Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards
Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller * Rich is in Florida and is trying to take it a little easy, so he asked me to handle today’s awards the way I see fit. It’s my first time doing this, so here we go. * The 2024 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Democratic Illinois State Representative goes to Rep. Lindsey LaPointe…
* The 2024 Golden Horseshoe Award for best Republican State Representative goes to Rep. Jeff Keicher…
Rep. Norine Hammond, our 2023 winner, deserves a honorable mention for her work this year. Some very solid nominations were made yesterday, so thanks for that and congrats to our winners! * Today’s categories…
Best Republican Illinois State Senator As always, explain your nomination or it won’t count. And please do your best to nominate in both categories. * This is your daily reminder to click here and help Lutheran Social Services of Illinois buy Christmas presents for their foster kids. So far, we’ve helped LSSI buy presents for 1,036 foster children. That’s just so amazing, but they serve 2,530 kids, so please click here.
- Percy Plantagenet - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 11:33 am:
Dem Senator: Mike Porfirio. Knows his district like the back of his hand. He always listens before speaking, which is short supply these days. Porfirio has been able to work with folks from across the political spectrum as well. Great addition to the Senate!
GOP Senator: Dale Fowler. He works his district hard. The best thing about Dale is that even though he is a tried and true conservative, he works just as closely with the Dems as he does his own party. He can be a real asset in that caucus.
- @misterjayem - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 11:45 am:
Congratulations to the very deserving winners — and to Rich for not waking up to temps in the low teens this morning.
– MrJM
- Howdy - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 12:32 pm:
Senator Patrick Joyce is a likable, hardworking, moderate member of the Senate. His door is always open, and he works well to reach compromises on complex issues that ultimately help his constituents. He is well-liked by staff which tells you something, and colleagues on both sides of the aisle. He also has an approachable demeanor and a smile even on the busiest session days.
On the Republican side, Leader Curran is my choice. He did a fine job ensuring all his members’ needs were met, and while not picking up any seats, he saved precious resources for when it mattered. He is someone who tries to help his caucus have a voice.
- West Cook - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 12:39 pm:
Best Democratic Illinois State Senator - Ordinarily I’d say Don Harmon as he is the brains in the caucus, but Mike Porfirio has been growing on me and he’s a local Lyons guy and has been the political guy behind the scenes for Landek and company for some time. Watch out for him in the years to come. He’ll rise to the top.
Best Republican Illinois State Senator - John Curran. Don’t underestimate him.
- Justin - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 3:31 pm:
SDems: Chris Belt. Belt works his district sensibly.
SGOP: John Curran. He is well affable.
- More on that Later - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 3:39 pm:
Best Democratic Senator - I am on the Porfirio bandwagon as well! Smart, approachable, and always the diplomat. Navy veteran and reservist as well. Dedicated public servant.
Best Republican Senator - Senator John Curran. Always had good interactions with him even when we have disagreed.
- Leslie K - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 4:05 pm:
SDem: Rob Martwick. He has always remained a voice for his constituents, even when segments of those constituents temporarily turn on him (thinking, most dramatically, of FOP/Police at various times). It can be a difficult balance, but he always carries it off honorably. And he never flees from a difficult vote because he is continually committed to doing the work he was sent to Springfield to do.
SGOP: I’m sorry, but with my current work (very Chicago-centered), I’m not able to make an informed nomination.
- One Term Mayor - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 4:28 pm:
Dem- Porfirio.
Rep- Wilcox
Veterans and stand up legislators.
- The Opinions Bureau - Friday, Dec 13, 24 @ 4:46 pm:
Dem: Like Rep. Delgado, his counterpart transit point person in the House, Sen. Ram Villivalam is doing a good job moving the process to address governance reform and the fiscal cliff forward. It ain’t perfect, but it ain’t anywhere near an easy task. Thanks to his efforts, including the marathon series of public hearings over the summer, the effort to modernize and expand the transit system in northeastern Illinois is is a better place as the new year begins than I think most would have expected. And I’m confident Sen. Villivalam can land this plane (park this bus?)
GOP: I’ll go with Don DeWitte. He and the aforementioned Chairman Villivalam work together well and is a model for how progressives and Republicans can work together. I appreciate Sen. DeWitte’s commitment to fiscal accountability with revenue for transit and I hope in 2025 he’s able to stay at the table. As tough a vote as it’ll be to get this done, it will be a stronger product with his support.
- Ernest T - Saturday, Dec 14, 24 @ 11:08 am:
The Senate Republican nominee is Rep. Curran. He is an asset to the republican caucus. He is able to command respect from the many factions within this caucus without angering his members. I’m actually not sure why we want to be a leader as they have very little say.
As for the Dem Senator, I agree with Senator Joyce. The poor guy has had more elections in the time he has been here than anyone I know. He continually beats away both primary and general election opponents. As it relates to his legislative skills, he is always fair even when some progressive interest groups try to demean his legislation. I have always found him to be easy to work with and someone whose word is his bond.
- Plays in Peoria - Sunday, Dec 15, 24 @ 6:30 pm:
Best Dem Senator- Mike Porfirio. He has the political chops to navigate his district and the GA in a first term. Likable, approachable and thoughtful, which makes him a good legislator with a bright future.
Best GOP Senator- Dale Fowler. No one represents their district more capably than Sen. Fowler. He represents a staunch R district, but will work with anyone from all sides to deliver for the people back home and proves that its still possible in such a polarized environment.
- Staffer - Monday, Dec 16, 24 @ 10:10 am:
I made two nominations that weren’t posted. Odd choice of Leader Curran’s quote to highlight on something that’s supposed to be an award…