Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Republican chair claims Pritzker ‘desperate’ to leave Illinois (Updated)
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Republican chair claims Pritzker ‘desperate’ to leave Illinois (Updated)

Thursday, Jul 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller


As Democrats from across the country scramble to get into Vice President Kamala Harris’s good graces, JB Prtizker has joined the fray hitting the liberal national media circuit as the latest Governor to kiss the ring in a desperate attempt to leave his state for Washington. Pritzker has made no secret that he has ambitions beyond *just* governing our state.

Illinois Republican Party Chair Kathy Salvi released the following statement:
“No one is surprised that JB Pritzker is chomping at the bit to leave Illinois. He’s shown more interest in campaigning around the country this year than he has in reducing the tax burden that has made Illinois the least “tax friendly” state in the country and 2nd in the country for residents leaving. We welcome Vice President Harris considering Governor Pritzker, because his poor track record would all but guarantee our neighbors, Wisconsin and MIchigan, swing Republican, as they’ve benefitted from the mismanagement of our state by an out of touch billionaire. He’s all yours, madam Vice President.”


…Adding… DPI


  1. - Neef Jr. - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:16 am:

    C- as far as a snarky statement. It has the makings of a good joke but like all other things touched by the IL GOP it falls flat.

  2. - The Way I See It - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:19 am:

    Thoughts and prayers, Kathy Salvi. The Republican Party is a long way from relevance in Illinois.

  3. - NewToSpringfield - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:19 am:

    The Democrats are flexing their bench/previewing the next generation of leadership. JB is a longshot and a half for VP, and I’m sure he knows it.

  4. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:21 am:

    Champing. It’s ‘champing at the bit’, Kathy.

    The rest of your analysis is equally as intelligent.

  5. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:23 am:

    Kathy, it is “champing” at the bit, not chomping. But that is certainly not the only misstatement in your missive.

  6. - DS - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:24 am:

    Pretty weak take.

  7. - Norseman - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:25 am:

    Spoken by the state head of a cult that had its last elected leader leave the state after he got thrown out of office for doing a horrible job.

    Obviously, JB, like most people, is looking at career advancement opportunities. But he has done more to sell the positives of this state than the IL MAGA GOP.

  8. - Pundent - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:26 am:

    It’s a message that will draw hoots and hollers from the base. But someone needs to remind the chairperson that the goal of the gig is to return her party to relevancy. Like much of the ILGOP, Kathy Salvi seems to be in it for the likes not the votes.

  9. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:36 am:

    =Kathy, it is “champing=

    “But, Webster’s adds that “chomp at the bit” is a variation.

    What’s more, no less an authority than William Safire weighed in 31 years ago, saying that “to spell it champing at the bit when most people would say chomping at the bit is to slavishly follow outdated dictionary preferences.”

  10. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:36 am:

    ===…the tax burden that has made Illinois the least “tax friendly” state in the country and 2nd in the country for residents leaving.===

    Same message, new messenger.

  11. - Not a Superstar - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:42 am:

    Drop a few g’s and you could have convinced me this was Bruce Rauner.

  12. - Frida's boss - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:43 am:

    Meh, they’ve gotta at least take hits. It’s like being a Democrat in Idaho, still have to try and make noise.
    The Gov is in an upward swing, it is in the best interest of the Illinois GOP to have JB go national. He may still spend money but his team won’t be in town.

  13. - levivotedforjudy - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:44 am:

    Man, if that’s the best you’ve got, maybe you should just stay quiet. Pretty weak.

  14. - TJ - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:46 am:

    GOP is the party of projection, and given that it seems like every Republican that loses leaves Illinois, that seems to be the case here, too.

  15. - So_Ill - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:49 am:

    Where are Bruce Rauner and Ken Griffin these days? I haven’t heard much from them lately.

  16. - Baloneymous - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:49 am:

    ===”out of touch billionaire”===

    You mean JB or the other one who wore Timex watches and Carhartt jackets, and then wore a biker vest with way too much flair at a Trump rally?

  17. - Bollywood - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:51 am:

    - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:36 am:

    ===…the tax burden that has made Illinois the least “tax friendly” state in the country and 2nd in the country for residents leaving.===

    Same message, new messenger.

    I see you didn’t deny it….hmmmm

  18. - Ares - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 11:56 am:

    Why would JB want to trade a vigorous term as Governor for a “do-nothing”, “wait in the wings” gig like VPOTUS?

  19. - Politix - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:03 pm:

    Weak and sad. GOP got no game whatsoever.

  20. - Amalia - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:08 pm:

    weak. and hilarious. quantum computing says hello.

  21. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:11 pm:

    “When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.”

    It would be unsurprising if the Khan of Khans felt similarly.

    – MrJM

  22. - We’ll See - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:12 pm:

    So if JB is “… the latest Governor to kiss the ring” what’s Kathy try to kiss these days?

  23. - Walker - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:14 pm:

    And I thought Tracy’s commentary couldn’t be surpassed in stupidity.

  24. - Macon Bakin - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:16 pm:

    *Stares in Rauner*

  25. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:16 pm:

    Please Bollywood, the doom grifters have a new messenger, but all they have to offer is a dystopian view of our state. If it is so awful, then you’re and they are free to find the best state for yourselves. I’m staying here, and I dismiss those who think Illinois is destined for failure. We’ve made great strides as a state in just six years. There is plenty of evidence for that all around you if you open your eyes. Try it sometime.

  26. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:28 pm:

    “no less an authority than William Safire”

    Ah, an appeal to authority.

    Slang and clichés are in the dictionary too. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to use it in official communications.

    “Ain’t” is in the dictionary.

    But what do I know, maybe the new chair of the party wants to put out the message to the masses they are going to be doing things informally, and will not bother themselves with doing things correctly.

  27. - Jerry - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:31 pm:

    Sounds like she’s “interested” in JB.

  28. - Drew - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:33 pm:

    If he were desperate to leave Illinois, wouldn’t he have done so already?

  29. - Bigtwich - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:39 pm:

    Kathy Salvi is “chomping” at the bit to have JB Pritzker leave Illinois.

  30. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:41 pm:

    The state party is absolutely dedicated to the downward spiral it has been in for twenty plus years. Blatant falsehoods mixed with unnecessary nastiness. The only people that take this message to heart are already wingnut zealots or 100% ignorant of the past decade.

  31. - Save Ferris - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:46 pm:

    An AI generated response.

  32. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:47 pm:

    =hitting the liberal national media circuit as the latest Governor to kiss the ring in a desperate attempt=

    Cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard at politics. I guess the ILGOP were not witness to the GOP VP apprenticeship challenge and all the bending of the knee that went on there.

    To funny these guys are.

  33. - Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:48 pm:

    “I knew Al Salvi. And you are no Al Salvi.”

  34. - Will Colquhoun - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:56 pm:

    Harris will never select JB when there are swing-state options like Kelly, Shapiro, and Cooper. She will carry Illinois easily without JB so he’s going to stay put.

    I certainly haven’t seen him that eager to be VP, but I’m sure he’s happy people are talking about him as presidential material.

  35. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 12:58 pm:

    - I see you didn’t deny it….hmmmm -

    Why bother? The IL GOP has been repeating that same message for years and they keep losing elections, who wants to mess up a good thing?

  36. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:05 pm:

    Presidential Primaries are a different animal. His best shot at the Presidency would be becoming Vice President now which would set him up for a run 4 or 8 years from now.

    He can be Governor of Illinois as long as he likes but eschewing the nomination to Vice President is something that should be done if and only if one never wants to run for president. Especially considering that people who would be aware of the decision to decline the nomination will be running the campaigns of other democratic presidential hopefuls in an open primary.

    I personally do not think that our Governor is the type who would be called upon to serve and decide not to answer the call and I would be saddened to learn otherwise.

  37. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:08 pm:

    Every Republican accusation is a confession part 2342. They think Illinois is awful so they think everyone wants to flee.

  38. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:15 pm:

    ===chomping at the bit to leave Illinois===

    ===benefitted from the mismanagement of our state by an out of touch billionaire.===

    Where exactly is Bruce Rauner right now?

    How about Ken Griffin?

    Did we ever establish what state Jim Oberweis is living in now?

    This isn’t the layup I’d be trying to make if I were the GOP, but hey, at least Darren Bailey is sticking it out for the long haul. Right?

  39. - Garfield Ridge Guy - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:20 pm:

    Did the original statement include the typo on “MIchigan”? Sloppy, if so.

  40. - Roman - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:20 pm:

    There are worse lines of attack for the state GOP. I mean, they’re not going to win idealogical debates. A combination of “taxes are too high” and “the governor is focused on his national profile instead of the state” is low-hanging fruit.

  41. - PublicServant - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:25 pm:

    The Illinois Maga GOP has been bad-mouthing Illinois for so long, that the only people who listened to them, their voters, have left the state already. Talk about the art of the self-own,

  42. - Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:26 pm:

    It’s republican Kathy Salvi… who sounds desperate…I think I know why.

  43. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:27 pm:

    Republicans helped pass infrastructure with Pritzker that is helping rebuild the state, but they can’t stop with the negativity. Because their voters demand it.

  44. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 1:28 pm:

    ===Did the original statement include===

    The statement was copied and pasted and not altered by me.

  45. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 2:00 pm:

    =Did the original statement include the typo on “MIchigan”? Sloppy, if so.=

    Somewhere an elementary school is missing their librarian.

  46. - bored now - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 2:17 pm:

    sounds like republicans are desperate to get rid of him!

  47. - scurvydog - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 2:27 pm:

    =made Illinois the least “tax friendly” state in the country=
    Pepole often forget that taxes pay for things, many of which improve the quality of life where you live. Would I like to pay less taxes? Of course. But I choose to live here anyway.

  48. - clec dcn - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 2:29 pm:

    JB holds no appeal to me as VEEP and less as president. That said I think his ambition is to move to this and if so then he should take the VP run. I not sure it helps all that much from a swing state but I suppose from the correct one it could pull the election. Harris needs to think deep if she is capable of it,

  49. - Lurker - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 2:50 pm:

    Projecting much? We know that there is one person that you must kiss the ring or he will go on social media and give you a weak burn IN ALL CAPS and much banned punctuation.

  50. - Proud Papa Bear - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 3:03 pm:

    It’s funny - wherever I go, whether it’s my purple county, bluer Lake County, or deep red Central Illinois, I see nothing but MAGA this, [expletive] JB that, yet the state is still solidly blue.
    It’s almost as if most people are happy with our state and keep their mouths shut about their contentedness.

  51. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 4:13 pm:

    =It’s almost as if most people are happy with our state and keep their mouths shut about their contentedness.=


    I think most of us just don’t feel the need to shout at the clouds or profess our admiration and fealty to an entitled fancy pants from New York with flags and hats.

  52. - New Day - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 4:16 pm:

    So ironic that she posted about JB’s poor leadership on the very same day his Quantum Dreams took a giant leap forward. He did more today than the entire IL GOP has done in years to move Illinois forward.

    #Sad #Pathetic #NewMaterialNeeded

  53. - Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 4:58 pm:

    I’m selfish and want JB to stay. But if he goes to DC it’s more likely a cabinet office position, like Commerce. Though he is a lawyer and would make a fantastic Supreme Court appointment for an expanded court.

  54. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 5:03 pm:

    Miss Salvi seems unhinged as Illinois Republican Party chair.She swings for the fences but is called out at first base. Miss Salvi needs better material if she chooses to remain the spokesperson for the Illinois GOP.

  55. - Primate - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 8:10 pm:

    The fact that the ILGOP prompted a response from DPI is a step in the right direction alone. Plus, it sure got everyone on here pretty stirred up. Over 50 posts and going… I think her message got the response desired.

  56. - Suburban Mom - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 10:22 pm:

    I deeply don’t understand why the GOP is so desperate to run against JB nationally. Like, yeah, he’s fat, they get to make fat jokes. But he’s also the most affable guy in the universe, he’s always in on the joke (including the fat jokes), and he’s sharp as hell when he wants to be.

    If JB eventually does have a national platform, I think he’ll do very well there. He’s good at telling his story, he doesn’t pretend to be anything he’s not, and he’s great at talking to people.

    It is super-bizarre to me that the GOP thinks “telling fat jokes about the VEEP, when the VEEP is actually very likeable” is how they’re going to win the nomination.

  57. - low level - Thursday, Jul 25, 24 @ 10:53 pm:

    The downfall of the once proud IL GOP can be traced to the Salvis. First Al upset Bob Kustra in the ‘96 Senate primary and proceded to get demolished by Dick Durbin. Then he beat Bob Churchill in ‘98 for secretary of state and huge to Jesse White. So

    The more moderate Kustra and Churchill would have been better candidates in the fall for Republicans. It all went downhill for Illinois Republicans after that. So much winning…

  58. - NotYourGramma - Monday, Jul 29, 24 @ 10:19 am:

    PsiQuantum seems to like Illinois just fine. I don’t seem to remember Rauner attracting that big of a deal.

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