Great photo, Isabel. it’s very old school iconic. As for the other work here, the article lists is great, organized clear, much appreciated. maybe that complainer’s eye do not see the things you write, the questions you ask. I do. appreciated too.
The collection of articles that Isabel assembles for the morning briefing has value and is much appreciated.
The photo of Rich has an old school vibe. Very cool.
A few weeks ago, I noted that my insurance company had sent a person out to survey my house. He used a cell phone to take pictures of the outer home. At the time, I said I bet my rates are going to go up, and a couple colleagues here said, “perhaps not.”
We were both right. The insurance premiums have not gone up. However, I have been told to replace the shingles on the roof or my coverage will be terminated.
At least they gave me a year. Technically, there are three roofs (I live in an 125+ year old farm house). One was completely replace (plywood and all), 15 years ago. The contractor then said the new shingle should last “a life time” (whatever that meant). A second roof received new shingles 17 years ago and still looks good. Two plywood panels were replaced at the time. The third is older, but actually still looks good.
Routine home repairs I know, but I am going to have to talk with them about the which roofs they are looking at, and I am going to want to see the photos.
The new era of insurance. Corporate control over routine maintenance, limited coverage for derecho damage, and credit history used to determine pricing.
What was that song from the 1070s? “It was so easy then…”
Great photo, Isabel. Very noir, I could see it on the cover of a Dashiell Hammett novel.
And I, for one, appreciate your morning and afternoon briefings. I can’t read/watch/listen to every media outlet, so you letting us know what’s out there is a boon.
Also, you were a lot kinder to Southside John than I would have been.
We wouldn’t ever let one random (and now deleted) moron dictate anything to us.
But thanks.
- Friendly Bob Adams - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 10:45 am:
The Illini were predictably erratic yesterday and will be watching the rest of the tournament on TV. You just can’t turn the ball over 14 times and expect to win against a good team. A mediocre season overall. Sigh.
Global warming is increasingly making property insurance a losing game. As much as insurers are straight-up pulling out of some of the more at-risk regions (looking at FL among others,) I would expect they’ll be looking a lot more closely at properties in the areas they do continue serving. Probably more the start of a trend than an aberration.
H-W, Erie insurance did the same to us last September. Showed up taking pictures and a week later we were told we had 7 days to trim trees on a side of the house they were getting near. We had to send picture of the before and after to trees Erie to show the work had been completed.
- Leatherneck - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 7:58 am:
“Since Madigan resigned, we no longer can afford to light up ‘Famous for Italian Foods.’”
- Give Me A Break - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 8:09 am:
Spring is upon us in the 217, trees are budding, grass is greening up and the last two months of the session are on the horizon, all good things.
- Mr. King George - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 8:12 am:
Southside John, sorry you are being forced to visit. you are free to start your own blog…
- Isabel Miller - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 8:33 am:
Maybe John needs to go back to bed. Not uncommon to be a little grumpy on a Monday morning
- Amalia - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 8:36 am:
Great photo, Isabel. it’s very old school iconic. As for the other work here, the article lists is great, organized clear, much appreciated. maybe that complainer’s eye do not see the things you write, the questions you ask. I do. appreciated too.
- Red Ranger - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 9:23 am:
Picture, a thousand words. You know the rest.
- Henry Haupt - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 9:25 am:
The collection of articles that Isabel assembles for the morning briefing has value and is much appreciated.
The photo of Rich has an old school vibe. Very cool.
- H-W - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 9:39 am:
A few weeks ago, I noted that my insurance company had sent a person out to survey my house. He used a cell phone to take pictures of the outer home. At the time, I said I bet my rates are going to go up, and a couple colleagues here said, “perhaps not.”
We were both right. The insurance premiums have not gone up. However, I have been told to replace the shingles on the roof or my coverage will be terminated.
At least they gave me a year. Technically, there are three roofs (I live in an 125+ year old farm house). One was completely replace (plywood and all), 15 years ago. The contractor then said the new shingle should last “a life time” (whatever that meant). A second roof received new shingles 17 years ago and still looks good. Two plywood panels were replaced at the time. The third is older, but actually still looks good.
Routine home repairs I know, but I am going to have to talk with them about the which roofs they are looking at, and I am going to want to see the photos.
The new era of insurance. Corporate control over routine maintenance, limited coverage for derecho damage, and credit history used to determine pricing.
What was that song from the 1070s? “It was so easy then…”
- JoanP - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 9:44 am:
Great photo, Isabel. Very noir, I could see it on the cover of a Dashiell Hammett novel.
And I, for one, appreciate your morning and afternoon briefings. I can’t read/watch/listen to every media outlet, so you letting us know what’s out there is a boon.
Also, you were a lot kinder to Southside John than I would have been.
- Cook street - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 10:13 am:
I agree with others here, the daily collection of articles is very useful. Don’t stop.
- Annonin' - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 10:20 am:
Amazin’ pix. Looks a little like the back lit profile of JB on page 1 Tribbie this a.m.As we recall Isabel has some photag credentials of her own.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 10:39 am:
===Don’t stop===
We wouldn’t ever let one random (and now deleted) moron dictate anything to us.
But thanks.
- Friendly Bob Adams - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 10:45 am:
The Illini were predictably erratic yesterday and will be watching the rest of the tournament on TV. You just can’t turn the ball over 14 times and expect to win against a good team. A mediocre season overall. Sigh.
- JoanP - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 10:56 am:
= The contractor then said the new shingle should last “a life time” (whatever that meant). =
Whenever I hear that, I always wonder whose lifetime they’re talking about.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:07 am:
The sign is only partially lit. Rich, on the other hand, is fully lit.
- Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:10 am:
A first glance at the picture…NIGHTHAWKS by Edward Hopper. Very noir. A favorite genre.
- Lincoln Lad - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:28 am:
Raise your hand if you have ever been asked to change tables because you were at the former Speaker’s table of choice and he came in?
- Lincoln Lad - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:28 am:
(Raises hand)
- Bob - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:30 am:
Global warming is increasingly making property insurance a losing game. As much as insurers are straight-up pulling out of some of the more at-risk regions (looking at FL among others,) I would expect they’ll be looking a lot more closely at properties in the areas they do continue serving. Probably more the start of a trend than an aberration.
- Bob - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:31 am:
Although I guess I’m surprised they didn’t just fly a drone over.
- walker - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 11:51 am:
And you checked with your insurance company to ensure they were legit?
- Give Me A Break - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 1:11 pm:
H-W, Erie insurance did the same to us last September. Showed up taking pictures and a week later we were told we had 7 days to trim trees on a side of the house they were getting near. We had to send picture of the before and after to trees Erie to show the work had been completed.
- Boone's is Back - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 1:24 pm:
“Famous for Italian foods but not the red sauce.”
- Give Us Barrabbas - Monday, Mar 24, 25 @ 4:37 pm:
Bloodbath of firings at Springfield Clinic, not a great sign for people who may need to change their health insurance choices this spring.