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Sen. Dan McConchie announces resignation (Updated)

Monday, Jan 27, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Sen. Dan McConchie…

Following a nearly nine-year public service commitment to the constituents of the 26th Senate District of Illinois, State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) announced his resignation from the Illinois State Senate, effective February 2, 2025.

Serving in office since 2016, Sen. McConchie consistently fought for the priorities of the northwest suburban district including limiting the size of government, reducing the property tax burden, and bringing common sense to state government and its functions.

“While I always possessed a desire to serve my country and my community, I never aspired to be an elected official, and certainly not a politician,” said Sen. McConchie. “It was my friends and neighbors who asked me to step up and run for office so I could bring common sense values to Springfield. It was these citizens who convinced me to run for office to help make Illinois a better place to live, work, and raise a family.”

As a freshman legislator, Sen. McConchie took his obligation seriously and quickly got to work. As a member of the K-12 education funding formula working group, he helped lead negotiations resulting in bipartisan legislation that established a more equitable funding solution to the state’s elementary and secondary education system and created the successful Invest in Kids program—giving underprivileged children the opportunity at a great education regardless of zip code.

In just a short time, Sen. McConchie was viewed as a strategic thinker and leader by his colleagues. In 2020, he was elected by his peers to serve as the Senate Republican Leader, where he broadened his commitment to the people of Illinois, and offered them an alternative to the majority party’s policies. Under his leadership, he fought against executive and legislative abuses of power including government overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic, controversial executive appointments, and gerrymandered legislative maps.

Most recently, Sen. McConchie has focused on championing legislation that seeks to remove barriers for those with disabilities. His commitment to expanding accessibility for the disabled inspired McConchie to found a non-profit organization to promote accessibility for the disabled in states and localities across the country.

“As my time in the Senate comes to an end, I’m grateful for what I was able to accomplish for the people of Illinois. It was an honor of a lifetime and one that I will cherish forever,” McConchie said. “As I look to the future, I know that there is more that I can do. My desire to create positive impact in the lives of others has not gone away, it’s just expanded to the most vulnerable no matter where they live across the country.

“I want to thank my wife, Milena, and my kids for allowing me to serve the people of Illinois in this capacity these past several years. In many ways, they have carried the burden of service even more than me. I will forever be grateful to them.”

…Adding… Biden won Sen. Dan McConchie’s (R-Hawthorn Woods) district by almost 10 points in 2020. Pritzker won it by almost 11 points in 2022. Sen. McConchie won by just 385 votes against Democrat Maria Peterson the same year.

* McConchie announced a new non-profit this morning

With the goal of ensuring everyone has the “freedom to live,” Dan McConchie, a policy expert and former Illinois state senator, has launched a new advocacy organization seeking to improve accessibility for the disabled nationwide. The Accessibility Policy Institute, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to improving accessibility for the disabled at every level—local, state, and federal. It supports policies that remove barriers, so every disabled person has the opportunity to LIVE, WORK, and PLAY.

“Even now, more than 30 years after the passage of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disabled Americans frequently experience barriers in everyday life,” said Dan McConchie, CEO. “And while our society recognizes the fundamental equality of every human being, many individuals cannot fully enjoy their lives as long as there are barriers that inhibit participation in aspects of community life.”

The core initiatives at the Accessibility Policy Institute will reflect a “freedom to live” motto in which policy efforts will focus on increasing accessibility, and thereby freedom, for every American regardless of ability. By removing barriers to employment, transportation, housing, and more, both individuals and society will mutually benefit.

The Accessibility Policy Institute also recognizes that not all improvements to accessibility can or should happen through public policy, which is why the organization will also spearhead “Beyond the ADA.” This project will promote voluntary solutions by working with private companies and organizations to innovate their products and services to maximize disabled accessibility beyond what the law requires.

“Working to popularize and normalize an expanded accessibility attitude both in the corporate world as well as amongst the public at large will be key to enacting meaningful change,” said McConchie. “Through our advocacy efforts, we believe that we can play a large role in helping to expand accessibility for the disabled, and in the end, help create greater communities throughout the country.”


  1. - OneOpinion - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 10:32 am:

    Thank you for your public service, Senator McConchie, and Godspeed as you enter the next phase of your life. You earned the respect and admiration of a great many, myself included.

  2. - Norseman - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 11:25 am:

    === he fought against executive and legislative abuses of power including government overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic ===

    I can’t think positively about MAGA GOP pols who went along with the Pandemic propaganda. Too many people excess deaths and illnesses resulted from the lies they spewed.

  3. - TJ - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 11:30 am:

    == Under his leadership, he fought against executive and legislative abuses of power including government overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic, controversial executive appointments, and gerrymandered legislative maps. ==

    One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is objectively bad and legacy-ruining.

  4. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 12:00 pm:

    When you list fighting against efforts to try and control the spread of a pandemic that claimed over 1M lives as an accomplishment, I’d say you haven’t accomplished much of which to be proud. I don’t understand the pride taken in contributing to unnecessary deaths… even if it’s some convoluted statement of liberty. Your responsibility is to help, not to do harm.

  5. - Big Dipper - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 12:36 pm:

    Why would you want a Covid denier working on behalf of the disabled? Long Covid is a disability and people like him who fought against sensible protocols caused additional infections.

  6. - Wisco Expat - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 1:04 pm:

    So instead of serving out the remainder of his term and just deciding to not run for re-election, he decides to resign and allow another person to be appointed to his seat, ensuring the newcomer gets incumbency status in the 2026 election for that district’s senate seat. This is one of the issues with the election system in Illinois. Fighting against “legislative abuses of power” and “gerrymandered legislative maps” no longer seems genuine.

  7. - Friendly Bob Adams - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 1:16 pm:

    Give McConchie credit for good intentions, but there are already lots of non-profits promoting the interests of people with disabilities. Not sure what this new organization would add to the mix.

  8. - Just Me 2 - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 1:18 pm:

    It always rubs me the wrong way when politicians don’t finish their term of office (unless it is for health/family reasons). These people absolutely beg their constituents to vote for them, and then they take a very public oath of office. But whenever something better comes along, or the job is too hard, they bolt and let someone else who is usually a friend but wasn’t elected finish the job.

    That’s why I support special elections for the GA — it’ll cut down on this abuse.

  9. - Soccermom - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 1:28 pm:

    What Big Dipper and Friendly Bob said.

    Instead of starting a new organization, bring your supporters to one of the existing groups that need help.

  10. - I-55 Fanatic - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 1:54 pm:

    Agreed with what a couple other folks have suggested: he pretty brazenly hung on to this seat through the election to help keep it in GOP hands. Not that others haven’t done it before, just saying that he’s not even trying to hide it here.

  11. - supper club - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 2:39 pm:

    Senator McConchie, your unwavering dedication to the people of Illinois has left an indelible mark on our state. Your courage to challenge the entrenched status quo, even when the odds were stacked against you, speaks to your extraordinary commitment to progress. You have been a tireless advocate for your constituents, a champion for veterans, a steadfast supporter of the business community, and a voice for greater inclusion for those with disabilities. Your legacy of service and leadership will not be forgotten, and your efforts have set a higher standard for those who follow. Thank you for your vision, determination, and the difference you have made.

  12. - Pundent - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 2:57 pm:

    Given the narrowing of margins in McConchie’s recent races and the litmus test that is applied to GOP candidates by their own party, this is hardly surprising.

  13. - low level - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 3:37 pm:

    ==Even now, more than 30 years after the passage of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), disabled Americans frequently experience barriers in everyday life,==

    Thats why you are a member of a party trying to roll back those protections, right? Yay MAGA /s

  14. - G'Kar - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 4:02 pm:

    “Senator McConchie, your unwavering dedication to the people of Illinois” Nothing shows unwavering dedication than retiring mid-term./s

  15. - froganon - Monday, Jan 27, 25 @ 5:30 pm:

    Fighting “government overreach” by fighting masks while waging a relentless battle to deny women basic health care and bodily autonomy is restaurant quality hypocrisy. Promoting “freedom” to live, work and play is icing on the cake.

  16. - allknowingmasterofraccoondom - Tuesday, Jan 28, 25 @ 11:57 am:

    Norseman - Ha. Did you see what happened in CPS during the pandemic?

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