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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I explained to a friend the other day that the reason I yell “Oscar boy!” the way I do when I want my dog to come is because of this song. And now my friend walks around singing the song at a very high decibel level. It’s hilarious

If you don’t bring that seltzer
I’m goin’ tell Mister Meltzer on you

* And since it’s been a bit, here’s Oscar with another friend of ours a few days ago…

Oscar loves him some Herb.

Have a good weekend.

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Appellate court strikes down Chicago FOP’s vax lawsuit

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* First District Illinois Appellate Court

This case stems from the City of Chicago (City)’s implementation of a policy, announced on August 25, 2021, requiring city employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This policy extended to the sworn police officers who are members of the plaintiff labor organizations. The parties involved were all subject to collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), and the plaintiffs filed grievances before an arbitrator after the City refused to bargain to agreement or impasse about the terms and effects of the City’s vaccination policy. The arbitrator found that the City was authorized to unilaterally implement the policy under a management rights clause included in each of the CBAs, and the circuit court denied the plaintiffs’ motion to vacate that arbitration award on the basis that it was against public policy. On appeal, the plaintiffs argue they have identified several well-defined and dominant public policies that require us to overturn the arbitrator’s award. For the following reasons, we disagree, and affirm the judgment of the circuit court. […]

Because the Unions have failed to identify any well-defined and dominant public policy that is implicated by this arbitration award, the public-policy exception does not apply.

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Campaign notebook

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois early vote totals…

* Chicago early vote totals…

The most up-to-date Early Vote and Vote By Mail totals in Chicago, night of Thursday, November 3, 2022.

The Early Vote total stands at 93,416 ballots cast.

Additionally, 89,208 Vote By Mail ballots have been returned to the Board – total VBM applications stands at 210,033.

The grand total is 182,624 ballots cast so far in Chicago for the November 8th General Election.


As of June 24, 2022 (4 days out from the 6/28/22 Primary Election): 81,139 ballots cast

As of October 29, 2020 (4 days out from the 11/3/20 Presidential Election): 657,325 ballots cast

As of November 1, 2018 (4 days out from the 11/6/18 General Election): 193,754 ballots cast

Chicago, with 21 percent of the population, is still at just 17 percent of the total.

* Roll Call

Races shifting toward Republicans

• Illinois’ 13th District (Open; Rodney Davis, R, lost primary), from Lean Democratic to Tilt Democratic
• Illinois’ 17th District (Open; Cheri Bustos, D, retiring), from Tilt Democratic to Toss-up

* Sen. Darren Bailey was asked today what specifically he would do differently about K-12 education that what’s currently being done

Well day one agenda is to fire the entire State Board of Education and replace them with common sense people, because the State Board of Education has failed our children. Number two, I served on a school board for 17 years, I will make sure that parents’ voices are heard at the local level and I will make sure that local school boards respond to the concerns and the voices of the parents.

* ILGOP press release…

Yesterday, ILGOP Chairman Don Tracy joined suburban Republican leaders to speak out against the behavior of State Representative Jonathan Carroll in the wake of continued allegations:

“We would hope the Democratic leadership at the state, Congressional District, Township and Precinct level would share the belief with us that these allegations — which by the way were revealed far too late to be of political advantage to Republican candidate Rory Welch — need to be addressed expeditiously so that voters who have not yet gone to the polls can hear them, hear both sides and make their judgments in the voting booth. The time is now to demand this from Carroll; waiting until after the election would show callous disregard to the electorate we are supposed to serve,” said the 17 GOP leaders in their statement .

Most recently a former staffer of Carroll’s, Elly Fawcett-Neal filed a complaint with the Inspector General last month claiming that Carroll’s chief of staff pressured her to get an abortion . She was later fired.

Springfield Lobbyist Tiffany Elking claims that Carroll called her and threatened to thwart the legislative agenda of the PAC she represented unless her client Jay Edelson dropped an objection to a class action settlement where Carrol’s ex-wife served as co-counsel.

Further, he has been accused by his ex-wife in a sworn court filing of “refus[ing] to meaningfully financially contribute toward the support of his two minor children since the parties’ separation in October 2021.”

“These allegations detail potentially illegal behavior and reprehensible treatment of women. State Rep Carroll must immediately answer in detail each allegation publicly. If he fails to do that, he should immediately resign his seat and suspend his campaign.”

* Hoan Huynh is the Democratic nominee in the 13th Illinois State Representative District…


* Isabel’s roundup…

    * Washington Post | A total lunar eclipse will turn the moon blood red on Election Day: Hours before citizens across the country cast their votes in a contentious midterm election, a sinister red moon will loom in the sky. The last total lunar eclipse of 2022 is set to stain the moon red during the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Residents across both coasts will be able to watch the spectacle for just under 90 minutes.

    * Daily Herald | What’s fiction, what’s fact about the SAFE-T Act and the elimination of cash bail: There’s not a hotter topic on the campaign trail in Illinois, or in law enforcement circles nationwide, than the SAFE-T Act, the sweeping criminal justice reform package that will eliminate cash bail starting Jan. 1. And with all that heat has come plenty of confusion and misinformation about what’s really in the bill and what it means for you.

    * Sun-Times | Beware of fake ‘newspapers’ packaged as the old-school real deal : Alarmingly, those disseminating false information have gotten wiser, learning how to relay their problematic narratives in packaging that can potentially confuse even the most discerning readers. Take the case of right-wing “newspapers” that have been infiltrating the mailboxes of Chicago area voters as we head into next week’s mid-term elections, as the Sun-Times’ Lynn Sweet reports.

    * Tribune | J.B. Pritzker, conquerer of worlds? The memeing of the Illinois governor gets weird: Among the lesser discussed subjects of the 2022 midterm elections has been a quiet campaign to elect J.B. Pritzker to the position of Great Khan of the Midwest and — well, who knows what the borders of his empire shall resemble once he conquers? As you’re probably aware, Pritzker is currently governor of Illinois, seeking a second term. He has made no formal announcement of his intent to deliver a horde into battle and crush Wisconsin or anywhere else. But that has not stopped Nomadic Warriors for Pritzker.

    * Crain’s | Thanks to early voting and vote-by-mail, 1 million ballots have been cast so far in Illinois: Just under 12% of Illinois’ registered voters—roughly one in eight—have already cast a ballot in the 2022 general election, according to the latest report from the State Board of Elections. Voting continues to be particularly peppy in portions of the suburbs while relatively light in Chicago proper, although the city has picked up some, too.

    * Daily Herald | Wheeler, Hanson vie to represent the redrawn 83rd state House distric : Voters in the redrawn state House 83rd District Tuesday will choose between someone who has been a legislator for the past eight years or a former Kane County Board member. Republican Keith Wheeler of Oswego, the Republican, has been in the state legislature since 2015. He currently represents the 50th District.

    * David Orr | Election deniers in Illinois are putting pressure on voting access. We can’t let them succeed. : Election officials across the country are bracing for possible disruption by extremist groups planning “aggressive poll watching.” They’re also resigning in large numbers in the face of harassment, threats and bogus charges of fraud — constituting a major loss of badly needed professionalism and experience and, in many cases, an opening for those who want to dictate election results of their own liking. On a smaller scale so far, similar efforts are afoot in Illinois, purportedly to promote “election integrity” but actually aimed at undermining confidence in our elections. WBEZ-FM 91.5 has reported on a coordinated campaign of “copycat letters from conspiracy theorists” going to county clerks across the state, threatening lawsuits and citing vague “evidence” that “America has not had a free or fair election since 2017.”

    * Illinois Times | 2022 Elections: When there is so much confusion in this nation’s politics, when misinformation itself is on the ballot and election deniers campaign for election, it is more important than ever to vote. A vote is an endorsement of the process, and marks each voter as a participant in a system under attack. If the process thrives this time, confusion and misinformation will eventually be defeated, and democracy will win this election.

    * Illinois Times | Much confusion over Amendment 1: Some people have taken to calling it the stealth amendment: an effort to amend the Illinois Constitution in a manner that will benefit organized labor. But just how it would work and what exactly it would do has many folks scratching their heads. Amendment 1, which voters will decide Nov. 8, would amend the state constitution to make it easier for labor unions to maintain membership and to protect benefits of workers who are mostly employed by local and state governments.

    * WICA | Candidates compete for position as Illinois’ chief financial officer: Comptroller Susana Mendoza is running for re-election against Republican challenger Shannon Teresi. A recent Nexstar, Emerson College and The Hill poll shows about 49% of likely voters said they would support Mendoza, while about 36% said they would back Teresi.

    * Sun-Times | With tensions high ahead of Tuesday’s election, top cop says there’s ‘no threats specific to Chicago’: Last month, federal authorities issued advisories warning about threats to both election workers and voters. A poll conducted in March by the Brennan Center, a nonprofit law and public policy institute headquartered in New York City, found that nearly 17% of poll workers reported being threatened. But on Friday, Chicago Police Supt. David Brown assured reporters there weren’t any “threats specific to Chicago,” adding that his department’s social media team continues to monitor for anything alarming.

    * AP | US Employers Are Hiring Briskly Even In Face of Rate Hikes: America’s employers kept hiring vigorously in October, adding 261,000 positions, a sign that as Election Day nears, the economy remains a picture of solid job growth and painful inflation. Friday’s report from the government showed that hiring was brisk across industries last month, though the overall gain declined from 315,000 in September. The unemployment rate rose from a five-decade low of 3.5% to a still-healthy 3.7%.

    * WTTW | Cook, DuPage County Boards With Tight Races Up For Grabs Next Week: There’s real competition in DuPage County where there’s an open seat for DuPage County Board chair. Republican Dan Cronin has chaired the DuPage County Board for the past dozen years, but he is not running for re-election, making it an open seat that Democrats hope to claim for the first time. State Representative Deb Conroy of Elmhurst says all 58 chairs of the DuPage County Board have been Republican men and it’s time to change that.

    * WBEZ | Five commonly asked questions about judicial elections: While the candidates listed on this section of the ballot might be more obscure, the decisions that judges make have a direct impact on people’s lives, including who might get custody of the children in a divorce and whether someone is sent to prison. So as part of our ongoing collaboration with Injustice Watch, we’re answering your last-minute questions about how judicial elections work and where you can find more information about the candidates on the upcoming ballot.

    * Daily Herald | Why three suburban congressional races have been among the hottest in the state: In the 6th District, 11th District and 14th District, Republican challengers are trying to unseat Democratic incumbents. The races have been costly, with most of the campaigns raising and spending millions to share their messages with voters through TV ads and other means. The three races also have been fairly messy, with the candidates — or their teams and supporters — trying to discredit their rivals in interviews, speeches, news releases and social media posts.

    * Herald Review | Crime, SAFE-T Act top focuses in race for the 96th: In sum, 60 House members voted in favor of the act, 50 voted in opposition, and three did not vote. Scherer’s was thus one of the deciding votes effectively passing the bill. Now, the Decatur Democrat is about to face a challenger who says it was Scherer’s SAFE-T Act vote that helped convince her to run. Lisa Smith, a political newcomer who ardently opposes the act, argues it will lead to multiple unintended consequences.

    * NPR | Why aren’t more moms running for office? One group is hoping to change that: This year, there are a record number of women who are nominees in races for governor and state legislatures, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. Women — even more so those with young children — are still in the minority, Vote Mama’s research shows. This is despite the proven political power of mothers, University of Virginia a politics professor Jennifer Lawless said.

    * ABC 7 | Evanston residents to vote on ranked choice voting referendum in 2022 election: It’s called ranked choice voting. “Rank Choice Voting can make our politics more democratic and less divisive,” said Alisa Kaplan, Reform for Illinois executive director. “It’s great for voters because they can choose more than one candidate.”

    * The Hill | Large majority says they are concerned about political violence: Majorities of every political persuasion are “very concerned” about the phenomenon, including 75 percent of Democrats, 61 percent of independents and 56 percent of Republicans. Most Democrats and Republicans say that the opposite party is to blame for political violence, with 31 percent of those polled claiming that Republicans are responsible and 25 percent saying Democrats are responsible.


Report reveals 16 energy plants in Illinois with coal-ash dumps contaminating groundwater

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* The State Journal-Register

City Water, Light & Power’s Dallman power plant is among 16 plants in Illinois with coal-ash dumps that are contaminating groundwater at dangerous levels, according to a new report.

Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and Earthjustice, two environmental nonprofits, released, “Poisonous Coverup: The Widespread Failure of the Power Industry to Clean Up Coal Ash Dumps,” which evaluated sites across the country. An analysis of groundwater monitors found Dallman responsible for arsenic in the groundwater at 14 times safe levels and boron at 10 times safe levels.

The worst site in Illinois is the Southern Illinois Power Cooperative Marion Power Plant in Marion, where groundwater monitors found cobalt in the groundwater at 63 times safe levels, thallium at 46 times safe levels and arsenic at five times safe levels.

Kincaid Power Plant in Christian County had two times the safe level of boron, the report concluded.

* The Energy News Network

The 2015 rules clearly state that coal ash cannot be permanently stored in contact with groundwater. Nonetheless, companies are planning to close about 200 such facilities with the ash left in place in unlined pits where it is known to be in contact with groundwater, according to the Earthjustice-Environmental Integrity Project analysis. Environmental groups argue that the law clearly indicates ash in such pits must be removed.

This is of particular concern since private drinking water wells draw from groundwater and are rarely tested for health and safety unless residents take such expensive testing upon themselves.( An interactive map produced by Northwestern University for the Energy News Network shows coal ash repositories and density of drinking water wells.) For example, Joliet, Illinois residents worry about contamination from coal ash stored in nearby Lincoln Stone Quarry and wonder whether to believe owner NRG’s promises that past problems have been remedied by pumps that change the groundwater flow.

“The problem is the pollution is largely invisible — if coal ash contaminants like arsenic and thallium are in your drinking water, you won’t see them, you won’t taste them,” Evans said. “It’s often undetected until it’s too late.”

Coal ash has been shown to be contaminating drinking water wells at at least 15 sites nationwide, including Town of Pines, Indiana, and Lansing, Michigan. In some cases, companies have provided residents with bottled water or paid to connect them to municipal water systems. North Carolina’s state coal ash law mandates that wells near coal ash repositories be tested and that almost all coal ash be removed to lined landfills.

* Indy Star

There are compliance failures at 16 leaking ash disposal sites across Indiana, according to the report. It is tied with Illinois for having the most problem pits, the report shows. […]

The federal coal ash rule was established in 2015 to reduce groundwater pollution from coal-fired power plants across the country. It came after two coal ash disasters in the previous decade in North Carolina and Tennessee that spilled millions of tons of coal ash.

The Obama administration passed the Coal Combustions Residual, or CCR rule, the first to regulate the storage and disposal of coal ash.

The Trump administration then weakened that rule in 2020, allowing utilities to take longer to comply with pollution reduction guidelines and making said guidelines less stringent. The Biden administration is strengthening that rule again.

* Circle of Blue reported on how mine cleanup is weakened by the decline of coal in October

In August of 1977, when the nation’s coal mine cleanup law went into effect, it reflected the market’s optimism. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act allowed the states to hold a bond to pay for cleanups if the mining company couldn’t. Lawmakers figured that bankruptcies would be few and far between. To enforce cleanup, the law allowed states to revoke mining permits, a prized commodity.

Forty-five years later, coal is in free fall. Here in the Illinois basin — which straddles the Ohio River in parts of Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky — one-third of the region’s coal is sold to power plants set to retire in the next decade. Every few weeks, another mine is idled or shut down. The threat of revoking permits no longer holds the force it once did.

The mine cleanup law, however, no longer reflects current conditions. It is still built for the industry’s roaring ‘70s. The issue boils down to the fact that the government is not collecting enough money to pay for cleanup.

At the moment, some of those costs are falling indirectly onto taxpayers, as environmental obligations are unloaded during bankruptcy restructuring. Between 2012 and 2017, four major companies — including Peabody energy, the world’s largest coal company, which produces 20 percent of the coal in Illinois — shed more than $5 billion owed for environmental cleanup, and health care for retired workers. 


*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Heckuva job, Elon…

* The Question: Have you ever been hacked? Tell us what happened.

*** UPDATE *** She got her account back…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Today’s clickbait

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some folks received this text…

Click the link and it goes here


Are you getting many campaign texts this season? Seems like I’ve received more than in the past.


Can this AI generator predict our tweets?

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* I’ve been playing around with a new AI tweet generator this morning

Input any Twitter account and watch the AI write like them.

* @DarrenBaileyIL…

* @JBPritzker…

* @RepKellyCassidy…

* @JohnAmdor…

* @CapitolFax…

* @DanProft…

* @ThomasDeVore76…

Play around with it yourself and tell us the results.


Woman featured in Proft ad will respond to “malicious” Pritzker TV spot

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ABC7 back in March

The family of a murdered Chicago Police officer is calling out Governor JB Pritzker as the parole board comes under renewed criticism over prisoner releases.

“I think Governor Pritzker has blood on his hands for releasing these inmates,” said Jean Cable, the niece of a murdered police officer. […]

Cabel still incensed more than a year after the Illinois Prisoner Review Board released convicted cop killer Johnny Veal. He was sent to prison for 100-300 years for the 1970 Cabrini-Green sniper killing of her uncle, Police Sgt. James Severin, and his partner Anthony Rizzato. […]

“What’s going on with the Illinois parole board? I don’t like it. I don’t know what they’re doing,” Cabel added.

* Dan Proft’s PAC released a TV ad about the case the other day

“My message to the governor,” Cabel says in the ad, “would be ’shame on you.’”

* Pritzker rebutted with his own TV ad

The Proft spot is called an “outrageous TV ad that should insult us all.” The ad points out that the governor cannot parole anyone and the announcer states “the [Proft] ad is 100 percent false.”

* Proft’s PAC today…

There will be a virtual PRESS CONFERENCE at 11AM CT Today hosted by People Who Play By The Rules PAC with JEAN CABEL, the niece of slain Chicago Police Officer Sgt. James Severin, to respond to a malicious commercial recently put out by sitting Illinois Governor JB Pritzker that attacked Cabel’s character. […]

Pritzker’s ad in essence calls the niece of Sgt. James Severin a liar, claiming that everything in her ad with PBR PAC is “100% false.”

In reality, everything in our ad is 100% true.

After a brief statement she will take questions from the media.

Our original ad with Jean Cabel:

At press time, the Pritzker campaign has not made their ad available on their public YouTube channel, not surprisingly, but we have it and will play it at the press conference.

I got the Pritzker ad from Proft’s PAC. Isabel will be covering the press conference, so stay tuned for any updates.

…Adding… Ms. Cabel at the press conference

The truth is that Governor Pritzker is directly responsible for the composition and integrity of his Prisoner Review Board. As a family member of a Chicago police officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1970, I have spent my entire adult life maintaining his honor and working tirelessly alongside with both families to keep two convicted cop killers in prison. My family and the family of Anthony Rizzato have been fighting this horrific battle for 40 years. My recent involvement in a political ad only stated that truth. The family of Jim Severin and Tony Rizzato have been associated with eight cooperative Governors of the state of Illinois all the way back to Governor Ogilvie. These governors understood what the judge was trying to say to future generations with a sentence of 100 to 300 years. This all stopped when JB Pritzker was put in office in 2019.

The governor’s office says that the case had “only one other parole hearing in 2014. We checked the file and there are not letters from previous governors in it.”


*** UPDATED x3 *** Tribune claims possible evidence of alleged illegal coordination

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune story is here. From DPI…

For months, the People Who Play By The Rules PAC, run by one-time failed candidate and Florida resident Dan Proft, has been running ads funded by Dick Uihlein to support Darren Bailey’s run for governor. By law, PACs cannot coordinate with individual campaigns, but new reporting sheds light on Proft and Bailey’s relationship that begs the question: What is Dan Proft doing for the Bailey campaign and why?

Read highlights from The Chicago Tribune’s bombshell story below.

    • The political committee is an independent expenditure PAC and, by law, is not supposed to coordinate its spending activities with Bailey’s campaign. But the apparent efforts by Proft — who also co-hosts a conservative radio show for which Bailey has been a frequent guest — to try to intercede in a potential legal matter involving Bailey indicate he may be playing a larger role than previously acknowledged.

    • Proft also is involved in political mailers disguised as newspapers that have been sent to thousands of homes across the state, disseminating disinformation to disparage Pritzker. In 2016, a similar mailing effort funded by a former Proft independent expenditure PAC was cited by the Illinois State Board of Elections for illegal coordination with candidates.

    • An internal dispute between Republican governor candidate Darren Bailey’s campaign and a recently departed Bailey political worker has raised questions about the level of involvement the conservative leader of a Bailey-aligned political action committee has had with the Bailey campaign.

    • During those negotiations, Proft weighed in, apparently in an effort to quash the filing of a possible lawsuit in the matter that could become public and hurt Bailey’s chances.

    • Asked to clarify, the campaign did not respond.

With hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans already casting their ballots and thousands more headed to the polls this weekend, Darren Bailey’s campaign must answer about his relationship with Dan Proft. With just four days to go, voters deserve to know: Why did Bailey fire Brett Corrigan and why was Dan Proft involved in an internal HR dispute?

* This is an odd story all around

Corrigan declined to comment and referred all questions to his attorney, Scott Kaspar of Orland Park. Kaspar said Corrigan attended Bailey’s private Full Armor Christian Academy in downstate Louisville, Illinois, and lived with Bailey’s family on their farm in nearby Xenia. Corrigan on the campaign trail served largely as a “body man” for the Republican governor candidate, who is also a state senator, closely following Bailey at events and assisting Bailey as he needed. Since June 2021, state campaign finance records show, he was paid $18,861 by Bailey’s campaign.

But around mid-September, Corrigan left Bailey’s campaign — whether he was fired or left on his own is a matter of dispute, his attorney said. Corrigan now serves a similar role for GOP attorney general candidate Tom DeVore, whose campaign Corrigan joined almost immediately after leaving Bailey’s.

In an interview, DeVore said he was aware of a dispute between Corrigan and Bailey’s campaign and that the two sides were trying to reconcile their differences. DeVore had no comment when asked about any involvement by Proft.

The penalty appears to be a fine.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Pritzker campaign…

The best read of the law suggests the State Board of Elections could impose a fine of as much as $28,083,000 on the [Proft] PAC should they find a violation. We haven’t found examples of fines that large, but that amount should be possible under the IE statute, as described in more detail below.

If an independent expenditure committee (in this case, People Who Play By The Rules PAC) makes a contribution to candidate committee, the State Board of Elections assesses a fine on the committee equal to the amount of any contribution received in the preceding 2 years by the independent expenditure committee that exceeded the limits a [normal, non-independent] PAC may accept in an election cycle. 10 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/9-8.6(d). For background, a normal PAC in IL may accept $12,000 per year from individuals, $24,000 per year from corporations, unions, or associations, $59,900 per year from candidate committees, $24,000 per year from party committees, and $59,900 per year from other PACS. Id. 5/9-8.5; see also IL State Board of Elections, Contribution Limits Per Election Cycle (Jan. 1, 2021), So, any contribution the PAC received in excess of those limits could be imposed against them as a fine in the event of a violation.

Because PACs may accept $12,000 per year from individuals, the excess of any individual contribution over $12k will count towards the fine. 10 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/9-8.5; see also IL State Board of Elections, Contribution Limits Per Election Cycle (Jan. 1, 2021),

Since the People Who Play By The Rules PAC was formed in March 2022, it has reported $28,095,000 in contributions from Richard Uihlein—which is $28,083,000 above the limit Uihlein could give to a normal PAC as an individual. See generally People Who Play By The Rules PAC, Committee Details, (last visited Nov. 4, 2022). Should the State Board of Elections find that the PAC illegality coordinated with the Bailey Campaign, its fine could therefore exceed $28 million.

A $28 million fine? Whew.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The Democratic Party of Illinois has filed a complaint with the State Board of Elections, according to the Tribune, and the Dems have revised the possible penalty upwards to $42 million…

We’ve updated the figures to include all of Uihlein’s contributions to the PAC, including the one on the October A-1. Based on all contributions, the fine could exceed $42 million. Revised version below.

he best read of the law suggests the State Board of Elections could impose a fine of as much as $42,018,000 on the PAC should they find a violation. We haven’t found examples of fines that large, but that amount should be possible under the IE statute, as described in more detail below.

If an independent expenditure committee (in this case, People Who Play By The Rules PAC) makes a contribution to candidate committee, the State Board of Elections assesses a fine on the committee equal to the amount of any contribution received in the preceding 2 years by the independent expenditure committee that exceeded the limits a [normal, non-independent] PAC may accept in an election cycle. 10 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/9-8.6(d). For background, a normal PAC in IL may accept $12,000 per year from individuals, $24,000 per year from corporations, unions, or associations, $59,900 per year from candidate committees, $24,000 per year from party committees, and $59,900 per year from other PACS. Id. 5/9-8.5; see also IL State Board of Elections, Contribution Limits Per Election Cycle (Jan. 1, 2021), So, any contribution the PAC received in excess of those limits could be imposed against them as a fine in the event of a violation.

Because PACs may accept $12,000 per year from individuals, the excess of any individual contribution over $12k will count towards the fine. 10 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/9-8.5; see also IL State Board of Elections, Contribution Limits Per Election Cycle (Jan. 1, 2021),

Since the People Who Play By The Rules PAC was formed in March 2022, it has reported $42,018,000 in contributions from Richard Uihlein—which is $42,006,000 above the limit Uihlein could give to a normal PAC as an individual. See generally People Who Play By The Rules PAC, Committee Details, (last visited Nov. 4, 2022). Should the State Board of Elections find that the PAC illegality coordinated with the Bailey Campaign, its fine could therefore exceed $42 million.

*** UPDATE 3 *** From DPI’s filed complaint

Mr. Proft has consistently acted in “cooperation, consultation, or concert” with the Bailey Campaign. The examples are endless. For example, Mr. Proft co-hosts a conservative radio show in which Mr. Bailey has been a frequent guest. In one instance, Mr. Proft talks about the millions he has spent supporting the Bailey Campaign, with Mr. Bailey on the line, saying that he “supported Darren Bailey through the super PAC that I run in the primary. And I’m supporting him through the super PAC that I run into the general too.”

From the Bailey campaign’s statement to the Tribune

“The campaign hasn’t spoken to Dan since their general election efforts started,” Bailey campaign spokesman Joe DeBose said in a text

That answer begs the question about what the campaign did with Proft during the primary.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Now he belongs to the ages

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The original ad is here. From the HuffPost

Jimmy Kimmel spotted a pretty unusual political ad that was made for a candidate in Illinois but that’s getting attention far beyond the state’s borders for an unexpected endorsement.

It’s “not a major name,” Kimmel noted. “But a really good one.”

That name? Dick Bigger Jr., a farmer featured in a spot for Susana Mendoza, a Democrat seeking reelection as state comptroller.

* Full video is here, but this is a short clip

Kimmel should’ve used some of the outtakes.

* Longtime readers will remember Tim Nieukirk, who ran for governor in 2006 as a write-in. We profiled the “Get Nieuked” campaign’s YouTube “ads” on the blog and Fox News eventually did a piece on him. He even showed up for my bipartisan preelection party. I’ve invited Dick Bigger Jr. to this year’s event.

Tim’s first spot

“Ricky, get off my Trans Am!” still makes me chuckle. And “In bed with…” remains a classic.

Tim is getting married soon, by the way.

*** UPDATE *** Stephen Colbert also did a bit on it and he used some of the outtakes

Thanks to a commenter for providing the link.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Happy Friday! Talk amongst yourselves but keep it about Illinois, please!


Morning briefing

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Democrats give big bucks to IL17 Eric Sorensen, IL13 Nikki Budzinski, IL6 Sean Casten and IL14 Lauren Underwood…

* A roundup to start your day…

More to come!


Live coverage

Friday, Nov 4, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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* Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to today's edition
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Pritzker faced a tough crowd
* Energy Storage Can Minimize Price Spikes
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Fundraiser list
* Question of the day
* Illinois Statehouse gets spooky for Halloween
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