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*** UPDATED x1 - Progressive aldermen chime in *** Democratic state Rep. LaPointe on Madigan: “I think he should resign”

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Zorn

Democratic state Rep. Lindsey LaPointe this week has thrown in with the brave band of rebels in her party calling for Michael Madigan to step down from his role as Illinois House speaker and state Democratic Party chair.

“I’m not really interested in issuing a press release or making a big announcement, but yes, I think he should resign,” LaPointe told me in a phone interview. “That’s what I’m prepared to say on the record.”

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

The following is a joint statement from Ald. Matt Martin (47th), Ald. Andre Vasquez (40th), Ald. Maria Hadden (49th), Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th), Ald. Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez (33rd) and Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st):

“As progressive leaders on the Chicago City Council, we feel strongly that our current circumstances require a change in leadership. Speaker Madigan’s entanglements in multiple scandals cast a pall of corruption at a time when we must be focused on protecting working families, seniors and students. He should do what is best for the state and step down from his roles as Speaker of the House and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois.”


Orland Park loses round in federal court

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mike Nolan at the Daily Southtown

Orland Park elected officials have been dealt a serious setback in a lawsuit filed in June challenging Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s restrictions put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A federal judge denied a motion by the village seeking a temporary restraining order as well as a preliminary injunction to overturn a series of executive orders issued by the governor.

The ruling, spelled out in an Aug. 1 opinion, doesn’t end the lawsuit, but U.S. District Court Judge Andrea Wood clearly indicated the village’s odds of ultimately being successful were very slim.

Filed June 16 in federal court in Chicago, the lawsuit alleges the state-imposed restrictions violate the due process and equal protection clauses of the Constitution and that Pritzker overstepped his authority. […]

As far as whether the governor overstepped his authority with the restrictions, Wood wrote that the governor “has sweeping powers in the event a disaster strikes all or part” of the state, and even if he did not properly interpret the law it would not necessarily render his actions beyond his legal authority.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** CTU prepares for strike vote as IEA teams with American Academy of Pediatrics to review school reopening plans

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The CTU has been claiming that Mayor Lightfoot wants the union to force the schools to close so she doesn’t have to. Welp…

* In other news…

Today, the Illinois Education Association (IEA) and the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP) announced a medical review panel that will determine if school district re-opening plans are safe for students, staff and communities.

The panel, which will consist of more than a dozen doctors, will review district plans that educators fear may not be safe under public health guidelines. The panel will then determine whether the plans meet a list of commonly agreed upon protocols.

“We will be watching to make sure our students’ and educators’ health and safety is being protected. And if the panel finds a district is operating in a way that puts lives at risk, we will do everything in our power to keep people safe,” IEA President Kathi Griffin said.

The partnership came about after the IEA discovered that the State of Illinois had encouraged districts to resume in-person learning and set forth public health guidelines, but did not design a system where districts’ “Return to Learn” plans could be either assessed or enforced.

IEA President Kathi Griffin said the IEA has worked collaboratively with the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Department of Public Health, with all of the education stakeholders in Illinois, but when it became clear there was no method of assessment or enforcement of health and safety measures for the in-person education plans, the union decided to make its own.

“There is nothing more important to us than the health and safety of the students of this state and those who work to teach, feed, lead, drive, coach, mentor and provide essential services to them in our schools,” Griffin said. “We kept asking, ‘OK, so if we don’t think the district’s plan meets the state standards or the AAP’s standards, where do we go?’ No one could answer. So, we turned to our longtime partners at ICAAP.”

ICAAP has enlisted a dozen doctors to review plans and is working to secure more.

“ICAAP is happy to partner with the IEA to provide expert guidance on our shared goal of opening schools safely in Illinois,” said Daniel Johnson, MD, FAAP member of ICAAP Executive Committee and Interim Chief of Section of Pediatric Infectious Disease at University of Chicago.

“Schools are an important safety net for children and we look forward to working to protect the health of students, teachers and staff while working to ensure access to the essential services provided at school.”

If a district’s plan is deemed unsafe by the panel of medical experts from ICAAP, the local will inform the district of the changes that need to be made to ensure all are safe and the environment is healthy. If that isn’t done, the IEA will work with the local to enforce the health and safety guidelines that have been set forth by experts.

“As we promised last week when we announced in partnership with the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT), no avenue or action is off the table – the courts, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board – nothing, including health and safety strikes. The entire weight of the IEA and the IFT will be used in whatever way is necessary to protect the students of this state and those who educate them,” Griffin said.

*** UPDATE *** The two-step completes

Chicago Public Schools is expected to announce as soon as Wednesday an all-remote learning plan to start the school year amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, a move that could avert a potential Chicago Teachers Union strike, sources said.


Crackdowns have consequences

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* July 8

Following an especially bloody holiday weekend in Chicago that saw dozens wounded and at least 17 killed by gunfire, police Superintendent David Brown has announced plans to create a permanent, specialized citywide unit to stop sudden flare-ups in violence and other crime, officials said.

Brown first told the Tribune in May he was contemplating forming such a unit, a controversial crime-fighting strategy that has occasionally been used here.

Details of the new unit were still being worked out this week, but once formed, it will be the first time CPD has used such a roving team on a permanent basis since 2011. That’s when two similar citywide units were disbanded amid concerns about their aggressive style and after a previous unit was rocked by a corruption scandal.

* Former House Deputy Majority Leader Art Turner, Sr. told me he thought he had prepared himself Saturday to drive to the suburbs to pick up a new F-150 truck by donning a pro-police shirt. But he never made it that far. Turner, who retired in 2010 after representing the city’s West Side for decades, managed to drive a block and a half from his home before he was pulled over by two CPD officers because he had no front license plate.

“I had my registration, I had the title, I had my insurance card and a driver’s license,” said Turner, who said he gave it all to the officer.

While the officers ran him through the computer, Turner called his wife and asked her to bring his plate to his car. But just after he hung up, he was ordered out of the car. He asked what was going on and was told they had a warrant for his arrest, he said.

Turner said he insisted to the officers that there must’ve been a mistake. He has no warrants out for him. But he was cuffed tightly, tossed in the back of the squad car and they were off to the station, with the other officer driving his car.

Except, Turner said, the officer driving the squad got lost. The two, he said, were part of that new roving citywide unit and apparently weren’t familiar with the area. So, he gave the police officer directions to the local station and the driver made a U-turn, while Turner complained that the cuffs were on too tight.

Turner said as soon as they walked into the station he shouted for a desk sergeant, but nobody came. He was placed into a cell and told to surrender his belt and his shoe laces.

Finally, a lieutenant who Turner knew from his years living in and representing the area came down to see what was going on.

Turns out, the Art Turner they were looking for was born in 1986, has tattoos up and down both arms and is over 6 feet tall. Art will be 70 soon, has no discernible tattoos and is not a tall man. A case of “mistaken identity” this is not.

This is all bad enough, but in the age of COVID-19, Turner is worried he may have been exposed to the virus while in the cell. “For the last five months, I can tell you the six people I’ve been around,” Turner said.

Turner, who had hernia surgery two months ago, went to the hospital to get his wrists checked and they referred him to an orthopedic doctor. He’s also filed a complaint.

* All of y’all who want the cops to get tough and crack down, just know that this sort of thing is an inevitable consequence in certain neighborhoods. Good and innocent people, particularly Black and Brown people, are swept up for no good reason. And then anger builds.

I’ve known Art Turner a very long time and I’ve never heard him so furious as he was yesterday on that phone call.

We gotta do better.

…Adding… CPD…

The Chicago Police Department (CPD) strives to treat all individuals our officers encounter with respect and any misconduct by officers will not be tolerated. A complaint has been received regarding this incident and an investigation by the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA) is currently ongoing. Due to the open investigation, we are unable to comment further on this incident but we will ensure that if any wrongdoing is discovered by COPA, officers will be held accountable.

As a reminder, anyone who feels they have been mistreated by a CPD officer is encouraged to call 311 and file a complaint with COPA, who will investigate allegations of misconduct.

Also, this was a summer mobile unit.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Fundraiser list

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** State in the process of settling bowling alley lawsuit

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From Logan Lanes bowling center in Lincoln


The Illinois State Bowling Proprietors have settle their lawsuit against the State of Illinois and are now allowed to have 50% of their occupation instead of 50 people. We do need to separate groups of 50 by one pair of lanes. This means that all of our fall leagues are a go. All leagues will start after Labor Day this year. The schedules will be up at on Thursday 8/6. This is a major decision for all the bowling alleys in Illinois and I am very thankful. I have many friends who have still not been able to open their centers in other states at all yet. GO BOWLING ITS NOT ONLY A FAMILY SPORT IT’S A LIFETIME SPORT!!!! PERFECT TIMING FOR THIS SINCE NATIONAL BOWLING DAY IS SATURDAY 8/8. Please share this big news on your page it will be greatly appreciated.

Logan Lanes

I checked with the governor’s office and was told “The lawsuit is in the process of being settled,” but the spokesperson didn’t have the exact parameters yet.

The lawsuit was filed in Dixon.

*** UPDATE *** From the governor’s office…

Under the sports guidance released last week, bowling was included and was classified as a lower risk sport. Bowling alleys will need to follow that guidance like other sports facilities, as well as the bars and restaurant guidance for those portions of their facilities. These terms were agreed to in the settlement with the understanding that the venues will be subject to further mitigation if a region’s data requires it.

* Background…

The new guidance will allow 50% capacity or 200 people, whichever is less.

Following IDPH guidance regarding their restaurant and bar portions of the venue will be required.

Owners will need to outline how they will provide 30 feet of distancing between groups and they will have to leave two lanes unused between large groups.


ILGOP takes aim at Kilbride

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This will matter a whole lot more if they put some resources behind their words, but Kilbride has to get to 60 percent to be successfully retained, although no party affiliation will be next to his name on the ballot…

During the most recent State Central Committee meeting of the Illinois Republican Party, the ILGOP voted unanimously to formally recommend a vote of non-retention for Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride of the 3rd Judicial District. Justice Kilbride is up for retention on the November 2020 ballot and must meet the 60% retention threshold in order to keep his seat on the Illinois Supreme Court.

The ILGOP recommends removing Kilbride from the bench because of his very close ties to corrupt House Speaker Michael Madigan. In 2010, the last time Kilbride faced retention, Mike Madigan made Kilbride’s retention one of his top political priorities because he knew Kilbride was essential to retaining his power over the Supreme Court.

    Chicago Sun-Times: “The speaker’s greatest victory, arguably, is the retention of Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride. With Madigan’s massive help, Kilbride remains on the bench, maintaining Democrats’ 4-3 majority on the court. That majority will be critical to the party in redistricting the political boundaries of this state.” (“Mr. Speaker, you’ve got work to do,” Editorial, Chicago Sun Times, Nov. 7, 2010)

    Chicago Tribune: “And Madigan elected Illinois Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Kilbride, despite a stop-Kilbride campaign, as the speaker prepares that new political map.” (“Mike Madigan wins big,” Editorial, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 4, 2010)

    Chicago Tribune: “Kilbride’s response? He has raised a whopping $2.48 million to save his job. The money is coming largely from the same sources that funded his 2000 campaign: House Speaker Michael Madigan and organized labor. The Madigan-controlled Democratic Party of Illinois has kicked in $1.42 million.” (“Kilbride & Madigan,” Editorial, Chicago Tribune, Oct. 27, 2010)

In return for millions in campaign cash from Madigan, Kilbride has reliably voted to protect Madigan’s power and sided with Madigan’s powerful allies. Kilbride ruled against term limits and struck down pension reform in spite of criticism that he took millions of dollars from those with a stake in the decision.

Worst of all, in 2016, Kilbride wrote the majority opinion striking down the citizen-led ballot (“Fair Maps”) initiative that would have given voters a say in redistricting and taken the power away from Madigan to draw gerrymander maps. The decision was all about Madigan, as evidenced from the Chicago Tribune headline immediately following the decision on August 26, 2016: “Supreme Court’s Democratic majority sides with Madigan on redistricting. Surprise!” August 26, 2016.


Caption contest!

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A pal of mine is on vacation this week…

Am I crazy or does the statue of Lincoln in Ottawa look like MJM?

The pic…

Have fun.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I posted this story earlier, but I’m moving it here because it’s more relevant to our discussion

Governor JB Pritzker says the COVID-19 outbreak is now worse in southern Illinois than it is in Chicago.

Gov. Pritzker made the statement during a stop Tuesday at SIU Carbondale. He was joined by SIU System President Dan Mahoney, Carbondale Mayor Mike Henry, and Jackson County Health Department Administrator Bart Hagston.

“I’m here today because the COVID-19 pandemic, which once seemed tame in Carbondale and throughout the entire region, is surging here. It’s worse than in Chicago. And I’ll be frank, if we don’t see some change here, the virus will cause some businesses to close and an increasing percentage of people to get sick and some will even die,” said Gov. Pritzker.

Jackson County is one of eleven counties listed at the “warning level” for COVID-19 by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Seven of the eleven counties are in southern Illinois.

“Southern Illinois and Metro East are both seeing troubling trends, with seven-day rolling positivity rates of 7.4% and 7.3%, respectively. These are the highest in the state of Illinois,” added Pritzker.

* Rep. Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) on Facebook today

Governor Pritzker is scheduled to be at SIUC today. You will not see me there. I called his staff yesterday to ask if I missed my invitation. I was told I’m not invited.

She goes on to ask several questions that have been asked and answered before, except maybe for this one…

Is there a long-standing relationship between Deloitte and the Pritzker Group?


* I reached out to the Pritzker administration’s Jordan Abudayyeh to ask why Bryant wasn’t invited to an event in her district…

The representative was not invited to attend a press conference discussing the state’s COVID-19 response because she has not been supportive of the administration’s COVID efforts and has not voted to support the necessary funding needed to continue combating the virus.

Abudayyeh pointed to a couple of Facebook posts by Bryant, including this odd one in June

How many of you are going out of state to eat, shop, play…? Time for Governor Pritzker to get real and does anyone know how IDPH got so powerful? Why is Dr. Ezike calling all the shots? Is she more knowledgeable than the scientists in 49 other states? Just some thoughts going through my mind today.

* The Question: Foul or fair to exclude Bryant? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

online polls


Things are really bad all over

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

Gov. JB Pritzker said Monday that Illinois faces the prospect of having to make deep spending cuts over the rest of the fiscal year if Congress does not pass an economic relief package that helps states make up for the massive loss in revenue they’ve seen since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I continue to do my part to make calls, to make sure that people understand that Republican-led states and Democratic-led states all have this challenge of revenues that fell off a cliff because of COVID-19,” Pritzker said during a news conference in Springfield. […]

Without federal aid, however, Pritzker said Monday that there will be significant cuts and job layoffs in Illinois and throughout the country.

“But this is going to be up to the Congress. They’re the ones who have the ability to help us and to help all 50 states with the challenge we all have. But there are going to be layoffs across the country, not just related to state government, but when you don’t fund state and local governments you’re going to see, and you’ve already seen to some degree, layoffs,” Pritzker said. “Not to mention those who provide services to state and local governments, private companies whose contracts no doubt will be put aside because the money isn’t flowing, because we don’t have the ability to balance the budget in the way that we had originally intended to.”

There’s a raging debate in this country about whether to “defund the police” (and about what that phrase even means). Well, if the federal government doesn’t step in, lots of states and local governments are gonna have to make cuts, and those cuts will almost definitely include first responders. So, the same DC people arguing against defunding the coppers will actually accomplish that very goal through inaction. Funny how that works.


According to data collected by the Urban Institute’s State and Local Finance Initiative, from March to May, Illinois’ tax revenue was down 23% compared to last year, or a total of $1.1 billion. That percentage is 6 points better than the 29% average across the country.

Texas revenues were off by 29 percent in the same period. Florida’s were down by 26 percent, Arizona’s dropped 27 percent and Indiana’s decreased by 23 percent, the same as Illinois.


1,471 new cases, 19 additional deaths, 3.9 percent positivity rate

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 1,471 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 19 additional confirmed deaths.

    - Adams County: 1 male 70s
    - Cook County: 1 teen, 1 female 50s, 1 unknown 60s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s
    - DuPage County: 2 males 80s, 1 male 90s
    - Iroquois County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 80s
    - Mercer County: 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s, 1 male 90s
    - Morgan County: 1 male 90s
    - Rock Island County: 1 female 70s
    - Will County: 1 male 80s
    - Winnebago County: 2 female 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 184,712 cases, including 7,545 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 42,598 specimens for a total of 2,849,395. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from July 28 – August 3 is 3.9%. As of last night, 1,496 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 365 patients were in the ICU and 125 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH is now reporting both confirmed and probable cases and deaths on its website. Reporting probable cases will help show the potential burden of COVID-19 illness and efficacy of population-based non-pharmaceutical interventions. IDPH will update these data once a week.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some other stuff

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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JBT posthumously inducted into Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There are some noteworthy people and groups on this list, but I thought I’d highlight this one

Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame announces 2020 inductees, virtual ceremony

The Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame was founded in 1991 to honor people and entities, nominated by the community, who have made significant contributions to the quality of life or well-being of the LGBT community in Chicago. The Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame inductees for 2020 were selected from a slate of candidates submitted by Chicago’s LGBT community. This year’s individuals, organization, businesses and “Friends of the Community” ( allies ) inductees are as follows: […]

Judy Baar Topinka (posthumous): for her support of LGBT causes when it was politically risky for anyone, Democrat or Republican, to be associated with the movement. The fact that she did so as a Republican showed an incredible amount of political courage. She supported the Illinois’ Marriage Equality Bill and during the November 20, 2013 ceremony at the University of Illinois at Chicago, when the state’s marriage equality bill was signed into law, Judy Baar Topinka was the only Republican speaker at the event. Judy Baar Topinka was “a consistent and firm supporter of gay rights. Even when attacked by members of her own party for her gay rights support, she never wavered.” She was truly a friend of the LGBTQ community.

They just don’t make ‘em like her anymore.

…Adding… Classic JBT

“I just want to end by noting that I am available to be a flower girl and I’ll even waive the fee.”


Northwestern halts football practice after a single positive test, while UIUC appears to shrug off test results

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Northwestern has halted football workouts after a player tested positive for COVID-19.

The university tweeted a statement Monday saying the university “medical staff will implement the University’s rigorous contact tracing and quarantine protocols.”

The player is isolating and several teammates are quarantining, the school said Monday. The team’s most recent workout was Friday. The next one will be Wednesday at the earliest.

Northwestern’s news comes shortly after Illinois’ athletic department announced it has recorded 23 positive COVID-19 test results since players started arriving on campus for voluntary team activities in early June.

The football team’s more than 100 football players have accounted for greater than 75% of the athletic department’s positive tests, the university said, though it’s unclear the exact number of players the virus has infected.

* Meanwhile

After Thanksgiving break, all University of Illinois classes will move online, Chancellor Robert Jones announced Monday in a mass email.

Nov. 20 will be the last day of in-person instruction for the fall semester, so the last week of classes and exams will be held online or through “alternative delivery methods,” Jones said.

The Illini have two football games scheduled after all classes move online on November 20th: One against Ohio State; the other against Northwestern.



Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Joyce Mason is a Gurnee Democrat. Rep. Monica Bristow is an Alton Democrat. Somehow, some wires got crossed…

These things do happen.


Fawell on Madigan, Mapes and the feds

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Scott Reeder…

“Nobody gets in to see the wizard. Not nobody, not no how.”

Those words quoting the “Wizard of Oz” hung from the wall of the statehouse office of Tim Mapes.

And they summed up his job nicely. He was the gatekeeper to Mike Madigan, speaker of the House and chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party.

He routinely turned away legislators, lobbyists, businessmen and others seeking an audience with the most powerful politician in Illinois.

But in the wake of a recent plea deal between Commonwealth Edison and federal prosecutors: people are asking: What does Tim Mapes know and what will he say?

There is no indication that Mapes has done anything wrong, but it was the nature of his job to be in the know.

After all, for 26 years, he was Madigan’s chief of staff. And he also was the director of the Illinois Democratic Party – while Madigan was speaker of the House and chairman of the Democratic Party.

Tim Mapes was once one of the most important people in Springfield. But unless you are an inside player in state government, you’ve likely never heard of him.

In the recent plea deal, ComEd essentially admitted to giving bribes to Madigan. The bribes would be in the form of contracts and jobs at the giant utility that Madigan could dole out to his supporters.

Through a spokesperson, Madigan has said he is innocent of wrongdoing. And he has not been charged with a crime.

That said, it would appear that Madigan is the target of federal prosecutors. And this is why questions have been percolating through Springfield as to whether prosecutors will seek Mapes’ cooperation in pursuing a case against Madigan.

When George Ryan went to prison, it was after his former chief of staff, Scott Fawell, testified against him. When Rod Blagojevich was locked up, it was after his chief of staff Bradley Tusk testified against him.

So, it’s no stretch to assume the feds may be hoping for some cooperation from Mapes or one of Madigan’s other confidants.

“Madigan plays it pretty close to the vest,” Fawell said. “He only has a few people who he tells what he is thinking and Mapes was one of them. I anticipate the feds are going to put pressure on him to see if they can get him to talk. The thing is when you are chief of staff, you’re the go-to guy to get things done.”

Fawell, who was sentenced to more than six years in prison on corruption charges, said the pressure to testify is enormous.

“They will go through your taxes and see if there is anything there that they can prosecute you on. Then they will lean on your friends and family members and threaten them with prosecution if you don’t cooperate. There is a reason the federal government wins 99 percent of its cases.”

Mapes did not return phone calls seeking comment Monday. He has not been accused of any crime.

But all has not been well between Mapes and his former boss.

In 2018, Madigan removed Mapes from his jobs, after he was accused of fostering “a culture of sexism, harassment and bullying that creates an extremely difficult working environment.”

It’s worth noting the sexagenarian was not accused of making sexual advances toward any staff members. Accusations centered on remarks that just a few years before would likely not have resulted in any disciplinary action. He was an early casualty of the #MeToo movement.

Whether the circumstances of his ouster would make him more or less likely to cooperate with federal investigators is not known.

“It’s an extremely isolated position he’s in right now,” Fawell said. “I remember showing up at a golf tournament when the feds were investigating George Ryan. Nobody wanted to talk to me because they feared being subpoenaed. You feel very alone.”

Longtime statehouse reporter and political observer Charles Wheeler III, said he doesn’t anticipate criminal charges being made against Madigan.

“Mike Madigan knows where the line is and he doesn’t cross it. He’s not going to cross it in public and he’s not going to cross it in private when he’s talking to Tim Mapes or anyone else. If the prosecutors had anything on Madigan, they would have already charged him.”

But Fawell said dealing with federal prosecutors is rarely so straight forward.

“I’m not saying that people lie. But after they have been interviewed several times by prosecutors, what they remember being said in a particular conversation can change.”



Rep. Cabello takes heat for online comment

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This story doesn’t mention it, but Rep. Cabello is also a Rockford police detective. WREX TV

After a comment made by State Representative John Cabello on Facebook causes controversy, some local leaders are speaking up. On Saturday, a Facebook user thanked Rep. Cabello for holding a Back the Blue rally. In his comment, he asked Cabello “now is it time to lock and load? Asking for a friend”. Cabello responded by saying “not yet but be ready”. Winnebago County Board Chairman Frank Haney says he does not agree with the comments Cabello made.

“The comments themselves were just unhelpful. This is coming from someone who is in John’s party, I like John, I don’t have any issues on a personal level, but I fundamentally disagree on law enforcement officers making comments like that,” said Haney. […]

Mayor Tom McNamara released a statement on Sunday condemning Cabello for this comment. Monday, he said everyone, including leaders in the community, needs to understand the impact their words have. He also says now is the time to stick together as a community.

“Right now, we have a huge need to fill this massive void in our community of the threads of the fabric that bring us together and there is a number of areas that we should be focusing on that bring us together,” said McNamara.

* The exchange in question

If you click here, you’ll see there were some confrontations after Rockford’s Back the Blue rally. The county sent out its SWAT team, which seems excessive.

* Register-Star

Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara has asked that Cabello’s comments be reviewed and addressed by city officials.

“I am extremely concerned by a Facebook post by State Rep. and Rockford Police Officer John Cabello that was worded at worst to incite violence and at best not promote peace,” McNamara said Sunday in a social media post. “We must expect high levels of professionalism and performance from those who serve and represent us and his post was incendiary and not befitting of a public servant.”

* More from the mayor

There have been a number of high-tension incidents in our community in the last 48 hours that I want to address.

The Rockford Police Department and Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office lawfully arrested numerous people on Friday night on East State Street near the City Market pavilion. I appreciate the work of both departments as they work to keep our streets safe for all citizens and visitors.

During the arrests, there were reports of citizens assisting officers and deputies. Though we may have seen a legal explanation that citizens have the right to be involved, I want to be clear–we do not need or want civilians engaging in police activities when the scene is under control by law enforcement.

* Cabello’s response

I replied to a comment on Facebook that has somehow become “controversial” as it related to a five word short response to a Facebook comment. These five words have been contorted and twisted around to something that it is not. Am I surprised that my political opponents and their supporters, none of whom showed up this past Saturday to “back the blue”, is now trying to use this to “cancel” me. No.

This particular Facebook friend, like many of the people in my district is concerned over the lawlessness he has seen both locally and nationally. He expressed that view and his concerns in a way which elicited a similar tongue in cheek response from me that some posters on Facebook have implied means that I was advocating for violence. Not only do I reject that interpretation but I will not yield my support for law enforcement.

Everyone needs to be treated fairly and humanely and in my speech Saturday morning at the Back the Blue rally at the First Responders memorial I passionately spoke out about the need for those of us in blue to try to achieve perfection even though it is tough to do sometimes.

Saturday was an opportunity for people to show their admiration for those of us who wear the uniform of law enforcement. In the past few months my brothers and sisters in blue have been vilified and lumped together with a very few bad actors. We needed that rally on Saturday and so did the people who were in attendance. We had over well over 600 people there. Our speeches did not “incite” anyone nor did they even come close to advocating for lawlessness. We are all tired of the lawlessness and the politicians who don’t support the men and women of law enforcement. Another rally is being planned!


Republicans play the Madigan money card

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

Republican members of the Illinois Legislature are using the cloud over Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan to go after those who get Madigan-connected campaign money. […]

After rattling off Democratic legislators and former legislators who have either been arrested, charged or pled guilty to corruption in the past year, House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, said the Democratic Party of Illinois, or DPI, should be labeled a corrupt organization and called it Madigan Inc.

“Mike Madigan runs DPI like he runs his caucus with absolute control,” Durkin said. “A handful of his members have asked for a resignation while the majority have not and will continue to feed from the DPI trough.”

A spokesperson for the DPI called Durkin’s comments “noise.”

“We’re still trying to make sense of Leader Durkin’s comment ourselves,” DPI spokesperson Eileen Boyce said, “but one thing is certain – the Democratic Party and its leaders have fought to provide the people of our state and our country with access to healthcare, living wages, civil rights, affordable housing and clean air and water – all priorities that President Trump and former Republican Governor Bruce Rauner have worked to destroy.”

State Rep. Mark Batinick, R-Plainfield, said Madigan put a lot of money against him in the last election nearly two years ago.

“I expect to have somewhere between $2 and $4 million spent against me again this cycle, it was close to $2 million last time. I’m sure they’re going to top that,” Batinick said. “We just have to reject this. It’s disgusting.”

Batinick demanded his Democratic opponent Harry Benton denounce what Batinick called Madigan’s “ill-gotten gains.” Benton couldn’t be reached for comment.


“All these candidates that say they’re going to fight corruption have actually made an agreement that they’re going to vote for him for speaker. We need to fight corruption, fight Mike Madigan, return the tainted funds,” Batinick said during a Zoom press conference Monday.

Political scientist and campaign finance expert Kent Redfield said it’s not that explicit a quid pro quo, but campaign contributions do engender loyalty, and that has helped to keep Madigan in charge of both the House and the Democratic Party of Illinois.

“Campaign contributions create relationships and they create understandings. People have an allegiance to the speaker and they understand that the speaker controls the process,” Redfield said. “The speaker is interested in someone voting for the House rules … and he wants the person to vote for him as speaker. But the speaker remains speaker by keeping his members happy, getting them reelected.”

Redfield said Republican efforts to tie their Democratic opponents to Madigan may be effective, especially with voters in suburban districts that could easily flip party control.

But Madigan is only part of the equation that could impact who wins or loses close races such as those in the 47th and 97th suburban districts.

“Is it effective? Sure. If you are in a suburban race then that can be an issue that you can run against a Democrat that this person will not be independent, they will take orders from the speaker,” Redfield said. “But Donald Trump is going to be on a ballot in the suburbs and all of that’s going to have an impact on turnout. Are you going to get more people to turn out against Donald Trump? You know, is that going to energize turnout? Or are you going to energize turnout against Mike Madigan?”

This will likely be the most nationalized campaign in many a year. And it takes money to overcome something like that, which the HGOPs don’t yet have. But, hey, they gotta keep swinging if they hope to make any progress.


Governor JB Pritzker yesterday said he would not provide any new contributions to campaign committees controlled by House Speaker Michael Madigan. But Pritzker didn’t comment on the $10 million he has already contributed to Madigan-controlled committees.

Will Pritzker ask Madigan to return the $10 million?

Also, will Pritzker call on all Illinois Democrats to reject any contributions from Madigan-controlled committees?

Pritzker will be in Southern Illinois this morning. Will he ask 116th State Rep. Nathan Reitz to return and reject contributions from Madigan too?

Will Reitz himself return the money already given to him by Madigan and reject any future money from Speaker controlled funds?


MLB open thread

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Go Sox.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Sheriffs win case at county level

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

A Logan County Circuit Court judge handed Gov. J.B. Pritzker his latest loss in a challenge to the governor’s executive authority.

Judge Jonathan C. Wright ruled Monday morning that Pritzker’s order that temporarily halted county jails from moving prisoners to state-run facilities ran afoul of state law.

The Illinois Department of Corrections must accept an inmate within 14 days of a transfer, but Pritzker’s order struck that language for the duration of his emergency orders amid the COVID-19 pandemic. There are about 36,000 inmates housed in IDOC facilities.

“The governor, nor the director of the [Department of Corrections], has independent discretion to determine what inmates they’re going to take or if they’re not going to take any,” said Jim Kaitschuck, director of the Illinois Sheriffs Association. “They just can’t have that unilateral ability to suspend or stop accepting inmates or parameters for who they would accept moving forward.”

He estimated there are about 2,000 inmates awaiting transfer to state facilities.

The ISA filed a lawsuit in late May, naming Pritzker, Illinois Department of Corrections Acting Director Rob Jeffreys, and wardens from four state prisons. The association sought not only to force the state prisons to accept transfers but also to compensate the counties for housing the inmates.

Attorneys representing the state requested a stay of the ruling while they ready an appeal. Another hearing is scheduled for Friday.

Meanwhile, a hearing in the governor’s lawsuit against some school districts over the mask requirement has been postponed.

*** UPDATE *** This is why the state blocked those transfers

Two more inmates and two employees have now tested positive for COVID-19 at the McLean County jail, Sheriff Jon Sandage said Monday.

The first positive case (an inmate awaiting transfer to a state prison) was announced last Wednesday.


Question of the day

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor was asked several times today about a fine for not wearing masks. He said locals should consider doing it

In May, Pritzker asked a bipartisan legislative rule-making panel to consider a controversial rule change that would have businesses face a misdemeanor criminal charge, punishable by a $2,500 fine or 364 days in jail, for opening in violation of his stay-at-home order.

Amid complaints the penalties in that emergency rule proposal were too harsh, and when it appeared the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules may have been poised to block it, Pritzker backed off.

Pritzker on Monday said his administration is exploring another rule related to mask wearing.

“I asked JCAR to consider a rule that would impose fines when people are not requiring masks to be worn. They didn’t want to do that, they wanted to consider legislation and then didn’t bring up that legislation,” Pritzker said Monday of the four-day special General Assembly session in May. “We certainly are considering what rule we could put in place that JCAR would approve.”

The problem, of course, is that any new rule has to be based on state law, and the law currently imposes a misdemeanor, not a lower-level punishment like a business offense. As we’ve already discussed, the rule he submitted in May was also poorly drafted. Maybe he could just tighten it up and resubmit it. But because the GA didn’t act, the new rule would still have to include a misdemeanor penalty, which means a successful prosecution of a business for not requiring masks could include jail time if a state’s attorney and a judge ever agreed to go that far.

* The Question: Should the governor revamp and resubmit his emergency rule? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

find bike trails

…Adding… An example of the local enforcement Pritzker was talking about today

Inspectors from the Sangamon County Department of Public Health cited two restaurants over the weekend for employees not wearing face coverings.

Chatham Café, 414 N. Main St., and The Main Gate Bar & Grill, 2143 N. 11th St., were each fined $250 for first-time violations, said director Gail O’Neill Monday.


*** UPDATED x1 *** COVID-19 roundup

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* New York Times

It has been a comforting refrain in the national conversation about reopening schools: Young children are mostly spared by the coronavirus and don’t seem to spread it to others, at least not very often.

But Thursday, a study [led by the Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago] introduced an unwelcome wrinkle into this smooth narrative.

Infected children have at least as much of the coronavirus in their noses and throats as infected adults, according to the research. Indeed, children younger than age 5 may host up to 100 times as much of the virus in the upper respiratory tract as adults, the authors found.

That measurement does not necessarily prove that children are passing the virus to others. Still, the findings should influence the debate over reopening schools, several experts said.

* Tribune

Some suburban and rural leaders got their wish when their counties were separated from Chicago’s for purposes of monitoring the coronavirus. But now officials warn that many collar counties are seeing higher rates of positive tests than the city, which could prompt tighter restrictions.

In a region where nursing homes once accounted for the majority of cases, health officials say now large gatherings of young people without proper precautions are sparking outbreaks. Positivity rates have been rising in the counties surrounding Chicago, prompting Gov. J.B. Pritzker to ask local officials to start tightening the leash on COVID-19 restrictions. […]

Officials from DuPage County called for freedom from those restrictions, saying they shouldn’t be lumped together with the high caseload in Chicago. Sheriffs from Kane and Kendall counties declared that they wouldn’t enforce the governor’s orders. […]

While Chicago had a positivity rate of 4.5% as of July 25, Lake County’s rate stood at 5%, suburban Cook and McHenry each were at 5.4%, DuPage 4%, Kane 5.8%, Will 5.9% and Kendall ― the highest in the area ― was at 6.8%.

* NY Times

More than a century ago, as the 1918 influenza pandemic raged in the United States, masks of gauze and cheesecloth became the facial front lines in the battle against the virus. But as they have now, the masks also stoked political division. Then, as now, medical authorities urged the wearing of masks to help slow the spread of disease. And then, as now, some people resisted.

In 1918 and 1919, as bars, saloons, restaurants, theaters and schools were closed, masks became a scapegoat, a symbol of government overreach, inspiring protests, petitions and defiant bare-face gatherings. All the while, thousands of Americans were dying in a deadly pandemic.

* Derek Barichello

Forty-seven new COVID-19 cases were confirmed Monday in La Salle County — the highest single-day total since the beginning of the pandemic.

Additionally, the health department confirmed a man in his 80s and a woman in her 80s died from complications related to COVID-19, increasing the number of deaths related to COVID-19 in La Salle County to 20.

The new cases are two boys younger than 13, a teenager, a man in his 20s, eight women in their 20s, two men in their 30s, a woman in her 30s, two men in their 40s, three women in their 40s, three men in their 50s, five women in their 50s, two men in their 60s, two women in their 60s, a man in his 70s, two men in their 80s, eight women in their 80s, two men in their 90s and two women in their 90s.

* For good measure, they also drove a Confederate battle flag around the track…

* Chicago Tribune live blog

A Chicago farmers market kicks out a vendor alleging COVID-19 safety violations

CTU president says Mayor Lori Lightfoot ‘doesn’t have the guts to close the schools’

Chicago Public Schools parent: ‘My kids are not an experiment’

University of Illinois plans twice-weekly COVID-19 testing for students, faculty who have in-person classes

Naperville-area school districts reverse course, will have students do remote learning through October

* Sun-Times live blog

Big Star restaurant closes after employee tests positive for COVID-19

South Siders revel in Jeremiah Collier’s ‘uplifting’ porch session music jams

Teachers, activists rally to keep CPS schools closed during COVID-19 pandemic

We continue to fail to protect the elderly in nursing homes and their caretakers from COVID-19

*** UPDATE *** DeVore goes fishing for more clients…

I need a parent with kids in each school district within each of these counties who is dissatisfied with their district following the face mask mandate to message me please.

Just these counties for now please

Posted by Thomas DeVore on Sunday, August 2, 2020


Pritzker says he has no intention of giving money to campaign funds controlled by Madigan

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Q&A today with Gov. JB Pritzker

Q: Republicans are talking [at a press conference today] about campaign finances and Madigan … They’re essentially saying [Democrats] shouldn’t take Madigan’s campaign money. Do you plan on making a similar type of pledge? And do you plan on not giving campaign funds to funds that Madigan controls?

A: Yes, I will continue to not take money from others for my campaign [extended laughter]. And, and, and [speaking over laughter] and I will [cross talk] support, yeah, I have and I will, you can look and see. I support candidates, state Senators, state House members and others who are running and I will continue to do that.

Q: But will you be giving funds to Madigan campaign funds that he controls?

A: That’s not something I intend to do.


Illinois government in two graphs

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From COGFA. Headcount…

* Unfunded pension liability…



1,298 new cases, 10 additional deaths, 4.0 percent positivity rate

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 1,298 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 10 additional confirmed deaths.

    - Adams County: 1 female 70s, 1 male 70s
    - Cook County: 1 male 40s, 1 female 50s, 1 male 70s, 1 male 90s
    - LaSalle County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s
    - Peoria County: 1 female 70s
    - Winnebago County: 1 male 80s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 183,241 cases, including 7,526 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 28,475 specimens for a total of 2,806,797. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from July 27 –August 2 is 4.0% As of last night, 1,418 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 347 patients were in the ICU and 132 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH is now reporting both confirmed and probable cases and deaths on its website. Reporting probable cases will help show the potential burden of COVID-19 illness and efficacy of population-based non-pharmaceutical interventions. IDPH will update these data once a week.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for deaths previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email

* Sunday…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 1,467 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 14 additional confirmed deaths.

    Adams County: 1 female 90s
    Cook County: 1 female 60s, 2 males 60s, 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 90s
    Kane County: 1 male 60s
    Madison County: 1 male 70s
    McHenry County: 1 male 50s
    Montgomery County: 1 female 90s
    Rock Island County: 1 male 90s
    Winnebago County: 2 females 80s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 181,943 cases, including 7,517 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 38,945 specimens for a total of 2,778,322. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from July 26–August 1 is 3.9%. As of last night, 1,407 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 339 patients were in the ICU and 126 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

* Saturday…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 1,639 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 8 additional confirmed deaths.

    Cook County: 1 male 70s, 1 male 80s
    Kane County: 1 female 60s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s
    McHenry County: 1 female 70s
    St. Clair County: 1 male 70s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 180,476 cases, including 7,503 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 39,809 specimens for a total of 2,739,377. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from July 25 –July 31 is 3.9%. As of last night, 1,347 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 334 patients were in the ICU and 148 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.


Because… Radical Madigan!

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* American Conservative Union Foundation…

Over the 35 years Speaker Madigan has presided over the lower chamber, Democrats have increasingly voted more liberally, according to new analysis from the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), host of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). This new radical Left regime has since passed Governor J.B. Pritzker’s “soak the rich” progressive income tax regime which Illinoisans will consider on the November 2020 ballot.

In 2012 when ACUF first began analyzing the voting records of the General Assembly, House Democrats earned an average conservative score of 35%. However, as Speaker Madigan began turning in scores of 16%, 6% and 5% over the next few sessions, House Democrats followed suit and earned average scores of 19%, 14% and 11%.

“While Speaker Madigan’s near-five-decade reign appears to be coming to a disgraceful end, the Illinois Democrats he helped convert into socialists have so far survived his criminal scandal,” said ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp. “Throughout his 47 years in power, Illinois has earned the lowest credit rating in the country, weathered the most severe pension crisis in U.S. history and suffered the worst population decline in the last 10 years. Is there a more damning indictment of liberalism than Madigan’s tenure in government?”

On average, lawmakers of the House of Representatives voted more liberally than their counterparts in the Senate. House Democrats (17.92% average) proved more liberal than Senate Democrats (14.09%). A greater share of senators (10%) earned awards for conservative voting records than representatives (7%). The Illinois General Assembly matched its overall average score compared to the previous session (35.6%).

ACUF’s Ratings of Congress and Ratings of the States are initiatives of ACUF’s Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA). These ratings are designed to reflect how over 8,000 elected officials across the nation view the role of government while illustrating the differences between chambers of the legislature and revealing lawmakers’ positions on a wide variety of issues that directly affect citizens.

ACU Foundation reviewed each piece of legislation voted on in both chambers of the legislature to produce average scores of each chamber as well as individual scores for each sitting member.

Click Here to view the 2019 Ratings of Illinois online and Click Here to visit our website.

I would suggest that Bruce Rauner did far more to “radicalize” House Democrats than Madigan did, but whatevs.

* Meanwhile, perhaps now some folks will realize why the Democrats in power here are so reluctant to embrace this concept…

The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) today released its latest web advertisement warning Americans about Democrats’ true motives behind their unprecedented spending in state legislative races in 2020: liberal gerrymandering.

Though this may come with great shock to much of the left-wing media, who for years have bought into Democrats’ faux campaigns for ‘fair maps,’ liberal activists and their allies in Congress have been plotting a socialist takeover of the United States and have identified the 2020 redistricting cycle as its best opportunity to bring their rigged maps to battleground states where they’ve yet to successfully silence conservative voices and shut-out accurate representation. Disguised as a ‘fight for fairness,’ these efforts are overtly partisan and blatantly hypocritical. In fact, one far-Left group led by Barack Obama and Eric Holder state in IRS filings its purpose is to “favorably position Democrats for the redistricting process.” The RSLC, the national political organization leading the fight to defeat coordinated efforts to rig maps in favor of Democrats, exposes hypocrisies like these and more in the video below.

The video is here.

The RSLC has contributed to a handful of Illinois Republicans, including Leader Durkin and the House Republican Organization.


Slow down and move over!

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ugh…

On August 2, 2020, at approximately 2:10 a.m., Illinois State Police (ISP) District Chicago Troopers were on the scene of a jackknifed commercial motor vehicle traffic crash with lane closures on Interstate 94 northbound at 95th Street in Cook County.

During the initial traffic crash investigation, as a Trooper was seated inside of his fully marked stationary squad car with the emergency lights activated, his squad car was struck. A 2000 Silver Honda, drove through the lane closures, failed to yield to authorized emergency vehicles, and sideswiped the driver’s side of the Trooper’s squad car. The Trooper did not sustain any injuries. The driver of the Honda, who was identified as Shante T. Newson, 31-year-old female of Chicago, Illinois, was arrested for Resisting Arrest, Aggravated Driving Under the Influence and cited for a violation of Scott’s Law; other charges pending. The Investigation is still open and ongoing. No further information is available at this time.

The ISP would like to remind the public of the requirements of Scott’s Law, otherwise known as the “Move Over” law. When approaching an emergency vehicle, or any vehicle with their hazard lights activated, drivers are required to slow down, and move over and change lanes if possible.

“Please avoid an unnecessary tragedy by making responsible choices when behind the wheel,” stated ISP District Chicago Captain, Angelo Mollo. “Emergency personnel risk their lives daily to protect others. We would like to remind the motoring public to please obey all traffic laws, including the “Move Over” (Scott’s) Law, in order to protect the lives of our Troopers, other first responders and all members of the public,” he concluded.

A close call and it could’ve been a lot worse…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker launches new $5 million “It only works if you wear it” campaign

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker launched a new $5 million awareness campaign today to encourage Illinois residents to wear a face covering every time they’re in public — because it only works if you wear it. Following the data-driven approach that has guided Illinois’ coronavirus response, the campaign uses local information to advertise on broadcast and cable television, radio, billboards and social media to the communities with the greatest risk from COVID-19.

The Governor launched the campaign from the State Emergency Operations Center in Springfield with those who are helping to lead the state’s response: Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, and Alicia Tate-Nadeau, Director of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. As of Friday, 11 counties have now reached IDPH’s “warning level” for virus spread, including here in Sangamon County.

“I’m proud to launch a new public awareness campaign today that has a straightforward message for Illinoisans: A mask is like anything that keeps us safe. It only works if you wear it,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “We’ve made so much progress since the beginning of this pandemic. Let’s protect that progress. This is our moment to pull together as families, friends and neighbors. We’re all safer and stronger when we go all in, Illinois.”

“This campaign connects the dots between daily actions we take to keep ourselves safe and one the best things we can do to fight COVID-19: wearing a mask,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. When you get in a car, you buckle your seatbelt to protect yourself in case you get into an accident. When you play football or ride your bike, you put on a helmet to reduce your risk of seriously injuring your head or brain. When you’re on the water, you put on a life jacket so you don’t drown. And when you’re in the bedroom, you use a condom to protect against STIs. A mask is no different. It only works when you wear it.”

“Governor Pritzker, Dr. Ezike and I spend each and every day poring over the numbers, making decisions to keep people safe and planning for what’s ahead,” said IEMA Director Alicia Tate-Nadeau. “If we continue on the track we’re on, we’ll need to look at bringing back some restrictions that we’ve seen over the last few months. Nobody wants that. We haven’t seen enough people wearing face coverings and following the rule we put in place on May 1. If more people do their part by wearing a mask in public, we can move forward, not backward. Let’s go all in, Illinois.”

Governor Pritzker introduced Illinois’ mask-wearing requirement on May 1, the same day Illinois moved into Phase 2, and called for a national mask mandate during testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives on July 8.

Building on decades of public health campaigns that have helped the public adopt safety precautions as daily practices, the campaign reminds Illinoisans that wearing a mask is just like wearing a seatbelt, a helmet or lifejacket, tools used every day to prevent serious injury or even death. Research has found that highlighting these commonsense comparisons is the most effective messaging to change behavior and increase mask usage. Research also demonstrates that wearing a face covering is one of the most effective ways of decreasing the spread of the virus, and new research indicates it could also provide important protection to the wearer.

The $5 million campaign will reach residents statewide in both English and Spanish through a variety of traditional and online media channels, including broadcast, cable and connected TV; streaming audio and radio; billboards; digital display and video; and social media. Like other coronavirus-related expenses, costs are reimbursable by the federal government.

To view or download the videos, audio and images, CLICK HERE.

Driven by real-time data, the awareness effort will respond to the latest trends in cases and mobility at the county level, following the evolving on-the-ground conditions in communities across the state. For example, if both cases and mobility are high in a county, platforms in that county would receive the maximum amount of funding, while counties with lower cases and mobility would receive baseline funding. The funding model was built to ensure all counties have ample coverage of this vital public health messaging.

‘It only works if you wear it’ was developed by Illinois-based ad agency OKRP, directed by world-renowned photographer Sandro and produced with SAG-AFTRA talent. The campaign is supported by TimeZoneOne and Spurrier Group and guided by data insights from the state’s COVID-19 modeling team and Civis Analytics.

Click the link, take a look around and tell us what you think.

*** UPDATE *** I do love this country…


Despite modest gains, recovery looks more like an “L” than a “V”

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release

The University of Illinois Flash Index in July continued its gradual climb up from the COVID-19 shock that left the index at 92.8 in May. The July index increased to 93.9 from its 93.1 level in June.

“Despite some recovery in the last two months, the index is still below the 100-dividing line between economic growth and decline,” said University of Illinois economist J. Fred Giertz, who compiles the monthly index for the Institute of Government and Public Affairs. “The renewed prevalence of the virus in some areas indicates a slow, uncertain path for the economy unless an effective vaccine emerges.”

The Illinois unemployed rate also fell to 14.6% from 15.3% the previous month, more than 10 percentage points above the same month last year. The Illinois rate is now 3.5 percentage points above the national level prior to the crisis. This suggests that the Illinois economy has been impacted more severely than the rest of the nation.

In July, individual income and corporate tax receipts were up considerably after adjusting for inflation compared to last year while sales tax receipts were down slightly. Unfortunately, the increase in the two sources was likely the result of the change in the tax filing date to July 15 from April 15.

The Flash Index is normally a weighted average of Illinois growth rates in corporate earnings, consumer spending and personal income as estimated from receipts for corporate income, individual income and retail sales taxes. These are adjusted for inflation before growth rates are calculated. See the full Flash Index Archive.

The growth rate for each component is then calculated for the 12-month period using data through July 31, 2020. For the last five months, several ad hoc adjustments were made to deal with the timing of the tax receipts resulting from state and Federal changes in payment dates that were made to lessen the impact of the closures.



SIUC faculty and graduate assistants unions demand remote learning this fall

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Leaders of the unions representing SIUC graduate assistants (Graduate Assistants United) and tenured and tenure-track faculty (the SIUC Faculty Association) called today for SIUC to commit to remote learning, teaching, and working this fall semester, with exceptions only for those courses and other university functions that absolutely must take place on campus.

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to worsen across the United States, Illinois, southern Illinois, and Jackson County, union leaders believe the time has come to put safety first. Only those courses that absolutely must be offered on-campus should be offered on-campus, they believe. And students should be encouraged to remain off-campus if they have a safe place where they can effectively continue their studies off-campus.

“If we encourage students to congregate in Carbondale, we will not only endanger their health and safety, but that of SIUC instructors and staff, and others in the Carbondale area,” said Dave Johnson, president of the SIUC Faculty Association.

The unions are negotiating with the university in an effort to reduce risks in the classroom, and report that both sides are negotiating in good faith, and that progress has been made. The university is taking steps to reduce risk on campus. But these measures can’t address the issue of transmission outside of classrooms and dorms. Most students don’t live in dorms, and the average student spends no more than fifteen hours a week in the classroom.

“Masks and social distancing on campus are essential,” Johnson noted, “but the university can do very little to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 outside of on-campus housing and classrooms. We are already seeing far too many cases among the college-age population in Jackson County. We’ve seen all over the country that increased cases lead to hospitalization and deaths. We have to listen to what the scientists are telling us, rather than just hoping for the best.”

If students need to come to Carbondale for classes that can only be offered in person, or if Carbondale is a safer and more practical place for them to pursue their studies, they should be welcomed back to the safest conditions the university can provide, the groups believe. But many students may be in a safer and more productive learning environment if they remain outside of Carbondale.

Leaders of both unions also worry that the on-campus experience would not meet students’ expectations, due to the constraints posed by the pandemic. Even under the current reopening plan, most courses would be partially or completely online, and campus services and activities would be limited. This compromised on-campus experience could hurt SIUC’s reputation in the long run, they point out.

“Students and families should make the decisions that are right for them,” Johnson noted. “The on-campus experience simply isn’t going resemble what it’s been like in years past, and we shouldn’t be asking students to return to campus just to fill dorms and pay fees.”

Another issue of concern for the groups is transparency about COVID-19 cases on campus. While the university quickly reported COVID-19 cases this spring, there has been no clear public reporting about the cases that have occurred on campus since then. This makes it impossible for students, families, and others to make informed decisions about safety on campus.

SIUC faculty and graduate assistants believe that the best way for SIUC to ensure a safe and productive teaching and learning environment this fall is to take the following steps:

    1. Offer all courses remotely unless they can only be offered face to face and are required for students to advance in their programs and graduate.
    2. Encourage students to return to Carbondale only if they are registered for courses that must be offered face to face or can only safely and effectively continue their studies by returning.
    3. Focus planning and resources on ensuring the safety of students and staff who do need to study and work on campus.
    4. Work urgently to address the digital divide by providing all off-campus students with reliable access to the internet.
    5. Repurpose fees to address the digital divide and refund other on-campus fees for students who remain off-campus.
    6. Work with unions to advocate for state and federal funding to make universities whole for economic losses suffered due to the COVID-19 crisis.
    7. Work with unions to get the state and federal government to provide extended unemployment benefits for any workers who are laid off or cannot work safely on campus.

“We all want to return to the classroom as soon as we can do so safely,” said Anna Wilcoxen, president of Graduate Assistants United. “But it’s just not safe yet, physically or psychologically, and an unsafe learning environment does not lead to a quality education. If we act now to switch to remote learning, we can provide students with a high-quality educational experience while protecting our communities against the deadly threat of COVID-19.”


Rate the new Illinois Rising Action ad

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Illinois Rising Action launched a new television and digital ad calling for Governor Pritzker to take immediate action on ethics reforms. Amid the bribery investigations into Speaker Madigan and the ongoing investigation into Governor Pritzker’s property tax scheme, it has never been clearer that ethics reforms are needed.

“When it comes to standing up against corruption, Governor Pritzker chooses political rhetoric over real action on much-needed ethics reforms,” said Kayleen Carlson, executive director of Illinois Rising Action. “Governor Pritzker continues to protect his political ally, Mike Madigan, by refusing to call for a special session to address ethics reforms even as Madigan and Pritzker himself are under federal investigation. The time has come to put an end to the cronyism and corruption that has plagued Springfield for decades.”

* I have no info on a broadcast purchase, if any, but Comcast reports Illinois Rising Action is spending $102,530 on this ad over the next week in Chicago and $8,706 in the Champaign/Springfield/Decatur zone


It’s not even a bill yet, Ted

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It never ceases to amazes me how DC types seem to have all this extra time on their hands…

* The story

Leaders in education, politics and other areas gathered in suburban Evanston Sunday to ask that the Illinois State Board of Education change the history curriculum at schools statewide, and temporarily halt instruction until an alternative is decided upon.

At a news conference, State Rep. LaShawn K. Ford said current history teachings lead to a racist society and overlook the contributions of women and minorities.

John Oliver ran a segment last night on this very topic. Click here to watch it, but just know beforehand there’s some naughty words that your coworkers might not wanna hear.

That segment got me to thinking about the tremendous amount of crud that was taught to me in high school - and none of it was in math class, or science, or English. Almost all history. Thank goodness I had parents who were both interested in the topic and strongly urged their kids to seek out more than what we were spoon-fed in school.


Pritzker puts off what may be the inevitable

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column

Little by little, Gov. J.B. Pritzker is being nudged in the direction of a possibly epic confrontation with Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan—one the governor has been trying to avoid for years.

Pritzker resisted the calls for Madigan to step down as House speaker and Democratic Party of Illinois chairman during the House’s 2018 sexual harassment crisis. He’s been similarly reluctant for the past year, amid the Commonwealth Edison fallout, and then for the past few weeks since ComEd’s admission that it bribed lawmakers to get what it wanted out of Springfield.

And it’s pretty obvious why: Pritzker still wants to get things done with the General Assembly.

From what I know, the mindset in Pritzker’s office is that Madigan would never heed his call to step down anyway. Instead, the only thing such a demand would accomplish is to make Madigan so angry that nothing would ever get done. There’s no doubt Madigan helped Pritzker line up the support he needed, particularly from organized labor, to win a contested 2018 Democratic primary. So there may be some residual loyalty at play here as well.

As the ComEd scandal and other embarrassing disclosures increased in number and volume, Pritzker began saying last year that a law enforcement raid, a prosecutorial indictment or similar action would trigger his call for Madigan to step aside. So far, as I write this, none of that has happened.

When I pressed him in January during a one-on-one interview, the governor told me that “clear” evidence of targeting by criminal investigators would be “the point at which folks should step aside.”

NBC 5 reporter Mary Ann Ahern asked the governor on my behalf at a July 29 Chicago press conference if he didn’t see clear evidence of targeting by the feds in the deferred prosecution agreement that alleged bribery by ComEd to obtain legislative favors from Madigan.

“Well I have been clear that, you know, when there is a raid, when there is an indictment, you know, I have called for people to step down from their positions, or to resign,” the governor stuttered.

“By the way,” Pritzker said, “that’s the same thing that the Republican caucus leaders in the General Assembly said when they responded.”

Senate Republican Leader Bill Brady did release a statement saying that “if” the allegations proved true, then Madigan should resign. But his entire caucus (including him) issued a statement days later saying Madigan should resign. And the day after Pritzker used GOP leaders as a human shield, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin said Madigan should immediately resign.

Read the rest before commenting, please. Thanks.


Cracks, not breaks as Madigan buys some time

Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

The calls were mostly brief and to the point, recipients said. House Speaker Michael Madigan just wanted to know where his members stood last week after two of his members demanded that he step aside as House speaker and Democratic Party of Illinois chairman.

Did they agree with their fellow Democratic state representatives Terra Costa Howard and Stephanie Kifowit, he asked, that he should resign?

Enough said they did not agree that Madigan issued a statement hours later saying the feedback he received was positive and that he had “no plans to resign.”

The House Black Caucus, for one, appears to be mostly sticking with Madigan. That’s really no surprise. He’s been loyal to African American members for years — killing or altering bills they opposed, protecting their districts even after Chicago lost almost 200,000 African-Americans in the last census, etc.

But it goes deeper than that. Black legislators, like most Black people, all know someone who’s been falsely accused of a crime, be it family, friends or constituents. Most are strong backers of social justice reforms. Several told me it would be counter to what they stood for to turn on Madigan now. The same goes for many Latinx legislators. If those two caucuses ever turn on him, though, the party is over. And Madigan surely knows that.

Most “regular” and Downstate Democrats also appear to still be with Madigan. He’s been good to them as well, and the next speaker might be far more liberal than they’d prefer.

And then there’s organized labor, which has long supported Madigan, but then welded themselves to him during the Bruce Rauner years when the Republican governor was trying to kill them off. Labor is the largest source of campaign cash and precinct workers in the state. Cross the unions and you have few other places to turn to for help. Few Democrats will risk this.

Many of the House Democrats I spoke with last week made a “stability” argument. They complained that the people demanding that Madigan resign haven’t presented an alternative to Madigan.

Who, for instance, would handle the fundraising and the precinct work and everything else involved with winning elections this fall if Madigan suddenly departed? Who would lay the groundwork for the fall veto session? Creating a sudden void with no alternative just didn’t make sense to them at this moment, although that may very well change if any of his close associates are indicted, some admitted.

Black Caucus members with whom I spoke almost uniformly pointed to their own internal confusion and stagnation since May when their caucus chair Kimberly Lightford abruptly resigned. They and other Democrats also talked about the brutal infighting within the Senate Democratic caucus after Senate President John Cullerton unexpectedly retired last year. A Madigan departure would be 10, 20 or 50 times worse than any of that, they said, and they’re probably right.

In my conversations with Black Caucus members, I was told that they hadn’t received a single constituent phone call about Madigan since the ComEd deferred prosecution agreement was revealed. Their constituents, I was told, are totally focused on things like crime, unemployment benefits and navigating through everything else wrought by the pandemic. In other words, they’re preoccupied with life during particularly hard times and just don’t care about MJM.

I’m not trying to defend or justify any of this, by the way. I despise treating politics like a one-dimensional cartoon. There’s more going on than may meet the eye with a cursory glance at the headlines.

On the other side of the spectrum, first-term suburban women have their own issues to deal with.

Many of their constituents are indeed making angry calls about Madigan. The speaker’s money and talent may not be enough to save some of them in the face of all this scandal with ComEd and maybe other companies which have more recently been subpoenaed. And as I’ve told you before, the system Madigan built works only as long as his members believe he can protect them from their opponents. Once that confidence is gone, he serves no purpose.

More importantly, this situation is most definitely not why they signed up for a political run. A lot of these folks were activated after Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss. So, being connected in any way to an alleged bribery scheme likely makes their skin crawl.

It appears that Madigan has bought himself some time, for now. But if more people are charged and the feds get even closer to him, that may not turn out to be enough.



Monday, Aug 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Nathaniel Rateliff covers an old Link Wray song

I hear talking of people
The whole world has gone insane
And all there is left is the fallin’ rain

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IDPH admits some testing problems at several state sites

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is responding to a test processing delay involving tests conducted at certain state-run sites and sent to Reditus Labs. Processing of up to 3,800 tests conducted at state community-based or mobile testing sites for COVID-19 testing between July 12-24, 2020 have been delayed beyond the appropriate laboratory testing and reporting window.

Community-based and mobile testing that may have been impacted include sites in Aurora, Bloomington, East St. Louis, Peoria, Rockford, Rolling Meadows, and South Holland. While the vast majority of the more than 450,000 tests done at these state sites and sites across Illinois during the July 12-24 time period have already received their results, IDPH recommends individuals who have not yet received their results visit a free state-run testing location to have another specimen collected.

IDPH is working closely with Reditus Labs to improve their interface with specimen collection at state-run sites and ensure the processing of specimens moves forward in a timely manner. Specimens collected after July 24, 2020 are being processed and individuals will be promptly notified of their results.

IDPH is committed to increasing COVID-19 testing across Illinois and in continuously working to improve and streamline the process at community-based and mobile testing sites.

OK, but July 12th was almost three weeks ago.


Pritzker’s most recent demand of Madigan: Answer the questions

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker yesterday in Ottawa…

Question: If the Speaker called you today, would you say stay or go?

Pritzker: Well I’ve been very clear about my position about this. I mean I think the speaker has an enormous amount to answer for. There are questions that the public needs to hear the answer to. I do, too. And so that’s what I would start with, questions about exactly what happened here. And what are these allegations that are being made that are somewhat vague, frankly, I mean there’s more information you would need but in that deal, the deferred prosecution agreement, the DPA, for ComEd, there is obviously reference to the speaker and and to people around the speaker. I want to know those connections. I want to understand what it is the speaker was doing. He needs to answer these questions. I think many many of us have called for that.

Please pardon any transcription errors that I didn’t catch.

* Gov. Pritzker on the Skullduggery podcast

Q: Governor, I want to switch gears a little bit. Illinois has a long and storied history of corruption in its politics. I know you would hope that that was a thing of the past, but the Speaker of the Illinois House, and the Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, Michael Madigan, was recently implicated in a pay to play scandal involving ComEd. A growing number of Democratic lawmakers are calling on Madigan to resign. One the other day, state Sen. Heather Steans said he needs to quit now over what she called, quote, a sordid picture of bribery influence peddling and insider dealing. Now you have not called on Madigan to resign. You said only if the allegations are proven to be true or if he is indicted or convicted. Is that really the only standard for participating in public life in Illinois, either you’re convicted or it’s okay to serve?

Pritzker: That’s not the standard that I set. I did say that the speaker would need to resign if the allegations are true. And I have we have, unfortunately, as you know, had other corrupt politicians who have been indicted over the last year and a half and the same standard here that, you know, when their offices get raided when they’re indicted, you know, when the facts come forward, that are directed at them. That is when it is time for people in important positions to either resign their position within the legislature or resign the legislature all together. And in either of those, you know, any circumstance of these allegations being shown to be true. As I’ve said with the other legislators, you know, when there is a preponderance of this kind of activity, you know, raids of their offices, etc. That is when people need to be resigning. Look, there is a growing belief that the speaker has a lot to answer for. There is an awful there are an awful lot of questions that he needs to answer and I have called for him to answer those questions. But thus far we have not heard from him.

Q: Right. I mean, but look, he has been identified in a federal indictment as Public Official Number One, the facts have been are laid out in that indictment of all sorts of payments going to friends and associates of his in exchange for favorable legislation for ComEd. What more do you need to know at this point to say, yes, Michael Madigan has to go?

Pritzker: Well, that’s what I’m saying is, those are serious allegations. Well, let’s start with the fact that this massive utility has committed massive infractions, right? They’ve been found guilty, essentially. And in the process of that, all kinds of things are coming to light. And we need answers to those questions because there hasn’t been any direct indictment. There’s an implication absolutely about a number of people in there. We need to know much, much more. But the truth is that we have a real problem here. There is no doubt about it a need for ethics legislation in our state that we have not seen before. I have called for major changes in the law. For example, we need to stop this the idea that a legislator can quit one day and become a lobbyist/consultant the next day. That kind of revolving door has existed in Illinois. It’s got to go and legislators can no longer while they’re legislators be lobbyists at other levels of government. Those are two examples of loopholes that exist in this State of Illinois that don’t exist elsewhere that we need to close.

And then we need to see exactly what it is that ComEd did that we don’t have a law that covers, and then make sure that we’re closing those loopholes. And that I think is going to be revealed in the process of the conviction of ComEd and the revelations around the people who are written about in the ComEd indictment.

* Gov. Pritzker today in Chicago on Speaker Madigan…

He continues to have unanswered questions hanging out there. He needs to stand up and answer those questions.

I’ve said this from the very beginning, I believe that people who serve the public interest, people who get elected to public office have a duty to be transparent, and to live up to the integrity that’s demanded by the public for their public service. He needs to stand up and answer these questions because people have serious questions about those things.

* The ILGOP sent out a release today responding to his Ottawa remarks…

In case you missed it, WCIA’s Mark Maxwell posted this video of Governor J.B. Pritzker dodging and weaving questions yesterday in Ottawa about whether House Speaker Michael Madigan should resign.

Pritzker now downplays the evidence presented in filings from the U.S. Attorney as “somewhat vague.” He says that he would like to ask Madigan some questions and that the people of Illinois deserve to hear from Madigan. But Pritzker refused to join the growing number of Democrats calling for Madigan to resign.

Here are the new questions Pritzker just raised:

    1. What allegations against Madigan does Pritzker find vague? What connections does he not see? Newspapers have reported extensively on the allegations in question.
    2. If Pritzker wants to ask Madigan questions, has he called him in the last week? If yes, what did they discuss? If not, why not?
    3. Does Pritzker believe that Madigan would ever admit guilt under questioning – should the standard of whether Madigan needs to resign be Madigan’s own word?]
    4. Pritzker knows that Madigan is not holding press conferences and that he won’t be answering questions publicly. So isn’t it a cop-out to say he wants to hear Madigan address questions before he would call on him to resign? Does that mean Pritzker will never call on Madigan to resign?
    5. Why is it so hard for Pritzker to join other Democrats in calling for Madigan to resign – what is Pritzker so afraid of?


Asked and answered

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, U.S. Representatives Darin LaHood (IL-18), John Shimkus (IL-15), Adam Kinzinger (IL-16), Rodney Davis (IL-13), and Mike Bost (IL-12) renewed their demand for greater transparency of Illinois’ use of federal assistance. The delegation criticized Governor J.B. Pritzker for failing to fully utilize funding already allocated by Congress in multiple COVID-19 relief packages and refusing to disclose information about how smaller, rural municipalities can receive funding as Congress intended.

The U.S. Treasury Department Inspector General published data this week showing how much each state was given from the federal government and how much each state has spent as of June 30th. According to the report, the State of Illinois received $3,518,945,366 and spent only $505,085,663 or 14.4% of the federal COVID-19 relief funding allocated by Congress as of June 30th.

In May, Illinois Republicans sent a letter to Governor Pritzker requesting information about the process for smaller units of local government to obtain federal funding sent to the state and how much funding was sent to smaller units of local government. No information was provided in response to that letter.

“We continue to hear from local leaders in our districts who are struggling because of COVID-19 and Governor Pritzker’s stay-at-home orders. The lack of transparency regarding the federal funding sent to Illinois to support our communities through this pandemic is unacceptable. While Governor Pritzker continues to criticize the federal government and call for additional federal support, he must immediately provide information to the public about how the federal tax payer money he is withholding will be disbursed and a process for how smaller units of government can get access to the funding,” said Republican members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation.

I checked with the governor’s office about this topic because Crain’s had a story on it this week. They pointed out the obvious: June 30th is the end of the fiscal year. And very little could be spent until the GA passed an FY21 budget (which didn’t begin until July 1) . You can look at where the money is supposed to go by clicking here.

* From the Jordan Abudayyeh at the governor’s office…

Instead of baseless political attacks over information that is readily available online, congressional Republicans should focus on getting members of their party to support a comprehensive federal funding package for states and local governments that are providing vital services working families rely on.

All of Illinois’ share of CARES Act funding has been allocated by the General Assembly with the remainder to be spent through appropriations that recently passed during the spring session. In order to fully expend the funds, the General Assembly had to pass appropriations and create grant programs that will enable the state to spend the funds during FY21, which started July 1. A majority of the funding is allocated to FY21 programs that support critical needs such as contact tracing and testing, healthcare providers, economic development and local governments across the state.


1,941 new cases, 21 additional deaths, 3.9 percent positivity rate - 11 counties at warning level

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 1,941 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 21 additional confirmed deaths.

    Cook County: 1 female 40s, 1 male 50s, 3 females 60s, 1 female 70s, 2 males 70s, 1 female 80s, 2 males 80s, 3 males 90s
    DeKalb County: 1 female 80s
    DuPage County: 1 male 70s
    Kane County: 1 male 40s, 1 female 70s
    Kendall County: 1 female 50s
    St. Clair County: 1 female 80s
    Will County: 1 female 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 178,837 cases, including 7,495 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 49,782 specimens for a total of 2,699,568. The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from July 24 –July 30 is 3.9%. As of last night, 1,369 people in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 346 patients were in the ICU and 148 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH is now reporting both confirmed and probable cases and deaths on its website. Reporting probable cases will help show the potential burden of COVID-19 illness and efficacy of population-based non-pharmaceutical interventions. IDPH will update these data once a week.

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 11 counties in Illinois are considered to be at a warning level for novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). A county enters a warning level when it experiences an increase in two or more COVID-19 risk indicators from the state’s COVID-19 Resurgence Mitigation plan.

Eleven counties are currently at a warning level – Cass, Gallatin, Jackson, Jo Daviess, Johnson, Perry, Randolph, Saline, Sangamon, St. Clair, and White.

These counties saw outbreaks associated with business operations and activities posing higher risk for disease spread, including school graduation ceremonies, a rise in cases among late teens and 20s, parties and social gatherings, people going to bars, long-term care outbreaks, clusters of cases associated with restaurants and churches, and big sports events including soccer, golf, and softball tournaments. Residents of many communities are not wearing face coverings that have been proven to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Public health officials are finding that most contacts to cases are testing positive as well.

Several counties are taking swift action and implementing mitigation measures to help slow the spread of the virus. Examples include the mayor of Springfield requiring bar employees to wear masks or be subject to fines, Perry County hospitals and nursing homes temporarily suspending visitors, and the state’s attorney in Jackson County allowing the local food ordinance to be used to enforce COVID-19 guidance at restaurants and bars.

IDPH uses numerous indicators when determining if a county is experiencing stable COVID-19 activity, or if there are warning signs of increased COVID-19 risk in the county.

    New cases per 100,000 people. If there are more than 50 new cases per 100,000 people in the county, this triggers a warning.
    Number of deaths. This metric indicates a warning when the weekly number of deaths increases more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
    Weekly test positivity. This metric indicates a warning when the 7-day test positivity rate rises above 8%.
    ICU availability. If there are fewer than 20% of intensive care units available in the region, this triggers a warning.
    Weekly emergency department visits. This metric indicates a warning when the weekly percent of COVID-19-like-illness emergency department visits increase by more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
    Weekly hospital admissions. A warning is triggered when the weekly number of hospital admissions for COVID-19-like-illness increases by more than 20% for two consecutive weeks.
    Tests perform. This metric is used to provide context and indicate if more testing is needed in the county.
    Clusters. This metric looks at the percent of COVID-19 cases associated with clusters or outbreaks and is used to understand large increase in cases.

These metrics are intended to be used for local level awareness to help local leaders, businesses, local health departments, and the public make informed decisions about personal and family gatherings, as well as what activities they choose to do. The metrics are updated weekly, with data from the Sunday-Saturday of the prior week.

A map and information of each county’s status can be found on the IDPH website at


Question of the day

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Seeing reports online about a Cardinals game being postponed because of an outbreak. What are your thoughts on the rest of the season?


Pritzker sounds the warning in Peoria, La Salle counties

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Speaking in downstate Peoria, an area Pritzker has put on his warning list, the governor suggested residents are at a crossroads.

“We’re at a danger point everybody. Pay attention,” he said. “Now is the moment to wear your mask properly.” […]

“Much of the increase in cases has been tied to the 29 and under population, large social gatherings and household spread from family member to family member,” Pritzker said in a Facebook post. […]

If a region surpasses certain thresholds — metrics include percentage of people testing positive, hospital capacity, and rising hospital admissions — then officials can choose to tighten restrictions from a “menu” of options outlined in the new tiered-system.

* More from Peoria

Peoria County has determined, with the help of contact tracing, that cases are rising mainly because people under 30 have not been wearing masks and practicing social distancing, said Monica Hendrickson, administrator of the Peoria City/County Health Department, during a news conference last week when a health advisory was issued. Hendrickson relayed more alarming statistics during Thursday’s news conference.

“Our data shows that our positivity rate has doubled in the past two weeks, that our seven-day average, in terms of cases each day, has climbed 14 cases in one week, where we average 33 new cases each day in Peoria County, as well as our ICU and medsurge capacity is on the incline,” she said.

Peoria County’s positivity rate, at 4.3%, is higher than the state’s 3.8% seven-day rolling average.

Mayor Jim Ardis spoke about the detrimental impact more shutdowns would have on Peoria businesses.

“Taking a step back right now is very likely to be the end of a lot of our small businesses; they can’t take it,” he said.

Ardis is exactly right.

* Rep. Ryan Spain (R-Peoria) hit all the right notes

“This is not a time for Democrats and Republicans to do battle against each other on the topic of public health. We need to take this very seriously,” he said. “Our economic recovery is at stake, the reopening of our schools is at stake, the education of our children is at stake. We need compliance, we need your help. Everyone who is listening, Republicans, Democrats, independents, old people, young people, the millennials — I’m a millennial myself — we are not invincible. We need to take this message very seriously, and everybody needs to do their part to work together as a community. Work to beat this very serious public health challenge.”

Good on him.

* Pritzker also traveled to La Salle County

“La Salle County has seen an uptick in the number of cases since moving into Phase 4, and especially since early July. Cases in the county have more than doubled since that time. La Salle County is experiencing community spread of the virus. Community spread of the virus means some people are testing positive and are not able to pinpoint when or where they are becoming infected, which is happening all over the county, not one particular area or town,” [La Salle County Health Department administrator Julie Kerestes] said.

“In addition, our highest number of cases continue to be those who are 29 years and younger.”

The COVID-19 numbers are going in the wrong direction, La Salle County Board Chairman Jim Olson said. He said he was “urging” all La Salle County residents to follow procedures set in place by the IDPH and LCDH.

“It’s clear to see that the states that ignored the recommendations from the scientists and opened up early are paying the price now,” Ottawa Mayor Dan Aussem said, adding he doesn’t want to see the same happen here.

He admitted it is uncomfortable to wear the mask, but “at the end of the day, it’s a pretty simple task to do.” He said if you don’t feel comfortable wearing a mask, order curbside or delivery or stay home.

* NBC 5

In Peoria County, increases were traced to people under the age of 29, large Fourth of July parties and people traveling to Florida, Iowa, Texas and Wisconsin.

In LaSalle County, large family and social gatherings, increases in younger populations and young people visiting bars and attending large social events without masks were blamed.


Rep. Pizer calls on Madigan to resign his leadership roles, ties reasoning to Fair Tax

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Appointed Rep. Pizer lost his primary, so he won’t be around a whole lot longer. Even so, more drip, drip, drip..

State Representative Jonathan “Yoni” Pizer (D-12) joins fellow House members in calling for Speaker Michael J. Madigan to resign from his leadership roles as Speaker of the House in the Illinois General Assembly and as Illinois Democratic Party Chairman.

“We’re at a critical time in the history of our community, state, and nation. Over the past few months the importance of strong, honest, and ethical leadership has been made abundantly clear, and adherence to these values has been at the center of my life, campaign, and service in the legislature. Our state is reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, grappling with our history of racism and social injustice, and hurting from the economic downturn” said Pizer. “But, we still have an ambitious agenda ahead. We must ensure the passage of the Fair Tax and the Clean Energy Jobs Act, repeal the Parental Notification Act, prevent Illinois from becoming a right-to-work state, and effectively confront police brutality, racial injustice, and institutional discrimination.”

“The recent allegations of wrongdoing that have come to light amid the ComEd investigation are deeply disturbing” said Pizer. “With these allegations and previous ones relating to harassment, corruption and mismanagement, I am troubled by the Speaker’s failure to live up to the high ethical standards that the people of Illinois rightfully deserve from their political leaders. This is a clear violation of the public trust, and Illinois citizens should have full confidence in their elected officials. This is why I am joining other leaders of reform in our party who are now calling on Speaker Madigan to resign immediately as both the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois.”

“Although I deeply believe in the bedrock Constitutional presumption of innocence, this is not a court of law, and we cannot wait for the courts to adjudicate and administer their verdict. As legislators, we don’t have to hold the Speaker to a criminal standard of proof or observe rules of evidence in order to demand a change in leadership. There is simply too much at stake in this historical moment, and we cannot tolerate any unnecessary distraction from the important work at hand. Our state’s leadership and the Democratic Party must be committed to zero-tolerance for wrongdoing and corruption - or even the appearance of it” said Pizer.

Pizer concluded, “I urge my fellow members of the Illinois General Assembly to join me in calling for Speaker Madigan’s resignation. This is a principled position which should be met without threats of political retribution from House leaders or staff. With the Speaker’s resignation, I believe we can focus on the critical issues that matter most to our state and our nation.”


All but three regulated utilities agree to extend disconnection moratorium

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Commerce Commission is pleased to announce that several of the state’s large and small regulated electric, natural gas, water and sewer utilities have voluntarily agreed to keep residential customers connected for an additional month due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns. The moratorium on disconnections expired on July 26, 2020, however, with the voluntary extension, disconnections for residential customers will not occur for most customers until September 2020. Several utilities have also extended similar relief to business customers and have agreed to continue waiving late fees.

Ameren Illinois, Aqua Illinois, Consumer Gas, ComEd, Illinois American Water, Liberty, Nicor, Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas, Utility Services of Illinois are among the utilities with extended moratoriums on service disconnections.

“No one should have to fear losing life-saving utility service during a pandemic. The Commission appreciates the companies’ recognition of the continuing public health emergency and their voluntary efforts to provide much needed additional relief to affected customers,” said ICC Executive Director Christy George.

On June 18, 2020, the Commission approved the landmark COVID-19 utility relief agreements in Docket No. 20-0309, which were the product of negotiations between thirteen utility companies and numerous consumer advocacy groups and parties. In addition to extending the moratorium on disconnections and late payment fees, the agreements provided historic consumer protections involving utility credit and collection practices, deferred payment agreements, and temporary waivers of reconnection fees and new deposit requirements.

I followed up with the ICC and was told three utilities have not yet agreed to the disconnection moratorium extension. MidAmerican Energy is the largest, with about 85,000 Illinois customers. Illinois Gas has about 9,000 customers and Mt. Carmel (which is both electric and gas) serves just over 5,000 customers here.


What’s the holdup, HFS?

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There is big money at stake here…

State Rep. Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Hillside, is calling on the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) to release contracting data from state Medicaid providers on their use of Black-owned businesses for professional services.

“Black-owned businesses that provide professional services deserve a fair chance to compete for contracts and provide services to the companies and organizations that insure most Illinoisans,” Welch said. “That’s why I’m calling for the release of data from the Illinois Medicaid program on whether its providers are acting in an equitable and inclusive manner in their businesses.”

Welch sent a letter to HFS director Theresa Eagleson calling for the department to release data from state Medicaid providers on their use of Black-owned businesses for professional services. HFS oversees the Illinois Medicaid program and serves as the largest insurer in the state according to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA), a bicameral, nonpartisan research unit of the General Assembly. HFS primarily operates Medicaid in Illinois through managed care organizations (MCOs), which provide patients access to networks of medical professionals and health services. Welch is seeking data on the MCOs to ensure that they are inclusive and equitable in their use of Black-owned businesses for professional services.

“Economic justice and racial justice are two sides of the same coin and it is critical that Illinois and all of its partners in providing public services are focused on ensuring racial and economic justice for African Americans and Black-owned businesses,” Welch said. “The largest health insurance program in our state should and the providers that serve that program must have a commitment to equity and inclusivity in contracting.”

I FOIA’d the agency about this topic, but I didn’t get what I needed. That’s mainly my fault for the way I phrased the request. I’ll be trying again soon, but I really shouldn’t have to even file a FOIA and Rep. Welch has been trying to get at this same info for weeks and weeks. It was promised to him and that promise was never fulfilled.

This is totally inexcusable. Stop stonewalling, already.


Putting Rep. Ford into context

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Sun-Times’ Madigan story

“He just wanted to know if I was with him,” said West Side state Rep. La Shawn Ford. “And the point I made to him is that ‘If you say you’re innocent, then I’m with you.’”

* People who’ve been around a while will likely understand where Rep. Ford is coming from. Here’s a story from 2014

The odds were undoubtedly stacked against state Rep. LaShawn Ford when federal prosecutors indicted him on felony bank fraud charges more than a year and a half ago.

The already sky-high conviction rate at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse rises to near 100 percent in recent years when it comes to public figures. The cases that are brought against elected officials are typically buttoned down tight, experts say. Little is left to chance.

But in a highly unusual move Monday, prosecutors agreed to drop all 17 felony charges against Ford in exchange for his guilty plea to a single misdemeanor tax count. […]

In pleading guilty to the misdemeanor, Ford admitted that in his 2007 tax return he over-reported what he spent to rehab a single-family house in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood, reducing his capital gain from the sale of the home. The deception cost the Internal Revenue Service a tax loss of $3,782, according to the plea deal. […]

Meanwhile, a lawsuit filed last year by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. blamed the failure of the politically connected bank — known for lending in blighted neighborhoods — on poor risk management by its directors and officers. Although the collapse cost the FDIC more than half a billion dollars, none of the bank’s upper echelon of executives or directors was sued.

That misdemeanor was for a return he filed seven years earlier.


Open thread

Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Keep it local and keep it polite, please. Thanks.


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Friday, Jul 31, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another supplement to today’s edition
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day
* No, the mayor did not help pass the actual EBF bill
* Mayor Johnson announces school board appointments
* Roundup: Jury selection to begin Tuesday in Madigan’s corruption trial
* DPI down-ballot focus continues with county-level races
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
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