Early afternoon precinct reports
Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller * I scheduled a medical checkup for this afternoon and I’m hoping to also get a haircut. Isabel is in charge. What have you seen so far in your area? Turnout appears abysmal in most places, is it in yours as well? Any controversies at the polling place? Give us the dish and don’t forget to tell us where you’re at. Thanks!
- YoungDonald - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 12:40 pm:
Election Judges in Franklin County are saying that turnout is “above average.” Lot of high profile races here - Bost, Bryant, Severin and a 3-way judge primary.
- Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 12:53 pm:
Springfield Precinct 54 (in Washington Park) said turnout was dismal. Only 34 people by 12:30pm. Worst turnout those judges can ever remember seeing.
- Soda Bread - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 12:57 pm:
Larry Dominick’s team has nobody out working the precincts in Cicero
- Here - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 1:03 pm:
Rock Island County started the day with about 7,000 early votes cast — very low turnout heading into election day.
No contested races except for the 17th congressional GOP primary.
- Route 50 Corridor - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 1:13 pm:
At 12 in a four-precinct polling place in Richland County there were 112 voters, roughy 5%. Very low turnout across our area.
- Techie - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 1:36 pm:
In Sugar Grove around 12:45pm, one of the election judges told me 183 people had voted so far. By comparison, over 3,000 voted on election day in the last general election. So even if today’s total became 300, that’s 10% of the general election turnout.
- RedbirdWord - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 1:46 pm:
VERY SLOW on the west side of Springfield. Averaging 4 voters/hour, 32 at 1:45pm. Capital 86 getting the most traffic at this joint polling place.
- ChicagoBars - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 2:12 pm:
I’m not voting until the 5pm end of day push at my own polling place but the turnout at Manny’s Deli for lunch was incredible. Haven’t seen that many elected officials there in a long, long history of election day watching lunches there.
- Two left feet - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 2:13 pm:
Is there a way to confirm that your mail in ballots have been received and counted? Even if this is done after the election, doing so would build confidence in the process and promote it further.
- Steve Judd - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 2:16 pm:
In my west suburban Cook/Proviso Twp. precinct at Noon—-63 votes cast out of 750 RVs. Even more disgraceful, no coffee or doughnuts for the election day officials.
- Mamacita - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 2:42 pm:
Slow day in Effingham county. I finished all the coffee in my OG Stanley by mid-morning
- Mamacita - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 2:45 pm:
Effingham county election judges were surprised to arrive and learn voters’ applications to vote include a tear-off “receipt” that goes to the voter. Wish they’d told us about that at training (and wish it was on paper with better perforations)
- Guzzlepot - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 2:54 pm:
@Two left feet
I can track my mail in ballot on the County Clerk’s website. I live in one of the collar counties, and I assume every Clerk has this on their website.
- jackmac - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 3:03 pm:
Checking in from Kendall County (unincorporated Oswego) where there is about a 6 percent turnout in my precincts as of 3 p.m. (125 voters out of around 2,000 registered in two precincts handled at my local elementary school).
- Proud Sucker - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 3:06 pm:
Central Kane, two precinct polling place, just under 7% per the judges (there is an independent judge in addition to the other two).
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 3:09 pm:
=Is there a way to confirm that your mail in ballots have been received and counted?=
Chicago sends a confirmation email when ballot is sent and when ballot is received and will be counted.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 19, 24 @ 3:14 pm:
OK, closing this one down and starting a fresh thread https://capitolfax.com/2024/03/19/late-afternoonevening-precinct-reports-2/