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*** UPDATED x3 *** National Guard put on “state of readiness”

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC 5

With a grand jury decision expected any day in Breonna Taylor’s death in Louisville, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker has put the Illinois National Guard into a “state of readiness” in the event of any unrest in Chicago or in other parts of the state.

According to a statement from Pritzker’s office, additional Illinois State Police troopers will also be available if needed in the aftermath of the grand jury’s decision in the Taylor case.

“The governor and (Chicago Mayor Lori) Lightfoot met this morning and are in regular communication, and the governor has spoken with leaders across the state,” according to a statement from the governor’s office. “As the governor has always said, all of the state’s resources are available to municipalities if needed, and this includes additional Illinois State Police troopers and the National Guard.

“The governor is putting the Guard in a state of readiness to ensure they are available if municipalities request their assistance,” the statement continued.

* Tribune

A source said more than 100 Guard members are preparing.

If needed to respond, the Guard members would fall under the direction of the state police, just as they were when they helped during civil unrest in Chicago following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police on Memorial Day.

The deaths of Taylor and Floyd sparked outrage in Louisville, Minneapolis and other U.S. cities, leading to protests and a renewed national conversation about systemic racism and law enforcement’s treatment of Black Americans. But cities including Chicago also endured looting and other civil unrest.

On Tuesday, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer declared a state of emergency as the city awaits state Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s decision. The declaration gives the mayor the authority to impose curfews and other restrictions if necessary.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Stay tuned…

*** UPDATE 2 *** Press release…

Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) issued the following statement in reaction to Detective Brett Hankinson being charged with three counts of wanton endangerment in the first degree in the murder of Breonna Taylor in her Louisville apartment on March 13. No charges were brought against Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove, the other two officers involved in the shooting.

“It is impossible to express the weight of the injustices and cruelty carried out against the Black community throughout the history of our country. When an officer can justify the murder of Breonna Taylor as legal, moral and ethical, then walk away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist, there can be no doubt that Black women do not matter in our country today.

“The pain, anger and frustration of this grand jury decision runs deep in every fiber of my being because it is a personal attack on my humanity as a Black woman and on all the Black women I hold dear to me. Breonna Taylor deserved to live, as do all of us.

“I ask for those who feel the need to unleash their hurt today to do so without destruction. Our communities have been struggling to survive for far too long and cannot afford more loss. We need to continue our fight in unity and power. Do not concede any points to those against our movement when they are just waiting to find a reason to continue justifying their racism and cruelty.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** CBS2

“A miscarriage of justice.”

That’s how Illinois Governor JB Pritzker described the decision to indict an officer with “wanton endangerment” in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor. He was joined by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle in addressing Wednesday’s indictment and future protests that may occur.

They urged peaceful protests. At 7:00 Wednesday night, Lightfoot said there will citywide moment of silence for the memory of Taylor. Lightfoot added “I encourage you to say her name.”

She added that the city is “ready” for the protests.

“We’re going to do everything we can to protect and support peaceful expression of First Amendment rights. But as we’ve seen people step over the line, we’ll be ready and we are ready to address that with the appropriate level of response,” Lightfoot said.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From yesterday…


* Today…

McCullagh’s Democratic opponent is Meg Loughran Cappel, a special education teacher who sits on the Joliet Township High School District Board.

* Herald-News

McCullagh also said in his release that Cappel is “bought by corruption” for not returning “Madigan money.” […]

State campaign finance records and a tally by the nonpartisan organization Reform for Illinois show Cappel’s largest contributors are mostly union groups like the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the International Brotherhood of Electric Workers. There are no direct donations from Madigan.

But McCullagh said in an interview that union groups, like the ones donating to Cappel’s campaign, have also donated to Madigan. The speaker has raised more than $1.2 million from the IBEW and more than $850,000 from the IFT over the last couple of years, according to the Reform for Illinois tally. […]

The Democratic candidate also attacked McCullagh for planning to hold a fundraiser headlined by former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich whom she called a “corrupt liar.”

President Trump lost this district by 10 points four years ago.

* The Question: Other than a bit of publicity, can you see any advantage for a legislative candidate who uses Rod Blagojevich to attack corruption? Explain.


Kilbride rolls out endorsements from “champions of public safety,” including Republicans

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Scott Holland writes about Illinois Supreme Court races…

Third District Democrat Thomas Kilbride, who joined the court in 2000, is seeking his third term. His retention vote, from a partisan standpoint, appears to be the main event. Republicans haven’t been shy about calling for his defeat, and Monday the state GOP rolled out its Vote NO on Kilbride coalition, which includes “more than 500 elected officials, community leaders and activists,” headlined by all five Republican congressmen.

The group labels Kilbride as “Madigan’s Favorite Judge,” referring to the powerful House speaker and chairman of the state Democratic party, implying $2.8 million in campaign funding for Kilbride effectively bought his support to block changes to legislative map rules and “every major economic reform that could improve the state’s legal and business climates — namely pension reform, tort reform and medical malpractice caps.”

Kilbride just launched his retention campaign, championing his access initiatives and role in pushing to allow cameras in courtrooms and digitize legal records.

* Speaking of which…

Illinois Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride is proud to receive endorsements from champions of public safety across the Third Judicial District as he seeks retention to the state’s highest court, with Democrats, Republicans, and non-partisan judicial leaders joining together to praise his record as a fair and independent judge dedicated to ensuring the legal system works for everyone.

To date, Kilbride’s supporters include law enforcement, elected officials from both parties, legal professionals, business leaders and other prominent members of local communities. The endorsements come ahead of the start of early voting on Sept. 24, the first day voters can cast ballots in-person and the first day election authorities can send mail-in ballots to registered voters. To retain his position on the state Supreme Court, Kilbride will need favorable votes from 60 percent of the voters who mark an answer to this question on their ballots.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of such a diverse group of law enforcement officials and members of the legal community,” said Kilbride. “In these highly polarized times, I am grateful that, though they may be Republicans, Democrats or Independents, they have set party aside to express their confidence in my fairness and belief that ‘equal justice under law’ is not merely a phrase carved into the marble above a court’s entryway, it is the bedrock principle that guides every decision I make. The people of Illinois deserve nothing less.”

“Some issues transcend partisanship, and that’s particularly the case when it comes to my support for Supreme Court Justice Tom Kilbride,” said LaSalle County Sheriff Tom Templeton, a Republican. “My endorsement of Justice Kilbride is based on his record of treating everyone who comes before the court fairly and with the utmost respect for the rights our state and federal constitutions endow them. Fairness, honesty and integrity is what the men and women of law enforcement expect in a judge and Tom Kilbride has never let us down.”

“I have served 32 years in law enforcement, and the safety and sacrifices of the personnel under my charge is extremely personal to me. We put our lives on the line to protect residents of our county and to work to see justice done. It’s important that our judges are consistent, fair and balanced when they hear cases, and Justice Kilbride continually makes sure that everyone is heard, and justice is served. I have also been a long-time union member, and I know that Kilbride respects an honest, hard-day’s work, which I think is important. I think everyone should vote in favor of retaining Justice Kilbride on the state Supreme Court,” said Will County Sheriff Mike Kelley, a Democrat.

* Here’s the list, with Republicans labeled…

Adrienne W. Albrecht, Circuit Judge, 21st Judicial Circuit, Kankakee County

J. Jeffrey Allen, Circuit Judge, 12th Judicial Circuit, Will County

Paul Bauer, Marshall County State’s Attorney (R)

John Booker, Whiteside County Sheriff

Tim Bukowski, former Kankakee County Sheriff (R)

Gerald Bustos, Rock Island County Sheriff

Geno J. Caffarini, Bureau County State’s Attorney

David Clague, Knox County Sheriff

Terry A. Costello, Whiteside County State’s Attorney

Chris Doscotch, Circuit Judge, 10th Judicial Circuit, Peoria County

Kevin L. Doyle, Putnam County Sheriff

Stephen G. Evans, retired Chief Judge, 12th Judicial Circuit, Henderson County (R)

Paula A. Gamora, Circuit Judge, 12th Judicial Circuit, Will County

James W. Glasgow, Will County State’s Attorney

Jodi Hoos, Peoria County State’s Attorney

Justin G. Jochums, Fulton County State’s Attorney

Mike Kelley, Will County Sheriff

Michael J. Kick, retired Chief Judge, 21st Judicial Circuit, Kankakee County (R)

Stephen Kouri, Circuit Judge, 10th Judicial Circuit, Tazewell County (R)

Meeghan N. Lee, Mercer County State’s Attorney

Robert N. Livas, retired Circuit Judge, 12th Judicial Court, Will County (R)

Paul Mangieri, retired Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial Circuit, Knox County

John L. McGehee, Circuit Judge, 14th Judicial Circuit, Rock Island County

John T. Pepmeyer, Knox County State’s Attorney

Jim Reed, Bureau County Sheriff

Jim Rowe, Kankakee County State’s Attorney

Richard C. Schoenstedt, Chief Judge, 12th Judicial Circuit, Will County (R)

Timothy J. Slavin, retired Circuit Judge, 14th Judicial Circuit, Whiteside County (R)

Tom Templeton, LaSalle County Sheriff (R)

Linnea E. Thompson, Circuit Judge, 14th Judicial Circuit, Rock Island County

David L. Vancil, Jr., Chief Judge, 9th Judicial Circuit, Henderson County (R)

Dora A. Villarreal-Nieman, Rock Island State’s Attorney


ICC says utilities agree to voluntary disconnection moratorium

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

On Monday, the Illinois Commerce Commission announced the moratorium on disconnections has voluntarily been extended by several state regulated utilities through the Winter 2021 for eligible low-income residential customers, and those who self-report to utilities that they are experiencing financial or COVID-19 hardship. Previously, several of the utilities had voluntarily agreed to extend the moratorium on shutoffs for residential customers until September 30, 2020.

At the request of the ICC, the following utilities have committed to extending the moratorium on utility disconnections for low-income (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program qualified) residential customers and those financially impacted by COVID-19 until March 31, 2021: Ameren Illinois, Aqua Illinois, Illinois American Water, Commonwealth Edison, Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas, and Utility Services of Illinois. MidAmerican will voluntarily extend the moratorium on disconnections for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program qualified residential customers through March 31, 2021 and is further considering additional options to help their customers during this unprecedented time. Additionally, Nicor Gas and Liberty Utilities have agreed to extend the moratorium on disconnections for all residential customers until March 31, 2021.

“Illinois citizens are facing extraordinary challenges due to the pandemic. Low income families and those impacted by COVID-19 should not have to fear losing basic services like electricity, heat, or fresh water,” said Chairman Carrie K. Zalewski. “The voluntary actions by these utilities will provide our most vulnerable citizens with some peace of mind, especially as cold weather approaches. We appreciate the utility companies for their responsiveness and action.”

The ICC reminds customers to call the utility company if you have missed bill payments or you are struggling to pay your bill. No documentation or written proof is necessary, but you must make the phone call and verbalize your difficulty. This action will ensure a continuation of utility service. Deferred payment arrangements are also available for both residential and small business customers needing help managing their utility bill obligation during these difficult times.

On June 18, 2020, the Commission approved landmark COVID-19 utility relief agreements in Docket No. 20-0309, which were the product of negotiations between thirteen utility companies and numerous consumer advocate groups and parties. In addition to extending the moratoriums on disconnections and late payment fees, the agreements provided historic consumer protections involving utility credit and collection practices, deferred payment agreements, temporary waivers of reconnection fees and new deposit requirements.

More details on the Stipulations, each utility’s commitments and compliance reports are available on the Commission website in the ICC Docket 20-0309. To learn more about the Commission’s response to COVID-19, please visit:


1,531 new cases, 30 additional deaths, 1,455 in the hospital, 3.5 percent positivity rate

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release.

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 1,531 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 30 additional confirmed deaths.

    • Coles County: 2 males 80s
    • Cook County: 1 female 30s, 2 males 60s, 2 females 80s, 1 male 80s
    • Crawford County: 1 male 70s
    • DuPage County: 1 female 80s
    • Greene County: 1 female 90s
    • Jefferson County; 1 male 50s
    • Jersey County: 1 male 80s
    • Lake County: 1 female 70s
    • LaSalle County: 1 male 70s
    • Livingston County: 1 female 80s
    • Madison County: 1 female 80s
    • McLean County: 1 male 80s
    • Morgan County: 1 male 50s, 1 female 90s
    • St. Clair County: 1 female 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
    • Tazewell County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 90s
    • Will County: 1 male 70s
    • Williamson County: 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s, 1 female 100+

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 277,266 cases, including 8,486 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from September 15 – September 21 is 3.5%. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 41,829 specimens for a total of 5,185,216. As of last night, 1,455 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 367 patients were in the ICU and 153 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH is now reporting separately both confirmed and probable cases and deaths on its website. Reporting probable cases will help show the potential burden of COVID-19 illness and efficacy of population-based non-pharmaceutical interventions. IDPH will update these data once a week.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for a death previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email


FOP still FOPing

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* To be clear, this FOP lodge does not represent any Department of Corrections employees in the collective bargaining process. The lodge is a fraternal organization, not a union. But the subject of this social media post certainly provides us with a disturbing look at the mindset of some IDoC workers. It’s a best seller, eh?…

* Anders Lindall at AFSCME Council 31, which actually represents IDoC workers in contract matters…

Corrections employees are not “cage fighters”. They are security staff, counselors, therapists, health care providers, maintenance and dietary and clerical workers and many more charged with keeping the public safe and rehabilitating inmates to return to their communities.

AFSCME is proud to represent these thousands of men and women who do essential work in very difficult circumstances. Especially now when corrections employees are putting themselves at even greater risk to serve amid a pandemic, negative portrayals like this one are offensive and disturbing.

* Jordan Abudayyeh at the governor’s office…

The administration is deeply disturbed by the message this shirt sends and remains committed to criminal justice reform centered on rehabilitation for those who are serving sentences at DOC. The views expressed on this article of clothing are abhorrent and out of line with the values of this administration.

* Related…

* Three Illinois Prison Guards Face U.S. Civil Rights Charges in Inmate’s Beating Death: The three men assaulted Mr. Earvin “without legal justification” while he was handcuffed “and posed no physical threat,” the United States Attorney’s Office said. After the assault, the men filed “knowingly false incident reports that failed to disclose any assault” of Mr. Earvin, the office said.

* Pritzker Reviewing How Prisons Investigate Inmate Deaths, But Won’t Commit To Transparency Bill


Another confirmation that the Cook County Democratic Party made the rich richer and the poor poorer

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is not a surprise because others have found the same problems, but still

Under Fritz Kaegi’s predecessor as Cook County assessor, commercial properties as a group were valued far too low, valuations varied widely among similar properties, and the property tax burden was unfairly shifted onto the owners of less expensive properties, according to a new study Kaegi commissioned from an international nonprofit organization.

The broad undervaluation of commercial properties under former Assessor Joseph Berrios meant residential property taxpayers paid more than their fair share of the county’s tax levy while many higher-end commercial property owners got an unauthorized break, Kaegi said in an interview. […]

For the new study, the international assessors’ group looked at 1,643 business property sales throughout Cook County in 2018 and compared the sales prices with the assessed values. It found that in the county as a whole, properties were assessed at a median of 61% of their actual sales price, far from the group’s acceptable range of 90% to 110%.

The comparison was even worse in Chicago, where the median valuation of commercial properties was found to be just 52% of sales prices. For Evanston, the figure was 39%; for Oak Park, 43%. […]

The study also also found that overall assessments were regressive, meaning less expensive properties were overvalued and more expensive ones were undervalued, which unfairly burdens less wealthy property owners. The problem was worst in Chicago’s central business district and on the Near South Side and the Northwest Side, according to the group’s analysis.

Joe Berrios chaired the Cook County Democratic Party. Lots of powerful Cook County Democrats, including the House Speaker, are property tax attorneys and represent downtown businesses.


Get it together, people

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC 5

A well-intentioned mailer designed to remind Illinois voters of their right to apply for mail-in ballots has added fuel to the fire of an already fragile mail-in effort.

Letters went out last week from Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White’s office to some 5.4 million voters.

“Your local election authority had indicated that you have not yet applied for a ballot,” the letter stated. “However, you still have time to submit an application.”

Problem is, many who received the letters say they did apply for ballots, causing some to worry that the letters were fraudulent, or that their applications had been lost.

* Tribune

The law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker in June, gave local election authorities until Aug. 1 to send vote-by-mail applications to anyone who voted in either the 2018 general election, the 2019 municipal election or this year’s March 17 primary. Applications also went to those who registered or changed their mailing address after the March primary.

The law also required the state’s 108 election jurisdictions to report to the state elections board by Sept. 2 the names of all voters who had received an application and all those who had applied for a ballot. The secretary of state’s office had until Sept. 15 to send letters to those who had received but not returned an application.

“Per Illinois law, the secretary of state’s office was required to mail out letters by Sept. 15 to the list of names provided to our office by the Illinois State Board of Elections,” Henry Haupt, a spokesman for Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, said in a statement. “We complied with this law.”

But the letter — which reads, in part: “Your local election authority had indicated that you have not yet applied for a ballot; however you still have time to submit an application for a vote by mail ballot” — left some voters who’ve already applied confused, according to some local election officials.

* Greg Hinz

Under the law, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White’s office is supposed to mail, no later than Sept. 15, to anyone who hasn’t returned the mail ballot application sent to them by the local county clerk or, in Chicago, the city Board of Elections. White did just that—“We followed the law,” says a spokesman—sending out roughly 6.4 million letters.

But the names of those getting the letters came from the state election board. And it got the lists of names from the state’s 102 county clerks and the city board.

Well, some of those clerks submitted their lists a little early, says Dietrich. And both the state board and White’s office needed time to process all of that mail. Bottom line: Someone who actually did fill out a mail ballot application as late as Aug. 27 may not have shown up yet on the list of those getting the letter from White that was mailed no later than Sept. 15. “There was a gap,” Dietrich says.

* Phil Luciano

Per the new law, the Secretary of State sent letters to those voters Sept. 15. The message was brief:

“Correspondence was previously sent to you by your local election authority with information on how to apply for a vote-by-mail ballot. Your election authority had indicated that you have not yet applied for a ballot; however, you still have time to submit an application for a vote-by-mail ballot. Please contact your local election official listed in the upper right hand corner of this letter to complete an application, return an application or to receive additional information about vote by mail.”

In coming days, county clerks all over Illinois were inundated with calls from perplexed voters. Some wondered if perhaps voting booths had been eliminated in favor of an all-mail election. Others insisted they sent in their applications but now worried that some sort of snafu would cut them out of the ballot process.

The truth? The voting booths will be open in November for those who want to cast a ballot in person. And for those voters who submitted a vote-by-mail application, those ballots will be mailed Sept. 24.

* Mark Brown

White’s office pointed blame at the State Board of Elections, which compiled the mailing list. The election board blamed its list on the two-week time lag between when it received information from local officials about who had not applied and when the letters went out.

State election board spokesman Matt Dietrich also suggested the letter could have been written more clearly with a disclaimer to explain that anyone who had applied in recent weeks could disregard the notice.

A new state law expanding the use of mail voting requires the secretary of state to send the reminder letters. A second letter is supposed to be sent on Oct. 15.

A spokesman for White’s office said the October letter will be amended to try to head off further confusion.


Caption contest!

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From ABC7’s coverage of yesterday’s press conference denouncing Rep. Amy Grant

Heh. Have fun.


Abudayyeh roasts Glennon idea

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square article entitled “Pension reform advocates say eviction moratorium makes case for pension reform”

“The fantasy of a constitutional amendment to cut retirees’ benefits is just that, a fantasy,” [Gov. JB Pritzker] said in his budget address. “The idea that all of this can be fixed with a single silver bullet ignores the protracted legal battle that will ultimately run headlong into the Contracts Clause of the U.S. Constitution.”

As a part of the organization’s larger series examining Illinois’ financial problems, nonprofit fiscal watchdog Wirepoints said arguments about the feasibility of pension reform continue to be shot down, even by Pritzker’s own legal team.

“His own lawyers are arguing that there’s an exception right now that applies to the eviction moratorium,” Wirepoints Founder Mark Glennon said. “When the impairment of the contract is reasonably drafted, fair and properly done, then contracts can be impaired.”

He said Arizona, with a nearly identical pension protection clause in its guiding charter, hammered out an agreement with firefighters to remove some of the agreed-upon perks in their pension contracts that place undue stress on taxpayers and put public safety at risk. Arizona lawmakers enacted a law that did so in 2016. It was not challenged in the courts.

* Jordan Abudayyeh at the governor’s office…

Clearly there is no depth that is too low for the right wing ideologues who don’t seem to care about the litany of issues facing our state during these challenging times. They instead remain focused on perpetuating the myth that the state can just shirk its responsibilities to retirees who devoted their careers to public service and that will fix our state finances. The ideologues had four years under Governor Bruce Rauner to implement their scheme that would magically fix state finances and they failed to do so, leaving behind a hollowed out state government and a mountain of debt. We’ve seen what the carnival barkers believe state government should look like, and the people of Illinois have rejected their sham.

Jordan is back after taking a few days off. She seems to have fully recharged.


HHS Secretary Azar says Illinois schools should reopen

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Fox 32

The United States health secretary, who oversees the FDA, CDC and much of the federal COVID response, tells FOX 32 local kids should be in school.

“Illinois, Chicago are getting better in the sense of cases case counts going down and test positivity going down,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

He says Illinois is moving in the right direction and has everything for kids to return to class.

“When you have cases, you need to do the contact tracing within the school and test around them in order to contain disease. We have all of those capacities. We can get back to school and do so safely,” Azar said. […]

Even as Illinois surpasses 5-million COVID tests, Pritzker says it is too soon to ease restrictions.

“The answer is the virus is still out there,” the governor said.


…Adding… SJ-R

Based on Illinois Department of Health guidelines, the Springfield School District 186 board voted Monday to approve a set of metrics to determine a return to the hybrid/blended model. […]

The metrics include a Sangamon County positivity rate less than or equal to 5 percent; a case count less than or equal to 50 out of 100,000; a new youth case count less than or equal to 5 percent and a weekly case count increase less than or equal to 20 percent

The county would have to meet all four metrics for two consecutive weeks before students could return to the hybrid/blended model.


Rate the new Oberweis TV ad

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Jim Oberweis campaign has made a 500-point ad buy on broadcast TV in the Chicago media market that is started on Saturday.

The buy includes ads on ABC 7, NBC 5, CBS 2, WGN 9, Fox 32 as well as a cable buy across the entire District.

The ad focuses on comments Rep. Lauren Underwood made during a recent candidates’ interview with the Chicago Sun Times Editorial Board. During the interview she refused to condemn rioting and instead talked about “beautiful protests.”

“Rioting and looting and violence are not ‘beautiful’,” Oberweis said. “I have consistently stood up for law enforcement. I have advocated for defending our police – not defunding them and I have called for an end to the violence. My opponent has been given numerous opportunities to condemn the violence, but she continues to refuse to do so.”

* The ad


Pritzker announces partial do-over of cannabis dispensary application process

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up from late yesterday afternoon for visibility.]

* Press release…

Following a careful examination of the process to award the first round of conditional adult-use cannabis dispensary licenses after receiving feedback from community leaders and stakeholders, Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) announced additional steps to ensure the process moves forward in a fair and equitable manner. These steps will ensure applicants whose applications did not achieve the maximum score of 252 points will receive a supplemental deficiency notice and a score sheet identifying each exhibit to the application on which they lost points. After receiving the supplemental deficiency notice, applicants will have an opportunity to provide a response that amends the application exhibits or to ask IDFPR to conduct a rescore of their original application exhibits if they believe there was an error or an inconsistency in the scoring.

“As we worked with the General Assembly, equity and fairness have always been at the heart of our approach to legalizing cannabis, and when we heard significant concerns from numerous stakeholders about the process to award dispensary licenses, I said we needed to take a pause to fix their concerns, within the bounds of our landmark law,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “While this process remains a marathon and not a sprint, we believe that these new steps will inject more equity and fairness in the first round of license awards and provide insight as we improve the process for future rounds.”

The supplemental deficiency notices and score sheet will notify applicants which application exhibits did not receive a perfect score. For each exhibit, an applicant can either submit additional information, request a rescore of the exhibit, or do nothing and keep the original score on that exhibit.

IDFPR will review all timely responses to the supplemental deficiency notices and will issue a final score for each application. The Department will then conduct the lottery for Conditional Licenses in accordance with its tiebreaker rules. The Department will provide detailed instructions for applicants, including all deadlines, in the coming weeks.

“The Pritzker administration continues to work towards creating the most equity-centric cannabis industry in the nation. From day one of the administration’s work with the legislature, equity has been at the center of this legislation from day one of negotiations as we worked to create a system that prioritizes social equity applicants and reinvests revenues in communities hardest hit by the war on drugs,” said Toi Hutchinson, Senior Advisor to the Governor on Cannabis Control. “Before awarding the next 110 dispensary licenses, as the statute requires, the State will conduct a disparity study to better understand how this new industry is working and correct any structural challenges to equity as we move forward in implementing the law.”

This supplemental process is designed to ensure the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act is implemented in a fair and equity-centric manner as intended by both the administration and the General Assembly and will be conducted in accordance with the Act. Applicants will not be permitted to change the owners or ownership percentages identified on their original application in an attempt to qualify for social equity status, Illinois resident ownership status, or veteran ownership status if the original owner or group of majority owners on the application did not fall into those categories. The points allocated for these categories are outlined in the Act and, therefore, can only be changed through the legislative process.

Following the awarding of the first 75 licenses, the Act provides that IDFPR must conduct a disparity study, which will be a comprehensive evaluation of the adult-use cannabis market. Based on the results of that study, additional measures will be proposed to further improve equity and inclusion in the market. The administration has already suggested steps for the General Assembly to take to improve the process going forward, including providing that all applicants who meet or exceed a cut-off score will advance to the lottery and limiting the number of applications one entity can submit.

IDFPR received 2,588 cannabis dispensary applications from 937 applicants, more than double the number of dispensary applications that have been submitted to any other state awarding a limited number of dispensary licenses. The applications also far surpass the 221 applications submitted to the state for medical cannabis licenses in 2014. The vast increase in the number of applicants reflects the significant steps taken in the Act to ensure a wide variety of applicants were given an opportunity to participate in this new industry.

In 2019, Governor Pritzker signed the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act into law, the most equity-centric cannabis legislation in the country. In addition to committing to conduct a disparity study, the administration offered lower application fees, low-interest loans, and informational workshops on cannabis-related licenses to social equity applicants. The administration remains committed to upholding the intent and language of the law and ensuring the cannabis industry is equitable for all Illinois residents, regardless of background.

Under this new law, 25% of revenues collected from recreational cannabis sales are being directed to communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the justice system through the Restore, Reinvest and Renew (R3) Program. The innovative R3 program recently announced $31.5 million in grant opportunities to organizations working in historically underserved communities across Illinois.

Governor Pritzker is also working with State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, the Prisoner Review Board, and state’s attorneys across Illinois to expunge the records of non-violent offenders with a cannabis related conviction, with over 11,000 Illinoisans already seeing their records expunged.

For more information on the adult-use legal cannabis industry, go to


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and updates on the ISBE and the budget

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Sep 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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The bluster continues

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Fainting Goat restaurant in Pocahontas, which has served customers inside this month despite a state-imposed ban on such services, has been cited by the Illinois State Police for an alleged violation of the Illinois Department of Public Health Act.

An attorney for the restaurant’s owners said the citation has “no merit.” […]

As of Sept. 12, the positivity rate in Clinton County was 17.6% and in Bond County it was 11.3%, according to the latest available statistics from the state.

Wanna guess who the lawyer is?

Tom DeVore, a Bond County attorney who is representing the Driemeyers, said the ticket issued on Thursday to The Fainting Goat in Pocahontas and another one issued to a client in Monroe County should not have been issued based on his interpretation of state law. […]

DeVore argues that according to this section, citations can only be issued “when there is a rule of the department of health that’s being violated or part of the actual health law that has been violated.”

If people in Region 4 continue listening to DeVore and his ilk, they will never get out of mitigation. Just ridiculous.

* From the Illinois State Police

In response to a consistently high positivity rate in Region 4 and complaints about a small number of businesses violating public health rules, the Illinois Department of Public Health requested assistance from the Illinois State Police in our role of helping to enforce IDPH emergency rules. As outlined in the administrative rule, enforcement is an incremental process starting with a notice of non-compliance. If businesses continue to not comply, as has been the case in some instances in region 4, state or local law enforcement can issue the business a misdemeanor citation, similar to enforcing indoor smoking laws. Local state’s attorneys determine how to proceed as they would in any other misdemeanor case.


US Attorney hoped his answer would clarify his position, but it didn’t

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Been one of those days. I forgot to post my own weekly syndicated newspaper column

During both the impeachment proceedings against Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the disciplinary proceedings that led to the expulsion of state Rep. Derrick Smith, D-Chicago, the Illinois House was able to call witnesses.

But because of ongoing federal investigations in both instances, the U.S. attorney limited what some of those witnesses could be asked. Blagojevich had been charged with multiple felonies and Smith had been caught on audio accepting a cash bribe.

“We couldn’t call certain witnesses because we couldn’t ask them anything but their name,” explained an attorney who worked on both cases.

Last week, the House Republicans informed a Chicago newspaper that U.S. Attorney John Lausch had granted permission to call witnesses to a special House committee taking a look at whether disciplinary proceedings should be started against House Speaker Michael Madigan over his alleged role in a bribery scheme detailed in ComEd’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement. The company, you certainly know by now, agreed to pay a $200 million fine for its alleged role, although it has entered a plea of “not guilty” for the time being.

Not so fast, said the committee’s Democratic chairman, Rep. Chris Welch, D-Hillside. The U.S. attorney, Welch claimed, “requested we refrain from seeking any materials or testimony related to [ComEd’s deferred prosecution agreement] that is still confidential or anything in the possession of the federal government.”

In other words, Welch said, “we can call witnesses, but we can’t really ask them any questions.”

The committee’s next step was to draft a letter memorializing the conversation with Lausch and send it to Lausch’s office for a co-sign.

But Welch accused the House Republicans of playing political games and the Republicans were shocked, shocked that someone would suggest such a thing, and drafting a bipartisan response proved impossible.

So, the two parties, divided 3-3 on the committee, each drafted their own, conflicting letters.

Lausch responded to the two letters shortly thereafter.

“We hope this clarifies the positions we described in our Sept. 14 call,” he wrote.

Nope. Not even close.

The House Republicans issued an immediate statement claiming that Lausch’s response had given the committee “the green light to pursue all avenues of the investigation, including testimony and documents, that were articulated in the petition.” The petition forcing the creation of the committee was filed by House Republican Leader Jim Durkin and focused mainly on ComEd’s deferred prosecution agreement.

Welch, the committee’s chairman, an attorney and strong ally of Madigan, claimed his reading of Lausch’s letter was that “information underlying the deferred prosecution agreement beyond what is already public could be met with objection by federal investigators.”

Lausch did reserve the right to object to specific testimony or documents. But he also said his office didn’t object “generally” to the committee’s “pursuit of testimony or production of documents.” The witnesses just couldn’t say whether they shared that information with the government or what they learned from federal investigators.

“The feds say we can ask our own questions as long as we don’t ask ‘Did you tell the feds XYZ?” is how one Republican put it.

So, I assume the Republicans could ask Madigan if he ever tried to get anyone appointed to ComEd’s board of directors, or if he knew that people were being hired on contract with ComEd’s money to do no-show jobs. But would he answer the questions or even appear?

“If the GOP’s objective is to get Madigan sitting in front of them unable to answer questions, then they won that one,” said one attorney close to the House Democrats. “If the objective is to actually do an investigation, then they lost.”

We’ll see.

Welch set the next hearing for Sept. 29 in Springfield. He also said he sent letters requesting testimony from Madigan and everyone on the House Republicans’ witness list.


Question of the day

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Sam Yingling

Last week I tested positive for the COVID-19 virus after experiencing symptoms I thought were allergy related. The initial symptoms included significant sinus congestion and drainage. Those symptoms quickly evolved into cold-like conditions including sore throat, cough, chest congestion, headache, fatigue, and body aches.

Upon learning that I had tested positive for COVID-19, I immediately notified anyone with whom I knowingly came into contact and encouraged them to get tested. We all have a responsibility to slow and stop the spread of the virus by wearing face coverings, staying 6 feet apart, and getting tested if we have symptoms or have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19.

This is a very real virus that is proliferating in our communities and residents need to remain vigilant by following the protocols outlined by the Illinois Department of Public Heath and the Lake County Health Department. This is a highly contagious and opportunistic virus that does not discriminate.

I am following the guidelines outlined by the IDPH and the Lake County Health Department. I am recovering and remain quarantined at my home. My legislative district office will remain open and operating remotely as it has been since the beginning of the pandemic.

Thank you and stay safe.

* The Question: Do you know anyone who has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus? Explain.


More than 500 elected officials, others say “No” to Kilbride

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


Today, the Illinois Republican Party is proud to announce the formation of the Vote NO on Kilbride grassroots coalition. The coalition is made up of more than 500 elected officials, community leaders, and activists from across the 3rd Judicial District who publicly urge a NO vote on the retention campaign of Madigan’s Favorite Judge, Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride.

“I’m honored to be joined by so many leaders and reformers in calling for an independent state Supreme Court where the people of Illinois have a fair shake. Right now, they don’t. Justice Kilbride is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Madigan Machine. After receiving $2.8 million in campaign cash from Mike Madigan, Justice Kilbride delivered results that were great for the Speaker’s pursuit of power and disastrous for the taxpayers of Illinois. That’s why Kilbride is Madigan’s favorite judge and why he must be defeated in November.” - ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider

Justice Kilbride’s Illinois Supreme Court under Madigan’s control has blocked every major economic reform that could improve the state’s legal and business climates – namely pension reform, tort reform, and medical malpractice caps. Time and again, Kilbride has sided with government insiders and special interests over taxpayers, leading to higher taxes and more corruption.

And the biggest payoff for Madigan’s $2.8 million investment in Kilbride’s judicial career has been weaponizing the Supreme Court to block any challenge to his political power. Kilbride successfully blocked term limits in 2014. In 2001, Kilbride was the deciding vote to uphold Madigan’s gerrymandered map, and in 2016, Kilbride wrote the majority opinion striking down the citizen-led ballot (“Fair Maps”) initiative that would have given voters a say in redistricting and taken the power away from Madigan to draw gerrymandered maps.

Justice Kilbride is Madigan’s Favorite Judge because the judge has been one of the Speaker’s greatest instruments for amassing and maintaining his immense power in state government and politics.

Coalition Members

Illinois Republican Congressmen

Adam Kinzinger, IL-16 Congressman
Darin LaHood, IL-18 Congressman
Mike Bost, IL-12 Congressman
Rodney Davis, IL-13 Congressman
John Shimkus, IL-15 Congressman

Statewide Leaders

Jim Durkin, House Minority Leader
Bill Brady, Senate Minority Leader
Tim Schneider, ILGOP Chairman
Richard Porter, RNC National Committeeman
Demetra Demonte, RNC National Committeewoman
Mark Shaw, ILGOP Co-Chair & President of Republican County Chairman’s Association

3rd Judicial District Legislators

Neil Anderson, 36th State Senate
Chuck Weaver, 37th State Senate
Sue Rezin, 38th State Senate
John Curran, 41st State Senate
Jil Tracy, 47th State Senate
Jason Barickman, 53rd State Senate
Margo McDermed, 37th State Representative
Grant Wehrli, 41st State Representative
Tony McCombie, 71st State Representative
Ryan Spain, 73rd State Representative
Dan Swanson, 74th State Representative
David Welter, 75th State Representative
Tim Butler, 87th State Representative
Keith Sommer, 88th State Representative
Tom Demmer, 90th State Representative
Norine Hammond, 93rd State Representative
Mark Batinick, 97th State Representative
Thomas Bennett, 106th State Representative

The full list (it’s quite long) is here.


*** UPDATED x1 *** CUB scorched in WBEZ profile

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


After winning Springfield’s support for a multibillion-dollar piece of legislation in 2016, Commonwealth Edison decided to celebrate with a pair of invitation-only events at a Gatsby-esque River North nightspot once known as the Montgomery Club.

The first party featured cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and was to last two to three hours. At the second, more exclusive soiree, ComEd’s retiring top lobbyist was being toasted for getting the bill passed and for a long career in and around state government.

The guest list included more than two dozen executives from ComEd and its parent, Exelon. There were also company lobbyists and the bluest of blue-chip political luminaries: Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan, whose son was also invited.

But there was another invitee who stood out.

David Kolata and the organization he has led for 15 years, the Citizens Utility Board, are supposed to be thorns in the sides of ComEd and Exelon. But in 2016, Kolata’s consumer advocacy group instead sided with the power companies, enabling them to boost ratepayers’ electricity bills by billions of dollars over a decade to subsidize underperforming nuclear plants.

The story eventually becomes far more nuanced than the fire and brimstone beginning might indicate, so go read the rest.

*** UPDATE *** CUB is out with a long response. Click here to read it.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Fundraiser list

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Fight back against the idiots flying Confederate flags at Lincoln College and posting racist threats on Facebook: #SaveLincolnsLegacy

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


Officials at Lincoln College in Lincoln are condemning a series of social media posts and other incidents that they say are racist.

While Lincoln is a predominantly white community, the student body of the college is 60 percent Black or Latino.

The Bloomington Pantagraph says there have been recent online posts disparaging students as “animals,” and people have driven through the campus in cars displaying the Confederate flag while shouting insults and threats.

Um, this is not a “they say” thing. It’s racism. Period.

Tons of small, private liberal arts colleges are closing throughout the country. The town is darned lucky to have a viable college and yet some residents do this?

Also, our old pal Rikeesha Phelon just ended her term on the college’s board of trustees, but she’s remaining active and she and her fellow trustees have really done a remarkable job keeping that college going.

* Lincoln College President David Gerlach

At a time when our community is facing social, financial, and emotional challenges primarily due to the novel coronavirus, we need to band together to offer support and encouragement to one another.

In the midst of these challenges, I was notified of negative and racially-charged portrayals of Lincoln College students being shared on local Facebook profiles. Several of the comments included threats of violence against students and generally implicit racism.

Ironically, these negative, racist comments came on the same day that our student athletes were selected by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) as Champions of Character Silver Award Winners for volunteer contributions to the community over the past year.

Unfortunately, the bigoted behavior has not been limited to online activities. Our students have also had to endure vehicles displaying confederate flags driving through campus and incidents of shouting insults and threats. This behavior would be appalling in any community, but it is incomprehensible how anyone living in a city named for Abraham Lincoln could display flags that pay tribute to those who tried to destroy our nation.

I know that the social media comments represent just a tiny handful of individuals and are not representative of the overall Lincoln community. Unfortunately, for students who are young and living away from home for the first time in their lives, a few comments can feel as though the entire community is against them and wants them to feel unwelcome.

Lincoln College brings together students of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives which allows us to live and learn together. Our diverse student body enables us to enrich our campus and the Logan County community.

Lincoln College has a $53 million annual economic impact on Lincoln and Logan County. All businesses and residents of the community benefit either directly or indirectly from that investment. The students that are the target of these attacks are the source of that economic impact. Those who attack our students are, in a very literal sense, biting the hands that feed them.

Our students have only a few short years in our community. But, for the rest of their lives, as they pursue careers, build businesses, make investment decisions, and influence others, they will carry with them the impressions of the community they develop during these years. Lincoln and Logan County cannot afford to let a tiny group of hate-filled individuals soil its reputation for decades to come.

Please show kindness and patience to our Lincoln College students, as well as the entire community.

Idiots are parading Confederate flags through Lincoln College. I never thought I’d see the day. Please tell me again how that flag is about “heritage.” The heritage of Lincoln, Illinois and Lincoln College is the Union, not the traitors.

* But rather than shout into the wind, we ought to step up and do something about it.

Please, click here and donate to Lincoln College’s LINCOLN Fund. Enter the hashtag #SaveLincolnsLegacy (suggested by Rikeesha) in the “comments” box. I just contributed $1,000. Times are tough for too many, so that means the rest of us who are more fortunate should dig a little deeper. I’ll check later this week to see if we can get a total from the college.



Careful what you wish for

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Nextstar

Gov. J.B. Pritzker walked off a press conference in Macomb Friday afternoon.

Pritzker went to Macomb to discuss the Census and began by addressing the shooting in a dorm hall on Western Illinois University’s campus Tuesday night. […]

A member of the crowd then asked if the governor would stop utility shutoffs.

“I think you know that from the very beginning, we’ve gotten most of the utilities in the state of Illinois to agree to a moratorium on shutoffs. It’s my intention to continue to lean on them to do the right thing. I must say though that many of them have stepped forward to do the right thing on their own. Some slightly more reluctant than others, but they’ve come to the table,” said Pritzker.

People in the crowd then began chanting, “No utility shutoffs,” and Pritzker was escorted away by staff.

I watched the video and it didn’t look like he was being escorted away.

More importantly, though, just how in the heck is the governor supposed to unilaterally prohibit utilities from shutting off customers? What in the world would give him that authority?

* The far left has made some highly questionable demands this year. Last March, they demanded that the governor unilaterally cancel the spring primary. They’ve also demanded that the governor cancel rent payments. And now it’s utility shut-offs.

Yes, the governor has unusual powers during the pandemic, granted by previous General Assemblies over the last century. But people need to stop demanding that he act even more like a dictator. And the news media should at least point out the legal problems with these outrageous demands.


1,477 new cases, 7 additional deaths, 1,436 in the hospital, 3.5 percent positivity rate, state surpasses 5 million tests

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 1,477 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 7 additional confirmed deaths.

    • Cook County: 1 male 50s, 2 females 70s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s
    • Ford County: 1 male 60s
    • Macon County: 1 female 80s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 275,735 cases, including 8,457 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from September 14 – September 20 is 3.5%. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 38,234 specimens for a total of 5,143,387. As of last night, 1,436 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 364 patients were in the ICU and 153 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH is now reporting separately both confirmed and probable cases and deaths on its website. Reporting probable cases will help show the potential burden of COVID-19 illness and efficacy of population-based non-pharmaceutical interventions. IDPH will update these data once a week.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email

* Press release…

At an event in Springfield, Governor JB Pritzker and IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike celebrated the state surpassing 5 million COVID-19 tests since the beginning of the pandemic. The governor and Dr. Ezike also detailed how the state continues to strengthen its nation-leading testing operation as Illinois continues to set new records in daily tests.

“In a pandemic, widely available testing and faster results mean our people are safer,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Here in Illinois, we’ve steadily added new in-state commercial labs and greater hospital and university lab capacity utilization to get to an average of more than 50,000 tests per day. We do three and a half times the testing the average state does. And we’re one of the fastest states in delivering tests back to our residents. I intend for Illinois to remain a leader in the fight against COVID-19, in part by making sure we are on the leading edge of technology and its proliferation throughout the state.”

“Testing is a critical step in reducing the spread of the virus, because a positive test result begins the contact tracing process, which identifies who was exposed and needs to be quarantined to prevent further spread,” said Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. “Currently IDPH has 11 community-based testing sites around the state, as well as mobile testing teams that are deployed each week to various locations throughout Illinois. Anyone can go there to get tested, or at any state testing site. You don’t have to have symptoms, or a doctor’s referral or order, and there is no cost to you for testing.”


On Saturday, Illinois surpassed more than 5 million tests since the beginning of this pandemic – making ours one of the first states in the nation to do so. This benchmark was reached as the state has expanded testing capacity to over 52,000 tests a day on average and as Illinois labs reported more than 74,000 tests in a one-day period over the past weekend – two new highs.

Compared to the rest of the country, Illinois ranks third in the number of daily tests over the last week, behind only California and New York, and currently does 3.5 times the amount of testing than the average state. Illinois tops the Midwest by a large margin, doing 50 percent more testing than the second highest state, even while those states are among the top ten in the nation.

Illinois Department of Public Health labs have been a key part of this effort. The state’s three labs alone have done over 615,000 COVID-19 tests, more than 12 percent of all tests done in the state since the pandemic began. Beginning with a single-day capacity of 219 in March, IDPH labs have been running over 5,000 a day since June, a 23-fold increase in three months’ time.


As the first in the nation to run its own tests in state, Illinois’ testing operation spans approximately 300 locations, including more than 100 Federally Qualified Health Centers which serve the most vulnerable in our communities and 25 state testing sites and teams. In order to respond to outbreaks, the state has mobile testing capacity to reach areas in every corner of the state, including places like meatpacking plants, nursing homes, migrant worker housing and other communities less able to access traditional testing clinics or in areas facing high levels of community spread – like the Metro East where mobile teams are currently deployed.

To continue building on this progress, the state is looking to new methods of testing including more fast-acting antigen testing like Illinois’ own Abbott’s BinaxNOW, saliva testing like that developed at Illinois’ own flagship University campus and continuing to grow our testing targeted at vulnerable communities. As has been the case since the beginning of the pandemic, all state-run testing sites are available to residents free of charge, with no insurance required.

* Sunday

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 1,402 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 14 additional confirmed deaths.

    Cook County: 1 male 50s, 1 male 60s, 1 male 70s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
    Douglas County: 1 female 70s
    Greene County: 1 male 60s
    Lake County: 1 male 70s
    Macon County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s
    Perry County: 1 female 70s
    Whiteside County: 1 male 60s
    Woodford County: 1 male 50s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 274,258 cases, including 8,450 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from September 13 – September 19 is 3.5%. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 48,011 specimens for a total of 5,105,153. As of last night, 1,417 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 357 patients were in the ICU and 151 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

* Saturday

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 2,529 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 25 additional confirmed deaths.

    Bureau County: 1 female 50s
    Cook County: 1 male 50s, 2 females 60s, 1 male 60s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
    Edgar County: 1 female 70s, 1 female 80s
    Greene County: 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s
    LaSalle County: 1 male 50s
    Macon County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 90s
    Macoupin County: 1 female 70s
    Montgomery County: 1 male 80s
    Rock Island County: 1 female 70s
    St. Clair County: 1 female 70s
    Tazewell County: 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s
    Warren County: 1 male 80s
    Will County: 1 female 70s, 1 male 80s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 272,856 cases, including 8,436 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from September 12 – September 18 is 3.5%. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 74,286 specimens for a total of 5,057,142. As of last night, 1,469 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 326 patients were in the ICU and 141 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.


“Show of force” falls short

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Saturday in Chicago from the Sun-Times

The Let Us Play protest Saturday at the Thompson Center was intended to be a show of force and numbers to put pressure on Gov. J.B. Pritzker to change his mind and allow all fall sports, especially football, to be played now instead of in the spring.

That isn’t how it turned out. An estimated 400 to 500 people showed up, the overwhelming majority wearing apparel from Lincoln-Way East, Loyola and Batavia.

There wasn’t a single Chicago school with a significant presence. Brother Rice football coach Brian Badke was on hand with three players, and there was a coach or two in attendance from about 10 Public League teams.

* Saturday in Springfield…

* Sunday in Chicago

Student athletes pushing for the return of fall sports planned to rally at Soldier Field Sunday before the Bears home opener, but the rally has been canceled.

* Fox Springfield

“Look around to the other states,” Auburn Wrestling Head Coach Matt Grimm said. “If the other states are doing it, why can’t we? They keep telling us that they’re following the science. Well, they have to follow the science to do the things that they are doing in the other states. Okay, why don’t we get with those people to find out what they’re doing, they’re doing it right and do it here. Our kids need this. Our kids need to be back in school. Our kids need athletics. They need an outlet.”

As my mom might say, “If another governor jumped off the roof, would you follow him?”

* ABC 7 Chicago

“The one thing you haven’t heard the governor say is that there will absolutely not be additional fall sports,” said Joe Trost, an advocate for student-athletes. “He hasn’t said that everything will be pushed to next spring. There’s been conversations going on behind-the-scenes with the Illinois Department of Public Health and the IHSA Sports Medicine Committee. … They’ve been having communication throughout the week.” […]

IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike spoke with the IHSA Board about its safety plan for those sports, including football, soccer and volleyball, sources have said.

As we discussed last week, there are no ongoing conversations about this topic.


*** UPDATED x4 *** Rep. Grant: “These comments do not reflect my heart or my faith”

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Media advisory…

State Reps. Will Davis, Camille Lilly, Greg Harris and Emanuel Chris Welch will present evidence of racist and homophobic statements made by a member of the General Assembly at a virtual press conference on Monday, Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. The offensive statements were recorded and will be released to the public during this event.

Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) is the subject of the recording. She speaks in the call about her opponent, Democrat Ken Mejia-Beal, who is a gay, Black Democrat. This was supposedly a fundraising call. Click here for what the House Dems say is evidence that Rep. Grant knew she was being recorded, although she is not heard giving permission. “To her recollection, Rep Grant did not give permission to be recorded,” said a House Republican spokesperson. However, the Democrats also claimed that there is little to no expectation of privacy for a legislator or a candidate.

* Grant excerpt

I mean he’s just another one of the Cook County people. That’s all you’re gonna vote for is Cook County, another, ya know, Black Caucus, that’s all we need is another person in the Black Caucus. Yeah, so anyhow. And I’m all for, ya know, I work across the aisle and Will Davis is a buddy of mine and he’s in leadership and I am a friend of his and he respects me.

* Another Grant excerpt

GRANT: Well, I think he’s afraid to come into the district actually, into the heart of the district anyhow.

CALLER: Why? Why do you think so? Why do you think he’s afraid? I’m just curious.

GRANT: I just think that maybe he’s afraid of the reaction that people might give him. Not because he’s Black, but because of the way he talks. He’s all LGBTQ. He wants to work for the chronically ill. He just gives us like crazy, and every week it’s a different reason for why he wants to get into the race.

The Democrats said they wouldn’t release the entire recording because of issues with personal identification. “She talks about other people, is disparaging of other people,” Rep. Welch said, adding “I just thought that it wasn’t our place to reveal the entire call.”

* From Rep. Grant

I deeply regret the comments I made about Ken Mejia-Beal, and reached out to apologize to him this morning. These comments do not reflect my heart or my faith.

* I asked the Democrats about the apology and Rep. Welch said this…

We have to question her questioning an opponent talking about the chronically ill. If you’re living with diabetes, you’re living with high blood pressure, you have pancreatic cancer like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and you fought, you’re fighting like a champion like she did. Rep. Amy Grant has a problem with you speaking for the chronically ill. We heard that on that tape. Do we want someone like that in the Illinois legislature? This call questions her character and is completely inconsistent with her apology that she makes now, because she was caught on tape. But what’s she saying when she’s not on tape?

* I followed up with Welch and asked if this rose to the level of conduct unbecoming a legislator, since Welch chairs the committee that’s considering whether to punish House Speaker Michael Madigan for that very thing…

I think people should listen to that tape and listen to it repeatedly, and that’s a question for everyone to ask themselves. I think Leader Durkin should ask himself that question. I think Rep. Mazzochi [a fellow investigative committee member] should ask herself that question, Grant Wehrli [another investigative committee member] should ask himself that question, and honestl, answer that question because listen to the tape, she has a problem with Blacks, LGBTQ people, and the chronically ill. And so, I’ll let others answer that question for you, Rich.

“Release the tapes,” said House GOP spokesperson Eleni Demertzis this morning.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

On a recorded fundraising call, Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) made racist and homophobic remarks aimed at her Democratic challenger, Ken Mejia-Beal, a Black gay man. We the undersigned members of the Illinois House LGBTQ Caucus condemn this hateful rhetoric in the strongest terms possible.

The LGBTQ Caucus believes this kind of hate speech has no place in Illinois, especially from an elected state representative. The fact that these comments were made when Rep. Grant knew the call was being recorded demonstrates the emboldening and normalization of racism and homophobia, a deeply troubling trend that we have witnessed during the Trump era. To criticize and ridicule someone for who they are and who they love is despicable and unacceptable.

People in our community have fought for decades against discrimination and to be represented in our government at every level. There are LGBTQ people in every town and village and every corner of our state. For Ms. Grant to talk about needing fewer members of the Black Caucus and fewer LGBTQ members is just wrong.

This is a stark reminder that we as elected officials must continue the fight for equality and inclusion in the face of hate.


Majority Leader Greg Harris
Representative Kelly Cassidy
Representative Yoni Pizer
Representative Lamont Robinson
Representative Sam Yingling

*** UPDATE 2 *** Senator Laura Ellman…

“We’ve gone through so much this year, fear, anger, uncertainty, distrust, outrage. And now this. Grant’s racist, homophobic remarks, and her words on the chronically ill, knowing she was being recorded, not only show her small mind and her cold heart, but show how little she cares for the people she represents. We don’t have time for this, the stakes are too high. We need people with expansive minds and compassionate hearts who work hard in Springfield. We need Ken Mejia-Beal.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Ken Mejia-Beal…

“I am a DuPage County resident. I’m a financial professional. I’m a husband. I’m an advocate for property tax relief, access to health care, and other issues I am passionate about. But in her hurtful, degrading, and wholly unacceptable comments which have now come to light, Representative Grant makes it clear that she sees only the color of my skin and my sexual orientation – and that in her mind disqualifies me as a leader and even disqualifies me as a member of our community.

“Nowhere in Representative Grant’s one-line public response or the phone message she left me reading that same message is any acknowledgement that the statements she made so matter-of-factly on those recordings were also a grievous insult to every member of our community. Where is Representative Grant’s apology to those who hear her comments and wonder if they fit into her vision of our community? Where is the apology to all whose faith calls them to love their neighbors as themselves? Where is her apology to all in our area who are sick of politicians dividing people with their rhetoric? And where is Representative Grant’s commitment to use the time she has remaining in office to finally represent all of our unique community?

“I am running because I know we are a stronger, better community than the one Representative Grant depicts in her hurtful words and extreme agenda – and the people I talk to in every part of our district know that too.”

*** UPDATE 4 *** Equality Illinois…

Equality Illinois condemns the racist and homophobic comments made by State Rep. Amy Grant against her challenger, Ken Mejia-Beal, a Black gay man.

In a phone call to a donor released today, Grant said: “He’s afraid of the reaction people might give him, not because he’s Black, but because of the way he talks. He’s all LGBTQ, he wants to work for the chronically ill…” We at Equality Illinois and in the LGBTQ community recognize this age-old homophobic attack against gay men. Grant also made a pointed racist remark by saying “all we need is another person in the Black Caucus.”

Even in the age of Trump, Illinoisans expect their elected officials to act with integrity and in accordance with Illinois values of equality and inclusion. Amy Grant fails even that basic test. She is clearly unable to represent all of her constituents with equal care and respect. Her apology is insufficient for an elected official in 2020.

Homophobia and bigotry must have no home in DuPage County or anywhere in Illinois. Grant must drop out of the election. If she does not, the voters of the Forty-Second District must reject her and send a message on Election Day that love trumps hate.


Illinois Lawmakers, Please Seize This Moment On Clean Energy And New Jobs

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Cleaner, greener energy. Fewer emissions. More jobs. That’s what Springfield lawmakers can deliver, thanks to Gov. Pritzker’s leadership in reviving clean energy legislation and putting forward thoughtful, ambitious principles to guide its progress.

As one of Illinois’ diverse energy providers, bp applauds Gov. Pritzker’s vision for a clean, renewable economy and urges state legislators to seize the moment for a comprehensive climate bill that includes a price on carbon.

Why? Because as Gov. Pritzker points out, “implementing a carbon price makes dirty energy less competitive, reduces emissions, creates room for renewable energy development, and raises revenue for the state.”

It’s fair to ask: why is an integrated energy company like bp advocating for carbon pricing? Because it aligns with our own low carbon ambition. Because we see business opportunity. Most of all, because we believe this is the right thing to do.

Read more about the Governor’s clean energy plan in our op-ed:

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To be clear, those Foxx numbers were from a poll of Lipinski’s district

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* At first or even second or possibly third glance, you might think that these Foxx/O’Brien poll results are countywide

A new Ogden & Fry poll commissioned by the Cook County Republican Party shows Joe Biden clobbering Donald Trump but has Republican Pat O’Brien edging Kim Foxx in the Cook County State’s Attorney Race and Marie Newman in a tight race in the 3rd Congressional District.

Asked if the election were held today, O’Brien received 57.9 percent to Foxx’s 30.7 percent (“other candidate” or undecided garnered 11.4 percent).

But if you believed that this was a countywide poll, you would be wrong. Here’s the polling memo’s headline

IL Congressional District 3

The last census showed that CD3’s voting age population was only 4.54 percent Black. Now, to be clear, getting clobbered by 18 points in Lipinski’s district is definitely not a good thing for Foxx, but the district is not representative of the county as a whole.

* And this is an email I received from the Cook County GOP last week…

Cook County Republican Party Chairman Sean M. Morrison commissioned the polling firm Ogden & Fry to conduct a county-wide poll on the race for Cook County State’s Attorney featuring embattled Democrat incumbent Kim Foxx versus GOP challenger Judge Pat O’Brien.

The results of the Ogden & Fry poll shows Judge O’Brien has significantly closed the gap over the last 8 weeks with Foxx’s numbers falling below 50%.

    48.1% — Kim Foxx
    33.8% — Pat O’Brien
    18.1% — Undecided

The Ogden & Fry poll spoke with 447 Likely Voters with the margin of error for the poll is +/- 3.77% at the 95% confidence interval. The poll was conducted on September 5, 2020.

Also, it’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg, not Ginsberg.


Illinois politicos, others eulogize RBG

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Posted in the order they were received on Friday. US Rep. Lauren Underwood…

It is impossible to put into words the sadness and grief our country feels with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg was a giant for justice and a force that represented the best of our judicial system and our country. I am personally shaken and devastated. Her fierce advocacy for the protection of rights for all people under the law—women, workers, LGBTQ people alike—and her guardianship of the Constitution must not be taken for granted. As a lawyer, she challenged and defined ‘equal justice under the law’ in a way that changed our country to make it fairer and better. As a Supreme Court justice, she upheld those sacred principles. Her life and work paved a way for women like me to challenge norms and fight for people and causes that make our country stronger.

Our democracy depends on the American people having a voice by electing a President who will fill this vacancy.

* US Sen. Tammy Duckworth…

There are no words to adequately express just how devastated and heartbroken I am to learn of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Not only did our nation lose a brilliant jurist, we lost a hero—a 5’1” giant who gave a voice to girls and women everywhere and moved the needle forward in our long fight toward justice and equality for all.

Like so, so many other Americans tonight, I am deeply grateful for all that Justice Ginsburg did to ensure equal protection under the law for women across this country and to defend the rights of so many others. She will be sorely missed, but her unparalleled legacy and impact will never be forgotten.

Tonight we are devastated, but tomorrow we will roll up our sleeves and keep working. We must honor her legacy by redoubling our efforts to safeguard the rights of women, the rights of Americans with disabilities and the rights of all Americans for future generations. We cannot let up now.

* Gov. JB Pritzker…

America has lost an icon and inspiration. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was first a trailblazer and then a bulwark for equality, whether you are a woman, gay, a person of color or disabled. Just as importantly, she was a shining role model for girls everywhere - a testament to working hard and fighting for what’s right. Her legacy will endure, but only if we fight as hard as she did to protect it.

MK and I grieve for Justice Ginsberg’s family, friends and followers - but most of all, our entire nation. Our prayer is that we honor this giant by honoring her fervent dying wish.

* US Rep. Bill Foster…

The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a devastating loss for the Supreme Court and our country, and my thoughts go to her family during this very difficult time. Americans of all backgrounds benefitted from her fierce commitment to defending the rights enshrined in our Constitution. She was truly a pioneer in the legal world and an American hero.

Very soon, the principles of personal integrity and fair play on which the Senate has always operated will be tested, as each Senator decides whether to abide by recent precedent that a vacancy on the Court should not be filled before the American people have a chance to make their voices heard in an upcoming presidential election.

* US Sen. Dick Durbin…

The Supreme Court’s most valiant champion for justice in our lifetime is gone. Justice Ginsburg was an American hero.

Please remember Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s demand that Supreme Court vacancies go unfilled during a presidential election year, which was also Justice Ginsburg’s dying wish. Senator McConnell pleaded with us to let the voters have the last word. Every member of the Senate should be asked to commit to the McConnell Rule.

Rest in peace, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

* Republican Cook County State’s Attorney Candidate Judge Pat O’Brien…

I am deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. A brilliant lawyer and justice who not only fought valiantly for the rights of women and minorities but also became a mentor for generations.

Justice Ginsburg broke barriers to become a respected and formidable legal mind and force on the court. Her work earned her the respect from leaders on both sides of the political aisle and her influence was evident from millennials to seniors. This is truly a sad day for all Americans.

* Thomas More Society Founder, President and Chief Counsel Tom Brejcha…

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will go down in legal history as a Jurist of very high stature and lasting repute who played a pioneering and pivotal role in paving the way for the advancement of women lawyers to their present positions of power and influence in our legal profession. She was supremely gifted and dedicated in her singular devotion and masterly contributions to the legal and associated social reforms that brought about this monumental progress over the many decades of her labors. But what marks her as a truly legendary jurist is her fidelity to the law, as a body of principles that stands apart from, and transcends, mere policy preferences and political partisanship, however deeply felt and ardently fought for. Thus we witnessed her voting twice in favor of our advocacy, which was assailed (stridently albeit baselessly) in so many quarters in the marathon NOW vs. Scheidler litigation, which gave birth to our Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm. The case lasted over 28 years from start to finish, and it culminated in a pair of successive U.S. Supreme Court decisions against the use of the federal racketeering and extortion laws against peaceable non-violent political protest. In that case, Justice Ginsburg joined an 8-1 majority in Scheidler II, handed down in 2003, and then again she joined an 8-0 majority in Scheidler III, handed down in 2006 (Justice O’Connor having retired, or it would have been 9-0) — proving herself faithful to the operative legal principles that proved dispositive, despite the fact that she was casting her vote against the National Organization for Women, another high profile advocate for the cause, so styled, of women’s rights. We deeply disagreed with her about abortion rights, but we too, at the Thomas More Society, salute her record of judicial service and mourn her passing.

* Illinois Holocaust Museum…

According to Jewish tradition, a person who dies on Rosh Hashanah, which began tonight, is a person of great righteousness. That is certainly true of Justice Ginsburg.

“As an institution, we have been lucky enough to be telling her remarkable story for the last 7 months, whether in person in our Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg exhibition or virtually,” says VP of Education and Exhibitions, Kelley Szany. “She has become a friend to us.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an amazing woman, full of spunk and grace and a quiet yet steely determination. She came of age in a time that was not supportive of women and the role they play in society. She fought discrimination at Harvard Law and when trying to find a job.

When she volunteered at the ACLU and saw the many challenges faced by women through their letters, it informed her life’s work. She used the law as a vehicle for change. And to reinforce the tenant that all people are created equal.

Her commitment to changing society was consistent and deliberate, and she argued case after case with the underlying theme that people should not be defined by their sex.

RBG was not just an attorney and judge, but a woman of huge heart, giant vision, and remarkable work ethic. She also became a cultural icon, gaining the attention and respect of so many through her humor, workouts, and fashion sense, using her collars to indicate her point of view for Supreme court decisions.

“While we will continue to tell RBG’s story at our Museum through January, we will always be inspired by her and will work to build on her legacy in the ongoing fight for human rights,” says Museum CEO Susan Abrams.

Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg explores the life of mother, lawyer, judge, Supreme Court Justice, and pop culture icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg and is on display through Jan. 3, 2021. The exhibition tells Ginsburg’s story using a dynamic array of gallery interactives, listening stations, historical artifacts, and contemporary art.

Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is organized and circulated by the Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, California.

* US Rep. Dan Lipinski…

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazer and a giant of the Supreme Court who had a tremendous impact on our country. Before we begin the political talk about her replacement, we should remember her life and her legacy. Part of this legacy that is especially important to remember in this time of ideological vitriol was her friendship with the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. The two justices disagreed strongly in their opinions yet maintained a friendship throughout their time on the court. Our nation should learn from these two late justices the way to live together in spite of differing beliefs. My thoughts and prayers are with the Ginsburg family during this difficult time.

* Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton…

Tonight, when I learned of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I felt a profound and deep sadness. This feeling is not only for the grief that her loving family must bear, but because of the devastating loss to our nation, and to women everywhere. Ruth Bader Ginsburg possessed a great legal mind and she used it to advocate for the rights of women and to be a voice for the underserved.

For women, the path to a law degree has extra hurdles. I am sorry to say that sexism is still prevalent in our society where women and men are not equally paid, and little girls are not always told to dream big. But Ruth Bader Ginsburg achieved and dreamed big for herself, and for all women. As a young black woman lawyer, Bader Ginsburg was one of my role models. I admired her intellect, her fearlessness to speak openly about issues, and her tenacity in court. She made it clear that it is the right and duty of every woman to be her best, and to expect equity, and to fight for herself and others, if she does not get it.

Bader Ginsburg once said, “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.” Those words guided me to bring my full self into rooms, and to sit at tables with the clarity that I’m there for a reason and must be boldly and courageously me.

Now Bader Ginsburg is gone, but her ideals and her example will live on. In her memory, we must fight for justice, equity and inclusion for all women, regardless of race, class or religion. In this 100th anniversary year of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, women should flock to the polls to vote for transparency, integrity, and leadership in the White House. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the Bader Ginsburg thing to do.

* Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx…

Our nation lost a legal powerhouse this weekend. Justice Ginsburg leaves behind a legacy of grace, principles and perseverance—to say she will be missed is an incredible understatement.

Through her position on our highest court Justice Ginsburg never wavered from her driving force to use one’s power in law to ensure social equity. She believed in justice and fairness for every American regardless of their race, gender, country of origin, sexual orientation and religion.

A true force in law, Justice Ginsburg turned a century-and-half policy on its head at Virginia Military Institute, finally granting women the right to attend this state-funded school. She believed a woman—not the government—should be able to choose how to approach her body, including having the right to have an abortion. As a result of Justice Ginsburg’s voice on the groundbreaking Lilly Ledbetter case, workers today can now sue their employers when discriminated against and paid less based on gender. These few examples of her heft and social activism affect life for each of us today as we know it—our country is better because of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s pioneering ways as a woman in law.

While some might argue the law is not a place for social activism, Ginsburg didn’t listen to this noise, always rising above the critics to bring justice and equality for the American people. Simply put: Justice Ginsburg unapologetically changed the course of our history.

A honorable woman, Justice Ginsburg carried her strength and fight for the American people until her very end. May she rest in power.

* Michael Madigan, in his role as DPI Chairman…

We have lost a giant – of the court, of truth and justice and of America. There is no replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She represents the best of us, and fought her entire life for human rights, gender rights and equality for all. An unmatched icon, Ruth Bader Ginsburg shouldered intense burdens and historic decisions with grace and integrity. She meant so much to so many. May she rest in peace and may her legacy carry on as the rest of us pick up the fight with her same passion and fervor. My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, colleagues and our entire nation.

I did not include tweets and fundraising emails.

…Adding… Senate President Don Harmon…

The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an enormous blow to the millions of women and men in Illinois she spent her entire life fighting to ensure are equal under the law. While her legacy and place in history are secure, the issues she championed are under assault.

Healthcare is on the ballot in 2020 with devastating consequences now that we know Donald Trump and Republicans will strip away protections for those with preexisting conditions through the Supreme Court.

In the middle of a global pandemic made exponentially worse by Donald Trump’s failed response, Republicans have denied science to keep Illinois families safe, aid to those in need, and now they are marching forward to deny people healthcare. It is abhorrent that Republicans in Illinois support ending protections for preexisting conditions - especially those potentially resulting from COVID-19 infections - while 700,000 Illinoisians are out of work and at least 275,000 have been infected by this terrible disease.

Make no mistake, Democrats in Illinois will not let this stand. We will fight tooth and nail against Donald Trump, Republicans, and the corporate special interests that back their crusade to overturn Obamacare and kick millions of people off the healthcare rolls.

This moment underscores the stakes of this election now more than ever. We will make sure the voters of Illinois know how important their vote is this November 3rd.

…Adding… Comptroller Susana Mendoza…

I was heartbroken to hear Friday that my all-time Shero, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the “Notorious RBG” left us too soon at 87, while she was still such a force for good and for equality, writing opinions to uphold our rights. This tiny woman was such a massive, brilliant, powerful voice for disenfranchised communities, upholding rights to health care, marriage equality, fair treatment for Dreamers and so much more. In both her legal and judicial career, she opened so many pathways for people like me. Women across the United States and frankly the American people as a whole owe her a debt of gratitude for everything she made possible for us. Ruth Bader Ginsburg represented the very best of America. She made our country better. We will never have another Supreme Court justice quite like her. As our country mourns, may she rest in peace.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Monday, Sep 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You might want to click here for some context. Tyler Childers will play us out

It’s called me belligеrent, it’s took me for ignorant
But it ain’t never once made me scared just to be
Could you imagine just constantly worryin’
Kickin’ and fightin’, beggin’ to breathe?

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Chairman Welch sends letters to potential witnesses, sets hearing date for September 29

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

State Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch released the following statement Friday:

“Today, acting on behalf of the Special Investigating Committee, I sent letters to Speaker Madigan, Michael McClain, Anne Pramaggiore, Fidel Marquez, John Hooker, Jay D. Doherty, Michael R. Zalewski, and Commonwealth Edison seeking their appearance before the Special Investigating Committee as requested by the committee’s Republican members. The committee will reconvene on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 2 p.m. in the Capitol for this hearing.”


Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: Update to today’s edition

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Today’s must-read

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Christy Gutowski at the Tribune

The Tribune has identified and interviewed the families of nearly 50 deceased health care workers in Illinois to chronicle the devastating loss of life and acts of heroism.

They include nurses, doctors, medical assistants, technicians, therapists and other support staff who clean rooms, serve food and provide security.

The dead worked in hospitals, nursing homes, private offices or on ambulance crews and in homes as health aides. Most were minorities, including those who were Black and by themselves made up nearly half of the 112 counted. Many had an underlying health condition that made them particularly vulnerable.

Some were near retirement or had delayed it as they refused to leave their careers during a time of such crisis. Relatives compared the dedication of their loved one during the pandemic to that shown by 9/11 rescuers who did not pause when facing danger nearly two decades ago.

Go read the whole thing.


Rate the new Dani Brzozowski TV ad

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m told the Brzozowski campaign is putting about 650 points behind this ad on Rockford TV

* Script

My dad was in the Army for 25 years, but this place is my home. The people here are my friends, family and neighbors.

I grew up poor. I know what it’s like to pay for gas with change from the floorboards, wear shoes that are too small, to try so hard and come up against barriers you didn’t even know were there. And I know what it’s like to be trying anyway. So do all of you.

We need jobs and health care and health, and too many of us are struggling. We deserve more than Adam Kinzinger is giving us. I’m Dani Brzozowski and I approve this message.

President Trump won this district by 16 points four years ago. Bruce Rauner won it by 11. Secretary of State Jesse White has won it by double digits every cycle, but AG Lisa Madigan is the only other Democrat to have ever carried it, and that was by just 1.4 percentage points in 2014.

So, this may be a waste of time, but I’m still curious what you think.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Governor’s office flatly denies CBS 2 rumor about high school sports

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* CBS 2

Parents and students continue to put pressure on Gov. JB Pritzker to reopen schools and school sports.

Rallies were held Thursday in the northwest and southwest suburbs, including Orland Park. As CBS 2 Investigator Megan Hickey reported, parents said the status quo – rooted in precautions for COVID-19, is doing more harm than good.

Sources said the discussions were continuing Thursday night, and that the Governor’s office is at least reviewing these requests to return fall sports in Illinois.

I asked the governor’s office if the last line of the piece was accurate. “No,” was the answer.

*** UPDATE *** Shaw Media

IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson joined Bloomington radio station WJBC-AM 1320 on Friday and shot down rumors that the IHSA, the Illinois Department of Public Health and Governor JB Pritzker are close to announcing a full return of fall sports, including football, girls volleyball and boys soccer.

“Well, there’s an insider out there that really truly isn’t an insider that’s really providing some false information to the media,” Anderson said. “And it’s quite unfortunate. That’s what I can share right off the top.”

Anderson said there has been a single phone call by Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, and Dr. Cynthia LaBella, who heads the IHSA’s Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. Anderson said the phone call was “simply a call for an invitation” and no follow-up has been made this week.

“While we hope in one facet it to be some progress toward us resuming more activities for our students that we’re currently offering at the present time, there is no movement and no further conversation other than that request to join and support IDPH in that communication and how they would return,” Anderson said.

Some news outlets need to take a breath already.


Illinois has 8th worst unemployment recovery year over year, 6th worst recovery since January, 9th highest unemployment rate

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WalletHub…

With the U.S. gaining 1.4 million jobs in August and the national unemployment rate at 8.4% compared to the nearly historic high of 14.7% at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, WalletHub today released updated rankings for the States Whose August Unemployment Rates Are Bouncing Back Most, along with accompanying videos and audio files, to illustrate which areas of the country have had the best recovery so far.

This report examines unemployment rates on a monthly basis, complementing the weekly analysis in WalletHub’s report on the States Whose Weekly Unemployment Claims Are Recovering the Quickest.

In order to identify the states with the best recovery in unemployment, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on four key metrics. We looked at the change in each state’s unemployment during the latest month for which we have data (August 2020) compared to August 2019 and January 2020. We also compared not seasonally adjusted continued claims in August 2020 to August 2019. Finally, we considered each state’s overall unemployment rate. Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A.

Unemployment Recovery in Illinois (1=Most Recovered, 25=Avg.):
• 168.32% Change in Unemployment (August 2020 vs August 2019)

    o 691,640 unemployed people in August 2020 vs 257,769 in August 2019;
    o 8th worst recovery in the U.S.

• 173.04% Change in Unemployment (August 2020 vs January 2020)

    o 691,640 unemployed people in August 2020 vs 253,312 in January 2020;
    o 6th worst recovery in the U.S.

• 597.74% Change in Not Seasonally Adjusted Continued Claims (August 2020 vs August 2019)

    o 593,305 continued claims in August 2020 vs 85,032 in August 2019
    o 19th best recovery in the U.S.

• 10.9% Unemployment Rate (August 2020)

    o 9th highest unemployment rate in the U.S.

More here.


2,120 new cases, 20 additional deaths, 1,481 people hospitalizations, 3.6 percent positivity rate, 24 counties reach warning level, Will/Kankakee off mitigation

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 2,120 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 20 additional confirmed deaths.

    • Cook County: 1 male 50s, 1 male 60s, 2 females 70s, 1 male 80s
    • DeKalb County: 1 infant
    • DuPage County: 1 male 40s
    • Edgar County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s
    • Franklin County: 1 male 50s
    • Lake County: 1 male 80s
    • McHenry County: 1 male 60s
    • St. Clair County: 1 male 70s, 1 male 80s
    • Tazewell County: 1 female 30s, 1 female 80s
    • Will County: 1 male 70s
    • Williamson County: 1 female 80s, 2 females 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 270,327 cases, including 8,411 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from September 11 – September 17 is 3.6%. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 61,918 specimens for a total of 4,982,856. As of last night, 1,481 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 329 patients were in the ICU and 149 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH is now reporting separately both confirmed and probable cases and deaths on its website. Reporting probable cases will help show the potential burden of COVID-19 illness and efficacy of population-based non-pharmaceutical interventions. IDPH will update these data once a week.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for a death previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 24 counties in Illinois are considered to be at a warning level for novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). A county enters a warning level when two or more COVID-19 risk indicators that measure the amount of COVID-19 increase.

Twenty-four counties are currently reported at a warning level – Bond, Bureau, Cass, Clinton, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, DeWitt, Edwards, Effingham, Greene, Jasper, Jo Daviess, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Rock Island, St. Clair, Shelby, Washington, Wayne, Williamson, Wabash, and Union.

Although the reasons for counties reaching a warning level varies, some of the common factors for an increase in cases and outbreaks are associated with university and college parties as well as college sports teams, large gatherings and events, bars and clubs, weddings and funerals, long-term care facilities, correctional centers, manufacturing plants, schools, and cases among the community at large. General transmission of the virus in the community is also increasing.

Public health officials are observing people not social distancing, gathering in large groups, and not using face coverings. Some communities lack access to convenient testing before people become symptomatic. In some counties, local law enforcement and states’ attorneys are not enforcing important mitigation measures like social distancing and the wearing of face coverings. Additionally, some people refuse to participate in contact tracing and are not providing information on close contacts or answering the phone.

Several counties are taking swift action and implementing mitigation measures to help slow spread of the virus, including increasing testing opportunities, stressing the importance of testing to providers, hiring additional contact tracers, working with schools, meeting with local leaders, and educating businesses and large venues about the importance of mitigation measures.

IDPH uses numerous indicators when determining if a county is experiencing stable COVID-19 activity, or if there are warning signs of increased COVID-19 risk in the county. A county is considered at the warning level when at least two of the following metrics triggers a warning.

    New cases per 100,000 people. If there are more than 50 new cases per 100,000 people in the county, this triggers a warning.
    Number of deaths. This metric indicates a warning when the weekly number of deaths increases more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
    Weekly test positivity. This metric indicates a warning when the 7-day test positivity rate rises above 8%.
    ICU availability. If there are fewer than 20% of intensive care units available in the region, this triggers a warning.
    Weekly emergency department visits. This metric indicates a warning when the weekly percent of COVID-19-like-illness emergency department visits increase by more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
    Weekly hospital admissions. A warning is triggered when the weekly number of hospital admissions for COVID-19-like-illness increases by more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
    Tests performed. This metric is used to provide context and indicate if more testing is needed in the county.
    Clusters. This metric looks at the percent of COVID-19 cases associated with clusters or outbreaks and is used to understand large increase in cases.

These metrics are intended to be used for local level awareness to help local leaders, businesses, local health departments, and the public make informed decisions about personal and family gatherings, as well as what activities they choose to do. The metrics are updated weekly, from the Sunday-Saturday of the prior week.

A map and information of each county’s status can be found on the IDPH website at

* Press release…

Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) are announcing that Region 7, which includes the greater Will and Kankakee County areas, will return to Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan today, September 18, 2020 at 5 p.m. This announcement follows weeks of close coordination between IDPH and local health departments, as well as a concerted effort by community leaders and residents to follow the additional mitigation measures implemented on August 26, 2020.

Region 7 moved to stricter mitigations following three consecutive days of a rolling positivity rate above 8 percent. As of today, Region 7 has reached the threshold to lift mitigations of three consecutive days of a rolling positivity rate below 6.5 percent, with today’s rate at 5.6 percent. This means that as of 5 p.m. today, indoor dining and bar service can resume along with larger gathering sizes as outlined in Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan.

“Today, Region 7 – Will and Kankakee Counties – will return to the standard Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan because residents chose to be all in for each other, for their small businesses, for their bars and restaurants, for their kids, for their neighbors,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Let that be a testament to the power of a community that embraces doctor-recommended mitigations proven to reduce risk and slow the spread. We can’t outrun this virus, but with the tools we know to work – masks, distancing, handwashing, and respect for public health and each other – we can beat it back enough to keep our businesses open and our neighborhoods safer all at once. Don’t let up now, Region 7 – let’s keep this success going.”

“I want to commend and thank those in Region 7 for working together to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in their communities,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. “Moving from a greater than 8 percent rolling positivity rate to below 6.5 percent in a matter of weeks demonstrates how concerted efforts to reduce exposure risks through limiting large gatherings, increased masking and other mitigation measures can truly make a difference. It also shows how quickly the positivity rate can move, in either direction. Because of the speed in which the rate can change, we must continue to wear our masks, watch our distance, and follow the guidance in Phase 4 of Restore Illinois. It will take all of us working together to get through this.”

Over the last few weeks, IDPH has worked closely with elected officials and community leaders in Region 7 to slow the spread of COVID-19 and bring down the number of positive cases in the area, helping bring the region from a rolling positivity rate above 8 percent to 5.6 percent. IDPH will continue working closely with the region to ensure residents continue to follow the mitigations that remain in place and wear face covering to will help prevent another spike in cases.


Open thread

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m taking the morning off to run some errands. I think I told you before that as part of being a responsible adult (first time for everything) I took Dr. Ezike’s summertime advice and am having literally everything checked out in case this awful virus comes back with a vengeance and we can’t make doctor’s appointments for non-emergency issues. What I didn’t realize is how long it takes to schedule some appointments. You can’t just bunch them up all at once. And it’s not just doctors. I also have like a half-dozen factory recalls on my truck that I never dealt with (oops), and my service appointment date is finally here.

Anyway, I’ll be back after lunch.

In the meantime, did you hear that the White Sox clinched a playoff spot yesterday?

* Whatever you talk about, please be nice to each other and keep the discussion Illinois-centric. You can use this thread to talk about any breaking news as well. Talk to you soonish.


House investigative committee coverage roundup

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Rachel Hinton at the Sun-Times

Federal prosecutors gave the state House committee investigating Speaker Michael Madigan’s dealings with ComEd the “green light” to proceed on Thursday — but not without flashing a cautionary yellow light.

U.S. Attorney John Lausch wrote to the top state representatives on the panel — Democratic chair Emanuel “Chris” Welch of Hillside and Republican Tom Demmer of Dixon, telling them his office did not “have a general objection” to the House Special Investigative Committee seeking documents or testimony related to the federal probe of the utility company during the course of its proceedings.

But Lausch also set some parameters. The six-member panel can’t ask witnesses about their participation in grand jury proceedings or request they produce materials disclosing grand jury activity.

In the letter released by Republicans, Lausch also objected to the committee asking witnesses about any contact they’ve had with prosecutors or federal law enforcement related to the criminal investigation into the utility or to share information learned from the feds during the investigation.

And, should the committee steer too close to his own ongoing investigation into ComEd, Lausch said his office “might raise objections to particular testimony or document requests” as the two parallel probes go forward. Lausch said he was not currently raising that objection.

* Peter Hancock at Capitol News Illinois

The Special Investigating Committee was formed after House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, of Western Springs, and two other Republican House members filed a petition Aug. 31 to commence disciplinary proceedings against Madigan, a Chicago Democrat and the longest-serving state legislative speaker in U.S. history.

Madigan was implicated in a bribery scheme when ComEd officials entered a deferred prosecution agreement with Lausch’s office in which they admitted that, from 2011 through 2019, they awarded no-work jobs and lobbying contracts to close associates of Madigan in an effort to win his favor for legislation that benefitted the company.

Madigan so far has not been charged with any crime and has staunchly denied any wrongdoing.

The legislative probe, however, is not focused on whether he committed a crime, but whether he “engaged in conduct which is unbecoming to a legislator or which constitutes a breach of public trust.” If his fellow lawmakers find that he did, disciplinary action could range from a reprimand or censure to expulsion from the House.

* Jamie Munks at the Tribune

The partisan jockeying continued after Lausch’s letter came out Thursday. Welch issued a statement that said the letter “confirms our understanding that while this committee can call individuals to voluntarily appear, they would be limited in what they can discuss.” […]

“We also see clearly that Republican members of this committee attempted to go beyond what has originally been discussed with the U.S. attorney,” Welch said, adding that he won’t allow it to be “used as a stage for political theater.”

Ron Safer, the attorney representing Durkin through the process, said in a statement that Lausch’s office gave the testimony “the green light to pursue all avenues of the investigation, including testimony and documents, that were articulated in the petition.”

The six-person special investigating committee has an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. Authorizing a charge against Madigan would require a majority vote.

* Tony Arnold at WBEZ

But there remain very different — and partisan — takeaways from Lausch’s guidance that will affect the tenacity with which the House panel will conduct its investigation into Madigan, who also chairs the state’s Democratic Party. The committee is evenly split between three Democrats and three Republicans.

State Rep. Chris Welch, D-Hillside, chairs the House panel and has accused Republicans of “using the committee as a political stunt.”

“Lausch’s letter today confirms our understanding that while this committee can call individuals to voluntarily appear, they would be limited in what they can discuss,” Welch said in a statement. “In particular, information underlying the deferred prosecution agreement beyond what is already public could be met with objection by federal investigators, and any further information collected by the federal government that informed that agreement is explicitly off limits.”

But that appears to contradict what Lausch wrote in his own letter Thursday.

“[If] a witness explained certain facts to prosecutors or federal law enforcement agents, we do not object generally to the witness explaining those same facts to the [committee],” he wrote. “We object, however, to questions about whether the witness shared those (or any other) facts with prosecutors or federal law enforcement agents, as such questions could reveal confidential information about the course of our investigation and could deter cooperation with our investigation by that witness and others.”

* Mark Maxwell at WCIA

However, Lausch’s letter never stated that witnesses could not repeat the facts of their testimony or their recollection of events, only that they could not reveal whether or not they had already shared that same information with federal investigators, and also could not reveal what information federal investigators may have shared with them.

“We do not object generally to the witness explaining those same facts to the SIC,” Lausch wrote. “We object, however, to questions about whether the witness shared those (or any other) facts with prosecutors or federal law enforcement agents, as such questions could reveal confidential information about the course of our investigation and could deter cooperation with our investigation by that witness and others.”

After Lausch clarified his position in a letter on Thursday, Rep. Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville), who sits on the committee, said, “This is exactly how we interpreted the phone call. It is clear we can call witnesses and have testimony regarding the [deferred prosecution agreement]. The things [Lausch] requested we not ask about are things we have no intention of asking about.”

House Republicans said they intend to call Madigan, former ComEd lobbyists Mike McClain, Fidel Marquez, John Hooker, Jay Doherty, Michael Zalewski, and former ComEd CEO Anne Prammagiore to testify before the committee.


Question of the day

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Evanston Roundtable

An Evanston resident for more than a decade, Daniel Biss has announced that he is planning to run for Mayor of the City of Evanston. He is currently a consultant for the Energy Foundation.

The RoundTable asked Mr. Biss five questions about his candidacy. His answers appear below.

Asked why he wishes to be Mayor of Evanston, Mr. Biss said, “We’re experiencing a long-overdue national reckoning on issues of racial justice, policing, and segregation — and Evanston is a progressive community that wants to be at the forefront of addressing these subjects. It would be an honor to spend the next four years helping our community make critical but difficult strides toward justice, and to lead our neighbors down that same path.” […]

The Mayor’s foremost duty, Mr. Biss said, “is to bring all of Evanston together. This means bringing in all voices to formulate a bold vision for our city, and then working relentlessly in pursuit of that vision. The Mayor must also lead the City Council to ensure that it is both a highly functioning legislative body and an effective instrument to transmit concerns from all nine wards. Finally, the Mayor must communicate very clearly and transparently with residents to ensure that when the City acts, everyone has a clear understanding of what is happening and why it’s happening — and this has to be done in a timely manner so that residents can weigh in when it still matters.”

* The Question: Daniel Biss’ mayoral campaign slogan?


Hang in there, Maggie!

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ted Slowik at the Southtown

Maggie Crotty is stepping down from her elected post as supervisor of Bremen Township for health reasons, officials said Wednesday.

Mary Margaret “Maggie” Crotty, 71, of Oak Forest, has been township supervisor since 2005. She previously held elected positions as a state senator, state representative and Democratic Party committeeman for Bremen Township.

“Right now Maggie doesn’t feel like she can continue,” said Rondal Jones, who serves as office manager and deputy clerk for Bremen Township and as an elected alderman in Markham. “We pray for her health.” […]

Crotty is credited with leveraging her political connections and influence in Springfield to benefit local communities after she retired from the General Assembly. Crotty helped secure $2.5 million in grants that helped pay for a new Metra station that opened in Oak Forest days before Christmas in 2013. […]

Crotty served 16 years in the state legislature. She served three terms in the House, from 1997 to 2002. She represented the 19th District in the Illinois Senate from 2002 to 2012. She was known for her work on health care and education legislation.

I knew her when she was in the legislature and covered her first race. She was part of the south suburban group that helped put the House Democrats back into the majority.

Unlike a lot of politicians, her smile comes from a real place. She was ambitious, but was also like everyone’s favorite aunt. Sometimes, I’d drop by her office just because I needed to cheer myself up. Maggie was the type of legislator who gave you hope for what that body could be. I sure hope this is a temporary setback. We need more people like her in this world.


Pritzker to sit down with stakeholders after uproar over cannabis lottery process

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A good first step

Amid a flurry of complaints that the marijuana licensing process is flawed, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office announced Wednesday that his team will meet with those affected to address the issue.

“The Governor’s office is currently working to schedule meetings with interested stakeholders, however, meeting dates and times have not been finalized,” Pritzker’s press office wrote in response to a Tribune inquiry. “The goal of the Governor and the administration is to take time to ensure that the process is fair and equitable.”

Just 21 of some 700 applicants qualified for a lottery to determine who will get 75 new recreational marijuana retail licenses. Since the finalists were revealed early this month, state regulators said they have indefinitely delayed the lottery to review objections.

State Rep. La Shawn Ford said the governor’s office will meet with lawmakers who’ve objected to the process, including members of the Black and Latino caucuses. Many of the finalist companies involve politically connected or big-money businessmen, including former Chicago police Superintendent Terrence Hillard, and restaurant owner Phil Stefani, which critics say flies in the face of the program’s goal of adding marginalized newcomers to the largely white-owned industry.


Rep. Mason claims she received a “rather threatening note” on her car

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 46 days…


Federal judge rules against Cook County GOP lawsuit to block new vote by mail program

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up to Friday morning for visibility.]

* Rick Pearson

A federal judge on Thursday rejected a bid by the Cook County Republican Party to block the state’s enhanced vote-by-mail program, rejecting as conjecture allegations that the program was a scheme aimed at disenfranchising GOP voters.

U.S. District Judge Robert Dow ruled the Cook County GOP also was tardy in filing its lawsuit in August seeking a preliminary injunction over the law approved in May as an effort to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic by offering an alternative to traditional in-person voting.

Dow’s ruling also noted existing state statute is aimed at preventing so-called ballot harvesting by political operatives, requiring a voter authorization signed on the exterior of vote-by-mail ballots that are dropped off to election authorities or at drop boxes as an alternative. […]

“Looking at the record compiled to date in this litigation, however, Plaintiff (the Cook County GOP) has provided no basis for concluding that its alleged harms are anything but speculative and therefore fails to demonstrate that ‘irreparable injury is likely in the absence of an injunction,’” Dow wrote.

Judge Dow was appointed by President George W. Bush.

* Bloomberg

The disputed measures include expanded use of secure ballot drop boxes and requiring officials to accept ballots without enough postage, among others. Republicans cited news articles and isolated cases of election fraud to back their claim.

But the allegations “rest primarily on unsupported speculation and secondarily on isolated instances of voter fraud in other states and historical examples from Illinois during the prior century,” the judge wrote. “Plaintiff cannot demonstrate either that it is likely to suffer irreparable harm or that it has some chance of success on the merits.” — Erik Larson


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign updates

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Friday, Sep 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
* Meanwhile… In Opposite Land
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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