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Today’s number: 0.0009 percent

Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WGN’s Ben Bradley and Andrew Schroedter

Often lost in the cacophony of criticism on cable news – and along the campaign trail – is perspective on how often people born biologically male are seeking to compete in girls’ sports.

The Illinois High School Association says of the 320,000 student-athletes competing in all IHSA sports at all levels, only three people born male asked for and received waivers to compete in girls’ sports last year. The organization granted just two waivers the year before.

“Most people didn’t really care – they were just there to compete,” said Ashley O’Connor who competed on the Downers Grove South High School badminton team. “I was terrible and barely made the team. … Being there to do that with my friends was so important to my sanity.” […]

The ACLU says the issue has only come up a few times in Illinois because state law specifically allows people to access bathrooms, locker rooms and sports based on their gender identity. Some Illinois republicans want to change that.

“Just because folks around the state might not be in an uproar over one individual – it doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” said state representative Adam Niemberg (R, Dieterich, Illinois).


  1. - low level - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:38 am:

    ==“Just because folks around the state might not be in an uproar over one individual – it doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” said state representative Adam Niemberg (R, Dieterich, Illinois).==

    Of all the issues from your district you could have chosen to work on, this is the most important?

  2. - Roadrager - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:45 am:

    “Just because my culture war hysteria is completely manufactured doesn’t mean I won’t keep pushing it louder and louder on TV and the internet.”

    If you are so deeply concerned with the sanctity of girls’ high school badminton, I have some follow-up questions to ask, leading off with “Can I have a look at your browser history?”

  3. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:48 am:

    “Just because folks around the state might not be in an uproar over one individual – it doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” said state representative Adam Niemberg (R, Dieterich, Illinois).

    Rep, I’m pretty sure there are more people in your district who think they have spent time with little green men on a flying saucer than there are boys trying to compete as girls in sporting events.

  4. - Squib Kick - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:48 am:

    Rep. Niemberg’s high school badminton purity stand.
    So brave.

  5. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:50 am:

    - “Just because folks around the state might not be in an uproar over one individual – it doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” -

    I’m struggling to form a coherent thought out of this collection of words.

  6. - Treefiddy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:52 am:

    My Congresswoman Mary Miller recently sent out a flyer letting us know she’s focused on the most pressing issues facing the region: the Farm Bill, trans people in sports and defining genders. Guess that’s what all us blue-collar folks truly care about.

  7. - TJ - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:54 am:

    When you don’t have any issues to run on, you push for panic.

  8. - H-W - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:56 am:

    This. And according the the NCAA, less than ten college athletes were transgender last year, as testified before Congress.

    What we are seeing is the magnitude of hate that exists in society. There is not problem of boys stealing trophies. Heck, the only time that happened, it made a political star out of a swimmer, who is now a millionaire.

    Mountains and mole hills.

  9. - Norseman - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:56 am:

    That’s the horrible nature of this hate campaign - and actually most hate campaigns - is that the dangers the vilified pose are lies. A MAGA idiot on the Illinois House floor makes a speech about people becoming Trans to get a competitive advantage in sports (the 0.0009%).

    They lie about women being jeopardized in bathrooms. None of the bathrooms I went into as a man pushing his handicapped wife resulted in any embarrassing or compromising situations.

    DOGE is supposed to identify waste. Just think about the amount of money being spent on attacking Trans. Signage requirements, supervisor time, documents. All in the name of hate.

  10. - Homebody - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 11:59 am:

    It is literally an imagined problem by the GOP just to give them a culture war target. Taken to the extreme, it leads to fascism and the holocaust. The difference between targeting trans kids with bathroom laws or genocide is a question of degree.

    We also know that they don’t actually believe these are real problems, because I an 99% certain Caitlin Jenner is using the ladies room at Mar A Lago.

  11. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:10 pm:

    “Just because folks around the state might not be in an uproar over one individual – it doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” said state representative Adam Niemberg (R, Dieterich, Illinois).

    So what is the threshold for whacks like Rep Niemberg? Just askin’ so we get prepared for the next looney tunes blow up

  12. - Northsider - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:15 pm:

    Republicans’ incessant need to kick and punch down is one of the myriad reasons why I never vote Republican.

  13. - Anyone Remember - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===“Just because folks around the state might not be in an uproar over one individual – it doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” said state representative Adam Niemberg (R, Dieterich, Illinois).===

    Would have been right at home as an “investigator” in Salem, MA in 1692 …

  14. - P. - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:20 pm:

    Yes genius it is happening at a rate of one student athlete per 106,666.666 repeating of course student athletes. Hardly a crisis unless you are an absolutist bully with misplaced priorities. Quite a legacy.

  15. - anon2 - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:34 pm:

    The trans issue hurt the Harris campaign. Is defending trans girls born boys playing against girls the hill Democrats want to die on?

  16. - James - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:35 pm:

    Imagine saying a problem as not a problem, simply because it’s a small problem. Imagine losing a national election for president defending 0.0009 percent of the electorate.

  17. - Jerry - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:36 pm:

    I don’t understand why xtians insist on forcing their “lifestyle choice” on everyone with this gender thing. Doesn’t Jesus have other things you should be ministering to?

  18. - supplied_demand - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:48 pm:

    ==Is defending trans girls born boys playing against girls the hill Democrats want to die on?==

    If it wasn’t this, it would be something else. That is the point of culture wars. Every time Democrats acquiesce, the Overton Window moves a little bit to the right.

  19. - Steve - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:50 pm:

    The issue isn’t the numbers. It’s unfair to have boys in girls sports. Someone could lose a scholarship over this. It just takes one male athlete . But, I will grant I’m wrong on this issue. Therefore, there shouldn’t be sex segregated sports teams which would solve the problem.

  20. - TJ - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 12:58 pm:

    == The trans issue hurt the Harris campaign. Is defending trans girls born boys playing against girls the hill Democrats want to die on? ==

    Name a positive civil rights stance that wasn’t initially a negative at the ballot box. I’ll wait.

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:02 pm:

    ===simply because it’s a small problem===

    0.0009 percent isn’t small. It’s basically non-existent.

    The male death rate for taking aspirin, for instance, is a hundredth of a percent. 0.0009 is 9 ten-thousandths of a percent.

  22. - OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:18 pm:

    If you want to address “fairness” in HS sports and make the playing field ‘level’:

    Perhaps address the gross differences in spending between schools.
    Address the differences in facilities between schools.
    Limit all schools to the same number of coaches for a sport.
    Limit the size of weightrooms.

    That will make things more ‘fair.’

    Make it so that if you do a ‘club’ sport, you can’t do it within the IHSA.
    There is no private coaching during the sports season.

    When I officiate, I see huge differences in the resources available and money spent at various schools.

    Funny, no one is up in arms about the differences in resources available to some kids vs others.

  23. - James the Intolerant - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:20 pm:

    My son-in-law is transgender. Fantastic son, husband, father, son-in-law and all-around human being. Now they are worried about the future because of the backlash. We are going backwards. Yay small minded people. The worst.

  24. - Nathan H - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:31 pm:

    You want to know how of a nothing-burger the freak out all is? My kid goes to Downers Grove South High School and I hadn’t even heard about this.

  25. - Jerry - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:32 pm:

    Thank you, James.

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:41 pm:

    People, if you don’t take two seconds to type in a username, you’re gonna get deleted. It doesn’t matter how eloquent or reasoned your post is. It’ll be gone.

  27. - don the legend - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 1:58 pm:

    ==only three people born male asked for and received waivers to compete in girls’ sports last year.==

    MAGA response is “that’s three too many.”

  28. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 2:12 pm:

    =Someone could lose a scholarship over this.=

    The likelihood of that happening is about as close to 0 as you can get.

  29. - BE - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 2:27 pm:

    ==There is not problem of boys stealing trophies. Heck, the only time that happened, it made a political star out of a swimmer, who is now a millionaire.==
    It wasn’t for a trophy. The ‘political star’ whined about not getting _4th place_.
    And now she makes her money making speeches for conservative groups at colleges who like to tell female students that they should quit school and have babies. She’ll be too old, soon enough, for the alt-right/tradwife/MAGA groups.

    Trans rights are human rights. They deserve to be in public, be in the workplace and be in school doing school things.

  30. - hmmm - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 2:36 pm:

    The way we hear about this issue non-stop, I thought it would be at least 100 trans student athletes NOT just THREE

  31. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 2:38 pm:

    =Funny, no one is up in arms about the differences in resources available to some kids vs others.=

    Well put.

    This issue highlights one issue with social media. Although we don’t have a trans student athlete, I would have sworn it was at least 100’s of kids. It is three state-wide. Buthe social media monster makes it seem like all girls are being pushed aside for those who are trans. I am not make light of the challenges that trans students because they real. Just that I was surprised based on the culture war noise how many are involved.

    What does it mean that none are former females transitioning to make that are trying to get on a boys team, if it means anything at all?

  32. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 2:40 pm:

    This would all end in an instant if we started to ask republicans for results from their own genetic testing.

    Are we supposed to just *believe* they are what they say they are? Just because they wear a suit or a dress to work? If genetics are the ultimate test for them, well then lets see their, their families, and their staffs test results.

    Statistically, at least one is not going to be genetically who they think they are.

    You threw this gauntlet down Mr. Niemberg. Don’t run away from it now. Because if this continues, you won’t be able to run away from it later if it ends up actually impacting someone you care about.

    “Would I want this outrage to apply to my own family?”

    If the answer is no, then think real hard on what you are doing.

    Real hard.

  33. - OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 3:17 pm:

    == What does it mean that none are former females transitioning to make that are trying to get on a boys team, if it means anything at all? ==

    It might have been an HBO Real Sports episode that talked about a wrestler in Texas where that was the case.

  34. - H-W - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 3:18 pm:

    @ Anon2

    === Is defending trans girls born boys playing against girls the hill Democrats want to die on? ===

    Yes, it is a hill I would die on. Same thing with the systemic denial of the rights of Venezuelans with protected status to remain in the U. S. after April 4. Indeed, that is a battle I am personally fighting. My son married a Venezuelan. She is a very loving, beautiful, industrious, thrifty soul who fled Venezuela in a canoe with 10 people. She received permission from the U.S. to enter the U.S while in Mexico City. Kicking her out now because of a theoretical apartment in Aurora, CO and a theoretical feast of cats and dogs in JD Vance’s hometown is a hill I am willing to die on. We need more Venezuelans, not none.

  35. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 3:28 pm:

    =Yes, it is a hill I would die on.=

    Are you willing to lose elections over it? Because you only set policy by winning elections.

    The GOP has been successful in amplifying gender identity as an existential crisis. The Democrats took the bait.

  36. - GoneFishing - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 3:37 pm:

    Middle School wrestling is coed. Haven’t seen any issues or problems.

  37. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 3:44 pm:

    ===Someone could lose a scholarship over this.===

    Thank you for highlighting another issue: Why are we awarding a free college education based on the ability to play a sport? Imagine if someone lost a scholarship because they couldn’t throw a baseball or catch a football? Oh, wait, it happens every year to tens of thousands of students.

  38. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 4:01 pm:

    ===This would all end in an instant if we started to ask republicans for results from their own genetic testing.===

    Let’s keep it simple; put a genital checker on staff at the Capitol. Rep. Neimberg claims to be male, but how do we really know?

    Someone needs to ask these folks: “How do we check for compliance with your proposed rules?” Who’s making that call and what is the basis?

  39. - old guy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 4:15 pm:

    I raised three girls who competed in various sports and today none of them could care less. This is a purely manufactured Faux News “war on Christmas” issue.

  40. - H-W - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 4:16 pm:

    @ Pundent

    == Are you willing to lose elections over it? ===

    Yes. I lose elections all the time. Indeed, in the 49 years I have voted, I have lost half of my presidential elections, and won the other half.

    But I have not, and do not intend, to lose my moral foundation on the basis of which way the wind is currently blowing. Do you?

  41. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 4:47 pm:

    = But I have not, and do not intend, to lose my moral foundation on the basis of which way the wind is currently blowing.=

    I would never suggest abandoning your morals. But the issue of trans athletes in sports is clearly a non-issue. While defending a handful of individuals might square with your moral priorities, it doesn’t resonate with voters. It’s a non-issue and should be treated as such.

  42. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 4:51 pm:

    === It’s a non-issue and should be treated as such===

    You’ve posted three times on this “non-issue.” It clearly isn’t to you.

  43. - TreeFiddy - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 4:53 pm:

    Aaaand, Trump just signed an executive order that requires schools to ban trans kids from sports or be deprived of federal funds. They’re really going all-in to make life a living you-know-what for this population.

  44. - Dotnonymous x - Wednesday, Feb 5, 25 @ 5:03 pm:

    Hunger is also a non-issue…unless you’re hungry.

  45. - Nathan H - Thursday, Feb 6, 25 @ 8:23 am:

    Side note, Downers Grove South HS only has a girls badminton team, but not a boys team (but they are petitioning for it).

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