Friday, Sep 6, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller * I saw this Illinois Republican Party email earlier this week and thought it was quite clever… ![]() I ran into the party’s new executive director last night at the Illinois vs. Missouri softball game in St. Louis and he said the email got a huge response. Thoughts?
- Who else - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 8:30 am:
Yes, it’s very clever to manipulate people to increase your clicks and get them to give you money. It’s clever (and quite profitable) when Google and Facebook do it too. Political consultants and big tech enjoy a symbiotic relationship so it’s all very clever and profitable for everyone.
- Benniefly2 - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 8:33 am:
Normalizing the base of your party to actively respond to common email scam tactics is certainly a choice.
- Pot calling kettle - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 8:34 am:
It suggests to me that one party shares more false and potentially dangerous information…
- Socially DIstant Watcher - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 8:44 am:
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a victim. Then be a victim.
- Glengarry - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 8:47 am:
Not impressed.
- Dan Rathernot - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 8:58 am:
Republicans did something? [clutches pearls]
- Perrid - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 9:29 am:
Smart? Sure. Dishonest and paranoid as all heck, and taking advantage of people’s paranoia? Also yes.
- TJ - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 9:49 am:
Republicans must just be more prone to typos that trigger spam filters.
Covfefe, anyone?
- Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:03 am:
Clever is relative.
Is it clever for the ILGOP?
- NIU Grad - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:06 am:
If your base is conspiracy theorists…might as well lean into it.
- Moe Berg - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:08 am:
It illustrates that the dangerous degeneracy of the national GOP has fully overtaken the state party.
I don’t find it clever. I find it troubling and a sad reflection of how the Illinois Republican Party has turned into a collection of paranoid cranks. That’s not good for our state or democracy.
- It's Just a Pill - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:15 am:
Bogus issue. Clever engagement tactic.
- Lurker - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:24 am:
For those saying this email is false, etc., can you explain to me any inaccurate statements?
As for its cleverness, I sent it to trash without a response.
- Just Me 2 - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:37 am:
If you want to get through spam filters then you should provide better content.
- JoanP - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 10:51 am:
= can you explain to me any inaccurate statements? =
Assuming the claim that “Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook and the Biden-Harris administration conspired to censor Republican speech” refers to the letter he sent to the House Judiciary Committee, that’s false.
The letter referred to pressure to remove misinformation about Covid-19. (Perhaps, though, ILGOP is saying that that misinformation came from Republicans?)
As far as the spam filter numbers are concerned, see It’s their own fault.
- Rudy’s teeth - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 11:26 am:
The greeting “Friends” reminds me of the perennial Republican candidate for office—Darren Bailey. Did Darren Bailey compose this email? “Throw off” our research sounds like something he would say.
- JS Mill - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 12:16 pm:
Sure, it is republican clever. Low bar. I always think it is clever when they can open a jar on their own.
=can you explain to me any inaccurate statements?=
I guess you do not understand how private companies work. I am not on any social media platforms but I am willing. to bet “truth” social is limiting opposing views.
- JR - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 12:59 pm:
Covfefe for the win. Nice reminder of yesteryear, @TJ.
- Pot calling kettle - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 1:09 pm:
The Republicans seem to be saying that providing misleading/inaccurate information that threatens people’s health is an important part of the Republican message; maybe we should believe them.
- Dtown Resident - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 1:53 pm:
Someone different appears to be managing the Illinois Republican Party social media accounts. Tone has changed a lot. Some is clever like this but now a lot of the time it resembles the Rassmusen report now with its doubling down on fro ge and conspiracies. Won’t appeal much beyond the base.
- Left Click - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 2:06 pm:
When Apple mail privacy makes obsolete open rate stats, email marketers will engineer new ways to measure engagement. It does have all the elements of a social engineering spam, complete with constructing a time-sensitive urgency to encourage a click.
- Huh? - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 2:30 pm:
Yes I see your email as I click delete, unsubcribe, and report as spam.
- @misterjayem - Friday, Sep 6, 24 @ 3:42 pm:
GOP passes note in class:
– MrJM