Once Converted To Electric, Consumers Will Pay 3x As Much. Keep Our Energy Options Safe And Affordable.
Friday, Mar 8, 2024 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] There are real costs and risks associated with decarbonizing without a plan. To convert to electric could cost as much as $70,000 per home. Once converted to electric, instead of saving, consumers would be hit with higher prices. The cost of an electric BTU is 3x more than the cost of a natural gas BTU. When Governor Pritzker’s appointees on the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) shut down the natural gas line Safety Modernization Program, it not only wiped out 1,000 jobs, but also subjected residents and business owners to the unnecessary danger of old, leaky gas infrastructure. It makes no sense for Illinois to shut down the gas line safety program that prevents methane leaks and catastrophic accidents. We are calling on Illinois residents to fight back with us and tell Governor Pritzker and the ICC to decarbonize the right way. Fix our dangerous gas lines first. Click on the links to view our ads: Ticking Time Bomb & Real Change. Paid for by Fight Back Fund