* We talked yesterday about this comment by Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson…
“Remember the mass shooting that happened in Highland Park and all of the services that they got? That’s what we’re asking for. That’s all,” the mayor said.
“What other suburban places get around the country when mass shootings happen like that, we’re just simply saying that Chicago deserves that as well.”
* The governor was asked about that today and whether it was the right thing to do…
Actually, it took a letter from the governor in order to kick that off. So, I was asked by the City of Chicago to write the letter for them, and so we did. We sent that to the White House and to the federal government. As we saw with Highland Park, where there was a lot of support that came from the FBI and other federal agencies, that’s what the city of Chicago should get.
We also need a lot of interdiction on the many guns that are coming over the border into Illinois from states that have very lax gun laws. We need more enforcement from the federal government. We’re doing it, by the way, state police, CPD, but more help from the federal government is necessary.
And so, yeah, it was the right thing for him to do.
* I asked the governor’s office for the letter…
July 4, 2024
Stefanie Feldman
Director, White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Director Feldman:
I am writing you today in support of the City of Chicago’s request for additional federal resources and assistance to reduce gun violence. Historically, there has been an uptick in violence during holiday weekends such as the Fourth of July, and it has come to my attention that Chicago experienced a mass shooting early this morning which involved several victims, including minors and children of tender age. The City of Chicago has communicated to my office that they need additional federal resources to respond to this tragedy.
Specifically, I urge the White House to support the City of Chicago with funding and resources to help with victim services for families and emergency victim services support. Additionally, any funding or resources that could assist the City of Chicago’s public health response in the wake of this incident would be most helpful as the victims and those impacted navigate the difficulty of such an occurrence in their community. I hope the White House can assist with surging the mental health, therapeutic, and grief support services necessary to aid the recovery of those involved and closely impacted.
Furthermore, I ask the White House to provide any emergency support services for those impacted beyond those immediately involved, such as support for first responders and small businesses within the community.
I appreciate your attention to the City’s request and hope you are able to support the City of Chicago by providing them the resources and funding necessary to adequately combat and respond to incidents of gun violence, both now and in the future. I hope this letter underscores my support for the City of Chicago, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside Mayor Johnson and the federal government to build a safer and stronger Chicago.
Governor JB Pritzker
Cc: President Joseph R. Biden
- NotRich - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 2:51 pm:
When you have to resort to writing letters you have already lost the battle.
- LastModDemStanding - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:02 pm:
Curious about the specific amount in millions in grants and assistance Chicago already receives from the Feds for these issues, especially compared to other jurisdictions. The Mayor made it sound like $0, which is certainly not true.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:09 pm:
that’s nice. but Chicago has to get a handle on things. so many shootings by juveniles. juvenile court is not some oh you were a bad boy place but too many treat it that way. some of these kids need to go inside for a while.
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:11 pm:
I guess the “City of Chicago” had to ask since Mayor Johnson was on vacation on July 4.
- City Zen - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:14 pm:
Brandon is quick to label “mass shootings” as such outside Chicago but still can’t bring himself to say it when it happens in Chicago. Even his statement tiptoes around it.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving the problem.
- Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:32 pm:
- Brandon is quick to label “mass shootings” as such outside Chicago but still can’t bring himself to say it when it happens in Chicago. -
What are you talking about? From the article:
- The mayor pleaded for help from other officials and has asked federal authorities “to respond to the mass shootings in the city of Chicago … just like they do in other places in this country.” -
- Sue - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:35 pm:
Brandon apparently is blaming R’s for this weekend’s shootings. Just another problem needing someone to figure out the root clauses. Maybe The President will pass off the letter to the VP
- supplied_demand - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:39 pm:
==When you have to resort to writing letters you have already lost the battle.==
What does this even mean? It is how the process of getting resources works. Let’s criticize the mayor for his actual missteps, not made up grievances.
“Actually, it took a letter from the governor in order to kick that off.”
- DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:50 pm:
Seems like the program the Mayor is asking for should be a permanent one run from the county hospital or whatever satellite places that might be needed. And should be well advertised and promoted.
However the mayor looks silly blaming the violence on Nixon
- charles in charge - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:51 pm:
==some of these kids need to go inside for a while.==
Splendid idea if your goal is to make the problem worse. There is overwhelming evidence that incarcerating youth does not reduce crime and actually undermines public safety. Sorry to inform you that your thirst for incarcerating kids as a public safety strategy isn’t supported by research (if that even matters to you).
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 3:54 pm:
Absolutely, good idea. Chicago gets a large number of illegal guns from red states. Good on Mayor Johnson. Maybe mental health and other support services for Black and Brown gun crime victims upsets Republicans and NIMBY Democratic types, but it’s long overdue. There is even racism in mass shooting aftermaths.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 5:13 pm:
I have zero thirst for incarcerating kids. what I have is a thirst to protect people. victims are victims no matter the age of the offender.
- charles in charge - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 5:47 pm:
== what I have is a thirst to protect people==
Then why would you propose doubling down on policies that have been proven over and over again NOT to protect people? The “superpredator” era was an unmitigated disaster that we should never repeat. If you really want to protect people then maybe you should educate yourself about what works and what doesn’t before you ignorantly spout off about wanting to lock kids up.
- Macon Bakin - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 5:48 pm:
Berating the suburbs will not increase mourning for violence in Chicago, that only makes suburbanites double down. Also the HP shooting happened at a fourth parade so the shootings are not truly like one another as Johnson claims.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 6:27 pm:
While some of you are correct in pointing out the difference in the shootings, that really doesn’t mean much. I mean, if anything, there needs to be more resources put into the city like were spent in Highland Park. Shootings are shootings. They cause real and long lasting trauma for victims, bystanders and even people who live near the area. We should be assisting wherever we can. The military finally woke up to this. We should also learn it.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 7:39 pm:
studies are going to be interesting when they look at those who offend again in Chicago in the last few years. of all ages.
- Just a Random Guy - Tuesday, Jul 9, 24 @ 11:32 pm:
=maybe you should educate yourself about what works and what doesn’t before you ignorantly spout off==
Oh, genius charles, so adorable. Please tell us what does work since you seem to have all the answers. Then let us know why you’re not the Mayor. Speaking of ignorantly spouting off….
- frayedcat - Wednesday, Jul 10, 24 @ 3:25 pm: