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Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

State Rep. Lakesia Collins beat out fellow state Rep. Jawaharial “Omar” Williams in a showdown Tuesday afternoon for the open state Senate seat in the 5th district.

The appointment had high interest among Democrats as it pitted progressives against the old-school pols. Collins was backed by Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, a union ally who called Democratic leaders urging them to support her.

Williams had his own cheer-leading section. It was led by his father, Ald. and Vice Mayor Walter Burnett Jr., who sat on the committee making the appointment and had the largest number of weighted votes on the panel.

Collins and her allies worked the phones to lock down support for the vote. It worked. When it came time to vote, it was clear Collins had it nailed, and she ultimately won by acclamation. Key players in her corner: Alds. Jason Ervin (28th), Emma Mitts (37th) and Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th), and Committeewoman Lucy Moog (43rd).

* From the Lift the Ban Coalition…

Today, the Lift The Ban Coalition held a news conference to announce the Let the People Lift the Ban Act (HB4104), new legislation that allows Illinois communities to opt out of the statewide ban on rent control via local referendum. The legislation also extends additional protections to renters across the state.

With pandemic-related rent relief funds drying up and eviction moratoriums sunsetting, Illinois is spiraling back into a housing affordability crisis. Evictions have reached pre-pandemic levels and are rising. Rent increases are skyrocketing across Illinois, with some counties seeing annual aggregate rent increases of more than 17%.

“Recent U.S. Census Data shows that 47% of Illinois renters are paying more than 30% of their monthly income on housing. This is not sustainable. All across Illinois, our working families are facing significant pressures every month to pay the rent,” said 13th District State Representative and HB4104 Chief Sponsor Hoan Huynh (D-Chicago). “We need to pass HB4104, by allowing local municipalities to be engaged in the democratic process and decide for themselves through a binding referendum whether or not to lift the ban on rent control. The power belongs to the people. Let’s have the people decide, not corporate special interest entities.”

“I know what it feels like to not have sustainable housing to rest my head,” said Springfield renter Quentora Dumas. “Lifting this ban will give Illinois renters the right to fight against rent gouging, limit rents, and help boost the economy.“

Illinois voters should have the right to decide the kinds of policies that can be enacted to address this issue, including rent control. In 1997 a bill was passed in the legislature that precludes the ability for Illinoisans to legislate on this issue. Our bill would put power in the hands of everyday Illinois residents who have been disenfranchised to lift the ban on rent control.

* Press release from Michael Mini, Executive Vice President, Chicagoland Apartment Association, on HB4104…

“We strongly oppose the idea of rent control. When market forces are artificially influenced by rent control policies, investment in the supply of new housing diminishes leaving renters with fewer quality housing options – we’ve this happen from San Francisco to St. Paul to New York. Consensus among housing policy experts remains that rent control policies actually work against affordable housing objectives because they discourage investment in new and existing rental housing, erode property values, and lead to an overall shortage of quality, affordable rental housing.

Our collective efforts need to be focused on developing more housing options, and specifically, more housing that is affordable to local residents in need. There are other policy alternatives to rent control that advocates, developers and affordable housing providers agree will help the housing issues impacting people throughout the state. The SHAPE coalition and our partners are committed to working with policymakers at all levels of government to explore and implement policies and programs to provide affordable housing solutions such as direct rental assistance to residents, tax incentives to keep rents affordable, and policies that streamline, incentivize, and reduce impediments to apartment development.”

* Isabel’s roundup…


Pritzker AVs bill, says it will drive up rates for Ameren customers

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From the governor’s latest veto message

Today, I return House Bill 3445, an energy omnibus bill, with specific recommendations for change. […]

House Bill 3445 contains many useful provisions to advance energy policy in Illinois. However, the right of first refusal language inserted by Senate Amendment 4 will raise costs for rate payers by giving incumbent utility providers in the MISO region a monopoly over new transmission lines. Eliminating competition will cause rates to increase in the MISO region, where there is currently over $3.6 billion in planned transmission construction in the Ameren service territory. Without competition, Ameren ratepayers will pay for these transmission projects at a much higher cost. Competitively bidding transmission construction, instead of giving the utility a monopoly, has been shown to lower costs significantly. My administration is committed to working with stakeholders and our partners in the General Assembly to enact meaningful energy policy, however, I cannot support legislation that puts corporate profits over consumers.

Therefore, pursuant to Article IV, Section 9(e) of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return House Bill 3445, entitled, “An Act Concerning State Government,” with the following specific recommendations for change: On Page 217, line 7, delete “and Article XXIII” and delete the entirety of the language added beginning on page 220, line 18 and continuing through page 224, line 17.

With the above changes, House Bill 3445 will have my approval. I respectfully request your concurrence.

JB Pritzker
Governor, State of Illinois

…Adding… ICJC…

“On behalf consumers and families across the state, the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition thanks Governor Pritzker for his amendatory veto of legislation that had granted Ameren a monopoly and risked them raising costs on their customers. As written, Ameren’s “Right of First Refusal” legislation (House Bill 3445) would have given a big handout to the big utility without providing any protections for workers or customers. We strongly support investment in new transmission capacity to reach our clean energy goals, but HB3445 could limit our ability to build those projects. We applaud the Governor for taking this action toward expanding transmission and bringing us another step closer to our clean energy future.”


Giannoulias on Madigan legacy: ‘I think people are sick and tired of scandal, corruption’

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias’ news media availability today…

Q: What lessons do you think Democrats have learned from the Madigan saga? We’ve got the Mapes trial ongoing, but that still kind of hangs over with Madigan facing trial next year.

Giannoulias: I will tell you that within our office and being in Springfield, we don’t talk about Mike Madigan. It doesn’t really come up. I’m focused on what we’ve been able to do. And as all of you know very well, Mike Madigan was never a fan of mine. He did everything he could to make sure I never got into office. So I’m proud of the leadership we have in place. We have great leaders in the Illinois Senate, in the House, and an amazing governor.

Q: But are there any lessons to be learned that you think the Democrats should pick up?

Giannoulias: Yeah, I think people are sick and tired of scandal, corruption. Anything we can do to increase transparency and let people know exactly what happens at every level is important. We’re doing that on our side with lobbyist registration. We want to know if you can increase transparency from the Secretary of State’s standpoint.

Please pardon all transcription errors. Thanks.


Caption contest!

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* To be very clear, the photo below is posted here with full permission from both House Majority Leader Robyn Gabel (on the left) and Maddie Norris. At the Illinois State Fair Director’s Lawn during Governor’s day ceremonies…

Be nice!


Chicago City Council looks at regulating rideshares

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Crain’s

Members of Johnson’s administration have been involved in the discussions, but [Ald. Mike Rodriguez] is taking the lead on the effort. The measure adds to the growing list of legislation being considered heading into fall that affect relatively lower-wage workers.  […]

If approved, the ordinance would increase minimum driver pay to $7 per ride, but allow for higher wages if a per-mile or per-minute rate exceeded $7. 

[Lori Simmons of the Chicago Gig Alliance] says her group has no interest in giving up the larger fight and suggested a win at City Hall could tee up a larger fight in Springfield.  

Although Illinois officials have not seriously pushed to reclassify workers, the General Assembly did deliver a blow to the rideshare companies this year when it approved, over the fierce opposition of Uber, a “common carrier” bill that opens the companies up to liability for accidents and injuries to passengers.

“Ultimately, I do see (reclassification) coming to the state level. And I think Illinois is uniquely positioned to actually win this fight because the companies do not have the same type of leverage to throw around here as they do elsewhere in the country.”

* Uber and Lyft have threatened to pull out of Minneapolis if a similar ordinance passes

Rideshare companies Lyft and Uber are threatening to pull service out of Minneapolis if the city passes an ordinance Thursday that gives drivers more protections and higher pay.

Rideshare drivers have been pressing the Minneapolis City Council to pass legislation that would set a minimum compensation for drivers and create a process for them to appeal deactivations. The push at the city level comes just months after Gov. Tim Walz vetoed a similar bill that passed both houses of the state Legislature.

The proposed ordinance would, in part, ensure that any driver who has a ride that originates in Minneapolis would make an equivalent to the city’s minimum wage — $15 per hour.

The ordinance would change some protocols around deactivation, or the firing of Uber drivers, to give drivers more of an explanation. It would also eliminate the use of gift cards not issued by the rideshare companies, so there would be a way to trace riders and hold them accountable if necessary.

Minnesota Gov. Walz vetoed legislation after Uber threatened to cut off service in Minneapolis.

* House Bill 2231 was signed into law Friday. Here’s Sen. Martwick’s press release…

Thanks to a new law championed by State Senator Robert Martwick, rideshare companies will be subject to the same standard of care as all other transportation companies.

“As rideshare companies become an integral part of modern transportation, we must demand the same high standards of care as we do for traditional carriers,” said Martwick (D-Chicago). “Holding companies accountable for the actions of their employees is about safeguarding every passenger who places their trust in these services.”

Under the new law, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft are subject to the common carrier doctrine, which holds transportation companies to the highest standard of care for their passengers. This allows the state to hold the company liable if an employee causes harm to a passenger through intentional means such as assault, or if a driver is intoxicated and causes an accident.

Previously, transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft were exempt from the common carrier doctrine, leaving victims with few means to hold the companies liable for harm caused by their drivers. Between 2017 and 2020, there were almost 14,000 reports of sexual assault from Uber and Lyft passengers, with 824 reported rapes.

“As we embrace innovation, we shouldn’t forget about safety,” Martwick said. “Today we reinforce the notion that safety is non-negotiable for every individual using rideshare services, which is paramount in preserving the trust and peace of mind of all who seek reliable transportation.”

* Related…



Delivery Helps Chicago Restaurants Grow On Uber Eats

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

At Uber Eats, local restaurants are the backbone of our communities and delivery continues to help small business owners reach new customers and increase sales.

We recently published the results of the 2022 US Merchant Impact Report—which come directly from a survey of merchant partners. Read More.

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Unclear on the concept

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Policy Institute

On Aug. 4, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law House Bill 1120, which requires union neutrality clauses in all charter contract renewals or proposals. These clauses mean charter school operators will be required to support a union’s attempt to organize its staff, making it easier for CTU or other unions in Illinois to unionize charter schools.


Union neutrality doesn’t force the charter schools to support union organizing. From the new law

“Union neutrality clause” means a provision whereby a charter school agrees: (1) to be neutral regarding the unionization of any of its employees, such that the charter school will not at any time express a position on the matter of whether its employees will be unionized and such that the charter school will not threaten, intimidate, discriminate against, retaliate against, or take any adverse action against any employees based on their decision to support or oppose union representation; (2) to provide any bona fide labor organization access at reasonable times to areas in which the charter school’s employees work for the purpose of meeting with employees to discuss their right to representation, employment rights under the law, and terms and conditions of employment; and (3) that union recognition shall be through a majority card check verified by a neutral third-party arbitrator mutually selected by the charter school and the bona fide labor organization through alternate striking from a panel of arbitrators provided by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

Does a union neutrality requirement make it easier for the unions? Heck yes, it does. It prevents employers from actively undermining their organizing efforts. Do employers dislike these requirements? Heck, yes, they do, and they likely have good reasons. But it does not require the employers to support the activity. They just have to stay out of the decision. Also, keep in mind that these are taxpayer-financed public schools.

Anyway, your thoughts on this law?


Pritzker: ‘Here in Illinois, we have a low tolerance for bulls–t’

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Redacted

* Not sure that low tolerance claim is accurate, but here’s more context

They say they want to solve real problems. But then they spend all of their time screaming conspiracy theories about the purge, about Disney, about green M&Ms and space lasers.

Because here’s their game ,everyone. Republicans think that if they lie about something often enough, if they deny the truth long enough, maybe we will start to believe their lies. The problem is this. Here in Illinois, we have a low tolerance for bulls–t. [Cheers]

You know the old story about the emperor who had no clothes? Well, he couldn’t get 10 feet in the South Side Irish parade or the Bud Billiken parade or at the State Fair without someone here telling him he’s naked.

Illinois Democrats have done more in the last five years to push back on the wave of authoritarian, anti-democratic MAGA Republican nonsense than in any other place in the country.

Leave it to the Land of Lincoln, Barack Obama’s home state, the home of Olympic gold medal champion Jackie Joyner Kersee.

Leave it to the state that enshrined workers rights into our Constitution. The state where we defeated Donald Trump resoundingly twice already. Leave it to us to raise the tallest flag in the fight against modern American fascism.

There’s a reason that we were chosen to host the Democratic National Convention next year. And it’s because we are a bright light of freedom in the center of the nation. We are a beacon lighting the path for national success. We are Barbie when everyone else is just Ken.

So as we head into 2024, it’s time to rally our troops for the political fight ahead. So I ask you Illinois Democrats. Are you ready for the fight? [Cheers] Are you ready for the fight? [Cheers] Let’s go get ‘em everybody!

Pleae pardon any transcription errors.


Mapes’ grand jury testimony effectively used against him

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jon Seidel tells us about recorded phone conversations played during the Tim Mapes trial yesterday

“I don’t recall any at all,” Mapes told the grand jury. “Any dialogue.”

That’s gonna leave a mark.

* Also this from Hannah Meisel

Mapes was also asked whether he knew of anyone close to Madigan who was on friendly terms with John Hooker, a lobbyist for ComEd.

“I don’t recall any today,” Mapes said.

You’ve gotta be kidding me. Mike McClain and Hooker were practically inseparable.

* Megan Crepeau and Ray Long at the Tribune

Mapes even played down Madigan’s longtime admiration of Mayor Richard J. Daley, someone Madigan often spoke about with reverence.

“I think he had a respect for him,” Mapes said. “I don’t know about esteem.”

Mapes said he remembered Madigan saying Richard J. Daley “was a good politician” but testified that Madigan didn’t say why he thought that.

For crying out loud, Madigan had photos of the old man in his office as well as the prayer card from Daley’s funeral mass. When Madigan was named grand marshal of the St. Patrick’s Day parade, he had an exact replica of a hat Richard J. wore when he was grand marshal. Daley practically made Madigan part of the family after Madigan’s dad passed away. Mapes isn’t accused of perjuring himself on that answer, but sheeeeeeeesh.

Also this

“(McClain) was one of my fr– sorry strike that,” Mapes said, apparently stopping short of calling McClain a friend. “He was a member of the legislature before I started. … And then he was also a member of the leadership before he lost his election.”

I think now we’re seeing why the feds were so irked with Mapes’ grand jury testimony.

* To the Sun-Times story

Facing one of the most serious threats to the power held by then-Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan in 2018, his longtime friend and confidant decided it was time to “play hardball and quit doing this nicey/nicey stuff.”

One week earlier, political consultant Alaina Hampton had held a news conference to outline sexual harassment complaints against Kevin Quinn, a top political aide to Madigan. Her claims shook Madigan’s grip on power at the Capitol and created serious concern within his inner-circle, a federal jury heard Tuesday.

So Michael McClain sent a fiery email Feb. 21, 2018. In it, he suggested Madigan’s team go nuclear against their opponents and pitch scandalous stories about an open marriage and other Springfield dirt to “over worked, under payed” news reporters.

“We cannot lose him,” McClain wrote of Madigan. “We cannot give Illinois to these guys. So, we have to play sort of by their rules.”

Madigan’s longtime chief of staff, Tim Mapes, was among the recipients of McClain’s email. A former Madigan aide also testified Tuesday that Mapes was among those trying to insulate the speaker.

But despite apparently being looped in on McClain’s bid to save Madigan in 2018, Mapes later told a grand jury he didn’t remember McClain doing any tasks or assignments for Madigan at that time.

*Hard sigh*

* Hannah Meisel has more on the effort to save Madigan. As you may recall, Madigan created the Anti-Harassment, Equality and Access Panel through the Democratic Party of Illinois and appointed three members: US Rep. Cheri Bustos, Comptroller Susana Mendoza and state Rep. Carol Ammons. They immediately declared independence and refused to take any money from Madigan’s party apparatus. And when Bustos backed out, the others appointed Sen. Melinda Bush, who was a noted Madigan critic

“I had wanted to talk this afternoon about well, what do we do with this panel?” Madigan said on a conference call with five close advisors, including Mapes and McClain. “What do we do with it? Do we do anything with it? Do we just let it go and go and go?”

Later in the call, longtime Madigan spokesman Steve Brown warned the media would pick up on any clues that the speaker was interfering with the panel’s work, and the sexual harassment allegations against Madigan’s organization would be rehashed.

“I’m trying to get my head around the idea that some other entity crops up and it’s not portrayed as an effort to supplant, derail whatever Mendoza’s supposed to be doing,” Brown said.

Good on Brown.

…Adding… Oof…


‘Establishment candidate’ slated by establishment over defiant Dem with Republican ties

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Leigh Giangreco at Crain’s on how not to get slated by the Cook County Democratic Central Committee

As party leaders gathered Tuesday and conducted a question-and-answer session before deciding which candidate to back, [state’s attorney hopeful Eileen O’Neill Burke] snapped at committee members who questioned her over fraternizing with Republicans across the state. Much of what played out between O’Neill Burke and the committeemen felt like a repeat of the mayoral campaign for Paul Vallas, a relative conservative whose Democratic loyalty was challenged after comments he made likening himself to a Republican. […]

“We are a party organization, we want to know where people stand,” Martwick said. “The reason is . . . every Democratic primary opponent I have ever faced, every single one, has been a Republican running as a Democrat.”

Before Martwick could finish, O’Neill Burke shot back.

“Are you accusing me of being a Republican, Rob?” she said.

* A.D. Quig at the Chicago Tribune

Martwick noted that O’Neill Burke’s campaign treasurer, Thomas Glasgow, had “only voted in Republican primaries every year since 2002,” which O’Neill Burke confirmed. “What do you have to say —,” Martwick began, before O’Neill Burke jumped in.

Glasgow “is a criminal defense attorney. I have been friends with him for three decades. He’s good with money. I asked him to be my treasurer. He’s not controlling my campaign; he’s merely my treasurer. But good job, Rob. Really thorough vetting on that one,” she said, as committee members murmured. Martwick muttered, “Wow.”

“What else do you want me to say, Rob? I am not a Republican, I have voted in every Democratic primary since I was 18,” she said.

“Justice, I think you’ve said it all,” Martwick replied.

* She was also asked about a small contribution to a Republican candidate for the appellate court. Here’s Craig Wall at ABC 7

Alderman Michael Rodriguez, another Preckwinkle ally, quizzed Burke about her support for a Republican judge. Burke said the Democrat was rated not qualified.

“I have been a lifetime Democrat. I have supported Democrats but I also think it’s important to look at someone’s qualifications and not just do a litmus test,” she said.

When it came time for a vote, Harris won a unanimous endorsement.

She’ll run as the outsider, they’ll call her a Republican.

* Some background on Clayton Harris from Mitchell Armentrout at the Sun-Times

Harris, a Washington Park resident, was a prosecutor under former Cook County State’s Attorney Dick Devine; an intergovernmental affairs assistant to former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley; and lead counsel for the Chicago Department of Transportation.

Harris went on to the Illinois Transportation Department and eventually became the final chief of staff to Blagojevich late in the tenure of the governor who was later convicted on corruption charges.

In a 2012 letter to a federal judge, Harris — who was never accused of wrongdoing — described “chaos” in Blagojevich’s office, including “an episode where I was directed to fire the entire legal department because they lacked the professionalism that the governor believed should have been exhibited.” He also said Blagojevich ordered him to hire an unemployed lawyer “he met in line at Starbucks to be chief legal counsel of the state of Illinois!”

Harris didn’t follow up on either request, but he “did allow [Blagojevich] to believe” that he would do so because that was the best way to refocus the governor’s attention on more important matters, Harris wrote. […]

More recently, Harris served as executive director of the Illinois International Port District from 2016-2020 and then as public policy director for the ride-hailing giant Lyft through 2022, according to a LinkedIn profile. His teaching at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy has focused on “the possible solutions available to change how race is policed.”

* WGN’s Tahman Bradley recently talked with Harris

WGN News asked Harris if he would want Foxx’s endorsement.

“I would absolutely appreciate Kim Foxx’s endorsement,” Harris said.

Harris already has the backing of Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, almost guaranteeing him an influx of campaign cash and volunteers. He told WGN News that he has no problem being labeled the ‘establishment candidate.’ In fact, Harris believes a Preckwinkle endorsement ‘absolutely helps’ his campaign.

“She’s the president of the county. Her support, her backing is very influential, and she’s teed me up so that we can move forward,” Harris said. “I’m looking at garnering a large tree myself so that there are multiple branches on there from all walks of life.”

* Meanwhile, the party also voted yesterday to back Illinois Supreme Court Justice Joy Cunningham over Appellate Justice Jesse Reyes. Here’s Dan Hinkel and Alejandra Cancino at Injustice Watch

Cunningham’s challenger, Reyes, sought the party stamp again after losing against the party-endorsed candidate in a 2020 bid to become the first Hispanic judge on the highest court. Reyes urged committee members to make history by giving Hispanic residents a “seat at the table of justice.”

“I’m merely a reflection of the Latino community’s dreams and aspirations of having a place on the bench of our state’s highest court,” said Reyes, who was endorsed by U.S. Reps. Jesus “Chuy” García and Delia Ramirez, both Chicago Democrats.

Cunningham, a former state appellate court justice and onetime president of the Chicago Bar Association, rejected that narrative in an interview, calling it divisive and saying she is a justice for all Illinoisans. On Monday, Cunningham introduced herself to the party as the daughter of immigrants from Panama and the Cayman Islands. Her father held two jobs, and she worked as a critical care nurse during law school, she said.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here you go…

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Live coverage

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* ScribbleLive is still down. Twitter has stopped allowing people to embed list feeds on websites. So, click here or here to follow breaking news. You can click here to follow the Tim Mapes trial.

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* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
* Meanwhile… In Opposite Land
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Pritzker traveling to Tokyo in two days to recruit businesses (Updated)
* Yesterday's stories

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