers.

* Rep. Dagmara Avelar filed HB4732

Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that cable or video providers shall cease charging customers for modems and routers, whether rented together or separately, when the customer has paid to the provider the wholesale cost of the modem or router, or modem and router if rented together, plus a reasonable mark-up not to exceed 5% of the modem, router, or modem and router wholesale cost to the provider. Provides that the cable and video provider shall provide notice regarding the discontinuance of rental charges to the customer in each billing statement. Provides that the notice shall include a disclosure of rights and responsibilities relating to the maintenance of modems and routers.


While most Illinois schools have school resource officers, a Republican state lawmaker hopes to pass a plan this spring to allow retired law enforcement to work as school safety officers. Rep. Ryan Spain (R-Peoria) told WAND News Friday that more school security could help prevent fights and other violence seen recently in Decatur Public Schools.

Under House Bill 4216, Illinois school districts could have the ability to hire fully-trained school safety officers starting January 1, 2025. Spain said several of his local school leaders have asked lawmakers to consider this idea.

“They’re left feeling vulnerable because, certainly, there is a deterrent effect where having an armed law enforcement professional in place in your school can be preventing these unthinkable tragedies,” Spain said.

His legislation could require the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board (ILETSB) to create a new course on de-escalation, use of force, mental health awareness, officer wellness, child abuse and neglect, and cultural competency.

* HB4723 from Rep. Kevin Schmidt

Amends the Illinois Gambling Act. Provides that gaming special agents employed by the Illinois Gaming Board shall be deemed to be qualified law enforcement officers or, for retired gaming special agents formerly employed by the Illinois Gaming Board, shall be deemed qualified retired or separated law enforcement officers in Illinois for purposes of coverage under the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 and shall have all rights and privileges granted by that Act if the gaming special agent or retired gaming special agent is otherwise compliant with the applicable laws of this State governing the implementation and administration of the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 in the State of Illinois. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Exempts gaming special agents and retired gaming special agents from the unlawful use of weapons violations for carrying or possessing firearms in a vehicle or concealed on or about their person or carrying or possessing firearms on or about their person upon any public street, alley, or other public lands within the corporate limits of a municipality.

* Rep. Edgar Gonzalez filed HB4725

Amends the Retention of Illinois Students and Equity Act. Provides that a noncitizen graduate student who is an Illinois resident but who does not possess a valid visa or status as a lawful permanent resident is eligible for State financial aid and benefits.

* SB3081 from Sen. Celina Villanueva

Amends various Acts relating to the governance of public universities in Illinois. Provides that the governing board of each public university shall waive any admissions application fee for a student transferring from a public community college in this State if the transferring student is enrolled in the last semester of a degree program and is on schedule to graduate with a degree. Effective immediately.

* SB3077 from Sen. David Koehler

Creates the Local Food Infrastructure Grant Act. Requires the Department of Agriculture to develop and administer a Local Food Infrastructure Grant Program to enhance local food processing, aggregation, and distribution within the State through the award of annual grants. Specifies that eligible grant applicants include certain entities that store, process, package, aggregate, or distribute farm products raised in Illinois. Provides that grant awards shall be between $1,000 and $150,000. Describes match requirements for grant recipients. Describes allowable expenses. Requires the Department to create an independent Steering Committee to guide the implementation and evaluation of the grant program. Describes the Steering Committee’s composition and responsibilities. Establishes various grant application requirements. Requires the Director of Agriculture to report certain information to the Governor and General Assembly each year. Limits the liability of program administrators. Contains provisions concerning termination of a grant agreement under the Act. Defines terms. Effective immediately.

* HB4718 from Rep. Mark Walker

Authorizes the Director of Natural Resources to execute and deliver a quitclaim deed to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation for specified real property located in DeKalb County, subject to specified conditions. Effective immediately.


  1. - Grimlock - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 10:06 am:

    Full support for HB4732. I don’t recall which cabole company I started with, but they gave me a router. Once Comcast/Xininity took over, they started charging me a rental fee for that same router. When I tried to dispute it over the phone, their response was that the previous company was charging me for the rental too, but not iteming it so it just looked like it was included with my monthly bill. That may be true, but still shady since I’ve paid for that same router many times over now.

  2. - Just Another Anon - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 10:13 am:

    Why on earth is a Rep from Arlington Heights trying to give a popular state park outside of his district to a private entity?

  3. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 10:31 am:

    - give a popular state park outside of his district to a private entity? -

    I don’t know why Rep. Walker specifically introduced this legislation, but it would be more accurate to say it would be giving back the land that was illegally taken from the rightful owners.

  4. - Donnie Elgin - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 10:31 am:

    ==Why on earth is a Rep from Arlington Heights trying to give a popular state park outside of his district to a private entity?==

    There is a national movement to return “park” land to native American tribes – especially when there is a clear claim of ownership as may be the case in this bill.

    “In consideration of the lands reserved for Chief Shab-eh-nay by the Treaty of Prairie du Chien of July 29,1829, as well as the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation’s historic connection to those lands and the surrounding area, the Director of Natural Resources, on behalf of the State of Illinois, shall convey to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation a quit claim deed to the Shabbona Lake State Park located in DeKalb County”

  5. - stuck in southern illinois - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 10:41 am:

    Please correct me if I am wrong. But has just one member of the EasternBloc filed a bill to support their district or the people of the state.

  6. - Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 12:03 pm:

    Is there any news of what the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation plans to do with or on that land next? Or is this just a symbolic transfer?

  7. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 12:10 pm:

    ===plans to do with or on that land next? ===


  8. - Just Another Anon - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 12:19 pm:

    @Excitable Boy
    >taken from the rightful owners.

    Last I checked, Illinois didn’t have allodial titles, but if we are going to start giving land back to people, why give it the Potawatomi? After all, they took it from the Iroquois and the Fox. The Iroquois and the Fox took it from the Miami Confederacy. The Confederacy took it from a number of tribes they entirely destroyed. Shouldn’t they be giving it back to its “rightful” owners, not some johnny-come-lately conquerors?

    Similarly, what are we doing about Nauvoo? The mormons were burned out of Navuoo by a militia egged on by Governor Ford and supplied with arms, cannon and then they lynched Joseph Smith and kicked off the siege of Nauvoo. Shouldn’t we restore the property purchased by the mormon church under the Nauvoo Charter before Illinois kicked off the Illinois-Mormon War? Hell, the original grant is right in the state archives and its not like we don’t know where to send the title, since the state already apologized back in 2004.

    I also point out that the folks calling for returning land never seem too keen on returning their houses to the “rightful” owners.

  9. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Feb 5, 24 @ 12:36 pm:

    - I also point out that the folks calling for returning land never seem too keen on returning their houses to the “rightful” owners. -

    Are you in junior high? Try educating yourself, this is a very specific tract of public land being returned to the tribe it was stolen from.

    No one is talking about confiscating houses.

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