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Rate Marie Newman’s new TV ad

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Marie Newman’s campaign released its second television advertisement highlighting the contrasts between Marie and Dan Lipinski’s views on health care. The ad, “A Clear Choice for IL-03,” reminds voters about Lipinski’s vote against the Affordable Care Act and how that would have allowed insurance companies to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. In contrast, Marie believes that health care is a right and is fighting to expand health care coverage.

The ad also highlights the Chicago Sun-Times’ endorsement of Marie Newman, because she “leaves no doubt that she will stand up for health care, Dreamers and women’s rights.”

* Ad

* Script

People concerned about health care can’t trust Dan Lipinski.

Dan Lipinski voted against Obamacare which means Lipinski would deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

Democrats have a clear choice – Marie Newman.

Marie’s believes that health care is a right because she knows what it’s like to have gone without health insurance. Unlike Dan Lipinski, Marie is the only Democrat who will fight to expand health care to everyone.

The Sun Times endorsed Marie saying there’s “no doubt she will stand up for health care.

* Much of this campaign is being fought around the healthcare issue

You can rate that one, too, if you’d like.


Caption contest!

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have fun…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign updates

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crain’s

Sales of marijuana fell in the second month of legalization in Illinois.

Revenue was $34.8 million in February, down from $39.2 million in January, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation said today. Those figures do not include tax.

Total February sales were down 11 percent. Average daily sales were off 5 percent after accounting for fewer days in the month.

Out-of-state buyers accounted for 26 percent of sales in February, up from 22 percent in January.

Probably to be expected, considering the initial novelty, the resulting lack of product (growers really need to step up) and the lack of personnel to deal with the long lines (retailers really need to hire more people). But, one month is not a trend and this is gonna be legal in perpetuity, so I generally take the long view.

* The Question: Have you visited or do you plan to visit an adult-use dispensary? If so, tell us about your experience. If not, explain why.


It’s just a bill

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

A bill to ban all red-light cameras in the state could advance in Springfield.

Last week, state Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, got House Bill 322 passed in the House with bipartisan support. That measure would ban red-light cameras in non-home rule municipalities, or municipalities with fewer than 25,000 residents. […]

“My bill to ban all red-light cameras made it out of the [House] Rules Committee,” McSweeney said. “So I can’t call it today. I hope to call it in the next few weeks.”

House Bill 323 was assigned to the House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee. A hearing date for the bill has yet to be scheduled.

When the partial ban passed the House last week, some opponents said they wanted to see a full ban. McSweeney said once the full ban bill comes up for a vote, the results would be telling.

“We’re going to see who’s for real,” McSweeney said. “We’re going to see who’s for real if I get that bill to the floor. We have people who on principle oppose that, and I respect that, and we’ll see the people, and I hope they do. I certainly believe that they’re people of their word. If I get this voted, it’ll take a supermajority. I’ll have to work hard. [House Minority Leader] Jim Durkin and [red light camera company] SafeSpeed are working against me.” […]

A spokesperson for Durkin said he would support a ban on all red-light cameras in Illinois. As to campaign contributions Durkin got from SafeSpeed, Durkin’s spokesperson said he donated the money to charity right after it was revealed the indictment against former Senator Martin Sandoval, D-Cicero, identified Company A as SafeSpeed.

* SJ-R

For the second time in two years, a bill that set up a way to cap some prescription drug costs failed to advance in the House.

The House Prescription Drug Affordability and Accessibility Committee voted 8-5 against sending House Bill 3493 to the full House for a vote.

The bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Will Guzzardi, D-Chicago, said he would continue to try passing the legislation.

Under the bill, a five-member board appointed by the governor would have had the authority to review prescription drug costs and set upper limits of what could be paid for the drug. Not all drugs would be reviewed. A brand name product that costs over $30,000 or has a price increase of $3,000 a year or more would be reviewed as would a bio-similar drug that wasn’t at least 15% cheaper than the drug it replicates.

Guzzardi said Maryland uses this approach and 15 other states are considering something similar.

* Heartland Institute

Lawmakers in the Illinois General Assembly recently introduced HB 4138, which would create the Phase Out Corporate Giveaways Interstate Compact. This compact would serve as an agreement between member states to refrain from participating in the practice of corporate subsidies. Corporate subsides manifest in the form of tax incentives or grants, in an attempt to attract businesses.

Typically, these subsidies are handed out for the purpose of creating jobs, hosting manufacturing facilities, building development offices, as well as the relocation of headquarter offices. The Phase Out Corporate Giveaways Interstate Compact holds that any state and the District of Columbia may become a member of this compact by passing the compact through their legislature. The overall goal of this compact is to reduce corporate welfare.

Rep. Bob Morgan (D-Highwood) introduced the bill, which is a good first step in ending the practice of corporate welfare. In general, corporate subsidies overwhelmingly benefit large corporations. The bill defines “corporate giveaways” as any company-specific grant or company-specific tax incentive. A “company-specific grant” means any disbursement of funds via property, cash, or differed tax liability by the state government to a particular company. “Company-specific tax incentive” means any change in the general tax rate or valuation offered or presented to a specific company that is not available to other companies.

* Capitol News Illinois

A panel of state senators Tuesday approved legislation requiring public colleges and universities to add mental health contact information to the back of student identification cards.

As a parent of a first-year college student, Villa Park Democratic Sen. Tom Cullerton said it is a “trying and stressful time,” as with any other parent who misses their child. But he said such situations are also difficult for the student, who may be away from home for the first time.

His initiative would ensure phone numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Crisis Text Line and the school’s mental health counseling center are published on each student’s identification card.

If an institution of higher education does not have such cards, the bill requires that information be published on its website instead.

* CBS 2

A Kankakee girl took her fight to Springfield on Tuesday to help kids sell lemonade.

“Everyone is sick and tired of all of us getting shut down for our lemonade stands, and I think it’s time to make a change,” said Hayli Martenez.

Last summer, Kankakee County shut down Hayli’s old-fashioned lemonade stand because the family did not have water and sewer service.

Hayli’s mother, Iva Martenez, was unemployed and behind in the water and sewer bills. Iva said although the faucet was off, she and Hayli used bottled water.

More from the Daily Journal

Hayli, 11, gave her views to a public health committee with Sen. Patrick Joyce, D-Essex, next to her. Joyce is sponsoring Senate Bill 3459, which is referred to as Hayli’s Law.

“I am ready to make a change for little people, like little girls and boys, who have lemonade stands,” Hayli said. […]

“My lemonade stand is a dream I shared with my grandma before she passed away. She always told me to make lemonade out of lemons, so I did,” Hayli said. “When my lemonade stand was shut down I became very upset. I asked myself, ‘Why me?’ I didn’t do anything wrong.”

The bill passed the Public Health Committee and now goes before the full Senate. If passed by both the Senate and House, it would go to Gov. JB Pritzker. If signed into law, it would go into effect immediately.

The kid is not only savvy and smart, but she has a million-dollar smile…


GOP congressmen reportedly push back after Pritzker requests federal intelligence outline of “all known threats to election systems”

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC News on February 20th

President Donald Trump pushed aside his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, because he was angry about a briefing to lawmakers that said Russia is interfering in the 2020 election to aid his re-election, current and former intelligence officials briefed on the matter told NBC News.

At issue was an election briefing to House members last week by Shelby Pierson, the DNI’s election security czar. The news was first reported by The New York Times.

The fast-moving developments have caused serious concern among intelligence officials.

* The very next day, Gov. Pritzker sent President Trump a letter and cc’d the state’s Republican delegation. The governor cited reports like the NBC story above and pointed out the “widely confirmed” reports that Russia targeted Illinois’ election infrastructure during the 2016 election.

Pritzker then requested that DNI outline “all known threats to election systems so that Illinois can be as prepared as possible to ensure our election is protected from all hazards including foreign interference.” He did not, as far as I know, release the letter to the news media until I requested it this afternoon.

* The governor was asked about his letter today at an unrelated press conference

Reporter: Republican congressmen say you’ve sent a letter to the president… They say that you got some facts wrong there, but they’re also saying that you need to focus on Illinois and [automatic voter registration] problems that are happening. Can you address that?

Pritzker: Well, they would like me not to focus on the fact that the President fired his DNI for telling the truth to Congress. These are republican congressmen that are speaking. What I’ve written a letter to the President about is to make sure that I get fully briefed on any kind of potential Russian hacking, or interference with our elections. I’ve been focused on this since before I took office. And Day One and in office I gathered people in my administration who are in charge of securing our elections to make sure we’re doing everything we can. But we need to get proper information from the intelligence community from the federal government. And it appears when the President is firing his DNI for telling the truth about Russian interference, that we’re not getting all of the information we need. So I insisted that we get that.


Hinz: Lightfoot to endorse Biden

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Mayor Lori Lightfoot plans to make an announcement in the next day or so, and although sources close to her aren’t officially confirming anything, all indications are that she will back former Vice President Joe Biden.

Lightfoot and Biden connected by phone earlier this week, right after he won most of the big Super Tuesday primaries.

* Press release…

Congressman Sean Casten announced today that he is endorsing Joe Biden for President.

“As a freshman member I am keenly aware of the power of strong, diverse coalitions. For that reason, I am proud to announce my support for Joe Biden. Joe has the empathy and the heart to unite our party, our country — and he has experience and the tenacity to get it done.” - Congressman Sean Casten

* Local 881 of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) is endorsing Biden…

In announcing the support of the 34,000-member Union, Steven M. Powell, President of Local 881 and UFCW International Vice President, stated:

“Another four years of the Trump Administration would be a disaster for working people. It is critical that our next President be a friend to workers and an advocate for Unions. We believe Joe Biden is the best candidate to help our members and lead our nation. Joe Biden has been an advocate for our Local Union, has a great track record of putting working families first, and is committed to strengthening the rights of Union workers. He has developed a specific plan to help increase unionization, prevent employers from hindering the organizing efforts of workers, and protect collective bargaining rights. We strongly believe that Joe Biden is the best candidate to defeat Trump and will provide leadership that puts workers first. We are proud to give him our endorsement.”

* Treasurer Mike Frerichs…

Given today’s unfortunate news regarding the suspension of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for President of the United States, I wanted to share my thoughts with those of you who, like myself, were inspired by her performance and disappointed by the headlines this morning.

I had the honor of working alongside Senator Warren while advocating for her candidacy and can attest to the fact that she is an extraordinary person; I know that she would have been an excellent President. She showed that you can advocate passionately for progressive ideas without being divisive. Her campaign demonstrated a sincere objective to be helpful and kind, even in the face of harassment and bullying.

While I am disappointed that she has ended her campaign, I have no regrets for supporting her. I think she has furthered the debate of ideas and has left the Democratic Party stronger because of her campaign.

I am heartened that she is still a fierce fighter in the US Senate for the fundamental change our country needs.

The one thing I am certain of is that we haven’t heard the last from Elizabeth Warren.

* Politico

Joe Biden, who jolted Democrats by capturing victories in 10 states (Maine wasn’t declared for Biden until midday Wednesday), has queued up a combined $228,000 in ad buys on three Chicago stations: CB2/2, ABC/7 and WGN/9.

To put this into perspective, the House and Senate Democrats spent about a million dollars a week on Chicago broadcast to help put each of their 2018 candidates over the top. $228K is a drop in the bucket, but it’s better than nothing, I suppose. And he didn’t need any air cover on Super Tuesday (or a field operation, for that matter). We’ll see how he does in the next debate against Sanders.

* Tribune

Sanders to hold rally in Grant Park on Saturday, another in Rockford Tuesday: The presidential candidate will hold a 2:30 p.m. rally at Petrillo Music Shell, in Grant Park.

As always with national politics, take a deep breath before commenting, and try not to infect comments with cable teevee talking points.


“The number of [COVID-19] cases reported in every chart and table is far too low”

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Cook County Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced a fifth Illinois resident has tested positive at the IDPH laboratory for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The specimens have been sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for confirmatory testing. The fifth individual is a Cook County resident in his 20s who flew into Chicago O’Hare Airport earlier this month after traveling to Italy. The individual acquired the infection while in Italy and is hospitalized at Rush University Medical Center in isolation. Public health officials are identifying and contacting all close contacts.

“The state of Illinois is working around the clock to contain COVID-19 and educate the public,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Public health officials anticipated there would be additional cases and we will continue to implement robust measures to contain the virus while also preparing for further transmission. The risk of COVID-19 to the general public in Illinois remains low, but we encourage the public to be vigilant and take extra care with the normal precautions you should take during flu season.”

The CDC has confirmed one of the recent presumptive positive cases and we are still awaiting results on the other case. Both remain in home isolation and are doing well. At this time, the exposure route for the third and fourth cases is not known. Both individuals recently traveled to another state, but health officials have not been able to link them to a COVID-19 confirmed case in Illinois or the other state. Therefore, because IDPH has been unable to identify a point of exposure for these two cases, IDPH believes it is possible these cases may be due to community transmission in Illinois.

“While we expect to see additional cases, we are not seeing widespread transmission of the virus in Illinois and we believe the risk to the general public remains low,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike.

OK, but read on.

* The Atlantic

We know, irrefutably, one thing about the coronavirus in the United States: The number of cases reported in every chart and table is far too low.

The data are untrustworthy because the processes we used to get them were flawed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s testing procedures missed the bulk of the cases. They focused exclusively on travelers, rather than testing more broadly, because that seemed like the best way to catch cases entering the country.

Just days ago, it was not clear that the virus had spread solely from domestic contact at all. But then cases began popping up with no known international connection. What public-health experts call “community spread” had arrived in the United States. The virus would not be stopped by tight borders, because it was already propagating domestically. Trevor Bedford’s lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, which studies viral evolution, concluded there is “firm evidence” that, at least in Washington State, the coronavirus had been spreading undetected for weeks. Now different projections estimate that 20 to 1,500 people have already been infected in the greater Seattle area. In California, too, the disease appears to be spreading, although the limited testing means that no one is quite sure how far.

In total, fewer than 500 people have been tested across the country (although the CDC has stopped reporting that number in its summary of the outbreak). As a result, the current “official” case count inside the United States stood at 43 as of this morning (excluding cruise-ship cases). This number is wrong, yet it’s still constantly printed and quoted. In other contexts, we’d call this what it is: a subtle form of misinformation.

This artificially low number means that for the past few weeks, we’ve seen massive state action abroad and only simmering unease domestically.

* The federal government is going back on its pledge to test lots more people

The Trump administration won’t be able to meet its promised timeline of having a million coronavirus tests available by the end of the week, senators said after a briefing Thursday from health officials.

“There won’t be a million people to get a test by the end of the week,” Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida said. “It’s way smaller than that. And still, at this point, it’s still through public health departments.”

Scott and other lawmakers said the government is “in the process” of sending test kits out and people still need to be trained on how to use them. The entire process could take days or weeks, they said.

* Only two people tested in Sangamon County so far

Two Sangamon County patients tested negative for coronavirus over the weekend, public health officials confirmed.

Sangamon County Public Health Director Gail O’Neill said that two people exhibited fairly standard respiratory symptoms and had either recently traveled outside the country or been in close contact with someone who had. But the tests came back negative.

Though others have been monitored for symptoms, O’Neill said those have been the only two test administered in the county thus far.

* And if/when the virus does catch hold, it’s not pretty

Parents keep their children inside. Few people shake hands anymore. More than two dozen firefighters remain in quarantine. Restaurants and hair salons are close to empty.

Such is life in Kirkland, Wash., the suburb just east of Seattle known for its folksy downtown and spectacular lakefront views, but now above all as the U.S. epicenter of COVID-19.

Of the 11 U.S. deaths from the coronavirus epidemic, eight were residents of a local nursing home that is struggling to care for others who may have been infected. An additional death occurred at a Kirkland hospital. […]

On Monday, the city reported that two police officers and 27 firefighters — a quarter of its Fire Department — had been placed in quarantine after being exposed to patients from the nursing home.


Students are now out of school in South Korea, Iran, Japan, France, Pakistan and elsewhere — some for only a few days, others for weeks on end. In India on Thursday, all public and private schools through the fifth grade were ordered closed through March in the capital, New Delhi, affecting more than two million children.

In Italy, suffering one of the deadliest outbreaks outside China, officials said Wednesday that they would extend school closures beyond the north, where the government has imposed a lockdown on several towns, to the entire nation. All schools and universities will remain closed until March 15, officials said.

On the West Coast of the United States, the region with the most American infections so far, Los Angeles declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, advising parents to steel themselves for school closures in the nation’s second-largest public school district. Washington State, which has reported at least 10 deaths from the outbreak, has closed some schools, while on the other side of the country in New York, newly diagnosed cases have led to the closure of several schools as well.

The speed and scale of the educational tumult — which now affects 290.5 million students worldwide, the United Nations says — has little parallel in modern history, educators and economists contend. Schools provide structure and support for families, communities and entire economies. The effect of closing them for days, weeks and sometimes even months could have untold repercussions for children and societies at large.

* Some limited help is on the way

State and city health units are in line to get some help dealing with the coronavirus epidemic—financial help that is.

A deal reached [yesterday] between Congress and President Donald Trump will deliver at least $14.7 million to the Illinois Department of Public Health, with an additional $8.7 million headed to the Chicago Department of Public Health. […]

In a separate action, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released another $2.75 million to the state and $1.75 million to the city for coronavirus surveillance and infection control.

* And the state’s new sentinel surveillance program should help us figure out what’s going on

Starting today or Friday, Carle Foundation Hospital will begin screening as part of a new sentinel surveillance program that could indicate whether the virus is present in local communities among people who don’t have an apparent connection — for example, due to their travel history.

And since the hospital serves patients from 41 counties, the surveillance has the potential to signal the presence of the virus in more than just the Champaign-Urbana area.

There are already “a handful” of possible Champaign County coronavirus cases under investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health, according to Champaign-Urbana Public Health District Administrator Julie Pryde.

But the best way to be prepared for a community spread of the virus is to collect more data, and as early as possible, she said.


…Adding… Oy

HANNITY: We have a report today the global death rate at 3.4%, and a report that the Olympics could be delayed. Your reaction to that?

TRUMP: Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild.

Um, both can be true.

* Related…

* Sick CPS students ‘will be sent home immediately,’ district says, as coronavirus fears spread

* Glencoe Public Works Employee Under Voluntary Quarantine After Exposure to Coronavirus: The employee “was exposed to a different individual, who was subsequently confirmed to be infected with coronavirus,” the statement said, but was not showing any signs of the virus and was self-monitoring under voluntary quarantine at home. The employee was also in contact with their healthcare professional, officials said.

* Spreading coronavirus infects city’s economy, mayor’s budget: The mayor is also counting on $163 million from raising ambulance fees paid by private insurers and getting federal approval for reimbursements administered by the state for ambulance transports for low-income patients on Medicaid. That hasn’t happened yet — nearly five months after the mayor said that approval was “imminent.” Lightfoot has said repeatedly she remains “very confident” the feds will green-light the ambulance plan, despite her repeated attacks on President Donald Trump.

* WIU prepares for coronavirus outbreak: He said the McDonough County Health Department is working alongside them, to screen anyone who has traveled to an infected area.

* Coronavirus is testing CEOs everywhere: Unlike past crises, this one is rooted not in familiar economic factors such as a credit bubble, but in epidemiological forces beyond the ken of the average CEO. Few, if any, are qualified to make judgments about how many people are likely to be infected, how many will die, or when the virus will subside. Without answers to those questions, predicting economic consequences becomes all but impossible.

* Not Enough Face Masks Are Made In America To Deal With Coronavirus

* Washington state urges patience as Covid-19 test delays stoke anger: “We have had patients presenting here, angry that they cannot be tested for COVID-19, yelling, cussing, throwing their dirty mask at us and even spitting their secretions on the floor and walls on their way out,” Ruedebusch, who works at an urgent care clinic in the Seattle suburb of Monroe, wrote on Facebook.

* Coronavirus imperils airlines: Many slash flights; U.K. carrier Flybe goes under

* From Broadway to Chicago’s theater district, coronavirus attacks our human need to gather together

* Ultra’s March festival canceled over coronavirus fears in Miami, sources say

* The Gig Economy Has Never Been Tested by a Pandemic

* Coronavirus fears change art of shaking hands in US capital


So, We Got 8 More Days Of These…

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

This space is prepaid, so we’re gonna do 8 more posts.

What do you want us to do with Rich’s blog for the next week and a half?

Leave a comment and we’ll steal some of the best ideas. — Team Bloomberg Comms


United Way: 36 percent of Illinois households can’t afford basic necessities

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) joined the United Way in releasing their report on Illinois ALICE households – asset-limited, income-constrained and employed.

The report focuses on families living above the federal poverty level, but below the threshold of a basic survival budget of $57,144 for a family of four and $19,212 for a single adult.

“People all over Illinois are struggling to get ahead. We know this intuitively, and we see it in our communities. I see it every day in my west side and west suburban district,” Lightford said. “ALICE allows us to put some real data behind that intuition.”

In Lightford’s district, only 18% of households fall below the poverty line, but many more people than that are unable to afford an unexpected car repair or be able to put anything aside for the future. Those households are much more represented in the more than 47% of households in the 4th Senate District that are ALICE households.

Lawmakers will use the data to help better understand the needs of Illinoisans as they make public policy decisions to help struggling families.

* Deb Pressey at the News-Gazette

Researchers found 36 percent of Illinois households didn’t earn enough to cover that basic survival budget in 2017, the most recent year for which data was available. That included 12 percent of households at or below the poverty level and another 24 percent above the poverty line but still below the survival budget thresholds.

While Illinois households in the ALICE category earned significantly more than the federal poverty level of $24,600 for a family of four and $12,060 for a single adult, they still didn’t earn enough to cover the cost of housing, child care, food, transportation, health care and technology, researchers found.

* From the report’s executive summary, here is the “range of obstacles to achieving financial stability”

• The extent of hardship: Of Illinois’ 4.8 million households, 12 percent lived in poverty in 2017 and twice as many — another 24 percent — were ALICE households. Combined, 36 percent (1,758,032 households) had income below the ALICE Threshold, an increase of 20 percent since 2007.

• The basic cost of living: The cost of basic household expenses in Illinois increased steadily to $57,144 for a family of four (two adults with one infant and one preschooler) and $19,212 for a single adult — significantly higher than the FPL of $24,600 for a family of four and $12,060 for a single adult. The cost of the family budget increased by 38 percent from 2007 to 2017, driven primarily by increases in the cost of housing, health care, and child care, and by the addition of a basic smartphone plan to the budget.

• Low wages: Low-wage jobs continued to dominate the landscape in Illinois, with 56 percent of all jobs paying less than $20 per hour. Although unemployment rates fell during this period, wages remained low for many occupations. With more contract work and on-demand jobs, job instability also increased, making it difficult for ALICE workers to meet regular monthly expenses or to save. In addition, gaps in wages varied based on the type of employer as well as the gender, education, and race/ethnicity of workers.

• The role of public assistance: Public and private assistance continued to provide support to many households living in poverty or earning slightly above the FPL, but it provided less support to ALICE households whose income was above eligibility levels. Spending on health care and health insurance outpaced spending in other budget areas; there remained large gaps in other types of assistance, especially in housing and child care.

* Emerging trends

• The changing American household — Shifting demographics, including the rise of millennials, the aging of baby boomers, and domestic and foreign migration patterns, are having an impact on who is living together in households and where and how people work. These changes, in turn, influence the demand for goods and services, ranging from the location of housing to the provision of caregiving.

• Increasing vulnerability of workers — Within a global economy, economic disruptions, natural disasters, and technological advances in other parts of the world trigger rapid change in supply and demand for U.S. industries. Increasingly, this risk has been shifted from companies to workers. In addition to the often-disruptive effects of technology on jobs and the workplace, ALICE workers have low wages and increasingly face income volatility.

• Growing health inequality — As health costs rise, disparities in health increase, especially according to income. Expensive medical and technological advances that are out of reach of lower-income households will only further this divide. The societal costs of having large numbers of U.S. residents in poor health will also grow.

Click here for the summary and click here for the full report. Click here for an interactive county map. Lots of poverty in southern Illinois.

* Related…

* More deep poverty found north of Dempster

* General Assembly forecasters agree with administration on revenue estimate

* Legislators Mull Creation of Behavioral Health Workforce Center

* Food stamp change fuels anxiety as states try to curb impact

* New Report Finds Illinois Women And Girls Face “Barriers” To Success


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x2 - Oberweis responds *** Oberweis accused of “illegal scheme,” and a state’s attorney is a witness

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sue Rezin campaign Press release…

Perennial candidate Jim Oberweis was caught red-handed in an illegal scheme breaking federal campaign finance law to illegally funnel “soft” money from his state campaign account to his federal campaign for Congress.

Simply stated, this was a campaign money laundering scheme to violate federal campaign finance laws.

Federal campaigns for Congress and U.S. Senate are much more restricted than Illinois state campaigns in terms of the contributions they may receive and the sources from which they may receive them. Federal law not only prohibits the corporate contributions permitted under Illinois law, but also places limits significantly lower than Illinois’ on contributions from individuals and political committees. Because of these inconsistencies, federal law generally prohibits a candidate’s use of state campaign funds for his or her federal campaign.

Numerous Republican candidates have told Sue Rezin for months that Jim Oberweis called them and asked for a contribution from them to his campaign for Congress in exchange for a contribution from him of greater value (almost always double the amount) to their respective campaign committees. This was Oberweis’ way of using funds in his state campaign account for his federal campaign —and it is illegal. It would still be illegal if he wasn’t offering contributions of “greater value” than those he was soliciting for his campaign for Congress, but the “greater value” offers demonstrate the lengths he is going to illegally convert “soft” state campaign funds into “hard” federal campaign funds.

This has gone on for many months. None of the state and local candidates knew this was illegal and were a bit puzzled as to why Oberweis wanted to do this. But none were willing to go on record about Oberweis’ request. They didn’t want to make waves.

Until, at the beginning of February, Jim Oberweis had an agent of his campaign, Keith Becker, contact LaSalle County State’s Attorney Karen Donnelly via Facebook message saying: “State Senator Jim Oberweis said he would make a reciprocal donation of greater value for a donation to his campaign.” Becker then followed up with an email to State’s Attorney Donnelly with Jim Oberweis’ personal cell phone number letting her know that Oberweis was expecting her call.

No part of LaSalle County falls within either the 14th Congressional District or Oberweis’ state senate district, but Oberweis’ scheme was spreading to any Republican willing to accept a larger donation from Oberweis’ state campaign in exchange for a smaller contribution to his congressional campaign.

Donnelly proceeded to call Oberweis, who personally reiterated the offer. He then sent Donnelly a contribution check from his state campaign fund, which she still has. She then contacted the Rezin campaign about the incident and signed a sworn affidavit attesting to what exactly had transpired. The Rezin campaign has submitted that affidavit as Exhibit I in its complaint today to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

Jim Oberweis has been caught red-handed, exposed by an affidavit from the LaSalle County State’s Attorney herself. Yes, Jim Oberweis actually solicited a State’s Attorney in his illegal scheme.

* Evidence from the campaign

The full FEC complaint and the affidavit are here. Rezin has filed two additional FEC complaints against Oberweis, which you can read more about by clicking here.

I’ve checked in with the Oberweis campaign and I’ll let you know if they respond.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From January 15

House GOP hopeful Jim Oberweis loaned his campaign $1 million, according to a Federal Election Commission report posted Wednesday

But he paid himself back $500,000 on the same day.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Oberweis campaign (updated with latest draft)…

In a desperate last-minute effort to try to gain some traction on her failing campaign, Sue Rezin’s campaign has resorted to dirty smear tactics in her attacks against Jim Oberweis. These allegations are simply not true.

The truth is Jim Oberweis has donated to Republican candidates for his entire adult life. He has put in over five hundred thousand dollars of his own money to beat Lauren Underwood, and he is the only Republican with the resources to do so. The campaign has followed, and will continue to follow, both the letter and spirit of the Federal Campaign Contribution and Disclosure laws.


Illinois Credit Unions: Giving Back To The Communities We Serve

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Credit unions exist to help people, not make a profit. It is this motto of ‘People Helping People’ that sets credit unions apart. Credit unions exist as member owned, not-for- profit financial institutions that have a strong sense of community. Credit union staff collaborate with civic and local organizations and volunteer their time and talents to give back to their communities. Credit union staff across Illinois have volunteered over 16,500 hours per year in recent years to assist local causes and make an impact in the communities they serve. If you are not yet a credit union member, go to to discover all the advantages that membership holds. Help to strengthen our communities from the inside out by becoming a credit union member today!

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ILGOP tries to block Nazi

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tina Sfondeles at the Sun-Times

Still reeling from a national embarrassment two years ago, the Illinois Republican Party is launching a late primary five-figure ad blitz against Holocaust denier Arthur Jones in the Southwest Side and suburban 3rd Congressional District, targeting the avowed anti-Semite with robocalls, mailers, digital ads and face-to-face warnings to voters.

The five-member Illinois Republican Congressional delegation is also endorsing Will County Board Member Mike Fricilone for the GOP nomination, calling him a “very clear choice” and an antidote to Jones, whom they call a “fake Republican.” […]

While attention has centered on the Democratic primary and whether U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski can cling to victory over challengers Marie Newman and Rush Darwish, political observers are also curious just how many votes Jones may get in the March 17 primary.

In 2018, Jones caught the GOP by surprise and wound up running unopposed in the primary after party leaders failed to field an alternative candidate in the heavily Democratic congressional district. […]

“We have plans to spend upwards of $50,000, and as more money is raised, that money will go directly to defeating Nazi Arthur Jones,” party spokesman Joe Hackler said.

* No TV ads, though. Here’s one of the digital ads…

* Press release…

Will County Board Member Mike Fricilone today announced he has received the endorsement of the entire Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation in his bid to secure the Republican nomination for Congress. Fricilone is running for Congress in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. His opponent is Arthur Jones, a former leader of the American Nazi Party and Holocaust denier.

The delegation is made up of Republican Congressmen Mike Bost (IL-12), Rodney Davis (IL-13), Adam Kinzinger (IL-16), Darin LaHood (IL-18) and John Shimkus (IL-15).

Joint Statement from Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation

    Republicans in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District have a very clear choice in the race for the GOP nomination for Congress. Mike Fricilone is our choice in the upcoming Primary Election. Mike is running on a platform with fresh, bold and conservative ideas that would help the people of the 3rd District as well as our nation.

    We also in the strongest terms condemn the candidacy of fake Republican and former American Nazi Party leader Arthur Jones. His hateful rhetoric has no place in the Republican Party or our nation.

Quote from Will County Board Member Mike Fricilone

    “I am deeply honored and humbled by the Primary Election endorsements of Congressmen Bost, Davis, Kinzinger, LaHood and Shimkus. During my time on the Will County Board, both as Republican Leader and Finance Chairman, I have worked to ensure that we always had an agenda that would move our community forward with conservative ideas. I am running for Congress on a record of actual accomplishment, while my opponent is running for Congress to have a platform to spread hate and deny the Holocaust. I stand strongly with the Republican Members of Congress from Illinois who seek out common sense conservative solutions to improve the lives of families throughout the State of Illinois.”

The ILGOP is also holding a press conference today in the city.


Open thread

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yak away to your heart’s content, but please keep it Illinois-centric and be nice to each other.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Mar 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign updates

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

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Illinois Credit Unions: Providing Financial Literacy Training To Future Leaders

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Your high schooler is ready to graduate and move on to an exciting phase in life. You have provided them with the resources and tools to succeed in life, but have you overlooked an important part of their education? Financial literacy is a key component to the future success of our students. Lack of financial education jeopardizes and limits economic opportunities for all consumers. Credit unions address this often overlooked topic of financial literacy for teens and young professionals by offering workshops and training sessions. Credit unions are committed to providing financial education to help ensure a future success for the leaders of tomorrow. Visit for more information on the credit union difference.

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IKCA Celebrates National Kidney Month

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

March is National Kidney Month, a time when people across the country come together to raise awareness about kidney disease. Join the Illinois Kidney Care Alliance (IKCA) this month as we get the word out.

An estimated 30 million Americans live with kidney disease, and one in three U.S. adults is at risk. Over 30,000 people in Illinois suffer from kidney disease, and when it progresses to kidney failure, patients are faced with two treatment options: life-sustaining dialysis three times per week or undergoing a kidney transplant.

The Illinois Kidney Care Alliance consists of community groups, advocates, health professionals, and businesses from across Illinois striving to educate the public about the challenges that people with kidney disease experience every day. People who have the disease feel a mental, physical, and financial burden — and their families suffer, as well. IKCA is here to tell their story. For more information, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or visit our website.

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DCFS claims it received no reports after court released child back to family two years before he was murdered

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Peoria Journal Star

The internal bleeding a 4-year-old East Peoria boy suffered last week was so severe it caused cardiac arrest and led to unconsciousness, a condition from which he never awoke.

That’s the message from a one-page probable-cause statement filed Friday in Tazewell County Circuit Court by prosecutors in support of murder charges against a woman who was dating the boy’s father.

Lesli Jett, 33, faces three counts of first-degree murder and one count of aggravated battery. Her bond was set at $3 million on the charges during a hearing Friday afternoon.

* Peoria Public Radio

Cook County Public Guardian Charles Golbert said DCFS isn’t being transparent about its potential involvement with the family of a 4-year-old East Peoria boy who died last month.

“The response has been crickets,” said Golbert. “And of course that raises my suspicion antennas even higher.”

Golbert said his office requested a timeline of agency involvement in Tate Thurman’s life last week, but still hasn’t received that information. In other recent high-profile child death cases like the A.J. Freund case in Crystal Lake, he said the agency has released that information readily.

“If, in fact, this was another case where DCFS had warning after warning, and red flag after red flag, and a child ended up dying because of very poor judgment and social work practices, that would need to be exposed,” he said.

Golbert’s full statement is here.


Director Smith and DCFS staff at every level are completely devastated by the sudden loss of Tate Thurman, who was just 4 years old when he died two weeks ago. The tragic incident that led to his death is heartbreaking and DCFS is fully cooperating with law enforcement as we investigate what took place. Our department is committed to being as transparent as possible as this investigation moves forward, while also protecting the privacy of Tate’s siblings and family. We serve families in times of extreme crisis and our top priority will always be protecting them and ensuring they have the support they need to recover.

* DCFS timeline…

DCFS’ involvement with Tate’s family began in 2011 when the department investigated his mother for an unsafe sleep environment that led to the death of her newborn child.

DCFS conducted a total of seven investigations involving the household over the next six years. Tate’s mother lost guardianship of her children a number of times during those years.

Following the death of his mother in 2017, Tate and one of his siblings were returned home by the Tazewell County Court to live with their father, Jeremy Thurman. Following the closing of the case in 2018, DCFS had no further contact or hotline reports involving this family.

On February 18, 2020, DCFS received a hotline report when Tate was brought into OSF St. Francis Hospital with abdominal injuries and internal bleeding. Following Tate’s death, the girlfriend of his father, Lesli Jett, was charged with three counts of first-degree murder and one count of aggravated battery.

Tate’s older sibling and an unrelated child in the household have been removed from the home and have been placed with relatives.

DCFS is investigating allegations of abuse and neglect related to Tate’s death and is working closely with law enforcement to fully investigate what happened in this case.

There is no prior history of DCFS involvement with Leslie Jett or with the other unrelated child removed from the home.



Simon Poll: Voters back remap reform, revolving door ban and a ban on legislators lobbying

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Back to the Simon Poll with all the caveats we’ve already discussed

Redistricting Reform

By almost three-to-one, voters are in favor of redistricting reform, which has been the subject of two ultimately unsuccessful statewide petition drives. More than six in ten (64 percent) favor having “legislative district maps created and recommended by a commission that is independent of the elected representatives.” Four in ten (40 percent) strongly favored redistricting reform, with 24 percent favoring it somewhat. Two in ten respondents (22 percent) were opposed.

Voters across partisan and regional groupings were in favor of the redistricting commission idea: 67 percent of Chicago city voters, 66 percent of suburban Chicago voters, and 58 percent of Downstate voters in support. Likewise, the redistricting commission was supported by 68 percent of Democrats, 67 percent of Independents, and 60 percent of Republicans.

“The proposal for redistricting by an independent commission is now quite popular as it has been in all of our earlier Simon polls. There seems to be a very active grassroots movement supporting a change, and this year there is an unusual number of legislators from both parties who have signed on,” noted John S. Jackson, one of the co-directors of the poll.

Lobbying Reform

Concern over influence-peddling in Springfield may be driving support for lobbying reform proposals. By a wide margin (85 percent in favor, only 11 percent opposed), voters support a so- called “revolving door” proposal that would force lawmakers “to wait at least one year after leaving office before accepting jobs with firms that lobby their state legislatures.” Support is uniformly robust—in the mid- to high 80 percent range across demographic and geographic categories.

Six in ten (61 percent) support a ban on state legislators being paid for lobbying local governments—46 percent strongly in favor and 15 percent somewhat in favor. A third (33 percent) oppose the proposal. As in the “revolving door” question, there is little meaningful variation according to party or region, with support approaching or exceeding 60 percent throughout.

Redistricting reform, by the way, has about the same level of support as the graduated income tax in this poll (65 percent). Fewer people opposed remap reform than opposed the graduated tax, however (32 percent).

* More

It has been proposed that Illinois ban state legislators from lobbying for local governments if they get paid for the lobbying. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?

Favor 61%

    Strongly favor 46%
    Somewhat favor 15%

Oppose 33%

    Somewhat oppose 11%
    Strongly oppose 22%

Other/don’t know 6%

Most states surrounding Illinois require lawmakers to wait at least one year after leaving office before accepting jobs with firms that lobby their state legislatures after leaving office. Illinois does not. Should Illinois require lawmakers to wait at least a year before registering as a lobbyist?

Yes 85%
No 11%
Other/don’t know 5%


Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* SJ-R

The artist LL Cool J will no longer appear at the 2020 Illinois State Fair Grandstand, according to social media posts by the fair.

A statement on the fair’s Facebook page and the Grandstand’s web page Monday evening said, “LL Cool J is no longer able to perform at the 2020 Illinois State Fair. The Department of Agriculture will announce another performer in the weeks ahead and looks forward to welcoming popular artists like Toby Keith, Chris Young and Kane Brown to the Grandstand this August.”

The performance was announced Jan. 31 and scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 19. Tickets had not yet gone on sale. The event was still listed under “concert dates” on the artist’s Facebook page Monday night. No further information was available.

* The Question: Your suggestion for a replacement artist/band? Explain.


Mike For Joe

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Three months ago, Mike entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump. Today, Mike is leaving the race for the same reason: to defeat Donald Trump – because it is clear that staying in would make achieving that goal more difficult.

Defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is Joe Biden, who is decent, honest and committed to the issues that are so important to this country.

We made our campaign slogan a clear, simple promise: Mike will get it done. Now and through November, we will get it done together - not for Mike, but for our Country.

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Second McCormick Place cancellation due to COVID-19 outbreak

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Unlike the cancellation of the International Housewares Association event (56,000 people) this is a somewhat smallish event (5,500 attendees), but it’s the second convention cancellation in a few days and is therefore a worrisome development. Crain’s

Software giant Oracle today announced it will shift an upcoming conference scheduled at McCormick Place to an online-only format amid coronavirus concerns, becoming the second event this week to cancel its trip to the Near South Side convention because of the outbreak.

“Due to increasing concerns about the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, and to help protect the health and safety of our customers, employees, partners, and everyone who helps host the event, Oracle is postponing the in-person component of our upcoming Oracle Modern Business Experience conference,” the Bay Area-based company said on its website. The conference had been slated for later this month. […]

The cancellations deal a blow to the convention center and the many hotels and businesses that thrive on its event visitors. Tourism bureau Choose Chicago estimated the nine major events scheduled there over the next 90 days would account for more than $460 million of spending.

…Adding… Good news…

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation as it relates to the upcoming NSBA Annual Conference in Chicago on April 4-6.

We want to assure conference participants and attendees that your health and safety are of utmost concern and our top priority. We are in close communication with Choose Chicago (the Chicago Convention and Visitor Bureau) and McCormick Place authorities. In addition, we are seeking guidance from the local health, public safety, and transportation authorities to make sure that appropriate disease prevention, monitoring, and response protocols are in place for the conference.

Based on the information currently available, NSBA’s current plan is to proceed with the conference as scheduled. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago.

* Meanwhile

Public health leaders in the state are getting ready to make their way to Washington D.C. They will update Congress about the local impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Before heading there, the director of the state’s department of public health updated state lawmakers about the need for more resources to continue fighting the virus.

“The risks to the Illinois public still remains low but we still want people to pay attention to what’s going on around the world and to prepare,” said Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Illinois Department of Public Health director.

Dr. Ezike said the state will need more testing supplies to combat the novel coronavirus. “We are using them daily, I know at last count was about 2,200 so we are requesting for the CDC to send additional reagents so that when this runs out, there won’t be any pause and we will continue to test.” […]

Ezike said the agency is considering drive-thru style testing where people can pull up and be tested in their cars, eliminating the risk of spreading the virus. For now, new labs in Springfield and Carbondale are open in addition to the original testing lab in Chicago.

While 22 people in Illinois are awaiting test results, Ezike said 116 people have been tested for the virus in total. Only four people have been diagnosed with the illness, no one has died of the aliment in Illinois yet.

* Greg Hinz

A state and city that have had trouble paying their bills even in good times are facing a potentially budget body blow as the coronavirus begins to infect the local economy.

Fiscal experts and some officials are warning that a region that serves as a logistics and meetings center and as a major international exporter is particularly vulnerable to disruption from the spreading virus. That means less tax receipts at a time when government needs more. […]

“We don’t have any reserves. We don’t have any unrestricted funds that are being held in abeyance,” either at the state or city level, warns Laurence Msall, president of the watchdog Civic Federation.

“It is reasonable to forecast tens of millions of dollars of revenue impact for the city and hundreds of millions for the state, depending on how long a possible recession continues,” he added. Both state and city officials should be doing the same thing now, in his view: “They should be refreshing their Plans B and preparing alternatives.”

* Roundup…

* Man hospitalized in Arlington Heights with coronavirus had not traveled abroad recently

* Coronavirus fears cause Illinois college to cancel basketball games: The Chicago State University men’s basketball team will not travel for two regularly scheduled Western Athletic Conference games this week, and its women’s team will not host two games, the school said late Tuesday, citing the spread of the coronavirus.

* Northwestern University cancels all international spring break trips amid coronavirus fears

* Feder: 4 ABC 7 employees stay away from work fearing possible exposure to coronavirus - According to media reporter Robert Feder on Tuesday, precautions were taken after an interview with a food service worker at Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights, where a coronavirus patient is being treated.

* Chicago To Deliver More Cleaning Supplies To Schools Amid Coronavirus Concerns

* Archdiocese of Chicago Issues Coronavirus Protocols For Parishes

* Stocks sink after Fed chief’s virus warning

* Worst of coronavirus is yet to come for U.S. factories - Unlike retailers or airlines that feel the immediate hit of missed lattes and canceled flights, the supply-chain pain wrought by the coronavirus takes more time to manifest.

* Coronavirus shakes hotel industry—including Hyatt - The Chicago-based hotel operator said new corporate travel restrictions in North America and Europe would hurt results and make it difficult to forecast the rest of the year.

* Kendall County Health Department chief provides update on coronavirus spread: Dr. Amaal Tokars, executive director for the Kendall County Health Department, said during the Tuesday, March 3 County Board meeting that health officials have been working with community members as the spread of the coronavirus continues. She said local health officials aren’t aware of any cases in the county currently. “And I say those words very carefully,” Tokars said. “We don’t know of a case, because you can see cases coming up in the country where people don’t know where those originated from.”


Support The Healthy Youth Act

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The Healthy Youth Act builds upon the current requirement that instruction be medically accurate, developmentally and age appropriate to include instruction that is also culturally and linguistically appropriate and adapted for students with disabilities and non-English speaking students for grades K-12.

It also removes outdated, stigmatizing language and updates the current 6-12 standards for health and sexual health education courses by including information on healthy relationships and decision making; STIs including HIV; puberty, growth, and adolescent development; gender identity, gender expression; and sexual orientation; personal safety; and pregnancy and reproduction.

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*** UPDATED x1 *** It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Thread!…

* This bill was put on hold last year after Republicans demanded it be stalled for a year to win their votes on the budget and other end-of-session legislation

The Illinois Farm Bureau is joining the Illinois Associated Builders and Contractors in opposing a measure to require prevailing wage for entry-level laborers working in refineries.

Illinois Farm Bureau President Richard Guebert said at Tuesday’s Ag Breakfast in Springfield that for agriculture to thrive in Illinois, it needs four things: “Great trade agreements” and exports, growth in the livestock industry, and “a renewable fuel industry that works well.”

“[Ethanol] provides another opportunity for us to market the goods that we so well raise here in this state and that’s corn or soybeans made into biodiesel,” Guebert said.

He urged the room full of farmers to oppose Senate Bill 1407. He said it would limit future markets for corn and soybeans.

“Forty-two percent of Illinois corn goes through an ethanol plant. Twenty percent of the distillers’ grains are fed to livestock in the state of Illinois,” Guebert said.

The builder’s group previously said Senate Bill 1407 will hurt its apprenticeship programs.

One of the co-sponsors of the bill in the Senate, state Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago, said he wanted to see how negotiations on the bill go in the House.

“I would like to look at the information again on what’s been taking place in the House in terms of negotiations,” Villivalam said.

* Jerry Nowicki at Capitol News Illinois

A 2013 state law allowing utilities to tack natural gas surcharges onto consumer bills for the purpose of funding infrastructure improvements is under scrutiny at the Capitol.

At a Statehouse news conference Tuesday, lawmakers and consumer advocates called for ending that state law on Jan. 1, 2021, three years earlier than its Dec. 31, 2023, statutory sunset date.

They claim allowing the surcharges “helps major utilities sidestep the regulatory process, automatically raise heating bills, and force many customers into financial crisis to cover billions of dollars in reckless utility spending.”

Sen. Ram Villivalam, D-Chicago, said his Senate Bill 3497 and its companion House Bill 5247 are aimed at starting “a conversation centered on the accountability, the safety, and the affordability of utility bill increases that our families are facing in the state of Illinois.”

* Press release…

State Representatives Mike Marron (R-Fithian), Charlie Meier (R-Okawville), Patrick Windhorst (R-Metropolis), and Assistant Minority Leader Dan Brady (R-Bloomington) held a press conference in Springfield Wednesday alongside fellow Republican legislators and 2nd Amendment supporters to discuss solutions to end delays in FOID card processing, and discussed their shared 2nd Amendment focused legislative agenda. The lawmakers expressed their concerns that fund sweeps of $28 million from the Illinois State Police fund have led to delays in processing FOID card applications and renewals.

Marron says his office is overwhelmed every week with calls from constituents experiencing long delays for FOID renewals.

“My office receives dozens of constituent calls regarding FOID renewals every month,” Marron said. “There has been a steady increase of approval delays leading to many frustrated citizens unable to speak with a live person when checking on their FOID renewal and approval status. The delays are not due to a lack of funding, but because money that was supposed to be used to provide service to Illinois’ two million FOID cardholders was used for spending in other areas.”

Rep. Charlie Meier says the fund sweeps have led to long delays for gun owners to get their FOID cards renewed.

“The FOID program has been used as a piggy bank to fund other programs,” Meier said. “If the State is going to require the fee, and require the FOID, then we owe it to our citizens to run an efficient and effective program. If we can’t do that, the program should be eliminated.”

Rep. Patrick Windhorst said he is sponsoring a legislative package that would eliminate the FOID altogether (HB 913). Barring its passage, Windhorst says his agenda reduces costs and regulations for law-abiding citizens.

“Illinois is one of only four States that still requires a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card (FOID),” Windhorst said. “Though I believe the FOID card is unconstitutional, that issue will ultimately be decided by the courts. Until the courts decide, there are steps we can take as a legislature to address FOID renewal delays and decrease high costs and burdensome regulations on law-abiding gun owners.”

Windhorst says his legislative package aims to reduce fees, eliminate long waiting periods, and allows for automatic FOID renewal if a concealed carry license is still in effect.

“We are here to say, either void the unconstitutional FOID card, or stop the fund sweeps and pass our legislative package to ease the burden on law-abiding gun owners, reduce costs, and improve renewal times,” Windhorst said.

Multiple House Republican members are sponsoring legislation that would reduce costs and regulations for law-abiding gun owners and protect FOID and CCL funding.

    HB 4391 would ban local government units from imposing taxes or fees on firearms and ammunition.
    HB 4392 would eliminate the 72-hour waiting period for individuals that have been granted a valid license to carry a concealed handgun under the Firearm Concealed Carry Act.
    HB 4393 would lower the fee to obtain a concealed carry license from $150 to $100.
    HB 4397 grants exclusive power to the State of Illinois in regard to the regulation of the ownership and possession of firearms and invalidates existing and future local ordinances or resolutions that require local registration, or local reporting of the sale or transfer of a firearm, and bans municipalities from maintaining any kind of firearm registry.
    HB 4398 allows any individual that has received a permit to conceal carry a firearm to do so on public transportation.
    HB 4447 states that any renewal application shall be accepted by the Illinois State Police if submitted within 180 days before the expiration of the applicant’s FOID card or concealed carry license.
    HB 4448 would require the Illinois State Police to automatically renew any concealed carry license holder’s FOID card as long as their conceal carry license is in good standing until the time that the concealed carry license expires.
    HB 4450 spells out the process by which any appeal of the denial of a FOID card or concealed carry license must be handled and provides specific guidelines for the State Police in regard to the time it takes to process any such appeal.
    HJRCA 40 would amend the Illinois Constitution to place fees collected from FOID and CCL applicants in a ‘lock box’ fund that would be protected from future fund sweeps.

*** UPDATE *** ISP…

Sweeps of the firearms services funds by previous administrations prevented long-term planning and improvements to firearm services for years.

Now that the firearms services fund has been stabilized under the Governor’s bi-partisan budget, the Illinois State Police is implementing a multi-year plan for hiring and technology upgrades to provide the customer service that firearms owners should expect. We currently have 35 positions available.

However, the ISP needs the help of the legislature to streamline and improve the FOID and CCL process and welcomes the chance to work with Rep. Windhorst and others to shorten and standardize appeals, consolidate FOID and CCL functions, and reduce costs.

This is separate and apart from the need for enforcement resources for state, county and local law enforcement.

* Related…

* FFA members participate in 50th annual Illinois Agriculture Legislative Day: High school agriculture students get to meet with their local lawmakers and address the importance of agriculture across the state. They bring their lawmakers baskets with unique items produced in Illinois along with a lunch they prepare in the morning.

* Fowler ‘cautiously optimistic’ about Cairo River Port Terminal project


Rate the new Ives TV ad

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

This morning, Jeanne Ives, candidate for Congress (IL-06), released her first television ad of the 20202 cycle.

The :30 second spot, All In For Ives, is focused on her success in uniting Republicans behind her campaign for Congress, and features the endorsements of national conservative leaders Senator Ted Cruz, Economist Stephen Moore, and Congressmen Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows.

Republicans are unifying behind Jeanne Ives’ Congressional bid, as she has also been formally endorsed by every GOP organization in the Sixth District that endorses, including Lake County Republican Party, Cook County Republican Party, Lyons Township Republicans, Palatine Township Republicans, Barrington Township Republicans, Hanover Township Republicans and Winfield Township Republicans. Ives has also received the endorsement of former IL-06 Congressman Peter Roskam, Republican National Committeewoman Demetra Demonte, Chicago GOP Chairman Chris Cleveland, ILGOP Vice Chairwoman Char Foss-Eggemann, Cook County Republican Party Chair Sean Morrison, DuPage Conservatives (chaired by Frank Napalitano), Club for Growth, the House Freedom Fund, FreedomWorks, Susan B. Anthony List, and United Hellenic Voters of America,

Rich Porter, Illinois Republican National Committeeman has also thrown support behind Ives in her 2020 race. And the entire Illinois’ Republican Congressional Delegation were recently joined by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in hosting a fundraiser for Ives in Washington DC.

* The spot

* Script


Senator Ted Cruz, Trump’s Economic Advisor Stephen Moore, Congressmen Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and the House Freedom Fund are all in for Jeanne Ives.

Ives took on the Springfield establishment.

Ives on House Floor:

Our economy is too weak for a tax hike and you know it.

You know we need jobs.

You complain about it all the time.

And you won’t fix our job creation problems.


Now, Jeanne Ives will stand up for you in Congress.

Republicans are uniting.

They’re ‘All In’ for Jeanne Ives.


House Republicans complain about lack of progress on property tax relief

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Bishop at The Center Square

Illinois House Republicans called on the Democratic majority Tuesday to hold fair hearings on measures to reduce property taxes in Illinois, which has the second-highest property taxes in the nation.

State Rep. Deanne Mozzachi, R-Elmhurst, said since the Property Tax Relief Task Force was created in the fall and wrapped up their work in late December without producing a final report, property taxes across the state continue to increase.

“Again increased bills while another Democrat lead blue-ribbon task force has failed to deliver,” Mozzachi said.

Republicans on Tuesday used a statehouse news conference to call the Illinois Property Tax Relief Task Force a “sham,” a “failure,” a “facade” and an effort to push for increased sales and income taxes rather than property tax relief. They say Democrats need to act.

Task force member, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Northbrook, responded.

“I don’t know what they want us to do differently and if they have any good ideas then we’ll support them but where are their ideas and when are we going to start seeing those,” Carroll said. […]

House Republicans say they’ve filed 23 bills, all of which are in the House Rules Committee they called a “graveyard” controlled by Democrats.

Task force member, state Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Humboldt Park, understood Republican’s frustrations.

“I can see there’s skepticism, there always is, but I do know that the pressure we feel strongly, at least this Democrat here, feels really strongly that we have to do something, and we have to do something now,” Ramirez said.

* Gabrielle Franklin at WCIA

One idea that republicans said they would really like to see gain traction is a measure that would allow the district to end certain mandates if the state does not cover the cost for it. “It’s really disrespectful to teachers and I do believe that teachers should have control over the curriculum they want to teach in the classroom,” said Representative Deanne Mazzochi (R-Westmont). “I do believe that teachers have the best interests of their students at heart and we as Springfield legislators are so far removed and Illinois is such a diverse state. It’s really troubling that we are not willing to just respect teachers and trust they are going to do the best for out students.” Mazzochi said when she tried to get this bill some momentum, Democratic Representative Michelle Mussman said she loves mandates and sees no problems with mandates.

When asked for comment, Mussman said she was digesting the information presented from republicans and would send over a comment if she had one. A comment has not been sent.

Republicans need to tread carefully on this topic, particularly targets like Rep. Mazzochi. The House Democrats routinely point to quite popular unfunded mandates to attack Republican candidates who call for an end to them. For instance, background checks to prevent hiring sexual predators. That’s been a “winner” issue for several cycles.

Also, Rep. Mussman might want to explain why she loves unfunded mandates.

* Peter Hancock at Capitol News Illinois

Meanwhile, Republicans have said they have introduced numerous bills they believe would provide property tax relief, including bills calling for overhaul of public pension benefits, limiting workers compensation awards, repealing what Republicans call “unfunded mandates” on school districts and expanding property tax exemptions for seniors.

“We want these bills that we’ve proposed, that were suggested at the property tax committee level, but then we’ve introduced in bill form, to have their opportunity to be heard in committee and voted on,” Rep. Joe Sosnowski, R-Rockford, said during the news conference. “The taxpayers of Illinois deserve this, and we call on the House Democratic leadership to let that happen.”

Rep. Michael Zalewski, D-Riverside, who chairs the House Revenue Committee, did not immediately respond to the Republicans’ charges but said through a spokesperson that he would make a statement later in the week after that committee has met.

But other Democrats have said the GOP’s chief proposal, for further pension reform, is off the table. They note that Illinois passed significant pension reform in 2013 when it established the “Tier 2” system for newly-hired employees. That package included reduced cost of living increases, higher retirement ages, and limited the amount of salary that was covered by pensions.

Teachers are gonna love that bill.


State climatologist: “Tornado Alley” shifting east to southern Illinois

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Isaac Smith at The Southern

As memories of the Leap Day Tornado that hit Harrisburg eight years ago resurface, and as images of the Tuesday morning Nashville, Tennessee tornado flood the news, Illinois’ state climatologist says the area known as Tornado Alley is shifting east.

Many who grew up in the region recall talks in school about the infamous portion of the United States where tornadoes were commonplace. However, Trent Ford, Illinois state climatologist with the State Water Survey at the University of Illinois, said Tuesday that this zone has shifted east. Where once the majority of tornado activity was relegated to places like Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, he said, tornado activity has shifted over to Southern Illinois and northern Mississippi.

Ford said several studies over the last decade have confirmed the shift. Research also shows the storms aren’t just one-and-done systems. Researchers are seeing an increase in the region in tornado outbreaks — systems that spawn more than one tornado. […]

Ford said while research is still being conducted, it is not alarmist to attribute some of the shift to climate change. He said with increasing temperatures, it does make it more likely that the region will have conditions that are conducive to severe weather earlier in the spring.


Heidner files new suit against the Illinois Gaming Board

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here and here if you need it. Press release…

The Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) has repeatedly violated the state’s Freedom of Information Act and abused the FOIA process by improperly releasing and withholding certain information to the detriment of a licensed terminal operator, according to a new lawsuit. The plaintiffs, Gold Rush Amusements, Inc., and its executive, Rick Heidner, allege the IGB has abused FOIA to publicize negative information about them, while also denying their legitimate FOIA requests as part of an orchestrated campaign.

The new lawsuit against the IGB comes three weeks after Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner filed a different lawsuit against the agency, alleging that an IGB employee intentionally and illegally leaked their personal and sensitive financial information as part of a data breach. The new lawsuit alleges that the IGB willfully and intentionally violated FOIA by failing to produce all non-exempt public records relating to three requests Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner submitted for information about the data breach and the IGB’s unequal treatment of them compared to other licensees. The case was filed yesterday in Cook County Circuit Court.

“The IGB has used FOIA as a sword to quickly disseminate harmful information about Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner, yet it hides behind the shield of extensions and thin assertions of exemptions when Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner seek legitimate information from the IGB via FOIA,” the lawsuit states.

According to the complaint, the IGB has engaged in a pattern of targeted actions against Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner, including unfairly contributing to negative media coverage of them, treating them differently compared to other licensees, and illegally disclosing sensitive personal information belonging to Mr. Heidner, his family, and business associates.

In December 2019, the suit alleges, the IGB responded to a FOIA request by the Chicago Tribune by providing a copy of a disciplinary complaint against Gold Rush, which was not otherwise publicly available, “a mere 33 minutes” after the reporter’s FOIA request was submitted. This occurred immediately after an IGB official allegedly tipped-off the reporter about the existence of the disciplinary complaint. The tip prompted the reporter to submit a FOIA request, followed by a text message to the official, confirming that the FOIA was submitted. The tip-off, the Tribune’s FOIA request, and the IGB’s response all occurred in rapid succession the day after the IGB initiated its disciplinary complaint. That unfounded complaint against Gold Rush seeks the severe penalty of revoking Gold Rush’s license despite its well-established record of compliance. By inviting the Tribune’s FOIA request, the IGB was complicit in ensuring that its disciplinary complaint quickly made news, and its conduct appears to conflict with its own policies governing investigation documents and media inquiries, according to the lawsuit.

Less than a week later, counsel for Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner submitted a FOIA request for communications between the IGB and the Tribune to learn how information relating to the disciplinary complaint was shared, as well as communications between the IGB and five specific individuals with the Office of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker. However, that FOIA request did not receive the same expedited review and response by the IGB as the Tribune’s request did the previous week.

The IGB’s slower, incomplete, and cavalier responses to the plaintiffs’ FOIA requests have hindered the plaintiffs’ ability to defend their reputations and Gold Rush’s terminal operator license. “When the IGB ignores the mandates of FOIA, public access, government transparency, and accountability to the citizens of Illinois―the core principles of FOIA―are the real victims,” the suit states.

As part of its unfair treatment of Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner, the IGB has consistently responded to their legitimate FOIA requests by delaying responses, asserting inapplicable exemptions, and making incomplete productions. Two of the alleged FOIA violations relate to Gold Rush and Mr. Heidner’s legitimate requests for information about how the IGB reviewed and handled a sale transaction involving one of its competitors. According to the lawsuit, the IGB responded by invoking an inapplicable exemption and refusing to provide any documents to the plaintiffs.

In December 2019, Gold Rush reported to the IGB that a competitor had engaged in a sale transaction that constituted an illegal inducement under Illinois gaming laws and regulations. According to the lawsuit, Gold Rush had confirmed that a November 2018 deal involving Laredo Hospitality Ventures, LLC, a chain of video gaming establishments; Illinois Café and Service Company, LLC, another chain of establishments; and Midwest SRO, LLC, a competing video gaming terminal operator, was structured to facilitate Midwest’s payment of millions of dollars to gaming establishment owners to become the terminal operator for their establishments.

The lawsuit seeks a declaration that the IGB has violated FOIA, an injunction prohibiting the agency from withholding responsive public documents, an order directing the IGB to immediately produce responsive documents, as well as civil penalties and reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.


We Need An Equitable Clean Energy Economy

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Across Illinois, communities are struggling to stay above water. Meanwhile, clean energy jobs in our state are growing faster than the rest of our economy. The question now is, who will benefit?

Hundreds of low-income and people of color are already in good-paying jobs because the state is funding training programs that make sure everyone shares in the new clean energy economy. The popularity of these programs and the demand for clean energy jobs continues to grow.

This spring, Gov. Pritzker and the General Assembly can choose to double down on equity in our energy economy by passing transformative legislation that will create good jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities in communities of color and communities too often left behind.

The Clean Energy Jobs Act is the only comprehensive, equitable energy bill that puts Illinois on a path to 100% renewable energy, lowers electricity costs, and reduces transportation pollution.

We need to take bold action on climate and create economic opportunities in communities that need them the most.

It’s time to pass CEJA now! Visit to learn more.

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Medicine Assistance Tool Connects Patients To Information About Assistance Programs

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

In addition to supporting the state’s economy with more than 246,000 jobs across Illinois, biopharmaceutical innovators support policies to help ensure Illinoisans can afford and access their medicines. Our companies are committed to being part of the solution and support commonsense measures to lower what patients are paying at the pharmacy counter. We also want to serve as a resource for people who may be struggling by providing resources they can use now while legislators work toward addressing growing health care costs.

PhRMA’s Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) is a free online platform that connects eligible patients and caregivers with information about 900+ public and private assistance programs designed to help them afford their medicines. Visit to see what help might be available.

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x2 - CTU President Sharkey endorses Bernie - Bloomberg suspends campaign, endorses Biden *** Open thread

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I know Super Tuesday is of great interest, but do try to keep your discussion as Illinois-centric as possible and most definitely be nice to each other. Thanks.

…Adding… I guess I’ll put this one here

The day after his Super Tuesday success, former Vice President Joe Biden picked up the endorsements of three Illinois U.S. House members, his campaign announced Wednesday.

U.S. Reps. Bill Foster, Robin Kelly and Mike Quigley are all backing Biden. The surging Democratic contender continues to pick up support among Illinois’ elected officials ahead of the state’s March 17 primary.

“In Chicago, we know something about toughness and resilience, and nobody embodies that spirit more than Joe Biden,” Quigley said in a release. “On all the issues that matter most in our community, Joe has been fighting beside us for decades.” […]

The three House members follow Illinois U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth and Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White in throwing their support to Biden in recent days. He also has the backing of U.S. Reps. Danny Davis and Brad Schneider.

…Adding… My own take last night…

*** UPDATE 1 *** And there it is

Michael Bloomberg, who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to self-fund his 2020 presidential run, announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign after a poor performance on Super Tuesday, according to a source familiar.

He’s endorsing Biden.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Press release…

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) President Jesse Sharkey and Vice President Stacy Davis Gates today announced their personal endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ candidacy for president of the United States.

“Educators in Chicago’s public schools fight for their students, and their students’ families and communities. No other candidate has put forth a better plan to make that fight a reality than Bernie Sanders,” CTU President Jesse Sharkey said. “Not only will Bernie fight for our students and their families, but he reflects the core values and mission of our union. Bernie is part of a movement that is putting students and working families above the interests of millionaires and billionaires, and that is something we should all be fighting for. On March 17, I plan on voting for Sen. Sanders, and I urge every Illinois voter to do the same.”

“The Chicago Teachers Union has always fought to make big changes,” said CTU Vice President Stacy Davis Gates. “Collectively, we have fought against racial and economic disparities, attempts to close and privatize our public schools, and powerful special interests. And now, our fight for high-quality schools and thriving neighborhoods takes us to the ballot box. And let’s be real, our nation needs a political revolution. Black mothers and educators like me need a candidate that will fight for all our students and ensure they live in a society where student loan debt isn’t a burden and access to health care is a human right. For these reasons and so many more, I’m happy to say that I’m part of the revolution, and I urge my fellow educators to stand with Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic primary nomination.”

In May 2019, Sanders unveiled his Thurgood Marshall Plan for Public Education, which will reinvest in our nation’s schools and modernize our education system.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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False alarm

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

A patient being treated at the University of Chicago Medical Center for a suspected coronavirus case has tested negative for the virus, hospital officials said Tuesday night. That leaves a total of four reported COVID-19 cases in Illinois.

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Cannabis roundup

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Regulators say state law bars the release of almost all the information businesses have to submit to get lucrative licenses to grow or sell cannabis.

As a result, the public can’t see records that could show whether pot businesses have questionable funding sources or ties to unsavory people. That’s proven problematic in another state-regulated industry — gambling, where revelations of reputed mob ties have sent officials scrambling.

Concerns about a lack of transparency came up last year before the passage of the law that legalized recreational pot. Sponsors Sen. Heather Steans and Rep. Kelly Cassidy vowed to “make ownership data completely accessible.” Despite that pledge, their bill passed with a confidentiality provision that the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation recently cited in denying the Tribune’s open records requests for applications and ownership information about marijuana dispensaries. […]

Both Pritzker’s office and legislators are promising changes that would allow more disclosure of pot industry ownership, though they did not offer specifics. […]

Pam Althoff, executive director of the Cannabis Business Association of Illinois, said the owners of pot enterprises remain concerned about being identified, given that marijuana is still illegal under federal law.

Most other states already post this information. Get it done.

* I still can’t quite believe that Effingham, in the heart of the Eastern Bloc, went ahead with it

With security in place and a celebratory atmosphere inside, Effingham’s Rise operation, formerly known as The Clinic Effingham, opened their doors Saturday morning for the city’s first day of adult-use cannabis sales.

It may be time for a fact-finding mission, perhaps including a stop at the Firefly Grill.

* Press release…

Community activists with the Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition announced today that they have signed a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) with Nature’s Care Company, LLC (“Nature’s Care Company”), a cannabis operator seeking approval from the City of Chicago to open a new dispensary in the West Loop.

The CBA is a legally enforceable agreement designed to ensure that the economic success of the dispensary is linked with economic benefits for the communities most disproportionately harmed by the War on Drugs. Among other provisions in the CBA, Nature’s Care Company has committed to:

    Provide 100% living wage jobs for disproportionately impacted individuals
    Hire 75% of employees from disproportionately impacted areas (“DIAs”) within two years
    Donate 10% of net profits of the dispensary to community organizations working in DIAs
    Contract 10% of products and services from minority and social equity businesses
    Create a training and career development program for employees
    Host “know-your-rights” educational events and participate in National Expungement Week

“This is a milestone moment for racial justice in the story of Illinois’ cannabis legalization,” said Doug Kelly, President of the Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition. “Nature’s Care Company is leading the way for Chicago’s new fleet of adult-use dispensaries. Their customers in the West Loop will greatly benefit from their commitment and their dollars will directly help address the historic wrongs of our cannabis laws, instead of reproducing them.”

Charles Amadin, General Manager of Nature’s Care Company, said: “We recognize the critical role we must play to help support under-served communities and citizens in Chicago. Signing this CBA is our way of saying we won’t just pay lip service to that responsibility. We applaud the Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition for driving this initiative.”

The Cannabis Equity Illinois Coalition has pledged to support only those dispensaries that sign a CBA as they seek the City’s approval to open a plus-one location to sell recreational cannabis. This Friday, Nature’s Care Company and seven other dispensaries seeking approval of their plus-one locations will appear at City Hall before the Zoning Board of Appeals, which has the power to grant them the special use permit that is required to open a state-licensed cannabis business. The coalition will attend the hearing and express its support for CBA partner dispensaries like Nature’s Care Company.

* Related…

* Weed war: Pot firms race to get city OK for 7 potential dispensaries — but only 3 will ever open

* Two groups — one in favor of Naperville marijuana sales and the other against — spending thousands in campaigns for referendum votes

* Frustrated with shortages, medical marijuana patients begin growing their own at home

* Cresco Labs co-founder Caltabiano resigns: Cannabis companies that were once seen as risky by corporate executives are beginning to attract seasoned talent. Cresco recently promoted Greg Butler, a former marketing executive at Molson Coors, to chief commercial officer. GTI recently hired Julie Knudson, former chief human resources officer at GGP, and Beth Burk, general counsel, who was chief compliance officer at Aon.

* More options for recreational marijuana buyers in the metro-east

* McDonough County may approve cannabis sales tax

* SIU symposium to look at legal impact of Illinois’ recreational marijuana law


It’s just a bill

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times editorial

Should anybody need further evidence that an infectious, potentially deadly disease can spread like wildfire, look no further than the coronavirus.

The global outbreak of this highly contagious virus should put anti-vaxxers — science-denying parents who refuse to allow their children to be vaccinated — to shame. […]

Religious exemptions from an Illinois law requiring vaccinations are soaring in number. From 2016 through 2019, according to data from the Illinois State Board of Education, measles vaccination exemptions rose from 15,652 to 19,169, polio exemptions rose from 15,130 to 18,690, and chickenpox exemptions rose from 16,050 to 20,244.

We support legislation, introduced by State Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago, to eliminate all religious exemptions to vaccinations, as called for by the American Academy of Pediatrics. No one parent’s religious convictions — or anti-science militancy masquerading as religious conviction — should be allowed to put somebody else’s child in harm’s way.

* In this case, it’s not even a bill yet. From Capitol News Illinois

Several statewide law enforcement organizations said Monday they will strongly oppose efforts to eliminate cash bail in Illinois, one of Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker’s top priorities.

“We’re here to say we cannot, and unequivocally do not, support efforts being discussed to eliminate cash bail,” Jim Kaitschuk, executive director of the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association, said during a news conference. “This is not the way to make the criminal justice system more equitable. It is not the way to make our communities safer.”

Kaitschuk and several other law enforcement leaders announced they had formed a new organization, Coalition for Public Safety. Its members include the Sheriffs’ Association, the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, Chicago Lodge 7 Fraternal Order of Police, Illinois Police Benevolent and Protective Association, and the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police. […]

But McDonough County Sheriff Nicholas Petitgout said bail is also an effective way to ensure someone will make their court appearances. Since the 2017 reforms went into effect, he said, the number of warrants issued in his western Illinois county has more than doubled, from fewer than 1,000 per year before the change in law to more than 2,000 per year.

I asked Jordan Abudayyeh for a response…

The governor believes the cash bail system for low and moderate risk defendants is broken and the socioeconomic barriers to justice need to be addressed. The administration welcomes questions and scrutiny in how we approach this problem, but we are committed to fixing it. From his first days in office Gov. Pritzker has worked to bring stakeholders and lawmakers together to address problems. We look forward to working with people who want to be at the table to negotiate a solution that makes our criminal justice system and communities safe, equitable and fair.

Annie Thompson at the attorney general’s office…

Attorney General Raoul has previously called for ending wealth discrimination in setting bail and will continue to work with stakeholders to evaluate reforms that ensure pretrial justice and public safety. As part of those efforts, the Attorney General’s office participates in the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Pretrial Practices, which is working to minimize the effects of monetary conditions of release in the criminal justice system while also maximizing appropriate release and ensuring court appearances.

* Media advisory…

State Senator Michael E. Hastings (D-Tinley Park) will partner with Southwest Airlines employees to hold a press conference advocating for the expansion of sick leave for airline employees Wednesday.

Hastings will be joined by Corliss King, a flight attendant for Southwest, who was affected by this in 2017 after her husband was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. He was hospitalized several times and received various surgeries that left him in need of care. Corliss was able to use her own accrued sick time to help care for her husband and children until 2017, when a law was passed that removed coverage for airline employees.

The bill is here.


Lawmakers are looking to give back to some first responders. State Senators Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington) and Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) are sponsoring new legislation to help volunteer firefighters and EMTs with expenses.

Senate Bill 3224 provides a $500 tax credit for qualifying first responders when they file state income tax. Since it’s a credit and not a deduction, it will decrease the amount of taxes owed or increase potential refunds.

* Related…

* Gun-owner lobby tracking 254 bills in Illinois: “We’re tracking 254 bills right now, so some are pro-gun, some are anti-gun,” Pearson said. “Most are anti-gun.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** Candidate: LIG has substantiated ethics report against Rep. Skillicorn

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Carolyn Schofield…

The Illinois Legislative Inspector General, Carol Pope has substantiated recent ethics violation claims filed against Representative Allen Skillicorn charged with falsifying his attendance and voting record in Springfield while campaigning in Harvard, Illinois for another office on the same day;

“My investigation substantiated allegations that Representative Skillicorn was not present when the quorum roll call vote was taken at 12:15 p.m. on June 1, 2019, nor was he present for any of the votes that he was recorded as voting on prior to 3:00 p.m. Representative Skillicorn filed a letter to correct the record with the Clerk of the House.”

“I interviewed 11 people during the course of my investigation, including Clerk’s Office personnel, staff members, and several members of the General Assembly.”

“Apparently it is common practice for members to ask a seatmate or staffer to vote their switch if they need to step out and use the bathroom, or meet with leadership or talk to a constituent. It is not accepted practice for a member to ask someone to vote their switch when they are out of town, nor is it appropriate for a staffer or seatmate to take it upon themselves to vote another member’s switch when they are out of town and absent from the session.”

The LIG also indicated that no legislators were paid for the overtime session held on June 1st, 2019, at the direction of Speaker Mike Madigan. A suggestion will be made to Leadership that written protocol be put in place as some members, despite the existing set of Rules that govern the House, have not familiarized themselves with proper procedures.

Skillicorn is being challenged for his 66th District House seat by McHenry County Board Member Carolyn Schofield in the March primary.

I’ve reached out to Skillicorn for comment.

…Adding… The letter from LIG Pope…

Ms. Schofield—I wanted to update you on the status of my investigation into your complaint relating to Representative Skillicorn. My investigation substantiated your allegations that Representative Skillicorn was not present when the quorum roll call vote was taken at 12:15 p.m. on June 1, 2019, nor was he present for any of the votes that he was recorded as voting on prior to 3:00 p.m. Representative Skillicorn filed a letter to correct the record with the Clerk of the House. You can find it on pages 5-6 of the House Journal for June 1, 2019. Here is a link to the Journal:

I found no evidence that Representative Skillicorn authorized anyone to operate his switch in his absence. I interviewed 11 people during the course of my investigation, including Clerk’s Office personnel, staff members, and several members of the General Assembly. Apparently it is common practice for members to ask a seatmate or staffer to vote their switch if they need to step out and use the bathroom, or meet with leadership or talk to a constituent. It is not accepted practice for a member to ask someone to vote their switch when they are out of town, nor is it appropriate for a staffer or seatmate to take it upon themselves to vote another member’s switch when they are out of town and absent from the session. I will be suggesting to Leadership that a written protocol be put together and given to members and staff so there is no question about the procedures to be followed when a member is going to be absent. There is a set of Rules that govern the House, however, I am not sure how many members have totally familiarized themselves with the particulars of those rules. Some members could relate to me the procedures that should be followed if they are going to be absent, but some members indicated they did not know what procedures to follow if absent.

I found no evidence of malicious intent with regard to the operation of Representative Skillicorn’s switch.

No per diem was paid to any member of the House for June 1, 2019, per order of the Speaker.

Thank you for bringing this situation to my attention. I am hopeful that a written protocol provided to every member and his or her staff will prevent such a situation from reoccurring. I have closed my investigation into this matter.

Carol Pope
Legislative Inspector General
State of Illinois

*** UPDATE *** Rep. Skillicorn…

I agree with everything in Legislative Inspector General Carol Pope’s findings. Clearly, mistakes were made here. I corrected the official record of the House to reflect the fact that I was not present in the chamber on June 1, 2019 during the few initial votes that were taken that day.

I strongly support LIG Carol Pope’s recommendation for a written protocol to ensure that this does not happen again. As she noted, she “found no evidence of malicious intent with regard to the operation of Representative Skillicorn’s switch.”

Indeed, there was no malice. It was mistake and we as a legislative body should clearly define what the protocol should be so that the rules are clear and mistakes like this will not be made.


As expected, ARDC hearing board recommends Blagojevich be disbarred

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here to read it for yourself.

* Meanwhile, John Bambenek recently paid $65 to troll local Democratic candidate Emily Rodriguez…

Set aside the prank for a moment. That’s just a bad video all around and… what the heck is on Rod’s face? This is the clearest evidence yet that you should not be paying him for one of his goofy videos.

* Anyway, a Rodriguez ally actually filed a complaint with the Board of Elections claiming there should be a “paid for by” on Bambenek’s silly tweet. Click here to read it. That’s kinda weird because Bambenek isn’t running for anything and currently has no active candidate committee. It’s paid for, in other words, by Bambenek himself.

Mark Maxwell

The complaint, dated March 2nd, alleges that Bambenek has supported Rosales in his primary challenge, and that he should have included a “paid for by” disclaimer in the video he posted to his 35,000 Twitter followers.

As chairman of the County Board, Rosales, a Democrat, has an obligation to appoint someone to fill the vacant Treasurer position. Bambenek, a Republican, has expressed interest in running for that seat in November. Bambenek claims he did not coordinate the gag with Rosales, and that the $65 expense is below the reporting threshold. He also argues the satire is protected under his right to exercise political speech, and does not consider the video an ‘in-kind contribution’ to the Rosales campaign.

If the expense were to be filed with the State Board of Elections, it would not appear until the next reporting period, which is after the primary will have concluded.

Even if it was an in-kind contribution, Rosales has no campaign committee. Bambenek couldn’t file an A-1 even if he wanted to.

* From Bambenek’s response

In fact, until about the time of filing this complaint, [Emily Rodriguez’s] own twitter profile stated something of the form “once described as a gussied up Blago”. It has since been deleted.


* Since she was the object of ridicule, Rodriguez will get the last word…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Kalish; Batinick; Bailey; Pizer; Peters

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* He’s been saying this all along

With the Illinios primary two weeks away and as voters in “Super Tuesday” states were going to the polls, Gov. JB Pritzker today remained neutral in the Democratic race for president.

“I’m for the Democrat,” he told reporters following an agricultural legislative day event at the Illinois State Library. “I don’t know who’s going to win Illinois. I don’t know who’s going to win the nomination. But I know one thing: (President) Donald Trump’s got to go. You can see it in the way that some of the challenges around the coronavirus are being handled. The administration has done a terrible job, in my opinion, of really helping states with the challenges they face.”

* Meanwhile

[Sheila Nix], the president of Tusk Philanthropies, said the Biden Illinois team hit the phones to leverage the new Biden boom, making another round of calls to uncommitted Illinois elected officials and to donors.

Notice the campaign didn’t call actual voters. Biden has zero ground game here, or pretty much anywhere, for that matter. He’s got his name and a few new dollars and some intense media exposure since South Carolina. Other than that, not much.

Nix, by the way, was hired as one of Rod Blagojevich’s deputy governors after Bradley Tusk quit. She then became Jill Biden’s chief of staff before going to work for Tusk, who is a Bloomberg guy.

…Adding… Advisory…

Tuesday, March 10
12:30 p.m. Bernie 2020 Rockford Rally with Sen. Bernie Sanders
Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N Main St, Rockford, IL 61101
Information for the public: This event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is encouraged. Entrance is provided on a first come, first served basis. Doors open at 11:00 a.m.

* The Question: Who are you supporting for president? Make sure to explain your response and don’t start arguments with anyone else. Their opinion is their opinion. Yours is yours. Keep it that way or find yourself deleted and possibly banned. Thanks.


COVID-19 updates

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Not good and probably more to come if this trend continues

An annual trade show that brings close to 60,000 visitors to McCormick Place each year has canceled its event there this month, citing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus.

The International Housewares Association today announced it will not hold its four-day Inspired Home Show, which was scheduled for March 14-17 at the Near South Side convention center.

The Rosemont-based trade group becomes the first to cancel an event at McCormick Place amid the recent outbreak of the virus, which has set off unrest among many companies unsure of how its spread will impact their operations.

The cancelation deals a blow to the convention center and especially downtown hotels, which lose more than 47,000 room nights tied to the event.

* Sun-Times

The University of Chicago Medical Center admitted a patient Monday that is suspected of having coronavirus.

If the case is confirmed, the patient would be the fifth person in the Chicago area to have contracted the disease.

“UChicago Medicine has been preparing for this eventuality since COVID-19 became a global health concern in January,” hospital officials said in an email to faculty, staff, students and residents. “Senior hospital leadership and leaders from our infectious diseases and infection prevention teams, along with other expert clinicians, are working closely with local, state and federal health officials and continue to apply up to date recommended guidelines.”

* Sun-Times

Chicago election officials urged voters worried about contracting coronavirus to vote by mail instead of trekking to a voting location as early voting expands countywide. […]

Despite the virus, both the city, and the county, are surging ahead with their early voting plans. Voting sites will have hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes at voting sites.

* Let’s hope this doesn’t happen here

[Iran’s] head of Parliament said that nearly two dozen lawmakers had tested positive and should avoid meeting with members of the public, the authorities announced on Tuesday.

* Is it starting to weaken in China?

Mushrooming outbreaks in the Mideast, Europe and South Korea contrasted with optimism in China, where thousands of recovered patients were going home. Virus clusters in the United States led schools and subways to sanitize, quickened the search for a vaccine and spread fears of vulnerability among nursing home residents. […]

In China, the count of new virus cases dropped again Tuesday, with just 125 new cases after a six-week low of 202 a day earlier. It’s still by far the hardest-hit country, with 80,151 cases and 2,943 deaths. The virus has been detected in at least 70 countries with 90,000 cases and 3,100 deaths.

China’s ambassador to the United Nations said the country was winning its battle against COVID-19.

“We are not far from the coming of the victory,” said Zhang Jun.

Then again, China is not a reliable source. Click here for more on that topic.

* Some bad news and some not so bad news

World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Tuesday that data has shown the new coronavirus disease to be considerably deadlier than the usual seasonal flu, but he added that it also appears to spread less easily.

Crucially, Tedros also said it did not appear that the new COVID-19 disease was spread readily by infected individuals who are not experiencing symptoms themselves. That news came after days of experts warning that many thousands of cases could essentially be hidden around the world, spread quietly by infected people with either mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.

Tedros said about 3.4% of confirmed COVID-19 cases have died globally, a huge increase in previous estimates which have ranged between 1-2%. Generally the seasonal flu kills less than 1% of those infected, Tedros said by way of comparison.

* Related…

* 286 Illinoisans being monitored for coronavirus, but Pritzker says risk to public remains low - Gov. J. B. Pritzker also visited Chicago’s Chinatown on Monday to help support businesses; neighborhood merchants say they’ve seen a drop in customers since the coronavirus outbreak began.

* China’s aggressive measures have slowed the coronavirus. They may not work in other countries

* Trump asked pharmaceutical execs if the flu vaccine could be used to stop coronavirus. Here’s why that wouldn’t work.

* Twitter tells all of its employees to work at home because of coronavirus

* Homeland Security facility in Washington state closes after employee visited nursing home affected by coronavirus outbreak

* ‘We are in uncharted territory,’ World Health Organization says, as coronavirus shifts west toward US, Europe: In the capital of Seoul, drive-thru virus testing centers began operating, with workers dressed head-to-toe in white protective suits leaning into cars with mouth swabs, a move meant to limit contact with possible carriers of the illness. Troops were also dispatched across the city to spray streets and alleys with disinfectant.

* Coronavirus Confusion: Miami Woman Allegedly Denied Proper Testing: In what may be the first case of coronavirus in South Florida, a woman who recently returned home from Italy says she was told by doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital that she “likely” has COVID-19, but that they are unable to verify it because state and federal officials refused to conduct the necessary tests to confirm it.

* Field Museum, Art Institute enact COVID-19 travel bans for staff

* Stadiums, arenas sit empty as coronavirus spreads

* Surfaces? Sneezes? Sex? Here’s how the coronavirus can and cannot spread.

* Which virus is deadlier? Comparing the coronavirus with the seasonal flu

* Outbreak Strikes Seattle Area as Testing Is Scrutinized

* Tim Cook and Apple Bet Everything on China. Then Coronavirus Hit. Quarantines, tariffs and slumping sales have caused agitation about the company’s strategy of assembling most of its products there

* Wuhan shake: People in China developing new ways to greet each other amid coronavirus fears - Foot-to-foot greeting comes as health officials discourage close contact around globe

* Aurora area schools working to ‘closely monitor’ coronavirus outbreak


Simon poll: 65 percent support graduated income tax, 51 percent favor constitutional change for pensions

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Paul Simon Public Policy Institute

Two-thirds (65 percent) of respondents said they favored a constitutional change “to allow a graduated income tax—that is, tax rates would be lower for lower-income taxpayers and higher for upper-income taxpayers.” Support was robust, with 44 percent strongly favoring and 21 percent somewhat favoring the proposal. About a third (32 percent) opposed the proposal, 24 percent strongly and 8 percent somewhat opposed.

Support for the graduated income tax proposal reached majority levels in all three of the major geographic breakdowns in Illinois: 73 percent in favor in the City of Chicago, 68 percent favorable in the Chicago suburbs and 55 percent favorable downstate. Partisan differences were more stark with 83 percent of Democrats favoring the graduated tax system, compared with only half that level of support among Republicans (41 percent). Roughly six in ten (59 percent) Independents favor the graduated tax. […]

A bare majority (51 percent) favored a constitutional amendment that would allow a reduction in retirement benefits earned in the future by state workers. About a quarter (24 percent) strongly favored, and 27 percent somewhat favored a proposal that “would preserve state retirement benefits already earned by public employees, but would also allow a reduction in the benefits earned in the future, whether by current or future employees.” More than a third (37 percent) opposed the proposal.

The pension-reduction question received majority support in Chicago (55 percent) and its suburbs (51 percent), and plurality support Downstate (48 percent). The variation occurs among partisan groups: below a majority among Democrats (48 percent) and independents (47 percent), with much more enthusiasm among Republicans (61 percent favor).

1,000 voters, MoE of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, mobile phone users were 60 percent of those polled. We’ve discussed some problems with this poll before. A big one is the sample was 56 percent male and 44 percent female. Another is that Chicago is underrepresented and the poll skewed older.

* Questions

Some people have proposed an amendment to the Illinois Constitution that would preserve state retirement benefits already earned by public employees, but would also allow a reduction in the benefits earned in the future, whether by current or future employees?

Favor 51%

    Strongly favor 24%
    Somewhat favor 27%

Oppose 37%

    Somewhat oppose 17%
    Strongly oppose 20%

Other/don’t know 12%

Would you favor or oppose a proposal to change the Illinois Constitution to allow a graduated income tax – that is, tax rates would be lower for lower-income taxpayers and higher for upper-income taxpayers?

Favor 65%

    Strongly favor 44%
    Somewhat favor 21%

Oppose 32%

    Somewhat oppose 8%
    Strongly oppose 24%

Other/don’t know 3%

Low levels of undecideds on the tax question and high numbers of “strongly favor.”

We’ll get to some of the other questions later today.


It always helps to have friends

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ProPublica Illinois’ Jason Grotto

Andrew Rubenstein rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange last November, then pumped his fist and cheered. He had much to celebrate. In a decade, the company he founded and led, Illinois-based Accel Entertainment, had grown from a tiny startup into the largest video gambling operator in the nation. Accel had also become the country’s first video gambling operator to be publicly traded. With the backing of investors, Accel now hopes to bring video gambling to other cash-strapped states hungry for new sources of revenue.

Few would have predicted Rubenstein’s fledgling enterprise to emerge as the industry leader in 2009, when Illinois legalized video gambling outside of casinos. He had no experience in the gambling business and no apparent ties to companies that, before legalization, had provided bars and restaurants with “gray” machines, simulated video slots and poker devices that were legal but widely known to be used for illegal gambling.

Rubenstein, according to the company, used a combination of savvy hires, well-timed acquisitions of other operators and infusions of capital from family, friends and private equity firms to catapult Accel to the top of the heap.

But records obtained by ProPublica Illinois, as well as interviews with current and former Accel employees who asked to remain anonymous, reveal that Rubenstein and his company also took advantage of connections at the Illinois Gaming Board. They did so using an unusual degree of access to a key board attorney during video gambling’s earliest days, when regulations were being drafted and the competition to lock up gambling locations was at its fiercest.

In addition, the company obtained internal gaming board documents about its competitors and benefited from board decisions that made it more difficult for other operators to gain a foothold in Illinois’ video gambling market.

The gaming board lawyer, Bill Bogot, was a childhood friend of Rubenstein’s. He met with Rubenstein regularly and used two private email accounts to correspond with him, answering legal questions and helping the company when it ran into snags with other regulators, according to the emails and interviews. […]

Similarly, industry insiders say the confidential documents in Accel’s possession would have given it an advantage in building its business. It’s also illegal for gaming board staff to release “protected personal information” to third parties; gaming board officials said they would investigate the leaked confidential documents and, if appropriate, forward any findings to other authorities.

“The IGB takes these allegations very seriously and will not tolerate unethical or illegal conduct of any kind,” said Marcus Fruchter, a former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement lawyer appointed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker in May 2019 to run the gaming board.

Bogot said in an interview that he would have given any other video gambling operator the same information he provided to Rubenstein in the emails.

How many times were we told that the Illinois Gaming Board Chairman was running a super-tight ship? The Tribune editorial board was solidly behind him, and yet we keep seeing these sorts of stories emerge years later.

* Also, this

Bogot left the board in July 2013 and not long after went to work for Donna More, Accel’s gaming attorney. More was the gaming board’s first general counsel and is currently running in the Democratic primary for Cook County state’s attorney.

And was endorsed by the Tribune, of course.


Putting The United Back In United States

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Today is Super Tuesday and Mike’s his first test across fourteen states. As millions of Primary voters head to the ballot box, let’s remember the facts about Mike:

Mike is a Doer and a Fighter: He takes on big industry and wins, beating big tobacco, the coal lobby, the NRA, and more.

He’s a Leader: Mike led efforts to bring New York City back from the 2001 terror attacks and the 2008 financial crisis, and prepared the city against numerous crises such as hurricanes and possible pandemics including Swine Flu and West Nile Virus. He’d do the same in the face of the Coronavirus outbreak.

Mike Can’t Be Bought: He is self-funding this campaign and no special interests will influence him.

No other candidate has done more and no one has made proposals that go as far as Mike does for Black America, Women’s rights, the Latino community, LGBTQ+, Labor, Education, Climate Change, Science and much more.

Watch “Mike’s Story,” here.

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Media feud escalates

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Brett Rowland and Dan McCaleb at The Center Square

The office of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker asked the editor of a west-central Illinois newspaper in February to unpublish a news story by The Center Square about the governor’s plans to cut spending if voters don’t pass a progressive income tax in November.

In an email to the editor of The Jacksonville Journal-Courier, a spokeswoman for the governor said the article was “flawed” and lacked context.

“This ‘article’ is filled with mischaracterizations and devoid of any context in which the Governor talked about the budget challenges the state faces and how, as he said and is not reported, the state will have to manage through them,” spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh wrote in the Feb. 10 email. “Ultimately, it would be prudent to take down this partisan content masquerading as news.”

A nearly 2-minute video that accompanies the same story on The Center Square’s website shows Pritzker saying what he is quoted as saying in the story. The governor’s office did not alert The Center Square to any errors in the Feb. 7 article, headlined “If voters reject progressive income tax, Pritzker promises to cut state spending,” and no corrections were published.

“We have a clear corrections policy. The Center Square story in question is accurate – both factually and contextually – and the Jacksonville Journal-Courier, which refused to comply with this outrageous request, agrees with us,” Chris Krug – publisher of The Center Square, the national nonprofit, nonpartisan newswire – said Monday. “It’s shameful that Gov. Pritzker and his office would attempt to bully a news media outlet into unpublishing a factual news story – for any reason.”

David Bauer, editor and publisher of the Jacksonville Journal-Courier, has been out of the office and unavailable for comment.

The Center Square obtained the email through a request under the state’s open records laws. At least three other news outlets also published The Center Square story.

In the email to the Jacksonville Journal-Courier, Abudayyeh called The Center Square’s reporting partisan and included a link to a Columbia Journalism Review article that does not mention the nonprofit news organization.

“The governor’s office attempted to mislead an Illinois news outlet by linking to a story that is not about The Center Square,” Krug said. “Media has a responsibility to accurately report the news. This is a blatant attempt to censor the news. The governor has no business policing media for stories with which he disagrees. He owes our team an apology.”

Abudayyeh, who previously worked as a reporter for WICS TV in Springfield, did not respond to a request for comment about her email to the Jacksonville newspaper.

Pritzker has made changing the state’s constitution to allow for a progressive income tax the cornerstone of his first term in office. His $42 billion fiscal 2021 budget proposal includes $1.4 billion in new revenue from a proposed progressive income tax that voters won’t decide on until November.

The Center Square covers state government and statewide issues in Illinois and 24 other states with a focus on government taxing, spending and regulatory issues. It allows other news media outlets to republish its stories.

Sam Fisher, president and CEO of the Illinois Press Association, whose organization operates the Illinois First Amendment Center, declined to comment.

Bill Lueders, president of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, said the governor’s office did nothing illegal but said it smacked of “intimidation.”

“The governor’s office is probably within its right to make this request but it does smack of intimidation for the governor’s office to presume to tell a news outlet what it should and should not publish,” Lueders, who also is editor of Progressive magazine, said. “But the ultimate decision is with the news outlet. I think journalists often get blowback from politicians and they need to defend their rights to publish what they want to publish. I’m glad that the newspaper, in this case, didn’t give in to it.”

Pritzker’s office’s attempt to kill a news story is not the first time staff of a sitting U.S. governor has attempted to have a Center Square story unpublished.

In September, the office of Colorado Gov. Jared Polis asked editors of two Colorado newspapers to unpublish a news story by The Center Square that raised the question of the cost of a new office Polis created and included a comment from a Senate GOP spokesperson criticizing the fact it was the third new office created this year. Both Colorado newspapers also refused to comply with the request.

I remember that story because I specifically decided not to post it here. It seemed to be lacking context, but that’s just me. In retrospect, what I probably should’ve done was posted the story and made fun of the liberal governor for warning about 15 percent budget cuts that everybody knows he’ll never willingly make.

The Pritzker administration does not respond to any inquiries from Center Square reporters, but the governor does take questions from them at press conferences.


Support The Healthy Youth Act

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The Healthy Youth Act builds upon the current requirement that instruction be medically accurate, developmentally and age appropriate to include instruction that is also culturally and linguistically appropriate and adapted for students with disabilities and non-English speaking students for grades K-12.

It also removes outdated, stigmatizing language and updates the current 6-12 standards for health and sexual health education courses by including information on healthy relationships and decision making; STIs including HIV; puberty, growth, and adolescent development; gender identity, gender expression; and sexual orientation; personal safety; and pregnancy and reproduction.

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Madigan captain: A vote for Newman is a vote against Madigan and all the benefits 13th Warders enjoy

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a reader…

Hi Rich,

I live in the 13th Ward and I got the attached letter at my door today from someone named “Steven Hensley” recommending I support Dan Lipinski for Congress and others.

I googled the name Steven Hensley and found this article from the Tribune. I don’t think it’s right that someone who is tied up in this stuff should be trying to influence me and my neighbors’ votes.

I don’t want to be involved or have my name associated with any of this, but I think people need to know.


Must be a transplant.

* From the linked article

House Speaker Michael Madigan swayed the University of Illinois to admit the relatives of public officials, political allies and donors who contributed $115,200 to campaign funds he controls, a Tribune investigation has found. […]

Madigan also sponsored a relative of Steven Hensley, a Madigan campaign contributor and circulator of petitions for the speaker’s campaigns. The relative, referred to in university records as a “Madigan request,” was an alternate to get into a competitive graduate program at the Chicago campus. The applicant eventually was admitted. What’s more, the relative then received more than $32,000 in taxpayer-funded legislative scholarships from the speaker.

* The flier…

Another handout is here. My favorite part…


Ignorance is not bliss, it’s just ignorant

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Southern Illinoisan interviews Rep. Dave Severin (R-Benton) and his GOP primary opponent Tim Arview

The two also have different takes on Illinois’ pension woes, caused by years of lawmakers and governors agreeing to skimp on their funding obligations. Severin said that he uses his position to advocate for the state making its required payments in annual budgets. But he said that he would not make further adjustments to benefits. He opposes a proposal to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot to tie annual cost-of-living adjustments, or COLA — currently a fixed, compounded 3% annually — to inflation.

Arview, on the other hand, said he would support efforts to tie the COLA to inflation. He also suggested the state pass legislation creating a new benefits structure for incoming employees. Arview was not familiar with legislation the General Assembly passed to do that a decade ago, creating a second tier effective for new employees hired after 2010. Given that information, Arview said he would create a third tier and cut their benefits by 2% compared to the second tier employees.

And then Arview went on to opine on his brand new idea he just came up with after being informed that he was uninformed.


* Meanwhile, this is hot off the presses from the National Institute on Retirement Security

As many small towns and rural communities across America face shrinking populations and slowing economic growth, a new report finds that one positive economic contributor to these areas is the flow of benefit dollars from public pension plans. In 2018, public pension benefit dollars represented between one and three percent of gross domestic product (GDP) on average among the 1,401 counties in 19 states studied. […]

This new report finds that public pension benefit dollars also account for significant amounts of total personal income in counties across the nineteen states studied. For all 1,401 counties in this study, pension benefit dollars represent an average of 1.37 percent of total personal income, while some counties experience more than six percent of total personal income derived from pension dollars.

The report’s key findings are as follows:

    * Public pension benefit dollars represent between one and three percent of GDP on average in the 1,401 counties studied.
    * Rural counties and counties with state capitals have the highest percentages of populations receiving public pension benefits.
    * Small town counties experience a greater relative impact both in terms of GDP and total personal income from public pension benefit dollars than rural or metropolitan counties.
    * Rural counties experience more of an impact in terms of personal income than metropolitan counties, whereas metropolitan counties experience more of an impact in terms of GDP than rural counties.
    * Counties with state capitals are outliers from other metropolitan counties, likely because there is a greater density of public employees in these counties, most of whom remain in these counties in retirement.
    * On average, rural counties have lost population while small town counties and metropolitan counties have gained population in the period between 2000 and 2018, but the connection between population change and the relative impact of public pension benefit dollars is weak.

The study is here.

* A couple of counties in Rep. Severin’s district with the percent of GDP represented by public pension benefit dollars

Franklin 3.19 percent

Williamson 3.1 percent

…Adding… Meant to add this Tribune headline

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s graduated income tax plan won’t fix Illinois’ pension problems, ratings agency says

Nobody, but nobody ever implied that the proposal would “fix” the problems.

The headline reminds me of the stories about how cannabis revenues wouldn’t cure the state’s many fiscal ills. Um, there is no single, easy cure. Those who think there is such a thing should probably get their heads checked.


*** UPDATED x2 *** Travel advisory for I-55 north of Springfield

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you’re driving down to session on Interstate 55, here’s an advisory from the Illinois State Police

I-55 southbound at milepost 126 is shut down near Lincoln, IL. A small plane has crashed. IDOT is on scene and will be working on a detour.

Use this as an open thread, if you wish.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From the State Police…

At approximately 08:49, a small airplane crashed on I-55 at M/P 126 in Lincoln IL. The plane became fully engulfed upon impact in the middle of the interstate. Multiple Agencies on the scene to assist. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been notified and is responding. I-55 S/B traffic is being diverted at M/P 126 into Lincoln, IL by IDOT. I-55 S/B road closure is expected for an extended period of time (4-5 hours).

*** UPDATE 2 *** ISP…

I-55 S/B has been reopened officially at 14:30


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Tuesday, Mar 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
* Meanwhile… In Opposite Land
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
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