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Always check the rollcall, always read the bill and do a simple Google search

Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune throws Sen. Castro under the bus with the other opponents

Hemp business owners sent a flurry of campaign contributions to key Illinois lawmakers this fall to ward off a feared shutdown of their industry, though it paled in comparison to the money that licensed cannabis companies have given over the years, state records show. […]

Charles Wu, owner of Chicago-based Chi’tiva and lobbyist for the Illinois Hemp Business Association, made contributions totaling $21,831 in the past two years, the state Board of Elections reported.

That includes reported campaign contributions of $9,000 to Welch’s main fund in 2024, $3,500 to state Rep. LaShawn Ford, who sponsored legislation for looser regulations than the governor supported, $1,250 to Rep. Teresa Mah, who appeared with Ford at a news conference supporting the bill, $1,500 to a fund for state Sen. Cristina Castro and $2,500 to Neighbors for state Rep. Hoan Huynh, all Democrats.

Um, not only did Castro vote for the bill, she was the legislation’s chief Senate co-sponsor.

C’mon. “Follow the money” doesn’t explain everything.

* Meanwhile, the Post-Tribune almost had it

Indiana legislators would like to redraw the Indiana-Illinois border to absorb parts of Illinois, but the proposed action would face roadblocks on the Illinois side, which would prevent a border shift, political officials and experts said.

Indiana House Bill 1008, authored by Speaker Todd Huston, would establish an Indiana-Illinois boundary adjustment commission to research the possibility of adjusting the boundaries between the two states. The commission would include five members appointed by the Indiana governor and five members appointed under Illinois law. […]

For the boundary to change, the U.S. Constitution dictates that the Indiana legislature, the Illinois legislature and then Congress would have to approve the measure, Helmke said.

The article quotes an expert, but doesn’t actually quote the proposed bill. I warned subscribers about this silly legislation last week. From HB1008

The commission consists of the following members: (1) Five (5) individuals who are not members of the general assembly appointed by the [Indiana] governor. […]

Five (5) individuals from the State of Illinois appointed under Illinois law. […]

A quorum of the commission consists of:

    (1) at least three (3) Indiana members; and
    (2) at least three (3) members appointed from the State of Illinois.

In other words, the goofy commission can’t even meet if the Illinois governor and the General Assembly don’t cooperate.


* Last one

Newly inaugurated state Rep. Amy “Murri” Briel, D-Ottawa, introduced her first bill, which she said aims to investigate the challenges facing rural health care.

“Rural hospitals are closing at alarming rates, leaving handfuls of its patients and their families scrambling to find out-of-town options,” Briel said in a news release. “These closures leave people traveling for hours for the most basic care, or worse, without care at all. My bill aims to investigate why these closures are happening in the first place and allow us to identify solutions to expand and maintain care in rural communities.”

Rural hospitals in Illinois have faced multiple challenges, including financial pressures and staff shortages, Briel said. Briel introduced House Bill 1301, which creates The Rural Hospital Task Force within the Illinois Department of Public Health to: investigate the current state of rural hospitals in Illinois, provide actionable recommendations to prevent further closures and explore ways to expand and improve healthcare services for rural residents.

The task force will deliver its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by January 2027 to ensure accountability and progress measures are in place, Briel said.

*Deep sigh*

* Legislators blithely create these commissions on the regular for a nice press pop back home. But, a ton of research has been done on this topic already

The Center for Rural Health was formed in 1989 on the recommendation of the Governor’s Rural Health Task Force. The goal of the center is to improve access to primary health care in rural and underserved areas of Illinois and to encourage community involvement in health issues. The center also serves as an information clearinghouse on rural health issues.

Maybe call them?

* Also, there was this thing called the Illinois Rural Health Summit and they covered this topic pretty well. More here.

The Illinois Hospital Association is also a good resource.

There’s also a study of of 28 Illinois rural hospitals called “Rural Illinois hospital chief executive officers’ perceptions of provider shortages and issues in rural recruitment and retention.”

And then there’s the Google. You can also Google some stuff that has already been accomplished by clicking here.

I’m not trying to pick on a freshman. I saw the press release come through and then noticed the news story and it bugged me. This merely gives me an opportunity to say that if members want to do something, then they should first read the studies that are gathering dust on countless shelves and then put together actual legislation to address the problem. Another study just kicks the can further down the road and gives everyone an excuse to do nothing and spends taxpayer money that could be spent on, you know, rural hospitals.

And, needless to say, local news outlets ought to stop falling for this.


  1. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 8:55 am:

    If Indiana wants to add Illinois’ Vermilion County to their Vermillion County, they can take the pension debt associated with Danville Correctional Center … .

  2. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 9:04 am:

    Years ago I served on a multi-agency group studying important issues, creating a final report to be presented at a board meeting. The meeting was running late and the chair cancelled the presentation, tossed the bulky report across the room, saying “Nobody reads these things anyway”.

    It was disappointing at the time, but can’t really disagree with his logic.

  3. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 9:26 am:

    Research is so hard these days. I remember the fun days of going through those big red statute books, digests and calling the agency. Then again MAGA GOP staff aren’t as diligent as we GOP staffers. We cares about facts for our members.

  4. - Homebody - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 9:27 am:

    Every time I see someone propose a bill that creates a commission to study something, or directs a state agency to study something, I just assume the proponents are one of two things: (1) very cynical and intentionally avoiding the issue, or (2) lazy.

    If they actually cared about the topics in a meaningful way, the legislative branch could be doing that research themselves. Instead they are kicking the can down the road and patting themselves on the back.

  5. - Dirty Red - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 9:55 am:

    “If your mother says she loves you, check it out.”

    - The late William Recktenwald, Chicago Tribune

  6. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 10:04 am:

    basics include that the marijuana industry is technically still illegal under Federal rules. there’s a whole lotta discussion about banks and credit unions and accepting their money. will the new President make it legal? thereby pulling more for big marijuana? piling on against tiny money that is accepted from the hemp industry is getting petty.

  7. - Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 10:06 am:

    Glad to see the Indiana legislature dealing with the important problems /s.

    Now maybe if they wanted to really fix something, how about the roads. I can’t drive on an interstate in Indiana without getting a concussion.

  8. - Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 10:30 am:

    “Research is so hard these days.”

    A few years ago, I was explaining to my then teenagers about the days of going to the library and using the Dewey Decimal System.

    They looked at me like I had just dropped from outer space.

  9. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 10:34 am:

    The failure to Google problem also happens in the realm of activism — newly energized people with resources decide to start a new (redundant) organization rather than plugging into an existing org that has been doing the work (and who could effectively use additional volunteers and resources).

    Everybody wants to be a founder.

    – MrJM

  10. - TNR - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 10:47 am:

    Reporting that a legislator actually voted against the interests of a campaign contributor would undermine the premise of several Tribune “news” stories, not to mention their editorials. So it doesn’t get reported.

  11. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 10:58 am:

    “Indiana legislators would like to redraw the Indiana-Illinois border to absorb parts of Illinois”

    Republicans are only doing this because hatred is what their voters crave. BUt dEMoCrats Don’t kNoW hoW to tALK tO RUraL VoTeRs. Right, corporate news media?

  12. - From DaZoo - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 11:07 am:

    A few months back, Effingham and a couple other counties passed resolutions to kick Chicago out of Illinois. The law doesn’t work that way. It would be easier to vote themselves out. And, heh, it looks like Indiana is open to taking them in.

  13. - Venture capitalist has entered the chat - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 11:21 am:

    Bruce Rauner would have lept at the chance to unload rural counties that get far more state resources than the revenue they generate. His professional background was all about unloading those kinds of properties to maximize value and revenue.

  14. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 11:34 am:

    ===In other words, the goofy commission can’t even meet if the Illinois governor and the General Assembly don’t cooperate.===

    I think my favorite possible outcome to this nonsense would be that we actually cooperate with this and the commission forms and Indiana just refuses to accept some of these counties once they take a good, long, serious look at them.

  15. - historic66 - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 11:39 am:

    If Indiana takes these counties, do they also take the Eastern Bloc legislators from those counties? Can we also throw Tom Devore in as part of the deal?

  16. - thisjustinagain - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 12:06 pm:

    Since the annexation of Illinois territory by Indiana will never happen, I decline to address these shenanigans. However, there’s always room for another study, blue-ribbon panel of experts, and commissions in Illinois government to explain why nothing has been done, and why nothing will be done.

  17. - Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 12:09 pm:

    “I can’t drive on an interstate in Indiana without getting a concussion.”

    Last year I drove through Indiana to get to Detroit. I hadn’t been to the Hoosier state in years.

    We’ve got county roads in Union County in better shape than I-70 through Indianapolis.

  18. - Rudy’s teeth - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 12:11 pm:

    Perhaps Speaker Todd Huston of Indiana should focus his efforts to address remediation of Superfund sites and other sites with groundwater contamination throughout Indiana.
    Pollution in the air, water, and soil affects quality of life in Indiana yet IDEM is lax in enforcing regulations. Where is the enforcement from the Indiana legislature? Crickets.
    Agree with Steve Rogers’ comment on highway/roads in Indiana. Roads in some areas are deplorable.

  19. - Matty - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:30 pm:

    Rep Halbrook filed HB1500 today, the Illinois-Indiana Boundary Adjustment Commission Participation Act.

    Good use of time there.

  20. - Google Is Your Friend - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:34 pm:

    ==Legislators blithely create these commissions on the regular for a nice press pop back home.==

    And every year these commissions deliver recommendations, many of which get passed into law, shape agency policy, and build stakeholder support for positive change. If we’re gonna be honest about them, be all the way honest about them.

  21. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:36 pm:

    ===And every year these commissions deliver recommendations, many of which get passed into law===

    Sure Jan.

  22. - Overworked and Underpaid - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 4:02 pm:

    The reporter who wrote that story about rural hospitals had six bylines today. SIX! To crank out that much “content” I doubt he has any time to even Google it.

  23. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 4:08 pm:

    =Rep Halbrook filed HB1500 today, the Illinois-Indiana Boundary Adjustment Commission Participation Act.=

    If Tiffany Henyard hears about this, then she will demand Halbrook amend his bill to allow Thornton Township and by extension Dolton the ability to become an “independent state.” With her as the “Super Governor.”

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