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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* See y’all next week. Look around, leaves are brown

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

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Afternoon roundup

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Amdor strikes again…

* Roundup…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - A couple of updates

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Governor’s office accuses Sheriff Dart of “spreading misinformation”

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* According to Chicago Appleseed, 83 percent of the people on electronic monitoring in Cook County “had to pay a money bond to leave jail and be placed on electronic monitors.” With that in mind, here’s The TRiiBE and the Chicago Reader

While awaiting trial, Shane (a pseudonym) has worn an electronic ankle monitor and been confined to their home, a high-rise apartment they share with their elderly mother and two children, for over two years. During their confinement, they have been visited hundreds of times by sheriff’s deputies who were summoned by erroneous automatic alerts that accused Shane of leaving home without authorization.

Deputies came so often that Shane’s toddler began to think they were family friends. “He calls them his buddies because he’s so used to seeing them,” Shane said. But their oldest son understood who the deputies were. “And that’s why a lot of these children grow into men and they disrespect authority, or they feel like they hate the police because they see them doing things that are not conducted in a proper manner.”

The alerts that sent texts to Shane’s phone and deputies to their front door originated from Track Group, a subcontractor that operates ankle monitors used by the Cook County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO). Track Group sends alerts to Protocol, a call center that then sends the texts. Shane is one of hundreds of people who were similarly inundated with text alerts from Protocol while on CCSO’s pretrial home-monitoring program over an 18-month period, according to data newly obtained by The TRiiBE and the Reader.

As of press time, 2,017 people are wearing electronic ankle bracelets under CCSO’s pretrial house arrest program. They’re required to remain inside their home 24 hours a day, but can leave for “essential movement” to go to work or run errands. Sheriff Tom Dart has advocated for repealing the provisions in the 2021 SAFE-T Act pertaining to essential movement. According to a recent article by The Intercept, Dart has systematically limited people who use essential movement for work from also running errands.

The alerts, which often summon sheriff’s deputies and carry an implicit threat of being taken to jail, can be disruptive and frightening. Many of the people who were texted repeatedly said in interviews they were inside their homes when the alerts occurred. […]

In a previous story, we reported that in 2021, 80 percent of alerts were found to be false, and spoke to several people on pretrial monitoring who received frequent alerts accusing them of going AWOL even though they were inside their homes. We also chronicled the tribulations of Jeremy “Mohawk” Johnson, who documented his two-year ordeal of repeated false electronic-monitor alerts while he awaited trial on charges stemming from a 2020 protest.

Since then, we have obtained data on hundreds of thousands of text messages sent to some 10,000 people who, like Shane, were in the home-monitoring program between January 1, 2020, and June 22, 2022. The data shows that Johnson’s experience was far from unique.

During that 18-month period, most people on electronic home monitoring got a text from Protocol about three times a month, on average. But a significant number of people were texted far more often. One thousand people on home monitoring were texted an average of three times a week. Thirty people received upwards of 20 texts per week. Twenty-two people got more than 1,000 texts, an average of two a day.

Tracey Harkins, a criminal attorney who often represents defendants who are on home monitoring, said that attorneys have no choice but to advise their clients to call Protocol every time they receive a text, and to film themselves to prove they’re at home. She added that her clients have told her that the call center sometimes doesn’t pick up. “They call and the phones keep ringing and no one answers,” she said.

What a nightmare, not to mention a complete mess.

* State law allows people confined on electronic monitoring to have two, eight-hour periods of movement per week for things like doctor appointments, grocery shopping or even taking the trash to the alley. They’re still tracked during that time because they have to wear ankle bracelets, but Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has interpreted the law to eliminate those time periods for people who already have a judge’s permission to work or go to school

Eddie Raymond needed to run to the store to grab some toilet paper on a January day this year. Under an Illinois law that had gone into effect at the start of the month, he was entitled to leave home at least two days a week to run such an errand — notwithstanding the GPS monitor affixed to his ankle that allowed the local sheriff’s office to track his every move. When Raymond contacted the sheriff’s call center to check in before leaving home, though, he was told that he didn’t have permission to go out that day. The explanation startled him.

“They said if you have work movement, you’re not supposed to get your essential days, because your essential days qualify for work,” recalled Raymond, who asked to be identified by a pseudonym to protect his privacy. “I told them that doesn’t make sense.”

Raymond had unknowingly run into a policy quietly implemented by Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart. He wasn’t getting his “essential days,” guaranteed by law, because he also had regularly scheduled permission to go to work.

* Yet, Sheriff Dart is taking a hardcore stance

“Our city is overwhelmed with violence and we’ve taken a group of people who are charged with violent offenses and saying ‘go out, we’re going to shut our eyes for two days just to see what happens,’” said Sheriff Tom Dart.

Defendants still wear their ankle monitors on their “free movement” days but their whereabouts are not tracked in real-time because the sheriff has no way to quickly sort through the legitimacy of “basic necessity” stops.

Advocates point to recent studies that have found the increased use of electronic monitoring is not a key driver of crime.

According to Chicago Appleseed, less than 2 percent of the people on EM were rearrested for Class 2+ felonies. A significant chunk of the 8.8 percent total rearrested were busted for previous warrants.

* Jordan Abudayyeh…

There is nothing in the act that prevents the Sheriff from tracking in real time those who are on electronic monitoring awaiting trial. The act clearly states the Sheriff “may promulgate rules that prescribe reasonable guidelines under which an electronic monitoring and home detention program shall operate.” The statute does not prohibit them from requiring more detail (date, time frame, location address) of where the person on electronic monitoring intends to go when granting movement. There is also nothing in the Act that says those on electronic monitoring cannot be tracked during these movements. Perhaps, instead of spreading misinformation, the Sheriff could focus on making sure his agency promulgates rules and secures the resources its needs to run an effective electronic monitoring program.

* More…

    * Cook County judges are violating the SAFE-T Act’s electronic monitoring reforms: For example, despite the new requirement that judges should review electronic monitoring every 60 days, many people are languishing on ankle monitors for months or even years, even though they have complied fully with all their obligations.

    * Law Professors Pushing Back on State’s Attorneys Proposal to Gut Pretrial Fairness Act: We are law professors and faculty from across Illinois, and we write to urge you to reject SB 4228, a SAFE-T Act trailer bill drafted by the Illinois State’s Attorney Association. This bill is a dangerous attempt to undercut the Pretrial Fairness Act and increase incarceration in Illinois. Under the Pretrial Fairness Act, individuals charged with serious crimes can already be detained if they pose a flight risk or risk to public safety. The provisions included in SB 4228 would dramatically increase the number of people in jail by granting prosecutors and judges broad discretion to lock up people who are accused of only minor offenses—people who do not pose a risk of any immediate harm to anyone. Moreover, SB 4228 violates the Illinois Constitution by creating a presumption of detention, and raises serious due process concerns. Ultimately, SB 4228 would incarcerate even more people without trial, exacerbate existing racial disparities in the Illinois criminal legal system, and subject more people and families to the severe harms associated with pretrial incarceration.

…Adding… Sheriff Dart’s office…

The only “misinformation” being promulgated comes from the Governor’s office, which signed a law without, apparently, a full understanding of the implications. There are currently more than 2,000 individuals who have been court-ordered to the Sheriff’s electronic monitoring program, and 75% of them are facing violent charges, including murder, attempted murders, aggravated criminal sexual assault, and gun-related offenses. On days that are not designated for free movement, the courts or the Sheriff’s Office approve movement for individuals based on where they are going and what they will be doing, and the Sheriff’s Office works to monitor them to make sure they are where they said they would be.

For example, if someone has approved movement to go from home to a grocery store and back home and we see the participant is five miles away in the opposite direction, we know they are likely not following the approved movement and our staff can investigate. This accountability helps to protect public safety, because it enables individuals on EM to perform tasks outside their home while serving as a deterrent against straying outside the areas they are approved to visit. With the imposition of the free movement this new law mandated, monitoring movement is impossible because there are no restrictions on where individuals can go during that time. The practical effect of free movement is that alerts about the whereabouts of individuals must be silenced and unmonitored during the hours that individuals are on free movement to avoid generating potentially millions of erroneous movement alerts each week.

It’s one thing to field criticism from advocates who have no obligation to promote public safety, but another thing entirely to hear such dismissive statements come from the state’s top elected official. Perhaps, instead of leveling snide accusations of misinformation at the Sheriff responsible for running the nation’s largest pre-trial electronic monitoring program, the Governor could focus on understanding the real challenges free movement presents, and the threat it poses to public safety. The Governor’s Office is invited to set up a time first thing Monday morning, or anytime that is convenient, to visit our Electronic Monitoring Unit so it can begin to understand the real-world effects this so-called reform has on public safety. We are confident that after educating themselves on the challenges this law has placed on our staff, the Governor’s Office will work tirelessly to provide the resources the Sheriff’s Office, as they said, “needs to run an effective electronic monitoring program.”



Question of the day

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Tribune

Illinois health leaders are pleading with parents to get their children vaccinated against the flu, which is increasingly spreading in the Chicago area and threatening to further stretch already-strained children’s hospitals.

“We expect the number of children needing care for these viruses to increase significantly over the next several weeks,” said Dr. Larry Kociolek, medical director of infection, prevention and control at Lurie Children’s, referring to respiratory illnesses and the flu at a news conference Thursday. “This raises concerns for us. This raises concerns for parents. … But there’s hope. We can prevent many of these infections.”

Children’s hospitals in the Chicago area and across the country have already been packed for months, thanks to earlier-than-usual surges of RSV, which stands for respiratory syncytial virus, and other respiratory illnesses. Those surges have led to longer ER waits, occasionally delayed surgeries and difficulty transferring pediatric patients between hospitals.

Only about 9% of pediatric intensive care unit beds in Illinois were available as of Thursday morning, and earlier this week, that figure was as low as 4%, said Dr. Sameer Vohra, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health.

* ABC 7 Chicago

Illinois Department of Public Health officials said not enough kids are getting flu shots this year, despite an early and widespread season.

IDPH said participation for kids under 5 dropped during the last two flu seasons amid the COVID pandemic.

“So far, we are seeing similar, not improved rates of Chicago children getting the flu vaccine this year compared to years prior,” said Chicago Department of Public Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jennifer Seo.

“You may not understand the risk your child has until you are in the ICU watching your child on a ventilator or planning a funeral for your child and thinking about things you could have done to prevent it,” said Dr. Larry Kociolek, Lurie Children’s Hospital Infectious Diseases medical director.

* The Center Square

An Illinois public health official is warning of a surge in flu cases this winter.

Chicago Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady said the flu picture has dramatically changed in the past week. She said the southeastern part of the country is getting hit and Illinois is not far behind.

Arwady advises to get a flu shot as soon as possible because it takes some time for the protection to kick in and she is concerned that it will spread as families gather for Thanksgiving.

* NBC 5

Health officials across the Chicago area are urging people to get vaccinated ahead of the colder weather, especially with cases of RSV and the flu rising.

“This ‘tripledemic’… what we’re calling it right now involves three viruses,” explained Dr. Geraldine Luna, medical director for the Chicago Department of Public Health.

Respiratory viruses such as the flu, RSV and COVID-19 are “spreading rapidly” across Illinois, the state’s Department of Public Health said earlier this week.

The question: Have you had or do you plan to get a flu shot this year? Explain.


McCombie talks about the difficulty of protecting moderate candidates from attacks by the “far right”

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* House Republican Leader in waiting Rep. Tony McCombie was interviewed today on WXAN

Q: I think the real challenge for Republicans in Illinois is that you have a very conservative voter base throughout the Republican districts of the state. Then when you run statewide, you have to also communicate effectively with people who are more in the center and running that gambit is difficult politically. And so you look over the horizon, like how Republicans can be successful and grow in terms of their numbers in the General Assembly. Is that gambit in your mind?

A: Absolutely. I think one of the things when you’re, I feel we are the party of the of the big tent. I see that. I believe it. I don’t believe that we as a Republican Party have to all agree. And just because we may disagree on an issue or a strategic way … We we always judge our folks, you know, and call each other RINOs and do all that, but it’s the American way. We should have some disagreements. I think that makes us better even within our own policy. So for me, I can still be who I am and totally respect to who my neighbor is.

And when I first got in there, we had folks more in the suburbs, we had folks that were actually pro choice. The difference with those folks is, they would never in a million years have voted to repeal parental notification. They would never have considered a bill that’s going to allow abortion up to nine months. So that’s the difference of the extremes. There’s folks in the suburb, there’s folks in Cook County that are conservative that want to put their names forward, but are kind of nervous to do so because they don’t want to be attacked by, for lack of a better term, the far right. And we have to be willing to listen to them, embrace them, speak to the common sense voters. And I look forward to messaging that because it’s going to be a challenge. We need to worry about talking about the issues in Illinois, especially with corruption, the high taxes, our education, serving our most vulnerable. We all have the same views, it’s just how do we get it and if we can get somebody to sit in a seat in the suburbs in a left-leaning district and there’s gonna be with the conservatives, you know, 90-95 percent of the time, Bravo, then we’ve done it, we’ve done the right thing. So I look forward to that challenge. And after this election, it’s a big, big challenge. […]

Q: And does that specifically mean tailoring a new message for Republicans in the suburbs?

A: I think it’s tailoring a new message for everyone around the state. Democrats in Illinois certainly didn’t win the cycle because they fixed all the problems, right? Look at crime, look at our economy, crushing tax bills, continued corruption that it seems like people don’t even pay attention to anymore. And that’s embarrassing to Illinois. And so we need to work on those issues, obviously. And we need to have a party that’s going to have candidates that will appeal to younger, independent, moderate and women voters. We’re out there and we just need to change the message to let people know that we’re with them. And we’re gonna do that by having plans, having messaging, working really hard.

What they need to figure out first is how to successfully shepherd moderate, pro-choice, pro gun regulation suburban candidates through the Republican primaries. And that also means somehow dealing with the bigtime contributors like Richard Uihlein, who despises “RINOs” and, if history is any guide, would likely step in to try to foil any such moderation plans.

By the way, any Republican candidate who would vote to reinstate parental notification is gonna get whacked with a broad brush by Personal PAC and the Democrats. Judy Baar Topinka was pro-choice except for that one exception, and she was painted as an anti-abortion extremist back in 2006 by a lousy governor whose chief fundraiser was indicted days before the election and who still won by more than 10 points. These are not by any means new issues, nor are they new obstacles.

Not easy. Don’t envy her at all.


Abortion providers worry about “escalation” in cross-border legal actions

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dan Hinkel at Illinois Answers Project

But the end of Roe v. Wade and the constitutional right to abortion has raised a question state lawmakers have yet to address: Can abortion’s opponents in other states sue or prosecute people in Illinois?

Legal scholars say that could be the new front in the battle over abortion, and courts ruling over an uncertain legal landscape may let plaintiffs and prosecutors reach across state lines.

It’s a concern for Dr. Colleen McNicholas, who performs abortions at a clinic along the Illinois border with Missouri, where abortion is banned. Physical and legal threats are not new for abortion providers, but McNicholas, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, said she is “expecting escalation,” possibly including cross-border legal actions. […]

Since the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe in June, other states have passed laws aimed at shielding patients and providers from those court actions. Illinois legislators are studying the issue but have not acted, and some legal scholars say that has left people here exposed.

The law is unsettled enough that courts could rule prosecutors can target out-of-state providers who perform abortions on people from their states if some element of the alleged crime happened in the prosecutor’s jurisdiction, law professors said. […]

California has put a law on the books that bars the enforcement of a court judgment coming from a state that allows lawsuits over abortions. This summer, Massachusetts enacted broad protections against lawsuits and prosecutions, including banning the governor from extraditing someone charged with an abortion-related offense in another state that would be legal in Massachusetts.

While interstate legal wars have yet to erupt, they could be on the way to Illinois. Missouri legislators this year considered but did not pass legislation letting private citizens sue out-of-state providers or others who aid a Missourian in getting an abortion. The Republican legislator who pushed the measure, Mary Elizabeth Coleman, has said her legislation was aimed at the Planned Parenthood clinic that operates just across the border in Illinois. […]

Illinois legislators have spent recent months in a working group studying their options for eventual bills. They’ve looked at laws in other states that aim to shield providers and patients from legal jeopardy and considered the way digital data collection could be used to monitor and punish those who seek abortions, Democratic legislators said.

Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, said this study process has been needed because enacting these laws is “not like flipping a switch.” She said the end of Roe showed her that those who favor abortion access have to be ready for new challenges. […]

The influx of patients to Illinois comes with new questions about interstate legal jeopardy that courts have not resolved, law professors said. The law is unsettled enough that courts could rule prosecutors can target out-of-state providers who perform abortions on people from their states if some element of the alleged crime happened in the prosecutor’s jurisdiction, law professors said.

Similarly, it’s unclear how successfully abortion opponents might be able to sue people in other states, legal experts said. Cohen, the Drexel University law professor, said out-of-state residents could sue over abortions performed in Illinois under existing wrongful death laws and potentially prevail.

“I’m not saying I would think that (lawsuit) should win but they could certainly try and a Missouri court could may agree with them,” he said.

The willingness of the Supreme Court to overturn the precedent of Roe means it’s hard to know what courts will allow, legal experts said. June Carbone, a University of Minnesota law professor, noted that even the effectiveness of new laws designed to shield abortion from legal attacks could be in question because those, too, would be subject to court challenges.

* More…


Ayala to retire at end of January

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

State Superintendent of Education Dr. Carmen Ayala has announced plans to retire at the end of her current contract, which concludes January 31st, 2023. Dr. Ayala has served as State Superintendent since early 2019, shepherding Illinois schools through COVID-19 and kickstarting their academic recovery – leading most recently to a decade-high in the state’s graduation rate. As the capstone of her nearly four-decade career in education, Ayala was the first woman and the first person of color to serve as permanent superintendent for the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).

“Dr. Ayala represents the highest level of dedication to public service, and over her long career she has positively impacted thousands of Illinois students,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Not only did Dr. Ayala’s steadfast leadership guide our schools through an unprecedented pandemic, but she also kick-started students’ academic recovery. Under her leadership, we’ve seen significant growth in high school graduation rates and other key educational metrics, a true testament to her hard work and dedication to Illinois students. I’m grateful for her service and wish her and her family all the best for a well-deserved retirement.”

Prior to her appointment as State Superintendent, Ayala served as superintendent of Berwyn North School District, assistant superintendent in Plainfield and Aurora East Districts, and as a classroom teacher in Aurora and in Chicago Public Schools. Ayala provided steadfast leadership for Illinois schools during COVID-19, overseeing an unprecedented shift to virtual and socially distanced learning.

During Ayala’s time at ISBE, the state recorded its highest high school graduation rate since reporting began in 2011, driven by increased graduation rates for Black and Hispanic students under Ayala’s equity-focused leadership. ISBE also saw educator retention and diversity increase during her tenure. Ayala also shepherded the development and implementation of the 2020-2023 ISBE Strategic Plan and the creation of the Equity Journey Continuum, which helps school districts identify gaps in students’ access to opportunities, resources, and supports.

Ayala is a graduate of Mundelein College, Dominican University, and Loyola University of Chicago with undergraduate, masters of business administration, and doctorate in educational leadership and policy degrees. She previously served as an executive board member on the Latino Policy Forum, where she championed equitable funding and increased resources for English Learners. Dr. Ayala has held positions on numerous boards and committees, including the Illinois State Board of Education Bilingual Advisory Council, Illinois Women in Educational Leadership, Illinois Resource Center, and the Illinois Professional Review Panel for Evidence-Based Funding.


…Adding… These Awake IL people are so ridiculously melodramatic and, well, other things…


*** UPDATED x1 *** Morning briefing

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* A fresh start…

* Here’s a quick roundup to start your day…

* More to come!

*** UPDATE *** More…


Open thread

Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Happy Friday!


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Friday, Nov 18, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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