Question of the day
Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* Background is here if you need it. Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias was asked whether he plans to use a digital driver’s license at an unrelated news conference today…
Reporter: Is this something you plan to use?
Giannoulias: Yes, because we use our phones. I’m going to the Bulls game tonight. I don’t have a ticket anymore, I’m going to have my phone. [If I] take my daughters to the movie, it’s on my phone. Almost everything we do is on our phones. The world is moving that way. When you go to board a plane, I rarely see people with paper tickets anymore. So everything we do, the way we conduct our day to day lives, is moving more and more towards the digital world. I’m looking forward to using it. And the feedback we’ve heard is people are very, very excited.
The Question: Will you add your driver’s license to your Apple wallet? Make sure to explain your answer.
- holdingback - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:28 am:
I would be android, but my only fear is hacking and the amount resources needed to prevent Identify theft.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:29 am:
Of course, and I think its crazy that my health insurance cards are not on my phone.
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:30 am:
I hate hate hate the digital ID stuff.
Not everything needs to be done through your phone just like not everything needs to have AI in it.
What was the point of the feds forcing everyone to jump through hoops to get extra secure RealID if you are just going to put drivers licenses on their phones?
- Aaron B - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:31 am:
No because I don’t use Apple devices. Anyone want to make a bet on how long between when the state allows digital driver’s license on Apple devices and when they finally get around to letting Google Wallet users use digital driver’s license? I will add it to my Google Wallet when or if that becomes an option.
- Anon E Moose - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:32 am:
100 percent. I use my phone for everything else so why not?
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:33 am:
I already have my insurance card on my phone and would look to do this when available and contingent on the promise that I don’t have to give my phone to the officer during the stop.
- Doris Green - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:34 am:
I don’t think so. I am getting notifications in the mail from companies I didn’t know I was doing business with more than once a year about how a year ago they had a data breach. It is a security thing.
- SpiDem - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:35 am:
The answer would depend entirely on privacy protections put in place. If sharing the license was a single mode, that still blocked access to the rest of the contents of the phone, then I would strongly consider it
- ChicagoVinny - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:37 am:
I am Android so as a practical matter, no, but I am also in the “don’t hand your unlocked phone to a cop” camp.
- levivotedforjudy - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:39 am:
When this is available for Androids I will, but I really do have concerns about making phone hacking even more attractive. Once your SSN is on your phone, that will be pretty much everything you need for 100% ID theft in one convenient location.
- TJ - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:40 am:
I have an Android, so no.
But I also don’t want to ever be in a situation where a police officer can misinterpret a law and think they can take my phone if they find out I have my ID on it for any reason (which 100% will happen everywhere for years).
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:41 am:
===Once your SSN is on your phone===
Your SSN is not on your driver’s license, so rest easy.
- Sangamo Girl - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:43 am:
If I had an Apple device–I would do it the day it comes out. But I have to wait until they get around to Android.
- CLJ - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:49 am:
I added my Maryland drivers license to my iphone a few years ago. They were one of the first states to adopt it. I never use it. I use Clear at the airport, so I don’t have to show my ID. There’s no other use for it that I have encountered. The ID is purely digital in that the visual of it on my phone is my first name last initial. That’s it.
- AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:51 am:
No. I’m comfortable with my hard copy in my leather wallet.
- @misterjayem - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:58 am:
Absolutely not.
1) I’m and android user, and
2) I’m not volunteering my phone to the police, and
3) there are near-daily data breaches in the most secure Fortune 500 companies, and
4) I already keep my physical driver’s license in my phone case, so this wouldn’t be any more convenient for me.
– MrJM
- ChicagoBars - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 11:58 am:
Lose your ID: You got a problem.
Lose your credit/debit cards: You got a problem.
Lose your phone: You got a problem.
Lose your phone that has your ID and your credit/debit cards in it? You got a huge problem.
Diversify a bit & carry your physical license/ID card at least.
- Lurker - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:02 pm:
Yes, and for all the reasons stated by Alexi. I use wallet app just as he stated. As for paying in most places, it’s with my Apple Watch or maybe I have to use my phone. But yeah, I’m finding I choose not to frequent restaurant if they make me give them a card. I find it inconvenient. I also believe my phone is more secure, especially if they ask me to swipe a card (then I’ll usually just give cash to avoid that risk).
- Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:05 pm:
=Lose your phone that has your ID and your credit/debit cards in it? You got a huge problem=
That’s why you need a robust password or a biometric scan on your phone with a limited number or tries till it locks up. Add in notifications from your credit card for each use.
- Jerry - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:09 pm:
Handover my phone to the police? Who you kidding. No thanx.
- Proud Sucker - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:16 pm:
I’m with ChicagoBars, not all my eggs will be in one basket.
- James - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:23 pm:
No. I don’t like the shift to everything on my phone.
- Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:23 pm:
No, android user. Aware somewhere a law enforcement officer (LEO) will think they’ve got legal access to everything on a phone. DEA Drug Task Force airport activity in Atlanta is proof somewhere a LEO will go rogue.
- Original Rambler - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:25 pm:
Yes, Apple Wallet has been very convenient and safe for me to date. As to handing phone to a police officer, I would still have a wallet in my back pocket with hard copy DL in it that would be used for a traffic stop.
- Fav Human - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:30 pm:
No, because I might lose my phone, or it might break when I need it. I don’t keep anything financial on my phone.
- New Day - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:36 pm:
Nope nope nope. Don’t want to give Tim Apple any more of my info than he already has. Besides, phones die. Keeping my DL in my wallet, thanks so much.
- no relation - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:40 pm:
Yes (once Android has it) - The police has asked for my DL once in the last twenty five years, showing the digital to the police could be a problem but I will take my chance. If I get mugged most likely I will lose both wallet and phone. We were flying last week and I went to pull my wallet out and the spouse said use your passport which was handy in my shirt pocket. If the DL was on the phone I would have used the digital DL. My DL seldom leaves my pocket except when I fly.
- yinn - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:41 pm:
A lot of trouble in the world arises from poorly-chosen shortcuts or conveniences. In 1980 in an Indiana DMV, I reflexively said no to taking my SSN as my drivers license number. Out of the same instinct, I say no to this.
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:47 pm:
Yes, of course. And, I will still keep the laminated one in my wallet. I have an insurance card on my phone and in my wallet; I also have credit cards in my wallet and on my phone. I agree with the diversity idea, but it’s not one or the other - it’s both.
- levivotedforjudy - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 12:47 pm:
Should have phrased it better. All you have to do is add your SSN to your phone that will already have your driver’s license number, address, photo, probably credit card and banking information, you’re a perfect phone hacking/ID theft target.
- Matty - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:05 pm:
A) I would never choose to use an Apple device.
B) The world is too phone-centric and app based already, and there’s no way I would ONLY have something as critically important as my driver’s license/ID on my phone.
I find this to be bad policy.
- Wisco Expat - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:08 pm:
Absolutely. I have an iPhone and already keep a copy of my car insurance on my phone (as well as a physical version). I also use the Apple Wallet for my credit card and health insurance card. I am a forgetful person, and like to have back-up options in case of emergency. I would only use the digital version as a last resort option in a traffic stop, but it’s better than receiving a ticket for driving without a license.
Once bartenders and liquor salespeople are trained on the digital ID, it would also make purchasing alcohol easier, as I often opt to pay with Apple Pay rather than pull my card out of my wallet. My only concern with this is that a digital ID may not travel well across state lines to states where digital IDs are not yet available.
As Donnie Elgin mentioned, I do have notifications set up for every time my debit and credit cards are charged, so I know exactly what is going on with my money and can shut it down as soon as possible if there is a case of card theft.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:11 pm:
No, I do not see much of an advantage in doing it now. I might change my mind down the road, but today I don’t see it adding much value to my day-to-day.
- Mary - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:12 pm:
How can a person get a digital proof of auto insurance card without downloading the insurance company app? Can you just take a photo f the paper copy? Why cant you just do that with your driver’s license?
- Mason County - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:15 pm:
Digital Drivers License, YES.
But relying on your phone for everything is a big, big mistake. Very trendy, very modern but still a big mistake.
Haev both digital and traditional forms of verification.
- Pundent - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:26 pm:
=How can a person get a digital proof of auto insurance card without downloading the insurance company app?=
I have several insurance “cards” in my wallet that aren’t dependent on apps. Often when the cards are sent electronically via email there’s a link.
With regards to the question, yes I would put it in my Apple Wallet. And I would continue to carry my physical card. No different than how I manage my credit cards. A few years ago I was pickpocketed overseas. Having a digital wallet kept the trip from becoming a nightmare. I literally had a new digital credit card in minutes.
- thisjustinagain - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:27 pm:
Nope. No to digital ID’s, no to “AI everything”, and no to apps for everything.
- Homebody - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:40 pm:
I’m weirdly uncomfortable with an “all my eggs in one basket” solution. As it is right now, if I lose my wallet, I can solve a lot of problems with my phone. If I lose my phone, I can solve a lot of problems with my wallet. I feel weird when I see people who use their phone case as a wallet (or at least card/ID holder).
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:45 pm:
No. Kind of difficult to Jimmy a simple door lock with a cell phone. Pretty easy with a driver’s license.
Going digital for everything isn’t the best solution. Sometimes analog is better.
Solved the real id problem by getting a passport card when I renewed my passport.
- JR - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:48 pm:
Nope, I’m not handing my phone over to the police officer if it’s not needed.
- Mister Ed - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 1:54 pm:
Nope. Too much technology can be bad. Having everything electronically will cause havoc when the phone service is down or no electricity to charge. I prefer to stay old school. I am with MrJM all the way.
- Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 2:05 pm:
It’s a solution looking for a problem. Not for me.
- Scoot - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 2:08 pm:
Yes, I look forward to having a digital state ID card and drivers license. It has not been a problem in the other states that already do this…and I agree with the Secretary that this the world we live in going forward.
- West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 2:15 pm:
Don’t have Apple wallet (at least not that I’m aware of), but wouldn’t do it anyway. I have Verizon and a few months back they were down (what a shock they didn’t knock money off the next month’s bill). What happens if, as Mister Ed noted, the service is down or the phone is running out of juice and I can’t get it charged when I’m trying to use my DL or Real I’D to get on a plane.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 2:18 pm:
===the service is down or the phone is running out of juice ===
Then use your hard copy version.
- Loyal Virus - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 3:05 pm:
I’ll get to the driver’s license in my wallet just as soon as I download the Ventra app.
- Stephanie Kollmann - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 3:33 pm:
I have a photo of front and back of my physical DL on my phone.
That’s quite enough for me, thankyouverymuch.
- Mythoughts - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 6:38 pm:
I will continue to use a physical drivers license. Change is tough. I hope when this goes into full effect, there is a lot of public education put out by the Secretary of State that you will still need to have a physical copy of your drivers license when driving a car. I also wonder how this will be interpreted for access to military bases in Illinois like Great Lakes and Scott Air Force Base. From what I’m told, they do not accept digital ID at this time
- Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 7:25 pm:
Probably yes, but I would still carry my analog license and mostly use that. The digital one would be an emergency backup.
- Felonious Gru - Tuesday, Jan 14, 25 @ 10:15 pm:
I don’t understand the point, unless Alexi is also going to require everyone to accept a digital drivers license in liieu of a plastic one.
If you cannot show your digital license anywhere that requires a plastic ID, what is the point?
It makes a nice press release, and that is the point.