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Illinois Freedom Caucus complains about punishment

Thursday, Jan 30, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been telling subscribers about this battle. From an Illinois Freedom Caucus press release…

The punitive measures Minority Leader Tony McCombie has taken against conservative House members are a blatant attempt to shut out conservative voices in the General Assembly, according to the Illinois Freedom Caucus members.

Because of irreconcilable differences in policy, approach and results, several House Republican members could not in good conscience support Leader McCombie in her run for Minority Leader. Instead, they opted for a respectful low profile swearing in ceremony at the Capitol. As a result of not receiving their votes for leader, the Minority Leader instituted childish retaliatory actions. Specifically, she has denied the following services from State Reps. Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich), Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville), Chris Miller (R-Hindsboro), Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) and Marty McLaughlin (R-Barrington Hills):

    • Spokesman positions on legislative committees
    • Access to larger offices that were consistent with their seniority in the House Republican Caucus
    • Access to their state websites, emails, and email newsletter services
    • Access to Communications staffers including access to social media sites, audio and visual services, graphic design, and press release services
    • Secretarial services at the Capitol
    • Biography services
    • All press conference assistance services

    • All outreach assistance services
    • Media tracking services
    • Access to Bill Analysis
    • Access to research assistance from House Republican staff
    • Access to House Republican staff generated media lists

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is issuing the following statement:

“Minority Leader Tony McCombie has officially declared war on conservatives. She seems to be more interested in going after conservative members of her own caucus than she is in taking on the Democrats who control every level of government in our state and who have run our state into the ground.

Our goal is to win seats so that we can advance a conservative Republican agenda in Illinois. While we do not believe Tony McCombie is the kind of leader we need to accomplish this goal, we nonetheless support the mission of the House Republican Caucus. We do not care about offices, titles or other accolades that go along with being an elected official. We are solely focused on enacting the kind of policies we need to turn our state around and voting against the bad policies. The idea that our own leader would impede our efforts is a major disappointment, but we will not be deterred in our fight to restore Illinois. She can put us in broom closets for all we care because it won’t change our resolve for our mission.

Our only regret is that the person who has presided over zero pickups in the last election and who is so desperate to be the minority leader is also so completely unserious about her job. We are not the ones who are suffering because of her bad leadership – it is the millions of Republican voters who are suffering at the hands of her failures. They deserve to have a Republican Leader who embraces conservative voices and works to unify the party, rather than a leader who attacks conservatives and demands absolute loyalty like a monarch.”

* Politico

They missed McCombie’s criticism of Democrats during the recent inauguration because they held their own separate inauguration.

“This decision was not made lightly and remains subject to further review,” McCombie said in a statement. “Leadership resources are a privilege, not an entitlement, and they are allocated to those committed to advancing our caucus’s priorities — not fueling distractions.” There’s also a concern that the Freedom Caucus sometimes blurs the line of being a political organization. That’s not allowed when doing work in the Capitol. […]

McCombie isn’t the first to take away some privileges. Former House GOP Leader Jim Durkin also pulled back the benefits.

That statement wasn’t specifically a response to the above press release, I’m told.


  1. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:13 pm:

    “instituted childish retaliatory actions.”

    The cognitive dissonance is thick with this group.

  2. - Pundent - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:21 pm:

    =Our goal is to win seats so that we can advance a conservative Republican agenda in Illinois. =

    The agenda of the freedom caucus is not the agenda of Illinois voters. You have irreconcilable differences because you have irreconcilable goals.

  3. - Juice - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:24 pm:

    Too bad 222 S College was torn down. I would have moved this group’s office over there.

  4. - TJ - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:27 pm:

    The freedom caucus being critical of literally anyone else being unserious about their job is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black.

  5. - H-W - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:29 pm:

    This reads as if they are being lead by the writings of Tom DeVore on his public forum (Facebook), who suggests openly that the Republican Party is the problematic, the leaders are the problem, and it is time for people like him to take over the party to make it an effective voice for those who cannot win arguments nor positions of power.

    That said, I like the last “Our only regret …” line. It reminds me of a famous patriot who was hanged. Cute inference. False inference.

  6. - Who else - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:30 pm:

    We do not care about offices, titles or other accolades that go along with being an elected official, and that’s why we are sending you this press release about not getting offices, titles and other accolades..

  7. - a drop in - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:39 pm:

    =Our goal is to win seats so that we can advance a conservative Republican agenda in Illinois. =
    I’m not a political expert but I think fracturing a super-minority is not the way to go about this.

  8. - Irma Gerd - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:42 pm:

    =We do not care about offices, titles or other accolades…=

    Nailed it.

  9. - low level - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:48 pm:

    Oh boy… the so called “Freedom” Caucus got triggered again. What a bunch of snowflakes.

  10. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:53 pm:

    The Freedom Caucus can never fail, only be failed.

  11. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 2:59 pm:

    At the very least McCombie ought to assign someone who can read the bills to them.

  12. - Stephanie Kollmann - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 3:03 pm:

    ==We do not care about offices, titles or other accolades that go along with being an elected official, and that’s why we are sending you this press release about not getting offices, titles and other accolades..==

    Also, please do not ask why our list of complaints puts titles and offices near the top, above the complaints that could be more easily characterized as impacting our service to the public (state email, bill analysis)

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 3:11 pm:

    The Illinois constitution requires 79 votes to expel a member. Just sayin

  14. - coinflip - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 3:18 pm:

    Leader McCombie’s actions to silence the voices of the freedom caucus is a blessing to all those with ears that can hear.

  15. - Lagertha's Shield - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 3:24 pm:

    As someone who lives in the Bloc, I highly approve of McCombie’s actions.

  16. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 3:39 pm:

    “they held their own separate inauguration”

    The key to their success is to keep their voters ginned up all the time. Useless political theater is the way.

  17. - Delinquent - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 3:55 pm:

    They also failed to mention they are a group that hasn’t paid their HRO dues in 6 years.

  18. - Nagidam - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:07 pm:

    While it is all fun and games to bang on the Freedom Caucus members, McCombie is denying basic services that allows these members to do their jobs. That translates to denying services to their constituents. Take away their big offices fine, deny them leadership/spokesmanship’s. Perfectly acceptable. Those are earned issues that are not required to do their job. We hear lots of bellyaching on how the Democrats run roughshod over the Republicans and now HGOP leadership is doing this to their own members, which hurts their constituents. Silly games.

  19. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:15 pm:

    Isn’t Rep. Miller a farmer? He should know better than anyone that if you mess with the bull you get the horns.

  20. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:27 pm:

    Best part of the Eastern Block in their “uniforms” wearing jeans on the House floor in committee. The Toddler Caucus.

  21. - Don't Bloc Me In - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:38 pm:

    ==…a leader who attacks conservatives and demands absolute loyalty like a monarch.==

    Now let me think…who does that remind me of?

    By my calculations, this little group of guys comprises 14% of the Republican caucus, and a mere 4.5% of the entire legislature. Their petulant demonstrations are not going to win more seats, nor will they win anything for those of us represented by them. Yet, I know many voters in the Bloc who believe this is the way forward.

  22. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:39 pm:

    Minority Leader Tony McCombie’s treatment of these loons and buffoons is praise worthy and is a move I respect.

    These representatives contribute nothing and add nothing to the legislature and make it impossible for the Illinois GOP to rise above a party of angry white men who are only relevant because they inherited wealth or land.

    Props to Tony McCombie. Don’t take that kind of [redacted] from people who only hold public office to throw temper tantrums and insist upon themselves.

  23. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:42 pm:

    ===allows these members to do their jobs===

    Interesting that you think they have been doing their jobs. How does it make you feel to carry water for someone that declared war on the American people 4 years ago?

  24. - SpiDem - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 4:56 pm:

    My goodness it’s about time someone in the GOP stood up to the crazies. Good for McCombie.

  25. - allknowingmasterofraccoondom - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 5:15 pm:

    …..demands absolute loyalty like a monarch. Wonder where they learn that from?

  26. - Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Jan 30, 25 @ 5:21 pm:

    They were sworn in separately from the rest of the House of Representatives? Now they complain of being treated like outsiders?

    Got it. Just don’t understand it.

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