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It’s just a bill

Friday, Jan 24, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* HB1611 from Rep. Kam Buckner

Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. Provides that a no-knock search warrant shall not be issued when the only offense alleged is possession of a controlled substance unless there is probable cause to believe that the controlled substance is for other than personal use. Provides that when an officer, having a warrant for the search of a dwelling, executes the search warrant, the officer shall: (1) execute the warrant between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. unless the judge, for good cause, expressly authorizes execution at another time; (2) be readily identifiable as a law enforcement officer in uniform or wearing a visible law enforcement badge that clearly identifies the person as a law enforcement officer; (3) In counties of 90,000 or more inhabitants, be a member of a special weapons and tactics team or special response team, or another established team or unit trained and tasked with resolving high-risk situations and incidents, who has received appropriate training in the execution of arrest and search warrants authorizing entry without notice; (4) wear and activate a body-worn camera as required by the use of force in execution of a search warrant when entering a premises for the purpose of enforcing the law; (5) have a certified or licensed paramedic or emergency medical technician in proximity and available to provide medical assistance, if needed; (6) be prohibited from pointing firearms at individuals under 18 years old, unless there is clear and present danger to the officer or another person; and (7) knock and announce the officer’s presence at a volume loud enough for the officer to reasonably believe the occupants inside can hear, allow a minimum of 30 seconds of time before entering given the size of the dwelling for someone to get to the door, and delay entry if the officer has reason to believe that someone is approaching the dwelling’s entrance with the intent of voluntarily allowing the officer to enter the dwelling; except that this provision does not apply if the circumstances known to the officer at the time provide an objectively reasonable basis to believe that a no-knock entry or not waiting a reasonable amount of time is necessary because of an emergency threatening the life of or grave injury to a person, provided that the imminent danger is not created by the law enforcement officers executing the search. Makes other changes.

* HB1116 was filed by Rep. David Friess

* Rep. Kelly Cassidy filed HB1715 today

Amends the Department of Children and Family Services Powers Law. Repeals a provision that grants the Department of Children and Family Services the power to appoint members of a police and security force to act as peace officers and have all powers possessed by police officers in cities and sheriffs under certain circumstances. Effective immediately.

* Sen. Javier Cervantes

To ensure more skilled health care professionals can practice in Illinois, State Senator Javier Loera Cervantes introduced legislation to better support the state’s physician assistant workforce and improve access to care.

“Before my work in the General Assembly, I worked with health care providers to resolve issues of inaccessibility, and I saw firsthand how it can take weeks or months to see doctors and other health care providers, leading to worse health outcomes for the patient seeking treatment,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “By streamlining the process of becoming a licensed physician assistant, patients will be able to receive medical help sooner.”

According to a 2020 workforce report prepared by the Illinois Nursing Workforce Center, Illinois currently has a shortage of more than 15,000 nurses. With projections of a shortage of more than 6,000 doctors by 2030, patients could face significant delays in seeing a provider, which can negatively impact their health.

To expand patients’ access to care, particularly for residents in his district on Chicago’s south and southwest side, Cervantes’ legislation would allow physician assistants with more than 2,000 clinical hours to practice without a supervising physician. With similar training as nurses and doctors, PAs can provide high-quality health care, but have run into difficulties getting their license approved due to a long, tedious paperwork approval process. […]

Senate Bill 271 waits to be assigned to a committee for consideration.

* TAG 24

A new bill has been introduced in Illinois to hold corporations and institutions accountable for profiting off chattel enslavement and systemic anti-Black discrimination, marking a significant step forward for the reparations movement.

HB 1227
, the Enslavement Era Disclosure and Redress Act, requires corporations or institutions seeking to do business with the State of Illinois to disclose any ties to the trafficking and enslavement African people and their descendants.

Introduced by State Representative Sonya Harper, the legislation also calls for the creation of a Redress Fund. Any potential contractor with ties to slavery would be required to submit a statement of their past or planned contributions to that fund.

The resources would then be put toward economic and educational programs in communities historically harmed by discriminatory laws and policies of the Jim Crow apartheid era. […]

“Corporate, institutional, and individual complicity to the crimes of the transatlantic slave trade and enslavement was very broad in the US. Many of these actors are still benefiting from and building on the stolen wealth,” Kamm Howard, executive director of Reparations United, said in a statement.

* Rep. Ryan Spain filed HB1652 yesterday

Amends the Nurse Practice Act. Ratifies and approves the Nurse Licensure Compact, which allows for the issuance of multistate licenses that allow nurses to practice in their home state and other compact states. Provides that the Compact does not supersede existing State labor laws. Provides that the State may not share with or disclose to the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators or any other state any of the contents of a nationwide criminal history records check conducted for the purpose of multistate licensure under the Nurse Licensure Compact. Makes conforming changes.

* HB1603 from Rep. Yolonda Morris

Amends the Landlord and Tenant Act. Prohibits a landlord or lessor from refusing to rent to, deny housing to, or impose conditions on a lessee or tenant based on the breed of a dog or dogs in residential housing that contains more than 3 units of housing. Provides that nothing in the Act affects the ability of a unit of local government to enforce provisions of the Animal Control Act regarding a dangerous dog or vicious dog. Provides that if a lessor or landlord violates these provisions, upon request of the affected lessee or tenant, the Illinois Housing Development Authority must investigate the matter. Provides that if the Authority finds that a lessor or landlord has violated the Act, it must commence an action or proceeding in the circuit court of the county in which the premises are situated to stop the violation either by mandamus or injunction. Provides that the amendatory Act applies to a renewal or modification of residential leases that contain more than 3 units of housing after the effective date of the Act and for new residential leases entered into after that date.


  1. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 10:50 am:

    What’s up with Rep. Cassidy’s bill?

  2. - Benniefly2 - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 11:01 am:

    Rep. Friess appears to be really angry about the current success of the University of Illinois Athletic Department is having at the moment. Is he a closet Indiana or Iowa fan or something?

  3. - James - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 11:29 am:

    David Friess. He’s so far on the back bench that his seat in the General Assembly is at the Pizza Ranch.

  4. - NonAFSCMEStateEmployeeFromChatham - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 11:37 am:

    =Is he a closet Indiana or Iowa fan or something=

    Considering he’s from Red Bud, I would think he would be an SIUC fan. And more likely a closet Mizzou or other SEC team fan.

  5. - Kelly Cassidy - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 11:40 am:

    @anyone, it’s literally just clean up language. At some point along the way, someone passed a bill permitting DCFS to form their own police force, but the department has never acted on it. They do not want to form a police force and do not need the ability to do so in statute.

  6. - Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 11:50 am:

    That Friess bill is dumb. Once the House settlement is approved, all FBS schools will be ponying up $20.5M to pay student athletes directly from the school, not NIL. U of I, given what it is, is unlikely to have (m)any student-athletes making $250k+ from NIL on top of the money they’re receiving directly from the university

  7. - Huh? - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 12:02 pm:

    Anyone making $250k from NIL money can pay their own way to obtain a college degree. It is absurd that someone making that much money should be getting a scholarship.

  8. - Steve Polite - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 12:12 pm:

    “Prohibits a landlord or lessor from refusing to rent to, deny housing to, or impose conditions on a lessee or tenant based on the breed of a dog or dogs in residential housing that contains more than 3 units of housing.”

    I am the landlord of a single family home, so this wouldn’t apply to me as written. I’m curious how or if this would apply to rentals that place a weight limit on pets. I’ve commonly restricted pets to under 20 lbs in my listings. This would preclude all larger breeds. What about rentals that don’t allow pets at all? I don’t currently see any language in the text that would prevent weight limits or no pet policies.

    Before I added the weight restriction, I had a tenant who had a larger breed dog, maybe around 40 to 50 lbs. The dog caused thousands in damages to the house. It chewed and destroyed the siding on the house and damaged the back door from constant scratching.

  9. - Lincoln Lad - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 12:30 pm:

    Agree the Friess bill is a waste of time. Successful sports programs make the university money net. They add to the school’s rep and contribute to students wanting to go there, to staff wanting to teach there, etc. Maybe not everyone, but for a lot of us.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 12:39 pm:

    ===It is absurd that someone making that much===

    University of Illinois Illinois Athletic and Academic Strive Scholarship Information and Application for the 2025-2026 Academic Year

    Criteria for selection

    Costs and financial need may be taken into consideration in establishing the amount of the awards, but “academic and athletic competence shall take precedence over financial need as factors for qualification” for the awards.

  11. - Excitable Boy - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 1:04 pm:

    - Anyone making $250k from NIL money can pay their own way to obtain a college degree. -

    They can also most likely go play for a different school.

  12. - Jibba - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 1:04 pm:

    UI is planning on paying the full 20.5 M in revenue sharing next year, which comes out to 150K per mens football player and 200k per mens basketball player (on average). Scrubs will get little or none and stars more. I fully expect that stars will exceed 250k. Just make minor leagues already.

  13. - H-W - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 1:14 pm:

    I am not so sure Friess isn’t on to something. If scholarship funds are not needed and unnecessary for some, they could be used better to empower those less fortunate. On the other hand, it is not a simple issue and will not be solved by a simple solution such as proposed. Indeed, the quarter million threshold seems to privilege some when the median income, median household income, and family income thresholds are light years below a quarter million dollars. That said, I think it is reasonable to begin asking where and when athletics expectations and academic expectations are going to collide under the new model.

  14. - Joe Bidenopolous - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 3:02 pm:

    =UI is planning on paying the full 20.5 M in revenue sharing next year=

    And here you’ve hit the exact reason the bill is SO, so dumb - the U of I will be paying them. That’s not NIL. The bill is for NIL.

    Also - everyone who thinks they should pay tuition, that would simply become a recruiting tool used by other schools against U of I

  15. - filmmaker prof - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 3:08 pm:

    “Successful sports programs make the university money net. They add to the school’s rep and contribute to students wanting to go there, to staff wanting to teach there, etc.”

    Athletics at UIUC contribute exactly $0 to the University; in fact, athletics at U of I cost the institution money. And if you think athletics plays anything more than an infintesimal role in professors’decisions as to where to work, you nothing about academics. The so-called “benefits” of successful athletics are ridiculously exaggerated.

  16. - Lincoln Lad - Friday, Jan 24, 25 @ 3:49 pm:

    Big money sports pay for themselves, and lesser interest sports do not. As to athletics adding to the attraction - don’t assume your view is common to all or even most. I’m a testament personally to you being incorrect.

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