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Isabel’s afternoon roundup

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Shaw Local

Last month’s pro-Donald Trump rally in Woodstock showed a familiar side of McHenry County, one that has long been loyal to the Republican Party.

But while hundreds of supporters of the former president celebrated their GOP affiliation and listened to speeches from prominent party figures like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, McHenry County Board Chair Mike Buehler acknowledged the shift that has taken place in every other collar county around Chicago in recent years: They’ve turned blue. […]

The GOP still holds a large majority on the McHenry County Board and – whatever happens in the Nov. 5 election – will continue to hold most of the countywide elected offices, since the Democrats are not running anyone against the state’s attorney or auditor, and other countywide offices not up this cycle are also held by Republicans. Buehler himself is facing a challenge from Democratic county board member Kelli Wegener, while GOP Coroner Michael Rein faces a challenge from Democrat Chris Kalapodis.

Buehler won his position in 2020 by besting Jack Franks, who four years earlier became the first Democrat to win a countywide elected office in McHenry County since 1978.

And Democrats have made inroads in presidential politics in McHenry County too. In 2016, Trump carried the county with 50.3% of the vote against Hillary Clinton, beating her by almost 11,000 votes. In 2020, Trump still won the county, but this time it was by slightly more than 4,000 votes, and he received less than 50% of the vote.

* A lot going on in Downstate today

* NBC Chicago

Western Illinois University Macomb will be closed Thursday after an “ongoing emergency” near the campus, an alert on the school’s website said.

The closure comes a day after two Macomb police officers were shot Wednesday while trying to serve a warrant. […]

According to the Macomb Police Department, two officers Wednesday evening were shot while in the process of serving a warrant in the 300 block of North Normal Street.

“After knocking and announcing their presence several times, they forced entry into the residence but were immediately fired upon by someone in the residence,” Macomb’s chief of police said in an update late Thursday.

* Freedom From Religion Foundation

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is asking for the removal of an unconstitutional Ten Commandments display at the Jefferson County Courthouse.

FFRF was informed that a Ten Commandments display was recently installed at the courthouse in Mount Vernon, Ill. The display is nearly 6-and-a-half feet tall and sits in the center of the first floor lobby. The display includes a Protestant version of the Ten Commandments, given its particular language and numbering. At the bottom of the display is the biblical quote for Proverbs 21:15, which reads: “When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to the evildoers.”

“Government promotion of one particular religion deters the nonreligious and minority religions from accessing important government services,” FFRF Patrick O’Reiley Legal Fellow Hirsh M. Joshi writes to Jefferson County Board Chair Cliff Lindemann.

By displaying this religious text in its courthouses, the county demonstrates a plain and undeniable preference for religion over nonreligion, and Protestant Christianity above all other faiths. Illinois’s Establishment Clause reads: “No person shall be required to attend or support any ministry or place of worship against his consent, nor shall any preference be given by law to any religious denomination or mode of worship.” FFRF is confident that state courts will find that a large Protestant Ten Commandments display by the county demonstrates preference for a religious denomination and mode of worship.

* Illinois State Rifle Association…

The Illinois State Rifle Association has released the following statement regarding the tragic events in Georgia yesterday.

“The Illinois State Rifle Association in the strongest of terms, does not condone any act of violence – especially the criminal misuse of firearms to commit violent acts.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed during today’s tragic shooting at a high school in Georgia. We’re also thinking of the other victims and their families and wishing them a full recovery.”

*** Chicago ***

* Tribune | City sees modest improvement in violence figures over the summer: Chicago recorded 186 homicides between June 1 and Aug. 31, data show. Another 764 people suffered nonfatal gunshot wounds in that span. Summer 2023 saw 190 homicides while 747 others were shot and wounded. A year earlier, in 2022, the city recorded 207 homicides with another 957 shot over the summer.

* Sun-Times | Logan Square art gallery founder calls arrest, citations harassment — and neighbors agree: Trejon D’Angelo Williams said he created the gallery at 2334 N. Milwaukee Ave. to highlight marginalized artists, but he says he has been hindered due to harassment by Chicago police. He said police have been a constant presence at the venue, which showcases provocative art — most recently an exhibit about the war in Gaza and police violence. Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st) said Chicago police told him they were not proactively checking on Williams, but responding to 911 calls when they visited Aug. 21. They claimed they arrested Williams after he shoved officers, which resulted in injuries, La Spata said.

* Sun-Times | Humboldt Park ‘basement’ comedy club shut down after Instagram video goes viral: For five years, the Humboldt Jungle was the cool kids club, an underground comedy and music venue inside a residential basement that provided a space for local performers and audience members in the know. Humboldt Park resident Nathan Weil operated the secret space out of his home. Potted plants adorned the basement venue to give it a jungle feel, and patrons could bring their own alcohol. The shows had become popular enough to attract the attention of the popular Best Date Food Instagram page, which posted a video of the space in late August.

*** Cook County and Suburbs ***

* Daily Northwestern | University administration rolls out new demonstration, discrimination policies: The updated Demonstration policy will enforce new requirements, barring overnight demonstration and adding limitations on what the University considers “activity that disrupts classes and other functions of the University, including prohibiting demonstrations at the Rock before 3 p.m. on weekdays and the use of amplified sound in that area before 5 p.m.”

* Tribune | Former assistant state’s attorney who headed wrongful conviction unit amid scrutiny sues Kim Foxx alleging discrimination: Nancy Adduci, who began her career at the Cook County state’s attorney’s office in 1996, filed a federal lawsuit last month that accuses Foxx and the office of demoting and firing her due to her age and race. Adduci, who is white, said in the complaint that Foxx’s deputies in October 2023 demoted her from her position supervising the Conviction Integrity Unit, now called the Conviction Review Unit, telling her they sought someone “more representative of the community” for the role.

* Daily Herald | How many officers does a suburban police department need? Answers vary: “You really need to know what your officers’ workload is and when the peaks and valleys are,” said Leonard Matarese, the managing partner at the Center for Public Safety Management at the International City/County Management Association. “You’ve got to really dig into the details, but that’s not something many police departments are equipped to do.” After keeping its police staffing level steady at about 108 sworn officers for the better part of a decade, Palatine is one of those suburbs ready to increase its ranks. The shift comes after officials identified a greater need for neighborhood-based policing and community services.

* Daily Southtown | Summit Hill District 161 calls for quick changes to ‘inexcusable’ school bus service: The CEO and founder of Safeway Transportation Services Corp. took full responsibility Wednesday for the bus problems that disrupted the start of school at Summit Hill Elementary District 161 in Frankfort. Meanwhile, the District 161 School Board and administration demanded the bus company improve its services as quickly as possible. […] [Board member John Winters] said he was disturbed hearing about kindergarten students riding the bus for two hours in the afternoon and having bathroom accidents during the long ride.

*** Downstate ***

* News-Gazette | Siblings to be honored as grand marshals of Arcola Broomcorn Festival: For many years, Terry and Angie Thornton have let people attending the Arcola Broomcorn Festival know what is going on during the festivities. This year, they will be part of what’s going on. The brother-sister Arcola natives will serve as grand marshals of the 53rd broomcorn festival parade.

* Pantagraph | Illinois State, Wesleyan universities safe after false reports of threats connected to WIU shooting: No active shooter and no credible threats were found, according to statements from ISUPD and BPD. The departments noted the rumors about a threat in Bloomington-Normal came at the same time as a shooting near Western Illinois University, almost two hours west of the Twin Cities.

* WAND | Man who escaped Sangamon Co. jail arrested by marshals in Springfield: The sheriff’s office said that Chane L. Jones, 42, had been booked on Tuesday for burglary and theft and was able to “mingle with three other inmates, who were administratively released from custody” Jones was arrested by sheriff’s deputies and US Marshals in the 1100 block of North 5th Street in Springfield. He is back in custody and faces additional charges.

* WCIA | ‘It left a lasting impact on our family’: Central IL woman urges more Nurse Honor Guard volunteers: When a nurse passes away after a career of serving his or her patients, the care doesn’t stop. The Nurse Honor Guard program aims to remember them even at the end of their lives. Phyllis Rogers called Carle Hospital in Urbana her office for many years. She started in family medicine and eventually switched to a management role. But Ali Boatright, her daughter, said her stethoscope was always close by.

*** National ***

* NYT | Republicans Seize on False Theories About Immigrant Voting: There is no indication that noncitizens are voting in large numbers. And yet the notion that they will flood the polls — and vote overwhelmingly for Democrats — is animating a sprawling network of Republicans who mobilized around former President Donald J. Trump’s false claims of a rigged election in 2020 and are now preparing for the next one.


And now for something a little different

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NY Times

Plenty of the submissions in a statewide contest to design Michigan’s next “I Voted” sticker featured cherry blossoms or American flags fluttering in the wind.

Only one entry, however, depicted a werewolf clawing its shirt to tatters and howling at an unseen moon. A smattering of stars and stripes poke out from behind its brawny torso.

“I Voted,” reads a string of red, white and blue block letters floating above the creature’s open maw.

The illustration, which was created by Jane Hynous, a 12-year-old from Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., was revealed on Wednesday as one of nine winning designs that the Michigan Department of State will offer local clerks to distribute to voters in the November election.

* Michigan AFL-CIO chief of staff…



Sean Grayson’s history of credibility issues includes bringing charges with no evidence

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Invisible Institute

Kyle Adkins was leaving his parents’ house in Kincaid, a small village in central Illinois’ Christian County, to pick up his young children from their mother’s house, just a few blocks away, on the night of May 8, 2021.

Kincaid Police Officer Sean Grayson pulled him over — but he wasn’t sure why.

Grayson told Adkins there was a warrant out for his arrest and issued him a Notice to Appear, a document equivalent to an arrest, recommending felony drug charges against him. The case dragged out for two years before it was dropped, and a new investigation reveals the warrant — and other evidence Grayson said he had against Adkins — never actually existed. Body camera footage shows Grayson admitting to the chief of police he had no evidence to recommend charges, but even after the footage surfaced in court, no other department or agency was notified.

Meanwhile, Adkins, who works as a mechanic, had to show up to court regularly for years, face questions about his reputation — and deal with repercussions for his loved ones pulled into his criminal case. He said he even struggled to get formal visitation with his kids while the case was ongoing — and said he’s just now building a stronger relationship with his oldest child, now 11.

Grayson, now 30, would go on to work at four other police departments across central Illinois, the last being the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office, where he would fatally shoot and kill Sonya Massey, 36, in her home in July 2024 after she called the police for help. Grayson shot at Massey, an unarmed Black woman whose family had called police with concerns about her mental health, three times, hitting her once in the head. He’s since been charged with murdering her.

Go read the rest.

* Here is Grayson admitting he had no evidence against Adkins

* The transcript…

Sean Grayson: Hey for the, for that NTA () on the charge for offenses, is it intent to deliver or just possession of meth? What are we putting on that?

Chief of Kincaid: You go anything on him?

Grayson: No.

Chief: On a Notice to Appear? I would just do intent to deliver.

Grayson: OK, and there’s a baggie, but I wasn’t going to mess with fixed testing it. I didn’t really care that much.

Chief: What was it?

Grayson: It was just like a baggie, but I didn’t really care to field test it to be honest with you.

* Back to the story

Carlton Mayers II, an attorney and police reform consultant who worked with lawmakers on some of the original language of the SAFE T Act, said that the original bill didn’t come with any funding for ILETSB’s new responsibilities, which had to be appropriated the next year. He added that the agency also still lacks administrative rules, which are proposed by state agencies and then approved by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR).

Those administrative rules would lay out not only the processes for discretionary decertification, but could also speak to things like what’s required of a department’s background investigation, which right now is only required to include a check of the Officer Professional Conduct Database.

In a statement, a spokesperson hired by ILETSB pointed to its “multiple mandates to implement” for its delay in “the establishment of discretionary decertification hearings.”

“We are committed to leading this work thoughtfully and deliberately to ensure our law enforcement maintains the highest level of professional standards, and have made significant progress in building this new initiative from the ground up,” the statement continued. “We have engaged a range of partners and studied best practices from across the country to ensure we get this right from day one.”

The spokesperson wrote that the agency “anticipates” that “day one” will come in the “4th quarter of 2024.”


Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Retail provides one out of every five Illinois jobs, generates the second largest amount of tax revenue for the state, and is the largest source of revenue for local governments. But retail is also so much more, with retailers serving as the trusted contributors to life’s moments, big and small.

We Are Retail and IRMA are dedicated to sharing the stories of retailers like Gillian, who serve their communities with dedication and pride.

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What in the heck is going on at TopGolf?

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller


Located just off I-88, Naperville’s Topgolf, 3211 Odyssey Ct., offers a high-tech driving range and full-service restaurant. But just outside the facility, Naperville police have over the past year found numerous guns, sometimes in plain sight, in cars throughout the parking lot.

Since Aug. 1, 2023, there have been 23 gun-related arrests outside Topgolf, according to Naperville Police Commander Ricky Krakow.

Many of the firearms, Naperville Police Chief Jason Arres said, are discovered during officer foot patrols of the facility’s parking lot. […]

Why are guns being left out in plain view inside cars? It’s a question on the mind of Arres and his department.

“I don’t know how to speculate why someone wouldn’t properly secure a firearm. Laziness? Not thinking they’re going to get caught? I can’t really guess. But what I can say is what we do,” said Arres. […]

Despite the influx of incidents outside Topgolf, Arres says gun-related arrests in Naperville have been trending down.

“In 2022, if you take the average out, it’s about 12 gun arrests per month, 2023 that dropped to 10, and actually in 2024, we’ve averaged nine gun arrests per month, so actually, the numbers are going down,” Arres said. “Not as fast as I or anyone in this community would like but we’re going to continue proactively patrolling this with the hope that those gun-related arrests are zero.”

* Make that 24 arrests. Naperville Sun

A 24-year-old from Calumet Park was arrested Friday night for having a firearm inside his car while it was parked in the Naperville Topgolf parking lot, the 24th time a suspect’s been charged with a firearm-related offense since August 2023, officials said.

Demonte G. Dennis was arrested about 9:15 p.m. at the 3211 Odyssey Court lot on one charge of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, a class 4 felony, and a misdemeanor charge for possession of cannabis.

Dennis was taken into custody after police discovered a firearm illicitly stored inside his car while patrolling the Topgolf lot, according to Naperville police Cmdr. Rick Krakow.

Officers were performing a proactive foot patrol of the lot when they detected an odor of cannabis from the area around a parked Buick, Krakow said. The vehicle was unoccupied, but when officers looked through its windows, they observed a handgun in plain view. […]

Consistently making headlines for more than a year now, the trend of people bringing guns into Naperville’s Topgolf parking lot was first observed in August 2023. Since then, Naperville police have been routinely doing foot patrols around the business and making arrests for illegal gun possession, among other offenses.

* The Naperville Sun in April

What have alleged offenders arrested at Topgolf been charged with?

There have been a range of weapons charges, including aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, armed violence, armed habitual criminal and unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon.

* More from the Sun

The city’s strategic response unit conducts foot patrols at the facility “at least a couple times a week,” McLean said. […]

The facility has enhanced security measures.

[Naperville police Sgt. Michael McLean] said police have met with Topgolf “probably three or four times” and that they are taking steps “to try and make things safer out there.”


What’s going on at Menard?

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Southern

Last week, State Rep. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) went to Menard Correctional Center after hearing about people at the prison being taken to the hospital after becoming ill. She posted a video to her Facebook Friday after being denied access to the prison.

“I just want you all to know I didn’t come here for some kind of political stunt. I cam here to be responsible to not only the staff you work here but to all of those who are incarcerated here,” Bryant said in the video.

Monday, Aug. 26, five people were sent to the emergency room, according to Bryant. That number included three staff members, one inmate and one emergency services employee. On Wednesday, she said a dozen people from Menard were sent the hospital, which included three or four members of the prison’s medical staff.

Southern Illinois Fire Incidents Facebook page reported St. Clair Emergency Special Services was dispatched to the prison on Wednesday in response to around a dozen people becoming ill. […]

Although the incident was first reported as an exposure to some unknown substance, Illinois Department of Corrections was no longer using the word “exposure.” They just said people became ill. […]

When they called to get permission for her to enter the prison, IDOC Deputy Dir. Angela Locke said she could not go into the prison. She also talked to Liaison Morgan Williams, who told Bryant it was not safe for her to go into the prison.

* From the Illinois Department of Corrections…

On Monday morning [last week], two staff members at Menard Correctional Center reported to the facility’s Health Care Unit after experiencing medical symptoms following their response to a medical emergency involving an individual in custody in North 2 Cell House. Both staff members were treated at an outside hospital and released. During the transportation of the individual in custody to an outside hospital for treatment, the accompanying officer also reported feeling ill and was similarly treated and released. In response, the St. Clair County EMA’s Hazmat Team was contacted to assist with the investigation, and movement within the affected galleries was temporarily suspended. All staff in North 2 were instructed to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and monitor the galleries for any further medical issues. No additional incidents were reported on Monday or Tuesday.

On Wednesday morning [last week], a staff member at Menard Correctional Center experienced medical symptoms and was promptly transported by ambulance to an outside hospital. Shortly after, additional staff members responding to the incident began to experience similar symptoms. Out of an abundance of caution, 11 more Menard CC staff members were transported to an outside hospital for evaluation via state vehicle. All Menard CC staff members were treated and released from the hospital. In response to Wednesday’s events, the facility was placed on a Level 1 lockdown and made personal protective equipment (PPE) available to all staff. The facility leadership took immediate action by contacting the Illinois Poison Control Center and requesting the St. Clair County EMA’s Hazmat Team to conduct another inspection. The St. Clair County EMA’s Hazmat Team did not locate any hazardous materials during their second inspection. Senator Bryant was not on the premises during those inspections. On Friday, when Senator Bryant made an unplanned visit to Menard Correctional Center on Friday without an appointment, her request for access was declined. We appreciate the Senator’s understanding and cooperation and have offered to schedule a visit to Menard on a later date.

The facility has remained on lockdown since Wednesday, 8/28, for safety and security purposes due to staff members experiencing medical symptoms. All impacted staff members have been treated and released from the hospital. We commend our staff for their swift and effective response, ensuring that everyone impacted has received the necessary medical care. The Department is strongly encouraging staff to utilize PPE until further notice. The Department is currently collaborating with our partners at IDPH to investigate the symptoms experienced by Menard staff. The Department is conducting a thorough ongoing investigation into the events at Menard, and we will share further information as it becomes available. Our top priority remains the safety and well-being of our staff and the individuals in our custody.

Menard was still on a Level One lockdown when Sen. Bryant attempted to gain access last Friday.

Also, I’m told that St. Clair Emergency Special Services refused to respond to a third call from the prison because they hadn’t found anything at all on the two prior trips.

More background is here and here and here and here.


Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois!

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

In less than one year, a new law will create credit card chaos for millions of Illinois consumers, small business owners and workers who rely on tips. The law changes how your credit card is processed and has never been done anywhere in the world. The end result is windfall for corporate mega-stores paid for through costly operational hurdles for small businesses and a loss of convenience and privacy for consumers who could have to pay tax and gratuity with cash. There’s still time to protect Illinois small business owners, consumers and workers by repealing the Interchange Fee Prohibition Act now! For more information, visit

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Open thread

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

*** Isabel’s Top Picks ***

* Tribune | Experts say anti-immigrant rhetoric led to viral — and incorrect — allegations of a migrant takeover: Immigration experts — who pointed to similar incidents that have unfolded across the country in recent days — said some people are spreading misleading content about migrants on social media to sway voters for anti-immigrant candidates and causes. Panic over the emergence of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua spread in Colorado last week after Fox News in Denver aired a surveillance video. The footage, which also went viral, showed a group of men armed with semi-automatic long guns and pistols in an apartment complex in the city of Aurora.

* WTTW | Illinois Doesn’t Have Parole. A Group of Incarcerated Men is Working to Change That: At 46 years old, Raúl Dorado is 26 years into a life sentence at Stateville Correctional Center. […] “All of us who formed this nonprofit, we all either had a life without parole sentence or we had a de facto life sentence, or virtual life, which means you have so much time, you can’t outlive your sentence,” he said before his Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project (PNAP) class in Stateville’s education building.

*** Statehouse News ***

* Fox 2 Now | Illinois to soon ban mini shampoo bottles in hotel rooms: The law goes into effect beginning July 1, 2025, for hotels with 50 rooms or more and beginning Jan. 1, 2026, for hotels with less than 50 rooms. […] However, the law says a hotel may still provide personal-care products in small, single-use plastic bottles at no charge to a person, but only upon request at a place other than a room or public bathroom.

*** Statewide ***

* KHQA | Union leaders demand overhaul of Illinois job posting system amid vacancies: Representatives from the local AFSCME took to the streets to let their voices be heard about the frustrations with the Illinois Central Management Services. The Illinois CMS posts job openings for state workers, but has seen some issues in the recent months. Since February, CMShas failed to post job openings for union related positions.

* WICS | Doctors scramble for solutions amid mental health worker shortage: “The whole mental health system suffers, and the whole healthcare suffers when you don’t have access to psychiatrists,” said Dr. Kari Wolf, Chair of Psychiatry for the SIU School of Medicine. Many doctors have been feeling the impact of not having enough mental health professionals, which has been declining since before the pandemic. “Other professionals are left trying to manage psychiatric conditions,” Wolf said, “and they just don’t have the training or expertise.”

*** Chicago ***

* Sun-Times | Zone offense? Cardona says he has votes to become Zoning Committee chair — with or without mayor’s support: Business and labor leaders opposed to the mayor’s choice, Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez, drafted Ald. Felix Cardona to run as a compromise candidate. The Northwest Side alderperson is so confident he has enough support, he’s advising Mayor Brandon Johnson to back off or risk an embarrassing defeat. Sigcho-Lopez is not so sure.

* Sun-Times | City Council’s Budget Committee chair to summon CPS CEO Martinez to explain pension defiance: Ald. Jason Ervin (28th) called it borderline “malfeasance” for Schools CEO Pedro Martinez to push through a $9.9 billion school budget that does not include the pension payment the city had absorbed until then-Mayor Lori Lightfoot shifted the cost to CPS.

* Tribune | Safe Passage workers honored for protecting CPS students on walks to and from school: Glenda Rivera’s teenage son was shot while walking just across the street from his high school in Hermosa. Rivera’s son survived. But eight years later, when her daughter enrolled in the same school, Rivera felt that she needed to do something to protect the children in her neighborhood from violence on their way to get an education. So she joined her local Safe Passage team, donning a neon vest and standing guard every morning and afternoon as local students walked to and from class. She has now worked for Chicago Public Schools’ Safe Passage program for seven years and counting, she said.

* Sun-Times | Pace, CPS paratransit drivers reach tentative contract deal, potentially ending weekslong strike: Nearly 800 drivers walked off the job Aug. 16 in protest of what they said were unfair wages. After reaching a tentative deal with SCR Medical Transportation, they could be back at work by the end of the week if they vote to ratify the contract Thursday. […] Chicago Public Schools said it is “encouraged” that a new deal could soon be reached.

* Tribune | Obama Foundation fundraising slows; new museum teaser video released: The foundation raised $129 million in 2023, its lowest sum of the last seven years, according to IRS Form 990 filings, which are required annually from nonprofits. The year before, it raised $311 million, though the bulk of that sum came from tech titans Jeff Bezos and Brian Chesky. The development team raised $1.5 billion through the end of 2023, foundation spokeswoman Gloria Nlewedim told the Tribune in a statement, but “we saw fewer gifts of $25M+ than in previous years, which led to slightly below-average results,” last year.

* Block Club | Chicago’s Getting A Picture-Perfect Weekend With Sunny Skies, Cooler Temperatures: Thursday is expected to be mostly sunny and warm, with a high near 85 degrees, while Friday will top out at 69 degrees and could see isolated showers, according to the National Weather Service. But the good weather really kicks in Saturday, when the skies are expected to be sunny and temperatures will hit 65 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

* WBEZ | What’s That Building? Old Town School of Folk Music: In the 1990s, a Chicago public library building that had sat unused for a decade got a second life. Or maybe, because of the traditions at the Old Town School of Folk Music, which took over the Art Deco building, it’s more accurate to say it got a Second Half. The building is now a fine place to watch live music — or make some. In the main auditorium, 450-seat Maurer Hall, nobody’s more than 45 feet from the stage, and over that stage hangs a mural from the WPA era.

* Sun-Times | White Sox top Orioles, halt 12-game losing streak: Producing a formula not seen in weeks — three homers, a strong effort from the starting pitcher, scoreless relief pitching and two excellent defensive plays — the Sox improved to 5-38 since the All-Star break. At 32-109, they need to finish 11-10 in their last 21 games against the Red Sox, Guardians, Athletics, Angels, Padres and Tigers to avoid the 1962 Mets’ record of 120 losses.

*** Cook County and Suburbs ***

* Daily Southtown | Attorney for embattled Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard labels trustees corrupt, says she has ‘not committed any crimes’: At what was to have been a regularly scheduled Village Board meeting, Beau Brindley, an attorney hired some weeks ago by Henyard, said trustees who are at odds with her have “taken it upon themselves to try to take away the power of the mayor,” and labeled it “political corruption of the worst kind.” Brindley said that Henyard “is under attack by a corrupt board of trustees that believe they can subvert the will of the people.”

* Fox Chicago | Dolton’s new Village Administrator faces scrutiny over past allegations: The latest appointment by Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard has sparked significant controversy, as newly hired Village Administrator Michael A. Smith faces questions about his past legal troubles, including allegations of sexual harassment involving a 15-year-old girl and a history of multiple criminal charges.

* WGN | Tiffany Henyard’s party goes on, despite trustees’ efforts to stop it: “Let me make sure I’m crystal clear about this: I ain’t never took a goddam thing in my life,” Henyard told Facebook viewers during a livestream from the outdoor gathering. The event was promoted as the “Friends of Tiffany A. Henyard Picnic,” which immediately set off alarm bells among her opponents, who noted that “Friends of Tiffany A. Henyard” is also the name of the embattled politician’s campaign fund.

* Daily Herald | DuPage County clerk sued in dispute over how her bills are paid: The DuPage County state’s attorney’s office has asked a judge to order DuPage County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek to comply with county regulations regarding the payment of her bills so vendors can be paid in a timely manner. The lawsuit, called a writ of mandamus, was filed Wednesday. It claims the clerk is breaking state law when she refuses to indicate from where in her budget a bill should be paid when the budget line item for the expense does not have enough money for the payment.

* Daily Herald | Kane County free speech zone questioned by board members, public: Kane County Board Chairman Corinne Pierog said Wednesday that a First Amendment zone was created at the Kane County Government Center to ensure people had a place to speak — not to prohibit them from doing so anywhere else on the campus. But people who have been handing out leaflets at the county campus in Geneva say Pierog established the zone last week because the materials criticized her.

* Daily Herald | Fox River to flow freely through Carpentersville with dam removal: The Fox River will soon flow freely from Algonquin to Elgin. Crews will begin work on a $1.2 million project to remove the Carpentersville Dam this month. The project, which will be finished in November, will create a 10.2-mile unimpeded flow of the Fox River — the longest free-flowing stretch through Kane County. “May this be the model and lead domino in a movement that carries river restoration efforts progressively downstream,” said Friends of the Fox River President Gary Swick at a ribbon-tying event Wednesday to celebrate the start of the project.

* Daily Herald | How a nonprofit is tackling math anxiety in girls: Now Mission:MathMinds has entered into a partnership with the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund and the Herman + Rasiej Mathematics Initiative to further its mission and support innovative programs addressing math anxiety in girls. Programs include mentoring, scholar camps, national conferences, a global literacy campaign, and STEM kit donations to schools, as well as working with partners around the globe.

*** Downstate ***

* KWQC | East Moline mayor helps save veteran’s life after heart attack: Mayor Freeman says he was attending the Rock Island County Democrats Labor Day Picnic at Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council in East Moline. His friend, who is a 76-year-old Navy veteran was also in attendance and collapsed after he had a heart attack. Mayor Freeman’s friend’s grandson alerted him that his grandfather was having a heart attack, and that’s when he jumped in to perform CPR.

* WCIA | ‘We have made no progress on the issues that we organized around:’ UIS non-tenured faculty union file deamand for federal mediation: The non-tenured faculty union at UIS is fairly new, forming at the beginning of the year. Now, they’re hoping to create a more productive conversation to get a new contract. “Many of our non-tenured faculty were suddenly given contracts that asked them to teach additional classes without any additional compensation,” Fenton said.

* Pantagraph | Illinois State University rally denounces discrimination after hate crime report: ozens of students, faculty, staff and others at Illinois State University demonstrated Wednesday afternoon against discrimination of queer students on the Redbird campus. The rally came 10 days after the ISU Police Department issued an advisory on Facebook stating that four suspects confronted a student and knocked him off his scooter in the early morning hours of Aug. 24 outside the Bone Student Center. Investigators said the student was repeatedly punched in the face and called offensive, homophobic terms, prompting the police department to investigate the incident as a hate crime.

* Journal Gazette | Charleston, Mattoon wastewater treatment plants getting solar power: The cities of Charleston and Mattoon are pursuing the construction of solar arrays at their wastewater treatment plants with the goal of helping save money on powering these facilities. In Charleston, construction is underway for the array across from the wastewater treatment plant at 1200 W. Madison Ave. In Mattoon, the City Council voted Tuesday night to approve a power purchase agreement for the planned array at the 820 S. Fifth Place plant. Both cities are working with Renewable Energy Evolution and Commercial Electric Inc. of Lake Forest on these projects.

* WSIL | Low water levels in the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers impact local businesses: With lower water levels, Golcanda’s Marina Manager Keith Collier says they could see fewer people stopping by. “We have a lot of visitors, river traffic, pleasure crafts that come from the Evansville area down here regularly. So if they’re having issues north of us or south of us, it could affect us,” Collier said.

*** National ***

* AP | Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian influence operation, US says: An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.


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Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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* Pritzker: Cuts to Medicaid will be devastating to Illinois
* A look at the history of Illinois' health insurance program for undocumented residents
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* If you won't listen to me, Sen. Durbin, then listen to this expert and look at what got us here
* Please, don't do stuff like this (Updated)
* There’s No End To Credit Card Swipe Fee Greed
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