Bill to rein in health insurance companies falsely mocked by far right
Monday, Jan 6, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller * A very simple and straightforward explanation of House Bill 2350 from then-Sen. Cristina Pacione-Zayas…
* As we are all too painfully aware, health insurance companies are notorious for often using whatever methods they can to deny coverage. So, when state statute requires that insurance companies cover the full costs of annual prostate cancer screenings for men above a certain age, and you’ve changed your birth certificate to reflect that you are a female, your exam may no longer be covered, even though you still need those annual prostate screenings. Same goes for mandated coverage for annual cervical smear or Pap smear tests. If you’ve changed your birth certificate to male, you very well might not get covered. That’s it. The bill would simply protect a relatively small handful of Illinoisans from being denied health insurance coverage for a couple of basic procedures. The bill passed the House way back in March, then cleared the Senate in May and was signed into law a month later. * But the far right just took notice…
🤦 * The usual suspects were fully triggered… * McCombie felt the need to defend herself… ![]()
- Travel Guy - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 12:40 pm:
The Illinois Republican Party: always a day late and a dollar short, and the party to put the last three letters in “class.”
- Facts Matter - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 12:44 pm:
The “usual suspects” are reprehensible. I don’t always agree with Leader McCombie, but at least she had the courage to stand up to the right wing knuckleheads on this issue.
- Center Drift - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 12:56 pm:
This is what comes of ideology that ignores reality, male and female are not fluid states of mind. They are fixed physical realities. Government rules that allow people to “change” their gender create these issues. The correct answer isn’t this legislation, it needs to stop the arbitrary identification of gender based on feelings. Your gender/sex, is what your genes as displayed by your morphology. Full Stop. All the other issues go away.
- Politix - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:04 pm:
Why are they so obtuse? What a waste of time and energy.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:05 pm:
===This is what comes of===
Mind your own business.
- Peanut Gallery - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:08 pm:
Of all the hills to die on……
- Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:11 pm:
They get the most incensed over the things that affect them personally least. They lose their minds at the mere thought someone is getting something “extra” that is not them. It’s a mental sickness. OMG someone is getting special treatment that doesn’t concern me personally, I must render my garments and scream about it.
- Occasionally Moderated - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:14 pm:
Of course they attacked her. No one is safe from these yayhoos.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:32 pm:
I want to be in the theater with Center Drift when they watch Conclave.
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:39 pm:
==male and female are not fluid states of mind. They are fixed physical realities.==
They are not “fixed” in the way you think they are. If anyone is interested in learning more, the RadioLab podcast tackled this in 2018. I encourage everyone to listen and share these important, relevant, and enlightening episodes.
- Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 1:42 pm:
“ but 94 are deep red.”
As a member of a “deep red,” mind your own business. People have the right to live their lives no matter how little we understand it.
- Henry Francis - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 2:08 pm:
Obviously Bailey and DeVore have no idea what a Pap smear is.
I am so sick of ignorant big mouths.
- @misterjayem - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 2:21 pm:
“Your gender/sex, is what your genes as displayed by your morphology. Full Stop.”
1) Learn the distinction between gender and sex before presuming to speak on such matters, and
2) 1 in 100 Americans are born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit into an exclusively male or female (binary) sex classification.*
Your understanding of human sexuality is childish. Full stop.
– MrJM
- Lefty Lefty - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 2:40 pm:
I sincerely hope you read the links provided, Center Drift. Never stop learning! You couldn’t be more wrong, but wrongness is fixable. Some corrections and clarifications:
“This is what comes of ideology that ignores reality.” WRONG. The new law addresses reality, ignoring right-wing ideology.
“…(M)ale and female are not fluid states of mind.” No one ever claimed this. Ever.
“They are fixed physical realities.” WRONG. See links
“Government rules that allow people to “change” their gender create these issues.” WRONG. Ignorance of the reality of the human condition is endangering the lives, health, and safety of a small part of the human race. Maybe let them be?
“The correct answer isn’t this legislation, it needs to stop the arbitrary identification of gender based on feelings.” WRONG. There is nothing arbitrary about this. And you’re really going to refer to other people’s feelings? You know them? You’ve discussed this with them? You’ve done anything - anything - to try to understand what’s this is about?
“Your gender/sex, is what your genes as displayed by your morphology. Full Stop. All the other issues go away.” WRONG. See the links. Google it. Look around. Learn and grow. Please.
- VK - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 2:41 pm:
==This is what comes of==
This is so incredibly weird. Stop thinking about other people’s bits all the time.
- Stacey E. - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 2:48 pm:
Eleven years ago the State was in trouble with Federal CMS and was being warned funds would be withheld because the fraud rate exceeded the half of one percent rate. Duplicate people were using Medicare and Medicaid cards for long-term care, medications, medical devices and surgeries. Checking the sex of a recipient against sex specific care was one of the routines used to reduce the fraud to less than 500 active users. This creates new challenges for sure. I wish there was more discussions regarding the causes of gender dysphoria.
- Just Me 2 - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 3:03 pm:
They purposefully look for things to get outraged about. They continue to believe the 1980s was when America was the absolute best, and anything that doesn’t fit that model is to be ridiculed. I actually feel sad for being who can’t help themselves but look for things to hate on.
- Dotnonymous x - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 4:03 pm:
The World’s easiest job?…critic.
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 4:07 pm:
==They continue to believe the 1980s was when America was the absolute best, and anything that doesn’t fit that model is to be ridiculed.==
Some would like to go a lot farther back than that, like the 1880’s.
- Save Ferris - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 7:41 pm:
So, Congressional bathrooms are reserved for individuals of that biological sex. But healthcare is not?
- JoeMaddon - Monday, Jan 6, 25 @ 8:48 pm:
**Congressional bathrooms are reserved for individuals of that biological sex. **
Well, that congressional bathroom rule didn’t actually end up in the rules…