Some election news (Updated)
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller * President… ![]() * Freshman incumbent Democrat Eric Sorensen increased his percentage to 54.3 from 51.98 in 2022… ![]() More congressional results are here. * Legislative… ![]() Subscribers know more about other contested legislative and judicial races. * Two years ago, Rep. Syed defeated a Republican incumbent who had managed to unseat a different Democratic incumbent, so she under-performed the top of the ticket. This time around, her percentages were more aligned with the new map… ![]() Click here to read the rest of her thread. …Adding… Wow… ![]()
- TJ - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:07 pm:
I honestly have to say that Sorensen’s win really felt like it stemmed largely from the one extremely effective anti-McGraw ad acting out the judge’s claim that he physically prayed on court docs in order to make a decision. It really fit in with the narrative that their side was really, really weird that Walz very effectively tapped that the Dems largely steered away from inanely.
- TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:13 pm:
Final vote counts came in yesterday, and Will County had a countywide office flip from D to R (County Clerk).
- Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:17 pm:
Republican incumbent Amy Grant won the very close 47th District. Grant was outspent 10-1 but bested Jackie Williamson by 292 votes
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:22 pm:
== Harris received 415,714 less votes than President Biden did in 2020. Trump is 2,374 votes shy of his 2020 total. ==
This goes against the narrative that more people in Illinois went for Trump. Tells me there were a whole lot of Democrats who either skipped over the presidential race or simply didn’t vote. I don’t think this election is telling Republicans in Illinois what they think it is telling them.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:27 pm:
I think the Presidential numbers represent the ceiling for any ILGOP statewide hopefuls in 2026. Barring something unforeseen and epic, hard to see any ILGOP out-performing Trump.
- low level - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:34 pm:
==. I don’t think this election is telling Republicans in Illinois what they think it is telling them.==
Precisely correct. The Dem performance in down ballot races show that all the talk of “realignment” is just that - talk. People just did not like Kamala Harris. It had nothing to do w the Democratic Party as a whole.
- Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 1:58 pm:
Can the DPI go ahead and take a victory lap now?
- George - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 2:12 pm:
=This goes against the narrative that more people in Illinois went for Trump. Tells me there were a whole lot of Democrats who either skipped over the presidential race or simply didn’t vote.=
The raw vote totals support this idea, the exit polls do not in terms of demographic groups. But I haven’t seen Illinois specific exit polms.
- Happy Go Lucky - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 2:13 pm:
Lots of cope in the comments.
Just wait.
In two years when the trump economy is roaring and working people can buy milk and eggs again, than you’ll start to see trump hold rallies in Illinois to bring people over to the Republican Party.
If stickney township going red doesn’t put the writing on the wall then democrats are hopeless.
- low level - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 2:24 pm:
The cope is on your side. You still couldnt make any gains in the legislature. Not only did Rep Syed improve on her 2022 performance but so did Marti Wiles in the seat once held by Lee Daniels.
If DuPage going to the Dems doeant make you think twice then the ILGOP really is out of touch.
- Leap Day William - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 2:28 pm:
== In two years when the trump economy is roaring and working people can buy milk and eggs again, than you’ll start to see trump hold rallies in Illinois to bring people over to the Republican Party. ==
While recreational marijuana is legal in Illinois, please don’t toke and post.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 2:52 pm:
==Just wait==
lol. The Republican mantra in Illinois. Good luck with that. How’s it worked out so far?
- Gravitas - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 3:26 pm:
Trump did not have a campaign organization in Illinois. The fact that he tallied so many votes without trying is noteworthy. Rationalize the results anyway you want, but it was essentially an uncontested race.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 3:45 pm:
===In two years when the trump economy is roaring and working people can buy milk and eggs again,
Sorry, you missed the memo that tariffs and huge cuts to the federal budget are coming and that will cause a lot of pain according to those involved in the Trump admin. Might want to know what the current talking points are.
The ILGOP is veering more to the right in a state that is center left. You can be competitive in statewide races if you have someone like Larry Hogan, but the ILGOP is running people like Darren Bailey. That’s a choice and won’t be successful in Illinois.
- Sam - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 3:51 pm:
DuPage going to the Dems that can all be put on Trump. 2016 Peter Roskam held on to a decades long GOP seat 2018 he was out 53.6% Sean Casten (D) and a D has held the seat since.
- ItsMillerTime - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 4:04 pm:
@47th Ward
I partially agree with you. Where I disagree is that while Trump didn’t expand his votes from 2020 he was able to maintain it which is impressively concerning since he got the 2nd most votes in history, only beaten by Biden the same year. But unless the supreme court decides to violate the spirit of the 22nd amendment I guess it doesn’t matter. In four years Trump is probably gone and who knows if his voters will turn out during the midterms like they did this year.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 4:46 pm:
==The fact that he tallied so many votes without trying is noteworthy. ==
How is it noteworthy? It was the same 4 years ago. He netted the same number of votes with equal effort.
- ItsMillerTime - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 5:28 pm:
@ Gravitas
Neither did Harris and Illinois Dems were taking time to campaign in other states but she still won by 11 points & and Dems overall here did fine
Pot meet kettle.
- ZC - Wednesday, Nov 20, 24 @ 5:43 pm:
Trump did better in 2024 with Latino voters than in 2020 but this is still not a net-positive demographic for him, and there are a lot more of them here in IL than there are in the rest of the Midwest. Put that next to the higher number of college educated whites relative to some of our neighboring states, and IL is still a very steep climb for MAGA.