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Roundup: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson fends off congressional Republicans (Updated)

Thursday, Mar 6, 2025 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* [From Rich: I think the bar was set so super-low for Johnson that he cleared it. Also, local Chicago reporters who relentlessly hyped the mayor’s appearance may have failed to consider that Congress is chock full of people who almost solely exist to go viral on social media or appear on their particular factions’ cable news programs. The congresscritters proved to be far less formidable than the pre-hearing hype suggested. Johnson’s rehearsed answers clearly frustrated committee members hoping to knock him off script. And it helped that some of the other mayors, particularly Boston’s, did quite well.]

* Sun-Times political columnist Lynn Sweet

What a good day for beleaguered Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. He was attacked by several Republicans for polling 6% in one survey, which is pretty lousy. Another Republican committee member tried to make Johnson look bad in the wake of the city’s inspector general report a few weeks ago that he did not properly report luxury gifts — not good, but later rectified.

Johnson had a good day because he avoided disaster while he defended Chicago’s “Welcoming City” Ordinance, in place since 1985. The law does not block federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from doing their jobs. When proper and legal, Chicago does cooperate with federal authorities.

Johnson was calm, measured, soft-spoken and disciplined, with days of prep since landing in Washington Sunday. The city hired the D.C. law firm Debevoise & Plimpton, whose partners have expertise in prepping witnesses for high-stakes hearings.

For Johnson, absorbing a few insults about being unpopular and taking a punch about not disclosing gifts in this context was nothing.

* Fran Spielman and Mitchell Armentrout at the Sun-Times

Under questioning from Pennsylvania Republican Scott Perry, Johnson was asked to define Chicago’s 40-year-old sanctuary city policy.

“You have welcomed 51,648 aliens to your sanctuary city. So I ask you: Sanctuary from what?” Perry said.

Johnson replied, “If you’re referring to the number of individuals that were bused by [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott without any coordination — the 52,000 individuals that were seeking asylum — those individuals were bused to us.”

Johnson said he “passed a bus ordinance to work to coordinate with” Abbott, but “he refused to do that.”

“So, you don’t care about federal law enforcement policies. Only local policies,” Perry later said. Johnson stood his ground.

“We comply with all laws. What I do care about is this body — Washington — passing comprehensive immigration reform,” Chicago’s mayor replied.

* Tribune

GOP Illinois Rep. Darin LaHood, not a member of the committee, joined at the end and launched into a detailed takedown of the mayor. “I’ve been amazed at how tone-deaf you have been and how oblivious you’ve been to the decline of Chicago,” LaHood said.

Johnson fired back by saying crime has gone down since he’s been mayor. Chicago ended 2024 with a 7% drop in shootings, per police data, though its gun violence epidemic still far outpaces that of the other cities represented Wednesday.

“I will not apologize for my investments in the people of Chicago,” Johnson told the congressman. “We have one of the most diverse economies, the top universities. As violence continues to go down and investments continue to go up, that is what’s most important.” […]

Multiple GOP members said the mayors deserve to be prosecuted for their sanctuary policies, picking up on the Trump Justice Department’s January memo ordering the investigation of state and local officials who “threaten to impede” the president’s immigration crackdown. Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna declared: “Unfortunately, based on your responses, I’m all going to be criminally referring you to the Department of Justice for investigation.”


Few of the questions from Republican members of the committee reflected an understanding of Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance, which does not require city officials to encourage immigrants to move to Chicago nor does it obligate officials to use taxpayer funds to care for immigrants in Chicago.

In addition, most of the migrants who made their way to Chicago after crossing the southern border, are not undocumented after requesting asylum and getting permission to remain in the United States while their cases are resolved.

Since Trump took office, many undocumented immigrants have returned to life in the city’s shadows, for fear of exposing themselves or their families to deportation, immigrant advocates said.

* Crain’s

“These policies only create sanctuaries for criminals,” Rep. James Comer, a Kentucky Republican who is chairman of the committee, said in his opening statement. “Sanctuary policies violate federal immigration law by protecting criminal aliens at the expense of the American people.”

Comer said that in Chicago, “an illegal alien who was recently arrested for killing a 63-year-old man had previously been arrested in Chicago for trying to lure a child. (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) lodged a detainer against the criminal alien, but Chicago authorities released him back onto the street because of the city’s reckless sanctuary policy. And now an innocent man is dead because of Chicago’s refusal to follow the law.”

When Comer pressed Johnson on that case, the Chicago mayor said, “We do not harbor criminals.” The city routinely cooperates with federal authorities when they have a criminal warrant, he said.

“With a criminal warrant,” Johnson said, immigrant suspects “are subject to federal laws, and that includes deportation.”


But it was not a flawless performance. At one point, U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., asked Johnson how much the city has spent to support migrants.

In his prep, Johnson was advised to give a percentage, instead of a raw number, to paint how small the amount is in the broader context. […]

But it might have left people wondering whether he knew his facts.

“If you don’t have a hard number, you’re not running your city well,” Donalds quipped.

…Adding… [From Rich: The Illinois House Republicans appear to acknowledge that the DC hearing could’ve gone better.] HRO press release…

Following the Congressional hearing on sanctuary city policies and Mayor Brandon Johnson’s embarrassing testimony, Illinoisans are left with more questions than answers on how taxpayer dollars are being used to support illegal immigrants. The Illinois House Republican Organization is calling on House Democrats to demand that Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson testify before a legislative committee in Springfield after his evasive and inadequate responses before Congress.

* More…

    * NYT | Brandon Johnson Counters Republican Attacks at ‘Sanctuary City’ Hearing: At times, especially when responding to friendly questions from Democrats, Mr. Johnson pushed back against Republicans’ characterizations of Chicago, which generally ranged from unflattering to dystopian. Mr. Johnson talked about Chicago’s business growth and its airport, and used the stage to call Chicago the best “freakin’ city in the world,” one of his favorite phrases.

    * Block Club | Mayor Johnson Forcefully Defends Chicago’s Sanctuary Status During Congressional Hearing: Texas Rep. Brandon Gill, a far-right Republican married to the daughter of conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza, later got into an extended exchange with Johnson over issues with little or no relation to the city’s Welcoming City ordinance. That included ripping Johnson over the city’s so-called gift room, which was the subject of an Inspector General report published in late January that took aim at an informal agreement over how the mayor and his staff accept gifts on behalf of the city.

    * Fox Chicago | Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson testifies in front of House committee: Lori Lightfoot reacts: Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot criticized the hearings as a “sideshow.” Lightfoot, who lost reelection to Johnson in the mayoral primary in 2023, reportedly helped her successor prepare for the hearing. The trained attorney told Fox 32 that she approached it like she was preparing a witness.

    * ABC Chicago | Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson testifies in DC at sanctuary city hearing: “The advice I would have given him going in was certainly to stay focused, not to go off message, to stay on message, not to be baited,” political consultant Delmarie Cobb said.


  1. - JoanP - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:06 pm:

    Though not specifically about Johnson, here’s The Guardian on the hearing:

  2. - Jerry - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:09 pm:

    Mayor Johnson is right, there were some 50,000 bussed here from Texas. Mayor Johnson did ask to work with Greg in Texas. Greg refused. Mayor Johnson is right, its up to the Federal Government to figure this out. If they dont want to do the job they were elected to do, well then its on them.

  3. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:10 pm:

    I am glad he did well. I am tired of dog and pony shows a waste of time. The mayor is a very good speaker not that great of a mayor though. He faces a much harder test with alderpeople and the local press. But I am glad he did fine

  4. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:12 pm:

    “I’ve been amazed at how tone-deaf you have been and how oblivious you’ve been…”

    Darin LaHood. A true voice of experience in that department.

  5. - JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:18 pm:

    @Ducky LaMoore is spot on.

    =“These policies only create sanctuaries for criminals,”=

    When did this become important to the gop? The president and head of their party is a convicted felon.

    They need to stop talking about crime until they get rid of the felon at the top. Until the they just are not serious.

  6. - Norseman - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:18 pm:

    Glad it went well for Johnson. Not because I’m a Johnson fan, but it’s good anytime you rain on the MAGA marionettes play.

  7. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:30 pm:

    I did not watch, but am glad it was a dud for Republicans. My problems with Mayor Johnson have nothing to do with this spectacle.

  8. - DS - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:30 pm:

    “I’m referring you to DOJ for the non-crime you’ve committed.”

  9. - Frida's Boss - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:31 pm:

    The Mayor of Boston really did well.
    I give Johnson credit for holding his own. I thought it was going to be a debacle, and except for not giving the real number of dollars spent on migrants, I think he handled it far better than he handles most press conferences.
    His prep time and apparent understanding of how to answer confused the GOP. He had a nice dig at LaHood, saying it was nice to finally meet him.
    Krishnammorthi gave Johnson a huge set to spike the ball over the net, with all the facts about corporate relocations, quantum hubs, the best place to travel, etc.

    I’ll give it C. I was fully expecting an F-

  10. - H-W - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:33 pm:

    These reports suggest Johnson and the other mayors provided the right answers, and the “congresscritters” (great term, Rich) are out of their league and incompetent. Certain, Mr. LaHood is out of his league, and a blowhard.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:35 pm:

    ===I was fully expecting an F- ===

    Lots did. He clearly benefited from that.

  12. - Jerry - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:40 pm:

    The Mayor of Denver said this:

    “As mayor I have to protect the health and safety of everyone in our city. As a man of faith I have a moral obligation to care for those in need. As Scripture says, ‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in.’ So that’s what we did.”

    Thats what a Real Christian sounds like.

  13. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:41 pm:

    It seems like the next time he abuses some local (likely woman) reporter, everyone should remember that he has the capacity to be measured and calm, but he chooses not to be.

  14. - Montrose - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 12:44 pm:

    I think Johnson did a solid job yesterday. Wu was stronger, but he had no unforced errors, made the points he was prepped to make, and stuck with the script. My hope is that he and his team take some lessons from this experience and bring them back to Chicago.

  15. - Back to the Future - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:02 pm:

    Listened to most of Mayor Johnson’s Congressional hearing.
    Thought our Mayor did a very good job.
    Hat tip to Mayor Johnson.

  16. - Quite Contrary - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:04 pm:

    Did anyone actual watch the Congressional hearing? The footage tells a different story than do the headlines.

    Brandon Johnson seemed to be scripted and stiff.
    He came across like a programmed robot.

    This man has no business being mayor or seeking reelection in 2027.

  17. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:07 pm:

    The Republicans aren’t doing anthing about separation of powers violations that Trump (or maybe actually Musk) is engaged in so the hearings are not really sideshows, they are the only show in town. Johnson certainly outperformed some of his press conferences.

  18. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:11 pm:

    ===This man has no business being mayor or seeking reelection in 2027. ===

    I might agree with that, but definitely not because of his DC performance. Did you not see how goofy and over the top some of those committee members were? C’mon.

  19. - Quite Contrary - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:18 pm:

    Agreed. The hearing was a three ring circus. There was too much posturing and grandstanding.

  20. - Someguy - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:34 pm:

    He did fine. Understood number one rule of being in the hot seat. “dont answer questions that aren’t asked”.

  21. - Riverbender - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:50 pm:

    ===There was too much posturing and grandstanding===
    I agree and pretty much thought it was “mostly grandstanding” myself.

  22. - Homebody - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 1:53 pm:

    Committee hearings like this are useless political theater. The only people who care about it are pundits who will write meaningless articles, the audience for which is other pundits. No one will learn anything new, no one will change any positions, and the general public won’t notice or care.

    The only goal is to not say anything so catastrophically bad that the general public ever becomes aware of it. To that end, everyone involved succeeded. So let’s forget this waste of time and move on.

  23. - Scoot - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:02 pm:

    Congressman Lahood has never lived or worked in the city of Chicago…he’s becoming quite the joke these days.

  24. - Frida's Boss - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:23 pm:

    —-Brandon Johnson seemed to be scripted and stiff.
    He came across like a programmed robot.—–

    That was precisely how he should have come across. Everyone was expecting a “press conference,” Brandon, and he remained straight-faced and stoic in the face of a clearly heavy-handed opposition team of Congressionals.

    Everyone who’s a Dem knows what that committee was set up for. Republicans saying he should have answered more blah blah blah have missed the point. The GOP Congressional folks were hoping for the unhinged moment, the gotcha phrase, the viral showcase and they got nothing. A few lame TikTok videos with them saying you’re polling at 6%.

  25. - City Zen - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:25 pm:

    ==In his prep, Johnson was advised to give a percentage, instead of a raw number, to paint how small the amount is in the broader context.==

    Big mistake because it implied he didn’t know the actual number. He didn’t have to volunteer it, but should’ve been able to answer when prompted.

    The most viral moment was when Johnson admitted Chicago recently spent $1.1 million per unit on public housing. That one’s gonna stick far longer than anything else that happened.

  26. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:32 pm:

    ===Big mistake because it implied he didn’t know the actual number===


    He put it in its proper context.

  27. - supplied_demand - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:35 pm:

    It definitely helps Johnson to be contrasted against Congressional Republicans and their endless ranting.

  28. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 2:37 pm:

    The bar was set so low because of who’s doing the interrogating. There is no bigger gaslighting and hypocrisy in American history, from the law and order and Christianity party. Mayor Johnson is a decent person. Was watching some of the post-event coverage on TV. Thanks, corporate news media, for irresponsible framing and helping normalize this. “The mayor was asked tough questions…” You are not ready for this moment.

  29. - Sue - Thursday, Mar 6, 25 @ 3:08 pm:

    Actually- Stacy should have been summoned-as she is the Mayor in fact- Brandon is her sock puppet

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