It’s just a bill
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* Rep. Marcus Evans…
These days, it is harder than ever to make ends meet for hardworking families in Chicago, particularly in our city’s Black communities.
Rapidly rising costs have exacerbated longstanding inequity and injustice rooted in our city’s historical and contemporary actions, such as redlining and discriminatory housing policies that stagnated Black homeownership rates and kept significant investment away from the city’s Black community.
Through redlining, banks declared certain areas as hazardous and unworthy of loans, and restrictive covenants, racist property managers and landlords, and homeowner associations kept Black families away from the city’s most attractive neighborhoods. In the end, Black families were essentially barred from qualifying for home loans and left unable to build generational wealth.
Families like mine were left essentially barred from qualifying for loans for homeownership and were not able to build generational wealth. As of last year, there are 90% more Black Chicagoans in redlined areas than in surrounding neighborhoods. It’s no wonder that a recent report put Illinois as the worst state in the nation for racial financial inequality.
We must take action to make it easier for Black Chicagoans to thrive, and our government can play a major role by helping more Black families keep more money in their pockets.
That’s why I have proposed the creation of a permanent Child Tax Credit (CTC), which would give Illinois parents who earn at or below the median income a $300 tax credit per child.
This policy will have a monumental impact on all communities, especially Black and Brown communities. Preliminary estimates provided by the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and Economic Security Project show that 60% of the money set aside by the new credit would go directly to Black and Brown families. […]
The Child Tax Credit I’ve proposed alongside my colleagues and with the support of over 40 statewide organizations would also indirectly benefit small and large businesses across our state.
Research has shown us that 80% of tax refund checks are redirected to local businesses through purchases at local stores. In fact, a recent study conducted by the Illinois Economic Policy Institute has demonstrated that a CTC would generate close to $1 billion in new economic activity in Illinois.
* Rep. Laura Faver Dias filed HB4744…
Provides that the Act may be referred to as the Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms Act. Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Provides that a person may voluntarily waive his or her firearm rights by filing a voluntary waiver, in a form determined by the Illinois State Police, with the clerk of a circuit court. Provides that the person shall also surrender any current Firearm Owner’s Identification Card or concealed carry license that has been issued to the person. Provides that the clerk of the circuit court must request a physical or scanned copy of photo identification to verify the person’s identity prior to accepting the form. Provides that the person filing the form may provide the name of a family member, mental health professional, substance use disorder professional, or other person to be contacted if the filer attempts to purchase a firearm while the voluntary waiver of firearm rights is in effect or if the filer applies to have the voluntary waiver revoked. Provides that a person who has filed a voluntary waiver of firearm rights may file a revocation of the voluntary waiver if at least 7 calendar days have passed since the voluntary waiver was initially filed. Provides that a person who knowingly makes a false statement regarding the person’s identity on the voluntary waiver of firearm rights form or revocation of waiver of firearm rights form is guilty of a Class 2 felony. Provides that the Illinois State Police shall develop a voluntary waiver of firearm rights form, a revocation of voluntary waiver of firearm rights form, and instructions for the surrender of firearms. Provides that records produced pursuant to the amendatory Act are not subject to disclosure as public records under the Freedom of Information Act. Amends the Freedom of Information Act and the Firearm Dealer License Certification Act to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.
* Rep. Kam Buckner…

* HB4743 from Rep. Gregg Johnson…
Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that the Department of Corrections shall establish an Office of Workplace Safety. Provides that the Office shall assess the Department’s compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and any other applicable health and safety rules, and make recommendations for improvements to processes and procedures to improve safety in the workplace. Provides that the Office shall also prepare an annual report on the Department’s state of compliance with all applicable health and safety laws and rules, plans for the future to increase compliance and further promote safety in the workplace, and any serious accident which occurred resulting in serious injury or death including lessons learned from those accidents and remedial measures undertaken as a result. Provides that this report shall be sent to the Director of Corrections, the Governor, and the General Assembly. Provides that the Director of Corrections shall appoint the Chief Workplace Safety Officer to administer the Office, who shall have a professional background and training in industrial and workplace safety or industrial hygiene. Provides that the Chief Workplace Safety Officer may employ subordinate employees at the Chief Workplace Safety Officer’s discretion to assist the Chief Workplace Safety Officer in carrying out the Chief Workplace Safety Officer’s duties. Provides that the Chief Workplace Safety Officer or any designated employee of the Office may conduct a workplace safety inspection of any property, equipment, or workplace under the control or supervision of the Department at any time, and shall conduct random unannounced inspections as often as deemed necessary. Provides that any person who fails to cooperate with an investigation inspection or who gives false testimony or documentary evidence shall be subject to discipline, or in the case of a person committed to the Department of Corrections a loss of privileges. Provides that violent actions by committed persons and the use of force by correctional officers and staff shall not be within the purview of the Office of Workplace Safety. Provides that the provisions of the amendatory Act are subject to appropriations.
* HB4762 from Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz…
Creates the Digital Voice and Likeness Protection Act. Provides that a provision in an agreement between an individual and any other person for the performance of personal or professional services is contrary to public policy and is deemed unenforceable if the provision meets all of the following conditions: (1) the provision allows for the creation and use of a digital replica of the individual’s voice or likeness in place of work the individual would otherwise have performed in person; (2) the provision does not clearly define and detail all of the proposed uses of the digital replica or the generative artificial intelligence system; and (3) the individual was not represented by legal counsel or by a labor union acting in a specified capacity. Provides that the Act shall apply retroactively. Provides that any person who is currently under, or has entered into, an agreement with an individual performing personal or professional services containing an unenforceable provision shall notify that individual in writing that the provision is unenforceable by January 1, 2025. Effective immediately.
* HB4787 from Rep. Amy Grant…
Creates the Paraprofessional Fast Track to Teaching Degree Pilot Program Act. Makes findings. Provides that the Paraprofessional Fast Track to Teaching Degree Pilot Program is created for a 2-year degree pathway by which paraprofessional educators may enroll to achieve the education requirements to attain a professional educator license in this State, which shall comply with the standards of the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education. Provides that, subject to appropriation, beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year or, if funds are not appropriated for the Program that academic year, beginning with the academic year in which funds are appropriated for the Program, the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education shall coordinate with each other to assign a qualified individual to serve as a Program director to develop the curriculum for the Program. Provides that one public elementary or public secondary school and one public university in this State shall be chosen to develop a program for transitioning paraprofessionals to teachers. Includes the core components of the Program. Provides that the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education must submit a report to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Legislative Reference Bureau detailing the impact of the Program and then the Program is dissolved and the Act is repealed. Effective immediately.
- Taft - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 9:52 am:
One note to Rep. Evans. It was the Federal Housing Authority that instituted redlining. Another shameful chapter in our nations past. It’s easy to lay all of the blame at the feet of the banks but important to remember the role of government in redlining. Hopefully we can all learn that lesson and not make the same mistakes again.
- Hannibal Lecter - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 9:57 am:
=== Illinois is the worst state in the union for racial financial inequality because of the failures of Chicago, Cook County and State government ===
Do you have any stats or research to support that statement?
- Lurker - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:01 am:
I am all for tax-incentives that incentivize behavior that is for the benefit of society. For example, homeownership incentives and tax breaks for the less wealthy is important to steer them to long-term institutional wealth. I’d prefer things like that over the proposed $300/child.
And of course, I agree with the author in the bias barriers of home-ownership need to come to a full stop. Government needs to do more here as both intentional and unintentional bias is uncontrolled.
- James - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:11 am:
The elimination of Single Family Residential zoning would destroy housing markets across Illinois. These types of zoning requirements build quality of life for Illinois residents, black, white, brown, etc, etc. It’s like the Illinois is the never ending home of the “liberal Olympics”.
- City Zen - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:15 am:
==Research has shown us that 80% of tax refund checks are redirected to local businesses through purchases at local stores.==
Sounds great. Give everyone a $300 tax refund.
==Illinois is the worst state in the union for racial financial inequality==
Actually, Minnesota and Iowa typically rank near the bottom in financial inequality.
- H-W - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:24 am:
I support Rep. Evans policy initiative. However, I would point out it does little to ease the housing problem. T solve that would require providing investment income, or tax exemptions and the state sharing or taking on the interest associated with home loans for people making less than the median income in certain designated zones / regions.
The lack of generational wealth can only be solved by addressing the root causes of generational wealth. Eliminating redlining and creating lending policies to make mortgages truly affordable is only a partial step in the right direction. But more is needed to help the working poor and working class afford home ownership.
- H-W - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:40 am:
Several good bills actually. Reps. Hayes and Buckner are taking on the good fight, and Rep. Gong-Gershowitz if very forward-thinking.
- cermak_rd - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:41 am:
Minnesota and Iowa also have much smaller populations of black people. SO I can see where IL would be worse than them just on the account of more people affected.
But the important thing is a $300 tax credit for qualifying families woulld benefit all poorer families. But it’s not enough. For people under the poverty rate or within twice of it, there needs to be a monthly credit and enough of it to actually help these families. This would have the benefit of keeping them and their children in our communities.
We need to get back to the idea of America. Sure the folks may be been poor, but the kids, they have a shot a middle class. America has lost its lead in class mobility. At this point in time we are mere middle of the pack beat by virtually every western European nation.
- The Dude - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 10:53 am:
I honestly do believe that parents have had a particularly difficult time compared to most.
The pandemic made childcare a difficult balance act and inflation on food has also hits families harder because of more mouths to feed.
Then you look at tax credits and they have gone down despite parenting being more costly. It doesn’t make sense and we need to be promoting children in this state that’s losing people.
Makes sense to do something.
- Steve - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:17 am:
- 60% of the money set aside by the new credit would go directly to Black and Brown families.-
A violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act plain and simple.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:24 am:
===plain and simple===
And you figure that how? There are no explicit racial components to the legislation.
Maybe don’t be the guy who always posts comments like that here.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:28 am:
@ Steve -
How so? The tax credit goes to ANY parents who earn at or below the median income. Are you suggesting that because black and brown families are more likely to be in that category, and hence more likely to benefit from the credit, that that’s a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Would you say the same if the majority of people falling into that category were white?
It’s a simple matter of demographics.
- thisjustinagain - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:50 am:
To JoanP at 11:28 am: Don’t let facts spoil the party; never mind black/brown people have some of the highest poverty rates. I guess Steve wants more handouts for rich white people or something.
- Wobblies United - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:55 am:
–The elimination of Single Family Residential zoning would destroy housing markets across Illinois–
Would you like to expand on what a multifamily unit does to the “quality of life” in a neighborhood?
Rep. Buckner’s bill is a reasonable and sensible bill that addresses a direct cause of high housing costs and systemic segregation. Read Color of the Law, by Richard Rothstein, to educate oneself on the issue if need be.
- JS Mill - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:56 am:
=This would have the benefit of keeping them and their children in our communities.=
So would a state investment in daycare for families. That would allow the parents to work or go to school/training and hopefully begin a path to financial independence. I think an investment like that would be far more important and effective than tax credits or payments.
=Creates the Paraprofessional Fast Track to Teaching Degree Pilot Program Act.=
Another republican trying to dumb down education training. We need more rigor not less. Our kids have more needs not fewer. This can be accomplished but legislators don’t know how and are not listening to educators.
Why not create regional locations for para training and then provide scholarships and childcare for those that wish to become licensed teachers? A big investment that will pay off quickly and with greater quality than this.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 11:59 am:
== Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms Act … ==
While I read the safeguards and penalities for a using said process, I can still see a loophole of sorts where close family members or friends would also have access to the needed documentation. Would be a better bill if it required the person filing the proposed form had to appear in person.
- historic66 - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 12:08 pm:
==Another republican trying to dumb down education training. We need more rigor not less. Our kids have more needs not fewer. This can be accomplished but legislators don’t know how and are not listening to educators.
Why not create regional locations for para training and then provide scholarships and childcare for those that wish to become licensed teachers? A big investment that will pay off quickly and with greater quality than this.==
Agreed. Many of the teachers coming out of these fast track programs are unprepared and overwhelmed when handed the keys to a classroom. I have seen several only last a year in a position before taking another position in a different district before struggling in that position as well.
- The Doc - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 12:31 pm:
==The elimination of Single Family Residential zoning would destroy housing markets across Illinois==
James, if you’re actually arguing in good faith, I’d urge you to read the bill.
It doesn’t eliminate single family home zoning. It bans any local statute that limits a parcel to single family home zoning. That’s a huge difference.
- Duck Duck Goose - Tuesday, Feb 6, 24 @ 3:33 pm:
“It doesn’t eliminate single family home zoning. It bans any local statute that limits a parcel to single family home zoning. That’s a huge difference.”
The Doc, if your actually arguing in good faith, I’d be interested in hearing what you think the difference is.
Prohibiting the designation of land for single family housing is the same thing as eliminating single family housing. That’s how zoning works.
- Tim - Wednesday, Feb 7, 24 @ 4:38 pm:
=== I’d be interested in hearing what you think the difference is. ===
The difference is that a zoning district that permits either single-family or low-density multi-family would still be permitted.
This wouldn’t eliminate single-family homes as a permitted housing type.