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Today’s quotable

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) spoke today at the Illinois Freedom Caucus’ press conference in response to Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson’s legislative address

In DuPage County, we’re seeing the crime levels go up because of our neighboring Cook County. Last Saturday, when the ruckus was going on, last Saturday night when the ruckus was going on in Chicago, on Roosevelt Road, in Lombard, mind you, which is real close to where I live, they had to shut the carnival down because of all the misbehavior.

In Villa Park, not long ago, there was a vape shop. The vape shop was being looted by two men. The owner called the Villa Park Police. The Villa Park Police show up. The looters run out of the vape shop with their guns shooting at the police officers. This is what is going on, and you can only go…

Talk to our our state’s attorney Bob Berlin. Talk to our sheriff, James Mendrick. We have a jail in DuPage County, and believe you me, we are having problems. And it’s because of this crime.

And I don’t see that Brandon Johnson, he was bragging about all the money that they’ve put into schools and crime, but if they’ve put all this money into schools and crime, why is there still a problem? So you wonder, in the future, throwing money at government agencies, does it, I don’t know, I wish I knew.

…Adding… Also, I can’t find a news story about the alleged vape shop shooting. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, of course. Just sayin.

…Adding… Thanks to a commenter for finding it. The shooting was in Lombard last December.

…Adding… Press release…

The IL Freedom Caucus is issuing the following statement on the speech Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson gave during a joint session of the Illinois House and Senate.

“Much has been made about the great divide between Chicago and the rural parts of our state. Yes, there certainly is a deep ideological divide between the people of our districts and City of Chicago leaders on many issues but there is a recognition by everyone regardless of party affiliation that a strong and healthy Chicago is good for Illinois and the nation as a whole.

We all want Chicago to succeed. Unfortunately, what we heard today does not inspire confidence that Chicago is moving in the right direction. Brandon Johnson today decided to use his first interaction with the Legislature to launch one of the most partisan speeches we have heard in a long time on the House floor. It is hard to build a bridge with someone who comes to Springfield looking to pick a fight.

What we wanted to hear today was real ideas and real solutions – not more virtue signaling. What people want and what Chicago needs are good roads and sound infrastructure. Chicago families need good schools for their kids and above all they need and deserve safe neighborhoods. Instead of solutions, all we heard today was one woke cliché after another. There is no vision for building a better business climate in Chicago. Under the future Johnson Administration, businesses in Chicago will be taxed even more than they already are.

Brandon Johnson has proven again today the truth of the old adage that Chicago is a great city with terrible leaders. The problems in Chicago could be solved with better leaders and better policies. Unfortunately, under the Brandon Johnson administration, the City of Chicago will get neither. It is a sad day for Chicago and a sad day for Illinois.”

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is comprised of State Representatives Chris Miller (R-Oakland), chairman; Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City), vice-chairman; Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich); Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville); Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur); Jed Davis (R-Newark) and David Friess (R-Red Bud). The members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus are members of the Illinois General Assembly who are advocating for limited government, lower taxes and accountability and integrity in government.

“What Chicago needs are good roads and sound infrastructure,” say the same folks demanding that the motor fuel tax be cut in half.


Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here you go…

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* LIVE * Watch Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson’s address to the General Assembly

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for the House’s feed, or click here for the free feed. Let us know what you think in comments.

…Adding… Mayor-elect Johnson called for restoring the full Local Government Distributive Fund payment. The Illinois Municipal League’s members have descended on the Statehouse demanding the same thing. From the governor’s office…

Supporting the operation of local governments is a key part of the state’s financial infrastructure. Since Governor Pritzker took office, over $1.1 billion annually has been allocated to local governments to assist with costs over and above what they were previously receiving from the state. This is on top of the 49% increase in revenue sharing to local governments over Governor Pritzker’s first term. When possible, the State has provided additional funding mechanisms to help local governments, including one-time and permanent revenue supports to minimize the need for local property tax increases.

Over the last few years, local governments have also seen an increase in the percentage of income and sales taxes that state government shares with towns, counties, and transit districts. This is due to the removal of the distribution proration that was put into place during the budget impasse. In fiscal year 2018, these allocations totaled $1.7 billion, but are expected to total $2.7 billion in the fiscal year 2024 budget proposal.


Support for local governments enacted since Governor Pritzker took office includes:

    • An additional $200 million a year in sales taxes from the passage of internet sales tax language following the Wayfair decision, including the Leveling the Playing Field for Illinois Retail Act, to help ensure compliance with state tax laws on internet sales.
    • Over $600 million annually in additional motor fuel taxes directed to local governments and transit districts to support needed transportation projects through the passage of Rebuild Illinois.
    • Granting $1.5 billion in state transportation bond funds directly to local governments for road and highway project expenditures, saving local governments $110 million annually in debt service costs from not issuing local bonds.
    • Authorization of adult-use cannabis, generating an estimated $100 million in additional revenues for local governments.
    • Increased allocations through the Local Government Distributive Fund process totaling $46 million annually from business loophole closures included in PA 102-0016.
    • Increased tax rates and positions for video gaming operations are expected to generate an additional $77 million a year for local governments.
    • Anticipated additional local revenues from the opening of new casinos authorized under the Rebuild Illinois plan.
    • Provided $400 million to support local governments during the 12-month suspension of the grocery tax authorized under the Illinois Family Relief Plan.
    • Increased the percentage of individual income taxes that state government shares with municipalities and counties from 6.06 to 6.16 percent of total individual income tax collections. This 0.1 percent increase is worth $27 million annually.


    • Income tax revenue sharing with locals increased 49% over the last 4 years. In FY19 LGDF was $1.342B. In FY22, LGDF was $2.00B – an increase of $658M or 49%.

…Adding… The IML’s fact sheet on the LGDF is here.

…Adding… If you’d like to compare with the last two first-time mayor speeches, click here for Rahm Emanuel and click here for Lori Lightfoot. [Hat tip: Amdor]

…Adding… Illinois Chamber…

The Illinois business community stands ready to work with Mayor-Elect Johnson to achieve our shared goals of a vibrant Chicago.

We look forward to working with Johnson on developing specific proposals for job growth and economic development within the state. This can be achieved through bipartisan cooperation that balances the needs of the citizens of Chicago with measures promoting a strong business climate, enhancing the city’s role as an economic engine that is so important to the prosperity of the state of Illinois.

…Adding… Press release…

House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Hillside, and Senate President Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, welcomed Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson to the State Capitol Wednesday, beginning a conversation on economic development, public safety, and moving Illinois and the City of Chicago forward together.

“I sincerely thank Speaker Welch, President Harmon, and every legislator for their warm welcome today. Together, we have laid the foundation for a collaborative, productive, and energetic partnership to build a better, stronger, safer Chicago that benefits every community across Illinois,” said Mayor-Elect Johnson. “This legislative body has shown it’s possible to take bold action to lift-up people all across our state, and I stand ready to work together to strengthen our public schools, ensure safety in every community, and support Illinois businesses to drive widespread economic growth and prosperity.”

Before a joint session of the House and Senate, Johnson emphasized the need for collaboration and collective responsibility in creating a stronger Chicago and a stronger Illinois.

“In the days ahead, this Legislature will make significant decisions about how we continue to rebuild Illinois’ fiscal house, expand opportunity across our state, and protect and strengthen Illinois communities. I’m pleased to welcome Mayor-Elect Johnson now, so that the priorities that will define the beginning of his term can inform our work,” said Speaker Welch. “Chicago is a critical component to Illinois’ success and it’s wonderful to hear the mayor-elect discuss priorities that mirror so closely what we’ve been fighting for in Springfield. I’m excited to work with Mayor-Elect Johnson as we continue to push for a smart approach to public safety, for fiscally and socially responsible budgets, and for the rights of women, of immigrants, and of working families.”

“I commend the mayor-elect for hitting the ground running, establishing his priorities and building relationships with the General Assembly before he even takes office,” said Senate President Harmon. “I found inspiration with his central message that progressive values and economic prosperity are one and the same, and that we are proving it here in the great state of Illinois. I look forward to finding ways to work together in the years ahead.”

Earlier Wednesday, Johnson met with Welch and Harmon, as well as the Black, Latinx, Progressive, and Moderate House sub-caucuses. Johnson emphasized that Chicago’s success is Illinois’ success, and called for leaders across the state to work together for a smart approach to safe communities, economic opportunity for all, and increased investment in local government.


Good work if you can get it

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dan Proft’s People Who Play by the Rules PAC disclosed just one independent expenditure during all of the first quarter: $3,725.56 for mail on behalf of Lyons Township High School 204 School Board candidates Tim Vicek, Frank Evans and David Herndon. All three lost to the candidates supported by the Democratic Party of Illinois.

But Proft’s company, Starfish Consulting, was still paid $75,000 in three monthly installments.

* Another $26,500 in consulting fees was paid to Fahrenheit Consulting Group. Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau is a founding partner of the firm.

The new Illinois Review has been hammering Pekau for months and I’ve kinda been wondering why. IR also seems to have had a beef with Proft since the new owners took over, so maybe that’s it.

And another $41K or so went to TMKS, LLC out of Rochelle, also for consulting work. I think that’s Michael Koolidge’s firm. Koolidge works for People Who Play By The Rules PAC and is a former congressional candidate.

So, if you add that up, you get $142,500 paid to consultants, which is 38 times the amount spent on actual (losing) campaigns.

* Proft’s IE committee reported no contributions during the quarter, but ended with $1.3 million in the bank.


Medicaid Coverage Benefits Patients, But Funding Inequity Jeopardizes Access To Hospital Care

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Illinois’ Medicaid program provides health coverage to nearly 30% of the state’s population—3.6 million children and adults. In 1995, only 10% of Illinoisans were covered by Medicaid. As the state’s largest health insurer, Medicaid has opened pathways to care for low-income residents, leading to better health outcomes.

But, Medicaid reimburses less than 80 cents for every $1 hospitals spend to provide Medicaid patients with high quality care. As hospitals face dire financial distress—from higher labor, drug and supply costs—this shortfall is exacerbating the challenges brought on by inflation and staffing shortages.

What can be done? Illinois hospitals are urging state lawmakers to support Senate Bill 1763 for the first General Revenue Fund (GRF) Medicaid hospital rate increase in 28 years. Consider the following:

    • GRF funds less than 18% of hospital Medicaid spending, while hospitals fund over22% through the hospital assessment tax; and Federal matching dollars fund the remaining 60%.
    • The GRF Medicaid hospital inpatient rate is less today than in 1995, while hospital costs are up 85%.

Passing SB 1763 would bring a much-needed 20% across-the-board increase to hospital Medicaid base rates—helping preserve and improve equity in funding for hospital care. Discover the facts to learn more.

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So much to unpack here

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The stories from last weekend’s downtown youth violence are completely disturbing, if not particularly new. Plenty of news media outlets are giving it extensive coverage (particularly Fox). But what’s being pushed down in many of these stories is that the taxpayer-funded adults who are supposedly in charge also have something to answer for. Here’s CBS 2

A couple attacked by a group of teens during the unrest downtown over the weekend said Tuesday that they had to fight for their lives.

The video of the vicious attack near a T-Mobile store on Wabash Avenue has been shared millions of times online.

CBS 2’s Marissa Perlman spoke with the couple – and a woman who jumped in to save them. The couple remains noticeably shaken up – trying to find moments to smile after what they went through.

They were in town from South Carolina, walking in the Loop just trying to find a place to eat.

In seconds, they were cornered and attacked with no way out.

Video shows the group of teens assaulting 20-year-old Ashley Knutson in front of 129 N. Wabash Ave. – across from the Macy’s building – Saturday night. She screams as the group corners her against a set of doors.

Knutson falls to the ground.

“It just doesn’t feel real,” she said. “I can’t believe that happened to us.”

The disturbing video is all over social media.

* You have to wait until the last third of this NBC 5 story to get to the revelation from a very brave Chicagoan

The video’s audio reveals Knutson yelling for help as the attack took place, and that’s when an unlikely hero emerged.

“I felt like at that moment I needed to take action,” Lenora Dennis said.

Dennis jumped in to help and was able to deescalate the attack. […]

Dennis says what frustrates her the most was that she didn’t receive any help from Chicago police.

“I literally went in front of a police car that I saw coming, like literally stood in front of their car, and I was like ‘stop! There’s people over here getting assaulted,’ and he looked, there were four police officers in the car. The driver looked, and he just cut a path and drove around me,” she said.

“They didn’t stop. Who knows what would have happened if it wasn’t for her,” Garrisson-Johnson added.

Those officers may have been on an important and urgent call and simply couldn’t stop. It happens. We just don’t know yet, but that probably ought to be at least looked into.

Also, this does show that deescalation and violence interruption can work. We need more of that from trained workers. Lots more. Where were all those groups over the weekend? …Adding… Question answered…


Dennis said she ushered the couple into the flagship Macy’s store where they hid until they could safely leave. Eventually, Dennis drove them to the 1st District police station where she said a desk sergeant told her words to the effect of: “This is happening because Brandon Johnson got elected.”

“I’ve lived in Chicago my entire life and would’ve never expected that,” Dennis said. “If that’s a precursor to what’s about to happen that’s a total and complete problem.”

It’s an allegation about a single curmudgeon sergeant. But I can see where people would find that very believable and also quite alarming. The FOP’s president did, after all, predict “blood in the streets” if Paul Vallas lost the election. And most of the outraged reaction to the violence appears to be coming from people who wanted to see Vallas elected mayor. It’s bad enough as it is, but it’s now being used as a political cudgel against a guy who hasn’t even been sworn in yet.

* Back to CBS 2

Since the attack, Knutson said detectives have come to the Maywood Airbnb where they are staying – and have apologized and made sure they are okay.

The couple has filed a police report, but so far, no arrests have been made.

Nice to see an apology. It was certainly owed to them. And with all the video out there (public and private), there had better be some arrests.


ComEd 4 trial coverage roundup

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* John Hooker’s testimony continues today…

    * Tribune | Apparent slip-up during ex-ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore cross-examination leads to revelation about interview with feds: The cross-examination of former ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore took a dramatic turn Tuesday when she inadvertently opened the door to questions about a 2019 interview with prosecutors where she denied knowing about the utility paying subcontractors connected to Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan. The apparent slip-up occurred while Pramaggiore was being asked about a recorded call with then-ComEd executive Fidel Marquez, who told her that the subcontractors, including former 13th Ward Ald. Frank Olivo, were being funneled through a contract with lobbyist Jay Doherty and that they didn’t do any work.

    * Sun-Times | Former ComEd CEO testifies that secretly recorded call central to bribery case against her actually ‘proves my innocence’: Jurors also heard Tuesday that the September 2019 interview ended after the feds played the recorded phone call for Pramaggiore and her attorneys. Meanwhile, Pramaggiore insisted to Streicker that, if she had remembered the call, “I would have shared it with you because it proves my innocence.” At one point in the February 2019 call with Marquez, Pramaggiore can be heard saying “oh my God.” She testified this week that it was because she was “taken aback” by some of Marquez’s comment

    * ABC Chicago | Former ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore defends actions in bribery case; Hooker testifies: One such conversation-which led to her ending her talks with the U.S. attorney’s office- included a phone call between herself and ComEd lobbyist-turned-government informant Fidel Marquez early that same year. During the call, they discussed how to go about explaining Doherty’s contract to the new CEO and maybe suggesting he put an end to it. “Let’s not do it until after the session’s over. Let’s look at this in terms of going forward to next year because we do not want to get caught up in a, you know, disruptive battle where, you know, somebody gets their nose out of joint and we’re trying to move somebody off and then we get forced to give ‘em a five-year contract because we’re in the middle of needing to get something done in Springfield,” Pramaggiore said in the call on February 18, 2019.

    * Hannah Meisel | Former ComEd CEO testifies she was unaware of Madigan allies’ monthly checks for no work: “We didn’t view him as a friend or an ally,” Pramaggiore said of Madigan’s relationship to ComEd, outlining the speaker’s “classic Democrat, very pro-consumer” stance on utilities. She also said ComEd officials were never quite sure what to make of the influencing effect of Madigan’s daughter, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who “was always in opposition to us.”

    * CBS Chicago | Prosecutors question ex-ComEd CEO on her knowledge about do-nothing subcontractors: Prosecutors doubled down, asking Pramaggiore to confirm she was testifying that she forgot the entire recorded phone conversation before that interview. She replied simply: “I am.” Fellow defendant Hooker also took the stand on Tuesday afternoon to testify in his own defense, focusing on the ComEd legislation he was involved with.

    * NBC Chicago | Second ComEd 4 Defendant Takes The Stand as Trial Continues: Hooker laid out how the office worked but denied any wrongdoing. He also denied being part of then-Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan’s “inner circle.” When asked if he was an agent for Madigan, Hooker proudly said “no, he was ComEd all the way.”

    * Crain’s | A key meeting with the feds takes center stage in Pramaggiore cross-examination: Hooker also spoke extensively about his role in helping pass the various bills on which the trial has focused. But he didn’t get to the key questions pertaining to him, which is a recording of him talking about his role in helping create the Doherty subcontracts. He will be on the stand beginning Wednesday morning, when no doubt that issue will come up.


Another day, another DeVore loss

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told you this was going to happen quite a while ago. Center Square

The Illinois Supreme Court has granted a motion to pause proceedings in a challenge of Illinois’ gun and magazine ban pending the outcome of a separate challenge before the state’s high court.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker enacted the state’s ban on certain semi-automatic weapons and magazines Jan. 10. The law has been challenged in both federal and state courts.

One of the first state-level lawsuits came from attorney Thomas DeVore. He secured temporary restraining orders for thousands of named plaintiffs and gun stores in two cases from Effingham County and one from White County. The first case, named Accuracy Firearms v. Pritzker, was appealed by the state to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court decided the case challenging the law on equal protections was likely to advance on its merits.

Separately, a Macon County judge issued a final judgment that the law was unconstitutional based on the appeals court decision. That case was brought by state Rep. Dan Caulkins, R-Decatur. Because of the appeals court decision, the state appealed Caulkins’ case directly to the Illinois Supreme Court.

DeVore attempted to consolidate his cases with Caulkins’ case, a motion the Illinois Supreme Court denied. They are set to hear the Caulkins case in mid-May.

On March 31, the state filed an abeyance motion in the Accuracy Firearms case with the Illinois Supreme Court. The request was to hold the state’s appeal of a temporary restraining order in the DeVore case “pending the disposition” in the Caulkins case, “which is a direct appeal currently pending before this court.” […]

Tuesday, the Illinois Supreme Court granted the motion for abeyance, effectively holding off the appeal of the Effingham County TRO until the Caulkins case is resolved.

Meanwhile, DeVore is still trying to subpoena constitutionally protected legislative communications.

Either way, if Rep. Caulkins loses (and he probably will at the state level), then DeVore can ultimately claim victory by claiming he would’ve won if only Caulkins hadn’t interfered. Some folks believe that may actually be why DeVore is pulling his subpoena stunt.

Rep. Caulkins’ case has been scheduled for a May 16 Supreme Court hearing.

* The federal cases are more important, and here’s an update on one of those

The federal appeals court in Chicago on Tuesday denied a request to block the Illinois assault weapons ban while it faces legal challenges.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request for an injunction by Robert Bevis, a firearms store owner in Naperville, while he appeals a ruling by U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall that found the ban “constitutionally sound.” […]

Bevis’ lawyers argued that his Law Weapons & Supply business suffered because of the ban and might end up closing if it can’t sell the popular guns.

In her ruling, Kendall wrote that, “because assault weapons are particularly dangerous weapons … their regulation accords with history and tradition.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Good morning! What’s going on? Keep it Illinois-centric please…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here you go…

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*** ComEd 4 trial live coverage ***

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Elon Musk appears to have at least temporarily broken Twitter’s list embed function, so click here.

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Live coverage

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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