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Pritzker talks about Trump’s first day, deportation rumors, etc.

Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Governor Pritzker was asked today if he has received any communications from President Donald Trump’s administration about mass deportations in Chicago at an unrelated news conference

Pritzker: None. And I think that’s just more evidence of the chaos and confusion that they’re trying to sow. And it’s very disappointing.

Yesterday, as you may have heard, there was an executive order issued that would suggest that President Trump is trying to get rid of birthright citizenship in this country. That’s unconstitutional what he issued, the executive order. We will not follow an unconstitutional executive order. We will follow the law in this state.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* Pritzker’s reaction to rumors about ICE enforcement in Chicago

Governor Pritzker: Look, I don’t know. They’ve not communicated with us, so we don’t know when exactly those enforcement actions might take place. We have heard that they are targeting as many as 2,000 people initially, in the city of Chicago alone. I don’t know whether they’ll effectuate that or how.

Rich checked on that claim and was told the 2,000 number came from local law enforcement.

* Back to Pritzker

I want to be clear about what my position is and what the law is. If there are violent criminals who have been convicted of violent crimes, who are undocumented, they are supposed to be deported. That is the law of the United States, and has been for quite a long time. I don’t want them in my state. I don’t want them in the country. If you’re going to commit crimes and you’re undocumented, you don’t deserve to stay in this country.

Now, as for undocumented people and residents of the state of Illinois, by the way, there are people who are discriminating against documented immigrants in the process of all this, but we’re talking about people who are paying taxes. Who are not getting any services for those taxes. When they’re undocumented, they can’t show themselves to get the services that other people who pay taxes would get.

And these are people who have raised families in the United States, who are law abiding, and often are the anchors of their communities. And I think we should think very carefully about what immigration means to this country. It is what we were founded upon. It is something that we should have comprehensive immigration reform in this country, and not simply have a president who is scaring people, forcing them out of their jobs because they’re afraid to go to work.

Go to 26th, go to Little Village, go to Pilsen. I was there yesterday. I was in businesses yesterday that were relatively empty because people are afraid to show up. Because even documented immigrants, even citizens who are from another country, but now are citizens of the United States have relatives who are undocumented. They’re afraid. That is what this President is doing, and it’s wrong.

* On the President’s executive orders

Reporter: Governor, there’s a notion that the Trump administration is sort of trying to issue this flood of orders to cause either chaos and perhaps lack of focus. Is there a particular area that you are directing the state’s attention? […] That you’re really trying to focus in on?

Pritzker: Let me begin by saying, I’m continuing to do my job, and that’s to protect the people of the state of Illinois, to lift people up, to make sure that we’re passing and signing a Dignity in Pay Act, for example.

Importantly, to make life more affordable for people we got rid of the grocery tax in the state of Illinois.

You know, that was something that President Trump talked about. He said, not that the grocery tax, but just lowering prices at grocery stores. And yet, in the flood of all the proposals that he made yesterday, there was nothing that would lower costs. In fact, he proposed tariffs on goods coming into this country from Canada and Mexico, and is proposing having an entire department that’s dedicated to tariffs. Well, guess who is going to pay for tariffs?

So he is raising costs for people across this country, not lowering them. We’re doing our job here to make life better for people in the state of Illinois.

* A reporter asked the governor if the president has succeeded in his promise to be a “dictator” on his first day in office

Pritzker: What I know is that people across the United States are having their rights taken away. What I know is that vulnerable people across the country, are under attack as a result of this new administration.

And I think it’s frightening that right there at the inauguration in the front row were a bunch of what some people have called them oligarchs. These are the wealthiest people in the country who essentially Donald Trump, well feels better about having them around than having ordinary Americans backing him up or standing with him.

And I think it’s just an indication of what this administration is really all about. It isn’t about what he ran on. It isn’t. And you’re going to see over and over and over again what I think we saw when I was governor when he was last president, which is he makes promises that sound good and doesn’t deliver on the promises that are good for people. And then instead, is actually effectuating policies that are either good for him personally and enrich him personally or his family, or are good for his friends and allies, but bad for anyone else in the country.

When you are a leader in this country, you’re a governor of a state, President of the United States, you have an obligation in office to fight for everybody that you represent, everybody.

* I asked the governor what he thinks about billionaires “making nice” with President Trump

Pritzker: Why are these people making nice? They hope to become greater than billionaires. They hope to double what they already have. That is why they’re making nice. That’s all I can imagine. I mean, maybe some of them have delusions of becoming dictators themselves.

So I can’t read between the lines on what it is exactly, but that’s what I can imagine. And I was frankly disgusted when I saw yesterday at a presidential rally, not a campaign rally. This is a rally of the President of the United States, Elon Musk, standing up and giving a Sieg Heil and then excusing himself for it by saying, well, he was just putting his heart out to people. I think it’s disgusting. It should be called out. The president should call it out. And Elon Musk owes an apology to the Americans.

* On Trump pardoning January 6 rioters

Reporter: Trump promised to pardon January 6 rioters. Yesterday he went through with blanket pardons. What does this say, I guess to law enforcement? What does it say to the rule of law and the lawmakers who were there?

Pritzker: What used to be the party of law and order is now the party of chaos and disorder, and that stands against law enforcement. The people who attacked the Capitol on January 6 were attacking law enforcement, because that’s who was there guarding the Capitol.

And there are so many pictures and videos. If you don’t know it, go look, because there were people who died, who died as a result of the attack by those January 6 rioters and he fomented that.

I was at the White House not very long ago with President Biden. And there’s a room behind the Oval Office, which is the dining room when you don’t have lunch or dinner in a private setting. People don’t usually see this room. It’s the room that that the President Trump sat in for three and a half hours watching TV as the January 6 rioters, that he incurred, attacking the Capitol sat there doing nothing, doing nothing. One of the most important institutions of our nation was under attack, and President Trump, who had the ability to stop it, did nothing for three and a half hours, and people died.

Deeeeeeeeeep breaths.


  1. - Tequila Mockingbird - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 12:55 pm:

    Instead of JBP, How about we ask the country what should happen?
    Oh wait, we already did that Nov 5…

  2. - ChicagoVinny - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 12:57 pm:

    Pritzker showing what an opposition party should do - oppose. Senate Dems like Schumer could learn something from him.

  3. - TJ - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 12:59 pm:

    I don’t particularly care if Pritzker is opposing Trump merely because he’s gearing up for a POTUS run in 2028 or if he’s an actually decent human being. I’m fine with either. Thank goodness we made a rare good decision and elected him twice now.

  4. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:03 pm:

    Governor Pritzker speaks with moral clarity in easy to understand terms.

    He is a genuine, thoughtful and articulate spokesperson for the loyal opposition.

    One of his great virtues is remaining calm. It was a reassuring quality in the pandemic’s early days and it serves him well as a foil to the Musk/Trump administration.

  5. - TJ - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:04 pm:

    == He continues to be oblivious to the fact that voters soundly rejected the progressive agenda ==

    Not in Illinois, a/k/a the state he’s governing. Nice try, though.

  6. - Friendly Bob Adams - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:06 pm:

    It’s worth noting that the setting for these comments was Governor Pritzker signing the Dignity in Pay Act which bans subminimum wages for people with disabilities.

  7. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:10 pm:

    “Deeeeeeeeeep breaths.”

    Not necessary. He seems to be about the only politician that comes close to sharing the same reality with me. Now he can be the big opposition to Trump, and I can ignore national news for a year or so.

  8. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:21 pm:

    “voters soundly rejected”

    1) A 1.5% national margin isn’t anything approaching “soundly rejected,” and

    2) pick a name so that we know to expect this level of “thought” from your future contributions. (If you can’t think of a name, I have some suggestions.)

    – MrJM

  9. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:23 pm:

    Thank you Governor Pritzker for obeying the oath of office and defending the Constitution. Well done!

  10. - 32nd ward - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:43 pm:


    For the first time since before the depression, more voters identify as republicans than democrats. There is a massive vibe shift.

    Maybe some time away from the Hideout could do you some good.

  11. - ZC - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:44 pm:

    I have yet to hear anyone offer a meaningful defense of Trump pardoning or commuting all the Proud Boys, for what they did on January 6. Some whataboutism, some efforts to change the subject, but nobody actually defending it.

  12. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===For the first time since before the depression, more voters identify as republicans than democrats.===

    Actually, if you count Reagan Democrats as Republicans, that happened in the 1980s … and ended amidst more than a few National GOP scandals … .

  13. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:53 pm:

    =Why are these people making nice? They hope to become greater than billionaires=

    Coming from a follow Billionaire - I sort of take what he says with a grain of salt. I mean every business wants to succeed - and let’s take a look at JB, he self-funds his campaign- so he doesn’t need corporate donors. The billionaire he’s vilifying have started companies from nothing like Musk. Glass houses and all that.

  14. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:55 pm:

    ===have started companies from nothing like Musk===

    Which companies has he started from nothing?

  15. - Treefiddy - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:56 pm:

    == There is a massive vibe shift. ==

    Agreed on that, Republicans have done incredible work making themselves relatable to Gen Z and younger generations that typically vote Democrat. With Trump being labeled the savior of TikTok, Joe Rogan being the new Walter Cronkite and the voice of an entire generation and the social media heads fully embracing Trumpism, it’s hard to see how Dems will be able to get their messaging through.

  16. - Old IL Dude - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 1:59 pm:

    ==For the first time since before the depression, more voters identify as republicans than democrats. There is a massive vibe shift.==

    Where is this? Or is this just bc you say it is? Most recent Gallup poll shows 28% Dem, 28% GOP and 43% Independent.

  17. - 32nd Ward - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:00 pm:



  18. - Marc - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:02 pm:

    Did you read the executive orders? Is that what this country stands for? Is it ok to be violent criminals anytime or only when it meets the whims of a dictator? Why don’t we all do it when we don’t like something. We’re going to fire career servants if they don’t support the President’s agenda? Does the GOP and American’s think he doesn’t make mistakes? Do you really believe he knows more than everyone else? I think not… What about the GOP platform? Saying that we don’t like the progressive left is hiding the truth about what the “conservative” right really stands for. Violence? Facism? I’m an american, I’m not a progressive and I don’t support this GOP.

  19. - Steve - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:12 pm:

    JB is usually level headed. But, JB talking about oligarchs isn’t something I’d expect from him. He’s not only on the Forbes 400 being the richest elected Governor, he gets deeply involved in Wisconsin and Minnesota politics with his financial contributions. JB should probably sit out the subject of oligarchy. Also, Harris got a lot more billionaire support than Trump. Pelosi and Nadler’s districts have many billionaires.

  20. - Papa2008 - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:15 pm:

    The 2028 debates between JB and JD will be must see TV.

  21. - Just Me 2 - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:18 pm:

    Sadly I have become so frustrated with national politics I just stop reading the national news at all and focus just on Chicago/Illinois. I concede that is probably a part of Trump’s strategy, but I just can’t anymore. It’s too insane.

  22. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:22 pm:

    = because he’s gearing up for a POTUS run in 2028 or if he’s an actually decent human being ==

    Both things can be true.

  23. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:22 pm:

    Apologies, Rich. Please delete me quote tweet response, if you would be so kind. Thank you.

  24. - Stephenson County - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:22 pm:

    For the first time since before the depression, more voters identify as republicans than democrats

    This won’t last long. Republicans only care about the super-rich, and eventually people will catch on. So glad I live in Illinois with a Governor who will stand up and fight Trump.

  25. - I-55 Fanatic - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:29 pm:

    ==more voters identify with republicans than democrats==

    And of everyone who voted in the 2024 Presidential election, 50.2% voted for someone not named Donald Trump

    ==Pelosi and Nadler’s districts have many billionaires==

    That has nothing to do with anything

  26. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:38 pm:

    “There is a massive vibe shift.”

    Bring some measurable data or take your “vibes” back to your dorm room.

    – MrJM

  27. - Steve - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:43 pm:

    -That has nothing to do with anything-

    When you talk about oligarchy but your political party raises more money than Trump and you win the 100k plus vote , you are probably doing well with the billionaire class.

  28. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===There is a massive vibe shift===

    In 1984, Ronald Reagan lost Chicago/Cook by less than 3 points. That was a massive shift from his 12-point loss four years before.

    Four years later, GHWB lost Chicago/Cook by more than 12 points.

    Four years after that, Clinton won Chicago/Cook by 30 points.

    By the way, Harris defeated Trump in Chicago/Cook by 41.5 points.

    Chicago/Cook is 40.5 percent of Illinois’ population.

  29. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:53 pm:

    there’s a gap between convicted of a violent crime and those who are undocumented. of course convicted of a violent crime should be gone. Undocumented and not otherwise causing issues, leave them alone. the # 2000 will be interesting to interpret. convicted? or awaiting trial? If someone is arrested but not put in jail in the meantime, I believe that is who Trump is going after in addition to convicted. the Laken Riley bill is about burglary and theft and being kept inside if arrested for those crimes. while I understand that arrest does not mean guilt, if someone came into the US illegally and then is arrested for a crime, not good.

  30. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 2:55 pm:

    Kind of like when a song has some Beatles influence. I detect some “OW” in MrJM’s post above. (This is a compliment).

  31. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:02 pm:

    ===There is a massive vibe shift===

    The Illinois GOP is a practical joke of a political party clinging to legislative districts that are the biggest victims of the policies that the GOP tend to champion or the blatant neglect towards the fellow humans that the GOP harbors.

    Illinois didn’t elect and re-elect Democratic Super Majorities and 100% Democratic controlled Statewide Offices for those elected officials to burden themselves with the taste of licking hands.

  32. - 32nd Ward - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:04 pm:


  33. - Leap Day William - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:05 pm:

    == he’s vilifying have started companies from nothing like Musk ==

    He didn’t start anything from “nothing”. He just shows up with blood money from South Africa emerald mines and buys his way onto boards, does nothing, then either gets booted or runs it into the ground. Musk did not start Tesla, he stole it from Martin Eberhard and Marc Tappening after he was ousted from being CEO at PayPal, another company he didn’t found as that was Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek. He didn’t found Twitter/X, he just bought it and then caused it to lose 80% of its market valuation. The man has the Midas Touch, but for Poo.

    The only thing he founded was SpaceX, and he doesn’t actually do anything there; he’s just shuffling his ill-gotten gains around.

  34. - Steve - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:14 pm:

    - I detect some “OW” in MrJM’s post above-

    I miss OW. I wonder what he’s thinking about a subject like this.

  35. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:18 pm:

    “Two sources told the ABC7 I-Team that federal authorities have identified dozens of targets for deportation. Sources said all of those so-called targets are either in custody, on bond, or wanted by law enforcement.” So not simply undocumented but have interacted with the criminal justice system in another way. Perhaps we need a speedy trial court when undocumented who commit a crime are arrested.

  36. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:28 pm:

    Why wouldn’t MBJ want himself out there more on this? What, does he need more time to formulate his positions here?

  37. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:30 pm:

    ===I wonder what===

    He’s at Bluesky

  38. - I-55 Fanatic - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:35 pm:

    ==When you talk about oligarchy but your political party raises more money than Trump and you win the 100k plus vote, you are probably doing well with the billionaire class.”

    First, the difference in campaign funding was in large part due to Trump spending so much of his war chest on his legal fees, and his campaign stayed online largely because billionaires like Elon Musk and others injected millions into it in the latter months of the campaign.

    Second, winning the $100k+ income bracket says nothing about how you’re doing with the billionaire class. 100k and 1 billion are so vastly far apart, it’s laughable to suggest this. 99.9% of people in the 100k+ income bracket are not even close to being billionaires.

  39. - Payback - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:39 pm:

    “Governor Pritzker speaks with moral clarity in easy to understand terms.” I can’t take Pritzker seriously since the FBI let him interview by Zoom remote about his property tax stuff. Maybe the next U.S. Attorney will not be as slack as Morris Pasqual.

  40. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===FBI let him interview by Zoom remote===


    That was during a Republican presidency.

  41. - Stephanie Kollmann - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 5:21 pm:

    ==Rich checked on that claim and was told the 2,000 number came from local law enforcement.==


    Which local law enforcement agency?

    And is this number based on a list they helped to make?

  42. - You win more bees with honey - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 7:18 pm:

    It’s going to be an interesting 2 years to say the least.

  43. - Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Jan 21, 25 @ 7:31 pm:

    The torrent of executive orders and kooky initiatives is reminiscent of when Rauner was our governor. His people had a strategy for disrupting “ooda loops” with the same flurry of stuff nobody could believe. It is like the physical policy version of a “Gish gallop” in debating. You spend all your energy treating each statement as serious while the opponent moves ahead with new disruptions.

    Don’t play their game.

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