Blagojevich pardon react
Monday, Feb 10, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Durbin…
U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today released the following statement after President Donald Trump pardoned former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, amid speculation that Blagojevich is in consideration for an ambassadorship. President Trump commuted Blagojevich’s 14-year prison sentence in February 2020.
“In a state with more than its fair share of public corruption, the Blagojevich chapter still looms as one of the worst. America and Serbia deserve better.”
* Mendoza…
Comptroller Mendoza: Rod Blagojevich is unworthy of a pardon
President Trump has the power as president to pardon whomever he wants.
The president can pardon someone as unworthy as Rod Blagojevich, who threatened to hold up funds from a children’s hospital unless the hospital’s CEO donated to his campaign. That was my bill to fund treatment for sick children that Blagojevich held up.
Long before it was fashionable to criticize the governor of my own party, I was a lonely voice calling for Blagojevich’s impeachment. I stand by my remarks on the floor of the House during his impeachment after I co-sponsored the bill to launch the impeachment committee against Blagojevich:
“It’s amazingly fitting that Governor Blagojevich face impeachment today of all days on his self-admitted hero Richard Nixon’s birthday. Their common bond of impeachment will unite them in history’s dark annals of corruption. But even Nixon displayed more integrity than Blagojevich by resigning before he was impeached.
I sponsored House Bill 5331 that would have provided $8 million for specialty care pediatricians in Illinois. Those sick children, Governor, they’re still waiting. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that Governor Blagojevich would have pulled back funds for sick children in order to extort the president of the children’s hospital.”
A pardon does not erase his crimes from the memory of many Illinoisans whose trust he violated and it never will.
* Frerichs…
State Treasurer Frerichs Statement on Trump Pardon of Disgraced Ex-Governor Blagojevich
“I made sure Rod Blagojevich was barred from holding state or local office after I voted to remove him as governor. Our disgraced ex-governor held hostage funds for sick kids in a campaign cash shakedown. It’s no surprise Trump doesn’t think Blagojevich committed any crimes.”
Historical background: In January 2009, then-State Sen. Frerichs made the motion in the Illinois Senate to bar Blagojevich from holding state or local office after senators had voted to remove him. The motion was approved.
* Senate GOP Leader Curran…
I strongly disagree with President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Illinois taxpayers have and continue to be burdened with the cost of public corruption, and this pardon sends the wrong message
* Daily Herald…
When asked to comment on the pardon, U.S. Rep. Sean Casten of Downers Grove said “corrupt politicians who use their office to enrich themselves always look out for one another.” He cited Trump, Blagojevich, Russian President Vladimir Putin and embattled New York Mayor Eric Adams — whose federal bribery charges were ordered dropped by the Justice Department on Monday — as examples. […]
Republican DuPage County Board member Jim Zay of Carol Stream said he thought a pardon might be in the works, considering Blagojevich’s long-standing relationship with Trump.
“The former governor has served his time, and it’s time to move on,” said Zay, a former chair of the DuPage County Republican Party.
While Zay thinks Blagojevich has worn out his welcome with Illinois voters, he said an ambassadorship “would be interesting.”
* US Rep. Darin LaHood…
While I respect President Trump’s authority under the United States Constitution to pardon who he sees fit, pardoning Governor Rod Blagojevich was a mistake. Former Governor Blagojevich has a clear and documented record of egregious corruption and has been criminally convicted by a jury. This decision harms the faith and trust citizens have in our justice system.
Also, don’t be like this teevee guy and think the pardon somehow changes the terms of Blagojevich’s state impeachment and removal and permanent banishment from holding state office. From United States District Judge Steven C. Seeger’s 2024 ruling on the matter…
The simple reality is that federal courts have no role to play when it comes to a state impeachment. The state legislature decided to remove Blagojevich from public life, and it is not the place of a federal court to bring him back.
We’ll update as we get more.
- Excitable Boy - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 9:47 pm:
The two sentence statement from leader Curran really demonstrates the courage of the ILGOP. Great work.
- ArchPundit - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 9:49 pm:
I posted for the first time in a long time over there and almost certainly the last to respond to that. I must have been busy in March because I especially enjoy that a childhood friend of mine did that to Blagojevich (haven’t seen him in decades).
- West Side the Best Side - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 9:50 pm:
An utterly corrupt pardon for an utterly corrupt - and worthless - governor from an utterly corrupt president. As is said in the Supreme Court, “God save the United States.”
- Norseman - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 9:58 pm:
The MAGA GOP react is lame and hypocritical. Blago is small potatoes when it comes to Trump’s corruption. Yet, they play along with his grift, excuse his lies and do his bidding.
To justify his egregious action pardon and ambassadorial appointment, Trump spouts the lie, that “he (Blago) was set up by a lot of bad people.” Trump’s standard false attacks on the rule of law and excuse to take retribution on political opponents and purge prosecutors and law enforcement personnel who sought to hold him accountable as Blago was held accountable. By not speaking out fully on Trump’s war on justice, LaHood, Curran and the entire cult are complicit.
- OneMan - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 10:01 pm:
Looking forward to Bailey’s and Miller (no relation) take on this.
Anyone making book on which GOPer in Illinois to defend it?
- Just Me 2 - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 10:04 pm:
I absolutely loved the conversation I had tonight with my father who my entire life has ranted about corrupt Chicago democrats who are ruining our State, but also believes Trump is our savior.
C’mon, ILGOP - if Trump can make this big of a mistake is it possible, is it even conceivable, he has maybe made other mistakes?
- Three Dimensional Checkers - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 10:34 pm:
Sigh. This country is really going down the tubes.
- Give Us Barrabbas - Monday, Feb 10, 25 @ 11:18 pm:
If he’s pardoning Blago look for a pardon for Ed Burke next, from the new federal bureau of settling scores and covering tracks.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 12:12 am:
“The state legislature decided to remove Blagojevich from public life, and it is not the place of a federal court to bring him back.”
In other words, “we can’t miss you if you don’t go away.”
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 5:34 am:
Senator Durbin should sit this one out - a week after his last reelection and safe from the voters for another six years, he called for the release of George Ryan. Please retire already.
- We’ll See - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 6:12 am:
In a sane world LaHood may have written - Donald Trump “ has a clear and documented record of egregious corruption and has been criminally convicted by a jury. This decision [to re-elect him ] harms the faith and trust citizens have in our justice system.”
- PoliticsD - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 6:45 am:
Blago for US Senate when Durbin retires /s
- Tired Teacher - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 6:47 am:
Pardon Blago. Pardon those who attacked police on Jan 6.
So much for the law and order president.
- low level - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 9:03 am:
Hey “Freedom Caucus” - what is your opinion?
- Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 9:06 am:
Meh. In the grand scheme of Trump’s plot to overturn democracy, destroy our stature in the world, and make America a dictatorship, this barely registers on my radar. He commuted Blago’s sentence five years ago–that was probably more egregious.
- Original Rambler - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 9:11 am:
This was predictable. GOP going to twist themselves in knots criticizing the pardon without criticizing the pardoner. We are going to see the power of the presidency tested like we’ve never seen before. Whether the judiciary is able to withstand the onslaught is debatable. Buckle up.
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Feb 11, 25 @ 9:12 am:
I wouldn’t say I really feel bad for ILGOP, but Trump sure has put them in a fix with this.