Sorry for the double posting. Just curious if there are any Illinois DNC delegates on this blog. If so, have you had any reach-out by any organizing efforts around the upcoming nomination? Thanks in advance.
I’m learning so much on my tour of Illinois. Yesterday I was in Alton and learned that James Earl Ray was born there. I also learned that a block away from his home is now called Martin Luther King Drive. Not sure if that was intentional but it’s a fitting tribute to King that he’s the one being honored there.
- Downstate - Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 10:12 am:
Welcomed rain for our area farmers. Now if we can get 1″ per week until harvest, it will be perfect. But that may be too much, and specific, to ask.
- Downstate - Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 10:14 am:
Sorry for the double posting. Just curious if there are any Illinois DNC delegates on this blog. If so, have you had any reach-out by any organizing efforts around the upcoming nomination? Thanks in advance.
- Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, Jul 11, 24 @ 12:52 pm:
I’m learning so much on my tour of Illinois. Yesterday I was in Alton and learned that James Earl Ray was born there. I also learned that a block away from his home is now called Martin Luther King Drive. Not sure if that was intentional but it’s a fitting tribute to King that he’s the one being honored there.