Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pritzker calls for Sangamon County Sheriff Campbell’s resignation (Updated x3)
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Pritzker calls for Sangamon County Sheriff Campbell’s resignation (Updated x3)

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Subscribers know more. Governor Pritzker at an unrelated news conference this morning

Amanda Vinicky: Could speak about you why are you calling for the resignation of the Sangamon County Sheriff? And also, I believe, you committed to the Massey family that you would sign a bill in her name?

Governor Pritzker: That’s a little inaccurate. We had a conversation about it. There wasn’t a bill. There were some ideas that were discussed when I visited with the Massey family.

But let me just begin by reminding everybody of this terrible tragedy and something that never should happen anywhere in the United States, let alone in the state of Illinois or in Sangamon County. Where a woman who called police to get help, asked them to protect her was instead killed by the deputy sheriff. And if you watch the video, in a horrific fashion.

I can’t get past the idea that we have to do more to protect people. We’ve done a lot, and I want to credit the Illinois State Police, who did the investigation in a very short 10 days. That’s hard to do, to do an investigation, because you’ve got to do a lot of interviews. It’s a, you know, I think a fulsome endeavor and came to the state’s attorney, who immediately was able to get a grand jury to file charges. So it happened in a quick fashion as it can. But it never should have happened in the first place.

And I talked to one of the Black elected leaders in Illinois just after it happened, to get her perspective and she shared with me because I was so upset about it. She shared with me that even though, yeah, we haven’t made enough progress. She said to me that, you know, in years past, there never would have been an investigation. There wouldn’t have been a body cam. No one would have known what really happened. And maybe the silver lining, if there is a silver lining in this, is that someone is being held accountable. And yet we have much more to do.

So, yes, I sat with the Massey family and promised them that we would look at every avenue to determine how we might prevent this from happening to anyone ever again.

And I called for the Sheriff’s resignation, because the sheriff has failed. He has failed to explain how he ended up hiring this deputy sheriff who has been fired from other departments. He failed to put forward reforms that clearly need to be made, training and other reforms.

And [Campbell] still has failed to meet with the Massey family. That seems to me, I’m not saying that’s a fireable offense to not meet with them. But that just seems outrageous to me. At a minimum, listen to them, hear them and then, hopefully, take action.

So that’s why I called, and the Lieutenant Governor and I did that together, just to be clear, called for his resignation.

…Adding… WAND reporter Caryn Eisert has Sheriff Campbell’s response

I was overwhelmingly elected to lead the Sheriff’s Office through both good times and bad. I am fully prepared to continue leading my office and serving the residents of Sangamon County through this difficult period, ensuring we learn from this tragedy and work toward a better future.

* Campbell’s full statement…

The Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office continues to grieve for Sonya Massey and her family. While our grief cannot compare to the pain of the family, our office is trying to heal from within; All employees of the Sheriff’s Office feel betrayed by one of their own.
On four separate occasions, I have requested to meet with the Massey family through intermediaries designated by the family. My requests have been rejected or not accepted. I am still willing to meet with the family.

The Sheriff’s Office is willing to modify our hiring practices in order to prevent an incident like this from occurring again. However, before changes can be made, it is important to identify the problem. We have used a process that we believe was consistent with statewide standards. If these standards are deficient, we would advocate a change at all necessary levels. 

We are working diligently to gather all the facts in order to make intelligent decisions and to avoid making changes that are unlikely to lead to meaningful results. I agree with the Governor’s comments from yesterday, there are still questions. I have worked tirelessly to make all the facts available to the public as swiftly and transparently as possible.

I am committed to working with our community and elected leaders to improve not only the Sheriff’s Office but also hiring standards on a statewide level to prevent a state agency from certifying a similar law enforcement officer six different times in the future. 

We need to unite and heal. The one responsible is in jail and will never work in law enforcement again. Calls for my resignation are nothing more than political maneuvering during a tragic event and only hurt the good citizens of Sangamon County.

I was overwhelmingly elected to lead the Sheriff’s Office through both good times and bad. I am fully prepared to continue leading my office and serving the residents of Sangamon County through this difficult period, ensuring we learn from this tragedy and work toward a better future.

…Adding… The governor pushed back on Campbell’s statement during his second press conference of the day

It’s been a month. It’s been a month. We should have seen already a meeting with the Massey family. If he’s reached out, he hasn’t done a very good job, because the Massey family hasn’t had the meeting that they’ve asked for.

Second, as you know, the deputy sheriff resigned from every position. [Sean Grayson] held positions for less than a year, sometimes for just a few months, six times resigned. And I ask the question simply, and I think people have for a month now, what did the sheriff know about his background? Why didn’t he do more work on his background before hiring him? And a month has gone by again. A lot could have been said about that over the course of this month.

And the final thing is, this isn’t about politics. It’s about bringing people together in Sangamon County and making people feel safe. It’s the sheriff’s job to make people feel safe, and he’s done the opposite of that by not answering questions, by going to a church and beginning his remarks by saying, I’m not resigning, like as if that’s the first thing people want to hear. And then there are signs that have been put up about saving him, not doing something about the murder of Sonia Massey, but about saving his political career. So I think he’s the one that’s played politics. It’s time for him to go.


  1. - Hmmm - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:14 am:

    Does The Governor’s team realize that it was their agency ILETSB who ok’d the background check on this former police officer who is now (as he should be) facing murder charges?

  2. - halving_fun - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:17 am:

    Need to make those requested reform changes actual Illinois law

  3. - Lurker - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:31 am:

    I worked with Jack and visiting the family is simply not his style. He is not wired that way. But, even I must agree, this is something he should get the courage and do.

  4. - FIREDup! - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:36 am:

    The Gov didn’t hire the guy or completely ignore his calls that additional training was needed. That’s on Jack.

    Not wired for compassion and empathy? So he’s not a human being. Noted.

    Local elected officials who haven’t condemned this, where are you? Not a peep out of Andy Van Meter or any Republican? Come on.


  5. - Tony T. - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:43 am:

    == Does The Governor’s team realize that it was their agency ILETSB who ok’d the background check on this former police officer ==

    Not sure if that’s clear yet, but it’s definitely worth looking into. That has not been a particularly well run agency, so no one should be surprised if they dropped the ball.

  6. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:44 am:

    “I am fully prepared to continue leading[…]”

    But he isn’t continuing anything. If he plans on continuing what he’s already done, that even more reason for him to resign.

    I’ve been watching this guys responses and reaction. This guy will never let his ego get out of the way.

  7. - Mike Gascoigne - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:50 am:

    How many times must a black American be shot by a police officer before this epidemic is taken seriously? This is not the first time that this has happened in America. Everyone knows there is a problem with police officers not being thoroughly vetted and being allowed to murder black Americans without consequence. It has been happening for decades. So if, in 2024, you hire a police officer who murders a black woman at point blank range and then refuses to get her treatment…your career is over. There are no excuses for this behavior. You do not get to serve the community because you never did serve the community. When will we ever learn?

  8. - Shytown - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:51 am:

    Hmm… Have to clear up some facts there. iletsb does background checks that cover things like misdemeanors and felonies. Those are the flags they are supposed to look out for in a background check. this guy didn’t have any. Anything beyond that is in the hands at the hiring entity. Even in the case of the DUI, it’s neither a decertifiable offense nor would prohibit a police entity to hire an officer with one on their record (sure seems backwards to me, but that’s a fact).

  9. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:52 am:

    ===I was overwhelmingly elected to lead the Sheriff’s Office through both good times and bad. I am fully prepared to continue leading my office and serving the residents of Sangamon County through this difficult period, ensuring we learn from this tragedy and work toward a better future. ===

    I am not sure the Sheriff understands that people are upset at him because he hired a murderer whose employment history was questionable at best and so far his explanation for hiring this murderer is that a retired deputy was trying to get his daughter’s boyfriend a job on the Sheriff’s payroll.

    The public trusted Campbell and he hired a murderer to help out a buddy. We don’t need to tolerate Campbell’s on the job education to learn to avoid hiring murderers.

  10. - Kayak - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:53 am:

    I would not sit down and talk to a family calling for my resignation either. I met Jack and Matt in 1999 serving warrants. He is one of the most honest and honorable to be pinned with a badge, and I, Kayak, am calling for him to be retained. As unfortunate as the situation is he has responded appropriately especially during multiple ongoing investigations.

  11. - Lincoln Lad - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:00 pm:

    His friends need to tell the sheriff he needs to step down… don’t reinforce him and encourage him to stay. You’re not helping him… you’re actually doing harm. He can’t stay in that job, he needs to leave with dignity and get on with his life. It won’t be in that job.

  12. - Bob - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:02 pm:


    That’s just nepotism. The Sheriff’s position is effectively “It’s not my fault! He was a nepotism hire!”

  13. - Dotnonymous x - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:02 pm:

    - I worked with Jack and visiting the family is simply not his style. -

    There’s a name for that style many will be able to guess.

  14. - Julie Moore - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:03 pm:

    A DUI and a Army separation without Honor and worked for several law enforcement agencies for a short period of time. So basically the other law enforcement agencies were going to keep him past the probation period. There are a few Red flags which were ignored.

  15. - Politix - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:03 pm:

    @Kayak Even the most honest and honorable make mistakes. He hired a friend’s son who had a long track record of unlawful behavior. A nepo-cop with a happy trigger finger is not a great hire. Someone needs to be accountable for that.

    The reason Black people continue to die at the hands of police is because the police rarely held accountable.

    Another irony: the ILETSB is well-funded to provide police training.

  16. - Succinctly Superfluous - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:05 pm:

    ==And I called for the Sheriff’s resignation, because the sheriff has failed. He has failed to explain how he ended up hiring this deputy sheriff who has been fired from other departments. He failed to put forward reforms that clearly need to be made, training and other reforms.==

    JB’s logic here requires some soul-searching of his own administration. Not that I disagree with anything he said, but if this is his standard whether or not elected officials need to step down after events like this happen, then I guess we should ask JB whether or not he should resign given this story:

    His appointments to the parole board and his policies towards convicted murderers led directly to the assault and murder of Jayden Perkins despite the mother’s repeated attempts to warn IDOC and the parole board of how dangerous this person was towards her.

    Both are tragedies that stemmed from “hiring” decisions and policies by elected officials. Again, not disagreeing with JB. But if this is his position, then can someone explain why they believe Jack must resign but JB can stay besides their political affiliation? Did JB visit Jayden Perkins’ family?

  17. - Dotnonymous x - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:06 pm:

    For many people, getting over their own ego is the greatest task in their life.

    Sheriff Campbell’s ego seems to be in his way.

  18. - Scoot - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:12 pm:

    It’s simple why Jack won’t resign…he needs the paycheck and pension.

  19. - don the legend - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:13 pm:

    ==We need to unite and heal.== and to begin that process I am resigning my office immediately.

    There, fixed it for you Jack.

  20. - Blitz - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:17 pm:

    Why didn’t he get the message the first, second and third times and still try for a fourth time to contact a grieving family? Seems like learning from his mistakes is something Jack can’t or won’t do.

  21. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:25 pm:

    Campbell has quite a history with Sangamon County. Campbell worked for the sheriff’s office for 24 years and retired in 2016. Ran for sheriff and lost in 2017. Then served as director of the state’s medical marijuana pilot. Then ran for sheriff and was elected in 2018.
    Might be time to step away from the office of sheriff in Sangamon County.

  22. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:28 pm:

    - I would not sit down and talk to a family calling for my resignation either. -

    If someone you hired murders someone and you won’t sit down with that person’s family, you’re a coward and a whole host of other words I can’t type here. And so is Jack Campbell.

  23. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:31 pm:

    “Why didn’t he get the message the first, second and third times”

    Because despite his public attempts to appear otherwise, he thinks he is the most important part of this story.

    His full updated statement makes it even more clear.

    No matter what, he’s displaying he isn’t a good fit for this job. I’m assuming he’s an adult, yet doesn’t seem to have learned the lesson that it is possible to do nothing wrong, and still lose. He’s pretending he did nothing wrong, but even in pretending he can’t accept that it means he can still lose in this situation. He doesn’t see the office as a distinct entity from himself.

  24. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 12:51 pm:

    One has to. wonder if this would have ever happened under Wes Barr’s leadership. Granted, the man retired and died of a heart attack, but his leadership style as a former Marine was admirable, at least to me……

  25. - Manchester - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 1:03 pm:

    The sheriff is obviously tone deaf and the Sangamon County GOP won’t criticize one of their own so it up to us as Sangamon County Voters to ensure that he is defeated when he is up for reelection.

  26. - Downstate Surveyor - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 1:06 pm:

    One more comment: It’s been reported that this was not a hire based purely on merit, but rather on some degree of family related cronyism…(Who you know, rather than what you know, type of stuff….and unfortunately not unusual in political circles). But if this is true, then yes, he should go…..

  27. - Wyatt Earp - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 1:06 pm:

    Not defending Grayson whatsoever, but JB should really get his facts straight before speaking. Grayson wasn’t ever terminated from another agency. JB’s claims that he was “fired from other departments” is factually inaccurate.

    The SAFE-T act reforms gave ILETSB great authority on clearing officers/deputies to work. Why is no one questioning ILETSB, who is the agency who keeps track of EVERY agency an officer works for?

  28. - Give Us Barabbas - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 1:38 pm:

    Fish rots from the head on down. Because Campbell plays fast and loose with hiring, now everyone he has approved under his leadership has a shadow over them, right or wrong.

    He’s also hiding behind weasel worded excuses that the rest of the system for checking backgrounds was insufficient. Malarkey. Campbell’s “system “, by his own admission on video, is arbitrary and based on political or peer contacts and not a rigorous selection process. Sheriff’s nationwide have this stereotype of putting themselves above the laws they enforce. Campbell reeks of entitlement.

  29. - Mike Gascoigne - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 1:44 pm:

    If he does not resign soon prosecutors should start to look at him for criminal negligence. Dereliction of duty that led to a woman’s death. People go to jail for that.

  30. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 1:49 pm:

    “I would not sit down and talk to a family calling for my resignation either”

    And I wouldn’t want you to be a sheriff, either.

    – MrJM

  31. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:06 pm:

    =I would not sit down and talk to a family calling for my resignation either=


  32. - Barrister's Lectern - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:09 pm:

    Having the governor and other Democratic leaders calling for his resignation is not going to move this guy to resignation. You need the local Republicans to come out and make a move on him before he decides to call it quits.

    He was unopposed in 2022 and in 2018 he won by 27 points against the Democrat. Honestly, unless the Republicans turn against him, he will likely run for re-election in 2026 and win. So of course he isn’t going to resign. Thinking that he will is silly.

  33. - Watchdog - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:11 pm:

    “I was overwhelmingly elected to lead the Sheriff’s Office.” He ran unopposed in the primary and general election in 2022. Since Sheriff Campbell is so confident of public support, he should urge Bd. Members to vote YES on Co. Bd. Member Sam Cahnman’s advisory referendum proposal.

  34. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:24 pm:

    - Why is no one questioning ILETSB, who is the agency who keeps track of EVERY agency an officer works for? 1

    Would you people listen to yourselves? Does no sheriff or chief of police in the entire state bear any responsibility for the people they hire, because ILETSB should make sure they’re good cops?

    Try to act like thinking adults at least on this blog.

  35. - charles in charge - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:30 pm:

    == I, Kayak, am calling for him to be retained.==

    Well I don’t know about anyone else, but if no less an authority than THE Kayak says so, I’m convinced.


  36. - Shytown - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:34 pm:

    == The SAFE-T act reforms gave ILETSB great authority on clearing officers/deputies to work == yes and there was literally nothing in Grayson’s history that qualified for decertification. He passed the background check they’re required to perform. His work history is on file for all law enforcement entities to review like all other officers they are considering to hire. And, they have zero role in the actual hiring process; that’s solely in the hands of the hiring entity. This hiring decision lies solely with the Sangamon County Sheriff - a decision, by his own admission, was based on nepotism. Stop trying to put this hire at the feet of the Gov, iletsb, or anytime else for that matter.

  37. - Wisco Expat - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 2:50 pm:

    @Watchdog, thanks for mentioning election results. He also ran unopposed in the 2022 primary so saying “I was overwhelmingly elected” rings hollow.

  38. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 3:30 pm:

    Perhaps the reason Jack Campbell won’t resign is that he, too, wants to keep his spot on the Sheriff’s payroll. The statement—I was overwhelming elected to lead the Sheriff’s office…2017 would like a word.

  39. - Politix - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 3:42 pm:

    ==Would you people listen to yourselves?==

    So ILETSB, what what would you say

    you do here?

  40. - Bob - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 3:47 pm:


    There are multiple comments here explaining exactly what they do.

  41. - Rabid - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 3:50 pm:

    “All employees feel betrayed by one of their own” the person that put a gun in the hands of their buddies daughters boyfriend did it

  42. - SomeGuy - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 3:58 pm:

    The ILETSB can’t read minds. If Grayson was never terminated or disciplined, the ILETSB wouldn’t have anything on him. If the previous agencies allowed Grayson to resign rather than face discipline, they should bear some responsibility.

    That being said, there are PLENTY of red flags that were ignored, and the best reason the public can see for why they were ignored is that Grayson’s fiancé’s father had connections. That’s not a good look for the Sheriff.

  43. - Watchdog - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 3:58 pm:

    Wes Barr defeated Campbell in the 2014 Republican Primary 53.51 % to 46.49%. Barr won the general with 69.13%. Barr did not run for reelection. Campbell was unopposed in the 2018 primary, and won the general with 63.4%. So, Campbell only had an opponent twice. Once he lost; and one time he won in 2018, but with a lower percentage than Republican Wes Barr got in 2014.

  44. - Dotnonymous x - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:18 pm:

    - JB’s logic here requires some soul-searching of his own administration. -

    No, it doesn’t.

  45. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:19 pm:

    - So ILETSB, what what would you say

    you do here? -

    You Campbell sycophants aren’t doing your hero any favors by showing how childish you are.

  46. - Dotnonymous x - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:26 pm:

    - Not defending Grayson whatsoever -

    No one said you were defending Grayson…although you are trying to shift blame from Sheriff Campbell to JB Pritzker… but unartfully.

  47. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:30 pm:

    The first step is to remind all of you that do not reside in Sangamon County to take care of your own messes before you give advice to those of us living down here. Since when do you care what happens South of 80? Well unless you’re trying to change the “R” to a “D.”

  48. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:30 pm:

    If Campbell is sued while Sheriff, would the county cover his legal bill?
    If he’s sued and no longer an employee/office holder, would he be on his own?

  49. - FIREDup! - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:48 pm:

    Jack, is that you? Anon @ 4:30 p.m., it’s been a national story for a few weeks. So sorry to step on your delicate feelings. Maybe you and the other Sangamon County Board members can do the right thing and tell Jack to resign.

  50. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 4:55 pm:

    - The first step is to remind all of you that do not reside in Sangamon County to take care of your own messes before you give advice to those of us living down here. -

    Did you borrow that line from Mississippi Burning? Truly pathetic efforts by team Campbell today.

  51. - little pond - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 5:01 pm:

    I live several hundred miles south of Sangamon County and my mom lived in Sangamon County for two decades and struggled with mental illness. A person doesn’t have to live in the county to have a vested interest in what is going on.
    Do you think if she still lived there, I would encourage her to call the sheriff’s office for help?
    Based on Sheriff Campbell’s handling of this situation, there is no way.

  52. - fs - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 5:02 pm:

    ==Would you people listen to yourselves? Does no sheriff or chief of police in the entire state bear any responsibility for the people they hire, because ILETSB should make sure they’re good cops?==

    Both need to be questioned. They all are, or at least by statute and the intent reforms of of the safe-t act, all cogs in the hiring process. I think the issue some are having is only one is. Despite Shytown et al’s assertion, iletsb has substantially greater discretionary authority and oversight over local officers since the safe-t act was inacted, but have done nothing to utilize it in a manner that could investigate whether an officer who resigns while an allegation is pending should have his certification revoked. Instead they’ve apparently chosen to remain a rubber stamp and it needs to be asked if this slipped though the crack because of it. But the Governor apparently doesn’t want those questions to be asked of people he appointed. One of which who happens to be a long time police union counsel, which itself should have questions about whether that’s appropriate.

  53. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 5:16 pm:

    @Bob: It was a movie reference.

    @Excitable Boy: Settle down. I’ve no relation to anyone in the case.

  54. - Politix - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 5:16 pm:

    Me @ 5:16.

  55. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 5:32 pm:

    - Both need to be questioned. -

    Fine, but there was nothing stopping Campbell from checking Grayson’s employment history before hiring him at his buddy’s recommendation. Nothing ILETSB did or didn’t do absolves him in any way.

  56. - DougChicago - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 6:31 pm:

    In 2023, 495 white people were killed by the police. Where is the outrage?

  57. - Kippax Blue - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 7:13 pm:

    The comment above is just a bit ignorant. Willfully.

  58. - DougChicago - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 7:49 pm:

    == The comment above is just a bit ignorant. Willfully.==

    Wrong again, Maude. It is just a fact. See Statista.

  59. - charles in charge - Wednesday, Aug 7, 24 @ 11:08 pm:

    == In 2023, 495 white people were killed by the police. Where is the outrage?==

    That’s outrageous. Are you happy now?

  60. - The Dude - Thursday, Aug 8, 24 @ 4:38 am:

    The sooner he goes the easier this will be for all his staff. He is literally pulling everyone down with him. Resign Jack and save the credibility of others.

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