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*** UPDATED x5 - AFL-CIO, Harmon, Durkin, AFSCME, Leader McConchie respond *** Pritzker announces $711 million in cuts, calls it “first step”

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Gov. Pritzker Outlines Spending Reduction Plan For Fiscal Year 2021

Administration Will Negotiate With AFSCME Over Furlough Days and Personnel Cost Adjustments

Governor JB Pritzker announced today more than $700 million in spending reductions for fiscal year 2021. The plan is the result of a months-long and ongoing review of agency spending under the Executive branch. The plan includes a hiring freeze, grant reductions and operational savings.

As part of the administration’s ongoing attempt to identify budget efficiencies, Gov. Pritzker also announced the following measures:

    • Negotiations with AFSCME and other employee unions to identify $75 million in personnel cost adjustments, which could include furlough days.
    • Creation of a Department of Corrections facilities closure work group to identify additional savings due to the lower offender population.

“From the beginning of my term in office, I’ve worked hard to bring honest solutions to the table, doing the hard things that must be done to put our fiscal house in order - including bringing efficiencies to lower the cost of operating state government, working to reduce the budget pressure of pension liabilities, investing in the expansion of revenue producing industries, and attracting our most promising economic assets — our college bound seniors – to stay in Illinois rather than go to college elsewhere,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I promised to be a governor who balances the budget and begins paying down the bills that my predecessor left behind. I promised to invest in education, job training and job creation. Before COVID hit us, we did that. And despite all the current challenges, I am confident we will continue our ascent to economic strength and fiscal stability.

The Governor previously announced the sale of $2 billion in three-year notes to the Municipal Liquidity Facility to help Illinois bridge the gap due to dramatic revenue losses as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. That transaction will be finalized by the end of the calendar year. As every state in the nation faces budget shortfalls due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor will continue to urge Congress to pass direct funding for state and local governments who have coordinated the pandemic response.

* Click the pic for a larger image

Numbers are in millions.

More in a bit.

…Adding… From his media briefing today…

Today as a first step toward balancing the current year’s budget, I’m presenting over $700 million in initial cuts to our executive branch agencies. These are cuts that are under my control to make as governor without help from the General Assembly.

This gets us part of the way toward addressing the budget deficit. For additional and more permanent balancing of our budgets going forward, I will work with the legislature. But make no mistake, legislative action and engagement is required. While short term federal help may yet come, we need to take action to maintain fiscal stability over the long run, and address the problems that plagued Illinois pre-pandemic.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* More from the governor…

Over the years, state government in Illinois has been notoriously hollowed out. For example, there are approximately 25% fewer state government employees today than there were two decades ago. Also state government spending on education is now among the lowest in the nation. And while there used to be 3000 the Illinois State Police troopers patrolling our 58,000 square miles of Illinois, there are now only 1900.

If anything, our schools and our public safety and health care deserve more investments, not less. So cutting our budget will be by its very nature painful.

The executive branch alone cannot legally address these multi-year deficits unilaterally. So I am continuing this conversation with leaders and members of the General Assembly on both sides of the aisle to identify their best ideas to make up the rest of the deficit and bring long-term stability and balance to our state’s fiscal foundation. I have an open door policy. I am more than happy to have a conversation with legislators interested in a substantive effort to get this done.

In the meantime, the cost saving measures I present to you today have already begun to be implemented. In addition, my staff is in conversations with AFSCME to discuss furlough days and personal cost adjustments personnel cost adjustments that will help us reduce spending by $75 million.

By definition, taking employees off the front lines will slow the delivery of services to our residents but this is the place we find ourselves today. It pains me to pursue these actions because these state employees are public servants who dedicate themselves to improving the lives of the people that we all serve. Often, these are the people who are most in need of help.

Many of these same employees, such as our corrections officers who put themselves in harm’s way every day before the pandemic now go to work with the additional danger of COVID-19 facing them. They have more than earned our appreciation and our admiration for their dedication and hard work. That’s one reason why these cuts are painful.

But like I said, opponents of the fairest long term solution have put us in this situation. And there’s only so much on the table to choose from when you have a government as hollowed out as ours is.

Approximately 10% of these reductions come from public safety agencies most significantly from the Department of Corrections. The number of people incarcerated in Illinois has decreased by more than 10,000 individuals since the beginning of 2019. This presents an opportunity for real savings this year and in future years. And it’s a critical opportunity to transform our prisons. I will be forming the Illinois Corrections Transformation Advisory Team to determine the best ways to move forward with these efficiencies. I’ve also previously announced a number of additional criminal justice reform priorities that will further reduce our prison populations as we seek to pursue greater fairness and equity for all Illinoisans as we often see when we move away from expensive ineffective and punitive models. This will likely also open the door for additional long term savings.

Early on in our battle against COVID-19 my administration implemented a freeze on non essential state government hiring and on travel. Those continued today and will continue indefinitely. I have also implemented a significant reduction in vehicle and equipment purchases. And I have asked all departments to maximize the use of technology to reduce in person gathering costs, even once travel is deemed safer.

We’re also making adjustments to our Community Care Program and the services that are provided to older Illinoisans, including delaying the planned rate increase initially set for January 1. I admit that this was a challenging decision because of how vital our community care workers are for our seniors. But this must be undertaken as a result of the deficit.

I’m also broadly freezing and reducing grant programs at a number of agencies, including the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. That includes freezing 2020 grants for local governments, parks and open land projects, implementing freezes or partial reductions on most grants at DCEO and pausing issuance of school maintenance grants dependent upon casino gaming revenues.

I want to be clear. Because tax fairness was taken off the table. There will be a real human impact here. And while we’ve scoured the budget for ways to cause the least pain, I’m sorry to say that we simply cannot prevent these losses from touching the real lives of our residents. We just can’t these cuts reflect the first phase of our path forward, doing what is within my powers unilaterally and without the legislature. This is going to be tough. And as my ongoing conversations with General Assembly leaders would indicate, there is a great deal of work the legislature must do when it convenes next month. […]

And while there is no easy path forward, I promise that we will get through this, working together as people of goodwill, with a laser-like focus on doing what’s best for the working families of Illinois. I look forward to hearing the Republican proposals for realistic cuts and balancing the budget.

…Adding… He was asked about further cuts…

As to more cuts, or you know anything else to do with our budget deficit, again, this is a first step. I’m waiting on the General Assembly’s engagement in this and not just awaiting, I’ve reached out to the General Assembly in particular to the Republicans because they have a special responsibility here, having worked so hard to defeat the Fair Tax to step up to the plate, tell us how they’re going to balance the budget given that we have a $3.9 billion deficit and and you know about half of that has come from structural challenges that the state has. So I hope they will step up to the plate because they defeated the best solution to the structural

* The governor also said he was hopeful that Congress would change course on funding for state and local governments when a new president is sworn in.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

Illinois Senate Republican Leader-Designate Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) released the following statement regarding Governor Pritzker’s recent comments on the state’s FY22 budget:

“The Governor can blame others all he wants for the state’s financial mess, but the fact of the matter is this is a bed of his own making. Voters fundamentally rejected his graduated tax proposal because of their lack of trust in state government, which stems from years of Springfield increasing taxes and ignoring the reforms that Republicans have put on the table time and time again. In fact, during the current budget cycle, instead of taking up spending reforms in anticipation of hard times to follow from COVID-19, Democrats and the Governor increased spending, relying on magic money from the federal government that never materialized. This is the kind of recklessness that voters know all too well and is the real reason they rejected Springfield digging deeper into people’s pockets.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Press release…

Statement of Roberta Lynch, Executive Director, AFSCME Council 31

Since the earliest days of this pandemic, tens of thousands of Illinois state employees have been on the front lines, putting their own health and safety at risk to maintain vital services on which so many depend.

Undoubtedly our state faces a severe fiscal crisis and action is urgently needed. However, it is grossly unjust to suggest that frontline state employees who have already sacrificed so much in our current public health crisis should bear an outsized share of the burden of fixing the state’s fiscal crisis as well. Moreover, it is counterproductive in the extreme to target these employees at a time when the need for state services and the demands on state government are greater than ever.

State public health and emergency management employees have worked tirelessly to guide us through the challenges the coronavirus daily presents. Child protection workers have continued to go into homes to safeguard at-risk children. Correctional and state police employees have maintained security in our prisons and safety in our communities. Caregivers are on the job round-the-clock to bathe, feed and assist individuals with the most severe developmental disabilities. Nurse aides have remained in service to our aged and ailing veterans despite massive COVID outbreaks in the state’s veterans’ homes. Human service, environmental protection, transportation employees—and many more—are all on the job to keep Illinois working.

Thousands of these frontline state employees have contracted COVID, hundreds have had to be hospitalized, many are suffering prolonged aftereffects, and, yes, some have died.

The severe budget hole has been made much more severe by the billionaire-funded campaign that defeated the Fair Tax constitutional amendment. Had that amendment been enacted, the state would be on a reasonable path to solid fiscal ground. Instead, rather than asking everyone to pay their fair share, state employees—hard-working middle-income taxpaying Illinoisans—are now being asked to shoulder a bigger share of the budget burden. That is simply not acceptable.

AFSCME is firmly opposed to any demands that unfairly target state employees. We are, however, fully committed to revenue measures needed to keep Illinois working. We supported Governor Pritzker’s Fair Tax initiative. And we are now helping to lead the fight in Washington DC for an urgently needed COVID stimulus bill that is being blocked by Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans. We have long called for closing corporate tax loopholes in our own state and have recommendations for how to move forward on that front. And our members are prepared, as always, to help in identifying greater efficiencies in state government operations. Ultimately, however, legislative action is needed. It is urgent that the Illinois General Assembly come into session immediately after the holidays to address the state’s fiscal crisis in a fair and equitable manner.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Press release…

Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) issued the following statement in response to Governor Pritzker’s remarks on his self-inflicted budgetary disaster:

“Governor Pritzker, President Harmon and Mike Madigan were repeatedly warned about the dire shortfalls in the fantasy budget that relied upon the passage of the graduated tax and a ‘fingers crossed’ hope for a federal bailout. Instead of living within our means, they attempted to trick voters into raising taxes, and were sorely rejected by Democrat, Republican and Independent voters across the state. We hope the Governor uses his authority to call the General Assembly into session so that we can look to move Illinois forward by fixing the problems the Democrats have created.”

*** UPDATE 4 *** Press release…

Good afternoon Mr. Miller. Here’s a statement on behalf of Senate President Don Harmon. You can attribute it to me (John Patterson, spokesman):

“The voters sent the message that they expect tough decisions to be made. The Senate President will review the governor’s actions as we prepare to head into another legislative session and another tough budget year. We look forward to our colleagues across the aisle offering up the Republican cuts for public review.

Hopefully Washington soon will come to its senses and realize that states and cities across this country have been wiped out financially by this virus.”

*** UPDATE 5 *** Press release…

The Illinois AFL-CIO, representing tens of thousands of Illinois state employees and their families, today issued the following statement in response to Gov. Pritzker’s proposed $700 million in state budget cuts:

“We join AFSCME in opposing state budget cuts that place the burden on the backs of public employees who are on the frontlines of our collective fight against COVID-19.

We were strong supporters of the Fair Tax initiative as a way to provide needed revenue to support the vital state services and programs we all depend on, and that have proven even more important during the pandemic. Our state has suffered for too long with revenue shortfalls, and these now are producing very real and painful choices that will devastate the very hard-working, middle-income families we all depend on.

We stand ready to work with our union partners and our leaders in Springfield on solutions that spare this pain for working families and address the state’s revenue shortfall responsibly and fairly.”

Tim Drea, President, Illinois AFL-CIO
Pat Devaney, Secretary-Treasurer, Illinois AFL-CIO


Rep. Buckner elected Chair of the House Legislative Black Caucus

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers know more…

State representative Kam Buckner (26th District) was elected the Chair of the powerful Illinois House Legislative Black Caucus today. Immediately following the vote, he said:

“I am privileged, honored, and humbled by the trust that my colleagues, the members of the Illinois House Legislative Black Caucus have placed in me to serve as the caucus chair for the 102nd General Assembly.

I thank immediate past Chair Rep. Camille Lilly for her dedication, service, and commitment to the values that this caucus was built on over 5 decades ago.

Our state and our nation are at an inflection point and as we stand at the crossroads of history, the Illinois House Legislative Black Caucus will work with a singular focus to improve the lives of those whom we represent through legislation, policy, and aggressive advocacy.”

Formally established in 1967, the primary mission of the ILBC is to assure that the interests of African American citizens are given equitable representation in the General Assembly and that legislative action is directed to address those interests. For 53 years, the ILBC has represented the interest of Illinois citizens. Through the efforts of the Caucus, tremendous strides have been made in areas of housing, health and welfare, education, employment, and minority business enterprise. Since the first presence of an African-American in the House of Representatives in 1876, 157 African American legislators have been elected to serve in both the House and Senate.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - This just in…

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2020 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best House Republican Campaign Staffer goes to Jayme Odom

After the 2018 elections, Rauner’s operation essentially left HRO in shambles along with the whole ILGOP. 2020 was looking worse for Republicans than 2018 and Democrats had major advantages in money and resources. Against these great odds, Jayme came in and completely rebuilt HRO from the ground up. Her tireless work to recruit and vet staff and candidates, raise money, keep candidates on point and message, and going the extra mile even with the pandemic allow for her results to speak for themselves.

Jayme worked hard and gave the leadership HRO needed to outperform expectations.

Her leadership and work is not only a big reason why House Republicans saw a small net gain of seats instead of a net loss, but also a reason why Leader Durkin was able to hold onto his leadership post.

There isn’t a House GOP campaign person more deserving than Jayme.

She’s gonna hate me for not giving it to one of her staff members, but she totally deserves this award.

Runner-up goes to Kyle Haevers.

* The 2020 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Senate Republican Campaign Staffer goes to Brent Ellis for this outstanding nomination alone

He entered a thorny situation but was able to find common ground, build relationships, and put up shining GOTV numbers as the only staffer assigned. He was basically handed a wrench and told to build a race car out of an oil stain. He ran a heck of a machine in brutal circumstances, and that is something to crow about.

Heh. Loved that.

Runner-up is Jon Wygant.

* On to today’s categories…

* Best House Democratic Non-Campaign Staffer

* Best House Republican Non-Campaign Staffer

Do your best to nominate in both categories and make sure to explain your votes or they will not count. And, as should be clear by one of the above awards, sometimes a great nomination can win the whole day. Thanks!


7,359 new confirmed and probable cases; 117 additional deaths; 4,965 hospitalized; 1,057 in the ICU; 8.6 percent case positivity rate; 10.3 percent test positivity rate

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 7,359 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 117 additional deaths.

    • Adams County: 1 female 70s
    • Boone County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s
    • Champaign County: 1 female 70s
    • Clinton County: 1 female 60s, 1 male 60s
    • Cook County: 1 male 40s, 1 female 50s, 1 female 60s, 1 male 60s, 3 females 70s, 1 male 70s, 2 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 2 females 90s
    • Cumberland County: 1 female 90s
    • DuPage County: 2 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 3 females 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 male 90s
    • Edgar County: 1 male 80s
    • Effingham County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s
    • Ford County: 1 male 80s
    • Franklin County: 1 female 70s, 1 female 90s
    • Jackson County: 1 male 90s
    • Jersey County: 1 female 80s
    • Jo Daviess County: 1 male 70s
    • Kane County: 1 male 60s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
    • Kankakee County: 1 female 50s, 1 male 70s, 2 males 80s
    • Kendall County: 1 female 80s
    • Knox County: 1 female 80s
    • Lake County: 1 female 50s, 2 females 60s, 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
    • LaSalle County: 1 female 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
    • Lee County: 1 male 60s, 2 females 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 female 100+
    • Livingston County: 1 male 80s
    • Macon County: 1 male 90s
    • Madison County: 1 male 60s, 1 male 70s, 2 females 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s, 3 males 90s
    • Marion County: 1 female 70s, 2 males 70s
    • Massac County: 1 female 50s, 1 male 60s
    • McHenry County: 1 male 80s
    • McLean County: 1 female 80s
    • Ogle County: 1 male 60s
    • Peoria County: 1 female 20s, 1 male 60s, 1 female 80s
    • Perry County: 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
    • Rock Island County: 1 male 60s
    • Sangamon County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s
    • St. Clair County: 2 females 70s
    • Stark County: 1 female 50s, 1 female 60s, 1 male 80s
    • Stephenson County: 1 male 80s
    • Vermilion County: 1 male 50s
    • Will County: 2 males 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 2 males 80s, 1 female 90s, 3 males 90s, 1 female 100+
    • Winnebago County: 1 male 80s, 1 male 90s
    • Woodford County: 1 male 70s, 2 females 80s, 1 male 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 863,477 cases, including 14,509 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 92,922 specimens for a total 11,962,010. As of last night, 4,965 in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 1,057 patients were in the ICU and 598 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from December 8 – December 14, 2020 is 8.6%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from December 8 – December 14, 2020 is 10.3%.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for deaths previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email


Way to go, Sangamon County!

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Springfield is in IDPH Region 3, which has an average positivity rate of 9.5 percent.

After some initial and completely unnecessary and ill-informed reluctance, Sangamon County and Springfield are now doing a pretty good job at not only flattening the curve, but bending it downward.

The county’s 7-day rolling average test positivity rate was at 13.2 percent on December 1. As mentioned elsewhere today, it’s now at 8.4 percent. That’s a 32 percent reduction in two weeks. Keep up the good work!

* Adams County is even lower, at 6.8 percent, but the county’s rate is actually increasing over the past week, when it was at 4.7 percent. That’s a 45 percent increase, if you’re keeping track.

Brown County is at 13.5 percent, down two points from 15.5 percent on December 1.

Calhoun County is trending the wrong way. It’s up to 20.8 percent from 17.3 percent, but they’re not doing a lot of testing there.

Cass County has taken a slight dip to 16.9 percent from 17.1 percent.

Christian County is at 12.8 percent, down a bit from 14.7 on December 1.

Greene County is at 11.8 percent, which sounds high, but that’s down from 19.3 percent two weeks ago.

Hancock County is at 17.8 percent, up significantly in two weeks from 12.4 percent.

Jersey County’s rate stands at 14.9 percent, about the same as its 15.8 rate two weeks ago.

Logan County is down to 8.2 percent, from 15.4 percent on December 1.

Macoupin County is at 10.3 percent, down slightly from the 12.8 percent rate two weeks ago.

Mason County has plummeted from 14.4 percent on December 1 down to 7.9 percent.

Menard went from 12.7 percent on December 1 to 9.3 percent yesterday.

Montgomery is basically unchanged, at 8.5 percent compared to 9.2 percent on December 1.

Morgan is down a point, to 9.2 percent from 10.3 percent.

Pike is up a bit, from 12.6 percent to 13.4 percent.

Schuyler County went from a 6 percent positivity rate on December 1st to a 23.3 percent rate a few days ago to the most recent 18.6 percent.

And Scott is down from 6.3 percent to 4.9 percent.

I don’t know why I just put myself through all this, but there you go.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Rep. Marron could be in for a long, cold wait

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From August

The House Democrats said each of their offices are dealing with, on average, “60-90 open cases at any given time, some dating as far back as mid-March.” They asked that those constituents “receive a call back from IDES within 7-10 days,” requested that IDES directly coordinate efforts with their district office staff and that “IDES increase staff resources dedicated to working with district office staff to handle outstanding cases.”

Gov. Pritzker’s press secretary Jordan Abudayyeh said in response that the administration is committed to working with the General Assembly, but she also claimed “multiple” staff members from IDES and the governor’s office are already “working as liaisons between the General Assembly and the agency to answer their questions,” adding: “We have implemented every solution at our disposal to provide immediate relief and are more than willing to implement any ideas from the General Assembly.”

But then came Abudayyeh’s rejection: “What we will not do is take the 60 to 90 claims General Assembly members call on behalf of each week, and move those claimants to the front of the line ahead of the tens of thousands of claims the department is working to address. The agency cannot pull staff away from processing claims in the system to prioritize claims from legislators.”

* Center Square

State Rep. Mike Marron, R-Fithian, said he can’t get anyone at the state agency to return his calls after constituents pleaded for help. […]

Marron said a number he was provided to contact the state agency director was no longer in service and he has nowhere else to turn.

“Until the majority [Democratic party] decides that they want to hold people accountable for this disaster, I don’t know what to tell people anymore,” Marron said. “I will tell you that I’m ashamed of this. And I’m ashamed I can’t get a hold of anybody. And somebody needs to get me some answers.”

* Meanwhile…

* From the Illinois Department of Employment Security’s website

The health and safety of our customers and staff are of highest importance.

In order to protect everyone through social distancing, IDES offices are closed to the public until further notice.

*** UPDATE *** From Jordan Abudayyeh…

Acting [IDES] Director Kristin Richards called Rep. Marron today to inform him she would be happy to schedule a meeting with him to discuss the complexity of what states’ unemployment agencies are dealing with nationwide. That’s a discussion that requires some time and the director explained that she’d be happy to schedule that meeting before Christmas. The Representative could have saved himself some time in the cold if he would have reached out and asked to speak with the director.

He should’ve also tried contacting the legislative liaison before engaging in this stunt.


He’s not wrong

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an op-ed by Rep. Chris Miller (R-Oakland)

Our governor signed a budget into law based on the hope that voters would approve his tax hike scheme. He authorized spending based on revenue that was not real. Budgeting based on fairy dust and unicorns is not the way to run a state of nearly 13 million people.

The governor has also said since the spring that he is counting on money from the federal government.

* How’s that working out?…

U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today released the following statement in support of the $748 billion, bipartisan COVID-19 emergency relief legislation that includes funding for unemployment insurance, small businesses, vaccine distribution and COVID-19 testing, health care providers, housing and education assistance, and more:

“Today, the U.S. hit another grim milestone—300,000 lives lost to COVID-19. My heart goes out to the family and friends of those dealing with grief and sadness. It is clear that we are at a critical moment. I’m hopeful that with the first shipment of a vaccine arriving today at hospitals across the country, we will be able to turn the corner on this pandemic. But we also know that it will take time and resources to vaccinate enough people, and the winter is going to be hard for many families and businesses.

“With this in mind, a group of Democrats and Republicans—including myself—came together and worked on compromise, emergency relief legislation totaling $748 billion in the areas where we could agree. This package does not include everything I think we need. But, it is an honest compromise.

“I’m disappointed we haven’t been able to bridge our differences on several other matters, including Republicans’ proposal to give corporations federal liability immunity during the pandemic. We negotiated on this issue for weeks, and my Democratic colleagues and I put forward a variety of alternative proposals. Unfortunately, we have not been able to reach an agreement.

“I’m also disappointed that we weren’t able to agree on including much-needed funding for states and localities in the larger bipartisan package. I want to be clear: I’m not giving up on funding for states and localities. This funding is essential in our fight against the pandemic and for our economic recovery.

“While the fight continues over these issues, we must provide some emergency relief for the American people before we go home for the holidays. I support the $748 billion bipartisan package. I urge my colleagues to support this package, and I call on the Senate Majority Leader to bring it to the floor for a vote this week.”

Congressional Democrats had an opportunity in the fall to cut a deal on state and local aid, but got so over-confident about their November prospects that they wanted to talk about packing the US Supreme Court and other fairy tales and decided to wait until their big wins strengthened their hand.

Heckuva job.


Caption contest!

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* According to IDPH, Effingham County’s seven-day positivity rate is a whopping 18.5 percent. By comparison, Sangamon County’s is 8.4 percent, Chicago’s is 12.5 percent and suburban Cook’s is 12.8 percent.

And yet, Rep. Darren Bailey held an indoor fundraiser and railed against “tyranny” with his favorite attorney by his side

We the People……..are tired of tyranny!
Merry Christmas!

Posted by Darren Bailey for State Senate 55th District on Monday, December 14, 2020


C’mon, man

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I happen to agree that the House Special Investigating Committee was a “show trial.” Democrats on the committee were clearly committed to defending House Speaker Michael Madigan at all costs. Republicans, who demanded the committee’s creation, deliberately tried to do as much damage to Madigan as possible and went in with the presumption of guilt.

But this claim by the committee’s chairman, Rep. Chris Welch, was a bit much

Minority Leader Durkin gave away the game, he let the cat out of the bag, when he used the Special Investigation Committee as a platform to persuade Democrats to vote for him for speaker.

* Proper context

With the latest arraignments of figures in ComEd’s federal Bribery case, Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin said it’s time for Speaker Michael Madigan, the alleged target of the scheme, to resign as Speaker and Representative.

“Both, I am asking him to leave the General Assembly,” he said.

Sixty votes are needed in the House to be elected Speaker. So, Durkin was asked if Republicans will join with Democrats—who hold a veto-proof majority—to elect a Democrat other than Madigan? No, he said.

“As of today, I have more votes for Speaker than any other member of the House of Representatives, and I will say I have more votes than Speaker Madigan, so I will over the next month and a half appeal to 15 Democrats, who have a reform agenda, reform-minded Democrats,” he said.

* Coverage roundup…

* Committee adjourns after 3 meetings in 4 months: Throughout the combative three-hour hearing, the three House Republicans and three Democrats clashed repeatedly over the rules of procedure, disagreed about the facts contained in the federal court documents and levied accusations of political stunts and a “kangaroo court.” The House Democratic members — Reps. Chris Welch, of Hillside, Natalie Manley, of Joliet, and Elizabeth Hernandez, of Cicero — voted no on a motion, presented by Manley, that Madigan engaged in conduct unbecoming of legislator. With a deadlocked vote along party lines, the motion failed to pass.

* Statehouse committee looking into Madigan concludes suddenly — and finds no wrongdoing: One of those motions, which would issue subpoenas to “certain persons,” sparked the ire of Rep. Grant Wehrli, R-Naperville. “… I’m supposed to vote on a motion that’s going to subpoena pretty much everybody in the state of Illinois because this body, the three Democrats on this, will not go so far as to even name names,” Wehrli said. “This isn’t Voldemort we’re talking about here, you can actually say the man’s name. You’re going to excruciating lengths to protect Michael J. Madigan from ever having to testify…”

* Madigan’s Allies Shut Down Illinois House Probe Into Embattled Speaker: But the three Democrats said there was no evidence Madigan had any personal knowledge of ComEd’s attempts to influence him, echoing the speaker’s own defense in the wake of the federal corruption investigation and the House committee’s formation.

* Illinois House panel adjourns after a party-line vote fails to uphold charges that Madigan acted improperly in ComEd case: “We cannot allow a vague assertion that this will somehow complicate a federal criminal investigation to deter this committee from doing its job, especially when time and time again the U.S. attorney’s office has confirmed that this committee has a job to do, and they do not object to us doing that job,” Demmer said. “The special investigative committee exists for one reason: to conduct an investigation. No one here can say that a thorough investigation involves hearing from only one witness.”


How times have changed

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The House Black Caucus has endorsed House Speaker Michael Madigan for another term in office, but he wasn’t always such an ally. Here’s Derrick Blakley

Following the 1980 census, then House Minority Leader Mike Madigan created a new map blatantly structured along racial lines. This map diluted Black voting strength and ensured that white neighborhoods on the South and Southwest sides were not represented by Blacks.

The map created a “Western Wall” that ran along the western edge of neighborhoods that were 80 per cent or more Black to “protect” white neighborhoods (like Marquette Park, Gage Park, Chicago Lawn, Bridgeport and Canaryville) from the threat of Black representation.

According to an in-depth account by journalist Steve Bogira in the Chicago Reader in March 1982, Madigan even admitted in sworn testimony that the map was a concession to the racism whites harbored on the city’s South and Southwest sides. “Well, I don’t see that drawing a line along the current black-white line is a tool to maintain segregation,” said Madigan. “I would say that if you took Robert Taylor Homes and put them into a district with Bridgeport and Canaryville, it would raise racial tensions. That’s just based on my knowledge of the people in Bridgeport and Canaryville.”

The map also shorted Black representation, granting the same number of Black Senate districts (five) as in 1971, despite an increase in black population and a decrease in white.

Charging that the Madigan Map was illegally racist, it was challenged in court by then-State Rep. Carol Moseley Braun and the late State Sen. Richard Newhouse. In a 2 to 1 decision, a federal court panel awarded the Black plaintiffs one additional Senate District and two more House districts. But Braun and Newhouse thought black voters deserved even more seats.

And so did U.S. District Judge John Grady who was critical of the “Western Wall” even though his two fellow judges ruled it was not drawn to deny Blacks representation. In his dissent, wrote Grady, “The real reason for the wall – and it was not concealed, it was just denied the top billing it deserved—was the desire of the Democrat Commission members to ensure that the white populations to the west of the wall would continue to be represented by white legislators.”

“I felt really good about the decision,” said Carol Moseley Braun this week. “The court had to find him primarily responsible for the discriminatory map.” Braun later became House floor leader for Chicago Mayor Harold Washington where she developed “a good relationship” with Madigan.

That Madigan has gone from being viewed as the enemy of black legislative power to its protector over the course of four decades amounts to a complete turnabout.

“The Black Caucus now sees themselves as having something to lose if Madigan’s gone,” said Moseley Braun on Tuesday. “And I think they’re probably right.”


Open thread

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Stick to Illinois-centric topics and be nice to each other. Thanks.



Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Pot protest planned for Thursday

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Media advisory…

Thursday Dec. 17TH 10AM
100 West Randolph

A group of mostly Black and Latino activists upset over the Pritzker administration’s decision to allow the participants in the rigged Lottery to keep their multiple chances to win a dispensary license will protest Thursday and demand equal opportunity.

Allowing minorities in the lottery is not enough if the Governor Allows the insider groups with their suspicious “Perfect” scores to keep as many as 78 chances to win the lucrative licenses. It is obvious that the companies connected with the politicians and Major cannabis companies will easily win with those odds.

We are asking the Governor to keep his word and fix things now instead of kicking Black applicants down the road during harsh economic times. The Trailer Bill should be retroactive and limit the insiders to 10 chances, end the Slave Master clause (promise to hire) and treat all citizens fairly. For more info contact former State Senator Rickey Hendon


*** UPDATED x3 - Durkin returns fire - Madigan swings back *** And that’s all she wrote for the Madigan investigative committee

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No Madigan subpoena, no Madigan charges. Adjourned…

As one on-scene reporter noted to me, the House Republicans started this process by using Madigan’s rules against Madigan and the HDems ended it by using Madigan’s rules against the HGOPs.

I’m assuming we’ll see some press releases.

[Also, typos are inevitable and unfixable on Twitter, so give the guy a break.]

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

State Representative Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst) released the following statement after the House Special Investigating Committee’s unexpected final hearing:

“One can only assume that my colleagues on the committee vigorously workout, because the hoops that Chairman Welch and his fellow Democrats are jumping through to justify the information in the emails we received from ComEd and the admitted federal deferred prosecution agreement are impressive. Actually beyond impressive and bordering on “hard to believe”.

If you’ve read these emails, the conduct of the Chairman defies belief. Today he once again spent valuable committee time prescribing all of the reasons why a subpoena to acquire witness testimony might not work. He’s apparently creating a justification for not doing anything. So the leader of this House ethics investigation is saying that an investigation is too hard and therefore we shouldn’t do it. Allow that notion to search for logic in your brain; too hard equals, we can’t and shouldn’t.

If, as my colleague Rep. Manley claims, there is nothing untoward about the Speaker’s conduct in his relationship with ComEd, then why won’t he assist the committee in clearing his name? In fact, why wouldn’t he insist on it. Why wouldn’t his allies on the committee who see no untoward behavior want his name fully cleared? An investigative committee is charged with doing all it can to get information relevant to its duty, not shying away from it. It takes neither a lawyer or a soothsayer to connect the dots as to why that isn’t the case with this committee.

This is why people continue to lose faith in the integrity of Illinois government. I don’t blame them for their frustration and their disillusionment. I’m feeling the same way.”

* Another…

Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin released the following statement on the abrupt conclusion of the Special Investigating Committee:

“The Democratic Party shows again today there is no limit to the lengths they will go to protect Speaker Madigan. Chairman Welch, Rep. Hernandez and Rep. Manley have turned the rule of law on its head by refusing to investigate the charges and demand the testimony of Speaker Madigan in this scandal. I call on Governor Pritzker to finally demand Speaker Madigan resign as it is clear he refuses to answer any questions about his corrupt practices.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Press release…

Statement from Speaker Madigan on the conclusion of the Special Investigating Committee:

“Jim Durkin insisted on initiating this political theater, and through this process we’ve come to learn that he was involved in the very conduct he claims to be so offended by – recommending people for various jobs. If Jim Durkin actually believes it is conduct unbecoming of a legislator to recommend people for jobs or help constituents, he might want to review his own hypocritical behavior. Rather than finger pointing, I suggest we focus on the important work that lies ahead of us.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Press release…

Statement from Eleni Demertzis in response to Madigan:

Public Official A should know this was not about job recommendations. It was about a nine year bribery scheme to bribe and influence Himself and no one else. To date, there have been five indictments and all of these charges lead back to one person, Public Official A.


COVID-19 roundup

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, the State of Illinois has received the first shipment of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine at the Illinois Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). The state received approximately 43,000 doses in the first shipment and expects additional shipments in the coming weeks. The vast majority of doses in this shipment will be delivered from the SNS to Regional Hospital Coordination Centers around the state that will serve as pick up locations for local health departments to begin distribution to healthcare workers in their jurisdictions, with the remaining portion going directly to predetermined local health department(s).

Chicago received a direct shipment from the federal government today as well. Four additional local health departments around the state will also receive direct shipments from the federal government later this week: Cook County Department of Public Health, Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center, Madison County Health Department, and St. Clair County Health Department. These direct shipments account for the state’s initial expected allocation of 100,000 doses.

“Today marks a momentous occasion – not just this year, but in American history. Eleven months after scientists the world over first got their hands on the genetic sequence of this virus – and we are seeing the beginning of the end of this pandemic,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I want to offer my gratitude not only to the researchers who fueled this moment, but also to all the truck drivers, pilots, logistics specialists, warehouse operations managers, and law enforcement officers who have spent the last few days and weeks deploying the largest national mission in a generation. May we all take a moment to feel hope today.”

Due to heightened security protocols for the distribution of the vaccine, the state has provided B-roll video

* B-roll

* Peoria Public Radio

The Tazewell County State’s Attorney [Stewart Umholtz] said Gov. JB Pritzker’s threat to take action against businesses violating his COVID-19 executive orders raises “serious concerns.” […]

Umholtz believes coercive actions aren’t necessarily helpful. He said he prefers a good neighbor policy over government intrusion.

However, Umholtz said his office has discussed Tazewell County’s potential liabilities for violating Pritzker’s directive with local leaders. He adds the county “may chose to limit its exposure” – when considering Restore Illinois enforcement. […]

Tazewell County Sheriff Jeff Lower questions the lawfulness of the governor’s executive orders, and said he won’t enforce them.


COVID-19 deaths among Illinois nursing home residents are surging and near their highest level but, as the pandemic wears on, those cases are making up a smaller fraction of the state’s total coronavirus death count.

Over the past five weeks, nursing home residents have accounted for 42.8% of the total fatalities, according to a WBEZ analysis of state Department of Public Health data. That’s down from 66.4% during a five-week period ending June 19.

“I think that does suggest that nursing homes are doing something right,” said Ronald Hershow, who directs epidemiology and biostatistics in the University of Illinois at Chicago’s School of Public Health. “They have improved their approach to this health issue over time.”

* Great idea in Indiana

Carmel began testing wastewater for the virus that causes COVID-19 in May, hoping to build a reliable early warning system ahead of any spikes in cases.

Wastewater is one of the places where the COVID-19 virus exists, because traces of SARS-Cov2 have been found in human waste. Testing wastewater can be a strong indicator of how many people within a community have the virus that causes COVID-19, regardless of whether they have symptoms or have been tested.

“It doesn’t tell us how many people have COVID,” said Mayor Jim Brainard. “What it does it tell us the amount of the virus that’s in our waste stream doubled or cut or went up by 10% or went down by 10%.”

* Interesting development

A blood test has been developed that can predict whether Covid patients will need intensive care – or are even likely to survive – shortly after they develop symptoms.

If validated in real-life hospital settings, the test could enable doctors to direct life-saving treatment to the most needy patients sooner, boosting their chances of survival. It could also bolster doctors’ confidence in the face of difficult decisions, such as whether to offer palliative care or an ICU bed when hospitals are close to capacity.

* Chicago Tribune live blog headlines

Pandemic necessitates new procedures, but calls are down in 2020 for south suburban paramedics

Health care workers begin receiving COVID-19 vaccine as largest vaccination campaign in US history now underway: ‘I feel hopeful today’

Zoom scavenger hunts, Champagne deliveries: With office parties canceled, Chicago companies get creative

Cook County to detail plans for vaccine distribution as doses to begin arriving in Illinois

Violent crime rate doubles on CTA rail system in 2020, even with stepped-up police efforts and far fewer riders

* Sun-Times live blog headlines

Activists want Pritzker, Lightfoot to fix ‘big mistakes’ in vaccine distribution plans

COVID-19 vaccine shipments begin in historic U.S. effort

Tree sales soar ahead of coronavirus Christmas: ‘We didn’t really see it coming’

127 more Illinois coronavirus deaths Saturday as state prepares to receive first vaccine doses

COVID-19 vaccine shipments set to arrive in states on Monday

I volunteered for COVID-19 vaccine trials. We need public education to build trust in the vaccine.

* NBC Chicago live blog headlines

Chicago-Area Hospitals Prepare for First Shipments of Coronavirus Vaccine

Here’s What We Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine So Far

Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Application Deadline Looms

Positivity Rates Fall Across State Healthcare Regions, Increase Only in Chicago

Illinois Reports 7,216 New Coronavirus Cases, 115 Additional Deaths Sunday


Question of the day: Golden Horseshoe Awards

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2020 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best House Democratic Campaign Staffer goes to Tiffany Moy

Tiffany Moy is superb. Extraordinary. Impeccable. Awesome.

She is the consummate professional— always prepared, calm, smart, savvy. She is the total package.

It can’t have been easy for her to navigate between the Speakers folks and Terra Costa Howard‘s campaign, but she managed with almost unimaginable grace. She remained good-humoured during some really difficult days, she was unflappable in the face of staff drama, and she rejoiced at the victory, without betraying a hint of the challenges she faced inside DPI.

Runner-up is Jon Maxson.

* The 2020 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Senate Democratic Campaign Staffer goes to Nick Gianinni

(T)ook a progressive Latina and got her a win in Kane, Kendall and DuPage county. Not an easy task.

Runner-up is Keenan Irish.

Congratulations to all!

* On to today’s categories…

Best House Republican Campaign Staffer

Best Senate Republican Campaign Staffer

As always, do your best to nominate in both categories and make sure to explain your votes or they will not count. Thanks.


7,214 new confirmed and probable cases; 103 additional deaths; 4,951 hospitalized; 1,070 in ICU; 8.7 percent case positivity rate; 10.3 percent test positivity rate

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The downward curve continues ever so slightly. Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 7,214 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 103 additional deaths.

    Boone County: 1 male 80s
    Cook County: 1 male 20s, 1 female 40s, 2 males 40s, 3 females 50s, 3 males 50s, 11 females 60s, 14 males 60s, 9 females 70s, 7 males 70s, 5 females 80s, 12 males 80s, 11 females 90s, 9 males 90s
    Fayette County: 1 female 80s
    Jackson County: 1 male 60s
    Kane County: 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
    Lake County: 1 male 50s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 80s
    LaSalle County: 1 female 80s
    Mason County: 1 male 60s
    McHenry County: 1 female 90s
    Monroe County: 1 male 70s
    St. Clair County: 1 male 70s
    Wabash County: 1 female 80s
    Will County: 1 female 70s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 856,118 cases, including 14,394 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 92,256 specimens for a total 11,869,088. As of last night, 4,951 in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 1,070 patients were in the ICU and 621 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from December 7 – December 13, 2020 is 8.7%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from December 7 – December 13, 2020 is 10.3%.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email


The clock is ticking

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I mentioned the other day, so many of Gov. JB Pritzker’s 2019 accomplishments were complicated solutions that have yet to bear fruit, or, in the case of the graduated income tax, have failed

Nearly a year after the legalization of recreational marijuana in Illinois, the state has failed to meet its promised diversity goals for the businesses licensed to be part of what’s expected to be a billion-dollar industry.

Backers of the law, which took effect last Jan. 1, promised to take steps to bolster minority ownership in response to calls for the racial and ethnic groups most harmed by the federal government’s long war on drugs to be given a greater opportunity to be part of the expected cash cow.

But there’s not a single licensed marijuana business that counts a person of color as a majority owner. Legal weed in Illinois continues to be dominated by a small group of white-owned, financially well-backed corporations. […]

On the day the law took effect in January, state Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago, who was chief sponsor of the legislation along with state Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, said: “Moving forward, our top priorities for the cannabis industry are to ensure not only that it operates safely and in a way that generates much needed revenues for our state but that we harness the power of our state act to propel significant economic opportunity for every community and in a way that ensures diversification of the industry.” […]

Now, Cassidy says, “It’s still too soon to measure overall success or failure.

The complicated nature of this law is due in no small part to opponents, who demanded a ton of changes, and to the incumbent industry, which used its lobbying might to its own advantage.

The law is what it is. It was important to get it passed in 2019. But now it’s time to clean it up.

Candidate petitions can be circulated in 10 months. Better birth that baby, governor.

It’s also worth noting that the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (which handles cannabis except for growers) and the Illinois Department of Employment Security have both found themselves constantly under fire and both are overseen by Deputy Gov. Dan Hynes. His portfolio also includes the Department of Insurance, which just lost its director.

…Adding… While Hynes does have IDFPR, the governor’s office points out that he doesn’t control cannabis.

* Related…

* Illinois IDES unemployment callback complaints persist, some say they waited months only to be hung up on


That “considered as holding continuing offices” statute doesn’t mean what some folks are claiming

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A few folks have posted this statute in comments lately and they should stop

Madigan will remain Speaker until a successor is “elected and qualified”.

“(25 ILCS 10/2) (from Ch. 63, par. 23.2)
Sec. 2. The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate, and the Chairman and members of the Senate Committee on Committees shall be considered as holding continuing offices until their respective successors are elected and qualified.”

* Scroll down to the very next section

Sec. 3. At the convening of the House of Representatives and the Senate of each General Assembly the Secretary of State and the Governor, as required by the Constitution, shall call the House of Representatives and the Senate to order and shall preside until a Speaker and President are chosen and have taken their seats. For the purpose of the organization and operation of the House of Representatives, the rules adopted by and applicable to the regular session of the House of Representatives of the preceding General Assembly, insofar as such rules may be applicable, shall prevail and be the rules governing the House of Representatives of the General Assembly then convened, until such rules are changed or new rules adopted.

Emphasis added.

* Current House rules

1. Election of the Speaker.

(a) At the first meeting of the House of each General Assembly, the Secretary of State shall convene the House at 12:00 noon, designate a Temporary Clerk of the House, and preside during the nomination and election of the Speaker. As the first item of business each day before the election of the Speaker, the Secretary of State shall order the Temporary Clerk to call the roll of the members to establish the presence of a quorum as required by the Constitution. If a majority of those elected are not present, the House shall stand adjourned until the next calendar day, excepting weekends, at the hour prescribed in Rule 29. If a quorum of members elected is present, the Secretary of State shall then call for nominations of members for the Office of Speaker. All nominations require a second. When the nominations are completed, the Secretary of State shall direct the Temporary Clerk to call the roll of the members to elect the Speaker.

(b) The election of the Speaker requires the affirmative vote of a majority of those elected. Debate is not in order following nominations and preceding or during the vote.

(c) No legislative measure may be considered and no committees may be appointed or meet before the election of the Speaker.

* From an attorney I respect…

The power of the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives derives from the Constitution and the House Rules. The Constitution requires that the House select a Speaker, with the Secretary of State presiding over the selection. It also gives the House the ability to establish its own rules. As a result, the Rules adopted by the members of the House dictate the process and procedure for electing a Speaker. Additionally, when a new General Assembly convenes, the Rules of the House from the prior session remain in effect until the new General Assembly adopts new rules or modifies the existing ones. Under the House Rules, no legislative measures can be considered and no committees can be appointed until a Speaker is elected. “Legislative measures” is broadly defined to mean anything brought before the House for consideration, including bills, amendments, resolutions, motions, etc. The effect is that once a new General Assembly convenes no business whatsoever can transpire until a Speaker is elected.

The General Assembly Operations Act provides that the Speaker shall hold office until the respective successor is elected and qualified. That provision was enacted, like many holdover statutes, to make sure that there is always someone holding the office for purposes of administrative necessities. Most importantly, that statute has no impact whatsoever on the actual process of selecting a Speaker or what business can occur within the House in the absence of a Speaker. It in no way alters the provision of the Rules that prevents the House from transacting any business. That provision can only be amended by a vote of the members of the House.

* And here’s what Madigan spokesman Steve Brown recently told Mark Maxwell when he looked into this angle

“I have not heard that interpretation,” Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown said. “History would tell you,” he said. Brown referenced the contentious 1975 election of the Speaker where the selection process was “basically all that happened. I don’t think there was any legislative activity.”

There was no activity.

* But there was a bit of fun…

* Related…

* Mark Brown: House Dems ‘crazy’ for challenging Mike Madigan? There’s precedent in Illinois.


LaHood’s flip

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Congressman Darin LaHood on December 10th during an appearance on WMBD Radio

Q: Congressman LaHood, I’m going to ask you this question about the status of the election of President. Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana sent out notes to or, I’m reading this, sent out an email to every House Republican asking this for signatures on an amicus brief in the longshot lawsuit brought by Texas. Did you get that? Did you sign it?

A: I have not. I know that that’s, I’m in DC today, but I know that that’s being shopped around. I haven’t looked at it yet, but I will read it.

Listen, Monday the 14th of December is the day that the electoral college will be certified in the House of Representatives. So, Monday will be the big day on that. Listen, I’ve said all along, if there are facts and evidence that support improprieties, fraud illegalities that happened in the election, we got to look into them. The cornerstone of our democracy is the integrity of our elections. And if that’s there, but I will say this, the facts and evidence as far haven’t supported that. There’s been 30 cases at the federal level that have all been dismissed because of it.

So what I anticipate is, I know there is this Texas case that’s out there that you just referred to, Greg, and that has been submitted to the Supreme Court. Now. We’ll see if the Supreme Court takes it. They’ll make that decision between now and Monday. But that’s kind of the last case out there. And if they decide to take it, well, that’s a whole ‘nother story. But let’s wait and see what happens there. But I think the remedies that the President had have essentially run out legally.

* Later that very same day

I joined over 100 of my Republican colleagues to sign onto an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the case filed by the Attorney General of Texas. The cornerstone of our democracy is our electoral system, and any irregularities presented should be investigated.

I support President Trump’s right to make his case and I believe that the Supreme Court is the final venue to examine any election irregularities in full.

I reached out to the congressman over the weekend, but have not yet heard back. I’ll let you know if I do.

* Something important to remember about the Texas lawsuit

Although Texas said in a filing that it “does not ask this court to reelect President Trump,” the suit does not ask the court to discount the votes in any state Trump won where state officials and courts had altered voting procedures because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Among those states are Texas itself, where the governor made changes.

* Meanwhile, Illinois’ Electoral College delegates are meeting today and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have received all 20 votes for president.


Today’s must-read

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Chicago Tribune’s Jamie Munks, Rick Pearson and Dan Petrella have a very well-researched, balanced and fair report on the LaSalle Veterans’ Home deaths

As a young man in the Army Air Forces during World War II, Jerome Liesse flew around the globe, delivering supplies to far-flung U.S. troops, his granddaughter said.

Because of the coronavirus, Liesse, 95 and no longer capable of getting around on his own, spent much of this year confined to his room at a state-run veterans home in LaSalle, a few miles from Starved Rock State Park.

Like other long-term care facilities across the state, the LaSalle Veterans’ Home shut down indoor, in-person visits in an effort to keep the deadly virus outside its walls. Liesse was only able to see Evelan, his wife of more than 40 years, twice during those eight months — once separated by plexiglass — and held her hand just one time, in August after she had a stroke, granddaughter Jill Funfsinn said.

“He was just so scared of getting it,” said Funfsinn, a Chicago nurse who visited him several times.

Go read the whole thing.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Who will be the next House Speaker?

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Laura Washington in the Sun-Times

The Black Caucus has the power, right now, to broker its own deal, to install one of their own as speaker.

It’s time we advance our own agenda, on our own terms. We don’t need to do a backroom deal greased by the old white guys.

[Rep. Maurice West, D-Rockford] knows that. Yet he is standing alone, probably under great pressure, and at tremendous political risk.

He knows that we don’t need Mike Madigan to save us.

It’s time to step up and step out of Madigan’s shadow. It’s time to save ourselves.

* Politico

The Illinois House Democratic Women’s Caucus is looking within its ranks to determine the next speaker of the House.

“I very strongly believe a woman needs to be our speaker,” Rep. Deb Conroy, who heads the group, told Playbook. “We have many strong women who are very capable of being the next leader and I want to make sure women are willing to step up depending on the situation we face.”

Members of the women’s caucus have been meeting informally every Friday for weeks to give “moral support” in wake of the pandemic. Lately, their talks have turned to the speakership. Friday’s discussion focused on the Black Caucus getting a promise of seeing another member in leadership for backing Madigan.

Female lawmakers would welcome the same, but they’re also looking beyond that and trying to identify who could pick up the gavel Madigan has held for close to 38 years.

* Meanwhile

Members of the Illinois House Special Investigating Committee looking into House Speaker Michael Madigan’s conduct in the ComEd bribery scheme will push to subpoena the speaker on Monday, the first hearing since a trove of emails were released. […]

State Rep. Tom Demmer said Friday, in advance of Monday’s hearing, that members are tasked with investigating and they have to hear from more witnesses.

“And I think it’s critical that in order to conduct an investigation we hear from more than just one witness, so that’s why we’ve been focused on calling the speaker to come testify himself,” Demmer said.

*** UPDATE *** This would appear to indicate that Rep. Kelly Burke may be taking herself out of the running for the top House job

Wishing to “derail social media rumors,” James Sexton, the mayor of Evergreen Park for 20 years announced his retirement in a letter to constituents. Sexton also endorsed State Rep. Kelly Burke, also a village trustee, for mayor in the April 6, 2021 election.

The mayor’s job pays north of $100K per year.


Madigan can’t keep these campaign promises to his members

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Outsiders may not get it, but it makes some sense that the majority of House Democrats still back House Speaker Michael Madigan’s reelection.

He’s been a genius at getting things done for his caucus. He is loyal to his people and has infinitely more institutional memory and can pull more strings and push more buttons than anyone alive.

In his nearly 50 years in office, Madigan has been heavily involved with four legislative remap processes and has been in the House for five of them.

Madigan has played a decisive role in every income tax increase (temporary and permanent) since the tax was established in 1969 — and he was a delegate to the constitutional convention which created it.

He has also negotiated dozens of budgets since he became House Speaker in 1983.

His campaign operation meticulously tracks the number of knocked doors in contested races and every contact made, and he reviews that data each week and calls candidates to provide his feedback. He knows how to win.

And at this moment in history, with redistricting coming up, a huge revenue shortfall, horrific budget problems, a massively destructive pandemic causing rampant suffering and, in less than two years, a midterm election under a Democratic president (with a new map), most of his members are rightly worried sick.

For these and many other reasons, this is exactly the moment when his members would need Madigan the most, and he most certainly knows this and is deftly playing on that angst as 19 of his members are in open revolt.

But the sweeping and aggressive federal investigation is this/close to Madigan now. Despite all of his protests of innocence and some reasonable arguments that he did nothing illegal, the G is obviously after Madigan’s head.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker has taken loads of heat for not pushing Madigan out of office, even though he couldn’t do it if he tried. Pritzker is up for re-election in 2022 and a Madigan re-election would certainly mean big trouble. Yes, Pritzker won by 16 points two years ago, but that was during an unpopular Republican president’s midterm against a super-weak incumbent. He’s going to have to hustle to win.

A gubernatorial confrontation with a reelected Madigan is inevitable.

Pritzker pledged during the campaign and ever since taking office that he will veto a legislative redistricting plan that isn’t “fair” which was defined (by me) in March 2018 as any proposal “that is in any way drafted or created by legislators, political party leaders and/or their staffs or allies.”

So, when Madigan told the House Black Caucus during a recent private meeting that he is the best person to draw the new map, he guaranteed that Pritzker had to veto it. There will be no finessing Pritzker’s pledge. And overriding a veto will be hugely difficult because suburbanites who ran as good government types in swing districts and true-blue progressives are gonna be in a major quandary. It’s pretty difficult to see how this fight gets as far as an override showdown.

Speaker Madigan also said during the meeting that he was prepared to pass another income tax increase if the governor requests it. Like with his remap pledge, his statement likely killed the already very slim prospects for a tax hike.

Just imagine the governor (or any vulnerable Democrat) running in 2022 with Madigan still in office, a Madigan-drawn district map in place and a Madigan tax hike. Maybe the Democrats will get lucky and the Republicans will nominate unelectable far-right candidates, but basing your plan on your opponent collapsing is never a wise idea.

So, it’s just difficult to see how Speaker Madigan can keep all the reelection campaign promises he’s making.

If he wants to avoid the risk of a new district map being possibly drawn by the Republicans after a losing veto fight, he’ll likely have to submit to a new process which won’t be nearly as advantageous to his members. A Madigan-backed tax hike is pretty much out of the question. Same goes for a gimmicky Madigan budget. And while he’s been the patronage and fixer king for decades, how much can he actually accomplish for his members when he’s under this horribly dark cloud?

No matter what, Madigan still has his unmatchable campaign prowess going for him. But if he somehow manages to flip enough votes to get re-elected in the first place and the feds don’t take him out, the reality going forward will be much different than he’s making it out to be.


Are we on a downward curve?

Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It looks like we hit our peak positivity rate right around November 13th

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from November 6 – November 12 is 13.2%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from November 6, 2020 – November 12, 2020 is 14.5%.

And then it plateaued for several days.

* November 17th

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from November 10 – November 16, 2020 is 12.5%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from November 10 – November 16, 2020 is 14.5%.

* Also on November 17th

Public Health Officials Announce Tier Three Resurgence Mitigations to Take Effect Statewide on Friday Following Sharp Increase in COVID-19 Cases

* After a bit, the positivity rate began to fall

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from November 22 – November 28, 2020 is 10.1%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from November 22 – November 28, 2020 is 12.1%.

* Yesterday

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from December 6 – December 12, 2020 is 9.1%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from December 6 – December 12, 2020 is 10.6%.

* Hospitalizations are also starting to fall. Let’s go back to November 13th

As of last night, 5,362 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 990 patients were in the ICU and 488 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

* November 29th

As of last night, 5,858 in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 1,185 patients were in the ICU and 723 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Remember that hospitalizations, ICU patients and vented patients are all lagging indicators of cases and then one another.

* Yesterday

As of last night, 5,073 in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 1,080 patients were in the ICU and 612 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

* Mitigations work, plain and simple…

…Adding… Click the pics for larger images from Hannah Meisel, but you can see we have a long way to go to get back to early October and its 4.5 percent average positivity rates…

Same goes for hospital bed usage…


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Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Monday, Dec 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** The 19 won’t change their minds, but ask for unity on core issues

Saturday, Dec 12, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You’ll recall that 6 House Democrats sent the 19 Madigan refuseniks a letter this week informing them that their opposition to reelecting the longtime House Speaker was fueling the opposition and asked them to unite. Their response was sent today…

*** UPDATE *** Tribune

Rep. Jonathan Carroll of Northbrook, one of the 19, said the group was “prepared to dig in our heels” in its opposition to Madigan’s reelection.

“The message we wanted to send is that we are of differing backgrounds, differing political perspectives, but the one thing that we are unified on is that we will not be supporting Mike Madigan for the 102nd General Assembly. These are 19 ‘no’ votes and we’re pretty comfortable with where our position is,” Carroll said.

Carroll said that it has been frustrating that the full caucus of the 73 House Democrats has not been held, either in person or virtually due to the pandemic, and suggested it is an effort by Madigan to buy time to try to persuade the dissidents to come back into the fold.

“The speaker falls into that category of being a great tactician who is sitting there right now looking to say, ‘What can I do to stall this process?’” Carroll said. “My guess is time buys him the ability to potentially flip certain members and I think the statement we put out is pretty much, ‘You can have all the time you want. We’re not flipping.’”


Writing collectively for the first time, 19 Democratic state representatives issued a joint statement Saturday reiterating that they remain committed to not voting for Michael Madigan to be speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives. […]

The statement from the 19 House Democrats comes two days after they received a letter obtained by WBEZ from six of their Democratic counterparts — including Rep. Michael Zalewski, D-Riverside, who asked them to “come together as a family,” and talk about a “path forward for us all.” […]

Zalewski seemed to take the letter from the 19 on Saturday as an encouraging sign.

“I appreciate and welcome an area of agreement over the last couple days: We need to come together collaboratively because the work ahead is critical for the State of Illinois,” Zalewski wrote in response to Saturday’s statement from his 19 colleagues.


* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Yesterday's stories

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