C’mon, man
Monday, Feb 3, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller * Wut… ![]() Mailers “don’t move the needle in an election cycle anymore”? Tell that to the Democrats, who spent $7.4 million on direct mail from August through November. Just saying, but unilateral disarmament is never a great idea. * But the man who has been lashing out at McCombie for weeks didn’t stop with direct mail… ![]() No mail, no digital. When you don’t have the cash to go up on Chicago broadcast TV, you gotta make do with what you can muster. OK, yes, the HGOPs didn’t pick up any seats, but the House Democrats didn’t pick up any, either, even though the House Speaker was confidently predicting a big year for months. Considering the Republicans were outspent nearly 4-1 in the fourth quarter ($12.9 million to $3.4 million), it could’ve been a whole lot worse. DeVore’s largest expenditures during the last half of 2022 were the $240K in checks to repay the money he lent to his campaign. He lost by 445,000 votes.
- NIU Grad - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:04 am:
“”During our 2022 campaign, we had a very efficient digital campaign.”
Yea, how did that work out?
- So_Ill - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:05 am:
He sounds like quite the expert. Has he ever ran for office? How’d he do?
- Candy Dogood - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:12 am:
I don’t think anyone should listen to this loser and grifter, but certainly hope the permanent minority party in Illinois does.
- JS Mill - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:13 am:
DeVore lost the AG election by 11 percentage points. I am not sure he is qualified to give electoral advice, at least not on winning elections.
- fs - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:16 am:
Anyone election advice from someone absolutely trounced in their attempt to run for office, on top of currently facing serious disciplinary action on their law license should be taken with the tiniest grain of salt…not even good salt. And the fact that some people do listen to him is a reflection of the seriously sad state of the Party
- Anon324 - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:17 am:
He’s such a brilliant strategist, he can lose elections and multiple lawsuits at the same time, all while engaging in behavior that lands him in front of th ARDC disciplinary board. Take that McCombie.
- Ryan - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:28 am:
Has Devore ever actually won anything? At this point, is it worth even covering anything he says/posts?
- TJ - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:30 am:
Mailers don’t work when they’re viewed as spam. Maybe the ILGOP needs to stop having stances that a majority of Illinoisans view as inherently spammy?
- Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:45 am:
The Grammar Police might pay another visit to Tom DeVore sooner rather than later. Syntax errors appear throughout his rant…shaking my head.
DeVore ran for AG in the state of Illinois.The claim regarding an efficient campaign shows no logic. DeVore lost.
- DuPage Saint - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:51 am:
He is correct. I think they should go with Dan Proft that would fix it
- Pundent - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:56 am:
Devore is a grifter and grifters measure winning by how much money they can stuff in their pockets.
- Soccermom - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:02 am:
Here’s the thing about mailers. Although I like good ones (and have produced a few), I think their biggest impact is putting the candidate’s name in front of the voter as the mailer is carried from the front door to recycling. I actually think that’s incredibly valuable
- Soccermom - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:04 am:
And on digital expenditure, I would point out the counterfactual — i.e., how many seats might you have lost without it. I mean, I’m happy to see what happens if the GOP follows his advice going forward.
- Demoralized - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:10 am:
If Republicans want to continue to be a super minority party by all means listen Tom Devore.
- TreeFiddy - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:16 am:
To quote a favorite TV show, DeVore and his ilk are not serious people.
- Lurker - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:17 am:
Instead of an efficient campaign, maybe he should try an effective campaign.
- The Honda Lawyer - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:19 am:
Glad u mentioned DeVore “paying himself back” $240,000. I recently went through all of his D-2s. As u know he shut his committee down shortly after his big 2022 loss but of course the reports are still online. One wonders if DeVore knew that would be the case. Anyway, DeVore reports he raised a total of $367,613 from others, not counting a couple of in-kinds. He reports that $240,000 of that went to repay loans he made to campaign. But then he also reports a total of $406,114 in campaign expenses (that’s not counting repayment of loans to himself). At end of day when he shuts down the committee it just so happens to have exactly 0 dollars left. Others need to go through the reports because from what I see, the numbers don’t add up. How could he have spent that much and also repaid the loans, based on what he said he raised? I personally wonder if he actually really made all of those loans, or if he just made up an artificial hole to fill. No accusation here. Just saying others should take a look at and crunch the numbers. Because they don’t add up for me. Also it’s pretty rich how the guy points fingers at others for being spendthrifts, but during his own poorly funded shoestring campaign DeVore personally lived large with overnights at Trump Hotel in Chicago and “fundraising” food from Gibson’s.
- Arsenal - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:24 am:
I would also note that Trump did a great deal of direct mail in the swing states. I mean, correlation =/causation, but with mass media fracturing and losing influence and dying, do you really want to pooh-pooh a method of getting your message directly in front of a voter with a reasonable amount of certainty?
- Excitable Boy - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:34 am:
- I think their biggest impact is putting the candidate’s name in front of the voter as the mailer is carried from the front door to recycling -
I agree. I’ve never been swayed by a mail piece because I don’t read them, but they remind me to check out candidates to see what they’re about.
- Big Dipper - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:50 am:
==carried from the front door to recycling==
Do Republicans recycle? How is the egg roll factory doing, Tommy D.?
- allknowingmasterofraccoondom - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:51 am:
- Anon324 - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 10:17 am:
You win the internet today.
- ArchPundit - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 11:58 am:
Excel is having a bad weekend.
- “Friend” - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 12:19 pm:
Mailers “don’t move the needle…” says one-half of one of the worst losing tickets in Illinois history. Thanks DeVore. We’ll ask for your opinion when we want advice on how to abuse, harass, bankrupt and defraud ex-girlfriends and clients. When’s that ARDC hearing, bud?
- Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 12:45 pm:
Y’all are being too critical. Let DeVore cook - I think the Republicans should listen to him
- low level - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 2:16 pm:
Mailers dont move the needle. OK. I suppose the chalk on the sidewalk for Tom that I had near my polling place in 2022 works better?
- Annon3 - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 2:31 pm:
“Victory has a 1000 fathers and defeat is an orphan” the finger pointing nonsense never disappoints.
- Carbo Load - Monday, Feb 3, 25 @ 3:33 pm:
DeVore, Proft, Tillman, all cut from the same cloth. More interested in tearing down imperfect Republicans than defeating Democrats. The Eastern bloc have fallen for it.