Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Durbin doubles down on Section 230, says he’ll make reelection announcement ’soon,’ says he still has ‘my wits about me’
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Durbin doubles down on Section 230, says he’ll make reelection announcement ’soon,’ says he still has ‘my wits about me’

Thursday, Mar 20, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here and here if you need it. But here’s a little something from Seth Stern, the director of advocacy at Freedom of the Press Foundation, to get you started

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin wants to sunset Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects websites and apps from liability for posts created by users. Without it, the internet as we know it couldn’t function — the legal risks of interactivity would be too great.

* Sen. Durbin was in Taylorville today, so Isabel dropped by…

Isabel Miller: A first amendment lawyer said your plan to sunset Section 230 would stifle free speech. A reporter said that it would destroy the open internet. And my boss said that if 230 was repealed, it would put his website out of business. Why do you want to do this?

Sen. Durbin: Because of the sexual exploitation on the internet.

Isabel: Aren’t there rules in place to stop that already?

Sen. Durbin: Section 230 says the following: If your teenage daughter is exploited with images which I can’t even describe here, on the internet, and she discovers it to her horror and goes to that internet, social media source and said, ‘take them down,’ there is no legal obligation for them to do so. Why? Because Section 230 says they can’t be held liable for continuing to broadcast this filth at the expense of this poor girl and her family. That’s why 230 has to be revisited. 20 years ago, it might have made sense. It doesn’t make sense now. There is no reason why the people on the internet should get away with this, and what we say is, if they want to do that, then they’re subject to being sued. I think that will slow down the trafficking in this terrible sexploitation.

I totally disagree that you can’t force a social media company to take down child porn.

* Back to Isabel…

Isabel: Why not just tweak that? Why go after the whole 230?

Sen. Durbin: I have a bill to do that… it’s called CSAM, a children’s sexual abuse material, and it would say that the parents and the child can sue that social media outlet that didn’t take comment down that image and that they were notified. How in the world can we justify these people continuing these terrible images on the internet at the expense of this girl and her family? I mean, for goodness sake, there’s no excuse for that.

OK, then maybe focus on that bill, Senator. Don’t use a nuke when a smart bomb would clearly suffice.

* Isabel also asked Durbin about his future plans…

Isabel: Senator, when is your personal deadline to announce that you’ll either be running again or stepping down?

Durbin: Soon.

Isabel: This month, next month?

Durbin: Soon.

Q: What sort of factors help you make that decision?

Durbin: Whether I’m still physically able, mentally able to deal with the issues. This press conference is an indication that I still have my wits about me. And when it comes to the physical side of it, up and moving around, taking nourishment.



  1. - Keyrock - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:22 pm:

    omg. This press conference was further proof that his wits are gone. Does he have any sense of the anger against him (and Schumer)? If he runs for reelection, he’ll learn.

  2. - Captain Obvious - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:23 pm:

    Sounds like he’s running. Can’t blame him. US Senator is a great job.

  3. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:27 pm:

    While Durbin has done impressive things in his past (getting smoking off planes, testifying in Springfield’s Voting Rights case, winning in the Newtwave), today’s answers are approaching Charles Grassley / Strom Thurmond territory.

  4. - 312Lawyer - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:28 pm:

    Hope Durbin gives it another go. None of his potential competitors are formidable politicians.

  5. - halving_fun - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:31 pm:

    Highlights the pervasive selfishness and obliviousness that pervades so-called public officials

    At some point their ego just takes over

    Very rare for a politician to serve many years and not have that debilitating disease

  6. - WLDS News - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:33 pm:

    (735 ILCS 115/) Removal of Private Compromising Images Act. Read your own state’s laws, Senator. It already exists here. Other states have similar law. He snipes about overreach by the opposing party but its okay when its his own. Both parties would crayons to a pool party when it comes to making common sense decisions on problems.

  7. - Drifter182 - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:33 pm:

    The Dems have better candidates in the wings. An expensive primary doesn’t help them right now, but Durbin isn’t the right senator for the moment. Hopefully he makes the right call.

  8. - Moe Berg - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:33 pm:

    “…taking nourishment”??? People in comas are doing that.

    Other Democrats looking to become a US senator, take note. He’s indicated the standard and by his own judgment meets it, even if the rest of us can see and hear how diminished he is.

    If you want to move up, prepare for a primary because Durbin looks like he’s on the Chuck Grassley plan.

  9. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:36 pm:

    ===Durbin: Whether I’m still physically able, mentally able to deal with the issues. This press conference is an indication that I still have my wits about me. And when it comes to the physical side of it, up and moving around, taking nourishment.===

    I’m glad I am not responsible for Durbin’s messaging. Having to publicly make a statement like “right here right now is proof I have my wits about me.” Is not a great message. It isn’t something that needs to be said or should be said, or certainly something that anyone who is very confident about “having their wits about them” has ever said to the media.

    In the literal definition of that term, ‘to have ones wits about them’ it is supposed to refer to quick thinking and quick action. Durbin has literally just told reporters that he is asking for time to make the decision. This is the opposite of having one’s wits about them. What exactly does he need more time to consider?

    Also incredibly concerning is;

    ===up and moving around, taking nourishment.===

    “taking nourishment” is a really weird way to talk about it, and he is also describing the bare minimum of health care criteria that would prevent him from requiring skilled nursing care.

    Soon needs to be tomorrow afternoon at about 3:30 PM.

    Someone, maybe the Lt. Governor, should just announce their campaign for the United States Senate and make this “soon” nonsense irrelevant.

    There isn’t exactly public demand surging for the Senator to serve another term. If there is, it is so quiet that I can’t hear it. The powers that be within our political apparatus are also being very quiet as they mull who they will support in the primary that to replace Durbin.

    I would like our state to be represented by someone who is able to articulate why I should vote for them for US Senate beyond their ability to move around and take nourishment. Durbin has provided nothing to the public that would suggest he needs another 6 years in office to accomplish anything.

    He should announce his plans to retire before he becomes an albatross. He certainly shouldn’t use whatever is left of his clout to prevent a competitive primary that allows the voters of this state to choose.

    We’ve had enough of this run, win a primary, drop out, and let a handful of insiders choose who the candidate is and perhaps he does not recognize this, but there is no reason to undermine the legitimacy of a candidate by pulling the Lipinski Maneuver.

  10. - NIU Grad - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:38 pm:

    “physical side of it, up and moving around, taking nourishment”

    I’m feeling more confident already…

  11. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:39 pm:

    Q: What sort of factors help you make that decision?

    Durbin: Whether I’m still physically able, mentally able to deal with the issues.

    Durbin’s actions and comments regarding Sec 230 demonstrate his inability to meet his own (very low) standard for remaining in office.

    He needs to go.


    – MrJM

  12. - sewer thoughts - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:39 pm:

    it is time for the electoral queues to empty and some primaries to begin

    they won’t respect you until you take it

  13. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:45 pm:

    Durbin, you can retire or be retired.

    Whatever your physical and mental health, you are out of touch with the electorate and totally out of shape as a political athlete.

    Step aside and let the political fights ahead be fought by Democrats who have decades of their lives ahead of them at stake in those fights. Their futures should not be sacrificed at the altar of your vanity and hubris about your legacy. 44 years in D.C. is enough!

  14. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:49 pm:

    - And when it comes to the physical side of it, up and moving around, taking nourishment. -

    I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a more insane justification for continuing to hold elected office. I should keep going because I’m not yet in a persistent vegetative state?

    I have no words.

  15. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 12:58 pm:

    Having to declare that “I still have my wits about me” is probably the strongest indication that it is time to move on.

  16. - a drop in - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:02 pm:

    ” And my boss said that if 230 was repealed, it would put his website out of business. Why do you want to do this?”

    I think stifling sites that could criticize politicians/policy is a feature some on the left and right would support.

  17. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:03 pm:

    “This press conference is an indication that I still have my wits about me.”

    Is it though? Really?

    There are already laws against CP on the internet hosted by US companies. A company currently has a legal requirement to remove it when notified. It doesn’t even have to be the person in the picture, although a request from that source would work as well.

    This is more FUD from Durbin, and is not an accurate representation of the current situation.

    It seems the only thing his proposed law as described would accomplish, is to tell people to just sue companies based in another country - and good luck with that. The more likely outcome of his proposal, is that a foreign company would just block you specifically from accessing its site. If you can’t see it, then you can’t complain about it.

    His solution doesn’t even address the problem he is describing.

    What is clear to me after his ramblings, is that we have a different definition of ‘having wits’.

  18. - H-W - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:08 pm:

    Two thoughts. First, regarding Section 230 and the proposed CSAM bill, they address different things. Any internet provider that is propagating child porn can in fact be shut down, punished, etc. for complicity. To suggest otherwise is to suggest the lawmaker does not believe in the legal process. Adopting CSAM does not negate the need for Section 230. That’s just nonsense. It seems clear the Senator either has an agenda beyond what he is sharing, or his mental acuity is starting to slip (no offense Senator, I am simply stating what seems pretty clear).

    Second, as to choosing to run or not run, the Senator’s response is unfortunately all too common. The Senator suggests the decision is about him, not about his constituents. The decision suggests he believes there are none as capable as him, nor citizens capable of replacing him and doing better. It is a false argument that suggests among other things, “after I die, the world will be worse off.”

    Again, no offense intended to the Senator himself. I have met Sen. Durbin many times over the past 21 years since I moved to Illinois. I followed him for years before coming to Illinois. I have genuine and great respect for his leadership of our Nation.

    But in the wisdom of the elders, “To everything, there is a time and a place” (Ecclesiastes). It is time for a new voice and a time to allow that new voice to rise up.

  19. - Mason County - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:10 pm:

    I thought 2014 would be the last time he ran.

    So much for my predictions.

  20. - H-W - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:15 pm:

    PS - I agree with Candy DoGood’s suggestion. Someone should just openly announce they are running. A competitive race would not be the worse outcome. But revisiting the problem that led to Sen. Harris waiting for Pres. Biden to step down was a worse case scenario. I would rather the former - a competitive race within the party - than the latter - too little time to race at all.

  21. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:20 pm:

    “But Chuck Grassley is 91, and Robert Byrd was 92 when he died in office, and Dianne Feinstein was 90″ — Dick Durbin if he were able to remember the names of older senators when he has his wits about him.

  22. - don the legend - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:22 pm:

    If Senator Durbin needs any help:

    There are many different types of liquid nutrition diets for seniors, from liquid supplements to full meal replacements. There are ready-to-drink shakes, meal replacement shakes made from powder, and fresh soups, smoothies, and juices that are blended.

  23. - Felonious Gru - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:23 pm:

    A close friend was recently at an event with Durbin. This friend has known Durbin for 15 years.

    My friend says that Durbin is no longer physically able to do the job, was barely able to speak above an audible whisper.

    If Durbin does not announce his retirement soon, some nobody is going to announce against him. Some news organization will do a poll showing Captain Crunch competing surprisingly well against Durbin. Particularly after a push question saying Durbin voted for the Trump-backed continuing resolution. The same poll will probably test the waters against some general election candidate, showing Democrats at risk of losing the seat. And Durbin would be done, and not by choice.

    Tell me that Rodney Davis could not beat Dick Durbin, and I will tell you that you are wrong.

  24. - Keyrock - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:28 pm:

    Before deciding to run for re-election, Senator Durbin should meditate on what happened to Alan Dixon when Al the Pal lost touch with the electorate.

  25. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:33 pm:

    If only Durbin’s instructed his comms team to answer email from constituents that would be a plus.
    My concern is protection and care for veterans. The men and women who served our nation must have access to care and support in their advanced years.
    Response from Durbin’s office…crickets.

  26. - Capcitynewt - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:34 pm:

    It’s not Durbin. It’s your party. It’s your platform (or lack thereof). It’s your ideology. It’s your priorities. But, please don’t change.

  27. - Former Downstater - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:36 pm:

    If Durbin runs, I will support and work on behalf of a primary challenger.

  28. - TheSouthern - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:39 pm:

    If Democrats don’t have someone capable of just jumping in the race to force a Durbin decision and/or primary, what makes us think they have someone who can combat Trump? Talk is cheap. Where’s the action? The boldness? The courage?

  29. - OneMan - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:47 pm:

    There is something else going on with the 230 stuff, not sure what, but it is something.

  30. - curtis - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 1:57 pm:

    Durbin is currently 80 years old. If he wins, he will be 81 just after the election. By the time his term ends, he will be 87.

    As anyone with an elderly relative knows, those years go fast, and the decline is fast too. There is no way for a senator to be removed for no longer being able to do their job. Was Strom Thurmond representing SC well when he was senile? Feinstein and CA? Grassley and IA?

    The point, senator, is perhaps it’s not your capabilities now, but what you’ll be asked to do over the next six+ years.

  31. - James the Intolerant - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:03 pm:

    TheSouthern, Durbin voted to let Trump and crew to continue to roll over the country, so I don’t see much courage there.

  32. - H-W - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:09 pm:

    @ CapCity Newt

    Oh! Thanks for the insight. I guess we should all just go home let let your couple of peeps represent the people of Illinois. Great contribution to the Section 230 discussion by the way. /s

  33. - Responsa - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:09 pm:

    ==If only Durbin’s instructed his comms team to answer email from constituents that would be a plus.=

    While nothing to brag about, from my personal experience Sen Durbin’s comms team is actually better at responding to constituents than is Sen. Duckworth’s comms team.

  34. - Glengarry - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:13 pm:

    If he runs, I hope he is primaried by the strongest opponent possible.

  35. - Leslie K - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:14 pm:

    ==up and moving around, taking nourishment==

    Not trying to be snarky. This strikes me as something a doctor would mention if you asked them whether a person needed to go into assisted living. Boxes to check (or not check, if the answer is yes) during a medical evaluation.

    Not needing assisted living support and being able to effectively advocate for your state in the Senate, particularly in the current national political environment, are not the same thing, Senator.

    Whatever the age, when you can no longer effectively do the job, it is time to step aside. That time is now.

  36. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:16 pm:

    No one is irreplaceable and Senators consistently seem to not understand this. He’s had a good career. Retire now and he’ll be thought of well other than that last few months. Run again and he’ll be defeated. I don’t think people understand how precarious of a situation we are in and by the time of the primary people will and they will remember him caving.

    ===Tell me that Rodney Davis could not beat Dick Durbin, and I will tell you that you are wrong.

    Not in the midterm that is shaking up. First, Rodney couldn’t get through a primary. Second, the economic damage by then will have Republicans in Illinois in the worst shape they have ever been in. And that’s pretty bad.

  37. - Groundhog Day - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:27 pm:

    First, my late father used to use that phrase about “taking nourishment” back in the day. I suspect it was some kind of 1940-ish meme that no one remembers.

    But I was and am really mad about allowing the CR to advance. And I am a fed. I too will vigorously support a primary challenger. Please step up.

  38. - Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:28 pm:

    Might be time to require a cognitive exam for a president, the Senate,and House of Representatives members.
    With Medicare when patients reach a certain age, they are given a cognitive assessment. The same standards should apply to elected officials.

  39. - Rahm's Parking Meter - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:28 pm:

    Senator Durbin, it’s time….

  40. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:35 pm:

    ===There are already laws against CP on the internet hosted by US companies.===

    There’s the rub. Foreign companies own many of the sites. For example, 𝔓𝔒ℜ𝔑ℌ𝔘𝔅 is Canadian owned. Section 230 is a mess, & the only messes bigger are proposed fixes.

  41. - Bob - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:39 pm:

    “Taking nourishment” sounds like a pretty low bar for the health and competence of a US Senator.

  42. - Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:42 pm:

    Please just step down. Now.

  43. - Steve - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 2:57 pm:

    230 isn’t perfect but, we are now in a world with more social media diversity. If you don’t like X , go to BlueSky social. If you don’t Trump’s TruthSocial , stay away from it. Free speech is about the free market in speech. Limiting competition via whacking 230 isn’t fair to pesky upstarts that might become big platforms.

  44. - Blooms of Spring - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:02 pm:

    If only Durbin could recall, “person, man, woman, camera, TV”, then I’d be convinced. /s

  45. - Politically_Illinois - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:04 pm:

    If anyone is hiring for a primary challenger for Durbin, I would happily work/volunteer for them

  46. - James - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:06 pm:

    The left is upset because they lost an election to Donald Trump. They lost that election because independents couldn’t stomach the idea of sending people from the far left into the White House. Yet the left still doesn’t get that. In the same way they don’t understand they need Durbin more than they need another far left politician. As a republican, please run someone against Durbin. Get more extreme. It’s only helping my party.

  47. - anon2 - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:36 pm:

    Will Durbin’s closest advisors give him the same encouragement to run that Biden got from his? Is there anyone who will tell him it’s time?

  48. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:46 pm:

    “Don’t use a nuke when a smart bomb would clearly suffice.”
    We have a President who could use that advice too.

  49. - Crispy - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:51 pm:

    I haven’t been at an event with Mr. Durbin in a while, but even as recently as his last Senate campaign, he was able to extemporize convincingly on national television, and to happily rabble-rouse a bit at state Dem events. Seeing how diminished he has become hurts in the same way it hurts to face an elder’s serious decline, and puts me in mind of that devastating presidential debate last June. The stakes may not be as high, but they’re plenty high enough.

    I always thought Durbin would have the wisdom to relinquish power and bow out gracefully when the time came. He needs to do that now, not just for political and governing reasons, but also to preserve his dignity and to spare the rest of us the pain of having to watch him molder the rest of his life away in the Senate, Feinstein-style.

    Isn’t there someone in state or national politics (the governor, perhaps) who could take Mr. Durbin aside and have “the Talk”? And isn’t Julianna Stratton already planning to run?

  50. - Crispy - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 3:53 pm:

    @anon2 I just asked that question, but it didn’t post. Could the governor talk to him, and would he listen?

  51. - Shawnee - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 4:05 pm:

    Section 230 is good for America. Senator Durbin is a strong supporter of Amtrak and the Green New Deal. Do not let age be a factor senator………. be the voice that Illinois needs. Stay in the race and be a strong advocate for Illinois.

  52. - NomChompsky - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 4:09 pm:

    “Nourishment” in this case may very well mean that he is existing on the caloric generative property of the anger and resentment he is creating among his constituents.

  53. - Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 4:22 pm:

    Oligarchs, of all stripes, rarely relinquish power…dare I say beware…again?

  54. - Capcitynewt - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 5:37 pm:

    Thanks for the insight

    Spot on, wasn’t it.

  55. - Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 5:58 pm:

    The seniority is possibly one reason Durbin and other older senators hang on: the seniority leads to more and more power and influence on committees. More power to bring home the bacon to your constituents. More power to protect them and address their concerns. But conversely, if you accumulate that influence, that political capital, and just hoard it, you’re not serving anyone but yourself.

    I’m not going to quote Harvey Dent from the Dark Knight movie, but the sentiment is there. The drumbeat is palpable. It’s time for new blood, and for a more progressive voice that will energize the electorate and give dems the power to make real change. The shame is Durbin didn’t bother to take a hand in grooming his own replacement: it’s what every good leader is supposed to do. So the replacement process will be more chaotic than it needed to be.

  56. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 6:42 pm:

    ===The shame is Durbin didn’t bother to take a hand in grooming his own replacement===

    He did, but Cheri Bustos became a lobbyist when her district changed.

  57. - T - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 6:52 pm:

    Please one Democrat have the guts to take him on

    His time as a relevant leader is done

  58. - Tired Teacher - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 6:56 pm:

    Durbin - go. Now. Please

  59. - Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 7:07 pm:

    A champion should quit on a particularly good day…for Durbin, that day has passed.

  60. - hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Mar 20, 25 @ 7:16 pm:

    @Rich -

    So what you’re saying is if Durbin had just bothered to retire in 2000 at 76 years old then he could have made way for Rep. Bustos to succeed him?

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