Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Dan Proft removed from the board of Envision Unlimited (Updated)
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Dan Proft removed from the board of Envision Unlimited (Updated)

Monday, Aug 26, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Envision Unlimited Board Chair Mary Kay Krupka and President Mark McHugh

At Envision Unlimited we wake up every single day on a mission to support people with intellectual, developmental and psychiatric disabilities with quality services that promote choice, independence and inclusion for all. Our members (how our clients prefer to be known) and caregivers represent an extraordinarily underserved and underinvested community of people who not only struggle with financial and medical burdens, but with the challenges of living in a world that all too often does not treat or accept them as equals.

We value all people with disabilities. Our members are our peers and participate in every part of the organization. Everyone benefits when we recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that people with disabilities bring to our lives.

It was brought to our attention that one of our board members made comments that were wholly inconsistent with our values and code of ethics as an organization and at their core insensitive and insulting to the very people and families that we serve. We immediately convened our board’s executive committee to discuss the situation and unanimously decided to remove this individual from our board.

This action has everything to do with ensuring that we treat others, especially those who live with disabilities, with respect, understanding and kindness. We are proud to have a diverse board and staff that come from a variety of industries, lived experiences, political affiliations and geographies, as there are no boundaries when it comes to living with disabilities or serving those who live with them. Our loyalty and commitment lie first and foremost with the members and caregivers we serve, and it is our proud privilege to do so with empathy, every time and everywhere.

I’ve reached out to Proft for comment. I was told he raises $100K or so a year for the group, which does a lot of good work.

…Adding… Proft goes on long rant in response.


  1. - The Truth - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:03 am:

    I think quite a few jobs and board positions are gonna be lost due to horrible peoples’ inability to NOT make fun of a crying, happy kid.

  2. - Annonin' - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:13 am:

    Guess Mr. Words thinks everything is based on $ signs. Not surprising for a guy who milks the Uline account every cycle. Perhaps some CaptFaxer will set up GoFundPage to replace Proft’s cash.

  3. - TheInvisibleMan - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:17 am:

    Ouch. They didn’t even mention his name. It looks like he lost far more than just a board seat.

  4. - NIU Grad - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:21 am:

    I”m actually shocked he was on the Board/raising funds for this, especially after his various comments over the years.

  5. - Frida's boss - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:23 am:

    Sadly losing the $100k is not good. Dan needs to understand his “radio persona” will not align with most if not all social service agencies. I’m guessing his “persona” will outweigh his conscience and he won’t make an apology.

  6. - What's in a name? - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:23 am:

    $100K is nothing to sneeze at so good on them. Rather than wait for someone else to set up a GoFundPage, you can just go to their website and donate. I did. Thanks Rich for bringing this to our attention.

  7. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:25 am:

    Good. Proft and his ilk just don’t care. And it’s good to see people like him punished for engaging in hateful activity. People who act and think like him truly are despicable people.

  8. - James - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:30 am:

    Dan Proft is a person that does care about kids and has done lots of good work over the years. His comments they are referencing were not inappropriate. They were an observation of a fact. But our current societal situation won’t tolerate such things.

  9. - Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:36 am:


    Been going together since Day One.

  10. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:43 am:

    =his comments they are referencing were not inappropriate.

    Did you watch the tape? If you did, and make that statement I wonder what your true motivations are. What he said and how he acted was inexcusable.

  11. - VK - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:44 am:

    == His comments they are referencing were not inappropriate. They were an observation of a fact.==

    It’s a fact that “someone needs to get Gus Walz some Ritalin” for expressing a normal human emotion? Or is the fact the mocking noises he made?

    Please walk me through what factual statement was made and please cite sources.

  12. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:44 am:

    ===They were an observation of a fact===

    What part of “weird” and “bizarre” and mocking the way the kid talked were mere observations of fact?

  13. - Donnie Elgin - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:45 am:

    I hope Proft keeps up his fundraising efforts - he needs to find a non-profit/charitable group that does not punish provocative speech

  14. - Shytown - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:46 am:

    It’s sad to see someone here defend his disgusting and demeaning comments. There’s no excuse for mocking a person for being their true self whether they have a disability or not. Let’s show him that he’s wrong and make a donation to Envision for doing the right thing even when it means it’s going to leave a six figure hole in their budget:

  15. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:47 am:

    James, ‘Can some get Gus Walz some Ritalin’ is not a observation of fact.

    I will use a second line from Dan ‘I don’t go after family members’, then going after a kid.

    After that you really expect the board of a charity that helps children to go ‘Oh, it’s an accurate observation’.

    Give me a break man.

    For what it’s worth, men of any sort of character doesn’t go after a kid like that for that. It isn’t hard, also even from a ‘trying to be funny’ perspective, it is the cheapest, lamest, easiest, stupidest form of humor.

  16. - H-W - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:49 am:

    Dear James

    You are wrong. It is wrong to express hate toward children with and without disabilities. Don’t condone hate.

  17. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:52 am:

    One would hope that Dan Proft might have absorbed lessons from his time at Benet Academy and Loyola University—a Jesuit affiliated institution.
    Profit’s crass comments towards a young man’s enthusiasm towards his father are unacceptable. A fine example of a Jesuit education he is not.

  18. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:00 am:

    “But our current societal situation won’t tolerate such things.”

    Consider Dan Proft a victim if you like. It it totally ridiculous but also totally unsurprising.
    But don’t act like there’s something new about the disgusted response to his comments. There was never a time in American history when making comments like that about someone else’s kid would not put you at risk of blowback. Maybe he’d have a better sense of how this works if he had a family he cared about.

  19. - Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:00 am:

    I’m thinking Proft is as sincere about kids charities as Hannity us about veterans charities. It looks good on the resume but is really just a cover to make the person look like a humanitarian to the people they grift.

    I wonder if this incident will catch fire and grow sufficient public ire to cost Proft his radio show. Then he can cry about getting cancelled.

  20. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:03 am:

    Hey “James” - is that you Mr. Proft?

    Keep digging (you too Donnie) - “provocative speech” that used to be said in bars and backyards is being spouted in public by the former president’s minions. Keep saying the quiet part out loud and see where it gets Mr. Trump in November and all the rest of you in the future.

  21. - Wisco Expat - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:12 am:

    Dan says “I didn’t realize that [Gus] had a diagnosed neurodivergent condition or learning disability…” (around the 2 minute mark in the hyperlinked video)
    If Gus was neurotypical, his comments still would have been uncalled for. That’s not an excuse, Dan. Instead of owning up to his comments, he instead is blaming the “separation” on the “woke leftists”. Shameful.

  22. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:12 am:

    James, you are morally bankrupt.

  23. - Juice - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:20 am:

    Donnie Elgin, there is absolutely nothing that would keep Proft from continuing to raise money for Envision Unlimited if he truly believes in their mission so much. But I have a feeling his work had just as much to do with him wanting to get the benefit for his resume that comes with having his name listed as a board member.

  24. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:22 am:

    That rant is really something. He really thinks his remarks were okay because his motive was to attack a kid was political.

    No ounce of remorse for what he did. No effort to apologize. He just thinks throwing money at them should allow him to insult the very people the organization exists to advocate for — I’ll be happy when Dan Proft leaves to Florida and never comes back.

    He was right about one thing. Know what your shelf life is — but the lesson should be that when you spew rancid hate that no one wants to keep you on the shelf.

  25. - JoanP - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:28 am:

    Mocking a young man with a disability is not a “difference of opinion”. And when you are on the board of an organization whose PURPOSE is to “provide people with disabilities or other special needs quality services that promote choice, independence, and inclusion”, you shouldn’t be surprised when they show you the door.

  26. - Leap Day William - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:30 am:

    == he needs to find a non-profit/charitable group that does not punish provocative speech ==

    So Envision shouldn’t have booted someone who has demonstrated through their recorded words that they do not align with their mission? This isn’t “provocative speech”, it’s actively working against what the organization stands for. Please show me an example of where someone keeps their position with a private organization when they’re publicly making the work for the organization they serve harder?

  27. - Nick Name - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:32 am:

    Foxtrot Alpha, Foxtrot Oscar.

  28. - Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:42 am:

    Donnie Elgin-

    Please use that “provocative speech” regarding a special needs child in my presence.

    Please. I’m begging you.

  29. - ??? - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:53 am:

    ==There’s no excuse for mocking a person for being their true self whether they have a disability or not.==

    Unless it’s Dan Proft, whose “true self” is an [expletive]. His behavior merits mockery.

  30. - ste_with a v_en - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:54 am:

    Proft on Friday: Bring it!
    Proft on Monday: I’m a victim!

  31. - Roadrager - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:54 am:

    ==Proft goes on long rant in response.==

    I can think of a three-word term that got one of Proft’s radio contemporaries in Milwaukee in some hot water that could be far more aptly applied to Dan than it could to Gus Walz.

  32. - Bilbo Swaggins - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 11:58 am:

    “I didn’t realize he had a neurodivergent disability diagnosis.”

    Here’s a wild idea, what about treating people with dignity and respect regardless of whether or not you’re specifically familiar with their personal medical history?

    How about that?

  33. - H-W - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:02 pm:

    CandyDogood X 2

  34. - Center Drift - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:04 pm:

    His apology was longer than just a brief excuse. He swallowed hard and admitted he screwed up. He shouldn’t have made any comment about the child. But, all the liberals who are so forgiving of people have no stomach to forgive this one time comment. Pretty sad. That being said I understand the Position of Envision. No Non-Profit wants any negative publicity. He can still support this organization as a private citizen, which I hope he does.

  35. - Stormsw7706 - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:06 pm:

    What a whiner. What a loser. 100 K isn’t worth listening to his twisted explanation. Heckuva job by Amy Jacobson with her hard hitting questions and display of her journalism chops.

  36. - H-W - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:08 pm:

    Regarding the rant, I am curious whether co-host Amy Jacobson has an opinion regarding the situation. In the clip, she sits quietly without any gestures. If I recall, during the original conversation in which Proft makes fun of a child, I think she smiled.

  37. - Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:09 pm:

    Center Drift making it the liberals fault.

    Worshipping orange idols will do that.

  38. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:09 pm:

    - all the liberals who are so forgiving of people have no stomach to forgive this one time comment. -

    This is hardly the first time Proft has said something ignorant and offensive. And enough with the crying over him, he said what he said and the organization cut ties with him. It happens all the time.

  39. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:10 pm:

    So Dan Proft is a “fanboy” of trash talk radio. Several of his predecessors developed a career and a following spewing nonsense on the airways.
    Proft will need a very large shovel to dig himself out of this hole.

  40. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:16 pm:

    =Donnie Elgin-

    Please use that “provocative speech” regarding a special needs child in my presence.=

    You know that one doesn’t have the stones to back up what it says

  41. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:21 pm:

    how does someone on the board of that group do what he did? it is a horrible watch/listen. answer, he puts politics before people and it is abhorent.

  42. - Big Dipper - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:28 pm:

    And Devore called children window lickers. So much for the party of family values.

  43. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:31 pm:

    I don’t need to repeat the good comments from folks about commenters who want to defend Proft.

    I just want to compliment Envision Unlimited for the rare act of choosing principles over money. If Proft really cared about the organization’s mission, he would apologize and offer to continue raising money while off the board. Alas, it’s about the narcissism.

  44. - Big Dipper - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:33 pm:

    ==I think she smiled.==

    She also cartoonishly imitated Gus. Any word from CPS re her coaching gig?

  45. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:37 pm:

    === all the liberals who are so forgiving of people have no stomach to forgive this one time comment. ===

    “One time comment”, LOL LOL LOL LOL. MAGA victimhood at its finest.

  46. - Larry Bowa Jr. - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:37 pm:

    “But, all the liberals who are so forgiving of people have no stomach to forgive this one time comment. Pretty sad.”

    Somebody gets an “A” for effort!
    The only thing I owe Dan Proft is what he has earned, which is my contempt.

  47. - Dirty Red - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 12:46 pm:

    An appropriate action by Envision to remove someone using their public profile to betray their mission. There are plenty more potential donors. No amount of fundraising money is worth institutional integrity. There are plenty more potential donors. It’s a difficult decision to celebrate given the circumstances, but Envision made the right move.

    At this point, I do not understand why Signature Bank has not followed through on similar calls to end their sponsorship - a much more prominent association with Jacobson’s and Proft’s remarks. They have had several days to take action, and with each passing hour are betraying years of loyal employees putting their own reputations on the line to build the brand. If their leaders believe they can afford to alienate this many people in the short-term or stay silent, it will cost them dearly in the long term. I can hear any number of commercial bankers and wealth managers in the Metro sharpening their pencils to woo Signature account holders.

  48. - Hanging in DuPage - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:26 pm:

    Thanks to this site, I saw the situation re Proft last week and contacted Envision regarding the disparity between Proft’s statements and their mission. Today I was happy to make a donation to them. Thanks again.

  49. - Big Dipper - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:27 pm:

    Signature has only one branch outside downtown and that is in Edison Park, which is a Proft-friendly area. Maybe they think his comments will help business there.

  50. - Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:35 pm:

    Proft couldn’t leave it alone after the apology. He had to go and paint himself a victim while trying to paint the charity as cowards and dilettantes. Classic PR blunder and now things are going to ratchet up again instead of tapering off into a holiday weekend news hole.

    Basically his rant was his way of “taking back” the apology by casting himself as the one being hurt. Narcissistic personality disorder drives this guy.

  51. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:46 pm:

    Although labeling and insults would place me at the same level as Proft, he certainly fits the definition of a putz.

  52. - GoneFishing - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:49 pm:

    He probably needs to take some time off and really think about what this means. Some people think they can just have two different personas depending on who they are interacting with.

  53. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:53 pm:

    So I called them today to let them know I supported the decision to remove Proft from their board.
    I was told they got a few calls supporting Proft but the vast majority were in favor of his removal.

  54. - Succinctly Superfluous - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 1:55 pm:

    ==What’s my punishment? I no longer raised tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars for…==

    No one fired Proft from raising money for children with neurodivergent conditions. You were let go from being on the board and having your picture hung somewhere and asked your opinion about the direction of the organization.

    Instead of rage tweeting the old fashion way (i.e. yelling on a radio show), he could have really stuck it to this organization by hosting a fundraiser for the organization. It would have only benefited the group he says he cares about, showed a mea culpa, and even reached out to Walz directly and apologized.

    Instead, Dan-0 is gonna Dan-0.

  55. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 2:18 pm:

    @James and Donnie:

    You’re no better than Proft with your comments. The fact that you would even attempt to defend them or to write them off as simply “provocative” tells me a lot about you and it isn’t good. I don’t know what is wrong with people like you. I feel incredibly sorry for you.

  56. - Big Tent - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 2:21 pm:

    Proft….living up to all of his expectations.

  57. - Suburban Mom - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 2:22 pm:

    Come repeat that “provocative speech” to my face, Donnie Elgin. The last full-grown adult who mocked my neurodivergent kid on a playground got such a comprehensive reaming out that *he went to fetch his 70-year-old mother to defend him.*

    She told me I should control my child better and 40-year-old adults wouldn’t have to make fun of him and call him an r-word. I told her that my son had a disability, whereas her son was apparently just raised really badly, and that she should be ashamed both of herself and of her son.

  58. - hey joe - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 2:35 pm:

    I watched and listened to everything, his comments were inappropriate, he lacked knowledge of the kid’s handicap and admitted a mistake and apologized. People of all political backgrounds do this, remember Pete Davidson with Dan Crenshaw. Pete Davidson didn’t need to be fired, instead it was a teachable moment. People are happy because they are full of political vile. Instead we should be forgiving of mistakes and learn to work together, because I am sure everyone of us has said something we regret and sough forgiveness.

  59. - Alex Slisz - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 2:46 pm:

    Lot of weak cowards in here…Dan apologized for his comments and that’s not enough? Everyone celebrating his dismissal will experience something similar in their own lives. I hope they remember who contributed to CANCEL CULTURE

  60. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 2:47 pm:

    ==Instead we should be forgiving of mistakes==

    lol. Whatever helps you sleep at night. He can be forgiven. Sure. I don’t believe he’s sorry but whatever. But also guess what. Actions have consequences.

    What is wrong with some of you people attempting to defend this? Just. Stop.

  61. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 3:08 pm:

    hey joe:
    Teachable moments are great if you can learn from them.
    Go watch the video of Proft ranting this morning and Jacobsen just sitting there emotionless and tell me if they learned anything.

  62. - Shytown - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 3:32 pm:

    What don’t some of you understand? Even if he didn’t know he had a disability (I don’t believe for a minute that he didn’t) it was still sick and disgusting - it’s not ok to talk about other people like that. This is exactly what’s wrong with our society - not just those making these gross comments but folks like you here who defend or make excuses for them. They’re wrong and unforgivable.

  63. - Annonin' - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 3:33 pm:

    Wow 60+ comments on Mr. Big Words that is more attention than he has had in a long time…probablyt back to the racist ad he did for the CommandoIves campaign

  64. - ste_with a v_en - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 3:37 pm:

    In case anyone thinks they should defend Proft…
    He thinks George Floyd wasn’t murdered but Ashili Babbitt was. He mocked the Paul Pelosi assassination attempt and he sent those fake papers to Highland Park after the July 4th shooting saying the shooter would be released under the SAFE-T Act.
    Good luck defending all that.

  65. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 3:39 pm:

    Lot of first-time commenters here. Wonder who’s ginning things up on Facebook.

  66. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 3:49 pm:

    ===Lot of first-time commenters here. Wonder who’s ginning things up on Facebook. ===

    Does anyone “win” in the Capitol Fax comments?

  67. - Pundent - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 4:31 pm:

    =Instead we should be forgiving of mistakes and learn to work together, because I am sure everyone of us has said something we regret and sough forgiveness.=

    This was no mistake by Dan Proft. It’s his brand and he’s a serial offender. And why would I offer forgiveness to someone who doesn’t appear to be seeking it?

  68. - ArchPundit - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 5:08 pm:

    Dan is such a good Catholic. Look at his wife and kids /s

  69. - Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 5:19 pm:

    Just saying, it turns out Pete Davidson’s initial impressions of Crenshaw turned out to be justified later. Though it’s never good policy to base jokes on appearances.

  70. - City Guy - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 5:27 pm:

    In response to Hey Joe and other Proft defenders. The target of Proft’s abuse is a minor who is only in the media because his father is a politician. This is not the same as making a joke about an adult politician like Dan Crenshaw.

  71. - Proud Papa Bear - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 5:44 pm:

    Many years ago, in my more center-right days, I’d listen to Big John Howell and Cisco Cotto (and then Amy Jacobson) on WIND. I enjoyed Howell’s reasonable approach to issues.
    Of course, they had to replace Howell with Proft and that’s when I stopped listening. It pretty much started my leftward drift as I became disgusted at what Republicans were becoming.

  72. - JS Mill - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 7:44 pm:

    Whooooo boy. Ok’ Danny sure is a delicate little daffodil. He gets his nose smacked (proverbially of course) and boy does he cry. And his Facebook fans here sure are full of forgiveness and platitudes. What happened to mr tough talk and swagger? Lol. Some folks sure can’t take it but they can dish it out. Sounds familiar, an awful lot like the gop standard bearer.

    The man went after a teenager. I wonder if the defenders would be so forgiving if it was a democrat going after Vance’s kids? We know the answer to that though.

  73. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 8:53 pm:

    Re: Mr. Proft’s rant - I couldn’t make it to the end. Almost 11 minutes - incredible. I made it to minute 6, and I was as bored as Amy Jacobsen appeared to be.

  74. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Aug 26, 24 @ 10:10 pm:

    I especially loved how he said he doesn’t make fun of family members, and then proceeded to spend 20 minutes making fun of not just a family member, but also a minor.

    Dude has zero class, which is typical for MAGA.

  75. - Wheaties - Tuesday, Aug 27, 24 @ 11:33 am:

    Envision isn’t canceling conservatives. Ashvin Lad is still on the board. They are canceling toxic, bitter, insecure bullies who mock children.

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