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Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Wilco this week

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React to bill signings

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Sen. Morrison…

State Senator Julie Morrison passed a measure – which was signed by the governor Friday – to fill a significant gap in current Illinois law by giving victims of doxing a voice in deterring bad actors looking to take advantage of the evolving cyber landscape.

“As technology evolves, so must our laws,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “The measure signed into law today is a positive step toward providing a necessary solution to the dangerous practice of doxing, both by helping victims and deterring future bad actors.”

To give victims of doxing the justice they deserve, Morrison passed House Bill 2954. The law allows people a civil private right of action against the individual who committed the offense. The victim will be able to recover damages and any other appropriate relief, including attorney’s fees.

Doxing is the act of sharing an individual’s personal information without that person’s consent and with the intent to cause harm to the individual whose personal information is shared.

“Today marks a critical step forward in the fight against online hate in Illinois. Doxing victims will now have a critical ability to hold their attackers accountable in the aftermath of unspeakable pain,” said David Goldenberg, ADL Midwest Regional Director. “Thank you to Representative Gong-Gershowitz and Senator Morrison for their tremendous leadership in pushing this bill through the legislature, to Governor Pritzker for swiftly signing the bill into law, and to our robust coalition of partners who activated at each stage of the process. ADL is committed to fighting hate on all fronts and the evolving online landscape is no exception.”

House Bill 2954 was signed by the governor Friday.

* Sen. Doris Turner…

To encourage community gardening, incentives will be provided for affordable housing projects that incorporate urban and suburban gardening under a new initiative sponsored by State Senator Doris Turner that was signed into law Friday.

“We’ve seen the positive outcomes that come from community gardens,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “There’s an economic benefit that provides residents with the needed tools that they may not get otherwise and engages the community by encouraging people to spend more time outside.”

The new law allows the Illinois Housing Development Authority to develop a program that provides incentives for affordable housing projects that incorporate urban and suburban gardening.

Turner’s law requires IHDA to consult with the University of Illinois on the program, work with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to facilitate the distribution of produce from the garden, and provide all necessary tools for the garden.

“Food deserts leave people with few options for nutritious meals,” Turner said. “This is a great opportunity to provide fruits and vegetables to the residents who can’t easily access a grocery store.”

House Bill 3892 takes effect immediately.

* Sen. Murphy…

The price of insulin will be capped at $35 for a 30-day supply thanks to State Senator Laura Murphy.

“When Fredrick Banting discovered insulin in 1923, he refused to put his name on the patent: he believed it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “He and his co-inventors sold the insulin patent for $1: they wanted everyone who needed their medication to be able to afford it. We need to lead by the example of Mr. Banting’s selflessness, and honor the legacy of selflessness on the 100 year anniversary of its discovery.”

Under the law the price of a 30-day supply of insulin will be capped at $35 for all private individual and group insurance policies. In addition, an insulin discount program will be established by the Department of Central Management Services. The program will begin July 1, 2025.

More than 10% of the U.S. population has diabetes according to the Diabetes Research Institute. One in 12 Illinoisans have insulin-dependent diabetes, approximately 1.3 million people. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the cost of insulin has risen 600% in the last 20 years. Americans pay 10 times than that of citizens of 32 other nations – $98.70 on average compared to $8.81.

“Medication like insulin must be affordable for every individual who needs it,” Murphy said. “I am proud that Illinois has taken this important step, which will ensure that no one will need to ration or put off purchasing insulin when they need it.”

House Bill 2189 was signed into law by the governor on Friday.

* NASW Illinois…

Governor J.B. Pritzker has taken a momentous step toward fostering equity and inclusivity in the field of social work by signing a groundbreaking bill (HB2365) that establishes an alternative to the ASWB exam for clinical licensure. This landmark legislation marks a significant milestone in the quest to create a more equitable path for aspiring social workers, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to a diverse pool of talent across Illinois.

HB2365 builds on the success of previous legislation that removed the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) exam for non-independent clinical licensure and created a first-in-the-nation alternative to for independent clinical social workers to complete the licensure process.

The bill’s chief senate sponsor and licensed school social worker, Senator Karina Villa, MSW, said: “With social worker shortages hitting across the US, it is important to consider what is in the best interest of the people who need these types of services the most. By supporting people who are dedicated to empowering individuals and families, we can improve the quality of life for thousands of Illinoisans.”

The ASWB exam has long been a standard requirement for individuals seeking to enter the social work profession. However, this assessment has, at times, posed a barrier for many aspiring social workers who possess exceptional skills and abilities but face disparities in standardized testing environments. This new law reflects the governor’s continued commitment to dismantling systemic barriers and opening doors to a more diverse and talented social work workforce.

The bill’s chief house sponsor, Representative Lindsey LaPointe, MSW, added: “For all of us working to increase access to mental health supports in Illinois and nationwide, it’s crystal clear that our shortage of clinicians is a central issue. Once law, HB2365 will rapidly increase the social work workforce by removing the barrier of the LCSW exam—an exam shown to be racially and age biased. I’m proud that Illinois is leading the way to broaden and build up the mental health workforce with the ultimate goal of access.”

The bill’s implementation will incorporate an apprentice approach to evaluating the competence and capabilities of aspiring social workers, offering them a fair and unbiased opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications and take into account a broader range of factors such as practical experience, interpersonal skills, and the ability to navigate real-life scenarios that social workers often encounter on the job.

Latesha Newson, MSW, LCSW, board president of the National Association of Social Workers, Illinois Chapter (NASW-IL) stated: “NASW-IL couldn’t be prouder to have lent our support and resources to see this become a reality. This is a measure of justice; transformative justice for those who have been locked out of a profession that they are fully qualified and prepared to be in. As social workers, we are charged to remove barriers and challenge systems that perpetuate inequities to change, and we have done just that!”

As the new alternative assessment takes effect on January 1, 2024, it is anticipated that more social workers with disabilities, older social workers, and those from underrepresented backgrounds and marginalized communities will be empowered to pursue their passion for creating positive change and providing critical support to those in need. At a time when Illinois is facing a significant mental health workforce shortage, the state cannot afford to leave fully qualified professionals on the sidelines due to biased testing.

Cassandra Walker, LCSW, CCTP, an organizer for the #StopASWB coalition and owner of Intersections Center for Complex Healing, PLLC, reflected, “I hope that other professions and states follow our example and push this work further as it is clear that these kinds of tests are not making us safer, don’t measure what they claim, and generally weaken our ability to properly staff organizations in professions which already have massive shortages.”

Governor Pritzker’s decisive action in signing this bill underscores the importance of creating a diverse and equitable workforce in the field of social work and will serve as a nation-leading model for other states to follow.

* Sen. Peters…

Temporary workers will soon have increased safety, transparency and recourse thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Robert Peters.

“Temp workers’ contributions to our economy are often overlooked and taken for granted, even though they often deal with the most unsafe work conditions,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “This new law is long overdue. Temporary workers deserve to work in the same safe conditions as permanent workers.”

The Day and Temporary Labor Services Act requires staffing agencies to provide transportation and safety equipment to workers, provide an itemized list of wages due to workers and maintain records related to third party clients.

Peters’ law expands the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act to ensure safety and transparency for workers. Under the expansion, temporary laborers assigned to a third party client for more than 90 days will be paid no less than the rate of pay and equivalent benefits as the lowest paid hired employee of the client with the same level of seniority and performing the same or substantially similar work.

The measure also requires agencies to notify laborers that the assigned workplace is where a strike, lockout, or other labor trouble exists and that the laborers have a right to refuse the workplace assignment. Further, temporary and day labor service agencies must obtain information about a client company’s safety practices and provide training to workers on industry hazards they may encounter at the worksite.

“The expansion of the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act will bring an end to the hazardous workplace situations that many Black and Brown workers face,” Peters said. “A new normal is coming. I appreciate the work the Chicago Workers’ Collaborative, the Illinois AFL-CIO and State Representative Edgar Gonzalez have done to make this new normal a reality for a service sector that is often forgotten.”

House Bill 2862 was signed into law Friday and takes effect immediately.

* Sen. Murphy…

A new law will increase transparency between schools, students and parents regarding transfers to alternative schools thanks to support from State Senator Laura Murphy.

“Alternative schools are necessary for some students to thrive. These schools are designed to help educate those who need an extra push outside of traditional environments,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “However, students and their parents are often left in the dark when it comes to the nature of the programs, or even when they can return to regular school.”

Alternative schools are designed to educate students who have not been successful in regular schools, due to either behavioral or discipline issues. Both the sending school and the alternative school hold meetings regarding the student and establish an alternative education plan for them. Murphy’s measure will ensure that students and their parents or guardians are invited to participate in the meetings.

Before the effective date of the student’s transfer, the parents or guardians must be provided with the specific nature of the curriculum, number of students in the school, available services, disciplinary policies, typical daily schedule and extracurricular activities, under Murphy’s measure.

In addition, a meeting will need to be held with the student’s parent or guardian at least 30 days prior to the student’s planned return to regular schooling.

“We want all of our students to flourish,” Murphy said. “Establishing expectations and keeping open lines of communication will help ensure that students and their parents can make choices that are best for the student.”

Senate Bill 183 was signed into law on Friday.

…Adding… Last one I’m posting today…

Labor groups are celebrating the passage of the seminal Temp Worker Fairness and Safety Act (TWFSA), HB2862 into law upon the Governor’s signing of the bill earlier today. The bill had earlier passed the IL Senate by a bipartisan 49-3 vote and the IL House with a commanding majority of 72-36.

“It has long been the reality that the most vulnerable workers are also the least protected. The Temp Worker Fairness & Safety Act will change that by ensuring that temporary workers employed through staffing agencies receive the same rights and protections as any other worker,” said Jose Frausto, Executive Director of the Chicago Workers Collaborative. “This is a victory for all workers that was made possible by years of organizing by temp workers. We thank the Governor and the members of the General Assembly for standing with workers and showing, once again, that Illinois is a pro-worker, pro-labor state.”

“Latino and Black workers are the backbone of our economy, but they are also the most vulnerable when it comes to workplace abuse and exploitation. This bill was my number one priority because of the impact it would have on so many of my constituents,” said Representative Edgar Gonzalez, the bill’s lead House sponsor. “The Governor’s action today means an average of $4 more per hour for the thousands of temp workers in my district for work assignments that last more than 90 days. That’s as much as $8,000 a year more going into the pockets of working people, regardless of immigration status. District-wide, that will also mean millions more dollars going to support small businesses as the spending power of our community members increases.”

“Make no mistake, the Temp Worker Fairness and Safety Act is a historic bill that will set the bar for temp worker protections across the country. Over the past several decades, industry at large has shifted large parts of its workforce from well paying direct-hire, full-time roles, to part-time contract labor provided by third party staffing agencies. They’ve done this to depress wages and take shortcuts on worker safety by undercutting the power of workers to organize, to unionize, and to demand better. With this new law, we are sending a message that in Illinois, worker rights are not negotiable,” said Senator Robert Peters (IL-13), chief Senate sponsor for the bill.

“We are thrilled by the Governor’s decision to sign this important piece of legislation into law,” remarked Tim Drea, President of the IL AFL-CIO. “The Temp Worker Fairness and Safety Act builds on the success of the Workers Rights Amendment by restricting the practice of “permatemping” whereby workers are kept in “temporary” assignments for years, restricting their access to union jobs and creating a downward pressure on wages and working conditions for all workers. The IL AFL-CIO was proud to stand in solidarity with temp workers to advance this critical piece of worker legislation that will benefit all workers across Illinois and set an example for other states to follow.”

“Following wins in New Jersey and Illinois the goal of our movement is to undo the deregulation of the staffing agency industry that’s happened over the last several decades,” said Roberto Clack, Executive Director of Temp Worker Justice. “We are developing a road map to address pay inequities while strengthening workers ‘ ability to build power in the workplace.”

The TWFSA is a landmark law that updates the state’s Illinois Day and Temporary Services Act. Key provisions of the law include:

    ● Discouraging the practice of “permatemping” by guaranteeing equal pay for equal work for temps who are assigned to the same job for more than 90 calendar days
    ● Keeping workers safe by improving training and workplace safety standards for temps
    ● Ensuring that all temp workers have the right to refuse a strikebreaking assignment without being retaliated against
    ● Increasing funding for enforcement through increased fees and increased fines for violators of the act
    ● Expanding enforcement through an innovative enforcement mechanism that will allow for even enforcement of the law across the entire state of IL for the first time

The equal pay provision in the law follows the passage of a similar provision in New Jersey under the recently passed “Temp Worker Bill of Rights”. This is expected to have an immediate and significant material impact on temp workers who earn on average $4 less per hour than direct hire employees doing the same work.

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Governor vetoes E-Verify bill at request of sponsors and advocates, signs 92 others

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Veto message…

August 4, 2023

To the Honorable Members of
The Illinois Senate,
103rd General Assembly:

Today, at the request of the sponsors and advocates, I will veto Senate Bill 1515 from the 103rd General Assembly. The bill is intended to increase protections for workers. However, due to irreconcilable drafting errors, the bill will have an adverse effect on the workers it seeks to protect.

My administration appreciates the hard work of the sponsors in the House and Senate and the workers’ rights advocates who worked to get this bill passed. I look forward to working together with sponsors and advocates to craft legislation to increase worker protections.

Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(b) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return Senate Bill 1515, entitled “AN ACT concerning employment,” with the foregoing objections, vetoed in its entirety.

The bill is here. It places restrictions on the use of E-Verify and related applications. Not sure what happened, but I’ll let you know what I hear.

*** UPDATE *** From the sponsors…

State Senator Javier Cervantes and State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado announced that they would continue their work to protect marginalized employees following the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 1515 that Cervantes sponsored in the Senate and Delgado led through the House.

SB1515 is aimed at protecting our immigration community, yet it fell short from its intention. Instead of moving forward with legislation that may not make Illinois a national example in protecting our immigrant community, Senator Cervantes, Representative Delgado, the Governor and advocates unanimously decided the best approach is to introduce a new bill that will make us leaders in the nation.

“We brought this legislation forward to protect employees and ensure Illinois is following through to protect workers’ rights,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “Unfortunately, we were unable to achieve our goal with this legislation but the job does not stop there. I want to assure residents that I am committed to getting this measure right to protect our community.”

Delgado added, “Senator Cervantes and I are committed to continuing our work to protect all workers and determine a secure path for advancing workers’ rights in the workplace. No one should find themselves subject to, or in fear of name or social security number discrepancy notifications and we remain focused on working together with the Governor’s office, labor leaders and advocates to bring forth a permanent solution for consideration during session in the fall.”

Senate Bill 1515 was vetoed by the governor on Friday. Cervantes and Delgado pledge to continue conversations and work with the administration and advocates to bring forth a solution for potential review in the fall veto session.

Not exactly illuminating, but that’s all I have so far.

…Adding… I’m told the bill would’ve violated federal rules and actually made it harder on employees. Oops.

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* Press release…

Today, Governor JB Pritzker took the following bill action:

Bill Number: SB1515
Description: Amends the Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act. Places restrictions on the use of Employment Eligibility Verification Systems.
Action: Veto

Bill Number: HB1076
Description: Amends the Counties Code to permit county boards to lease farmland, acquired or held by the county, for any term not exceeding 5 years.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB1120
Description: Requires all charter schools in Illinois to include a union neutrality clause in the requirements for their formation.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB1122
Description: Creates the Freelance Worker Protection Act. Protects freelance workers from intimidation, harassment, and discrimination from hiring parties, requires timely compensation and requires employers to provide freelance workers with written contracts.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB1187
Description: Makes changes to the nonprofit security grant program requirements, administered by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB1367
Description: Exempts licensed funeral directors and embalmers from continuing education requirements if they have been practicing for at least 40 years.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB1565
Description: Requires insurance coverage of vaginal estrogen products without cost-sharing.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2025

Bill Number: HB1571
Description: Creates the Michael Bauer Memorial Act. Adds disinterment into current statute surrounding the treatment of dead bodies.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2039
Description: Creates the Access to Public Health Data Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2057
Description: Amends the Chicago Laborers and Chicago Park Employees’ Articles of the Illinois Pension Code.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB2077
Description: Provides clarification to items within the Dental Practice Act and E-Prescription requirements.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2089
Description: Allows a person convicted of a felony to serve as an executor if certain criteria are met.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2023

Bill Number: HB2098
Description: Exempts beneficiaries from the definition of a seller who has both never occupied the residential real property and never had management responsibility for the residential real property.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB2102
Description: Allows a health care employer to hire any individual for a position involving direct care for patients and clients who has been convicted of committing certain offenses under law if a waiver is applied for.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2189
Description: Expands access to those who are in urgent need of affordable insulin.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2025

Bill Number: HB2235
Description: Allows school boards to determine the appropriate length of a transportation contract for students to and from school.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2267
Description: Changes the definition of “public health supervision” by changing the federal poverty level from 200% to 300%.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2338
Description: Requires manufactured homes to be removed only by an Illinois licensed manufactured home installer.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB2365
Description: Allows for social workers who have taken but unsuccessfully completed traditional examination to use an alternative to licensure for their license to engage in the independent practice of clinical social work (LCSW).
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2500
Description: Requires animal control facilities to waive adoption fees for dogs and cats for veterans, and allows facilities to limit the fee waivers to one dog or cat each in a two-year period.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2528
Description: Creates the Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program and the Hunger-Free Campus Designation for institutions of higher education to help combat food insecurity and provide better access to SNAP enrollment and utilization for students on their individual campuses.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB2827
Description: Allows the Health Care Professional Credentials Data Collection Act to allow the form to be collected in an electronic format.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB2862
Description: Expands the scope of protections and rights afforded to both day and temporary labor workers.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2023

Bill Number: HB2949
Description: Allows staff and children participating in after-school care programs to use epi-pens and inhalers if an emergency arises.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB2954
Description: Provides a private right of action for individuals who have been doxed.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3030
Description: In the event that a medical bill is not resolved within 30 days, permits the health insurance issuer, nonparticipating provider, or the facility to initiate binding arbitration for a single bill or group of bills.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3086
Description: Increases certain fees to offset the cost of pesticide misuse investigations by the Department of Agriculture.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3109
Description: Requires the State Medical board when determining mental capacities of applicants for a medical license shall consider the latest recommendations of the Federation of State Medical Boards.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB3161
Description: Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Restores the Chicago Municipal Article to the form in which it appeared before amendment by Public Act 98-641, which has been held unconstitutional.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB3172
Description: Allows individuals to be admitted to an assisted living facility if they require sliding scale insulin administration.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3456
Description: Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to enter a public-private partnership to develop, finance, lease, manage, and operate the World Shooting and Recreational Complex in Sparta, Illinois.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB3498
Description: Provides debt relief to teachers who missed their original window to avoid repayment of an Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) teacher grant, but later fulfilled their obligations by working with Illinois students.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB3500
Description: Allows, by passage of a proper referendum, the Joliet Public SD 86 to issue bonds with aggregate principal amount not to exceed $99.5 million.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3516
Description: Allows employees of businesses with 51 or more employees to use up to a maximum of 10 days of leave in any 12-month period for the purpose of organ donation.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3563
Description: Creates the Generative AI and Natural Language Taskforce under the Department of Innovation and Technology.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB3570
Description: Requires the Illinois State Board of Education to report (instead of analyze and assess) teacher evaluation data from each school in the State. Makes changes to what data are included in the report.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3631
Description: Prohibits pharmacy benefit managers from retaliating against pharmacists for disclosing information in government proceedings if they have reasonable cause to believe that the disclosed information is evidence of a violation of a state or federal law, rule, or regulation.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2023

Bill Number: HB3639
Description: Caps the cost of a twin-pack of medically necessary insulin at $60 for state regulated insurance plans.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2025

Bill Number: HB3646
Description: Amends the Chicago Municipal Article of the Illinois Pension Code. When purchasing service credits from the CTA or its predecessor, clarifies the employees’ salary is at which the credits are purchased is that later of the date of his or her entrance or reentrance into service.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3677
Description: Creates new 3-year licenses for fishing, hunting, sportsmen’s combination (both hunting and fishing), and trapping.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3744
Description: Requires CMS to annually report on workforce demographics.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3809
Description: Expands insurance coverage to include therapy, diagnostic testing, and equipment for children who have been clinically or genetically diagnosed with any disease, syndrome, or disorder including low tone neuromuscular impairment.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: HB3892
Description: Authorizes Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) to develop a program incentivizing affordable housing that incorporates urban and suburban gardening programs.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB0058
Description: Requires State entities to track single-use plastic purchasing beginning in July of 2024 and establish goals to reduce single-use plastic.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0063
Description: Changes the permitting process for billboards regulated by Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB0090
Description: Amends the Human Rights Act and the School Code to include legal remedies for racial harassment in school.
Action: Signed
Effective: August 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0183
Description: Ensures that before a student is transferred to an alternative school program, they and their parents must be given information about the alternative school program.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0188
Description: Allows a parent who consented to a health care service to be performed on their child to be entitled to inspect and receive a copy of that part of the child’s medical record.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0195
Description: Stipulates that no petition for guardianship shall be filed for the sole purpose of a student qualifying for additional educational financial aid while their parents continue to support them.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0273
Description: Permits mobile safety inspections for all trucks, truck-tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, buses engaged in interstate commerce, and first division fees and adjusts fees for permits.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB0285
Description: Removes requirement that the date a controlled substance is dispensed must be part of the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP). Requires a dispenser to electronically transmit required information under the Section.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0375
Description: Authorizes the Department of Children and Family Services to develop and implement a safety-based child welfare intervention system centered on child safety.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0380
Description: Allows certain individuals to bring action against a healthcare provider who knowingly used the person’s reproductive material without their consent.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0505
Description: Expands the Home Services Program allowing additional family to serve as program recipient’s provider of care.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0684
Description: Creates the Central Illinois Regional Airport Authority.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB0734
Description: Requires school districts that provide 457 plans to make available more than one financial institution or investment provider to provide services.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB0764
Description: Creates the Vision Care Plan Regulation Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB849
Description: Reenacts the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Infrastructure Funding and Policy Act and requires the commission to produce a final reports of its finding by January 1, 2024.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB0851
Description: Evaluate the expansion of Illinois Century Network (ICN) to public schools, libraries, and state-owned correctional facilities.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1251
Description: Ensures that operators of ambulances and rescue vehicles have training on and make proper use of warning signals.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1291
Description: Requires the Department of Human Services to notify recipients of overpayments of benefits and provides that actions for the recovery of overpayments must commence within 10 years after the first notice is sent.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1344
Description: Exempts reports from the Abortion Care Clinical Training Act from FOIA. Clarifies that the no-cost coverage mandate for abortifacients, hormone therapy, and PrEP/PEP applies to all health insurance plans amended, issued, or renewed in Illinois on or after January 1st, 2024. Allows the Department of Public Health to issue a statewide standing order for HIV prophylaxis to be issued by a pharmacist.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1460
Description: Adds requirements for contracting between municipal governments for road maintenance and repair.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1476
Description: Makes changes to affordably housing plan definitions, plan requirements, and Appeals Board membership.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1488
Description: Puts a 2-year hold on new teachers taking a teacher performance assessment and convenes a working group to evaluate potential teacher performance assessments to replace the current system.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1497
Description: Makes changes to the Nursing Home Care Act as it relates to restraints, drug treatment, and the definition of “emergency.”
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1499
Description: Amends the Humane Care for Animals Act to specify offenses for which law enforcement making an arrest may take possession of a companion animal and adds offenses for which a court may order the forfeiture of an animal.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1570
Description: Allows municipalities and school districts to use design-build processes on public projects.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1665
Description: Prohibits hospitals from using guaranteed income program participation as household income for those who apply for financial assistance.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1674
Description: In Long-Term Stabilization Support Program and the Short-Term Stabilization Support Program settings, provides that an individual receiving program services may request alternate placement when the wants or needs of the individual, as reflected in the individual’s personal plan, would be better served in another setting along the full spectrum of care and requires the Department of Human Services to report, beginning March 31, 2025, on the number of individuals participating in the programs and other data.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1701
Description: Creates the Illinois Healthy Soils Initiative focusing on the enhancement of soil health and to improving water quality and agricultural production.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1721
Description: Makes several changes to the Hearing Instrument Consumer Protection Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1772
Description: Creates the Pesticide Application at Schools Act. Prohibits the application of pesticides on K-8 school grounds during the school day when students are in attendance for instructional purposes.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1787
Description: Creates the Rural Education Advisory Council to develop policy recommendations on the needs, challenges, and opportunities of rural school districts in the State.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1794
Description: Requires the Department of Human Services to establish a home visiting program to support communities in providing intensive home visiting programs to pregnant persons and families with children aged birth through elementary school enrollment.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1824
Description: Amends the General Provisions and Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Exempts wage increases above 6 percent or 1.5 times CPI when calculating final average earnings if required by State or Federal law.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB1861
Description: Authorizes Joliet Park District to sell Splash Station if approved by board of commissioners.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1872
Description: Removes the fourth year of a teacher’s probationary period to make it quicker for teacher to reach tenure status.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1, 2023

Bill Number: SB1907
Description: Requires each public university and community college in Illinois to make available emergency contraception through at least one on campus wellness kiosk.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB1999
Description: Increases the time from 72 hours to 30 days that a parent who relinquishes their child under the Abandoned Newborn Protection Act may request information about their child.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2031
Description: Creates the Expanded HS Snapshot Report to better inform the public about what courses are available and the expertise of the teachers who teacher these courses.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2039
Description: Requires Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Department of Human Services (DHS) to keep parents of and students with intellectual and developmental disabilities well informed about the PUNS database, and they shall have registration be considered during their annual IEP meeting.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2059
Description: Extends the sunset of the Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Practice Act to January 1st, 2029.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB2100
Description: Amends the Police Officers’ Pension Investment Fund Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Updates provisions for the Board of Trustees of the Fund.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB2123
Description: 2023 Elections Omnibus package. Makes changes to the Illinois Constitutional Amendment Act, the Election Code, the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Act, the Park District Code, and the School Code.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately, except changes to Section 3-6 of the Election Code are effective January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2130
Description: Adds anesthesiologists to the definition of eligible health care provider to include them in the grant, scholarship, and loan repayment program for those individuals working in underserved areas.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2152
Description: Provides that the State Treasurer may manage, upon the affirmative vote of three-fifths of each Board, the State Universities, Downstate Teachers’ and the Board of Investment’s domestic and international proxy voting activity and execute required ballots on behalf of the System or Investment Board.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB2288
Description: Requires all Illinois public colleges and universities to accept all major course credits approved for transfer from Illinois community colleges.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2294
Description: Repeals the Illinois Health Information Exchange Act.
Action: Signed
Effective: July 1st, 2023

Bill Number: SB2323
Description: Allows Bloomington Public SD 87 to, without referendum, expend existing fund balances to purchase a building site for the construction of a new school building.
Action: Signed
Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB2368
Description: Creates a framework for statewide adoption of recent building code updates.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2424
Description: Amends the definition of “project” to include land acquisitions by the Department of Transportation or Illinois Toll Highway Authority.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB2034
Description: Creates the Child Extended Bereavement Leave Act. Provides that an employee of a large employer that employs 250 or more full-time employees is entitled to use a maximum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave if the employee experiences the loss of a child by suicide or homicide. Provides that an employee of a company that employs between 50 and 250 full-time employees is entitled to 6 weeks of unpaid leave.
Action: Signed
Effective: January 1, 2024

…Adding… New appointments…

Illinois Department of Human Services

Charles Wright will begin serving as the IDHS Inspector General. Wright currently serves as Deputy Inspector General for the Illinois Department of Services (IDHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) where he oversees investigations into abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of persons with disabilities at facilities and agencies throughout Illinois. He previously worked as an Assistant Inspector General for the City of Chicago and as a Deputy Attorney General with the State of New Jersey Office of Attorney General. Wright holds a Juris Doctorate from Boston College Law School, as well as a bachelor’s degree in politics and a certificate in African American Studies from Princeton University.

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Board

Ahmadou Dramé will serve as a Member of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Board.* Dramé was promoted to Director of the Illinois Justice Project (ILJP) in June 2023 after serving as Program Director for two years. Throughout his career, he has used his advocacy skills to empower communities impacted by mass incarceration, to call attention to the injustices of the criminal legal system, and to advance initiatives that eliminate permanent punishments and reduce society’s reliance on the criminal legal system as a response to socioeconomic and racial disparities. Dramé was an instrumental member of the award-winning Just Housing Coalition, which eliminates barriers to housing for returning residents in Cook County by securing the passage of the Just Housing Ordinance. He directed a program that provided “Know Your Rights” trainings to incarcerated people inside state prisons. He was Co-Chair of the Chicago Mayor’s Reentry Working Group, which created the city’s first Director of Reentry position and more than $50 million for housing and services. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he directed a reentry housing pilot program that served 120 households. He is a 2023 Leadership Greater Chicago Fellow. Dramé earned his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Master of Public Administration from DePaul University.

Workers’ Compensation Advisory Board

Louise Medina will serve as a Member of the Workers’ Compensation Advisory Board.* Medina was appointed to the position of Director of Special Projects in May of 2022 at the Sheet Metal Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) Workers International Association and she has been a member since 2000. Some of her current projects include DEI initiatives, strategic planning, disaster relief fund grants, and webinar planning. Medina was also the first elected female Business Representative for SMART Local 265, and she served in various roles and elected positions within the union including as an apprentice, journeyperson, foreperson, organizer, and elected positions including conductor, trustee, executive board member, and recording secretary. She also served on the SMART International Women’s Committee and as the President of the newly formed SMART International Recruitment and Retention Council. During her term as Business Representative, she was also Vice President of the Kankakee Federation of Labor (KFL-CIO), recording secretary of the Kankakee/Iroquois County Building Trades, and delegate of the Will/Grundy County Building Trades.

Illinois Workforce Innovation Board

Lisa Wojick Burns will serve as a Member of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board.* Wojick Burns has a spent the past decade working to support her neighbors with disabilities in areas including skills training and job development. She also works as the Placement Manager with Challenge Unlimited. In this role, Wojick Burns provides ongoing support for clients seeking community employment and provides feedback to support them. Wojick Burns received a Bachelor of Business Administration from American Intercontinental University.

Marlon McClinton will continue to serve as a Member of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board.* McClinton serves as the President and CEO of Utilivate Technologies providing energy management, evaluation, measurement, and verification services to utilities, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and government agencies across the country. McClinton has been recognized for his skilled leadership, inviting engagement and participation from under-served and under-represented communities in utility energy efficiency programs. He serves on the Illinois Community College Board and Chairs the Continuous Improvement Committee. McClinton earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois and his Master of Science and Master of Business Administration from Northwestern University.

* Appointments pending confirmation by the Illinois Senate.

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Pritzker signs three Native American-related bills

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve added links to the bills…

Governor JB Pritzker signed three bills today offering increased protections for Native and Indigenous Illinoisans. HB3413, the Human Remains Protection Act, establishes procedures for encountering human remains or gravesites and returning remains to Native American Nations. SB1446 prohibits schools from banning students from wearing cultural regalia as graduation attire. HB1633 mandates instruction on Native American history in Illinois public schools.

“Today, we take another step forward in repairing generations of harm and building a brighter future for our state’s Native American and Indigenous Peoples,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “At its core, this legislation is about respect. Respect for those who came before us and those who will come after—and that is why we want to teach our children this history, to avoid the mistakes of the past and to instill that respect from an early age.”

“As we are seeking new ways to continue to make Illinois inclusive and welcoming to all, our administration is committed to expanding protections for our Native and Indigenous Illinoisans - past, present, and future. Today’s bill signing is a measure to address the generational injustice, while we extend our hand in support for our Native and Indigenous communities,” said Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton. “Thanks to the compassionate leadership of Governor Pritzker and members of the General Assembly, and the voices of residents in Illinois, together we honor the history, contributions, and experiences of Indigenous people with honesty and dignity at the forefront.”

HB3413 seeks to streamline and concentrate efforts to return known or newly discovered Native American remains and cultural artifacts to their nation of origin. Many Native remains and artifacts remain in museums across the country. This act, which amends the existing Human Remains Protection Act will coordinate with the Illinois State Museum and federally recognized tribes with ties to Illinois to determine tribal identity of the remains and be returned for appropriate burial. The bill also allows for creation of a cemetery for remains unable to be identified.

Illinois currently has the second largest collection of unrepatriated remains in the United States. The Illinois State Museum has committed to the largest repatriation effort in the state’s history. Violators of this bill will be subject to pay restitution, which will be held in a fund to aid in reinternment or restoration. The law is effective immediately.

SB1446 protects the rights of Illinois students to wear accessories that reflect cultural, religious, or ethnic heritage at graduation ceremonies. The bill was proposed following an incident where Nimkii Curley, an Illinois high school senior, was forced to sit out his graduation ceremony after refusing to remove traditional Native regalia. The act protects not only Native American and Indigenous cultural attire, but anything worn that is associated with a student’s protected characteristic as laid out under the Illinois Human Rights Act. The law is effective immediately.

HB1633 adds Native American history to the list of required curricula for public schools in Illinois. The law specifies that this includes teaching about the genocide and forced resettlement of Native Americans by settlers, alongside the history of tribes in the Midwest and nationwide. Governor Pritzker has previously signed laws mandating instruction on Asian American and LGBTQ+ history in Illinois schools.

“It is important that our children’s learning experiences are formulated in an atmosphere that is both inclusive and equitable,” said State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs). “These new laws will empower students to express their cultural identity and provide them with a full picture of how our nation was founded. We need to invigorate our classrooms and present different perspectives to give our children learning opportunities they haven’t had before.”

“Native American history is Illinois’ history, from the awe-inspiring Cahokia mounds to the Illiniwek tribes encountered by French colonists to the tens of thousands of people of Native American ancestry who live in Illinois today,” said State Rep Maurice West (D-Rockford). “We must understand the history and experience of Native Americans if we want to truly understand our home state, but too many students miss out on this important aspect of our nation’s past and present. These laws will help preserve and promote the rich history of Native Americans in Illinois while ensuring students can freely honor their cultural, ethnic, or religious identity through their attire during their graduation ceremonies.”

“I can’t imagine how horrible I would feel if someone dug up the grave of my grandmother, stole a necklace she was buried with to be sold as a curiosity, and put her bones on display, but that’s what we’re talking about here,” said State Rep. Mark Walker (D-Arlington Heights). “Illinois’ past and present are better because of the history and impacts of Native Americans. Reconciling the sins of our past means ensuring these remains are reburied with the honor and respect they deserve.”

“We’ve longed for the day we can bring respect to our history and our ancestors the way they should’ve been respected centuries ago. Today means that can finally happen,” said Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Chairman Joseph “Zeke” Rupnick. “This new law puts Illinois on a path to free the remains of our ancestors so they can be buried with the dignity they always deserved.”

“The new Human Remains Protection Act is just one step in our commitment to continue to elevate Indigenous voices at the Illinois State Museum,” said Jenn Edginton, interim director of the Illinois State Museum. “Native people have always been on the land on which we stand. Their stories are the stories of Illinois. The Illinois State Museum and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources are committed to continuing to ensure Native stories are heard and that we continue to collaborate with them.”

* More from Sen. Glowiak Hilton…

“Native American history is American history. It’s time we introduce it in our classrooms,” said Glowiak Hilton (D – Western Springs). “It is important that our children’s learning experiences are formulated in an atmosphere that is both inclusive and equitable.”

House Bill 1633 requires public schools to make Native American history part of curriculum. Teachings will include the study of the genocide of and discrimination against Native Americans, as well as tribal sovereignty, treaties made between tribal nations and the United States, and the circumstances around forced Native American relocation.

Social studies courses pertaining to American history or government are required to include a unit of instruction studying the events of the Native American experience and Native American history within the Midwest and Illinois.

“By providing our students a better understanding of our history, we are presenting a brighter future ahead,” said Glowiak Hilton. “We need to invigorate our classrooms and present new perspectives to give our children learning opportunities they haven’t had before.”

House Bill 1633 was signed into law Friday. Native American history will begin being taught during the 2024-2025 school year.

…Adding… Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation…

llinois Governor JB Pritzker signed into law today three bills that overwhelmingly passed the state legislature with bipartisan support, bringing long overdue honor to past, present and future Native communities in Illinois.

The three newly signed laws will:

    • Allow the state of Illinois to create cemeteries protected from public use on state lands for the reburial of repatriated Native American remains and materials
    • Allow for the expansion of Illinois public school curriculum to include Native history
    • Require schools to permit students to celebrate their cultural or religious identity during graduation ceremonies, including wearing traditional Native regalia

“Illinois has made tremendous strides this year in its work to repair the centuries-long injustices that started with colonizers doing everything they could to extinguish our people and the origins of this land on which the United States of America was constructed,” said Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Chairman Joseph “Zeke” Rupnick. “Illinois today proved that a government is capable of reflecting on its past injustices and planning for a future that respects and celebrates our interconnectedness.”

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation was integral in the advocacy efforts for all of the new laws signed today, particularly HB 3413 which allows for the burial of Native remains on state lands. Illinois possesses the remains of thousands of Native people – some dug up by the Department of Transportation during highway construction and unceremoniously housed in desk drawers – but that’s set to change as the state is on track to return 1,100 of the 7,000 Native American remains the state currently holds.

“Native tribes have existed since before colonization, and our land and culture are the foundation of our society. Yet the remains of thousands of our ancestors have been in the hands of governments and institutions, just as our Native lands have been for centuries,” Chairman Rupnick said. “By signing this bill today Governor Pritzker is undoing a modern-day extension of colonization. This new law will bring respect to our ancestors the way they should’ve been respected centuries ago.”

Despite the progress in Illinois this year as it relates to the state’s Native origins, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation still faces the reality that its identity in Illinois remains diminished due to an overreach by the United States government.

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation has roots in Illinois with DeKalb County being home to a Reservation that belongs to Chairman Rupnick’s great grandfather four generations removed.

However, the U.S. Government in 1849 illegally auctioned off more than 1,280 acres of Chief Shab-eh-nay’s home Reservation near the village of Shabbona in southern DeKalb County when he traveled from his family in Kansas. Illinois is the only state in the Midwest – one of just 15 states nationwide – without a federally recognized Tribe.

Legislation recently filed in the House by state Rep. Mark Walker (D-Arlington Heights) would return state-owned lands comprising the Shabbona Lake State Recreation Area to the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

Although the U.S. Congress is the only governing body that has the authority to designate land titles for Native nations, the state of Illinois owns and operates a state park on a portion of Prairie Band’s 1,280 acres, they have the agency to return that to Prairie Band with legislation or through executive action.

“Although our land was illegally taken from us, we’re still here, living and contributing to life in Illinois, all while practicing our traditions and serving our country,” said Chairman Rupnick, a U.S. Army Veteran who served for 13 years. “We may not yet have our Reservation land back in the hands of our Tribe, but we have the truth and increasing acknowledgement that our cause is just.

“Thanks to Governor Pritzker, state Representatives Mark Walker (D-Arlington Heights), and Maurice West (D-Rockford), state Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs), former state Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas, and Republicans and Democrats in the Illinois legislature, today is an important day for policy changes that put Illinois on a path to break down oppressive structures and the lingering effects of colonization that upended our Native communities.”

…Adding… Rep.West…

Today, Gov. JB Pritzker signed HB1633 and SB1446, both sponsored by State Rep. Maurice West (D-Rockford). HB1633 will require the experience and history of Native Americans to be taught to all Illinois elementary and high school students. SB 1466 prohibits K-12 schools from restricting students from wearing or accessorizing graduation attire that reflects their cultural, ethnic, or religious identity.

“Native American history is Illinois’ history, from the awe-inspiring Cahokia mounds to the Illiniwek tribes encountered by French colonists to the tens of thousands of people of Native American ancestry who live in Illinois today,” said Chief House Sponsor State Rep. Maurice West. “We must understand the history and experience of Native Americans if we want to truly understand our home state, but too many students miss out on this important aspect of our nation’s past and present. This law will help preserve and promote the rich history of Native Americans in Illinois while helping our young people understand the important contributions Native Americans make to Illinois in the present day.”

“Furthermore, graduation ceremonies should be a time for students and their families to celebrate their educational journey and their personal identity,” said West. “Now, students can freely honor and recognize their cultural, ethnic, or religious identity through their attire during their graduation ceremonies. I am deeply grateful to the amazing advocates from Illinois’ Native American community as well as the Illinois State Board of Education for their multi-year collaborative effort to make these pieces of legislation a reality, and I thank Gov. Pritzker for signing these bills into law.”

HB1633 requires certain history courses to include teaching about Native American nations’ sovereignty and self-determination with a focus on urban Native Americans, as well as information about the Native American genocide in North America. The legislation also includes requirements for the State Board of Education to provide curriculum materials developed in consultation with the Native American community that school districts can choose to use regarding Native American history. Instruction will be required as of the 2024-2025 school year.

The bill passed the Illinois House of Representatives by a vote of 81 in favor to 31 opposed and the Illinois Senate by a vote of 44 to 8. More information can be found HERE.

SB1446 arose from an incident when a student was prohibited from wearing graduation clothing that reflected their Native American heritage during a graduation ceremony at an Evanston, Ill. high school. The bill passed the Illinois House of Representatives by a vote of 104 to 7 and the Illinois Senate by a vote of 49 to 4. More information can be found HERE.


Afternoon roundup

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* So, wait, you mean there won’t be massive prisoner releases and carnage in the streets? What happened to The Purge we were promised? I mean, didn’t this very same state’s attorney warn that the SAFE-T Act would “lead to the ‘greatest jailbreak’ in Madison County history”? Huh. Interesting

Madison County officials say they have been preparing for the implementation of the SAFE-T Act and are ready when cash bail ends in Illinois on Sept. 18.

Representatives of the courts, the sheriff’s department and the public defender’s, state’s attorney’s and court clerk’s offices gave reports about those preparations to the county board’s judiciary committee on Thursday.

It was noted several times that most of the prisoners currently in custody at the Madison County Jail are there for what would qualify as “detainable” offenses under the SAFE-T Act, and that Madison County generally does not hold people for misdemeanors or minor felonies.

* Rep. West…

Today, Gov. JB Pritzker signed Zachary’s Parent Protection Act (SB2034), legislation that will require employers to provide additional unpaid leave for parents who experience the sudden loss of a child by suicide or homicide.

Under the legislation, employees of large employers are entitled to use a maximum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave and employees of small employers are entitled to use a maximum of 6 weeks of unpaid leave. Currently, parents are only entitled to use a maximum of 2 weeks (10 work days) of unpaid bereavement leave after the loss of a child.

“The loss of a child is an unimaginable tragedy. Amid the pain and suffering that follows, no parent should be forced to choose between their grief and their employment,” said State Rep. Maurice West (D-Rockford), chief sponsor of Zachary’s Parent Protection Act. “Parents who lose a child to suicide or homicide deserve a respect and patience from their employers as they cope with their trauma and grief. Zachary’s Parent Protection Act will extend the amount of leave parents can use in these situations, which will hopefully provide some small measure of relief in the immediate aftermath of such a tragic event. I extend my sincerest gratitude to Laura Kane, Zachary’s mother, for her tireless efforts to pass this critical legislation, and I thank Gov. Pritzker for signing this bill.”

The bill passed the Illinois House of Representatives by a vote of 81 to 24 and the Illinois Senate by a vote of 42 to 10. More information can be found here.

* Treasurer Frerichs…

The Illinois State Treasurer’s Office returned more than $11.5 million in unclaimed property during July, Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs announced today.

The total includes nearly $11.5 million in cash and interest and almost $45,000 in stock value. All told, 12,554 claims were paid.

“My office helps the Illinois economy by putting money back in people’s pockets,” Frerichs said. “I have taken numerous steps to make the system of reuniting people with their unclaimed property more efficient.”

Illinois’ unclaimed property program — also known as I-CASH — is one of the state’s oldest consumer protection initiatives. The State Treasurer is tasked with safeguarding unclaimed property, such as the contents of overlooked safe deposit boxes, unpaid life insurance benefits, forgotten bank accounts and unused rebate cards. Illinois holds more than $5 billion in unclaimed property.

The Treasurer’s Office has returned more than $1.8 billion since Frerichs took office in January 2015. When Frerichs first became treasurer, there were 60,000 claims paid in a year. Today, more than 200,000 claims are paid each year.

So far this year, the Treasurer’s Office has returned nearly $120 million through more than 103,400 claims.

The record-setting performance is the result of a complete restructuring of the unclaimed property process under Frerichs. The state treasurer’s office has added electronic claims, eliminated red-tape that slowed small-money claims, and leveraged technology to allow payments to be made without a claim even needing to be filed.

* SoS Giannoulias…

Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias is encouraging vehicle enthusiasts to mark their calendars for the 73rd Secretary of State Vehicle Show, which will be held Saturday, September 9, from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in downtown Springfield at the corner of Capitol Avenue and Second Street. The show is celebrating the 1966 Pontiac GTO.

First organized in 1949 as an Antique Auto Meet, the Secretary of State Vehicle Show features some of Illinois’ finest antique and classic vehicles, sports cars, motorcycles, trucks and tractors. The show will be held rain or shine.

* The HDems are starting to catch up with last Friday. Rep. Norma Hernandez…

Cook County’s water management agency will be able to more quickly and efficiently hold accountable those who violate the law by improperly discharging waste into the sewage system—under a new law introduced by state Rep. Norma Hernandez, D-Melrose Park.

“When hazardous waste is being introduced into our sewer system by unscrupulous businesses or other entities, we can’t afford to let that go on any longer than it has to,” Hernandez said. “Having to wait for a letter to arrive in the mail and for the offender to read it takes too long and results in additional contamination and longer and more expensive cleanup.”

Under existing law, when a person or entity was found to be unlawfully discharging waste into the sewer system, notices and orders—including cease-and-desist orders—had to be sent either by certified mail or by official courier.

Hernandez’s House Bill 3133 permits Cook County’s Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) to implement an electronic reporting system that, once operational, can be used to serve notices and orders to violators via email. It also stipulates that such electronic notices have the same validity and effect as those delivered by mail or by hand.

The bill was signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker on July 28 and took effect immediately.

* A report from the Redneck Fishing Tournament in Bath, Illinois…

In case you missed it, “Copi” is the new term for what used to be called Asian Carp.

* Isabel’s roundup…


There’s just gotta be a better way

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Times profiles Stoney

Recreational cannabis is a growth industry, and Springfield resident Chris Stone plans to take full advantage of the potential behind the once-banned substance. […]

His years in the nascent video gaming industry taught Stone some valuable lessons that he was able to use when he entered the cannabis business. The most important lesson was, don’t expect to turn a profit right away.

“We were the first video gaming parlors in the state, and the state forced us to build out the facilities and actually staff them with employees even though we had no games to actually use,” Stone said. “So we sat there for almost nine months and burned a bunch of cash waiting for the state to allow us to put the machines in place.

“Knowing how the state operated on that, I told the cannabis investors that we were probably going to burn cash for the first year if they were going to operate the same way they did with video gaming,” Stone said. “We might not be able to get product, we might not be able to get open for a while even after we build something out. We incorporated that into our business model and it was definitely the right move.”


* Another example of this in today’s Daily Herald

As the two-year anniversary of the passage of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act approaches, the state is continuing to implement several workforce development and grant programs. For some, that rollout hasn’t been fast enough. […]

“When Gov. Pritzker rolled out the renewable energy plan for Illinois approximately two years ago, I was initially very excited,” [Troyce Polk, who founded solar developer Selenium Energy in 2017] said. “Since then, it’s just been a slow rollout of everything. There’s just been a lot of frustration for myself and our business, as well as a lot of other small, renewable energy businesses in this space. The capital or seed money that those programs and grants would provide are essential to getting in the game.”

Polk recently won a bid to complete 100 installations in the West Garfield Park neighborhood of Chicago. The residential solar pilot program, which includes two other projects in Waukegan and the Carbondale-Marion area, is administered through the Illinois Power Agency.

Because Selenium Energy is required to complete the installations before receiving payment, Polk is facing challenges in securing operating capital. […]

Polk added that solar power is just beginning to boom in Illinois, and he’s competing with “goliath” national energy companies to secure future bids.


Question of the day

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square on the local costs of the new full-time kindergarten law

Alison Maley, Government and Public Relations director with the Illinois Principals Association, said the law could be taxing on some school districts.

“One of the major concerns that we had was there was no funding allotted for this and not only will some districts need additional space, they will need additional teachers,” Maley said.

Bryan Soady, associate executive director of Governmental Relations with the Illinois Association of School Boards, said there have been local referendums on this proposal that have been defeated.

“This is a mandate that we think will require volunteer, elected school boards to force this on taxpayers who have stated they don’t want it,” Soady told The Center Square.

Districts that currently do not offer a full-day program can apply for a waiver to extend the implementation date up to two years past the 2027-2028 school years if they meet certain criteria.

The majority of states require school districts to offer either full- or half-day kindergarten, however less than half actually mandate student attendance. California recently proposed legislation that would require kindergarten enrollment and for days to be longer than four hours, but the bill was vetoed in September 2022 by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who cited cost as a factor.

The Illinois Association of School Administrators was also opposed.

* The Question: I asked you about full-day kindergarten yesterday, but do these opinions change your mind at all, or do they reinforce your opinion? Explain either way.


Do better

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* When it comes to the pension issue, Chicago is chock full of reporters who are uninformed, gullible and even outright hostile. Before we begin, let’s take another look at this

SECTION 5. PENSION AND RETIREMENT RIGHTS Membership in any pension or retirement system of the State, any unit of local government or school district, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, shall be an enforceable contractual relationship, the benefits of which shall not be diminished or impaired. (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

* OK, now let’s move on to this weird report from WBBM Radio

Illinoisans have heard for decades about how bad the state is at funding its pensions for public employees, and now, a new organization is working to make that easier for the public to see.

Katie Dunne is the executive director of Secure Illinois Retirements (SIR), which was launched last week. She said the nonprofit aims to be a resource for teachers, firefighters and other public employees. One way to do that is through SIR’s interactive tool.

“[It] allows visitors to find comprehensive information about their specific fund,” Dunne said.

The tool’s available for anyone to use. It shows, for example, how a treatment plant operator — who worked at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District for 34 years before retiring — is only collecting about $38,000 of his $66,000 annual promised pension.

“It’s a true example of a public sector worker in that fund, and then we just had some fun and changed the names,” Dunne said. “So that is a pretty accurate view of where each of the funds are at.”

Emphasis added to highlight the complete falsity of that claim. If you were supposed to receive a $66,000 annual public pension in Illinois, you’re currently receiving $66,000.

* To my eyes, the Secure Illinois Retirements website appears designed to scare pension recipients. This part of the site is what appeared to trip up WBBM

The State Employees’ Retirement System of Illinois is only 38.67% funded* so let’s imagine that means you would receive only 38% of your promised benefits. If the funded status of your retirement system determined the amount of your pension, then this is the kind of situation you could be facing:

“Let’s imagine.” Ugh. This is a totally made-up scenario. The reality is that the funded status of a retirement system does NOT determine the amount of anyone’s pensions. Pensions have to be paid, whatever these people might ask you to “imagine.”

* If that reporter had simply scrolled down further, there was this buried disclaimer

+ Disclaimer: The numbers displayed in the graph are intended for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered as accurate data. These are projections used to help visualize the current pension system funding levels. Therefore, they should not be used for any analytical or decision-making purposes. Please consult your local pension board for more in-depth information about your specific fund.

The funded ratio of your retirement system will not directly correlate with the portion of your pension you end up receiving.

The likely scenario is that everybody will get their full benefits for as long as the fund is solvent. When a fund becomes insolvent, your retirement is in peril.

When a fund becomes insolvent, the state constitution demands that the government must appropriate the money to at least fund annual pension payments, which the state already does. The state can’t declare bankruptcy. Municipalities can only declare bankruptcy with state permission.

* I asked this group multiple times several days ago where their funding was coming from and what they wanted. I received no response to the funding source question, but here’s part of their response…

Our organization has a simple mission: To educate public sector workers about the pension system and convene discussions about how to begin to move towards a fully funded system. There are many reputable sources and experts out there, but also those who seek to politicize or spread misinformation.

Yeah, well, intentionally or not, their group helped spread information on one of the top radio stations in the region.

The state pension ramp and local pension ramps (including first responders and Chicago) are a process over multiple decades. People look at unfunded liability increases even after billions in government payments and conclude that the state will never get ahead (click here for an example). They should take out their mortgage books and see how it actually works. There will come a time when we catch up, but, in the state’s case, the end is not until 2045 because the payoff was put on a 50-year, back-loaded schedule. For the past few years, pension payments have held to about 20 percent of state spending. That’s high, but sustainable.

* The Chicago first responder funds are most worrisome because they were neglected for so many years. The city was granted a casino license to boost payments. But let’s hope the previous mayor didn’t totally botch the deal or taxes will have to rise even further

Bally’s Corp. says its chief financial officer’s statement that the gambling company intends to “right-size” its Chicago casino is not an indication the company has decided to reduce or otherwise alter the size of its much-anticipated venue here.

“The comments on our earnings call earlier today reference the opportunity relative to the size of the addressable market and our project scope, which we have never wavered upon,” Christopher Jewett, Bally’s senior vice president of corporate development, told Crain’s in an email. […]

Despite Bally’s statements, the company continues to post mixed financial results, with revenues in the last quarter increasing from $552 million to $606 million compared to 2022, but with the company reporting a net loss of $25.6 million in the latest period. The company also reported $3.31 billion in net long-term debt, with the Chicago casino and entertainment complex projected to cost $1.7 billion. […]

Asked on Thursday’s analyst call how Bally’s will finance the remainder of the $1.7 billion, Bally’s treasurer said the company is “looking at, you know, different forms of financing,” with Glover saying the company is “exploring all options.”

But if you think that this mayor, a former CTU official, is gonna cut off pensioners (even police pensioners), you might want to think again.

…Adding… Katie Dunne at Secure Illinois Retirements…

Secure Illinois Retirements is led by an all-volunteer board, who are retired/current public sector workers from across the state, including union members who serve as teachers, firefighters, and police. As previously shared, we believe a fully funded pension system will take a multi-faceted approach that should be culminated through engagement and collaboration. We are here to be an independent resource and to serve as a catalyst for those discussions across the state.

Our website includes funding ratios provided by the Illinois’ Department of Insurance, an educational course on pensions, and more information on the history of the pension system in Illinois. The graphs you mentioned were included as an example of one’s pension in relation to the funding ratio of the specific fund. We believe that the headline and the disclaimer, “The funded ratio of your retirement system will not directly correlate with the portion of your pension that you end up receiving. The likely scenario is that everybody will get their full benefits for as long as the fund is solvent. When a fund becomes insolvent, your retirement is in peril, ” make it clear that the graph is for illustrative purposes only.

As for our nonprofit, we received seed-funding from Ira Weiss. Ira is a professor at the University of Chicago and the son of two CTU members/retired Chicago Public Schools teachers.

We hope that this helps dispel any misunderstandings.

1) If a news reporter at WBBM was terribly confused, then I don’t see how that wouldn’t also happen to an average citizen.

2) Not mentioned is that Weiss is also a partner in a venture capital fund.


Caption contest!

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here’s something you don’t see every day. State Rep. Tom Weber, on the left, posing with some folks and a horse inside a Home Depot


Some things we missed yesterday…

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I received this Illinois Latino Agenda press release late yesterday…

Yesterday, members of the Illinois Latino Agenda (ILA) met with Toni Preckwinkle, Chairperson of the Cook County Democratic Party, to discuss the urgency for the Party to increase equity on our state’s highest court by slating a candidate with roots in Latino communities. Given recent retention, it is unlikely that voters will have a chance to elect a Latino Supreme Court Justice in Cook County for at least another ten years.

Although the ultimate decision of who becomes Illinois’ next Supreme Court Justice comes down to voters, the Party’s endorsement has been a seal of approval and a path to victory for all Supreme Court candidates they’ve slated in recent history.

“We thank Chair Preckwinkle for the opportunity to meet with her and discuss the historical underrepresentation of Latinos in our state’s judiciary, and we continue to urge her to consider supporting a Latino to serve as an Illinois Supreme Court Justice for the first time in our state’s history,” said Jose M. Muñoz, Co-Chair of the Illinois Latino Agenda. “We believe that a Latino Supreme Court Justice, who understands the issues we face and has roots in our community, will enrich the Court and help make more inclusive and culturally responsive decisions.”

In the past five years, there have been three vacancies filled in the Illinois Supreme Court–three opportunities to finally bring Latino representation to the state’s highest court. Despite the community’s vocal and united effort to have a Latino appointed in these vacancies, they were ignored, and no Latino was appointed.

“Illinois may be a progressive state, but when it comes to equity in the highest levels of government, it is falling short,” said Sylvia Puente, Co-Chair of the Illinois Latino Agenda and CEO of the Latino Policy Forum. “We can no longer accept a court that is not reflective of the communities it serves, which is why we are strongly advocating for committee members to support a Latino candidate with lived experience who can give voice to the values and needs of our communities.”

Latinos are one of the fastest growing demographics in Illinois, and they make up more than 26% of the population in Cook County and 18% in the state. Even though Illinois has the fifth largest Latino population in the country, it is not on the list of ten states with a Latino Supreme Court Justice.

“Having an open dialogue with Chair Preckwinkle and other Party representatives about the importance of Latino representation in all levels of government is a step in the right direction, and we look forward to working with her to also ensure more Latinos are represented in state Appellate and Circuit Courts,” said Juan Morado, Jr., Chair Emeritus of the Latino Leadership Council and Illinois Latino Agenda member. “We are now counting on the support of the Party’s committeemen to help Illinois create a more equitable judiciary.”

I ran into Appellate Justice Jesse Reyes at a political function last night. I’d heard he was out there working the hustings, and it appears to check out. Justice Reyes wants to run for the top court, but Supreme Court Justice Joy Cunningham was appointed last year (an appointment Reyes also sought) and is up for election in 2024. A highly credentialed Black woman with an Irish-sounding surname is gonna be tough to beat, with or without party support. And she is expected to have that party support. Progressives, including some (not all) Latino progressives, appear to be wary of Reyes. This could very well be yet another in a series of intra-party battles next year.

* I received this release yesterday as well…

State Senator Ram Villivalam’s comprehensive public transit plan and commuter benefits legislation were signed into law Friday.

“As we work on a comprehensive solution to address the funding challenges that our major public transit agencies are facing, these laws are critical first steps to making our public transit operations more accessible, equitable, environmentally conscious, transparent and safer,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “These laws will significantly assist the hundreds of thousands of riders who use Illinois transit every day and encourage more residents to do the same.”

House Bill 1342 allows public transit agencies to suspend riders if the rider commits assault, battery, sexual assault or violations of public indecency toward an employee or another commuter. It also provides for a formal appeals process.

To help survivors of domestic violence seek the services they need and deserve, the legislation requires the Regional Transportation Authority to distribute 25,000 pre-loaded $20 fare cards to domestic violence service providers. Villivalam’s law also provides for reduced fares for youth as they travel to and from their place of employment. Further, CTA, PACE and METRA are required to purchase buses that are zero-emission come July 1, 2026, which puts the state on a clearer path to achieve the climate goals that residents are advocating for.

House Bill 2068 requires employers to allow employees to use pre-tax earnings on a transit pass that would be deducted through the employee’s payroll before tax, lowering the tax burden for both the employer and employee.

The covered employer must be located in Cook County or specified townships in collar counties, have at least 50 full time employees, and be located at an address within one mile of a transit service. Under the new law, the Regional Transit Authority will create a publicly searchable map of addresses that are located within one mile of a transit service.

“We are looking at every community across Illinois to ensure their transit options are accessible and affordable,” Villivalam said. “I am honored to have pushed for improvements to safety and increased accessibility for transit as we work to find ways to help our residents who ride Illinois transportation every day.”

House Bill 1342 and House Bill 2068 were signed into law on Friday.

* And this…

Governor JB Pritzker signed HB2879 into law today, establishing the Illinois Farm to Food Bank Program to expand resources for food bank systems across the state while supporting local farmers. The bill creates mechanisms for acquiring and distributing fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry, dairy, and eggs to organizations providing free food for those in need. The program initially began with a pilot in 2021 with grant funding from USDA and is made permanent through this bill.

“Illinois farmers are producing some of the finest food in the country, and now that produce, dairy, and meat can go directly to Illinoisans struggling with food insecurity,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “It’s good for our farmers’ bottom line, it’s good for those in need, and it’s good for our state—a win for everyone in Illinois.”

The program, administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services with a $2 million investment in FY24, seeks to address the strain placed on nonprofits and other organizations due to increased food bank usage while also supporting local farmers. During the two years of the pilot program, nearly 2.5 million pounds of food were donated.

Food acquired via this program must be from Illinois producers and must meet market-grade quality and consumption levels. However, much of the food going to the program is excess food that would have been wasted without foodbanks as an outlet. The lack of centralized donation program was a barrier to farmers looking to donate in the past.

The bill also includes capacity-building grants for capital improvements needed to store and transport fresh food to better reach underserved communities. The program focuses on fresh and nutritious foods, which are often difficult to secure at many food banks. The bill also creates a Farm to Food Bank Advisory Council to support and advise the work of the program and establish and build relationships with agricultural producers.

* Illinois National Guard…

When Senior Master Sgt. David Schreffler started riding with Gold Star Mission it was a great way to combine two of his greatest passions, bicycle riding and a desire to honor and remember fallen U.S. service members.

The Illinois Air National Guard NCO never thought it would bring him across the ocean to ride in honor of the fallen service members of our nation’s staunch ally, Poland. But, from Aug. 8-12, Schreffler will join five other volunteer U.S. riders and two volunteer support staff on the first Polish Veterans Bike Rally.

“It is a great way to ensure the fallen are not forgotten,” said Schreffler, the Chief of Quality Assurance with the 217th Engineering and installation Squadron, 183rd Wing, based in Springfield.

The rally, sponsored by the Polish Association of Families of Fallen Soldiers, will travel 538 kilometers (almost 335 miles) throughout Poland from the city of Siedlce to Rzeszów, with stops in Terespol, Chełm, Zamość, and Stalowa Wola. It is expected to include about 60 cyclists and is modeled on the Gold Star Mission’s annual Gold Star 500 in Illinois. Last year, the Polish had 16 participants in the Gold Star 500 including seven Polish Army Soldiers, six students and three Polish Gold Star Family members.



As you probably know, the People’s Republic of California’s government has decided that all of the economic strife they are going through isn’t enough, so now they are flirting with the idea of reparations.


We in the Illinois Republican Party believe in creating opportunity over dependence on government handouts. We believe in the freedom to prosper and the availability of opportunity to all our fellow Americans.

Chicago suburb starts making reparations payouts

We are asking for your voice today as we get ready to send out this petition of ours to the Illinois Legislature, the Chicago City Council and Mayor, and the Governor of Illinois >>


For America
Illinois Republican Party

* And this is from last night, so we didn’t miss it, but it’s quite something…

Politicians are usually booed at Chicago events. I saw Harold Washington booed during the Chicago Blues Festival back in the day. My out of town brother was horrified.


State law regulating crisis pregnancy centers put on hold by federal judge

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rockford Register Star

A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction to halt enforcement of Illinois’ newly signed Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act.

“The bill is painfully and blatantly a violation of the First Amendment,” Judge Iain Johnston said Thursday in federal court in Rockford.

It was just one week ago when Gov. JB Pritzker signed SB1909 into law barring crisis pregnancy centers from using “misinformation, deceptive practices, or misrepresentation” in order to interfere with access to abortion services or emergency contraception. Violators faced up to $50,000 fines. […]

Johnston said, “There’s no doubt who the Attorney General wants to win or lose in the market place of ideas, but the government doesn’t get to decide that. The people do.”

* Crain’s

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The preliminary injunction halts a recently passed law that amends the Consumer Fraud & Deceptive Business Practices Act to specify that the act applies to crisis pregnancy centers that deceive women who are seeking abortion services. […]

During a press conference last week, Raoul said the law simply clarifies that the state’s long-standing deceptive practices law applies to crisis pregnancy centers that use practices like deceiving patients that they are part of existing abortion clinics or removing people from near an abortion clinic to delay them from entering that clinic.

* Thomas More Society…

At an August 3, 2023, hearing in United States District Court, a federal judge granted a motion requested by Thomas More Society attorneys for a preliminary injunction seeking to immediately halt Illinois’ new law attacking life-affirming maternal health care centers. The lawsuit, National Institute of Family Life Advocates et al. v. Raoul, asserts that this law—enacted on July 27, 2023, and amending the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act—was designed to target pregnancy help ministries solely because of their pro-life message.

“Free Speech won today in the Land of Lincoln—pro-life advocates across Illinois can breathe a sigh of relief they won’t be pursued for ‘misinformation’ by Attorney General Kwame Raoul,” stated Peter Breen, Executive Vice President and Head of Litigation for the Thomas More Society. Breen argued the case on behalf of National Institute of Family Life Advocates and other pro-life ministries, including pregnancy care centers in Illinois.

“Across the nation, pregnancy help ministries are being discriminated against by laws that target their life-affirming work,” said Breen. “The injunction granted today sends a strong, clear message to the country that the First Amendment protects pro-life speech.”

Read the Verified Complaint for Temporary and Permanent Injunction and Other Relief filed on July 27, 2023, in the United States District Court – Northern District of Illinois Western Division, by Thomas More Society attorneys on behalf of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, Women’s Pregnancy Services, Rockford Family Initiative, Relevant Pregnancy Options Center, and Pro-Life Action League, in National Institute of Family Life Advocates et al. v. Raoul here [].

The governor will be in Schaumburg this afternoon, so maybe we’ll get a react. I’ve also reached out to Planned Parenthood and Personal PAC.

…Adding… With a hat tip to a commenter, here’s a press release from early 2020

U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today released the following statement after the White House announced the nominations of David Dugan to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, Iain Johnston to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, and Franklin Valderrama to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

“We are pleased that the President nominated Judge Dugan, Judge Johnston, and Judge Valderrama to fill vacant district court judgeships in Illinois. All three nominees were carefully reviewed by nonpartisan screening committees we established to evaluate potential candidates, and we expect these nominees to be diligent, thoughtful, and principled District Court Judges. We look forward to guiding their nominations through the Senate.” […]

If confirmed, Iain D. Johnston will serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Iain Johnston currently serves as a United States Magistrate Judge on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Before taking the bench in 2013, Judge Johnston was a unit supervisor for the Office of the Illinois Attorney General and in private practice at Altheimer & Gray, Holland & Knight LLP, and Johnston Greene LLC. Judge Johnston also serves as an adjunct professor at UIC John Marshall Law School. Upon graduation from law school, Judge Johnston served as a law clerk to Judge Philip Godfrey Reinhard of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Judge Johnston earned his B.S., cum laude, from Rockford College and his J.D., cum laude, from UIC John Marshall Law School.

…Adding… Jennifer Welch, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Illinois…

I am frustrated that a federal judge temporarily halted a new law targeting organizations actively working to deceive people trying to access health care.

For decades, crisis pregnancy centers have targeted our patients using deceptive and false practices. Often crisis pregnancy centers provide misleading and medically inaccurate information, sometimes deliberately misdiagnosing patients or misdating their pregnancies so people think they have more time to decide about abortion or that they are past the time when they can have an abortion.

We are grateful the State of Illinois continues to fight for our patients to have expanded access to the essential health care they need and deserve.

…Adding… Lisa Battisfore, President of Reproductive Transparency Now…

The news of this preliminary injunction against SB1909 is disappointing, but not surprising. We have expected that this would be the path forward from the very beginning. Illinois is mapping out the pathway that other states will eventually follow. Which is why we should all be watching NIFLA v. Raoul closely.

To be clear, the Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act does not compel speech. Anti-abortion centers simply must not lie to their clients, and must not deceive or mislead in service to their mission to prevent people from accessing abortion care.

We must ask ourselves: Why is it that these anti-abortion groups are so concerned about being prohibited from lying and deceiving?

While covering this story, we implore members of the media to ask probing questions about anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers,” such as:

    • Who are the medical providers on staff (if there are any) and how often are they on-site? What are their specialties and credentials?
    • What must clients do in order to receive material support? And what material support do they receive in exchange for those requirements?
    • Do they have a separate website for clients and donors? How is the organization’s mission described differently between those websites?
    • What personal information are they collecting about clients? Are they bound by patient data privacy laws to keep that information protected?
    • Do they promote “abortion pill reversal”? What clinical studies are they using to justify this unproven–and potentially dangerous–protocol?

We have many examples of pamphlets and forms from CPCs in Illinois, available upon request.

…Adding… I asked for examples from the group. Click here and here.

…Adding… Gov. JB Pritzker…

I’m disappointed that the far-right is interfering with the ability for women to access safe medical care without deception or lies. This law is constitutional and I am confident that the law will ultimately be found constitutional and will continue to work alongside Attorney General Raoul to ensure Illinois patients are protected from misinformation.

…Adding… Sarah Garza Resnick CEO of Personal PAC…

We know the anti-abortion movement is fond of forum shopping, so this latest move is not surprising. Consumers in Illinois are protected against fraud and deception, and that has not changed. People have just as much of a right to bring a complaint against so-called crisis pregnancy centers engaged in deceptive practices as they do against a car dealership, a payday lender, or any other business. We look forward to working with Attorney General Raoul and our allies to ensure that CPCs are held accountable for deceptive practices.

…Adding… Leader McCombie…

After a federal judge granted a motion to immediately halt a new law targeting crisis pregnancy centers, House Republican Leader Tony McCombie issued the following statement:

“House Republicans consistently said this bill violated the First Amendment and US District Judge Johnston confirmed that concern. We will continue to fight to protect women and the care they receive from pregnancy centers.”

Below is Leader McCombie’s Floor Speech during the bill’s initial debate in the Illinois House:

…Adding… Freedom Caucus…

The IL Freedom Caucus is issuing the following statement on a federal judge’s decision to grant a stay in the National Institute of Family Life Advocates et al. v. Raoul lawsuit.

“This is a victory for free speech. Crisis pregnancy centers will continue to be able to operate while this case is being litigated without fear of being harassed or being shut down. We are confident that in the end the courts will side with common sense and the Constitution and ultimately overturn this outrageous law.

The people who volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. The women seeking help from crisis pregnancy centers do so of their own volition. Crisis pregnancy centers are up front and honest about their mission and about their pro-life views. The only concern about the crisis pregnancy is not the volunteers who work at these clinics but the deranged pro-abortion lunatics who are setting off bombs at these clinics to intimidate pro-life people. Instead of denying the free speech rights of pro-life activists, Kwame Raoul should be focused on the mentally unstable pro-abortion advocates who believe their political world view provides just cause to commit violence against people with whom they disagree.”

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is comprised of State Representatives Chris Miller (R-Oakland), chairman; Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City), vice-chairman; Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich); Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville); Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur); Jed Davis (R-Newark) and David Friess (R-Red Bud). The members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus are members of the Illinois General Assembly who are advocating for limited government, lower taxes and accountability and integrity in government.


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Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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Isabel’s morning briefing

Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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Friday, Aug 4, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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