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Another day, another prison lockdown over unsubstantiated drug fears

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yesterday

Staff members at several southern Illinois prisons have been treated at area hospitals since August.

It’s believed they were exposed to tainted mail.

According to the Illinois Department of Corrections, they are investigating what caused staff members at Menard Correctional Center in Chester, Pinckneyville Correctional Center, Shawnee Correctional Center in Johnson County and Illinois River Correctional Center in Fulton County to receive medical attention.

IDOC reports items recovered at some of the facilities have tested positive for synthetic cannabinoids, chemicals found in insecticides and Fentanyl, but at some locations, there have been no positive results. Illinois State Police are conducting further testing at their lab.

* I’m highly dubious of these claims by guards

The American College of Medical Toxicology and the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology issued a joint report in 2017 asserting the risk of fentanyl overdose via incidental transdermal exposure is very low, and it would take 200 min of breathing fentanyl at the highest airborne concentrations to yield a therapeutic dose, but not a potentially fatal one.


“This has never happened,” said Dr. Ryan Marino, a toxicologist and emergency room physician who studies addiction at Case Western Reserve University. “There has never been an overdose through skin contact or accidentally inhaling fentanyl.” […]

“There’s never been a toxicologically confirmed case,” said Brandon Del Pozo, a former police chief who studies addiction and drug policy at Brown University.” The idea of it hanging in the air and getting breathed in is highly highly implausible - it’s nearly impossible.”

* Anyway, I just received this from the Illinois Department of Corrections regarding a lockdown at Shawnee Correctional Center…

After today’s health related events, the facility contacted MABAS Hazmat Team 45 to assist with the investigation. MABAS Hazmat Team 45 did not locate any harmful substances during their search. Shawnee CC remains on Level 1 lockdown to allow for a thorough investigation into these events.


    • This morning, September 25, a correctional officer reported to the Health Care Unit (HCU) at Shawnee Correctional Center with medical symptoms after conducting count in Housing Unit 1.
    • Another correctional officer, assigned to Housing Unit 1’s control room, began to experience medical symptoms and was escorted to the HCU by two additional correctional officers.
    • The two responding correctional officers also began to feel ill along with two staff members of the HCU.
    • Five of the six impacted staff were decontaminated and transported to an outside hospital by ambulance for evaluation. They have since been released.
    • No individuals in custody were impacted.

Not sure why a lockdown is even necessary.

IDOC needs to start an intensive education program.


Trump-appointed judge threatens AG Raoul, SA Foxx with possible sanctions

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background

A federal judge in Rockford ruled it unconstitutional for Illinoisans with concealed carry permits to be prohibited from carrying guns on public transportation, a decision with uncertain implications for a decade-old state law.

The decision was a result of a 2022 lawsuit filed by four people who alleged the section of Illinois’ concealed carry law that bars holders of concealed carry licenses, or CCLs, from carrying the guns on public buses or trains violated their Second Amendment right to self-defense under the U.S. Constitution.

More background is here.

* Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Cook Count State’s Attorney Kim Foxx eventually filed a motion to stay judgement pending appeal. Excerpt

Finally, the public interest overwhelmingly favors a stay. The Supreme Court and the Seventh Circuit have both made clear that stays pending appeal are appropriate where lower courts have questioned the constitutionality of firearm regulations. … This is particularly true here, where there is already significant confusion regarding the Court’s order. For example. while the Court entered purely declaratory relief limited to four individuals and two public transit systems, at least one news publication is now reporting that the Court’s ruling allows all concealed carry license holders to carry concealed firearms in any train or bus in Illinois. Moreover, the potential safety implications of the Court’s order are highlighted by a recent mass shooting on the CTAs Blue Line, in which four people were murdered with firearms three days after the Court’s order was entered.

* That highlighted sentence infuriated Judge Iain Johnston, a Trump appointee who openly fretted about that connection when he handed down the original ruling. Judge Johnston issued an order today

A telephonic hearing is set for 10/2/2024 at 1:30 p.m. Counsel will receive an email prior to the start of the telephonic hearing with instructions to join the call. The call-in number is 888- 557-8511 and the access code is 2660444. Persons granted remote access to proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violation of these prohibitions may result in sanctions.

Defendants’ motion contains the following sentence: “Moreover, the potential safety implications of the Court’s order are highlighted by a recent mass shooting on the CTAs Blue Line, in which four people were murdered with firearms three days after the Court’s order was entered.”

The two signatories of the motion must telephonically attend the hearing. Additionally, if the person who wrote this sentence is not one of the signatories to the motion, then that person must also telephonically attend the hearing. Counsel should be prepared to explain what reasonable inquiry was done as to the legal contentions and the evidentiary support for the factual contentions contained in this sentence. For example— and by no way of limitation—counsel should be prepared to articulate the reasonable inquiry that was made to determine if the suspect in the CTAs Blue Line shooting possessed a concealed carry permit, and if so, whether he brought the gun onto CTA property to protect himself. Moreover, counsel should explain the reasonable inquiry as to how the suspect was protecting himself from the sleeping homeless people when he allegedly shot them. If, after hearing the explanations as to any reasonable inquiry, counsel should be prepared to show cause why the factual and legal assertions in this sentence do not violate Rule 11(b).

* If you’re unfamiliar with Rule 11(b), it’s about possible sanctions

Rule 11— Signing of Pleadings, Motions, and Other Papers; Representations to Court; Sanctions […]

(b) Representations to Court. By presenting to the court (whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating) a pleading, written motion, or other paper, an attorney or unrepresented party is certifying that to the best of the person’s knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, —

    (1) it is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation;

    (2) the claims, defenses, and other legal contentions therein are warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law;

    (3) the allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and

    (4) the denials of factual contentions are warranted on the evidence or, if specifically so identified, are reasonably based on a lack of information or belief.

(c) Sanctions. If, after notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond, the court determines that subdivision (b) has been violated, the court may, subject to the conditions stated below, impose an appropriate sanction upon the attorneys, law firms, or parties that have violated subdivision (b) or are responsible for the violation.


Isabel’s afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Subscribers know more. From G-PAC Illinois…

The Gun Violence Prevention PAC of Illinois (G-PAC), the state’s leading gun violence advocacy organization, and GIFFORDS PAC, the national gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced today a slate of endorsements for Illinois House and Senate races.

Since 2015, G-PAC and GIFFORDS PAC have joined together to endorse legislative candidates in Illinois as part of their mission to elect more champions to office to pass common sense gun safety measures. Today’s endorsements of 72 Illinois House incumbents, five House challenger candidates, and 18 Senate incumbents represents the highest number of candidates endorsed by the two organizations, demonstrating the years of work to grow gun safety majorities in Springfield and enact significant gun reforms. See the full list of endorsed candidates on G-PAC’s website.

* Illinois Association of County Clerks & Recorders…

Local Election Officials in Illinois have the responsibility of being defenders of our democracy. Here in Illinois, we benefit by having local control of our elections, rather than state centralized control as in many parts of the United States. This local control of our elections is done by 108 independent Local Election Officials; overwhelmingly locally elected County Clerks and a few appointed Election Commission Directors.

This gives you, the citizens, the highest level of oversight of your election’s operations. These activities are not being conducted by some faceless bureaucrat in a secret centralized office far from your home but rather by individuals who live within your jurisdiction, shop at your local supermarket, have children in school with your kids, and located in offices that you can easily visit and inspect.

As a matter of fact, we want you to visit our offices, ask us questions, tell us your concerns, and see for yourself how we safeguard your vote here in the State of Illinois against all threats, foreign and domestic.

Even better, we want you to join our team and manage your local election!

Election Judges are citizens within each jurisdiction that are appointed by the political parties, managed by the Local Election Authority, and work under the authorization of the local Circuit Judge as Officers of that Circuit Court to run elections at their Polling Location. With that responsibility comes unobstructed access to see for yourself the procedures and policies we have in place to safeguard elections here in Illinois. You will be in a position to oversee all decisions surrounding all votes cast in that Polling Location and can take immediate action to call attention to any problems you may encounter.

Don’t have the ability or time to serve as an Election Judge but still have questions and concerns about elections in Illinois? That’s okay, still stop by our office anytime and ask to arrange a tour, ask your Local Election Official directly the questions you have, see for yourself the policies and procedures we have in place to safeguard your election process. All of our offices are required to be Polling Locations open and available to the public from September 26th through Election Day November 5th.

We want the opportunity to talk with you about your questions and concerns!

Since 2016, questions have been raised concerning the security and the results of our elections. A growing mistrust of our election procedures and policies has resulted. This must stop, for a secure nonviolent democracy is only possible when the citizens have faith in the results of fair, free elections. The ability to visit our offices, ask us questions, express your concerns, and see for yourself how the election process works has always been available from us, the local individuals responsible for this activity here in the State of Illinois. If in the past this was not well communicated and you the citizens did not feel we welcomed your inquiries, we want that to change and we want you to know we want to talk with you!

Your Local Election Official here in Illinois does not answer to any State or Federal Government Official. Our actions cannot be dictated to us by any State Legislator, Congressional leader, President, and especially no foreign government. YOUR LOCAL ELECTION OFFICIAL is only accountable to you, the citizens of the local jurisdiction we serve. All votes within your jurisdiction here in Illinois must be cast on paper, which can and is audited following each and every election, and can only be counted by individuals from within your local jurisdiction. No mysterious individuals from the state or federal government, no internet hacker, and no foreign government can change your local vote total within the State of Illinois.

We take our responsibility to preserve our nation’s freedom serious, and we also take it personal when our trust with the citizens we serve is in question. We want all the citizens we serve to trust in their LOCAL ELECTION AUTHORITY. We understand trust must be earned, and as such we stand ready to work with each and every one of you to prove the safety and security of our election procedures and policies.

* Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park…

The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park, LLC, the University-Related Organization (URO) operating the quantum park located at USX on the South Side of Chicago, today announced its Board of Managers. The Board of Managers is made up of 14 individuals representing various partners of the project and will be responsible for overseeing operations at the historic campus where leading quantum computing company PsiQuantum aims to build the first utility-scale, error-corrected quantum computer in the United States.

“This board includes some of Illinois’ greatest advocates for quantum development, without whom cutting-edge projects like the IQMP and our state’s record investments in the quantum industry would not have been possible,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I know these individuals will continue guiding this project to greater and greater heights as Illinois seals its place as the Silicon Valley of quantum in the United States and the IQMP grows into its role as an international center for research and learning.”

The University of Illinois System, which formally established the URO, facilitated discussions with key stakeholders to determine the makeup of the Board of Managers, and the makeup reflects the collaborative outcome of those conversations. The Board includes representatives from Illinois’ academic institutions, state governments, nonprofits, and the private sector.

“The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park is a historic opportunity to further establish the state as the global hub for quantum and microelectronics, and the University of Illinois System is proud to help support the structure that will bring this campus to life,” said President Tim Killeen of the University of Illinois System. “This is a team of tremendously talented individuals with a mix of expertise and experience that will ensure the IQMP is a success, and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.”

The Board of Managers is made up of:

    John Atkinson – chair, Intersect Illinois
    Rashid Bashir – dean, Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Stacia Edwards – deputy provost, City Colleges of Chicago
    Sonja Feist-Price – provost, Chicago State University
    Brad Henderson – chief executive officer, P33
    Paul Kearns – director, Argonne National Laboratory
    Becky Locker – chief of staff, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
    Susan Martinis – vice chancellor for research and innovation at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Principal Officer of the Board of Managers
    Nadya Mason – dean, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago
    Lia Merminga – director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
    Wilbur C. Milhouse III – chairman/CEO, Milhouse Engineering & Construction and Chair of the Board of Managers
    Eric Perreault – vice president for research, Northwestern University
    Casimir Peters – chief of business attraction and development, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
    A designee from the private sector, to be appointed during a future meeting

“The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park will build upon the strong quantum foundation Governor Pritzker, his administration, and our partners have laid here in Illinois, and the Board of Managers is made up of so many of the members of our state’s ecosystem in the industry,” said John Atkinson, chair of Intersect Illinois. “We look forward to getting to work together to make the IQMP a reality, and to see the job creation, economic development and community investment that comes with it.”

* Block Club, WBEZ and Chalkbeat have all put out voter guides for Chicago’s first school board races.

*** Statewide ***

* WAND | How to avoid AI before heading to the polls; 2024 Voter Misinformation Guide released: On Wednesday, Attorney General Kwame Raoul released a 2024 Voter Misinformation Guide to help Illinois voters identify and report election misinformation generated by artificial intelligence (AI). As the election ramps up, so has the use of AI being used to create fake but realistic content about the November election and its candidates.

* Press release | State Treasurer Michael Frerichs Returns Missing Money to Nearly 140,000 Residents Through Enhanced Money Match: A record-setting 138,561 people are in line to receive a total of nearly $13.2 million from the state’s Unclaimed Property program and all they have to do is cash the check, Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs said today.

*** Chicago ***

* South Side Weekly | What’s After ShotSpotter?:” I think the evolution has come from us wanting to see what else is out there, not necessarily committing to another gunshot-detection technology, but we need to see what is in the marketplace to see if there is a fit for the City of Chicago. And quite frankly, I think it’s important to put an RFI out to explore what options are there,” Deputy Mayor for Community Safety Garien Gatewood said.

* Sun-Times | As Chicago’s mayor tries to oust CPS’ Pedro Martinez, the CEO’s contract is a major hurdle: When Chicago Schools Chief Pedro Martinez took the bold step last week of rejecting Mayor Brandon Johnson’s request that he resign, Martinez did it knowing his contract would make it difficult to quickly oust him. Sources tell WBEZ and the Sun-Times that Martinez is waiting for the Board of Education to decide his fate and that he is holding out hope the members will save him. In statements and in a Chicago Tribune op-ed, he says the school district needs the stability he brings.

* WBEZ | McCormick Place Lakeside Center completes bird-safe glass project in time for fall migration: The easternmost structure in the city has two football fields’ worth of glass, and the $1.2 million project took three months to complete. […] Annette Prince with the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors commended the authority for completing the project. Her organization rescues injured birds and recovers dead birds found in the city — many of which have collided into glass. “We are excited McCormick Place finished its application, and we think it’s already yielding good results,” Prince said. “On days we have had hundreds of birds hitting buildings downtown, McCormick Place hasn’t seen as many collisions.”

*** Cook County and Suburbs ***

* WBEZ | Lawsuits claim Black students in Northwestern’s prison education program were unjustly disciplined: A pair of federal lawsuits claim the Illinois Department of Corrections unjustly disciplined two Black students in Northwestern University’s prison education program because the students worked together to prevent university staff from harassment during their visits to the prison. Corrections officials deemed the coordinated effort to “stop problems” gang-related activity, according to the federal complaints. The lawsuits were expected to be filed Wednesday morning. The plaintiffs, LeShun Smith and Brian McClendon, allege they were denied due process and targeted because of their race, violating their constitutional rights and effectively ending their education, said their attorney, Alan Mills.

* Sun-Times | Chicago area’s data center push continues as developer T5 breaks ground on Northlake facility: “This will be the nicest data center we’ve built,” said Robbie Sovie, T5’s executive vice president of development. “We’re going to have a lot more in the next five to 10-plus years, but this is going to be a great project.” The building, called T5 Chicago III, will serve an undisclosed user, though T5 CEO and President Pete Marin said the customer is “the best at what they do.”

* Tribune | Pedestrian safety measures still lacking at many rail crossings — sometimes with tragic results: While road-rail crossings in the Chicago area typically have gates to stop vehicles, there often are no such protections for pedestrians. Of 971 rail crossings with roadway gates in Cook and the collar counties of DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties, only an estimated 204, or 21%, have pedestrian gates, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission, which regulates crossings.

* Daily Southtown | Thornton Township trustees call for investigations into Tiffany Henyard spending: After tit for tat calls for accountability during heated exchanges between Thornton Township trustees and Supervisor Tiffany Henyard, officials approved audits of all township departments along with a former official’s credit card during a board meeting Tuesday evening. As Trustees Carmen Carlisle and Chris Gonzalez called out Henyard for continued unauthorized spending and general lack of transparency regarding township operations, Henyard shot back by questioning Carlisle’s spending when the trustee worked as her assistant. She motioned to conduct a “forensic audit/investigation” of former Thornton Township administrator Keith Freeman’s credit card “and Carmen Carlisle’s use of said card.”

* Tribune | Weed shops can set up in bustling uptown area of Park Ridge after mayor misses chance to veto: Park Ridge currently has one recreational use cannabis dispensary that opened in 2023 at 1036 Higgins Road. “While my intention was to veto the action taken by Council relative to the expansion of where a cannabis dispensary can apply to operate Uptown … I made a procedural error. My mistake means that my intended action (a veto) never took place,” Mayor Marty Maloney stated in a note to the City Council that he shared by email with Pioneer Press. […] Maloney has been against allowing marijuana dispensaries in Uptown mostly due to the Park Ridge Public Library being in the area. Additionally, the area is a bustling hub in Park Ridge that includes eateries, shopping options, the town’s Metra commuter rail station, is where the farmers market is held and more.

* Sun-Times | Evanston shelter mourns Blue Line victims, reaffirms its mission: Around 50 people gathered for the service Tuesday, hosted by Connections for the Homeless at Lake Street Church in Evanston. While the organization hosts an annual memorial to mourn the lives lost of those involved with the group, it was a unique event this year. A former beneficiary of the group’s services, Margaret Miller Johnson, was one of the victims killed in the mass shooting.

* Shaw Local | Tiny McHenry County town where mayor fills the potholes is asking to levy its 1st property tax: But that could change on Nov. 5. The village board has placed a question on the general election ballot, seeking approval of a .25% property tax levy. If approved by voters, the levy would bring the village about $5,000 a year for its roads, said Jim Kelly, the village attorney. Even if the village board were to raise that hypothetical levy in the future “it would take us 10 years to get to what Wonder Lake taxes at,” Village Trustee Brian Spiro said at the board’s Monday night meeting.

*** Downstate ***

* KFVS | U.S. 60/62 bridge over Mississippi River to reopen ahead of schedule: According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, the bridge carrying U.S. 60/62 over the Mississippi River in Alexander County and Mississippi County, Missouri is reopening ahead of schedule. The bridge is set to reopen, weather permitting, by 12 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25.

* WAND | Springfield Mayor releases statement on 5th and North Grand community concerns: Memorial Behavioral Health, the City of Springfield’s Community Outreach Coordinator, and the City’s Homeless Outreach Team responded to those concerns Wednesday morning. […] Outreach coordinators were sent out to connect with everyone there, provide referrals, resources, and contact information. “Everyone was given the opportunity to collect their belongings. However, some unclaimed items were left behind,” the Mayor’s Office said.

* WCIA | Champaign Co. 911 center experiencing staff shortage: According to METCAD’s Director, Ralph Caldwell, the call center is having a hard time hiring and keeping dispatchers because of the demands of the job. He said the stress and relatively low-pay of the job makes it difficult to keep qualified call-takers. Relatives and loved one of dispatchers, however, have been showing their concern for the lack of staff support. They said it’s not only an added stressor for their loved ones but might impact METCAD’s ability to handle calls.

* BND | A second juvenile is arrested in connection with threats made against metro-east school: A 15-year-old has been charged in connection with a social media threat against Cahokia High School last week. Law enforcement officials are not naming the juvenile or the specific charges filed due to the suspect’s age. The teen is being held at the St. Clair County Juvenile Detention Center, Cahokia Heights Police Chief Steven Brown said.

* BND | Belleville Oktoberfest is latest metro-east festival ended early by ‘unruly’ juveniles: Officers asked the band to stop playing and began clearing out the crowd about 8:30 p.m., according to Assistant Police Chief Mark Heffernan. The festival was supposed to run until 9 p.m. […] Heffernan estimated that more than 100 juveniles were involved in the disturbance at Oktoberfest. No one had been charged as of Monday, he said, but police still were investigating alleged crimes, including one case of aggravated battery.

* SJ-R | Campaign celebrating Abraham Lincoln’s Illinois roots goes from Freeport to Jonesboro: Pontiac, Illinois, could be getting its 10th Looking for Lincoln wayside exhibit with some recently announced grant funding, but did you know there already are 260 exhibits across the state? Many of them are in a community near you. Wayside exhibits are essentially storyboards that serve as historic markers. The exhibits help residents and visitors learn more about Abraham Lincoln, the nation’s 16th president and the Lincoln from which the Land of Lincoln gets its name.

*** National ***

* AP | The chunkiest of chunks face off in Alaska’s Fat Bear Week: Fat Bear Week doesn’t officially start at Katmai National Park and Preserve until Oct. 2, when fans can begin voting online for their favorite ursine behemoths in tournament-style brackets. But on Tuesday organizers revealed the four cub contestants in this week’s Fat Bear Jr. contest — with the “chubby champ charging on to face the corpulent competition” in the adult bracket, as Naomi Boak of the nonprofit Katmai Conservancy put it during the livestreamed announcement.

* NYT | As School Threats Proliferate, More Than 700 Students Are Arrested: “Five years ago, we averaged 29 school threats per month. Last year, we averaged 785 per month,” said Don Beeler of TDR Technology Solutions, a software company that tracks threats using data from schools, the police and news accounts. On the Monday after the Georgia shooting, he said, 500 schools were under threat.


IRMA, financial institutions escalate battle over swipe fee law

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tulchin is a legit pollster which does lots of work for the House Democrats. The poll, however, has some pretty leading questions. Illinois Retail Merchants Association press release…

A recent poll found more than 70% of Illinois voters support banning interchange fees or “swipe fees” on the tax and tip portion of credit card transactions. The poll of 800 Illinois voters, conducted by Tulchin Research/Impact Research, showed overwhelming public support for the new Illinois law, with respondents agreeing that swipe fees are unfair to businesses and workers and lead to higher prices for consumers.

Illinois recently passed the Interchange Fee Prohibition Act, which prohibits banks and credit card companies from charging swipe fees on the state and local sales tax and tip portion of a sales transaction when the consumer pays with a credit or debit card. Credit card companies and financial institutions currently charge the retailers and restaurants a fee when consumers use cards, based on the total transaction amount of the goods, tax and any tip. Credit card companies are still able to charge the interchange fee for the purchase price of the product. The Interchange Fee Prohibition Act will lower the amount that credit card companies can charge retailers and save businesses and consumers millions of dollars a year.

Key findings of the poll, which was taken September 6 through September 11, include:

    • 86% of voters agree that it is unfair for banks and credit card companies to charge businesses swipe fees on the sales tax they collect for the state of Illinois and local government.
    • 82% agree that it is unfair to workers and businesses to charge swipe fees on top of their tips.
    • 84% of voters agree that excessive swipe fees charged to businesses end up being paid by consumers in higher prices.

The survey found support is broad-based and strongly backed by voters across the state and political spectrum. Additionally, the majority of voters disagree with the false assertion by banks and credit card companies that the swipe fee prohibition will hurt consumers by limiting their ability to use credit cards and shortchanging them on credit card rewards points.

“The idea that banning swipe fees would harm consumers is completely false, and this poll shows that voters see through those claims. The Interchange Fee Prohibition Act will provide tangible relief to Illinois families and retailers of all sizes and types by limiting the fees financial institutions can charge on the sales and excise tax and tips portion of transactions,” said Rob Karr, president and CEO, Illinois Retail Merchants Association. “It’s no surprise that a majority of Illinois voters support this commonsense measure to keep costs low for consumers and help small businesses save money, grow, and create jobs.”

* Response…

Joint Statement from Illinois Bankers Association Ben Jackson and Illinois Credit Union League Ashley Sharp:

“Today’s poll and press conference from the retailers was nothing more than a smokescreen. The survey clearly failed to inform consumers that this law will cause chaos every time they use a credit or debit card and no amount of spin from the retailers will change that.

“Besides violating a host of federal laws as our legal complaint makes clear, this law does absolutely nothing for consumers. It doesn’t mean bigger tips for workers, or that workers get to keep more of their tips. In fact, it could incentivize people not to leave a tip at all. And the law doesn’t raise a single dollar for the state of Illinois. It simply forces banks, credit unions, small businesses and everyone at the check-out counter to navigate a needlessly complex new system that rewards the state’s largest retail stores. No one else in the world has adopted this approach, and for good reason.”



Reason for new bill collapses, so all sponsors are left with is a ’stunt’

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* September 19th press release…

The migrant population is growing exponentially in Illinois creating concerns about election integrity which is why State Representative Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur) has introduced legislation aimed at discouraging noncitizens from registering and voting in elections.

House Bill 5875 makes it a Class 4 felony for any person who is not a citizen of the United States to knowingly register to vote in an election including municipal elections and anyone who knowingly registers a person to vote who is not a citizen of the United States would also face a Class 4 felony charge.

“It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote. This legislation puts real teeth in the effort to prevent non-citizen registration and as importantly to prevent unscrupulous campaign activists from attempting to register non-citizens,” Caulkins said. “There needs to be real consequences for non-citizens who illegally register to vote and for anyone registering non-citizens to vote. We must get serious about voter integrity, and that is exactly what House Bill 5875 will accomplish.”

* Same day in Center Square

Caulkins said he will be amending the bill to strike out language that says, “knowingly votes in an election,” which is already covered in the federal law.

* Caulkins’ statement about striking out the voting language because it was already covered under federal law did not deter fellow Eastern Bloc member Rep. Adam Niemerg from saying this in a press release five days later…

State Representative Adam Niemerg (R-Teutopolis) says the best way to prevent noncitizens from voting is to take steps to ensure they are not registered to vote in the first place.

Niemerg is chief co-sponsor of House Bill 5875, which makes it a Class 4 felony for any person who is not a citizen of the United States to knowingly register to vote in an election including municipal elections and anyone who knowingly registers a person to vote who is not a citizen of the United States would also face a Class 4 felony charge.

“We must protect the integrity of our elections,” Niemerg said. “There are rules in place for people to lawfully become citizens of our country if they so desire. Allowing people to skip the line and get registered to vote is not fair to those who have immigrated to our country legally and it is certainly not fair to natural born citizens either. Voting should be one citizen; one vote.”

* But Matt Dietrich, a spokesperson with the Illinois State Board of Elections, told WGLT that the rest of Caulkins’ bill is also already covered under federal law

“If they are knowingly out there trying to sign someone up [to vote] and if they knowingly encourage this person to commit voter fraud, which is knowing they are not a U.S. citizen, is committing a federal crime,” [Dietrich] said

*Hard sigh*

* Gov. Pritzker was asked about Rep. Caulkins’ bill today in Chicago

That’s a stunt. It is already illegal to vote if you are a non-citizen, so you can’t register to vote without ID, and you can’t vote if you are a non-citizen. So that’s just a stunt. That’s something leading into the November election they’d like to raise, but we have no signs that there are people that are voting, or have been over any of the last bunch of elections in Illinois who are non citizens.


Rate the new Sorensen ad (Updated)

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* The ad

* Transcript…

I’m Eric Sorensen and I approve this message.

A teacher guilty of child pornography, Illinois mandates a six year minimum sentence. So how could judge Joe McGraw decide to give him zero jail time?

[McGraw]: So I would take the file folder, go back in chambers, and I’d lay it on the floor then I would lay on top of that file, and I’d pray and pray and pray until God gave me leading [on] what to do, and then I’d come back out and give my ruling.

* Lee Enterprises’ Illinois political reporter Brenden Moore

McGraw put his first TV ad out last week.

…Adding… McGraw campaign…

“Eric Sorensen just demonstrated how out-of-touch and elitist he truly is by insulting tens of thousands of Illinoisans who believe in the power of prayer. I’ll never apologize for putting my faith and hope in God, and using that faith to make serious decisions whether as a Judge or member of Congress. This campaign has never been about politics, but the values of our district not being represented in Congress. What better example is there than our own Congressman attacking the use of prayer? He mocks the values we share while promoting his own extreme views.

Everything about Eric Sorensen, from his self-proclaimed bipartisanship to the ‘good neighbor’ image he tries to project, is an act. The real Eric Sorensen is flat-out extreme, and unfit to represent us in Congress.

He supports providing sex change drugs and life-altering sex change operations to young children.

He has hosted drag shows for children exposing them to sexually explicit content and supports allowing biological men to share restrooms with young girls.

He is on the record joking about rape.

And he posted images on his secret Facebook account referring to police officers as ‘bastards’ and ‘fascist pigs’. Needless to say Illinoisans will not be lectured on values by this elitist politician who would be wise to drop the facade and go run for office in Los Angeles or New York City where folks are just as out-of-touch as him.

As far as being soft on crime goes, Eric Sorensen can try to fool voters with a deceptive ad about a decades old case that was decided through a plea agreement before sentencing. Throughout my life I’ve prosecuted and brought justice to criminals while always supporting survivors. I’ll put that record up against reading weather reports any day of the week.”


It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* HB5876 from Rep. Ryan Spain

Amends Public Act 103-0589. Increases the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriation to the Department of Agriculture from the Partners for Conservation Fund for grants to Soil and Water Conservation Districts for ordinary and contingent administrative expenses from $4,500,000 to $8,500,000. Effective immediately.

WGLT reported in July that the FY2025 budget included a nearly 50% cut to operating funds for Illinois soil and water conservation districts.

* Chalkbeat Chicago

The Chicago Board of Education is slated to vote on a resolution that commits to no school closures until 2027 — a response to a Chicago Teachers Union assertion that CEO Pedro Martinez is planning closures, which he has staunchly denied.

The vote on resolution, which Mayor Brandon Johnson’s appointed school board will consider at its Thursday meeting, comes days after Johnson asked Martinez to resign. In an op-ed for Chicago Tribune published Tuesday, Martinez said he will not step down — and described the talk of closures as a tactic aimed at undermining him.

The resolution is worded as a recommendation from Martinez that the board will be asked to approve. But in the Tribune piece, Martinez said both he and Board President Jianan Shi are asking the board to approve the resolution. In a letter to staff and families, Martinez said the resolution has the board’s “enthusiastic support.”

* HB303 would have prevented the Chicago Board of Education from making any changes to selective enrollment schools until 2027


There are few issues that animate conservatives these days more than immigration and voter integrity. Bring those two issues together, and you have a bill proposed by a conservative lawmaker from Central Illinois.

Dan Caulkins’ district includes much of rural eastern and southern McLean County. The three-term Republican lawmaker from Decatur won’t be on the ballot in November. He’s retiring. But Caulkins said he’s worried about other candidates whose names will be on the ballot and those who will be casting ballots. […]

When pressed further about where ineligible voters are being signed up, Caulkins cited Oregon where more than 1,000 non-citizens had been mistakenly registered to vote since 2021.

“If it’s not happening and people are not involved in this, then what’s the harm? Why not put a little teeth in it? Why not make a deterrent?” Caulkins asked.

Voter fraud does happen, but cases are rare. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, tracks voter fraud across the country.

Illinois has had one confirmed ballot fraud incident since 2019, a duplicate primary election voter in Macon County in 2022.

…Adding… Governor Pritzker was asked at an unrelated news conference today about Rep. Caulkins bill

That’s a stunt. It is already illegal to vote if your are a non-citizen. So, you can’t register to vote without ID and you can’t vote if you are non-citizens.

So that’s just a stunt. That’s something leading into the November election they’d like to raise, but we have no signs that there are people that are voting, or have been over any of the last bunch of elections in Illinois who are non-citizens.

* HB5879 from Rep. Sonya Harper

Amends the Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetics, Hair Braiding, and Nail Technology Act of 1985. Requires a person seeking licensure as a cosmetologist to complete training on the properties of the hair and all hair types and textures, including coil, curl, or wave patterns, hair strand thicknesses, and volumes of hair.

* Rep. Carol Ammons introduced HB5874 earlier this month

Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Provides that no person shall conduct a carbon sequestration activity within a sequestration facility that overlies, underlies, or passes through a sole-source aquifer. Defines “sole-source aquifer”. Effective immediately.

More information about the bill is here.


Uber’s Local Partnership = Stress-Free Travel For Paratransit Riders

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The Pace Rideshare Access Program subsidizes Uber trips, leaving riders with a co-pay of just $2.

The impact: “This program has been a godsend for me. It offers flexibility, independence, freedom and the ability to maintain a beautiful life on so many levels,” says one rider.

CTA: See how it works.

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I keep saying it, but nobody listens

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Considering the horribly long lines during every election, the last-minute precinct voting changes, and all the other bungles; I swear, if Chicago and Cook County were in Georgia, people would most definitely say that stuff like this was specifically designed to depress Democratic turnout

Early voting became the predominant method for suburban voters to cast ballots four years ago, beating vote by mail and Election Day voting options.

Nearly 38% of all votes cast in the 2020 presidential election in suburban Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties were from early voters, according to data from county election officials. That was up from less than 31% for the 2016 presidential election.

And suburban election officials expect early voting to remain popular this year when it kicks off for most of the region Thursday.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were just as big because people are creatures of habit,” said DuPage County Clerk Jean Kaczmarek. “If they voted early in 2016 and 2020, chances are they’re going to do the same this year.”

However, Cook County voters must wait until Oct. 9 to vote early.

Chicago doesn’t start early voting until October 3rd.

But this is all just accepted as the natural order of things.


Open thread

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* ICYMI: Why I’m not resigning as CPS chief and we’re not closing any schools CPS CEO Pedro Martinez

In late April, CPS and the Chicago Teachers Union began negotiating a new contract for our teachers — professionals we deeply value. Last month, we proposed 4% to 5% annual raises, and we are close to responding to more than 700 CTU requests, reflecting our commitment to good faith negotiations. We are making progress toward a fair agreement.

Amid these academic accomplishments and labor negotiations, my role has come under fire. Whispers of my pending removal returned last week, along with false rumors, such as the notion that I plan to close schools. To be clear: There is no plan to close or consolidate schools.

Furthermore, as a matter of policy, a CEO cannot unilaterally close schools, nor should or would anyone in a district still reeling from the 2013 school closures. To put that disinformation to rest, board President Jianan Shi and I are asking the board to adopt a resolution Thursday to not close any schools through July 1, 2026, when my contract with the board expires.

I’m not naive — this is Chicago, after all, and I know there is always politics. But it’s deeply disappointing to navigate a fusillade of outright lies, part of a concerted campaign to discredit me and my leadership team. Our focus should be on delivering for our kids.

* Related stories…

At 11:30 Governor Pritzker will announce new quantum business investments. Click here to watch.

*** Isabel’s Top Picks ***

* Tribune | Board of Elections objects to election workers’ union petition, saying union membership constitutes prohibited ‘political activity’: SEIU 73’s communication director, Eric Bailey, said the union was “dumbstruck” that the city had opposed the workers’ petition. “They’re working to ensure the freedom to vote for the people of Chicago,” he said. “All we want is for their freedom to form a union to be upheld in the city of Chicago.”

* Tribune | Hundreds of former detainees allege rampant sexual abuse in Illinois and Cook County youth detention centers: ‘Wouldn’t wish my situation on anybody’: “These abuses are horrific in nature,” said attorney Todd Matthews at a Tuesday news conference in the Loop. “This has to stop, it has to stop. It has to be dealt with.” The complaints, filed Monday in the Illinois Court of Claims and Cook County Circuit Court, detailed widespread abuse from 1996 to 2021. The more than 270 plaintiffs in the lawsuits — about 40 women and 230 men — join hundreds of others who have alleged similar abuse.

* Chicago Mag | The Man Leading Illinois’s Energy Transition: From an early age, JC Kibbey knew the impact a lack of clean air can have. Growing up in the shadow of coal plants in Lansing, Michigan, he often found himself dealing with respiratory illnesses, the result of exposure to pollution. And when one of those plants closed, he watched as people lost their jobs. That’s all been on Kibbey’s mind in his role as the state climate adviser for Illinois, a position he assumed last December after five years at the Natural Resources Defense Council. At the top of his agenda? Helping the state spend a $430 million federal grant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution — part of President Joe Biden’s signature climate legislation. The funds are expected to help Illinois cut an estimated 57 million tons of emissions by 2050, but Kibbey argues that the state’s energy transition has benefits far beyond curbing climate change.

*** Statehouse News ***

* Patch | Anti-Islamic Survey Alleged In Burr Ridge Area Race: Democrat Suzanne Akhras, who is running for District 82’s state representative, said Tuesday she has received multiple reports that a survey is falsely telling residents she belongs to Islamic terrorist groups. […] Based on her information, Akhras, who is Muslim, said the survey asks, “Would you vote for Suzanne Akhras if you knew she belonged to Islamic terrorist groups?” The survey comes through a text, stating, “Dan here with Political Opinion Research with a poll about the upcoming general election.” A link is given to Survey Monkey.

* Sun-Times | Court records show two Springfield insiders profited from a controversial state government program: Ex-Illinois state Sen. James DeLeo, D-Chicago, and prominent Republican lobbyist Nancy Kimme each got 1% of the profits from a clout-heavy company called Vendor Assistance Program LLC, but that lucrative arrangement wasn’t publicly known until a week ago, the court documents and other records show. VAP is led by politically connected lawyer Brian Hynes, who has thrived for more than a decade in a state program that allows a small group of companies to buy government debt. Under the program, VAP and the other companies front unpaid state contractors most of what Springfield owes them, and VAP and other “qualified purchasers” go on to pocket the late-payment penalties from the state.

* WGEM | Illinois lawmakers discuss potential changes to how higher education is funded: The state House Appropriations Higher-Education Committee met Monday to discuss a potential new funding model based in equity to make college more accessible. […] “Our competition has grown to include out-of-state flagships, privates and many others that have wooed our students with shiny buildings and new equipment. While this hasn’t changed the quality of education that we provide, it does impact that perception of our students and our perspective families,” said Eastern Illinois University Vice President for Business Affairs Matt Bierman. He said Eastern Illinois University’s enrollment has declined significantly over the past 15 years.

*** Statewide ***

* Pontiac Daily Leader | Early voting for the Nov. 5 election is about to begin. Here’s what you need to know: If you missed the deadline to register to vote locally or online, you can still vote using grace period registration. The grace period runs from the end of regular registration through Election Day. Grace period registration takes place in person at local election offices, as well as at some early voting sites and at certain polling places on Election Day. Those taking advantage of grace period registration are required to vote the same day they register.

* WCIA | State Board of Elections warns of sample ballots through mail: Officials posted to the board’s Facebook page that people may receive what appears to be a ballot from political candidates or organizations. These are not real ballots; they are sample ballots that cannot be used to vote. People will get a real ballot through the mail only if they ask for one. People who are signed up permanently for voting by mail will receive one automatically from the State Board of Elections.

*** Chicago ***

* Sun-Times | Vacant armory can’t be used as police station because of air traffic safety rules, Mayor Johnson says: Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration on Tuesday cited federal air traffic safety regulations for the decision to use a former National Guard armory to store and maintain police vehicles, aircraft and other equipment — and not for a new Southwest Side police district. Last week, alderpersons in the area accused the mayor of pulling the rug out from under their longstanding campaign for a new district to speed response times. It would be carved out of the existing Chicago Lawn police district, which serves the second-largest geographic area with the fewest officers per capita. They accused the mayor of thumbing his nose at a bill approved by the Illinois General Assembly and signed by Gov. JB Pritzker calling for the state to sell the closed armory at 5400 W. 63rd St. to the city for $1 “for the express purpose” of creating a new police district.

* WBBM | Study on Chicago police reform efforts finds holes in city’s approach: At the request of people within Chicago’s philanthropic community, the New York University School of Law’s Policing Project has been looking into the Chicago Police Department for years. Professor Barry Friedman, the project director, said the city is overly fascinated with finding new approaches to policing rather than focusing on proven methods.

* Tribune | New center for organ donors at Rush is first of its kind in Illinois: The Gift of Hope Organ Donor Care Center at Rush is the first of its kind in Illinois. The center accepts patients from area hospitals who’ve been declared brain dead and who’ve been authorized to be organ donors. At the center, doctors and nurses work to keep donors’ organs functioning and ultimately procure their organs, so they can be transported to some of the more than 104,000 people now on waiting lists for organs in the U.S. The center received its first donor Sunday.

* Crain’s | Turns out Chicago’s pandemic exodus wasn’t as drastic as it seemed: Although it was the largest exodus from Chicago in five years, it wasn’t nearly as severe as those seen in other big cities, such as New York, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of IRS data on where people filed their taxes from one year to the next.

* Tribune | Crazy night saw Chicago White Sox fans conflicted over the possibility of a record-setting loss: “It’s been a long season,” left fielder Andrew Benintendi said. “I think that people here tonight were maybe trying to see history. But they’re going to have to wait one more day.” After a slight pause, Benintendi caught himself and added: “Maybe.” So it’s back again on Wednesday when Davis Martin starts and the Sox attempt to avoid history for a second straight night. They need to win their final five games to avoid holding the record.

*** Cook County and Suburbs ***

* Daily Herald Editorial Board | A divisive moment averted: Plans to bring inflammatory speaker to suburbs would only have hurt Illinois GOP: It is hard to wrap our heads around the self-inflicted damage certain northern Illinois Republicans inflicted on themselves and their party in recent days by inviting a misogynistic, homophobic, Holocaust-denying and Black-hating politician from North Carolina to speak at a GOP fundraiser. If former Lake County GOP party leader Mark Shaw was trying to help former President Donald Trump win Wisconsin when he invited Mark Robinson to speak at the Tenth Congressional District Republican Organization in Kenilworth on Sept. 29, he miscalculated.

* WGN | Thornton Township trustees ask for auditor to step in amid question over spending: Trustees in Thornton Township are asking for an auditor to step in as they question money being spent on credit cards for events, amid their focus to reign in on spending. “I am the leader for Thornton Township, I am the supervisor for Thornton Township and I’m going to make sure y’all give me my respect and stop playing these games every time you come to the meeting. I need you to please put some respect on my name,” embattled Thornton Township Supervisor Tiffany Henyard said during Tuesday night’s contentious meeting.

*** Downstate ***

* WAND | Increasing diaper costs impacts local families and nonprofits: The Mini O’Beirne Crisis Nursery provides free childcare to families who don’t have access to reliable care. In addition to childcare, they also offer a small pantry, stocked with diapers and formula. Each month, the crisis nursery hands out more than 250 packets of diapers to families in need and have to turn away dozens when their stock runs out.

* WICS | Illinois Veterans’ Homes at Anna and Manteno See Increase in Mild COVID-19 Cases: The Illinois Veterans’ Homes at Anna and Manteno are experiencing increased COVID-19 cases among its veterans and staff and the majority of cases have presented mild symptoms. As of September 24th, the following cases have been reported: Anna: 17 residents and seven staff Manteno: 15 residents and nine staff

* WCIA | U of I workers hit day 2 of strike as proposal is rejected: Rain or shine union members were back at it to make their voices heard. And U of I students are feeling the impact of the building and food service workers being out here on the picket lines. It’s day two of a strike for more than 700 workers. There’s no compromise on a contract yet. There was an offer made during yesterday’s mediation session. The union rejected it.

* WCIA | UIS scores top public regional university in Illinois rating: The University of Illinois Springfield has been recognized as the top public regional university in Illinois for the sixth year in a row. UIS scored better than several other public universities like Eastern Illinois University, Western Illinois University and Chicago State University. The university tied for 28th place overall for all regional universities in the Midwest with Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, and Winona State University in Minnesota.

* PJ Star | Multitalented Peoria native will have recurring role in popular NBC TV show: Peoria native Dionne Gipson will have a recurring role in the upcoming second season of the acclaimed NBC crime drama “Found.” The season debut is Oct. 3. It won’t be the first national exposure for the multitalented Peoria High School alumna. Gipson is an actress, singer and songwriter, born and raised in Peoria. She got her start in the entertainment industry through singing with her father, Byron “Wild Child” Gipson, a popular local musician. She graduated from Florida A&M, a historically black university, and earned a master’s degree in theater arts from Penn State University, according to her website biography.

*** National ***

* Politico | The Truth About Emmett Till Wasn’t in Your History Book: What almost nobody knows, including me when I started reporting The Barn, my new book on the untold history of this famous murder, is that he allegedly whistled the day after a long gubernatorial election dominated by intense racial rhetoric. Mississippi during the election of 1955 was a place trapped in a cycle of hysteria, conspiracy and rage. “A Nazi rally,” is how former Gov. William Winter once described to me the state’s mood during the civil rights era.

* WaPo | GOP asks court to change voting rules in one state, with impact for all: A panel of federal judges heard arguments Tuesday in a case that could upend the rules for counting a sliver of mail ballots in Mississippi just weeks before Election Day, with possible ramifications for all states. At issue is a Mississippi law that allows mail ballots to be counted if they arrive up to five days after Election Day and are postmarked by Election Day or earlier. Seventeen other states and Washington, D.C., have laws allowing postmarked mail ballots to be counted if they arrive after Election Day, according to the nonpartisan National Conference of State Legislatures.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Live coverage

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* You can click here or here to follow breaking news. Click here to keep up with the La Schiazza trial. It’s the best we can do unless or until Twitter gets its act together.

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Selected press releases (Live updates)

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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