How the heck do these things even happen?
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Two or three others sent me pretty much this same screenshot last night…
* It was a mistake…
Turns out that’s not correct, and his team is filing an amendment, Christian Perry, Johnson’s political director, says the mayor raised about $200,000 (Hello, that’s more like it.) during the fourth quarter and has $1.1 million in the bank.
About his expenditures: The report says the mayor gave $48,500.00 to the Chicago Latino Public Affairs Committee, $5,000 to the Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council PAC and $100,000 to the After School Matters nonprofit. The fourth-quarter filings also show he spent thousands of dollars on catered meals and Uber rides and $3,400 on hair and makeup.
What is the level of incompetency for the mayor of one of the largest cities in the United States to file a campaign finance report like that? The campaign committee has already filed six amended reports since the summer.
* Perhaps more importantly, the campaign did not file a single A-1 report during the quarter. Unless all of that $200K raised was in small contributions, where are the A-1 reports?…
A Schedule A-1 is a special, stand-alone report required for larger contributions received by political committees. Specifically, it is used to report contributions of $1000 or more received from a single source.
Any political committee receiving a contribution (including loans, personal monies, and in-kind contributions) of $1,000 or more must file a Schedule A-1 within 5 business days of receipt.
* Also, Johnson’s third quarter report showed his campaign fund only raised $3,465.77 between July 1 and September 30.
So, you’re telling us that the mayor of the Democratic National Convention’s host city raised less than $4K during those festivities?
I’ve reached out to the mayor’s political director for a response. I’ll let you know.
* Back to Politico…
Looking over his shoulder: Possible mayoral challengers Alexi Giannoulias and Susana Mendoza are also fundraising, though their fundraising could be used to run for their respective statewide offices, too. Giannoulias is secretary of state, and Mendoza is comptroller.
By the numbers: Giannoulias has $3.3 million on hand after raising $922,000 in the fourth quarter, and Mendoza has $1.1 million after raising $259,000, according to their filings.
- NIU Grad - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:32 am:
-He knows he’s a one-term mayor (unlikely)
-Utter political incompetence
-He’s thinking CTU will open up the checkbook for him
- Dirty Red - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:40 am:
- Peoples Republic of Oak Park - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:43 am:
CTU will not have money in 2027 unless they want the entire ESRB wiped out in one fell swoop.
- low level - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:44 am:
== I’ve reached out to the mayor’s political director for a response. I’ll let you know.==
Using the term “director” is charitable…
- Frequent Commenter - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:44 am:
Well…. At least he is consistent in his approach both on the official and campaign sides. “
Just give me the $$$ and I will let you know what it is for if/when I want to! Please do not question me because I find that to be offensive”/s
In all seriousness though, this should raise significant red flags with the election commission. 2 quarters and no A-1’s??
- Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:45 am:
=Perhaps more importantly, the campaign did not file a single A-1 report during the quarter=
I wonder how he does with The SEI forms he is required to file.
- Andersonville Right Winger - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:46 am:
I blame Richard Nixon.
- Southsider - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:49 am:
Alexi and Susana need to decide either get re-elected to their current position or run for mayor or risk getting caught running for both and be embarrassed like Mendoza did last time she ran for mayor.
- Peter Kowalski - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:49 am:
This is a symptom of rampant Communism.
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:51 am:
Look they just need to find $200,000 in political donations, simple. Don’t get emotional.
- You win more bees with honey - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:54 am:
Didn’t the cited director’s spouse have a failed campaign because they mismanaged funds? I’m not against the mayor hiring friends but he should make sure they’re competent above just being loyal.
- City Zen - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 10:54 am:
==the mayor gave $48,500.00 to the Chicago Latino Public Affairs Committee==
I wonder if that’s a legal/ethics thing. Brandon basically refunded all but $1,500 of their contribution and $1,500 is the limit for certain groups doing business w/ Chicago.
- low level - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:00 am:
== or risk getting caught running for both and be embarrassed like Mendoza did last time she ran for mayor.==
This administration is so bad and inept that Chicago voters wont care at all if they run for re election to their statewide post then immediately run for mayor. Especially since both will win easily statewide again. Im sure the mayor will bring it up but its a non issue.
- Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:12 am:
===Possible mayoral challengers Alexi Giannoulias and Susana Mendoza ===
Mayor of Chicago seems a lot more like a burden than a stepping stone or career accomplishment. I suppose it is nice to be mentioned, but as Mayor of Chicago — day one your popularity drops and everyone blames you for everything that has ever happened and expects you to fix everything, even the things that they refuse to support solutions you suggest.
- TNR - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:32 am:
I agree that Brandon is likely thinking that as long as Chicago teachers keep paying union dues he’s doesn’t have to worry too much about raising money. Of course, that all blows up if Stacy isn’t re-elected as union boss this spring.
- Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:44 am:
Either way, there are Chicago aldermanic campaigns that have better development people than the Mayor has.
- Chicagonk - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:45 am:
I get Pritzker has tried distance himself from Chicago, but for the benefit of the state and the city, he should really get more involved in the next election. Already I think Chicago is dragging down his chances to run for a higher office if that is his goal. I think he took too cautious of an approach last mayoral election.
- DuPage Saint - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:51 am:
There are way too many errors for this to be a mistake or incompetence, I believe he truly think rules do not apply to him
- Two Left Feet - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:51 am:
“$3,400 on hair and makeup”? With a 100% tip that is 7 years of Great Clip visits for me.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:52 am:
The fact that his campaign is having difficulty with basic recordkeeping isn’t a surprise. Is it?
Why should his campaign be any different than how it seems his administration works?
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 11:59 am:
===There are way too many errors for this to be a mistake or incompetence, I believe he truly think rules do not apply to him===
Yes, how do you confuse $900 with $200,000 and not file any A-1s? They just straight up lie to everyone. This is a reflection of MBJ’s commitment to transparency.
- TNR - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 12:12 pm:
== Mayor of Chicago seems a lot more like a burden than a stepping stone or career accomplishment ==
Agreed, which is one of the reason why the field of challengers against Lightfoot was so weak. I wonder if the job becomes more appealing because the last two mayors have been so bad expectations have been lowered to the point that the next mayor can’t help but look good by comparison.
- Sue - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 12:15 pm:
Brandon and his team have the opposite of the Midas touch- everything and anything they touch turns into you know what
- Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 12:17 pm:
I believe the electorate has made up its mind about Johnson. He won’t be re-elected. This level of disorganization is just another example.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 1:02 pm:
===It was a mistake…===
Sums up the whole Johnson administration from the get-go.
- thisjustingagin - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 1:20 pm:
On Chicago: Johnson & Co. fail yet again at basic politicking.
On Mendoza: Please stay in your current office; you’ve done far more good than you ever could as Mayor.
On JB: Chicago is such a lock for the Dems that a new Dem is all but certain, regardless of the last two Dems performance. Why should JB get more involved in Chicago politics??
- Trinity - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 2:04 pm:
Let’s dive into the Matrix…
-On June 29, 2023, Mr. Homero Tristan, via Chicago Latino Pubñic Affairs Committee (CL PAC), donated $50,000 to Mayor Brandon Johnson, followed by a contribution from Latino Leadership Council PAC on December 22, 2023. Which Mr. Tristan serves on the board of.
-Tristan also holds a $1.8 million City Hall contract, with the last payment made on 12/20/2024.
-Mr. Tristan’s former & current clients include Riot Fest Corp, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (who hosts El Grito Festival) & more.
Is this a refunded donation for pay to play?
City of Chicago Contract
- low level - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 2:08 pm:
== you’ve done far more good than you ever could as Mayor.==
While she has done a fantastic job as State Comptroller, she can do more good as chief executive of the nation’s third largest city. Chicago has significant challenges and is being weakened by the current occupant of the 5th Floor. Maintaining Chicago as an economic powerhouse is vital for the entire region. I’d vote for her in a heartbeat and trust JB to appoint someone capable to replace her as Comptroller.
- Shytown - Thursday, Jan 16, 25 @ 6:27 pm:
Matrix…that’s super shady
I wonder how much in fines the Johnson campaign will have to pay given that they didn’t file any A1s…