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Discovery Partners Institute teams up with U of I for cannabis research

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve said for decades that the U of I needs to turn loose its science and agriculture experts on cannabis research. Cannabis is a highly complex plant, and research might find all sorts of uses. Here’s Crain’s

Discovery Partners Institute, the University of Illinois research center underway in the South Loop, has high hopes to launch a marijuana research facility.

DPI has begun a search for an executive director and researchers, and it has support from the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois. But it doesn’t yet have funding commitments from either one for a project that likely will need tens of millions to become a reality.

The cannabis research institute is the first significant effort by the city and state to build on Chicago’s critical mass in the marijuana industry. The city is home to several of the largest U.S. marijuana companies—including Cresco Labs, Green Thumb Industries, Verano and PharmaCann—which employ thousands of workers. Since legalizing recreational marijuana three years ago, sales have grown to about $1.5 billion.

The University of Illinois sees opportunities to draw on its strengths in agriculture, genomics and medicine to study topics ranging from marijuana production to the health impacts of cannabis.

* Gov. Pritzker was asked about the proposal today

This is truly the headquarters for most of the cannabis industry in North America, let alone you know, in the United States. And so, being able to do research, which the NIH hasn’t done much of, as you know, being able to foster new innovations for the industry, all of that should happen in the city of Chicago and in the state of Illinois. And so, yeah, having a research institute just makes all the sense in the world, and the industry itself believes that.

Your thoughts?


Afternoon news roundup

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. The governor was asked today about Stellantis’ decision to idle its Belvidere plant and the future of electric vehicle manufacturing in Illinois

We’re aggressively talking to every EV manufacturer that we can talk to, and that’s most of them in the country and outside the country. And, as you know, the Jeep Cherokee is what was being built, is being built now at this plant, factory and although they intend to idle that factory, it’s in part because Jeep Cherokee has come down as a priority for Stellantis in terms of their sales.

And so they’re looking for repurposing, what are they going to do on that spot. So we’ve been working with them for quite some time to try to make sure that they have an opportunity to put back to work the people who are at the current Jeep Cherokee plant.

Fortunately, they have enough land there. EVs are not, it’s not something you can take an existing footprint of an [internal combustion vehicle] manufacturing plant and just convert it. That doesn’t happen for EV. EV is a much larger enterprise. Typically they’re co-locating and that’s something that Stellantis is especially focused on for batteries and other components. So they need a lot of land. Fortunately, Belvedere, there’s a lot of land and they own most of that surrounding land. So I think we’re in a good position to help them get to what is the next phase of manufacturing in Belvedere

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* Interesting stuff…

* Rep. Delia Ramirez has resigned her House seat now that she’s about to be sworn in as a US Rep. Lilian Jimenez won that district in November, so you gotta figure that she’ll be appointed early. As expected, Rep. Tim Butler submitted his resignation yesterday. Click here to read it.

* AFSCME Council 31 heads back to the negotiating table for a new contract for its 35,000 state employees. Some stated priorities

“With this revenue, there are a lot of competing interests who want to be prioritized for funding,” said Council 31 Director of Research and Employee Benefits Martha Merrill. “Just because the state is in a more stable position doesn’t mean that it wants to spend more money on employees. We’re still going to have to demand what we deserve like we do at every bargaining table.”

There’s another reason that the state’s finances are exceeding expectations: the staffing crisis. With so many vacant positions in state government, the state’s payroll is smaller than it has budgeted for. […]

One key issue in bargaining will be safety and staffing levels at state agencies, particularly at 24/7 facilities. Staffing levels at state agencies have nosedived since the beginning of the pandemic, and staff assaults and injuries are on the rise everywhere. There are almost 7,000 funded vacancies across all departments of state government.

* Constituent email…

This week House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch joined Biden administration policy experts to discuss and collaborate on legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Items for discussion included reproductive health, common-sense gun reform, paid family leave, and lifting up America’s working families.

“I truly enjoyed this thoughtful and insightful conversation with President Biden’s policy experts,” said Speaker Welch. “An overwhelming majority of Americans support these policy initiatives and, as Democrats, we need to ensure that we are better aligned on these issues so that we can deliver for people across this country.”

Speaker Welch met with Julie Chavez Rodriguez, senior advisor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Morgan Mohr, senior advisor for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

In addition to the policy discussion, Speaker Welch also attended Vice President Kamala Harris’ Holiday Reception at her residence. Speaker Welch was able to network and continue strengthening relationships with leaders from states across the country.

* Politico

Secretary of State-elect Alexi Giannoulias is naming campaign manager Hanah Jubeh and political strategist Scott Burnham, as deputy secretaries of state in his new administration.

* Press release…

The Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA has endorsed Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot for reelection. The Mayor has worked closely with the Plumbers Local 130 throughout her time in office, and also received their endorsement for her 2019 campaign.

“We at the Plumbers Local 130 consider Mayor Lori Lightfoot to be a dedicated ally to plumbers and technical engineers as well as for trade workers across our city,” said Jim Coyne, Business Manager of the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 UA. “Since she was elected in 2019, even throughout a global pandemic, the Mayor has supported us with the resources our members need to feel respected at each worksite and to thrive on the job. Mayor Lightfoot has never wavered on her recognition and protection for working Chicagoans, so we are proud to back her in her bid for reelection as we all stand to benefit from four more years of the Lightfoot administration.”

* In other words, they are prone to taking reckless risks…

* Isabel’s roundup…


Jobs up, but state says unemployment rate rose a click as more people try to return to workforce

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that the unemployment rate increased +0.1 percentage point to 4.7 percent, while nonfarm payrolls increased by +17,500 in November, based on preliminary data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and released by IDES. The change in the rate reflects an increase in the number of workers looking to return to the labor force. The October monthly change in payrolls was revised from the preliminary report, from +3,600 to +7,200 jobs. The October unemployment rate was unchanged from the preliminary report, remaining at 4.6 percent. The November payroll jobs estimate and unemployment rate reflect activity for the week including the 12th.

In November, the industry sectors with the largest over-the-month gains in employment included: Leisure and Hospitality (+10,700), Professional and Business Services (+5,800), and Educational and Health Services (+3,500). The industry sectors with the largest monthly payroll declines included: Trade, Transportation and Utilities (-4,300), Government (-1,700) and Manufacturing (-1,000). […]

Compared to a year ago, nonfarm payroll employment increased by +185,400 jobs, with gains across nearly all major industries. The industry groups with the largest jobs increases included: Leisure and Hospitality (+44,600), Professional and Business Services (+42,500), and Trade, Transportation and Utilities (+31,000). The industry groups with jobs decreases included: Government (-2,100) and Mining (-200). In November, total nonfarm payrolls were up +3.1 percent over-the-year in Illinois and up +3.3 percent in the nation.

The number of unemployed workers rose from the prior month, a +1.7 percent increase to 303,300 and was down -6.7 percent over the same month one year ago. The labor force was down slightly (-0.2 percent) over-the-month and up +1.3 percent over-the-year. The unemployment rate identifies those individuals who are out of work and seeking employment. An individual who exhausts or is ineligible for benefits is still reflected in the unemployment rate if they actively seek work.



Social justice advocates wary of criminal penalties in new gun bill

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is how gun control debates are usually covered in the news media

In the ongoing debate around proposed gun control legislation at the Illinois statehouse, advocacy groups on both sides are working to advance their positions.

Several Illinois state representatives on the working group that crafted the proposed prohibition of certain semi-automatic firearms and magazines in House Bill 5855 were on the advocacy side of the gun control debate before becoming lawmakers, like state Rep. Maura Hirschauer. […]

On the other side, there are several groups promoting the rights of gun owners, including Guns Save Life, Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois representing gun stores and the Illinois State Rifle Association.

The hard reality is that the Democrats’ huge super-majorities mean the pro-gun folks have precious few allies. They likely can’t stop a bill on their own.

* To the bill

Among other things, HB5855 would make it illegal to manufacture, sell or purchase an assault-style weapon, assault weapon attachment, .50-caliber rifle, or .50-caliber cartridge. And starting 300 days after the bill takes effect, it would make it illegal to possess such a weapon or ammunition unless it is registered with the Illinois State Police.

Large capacity ammunition feeding devices also would be prohibited under the bill.

The bill would also repeal a provision of current law that allows people between the ages of 18 and 21 to obtain a Firearm Owners Identification Card with parental consent, unless the applicant is a member of the U.S. armed forces or the Illinois National Guard.

And who would most likely be arrested? Black and Brown youth, say social justice advocates.

* So, this is the coming legislative reality in Illinois…

Kollman is the policy director for the Children and Family Justice Center, but I have talked to others like her who have expressed the same sentiments.

* A similar argument was used against this Chicago proposal, which ultimately passed…

These are the same groups who are fresh off their SAFE-T Act victory. They would view the legislation as a setback.

Anyway, it’s something to be aware of as we move forward. And it’s likely the bill’s proponents included an oversampling of Black and Brown voters in their recent poll to help buttress their case against just this sort of argument.


Question of the day: 2022 Golden Horseshoe Awards

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2022 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best US Representative goes to Adam Kinzinger

As someone mentioned above, given that there are 435 members, it is difficult for 1 congress-critter to make a big difference. But Adam stood up for the entire country when he called out Trump and his insurrectionists for what they are. He was 1 of 2 republicans on the January 6th Committee, thus giving the committee some bipartisan legitimacy. Illinois has some really good representatives in Congress, but not one of them can come close to what Adam did, not just for Illinois, but the entire country.

Runner-up is Lauren Underwood.

* The 2022 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statewide Officeholder goes to JB Pritzker

He’s the first Governor to be elected to two terms since 2006, he has a list of accomplishments as long as your arm, and he has an excellent sense of the long game. During COVID, he made sure that he moved fast…but never first. During his re-election campaign, he recognized that he’d have to prime the pump for people to believe the good news about the state after decades of misery.

Runner-up is Susana Mendoza.

Congrats to all!

* On to today’s categories

    Best Association/Union Leader

    Lifetime Achievement Award

Please do your best to nominate in both categories and make sure to explain your nominations or they won’t count. The “Association/Union Leader” category is new this year, so we’ll see how this works out. House Majority Leader Greg Harris won the Lifetime Achievement Award last year, so he’s ineligible this year.

* And now I have some very good news to share

Y’all are amazing! Give yourself a big round of applause! My (White Sox) hat is off to you. Thanks!!!


Local legislators not thrilled by new Bears tax plan

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Daily Herald

“I have not seen (PILOT) for a for-profit, and frankly, I’m not sure that’s a box we want to open,” said state Sen. Ann Gillespie, an Arlington Heights Democrat whose district includes the racetrack site. […]

State Rep. Mark Walker, a fellow Arlington Heights Democrat, said he was skeptical about the payments-in-lieu proposal, calling it a “long shot” in Springfield.

“This is an entirely new kind of deal, if it were to be done, and I don’t know what the likelihood is,” Walker said.

Both local legislators — as well as Republican state Rep. Tom Morrison of Palatine, whose district includes Arlington Park — said they personally haven’t been lobbied by the Bears on the proposal yet.

Nobody has talked to Rep. Morrison? Mrs. McCaskey has made five contributions to Morrison over the years. She’s given more actual money to others (including $10K to Jeanne Ives), but no other candidates have received more checks than him, although she has written 19 checks to Paul Caprio’s Family PAC.


More victimhood

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From St. Louis Public Radio’s story about a person who runs a Facebook group with 1,400 followers who wants to secede from Illinois

“We in Podunk, Illinois — southern Illinois — are looked down upon by people in Chicago,” she said. “I’ve just had some really ugly things said to me by people that live in Chicago, and there’s that sense of superiority.”

Apparently, her feelings are hurt. But if you look at that little page, you see stuff like this

MIKE: "You're not from Chicago, Cook County, the crazy place in Illinois. And there are sane people that live there…"…

Posted by Illinois Separation Referendum on Sunday, December 11, 2022

Everything is projection with these people. I mean, avowed former secessionist Darren Bailey loudly called Chicago a “hell hole” for months on the campaign trail, but you didn’t hear any candidates blasting Downstaters for being inferior.

* Chicago Tribune op-ed by some Eastern Bloc members

The arrogance and condescension displayed at the recent State Central Committee meeting is illustrative of how far we need to go to unify our party. People who gave their time to knock on doors, attend rallies and put up signs to get Republican candidates elected were treated with disdain when they drove hundreds of miles to attend this meeting and express their points of view. This is unacceptable.

The base of our party is tired of being ignored.

Sixty people were given four hours to vent their rage at that meeting, including people like this

Also attending were party activists that included a man wearing a Donald Trump dummy on his shoulders, and Peggy Hubbard of Belleville, an internet provocateur who spreads conspiracy theories and who has twice been an unsuccessful GOP primary candidate for the U.S. Senate nomination. […]

“Republicans come in many flavors,” Porter said, prompting a man to reply, “No. One-flavor Republicans,” while a woman yelled, “You guys quashed good candidates.”

They probably should’ve been ignored, but they weren’t.

* Back to the op-ed

Devoid of evidence or data, they are declaring that conservatives are to blame for the GOP’s losses in November. They claim our party needs fiscally conservative and socially liberal candidates to win, but they forget we have already been down this road. As much as Republicans would like to forget, there was a gubernatorial candidate named Bruce Rauner on the ballot in Illinois in 2018. […]

What Illinois needs is leadership. Politicians who won’t defend their values are uninspiring, and we should not be surprised when they lose elections. The solution is not to abandon Republican values and principles but to defend them. Show the voters how our values and policies translate into more opportunity and a higher quality of life for every citizen. If our leaders don’t defend our values or articulate a vision — why should voters care?

1) Rauner won in 2014 then proceeded to wreck the state government and was clobbered for it in 2018; 2) Bailey didn’t defend their values? Kinda revisionist, don’t you think?


Morning briefing

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here’s your morning roundup…


Open thread

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* All yours, but keep it Illinois-centric.


Live coverage

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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