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Friday evening updates: New maps aren’t as Dem as earlier portrayed; Lipinski eyes comeback on first draft maps; Vaccinated Catanzara muzzled by judge

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you can see, these districts aren’t nearly as Democratic leaning as they were portrayed by some folks last night. Several close or even lean-GOP districts were declared Democratic. Ignore presidential results and focus more on races like the 2018 attorney general contest…

* Also, keep in mind that these maps are first drafts. So, while Lipinski might like what he sees now, things could look a whole lot different by the end of this process in two weeks…

* On to another topic

Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s high-stakes standoff with the police union over the city’s vaccine mandate landed in court Friday, with a judge doing what the mayor could not — temporarily silencing Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara.

Circuit Judge Cecilia Horan granted the city’s request for an injunction, but only to the extent that Catanzara be precluded — at least until the next hearing Oct. 25 — from making any further YouTube videos or otherwise using social media platforms to encourage his members to defy the city’s mandate to enter their vaccine status on the city’s data portal.

Horan rejected as “unenforcible” the city’s request that FOP members be enjoined from engaging in a “concerted refusal” to submit their vaccine status information or comply with the policy.

Also rejected was the city’s request that Catanzara be ordered to “retract or disavow” his previous statements encouraging his members to ignore the city’s order.

“A restraining order is designed to be preventative. It’s not designed to remedy past harms,” Horan said.

* This is so often the case

“What’s truly extraordinary is they want to silence somebody who is the elected president of the union,” said D’Alba, who in the course of the hearing noted that Catanzara himself is vaccinated.

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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m really looking forward to seeing y’all in town next week. For now, though, Adele will play us out with her latest

But I can’t bring myself to swim

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - HDem money update

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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IDPH will follow new CDC recommendations on school-associated outbreaks

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to adopt the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists’ (CSTE) guidance for PreK-12 school-associated outbreaks. Previously, CDC recommended that two cases associated with a school would constitute an outbreak. The new national recommendation that Illinois is adopting defines a school outbreak as either (1) multiple cases comprising at least 10% of students, teachers, or staff within a core group or (2) at least three cases within a specified core group. A core group means only those individuals who were together during an exposure period. For example, this could be limited to a classroom, a sports team, before/after school care, performing arts, or other groups and likely does not apply to the entire school population.

More information about school outbreaks, exclusion, guidance, and Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the IDPH website on a new COVID-19 Youth and School Resources page, including youth vaccination rates by county, youth cases over time, and youth emergency department visits.

“In an effort to more confidently establish whether transmission of COVID-19 occurred in school versus another location, IDPH is following CDC’s recommendations and adopting Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists’ guidance, which updates what is considered to be a school-associated outbreak,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. “This change in criteria will continue to identify outbreaks and help prevent further spread, but also help rule out outbreaks that are not associated with the school.”

To be considered part of an outbreak in a school, cases must meet the criteria for a probable or confirmed school-associated case with a positive test result, or the start of symptoms within 14 days of each other. These individuals are identified to be close contacts with each other while in the school setting and not another setting outside of school. The cases must also be epidemiologically linked to the school setting or extracurricular activity, meaning they were at the same place at the same time.

Masks continue to be required to be worn in schools by students, staff, and visitors to help protect the health of those in schools and prevent further transmission in the community among vulnerable populations.

More information about the importance of using layered prevention strategies, including universal masking, to stop the spread and minimize disruptions to school operations for safe in-person education can be found in three new studies. These studies found that school districts without a universal masking policy in place were more likely to have COVID-19 outbreaks. Nationwide, counties without masking requirements saw the number of pediatric COVID-19 cases increase nearly twice as quickly during this same period. Masking also helps keep students in school. In Illinois, a student who was within 3-6 feet of a case in a classroom setting is not considered a close contact if both the case and close contact were consistently masked for the entire exposure period.

IDPH recommends vaccination for individuals 12 years and older, including students. School personnel are required to be fully vaccinated or tested at least weekly for COVID-19, per Executive Order.

IDPH has also teamed up with SHIELD Illinois to provide free COVID-19 testing to all K-12 public schools across Illinois outside of Chicago. As an alternative to exclusion from school, unvaccinated students and staff who have been identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case now have the option of a Test-to-Stay protocol, as long as both the case and contact were masked during the exposure. Close contacts must be tested on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after exposure. As long as close contacts remain negative, they are allowed to remain in school. Participation in weekly screening testing at school is strongly encouraged as an added layered mitigation strategy and to support implementation of Test-to-Stay.

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Partisan analysis of newly proposed districts

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Which Republican who is not already in the race would you like to see run for governor? Explain.


COVID-19 roundup

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

Six nurses employed by Riverside Healthcare in Kankakee have filed a lawsuit against the hospital over their right to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, citing the state’s Health Care Right of Conscience Act.

The Liberty Justice Center, a national nonprofit law firm, is representing the nurses. The nurses have religious beliefs they say conflict with getting the vaccine, Liberty Justice Center attorney Daniel Suhr said. […]

“At Liberty Justice Center, our job is to fight against overreach and protect people’s rights,” Suhr said. “This is not only overreach, it is wrong and it is illegal.” […]

Panozzo, a nurse practitioner for over 24 years at Riverside, said her faith is the reason for her decision.

“I have dedicated my life to living out my faith by serving my patients,” Panozzo said in a statement. “I believe I am called to love and serve my patients especially those who are frail and vulnerable, I am also following my faith teaching when I say I can not accept this vaccine.”

I just can’t understand someone who would not only knowingly work around “frail and vulnerable” people without being vaccinated against a disease that could kill her charges, but would put up a legal fight to do so.

* Effingham Daily News

A temporary restraining order that allowed three Teutopolis students to attend classes without masks has been vacated by the Chief Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, Douglas L. Jarman.

“Since the judge vacated the order, it requires masking for all students in the school district as per Executive Order No. 24 from the governor,” said Unit 50 Superintendent Matt Sturgeon.

Scroll down

DeVore said in a telephone interview Thursday that he plans to transfer the Teutopolis case out of Effingham County to Macoupin County early next week. He said the Effingham County case would be transferred along with similar cases in Clinton and Montgomery counties to Macoupin County, where he currently has an existing case.

I’m not sure how he plans to pull off that transfer, but it’s part of a wider effort…

Sommer Stuehlmeye, a parent said she and a group of Unit 5 parents are raising funds to be considered for representation from Thomas DeVore, a lawyer who has successfully restored two Illinois school districts to regular status after a court dispute with the Illinois State Board of Education. […]

Who exactly is taking this case?

Stuehlmeye said she and the other Unit 5 parents linked up with a website called ‘Speak for Students.’

“It is a website that is an avenue to hire Tom DeVore, is his name the attorney, he’s been successful in some school districts south of us in the exact same thing as what we’re trying to do. Were raising funds to be considered by him. The funds would hire him, but we have to raise the funds before we can be considered,.for him to take on our case for the freedom of choice for parents. We’ve gone through this website and we need a certain number of parent representatives, or plaintiffs, to move forward,” said Stuehlmeye. […]

Stuehlmeye said the community has to raise the funds before they can submit a request for counsel on ‘Speak for Students.‘ […]

It costs $5,324 dollars. Right now the group of Unit 5 parents are at about $2,300.

* Cook County Record

The possibility of natural immunity to COVID acquired by prior infection shouldn’t allow a group of Naperville firefighters to escape COVID vaccine and testing mandates, lawyers for Gov. JB Pritzker has argued in new court filings.

Further, the governor asserted state and local COVID vaccine and testing orders don’t violate the firefighters’ constitutional rights, as they claim.

“Even if all of the Plaintiffs (Naperville firefighters) did previously contract COVID-19, … the level of immunity can vary based on viral load and the severity of the infection,” lawyers for Pritzker wrote. “If Plaintiffs’ infections were early in the pandemic, then their immunity may have waned and vaccination is necessary to boost their immune response. If their cases were mild, then they may not have any immunity at all.

“Considering the nature of Plaintiffs’ jobs, they not only are at a higher risk of either infection or reinfection, but there is a higher risk that they will spread the disease as well.”

* More from the filing

Moreover, one month before the Governor issued EO 2021-22, this very district court mandated that its employees be vaccinated, or otherwise get tested twice a week. As Chief Judge Pallmeyer stated when announcing the Northern District’s vaccination requirement, “COVID-19 vaccinations are the very best available line of defense against this virus. Many of us work directly with the public, and all of us have a responsibility not only to one another, but also to the members of our community who come before us.”

Emphasis in original.

* NBC 5

Gov. J.B. Pritzker said it remains too early to give an indication of when he might lift Illinois’ indoor mask requirement, even as state COVID-19 metrics continue to dip.

Though the state’s test positivity rate is down to 2.5%, Pritzker said health officials must consider all metrics, in addition to other factors.

Pritzker cited rising cases in other states, including nearby Minnesota and Michigan, as well as current hospitalizations here in Illinois, where 1,500 people are in the hospital with coronavirus.

“If you go look at the hospitalizations — the new hospitalizations, as well as the ones that are, you know, existing in total — they are not dropping at the rate that they were dropping even a couple of weeks ago,” Pritzker said Thursday at an unrelated news conference while answering reporter questions. “So I’m concerned about that.”

OK, yesterday, there were 1,550 people in the hospital. Two weeks earlier, 1,744 were hospitalized (11 percent reduction). Two weeks before that, 1,962 were hospitalized (11 percent reduction). And two weeks before that, 2,305 were in the hospital (15 percent reduction).

I mean, I get why he doesn’t want to lift the mask mandate while some states to the north of us are surging again because he’ll only have to reimpose it, but it’s still a steady decrease.

* On to those aforementioned states…

We talked about that state earlier this week

Intensive care units are nearing capacity and health care workers are in short supply in Minnesota, as coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths all reach levels not seen since vaccines became widely available.

All of the state’s counties are at high risk for community transmission, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. New daily cases have risen by 29 percent in the last two weeks and hospitalizations by 17 percent, according to a New York Times database.

While a monthslong increase driven by the Delta virus variant is waning in much of the country, Minnesota is just one of several Upper Midwestern and Mountain West states where the virus is surging. Cases are up and hospitals have been overwhelmed in North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, all of which have low vaccination rates. Some areas have had to ration care and send patients to distant hospitals for treatment.

The Minnesota Department of Health said the state’s surge is overwhelming hospitals, with rural and metropolitan areas equally stretched.

Google is your friend, Amy.

* Related…

* The Great Resignation Is Accelerating: A lasting effect of this pandemic will be a revolution in worker expectations.

* Chicago police union also heads to court over vaccine mandate, hours after city sues FOP over threats to ignore today’s reporting deadline

* COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on police, but suburban departments avoid vaccine mandates: “We are not requiring (Palatine Police Department) employees to be vaccinated because we are under no mandate to require it,” Palatine Chief David Daigle said. It was the same refrain elsewhere. Police departments and sheriff’s offices from Lake County to Bloomingdale to St. Charles are leaving the vaccine decision up to individual officers.


The Tribune takes a look at Jesse Sullivan’s background

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is just a taste of a very well-researched and clearly written story by Rick Pearson. Lots of stuff in here, so go read it

In launching his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor, 37-year-old political unknown Jesse Sullivan has touted his background as a venture capitalist as a key pillar of his campaign.

But public records show the entity Sullivan has described as a “venture capital firm,” Alter Global, was created in February 2016 as a tax-exempt charity. Alter Global made limited financial investments and was heavily dependent on cryptocurrency for its funding.

It wasn’t until January of last year that Sullivan created a more traditional for-profit venture capital firm, the similarly named Alter Global LLC, with more than two dozen investments, largely in developing countries, none in Illinois.

“I’ve been a venture capitalist. The other one I would not list as venture capital,” Sullivan said of his initial Alter Global nonprofit venture. “I’d list it as an entrepreneurial support organization, nonprofit.”


Billionaire governor and spouse reported just $2.2 million in federally taxable personal income last year

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s campaign…

Attached are the state and federal tax return summaries for JB and MK Pritzker for 2020.

    According to the information provided by the trustees, in 2020, trusts benefitting JB Pritzker paid $16.3 million in Illinois taxes and $69.6 million in federal taxes.

    JB and MK Pritzker made $2.8 million in personal charitable donations last year.

They never disclose much of anything about the trusts, so we have to take their word for it.

Anyway, click here to see what they are willing to disclose.

…Adding… Good stuff here…


15,669 new cases over the past week; 54 percent of all Illinoisans fully vaxed; 1,500 hospitalized; 341 in ICU; 2.5 percent test positivity rate

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 15,669 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 184 additional deaths since reporting last Friday, October 8, 2021. Of Illinois’ total population, 69% has received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and 54% of Illinois’ total population is fully vaccinated.

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 1,665,777 cases, including 25,407 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Since reporting on Friday, October 8, 2021, laboratories have reported 780,699 specimens for a total of 33,718,807. As of last night, 1,500 individuals in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 341 patients were in the ICU and 172 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from October 8-14, 2021 is 2.0%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from October 8-14, 2021 is 2.5%.

A total of 14,994,065 vaccines have been administered in Illinois as of last midnight. The seven-day rolling average of vaccines administered daily is 27,051 doses. Since reporting on Friday, October 8, 2021, 189,357 doses were reported administered in Illinois.

*All data are provisional and will change. Additional information and COVID-19 data can be found at

Vaccination is the key to ending this pandemic. To find a COVID-19 vaccination location near you, go to

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*** UPDATED x5 *** New congressional maps released

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The House and Senate Redistricting Committees have released a proposed map of new congressional boundaries designed to comply with federal law and ensure the broad diversity of the state is reflected in the elected officials sent to represent Illinois in Washington D.C.

The release of this draft comes after a series of public House and Senate hearings held across the state intended to collect as much input and testimony as possible. The proposal can be viewed at and The public is encouraged to provide feedback during additional hearings that will begin next week.

“This proposal is an excellent first draft that amplifies diverse voices and gives every person in our state a say in government,” said Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez, D-Cicero, Chairperson of the House Redistricting Committee. “I look forward to ongoing discussion with members of the public, advocacy groups, and community organizations as we continue this effort to ensure our congressional boundaries reflect the diversity of this great state.”

“Population changes over the last decade meant many of the current districts were unbalanced. This proposed map is an effort to ensure every community across our state receives fair and equal representation in Washington,” said Sen. Elgie Sims, Vice Chair of the Senate Redistricting Committee. “We thank those who have taken time to participate in this process and look forward to receiving continued feedback from voices across Illinois.”

Finalized hearings for the House and Senate are as follows:

    · House Hearing: Wednesday, October 20 at 9:00 a.m. at the Illinois State Capitol, Room 114
    · Senate Hearing: Wednesday, October 20 at 2 p.m. at the Illinois State Capitol, Room 212 (Virtual Hearing – participants may testify at the hearing location or via Zoom)

Additional hearing information will be forthcoming as dates and locations are finalized. These will be hybrid hearings with the opportunity for in-person and virtual testimony. Those wishing to provide testimony, submit electronic testimony or submit electronic witness slips can do so in advance of the hearing via the General Assembly website or through email at and The General Assembly is expected to vote on new congressional boundaries by the end of the scheduled fall veto session.

Demographics are here. As expected, there’s only one Latino district.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Democrat Marie Newman and Republican Adam Kinzinger are in the same district (CD3).

*** UPDATE 2 *** Republicans Mary Miller and Darin LaHood are in the same district (CD16).

Also, US Rep. Robin Kelly’s district now goes south to… Ashkum in Iroquois County, and even further west it goes south past Fairbury in Livingston County.

…Adding… ILGOP…

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy released the following statement in response to Democrats unveiling their proposed congressional redistricting map:

“Illinois Democrats, led by Governor JB Pritzker, have made it clear that they are willing to disenfranchise Illinois voters and break repeated campaign promises to do the bidding of Nancy Pelosi and DC power brokers. Call this new Illinois map the Nancy Pelosi Protection Plan. It’s appalling that fair representation, keeping communities of interest together, and transparency in the mapmaking process in Illinois all had to take a back seat to the demands of national politics. No one has done more to degrade the Democratic process here in Illinois and add to the issue of hyper-polarization of elected representatives than JB Pritzker.”

…Adding… Durkin…

Below is a statement from House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) on the recently released Illinois Congressional maps:

“In another insult to Illinois voters, Democrats drew more partisan maps to benefit their incumbent politicians and protect Nancy Pelosi’s failing majority.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** You can view this map as a series of messages to some Democrats and Democratic constituencies. For instance, the message to Newman seems to be: You have a choice between running against Kinzinger with relatively few Chicago precincts or you can represent a Latino district. I’m told Newman made huge demands and was generally uncooperative.

…Adding… Kinzinger…

Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) released the following statement after Illinois Democrats in Springfield released their proposal for the state’s congressional map:

“I have proudly served six terms in the U.S. House and it has been an honor to do so. Following the release of the new congressional maps for Illinois, my team and I will spend some time looking them over and reviewing all of the options, including those outside the House.

“This redistricting process has been anything but transparent, which comes as no surprise to anyone. I believe the people of Illinois deserve better.”

*** UPDATE 4 *** Rodney Davis currently lives in what will be the 15th District, which does not appear to lean Democratic, despite what some other outlets are reporting. Tribune

The map would put Republican U.S. Reps. Rodney Davis of Taylorville and Mike Bost of Murphysboro into their own districts, though Davis’ district would lean Democratic.


Davis’ district would be converted into a skinny Democratic-tilting district in which he might have a difficult time winning re-election.

Both of those articles appear to claim he’s in the 13th CD. Nope. Click here to look up Davis’ home address, then click here and input that address into the map search and see for yourself.

…Adding… Leader McConchie…

“This week, the Speaker’s Office confirmed that the Governor’s Office was a part of drawing the gerrymandered maps released today,” said Illinois Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods). “There is truly nothing you can trust about this Administration anymore. It is a sad day for democracy in Illinois.”

…Adding… Rodney Davis…

As expected, our lying Governor teamed up with state Democrats to draw a shameful, partisan gerrymander in a desperate attempt to keep Nancy Pelosi in power. This proposed map, along with this entire redistricting process, is a complete joke. It’s clear Governor Pritzker and the Democrats will stoop to any low if it means they can keep their corrupt system going.

…Adding… US Rep. LaHood…

When I served in the Illinois State Senate, I was proud to support a Fair Maps redistricting process because Illinoisans have made it clear that they are tired of politicians picking their voters. Illinois Democrats and Governor Pritzker have shown with their proposed map that they care more about doing the bidding of Nancy Pelosi than giving Illinois voters fair representation in Washington. The proposed maps are a slap in the face to good governance everywhere. Illinois voters deserve much better than this non-transparent, corrupt process.

…Adding… A very unhappy Democratic incumbent…

Representative Marie Newman (IL-03) released the following statement in response to the Illinois congressional map proposal that was released today:

“While our team continues to review the draft congressional map that was released earlier today, it is abundantly apparent that what has currently been proposed for Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District is not only retrogressive but substantially diminishes the diverse and progressive voices of Chicago’s Southwest Side and suburbs. I know that IL-03’s constituents will ensure their voices are heard loud and clear at these public hearings over the coming days.”

“I look forward to continuing to represent the constituents of Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District.”


*** UPDATED x1 - ILGOP gloats *** ILGOP actually raised more federal/state/local cash than DPI during third quarter

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

The Democratic Party of Illinois’ third-quarter fundraising numbers aren’t remarkable for their size: The party raised a total of $286,000 during the July-through-September period. What is impressive is where the money came from.

Without sharing data (the party hadn’t yet filed with the Federal Election Commission), DPI executive director Abby Witt said “numerous donors” have given to the Democratic Party “for the very first time” and from across the state — 65 cities total.

“The party is charting a new course that includes more people, more voices and a renewed commitment to serving all Democrats across our state,” she told Playbook.

Over the three-month period, the party raised $186,00 in federal funding, Witt said. The party raised about $100,000 in local funding and in-kind donations, not a particularly remarkable number though Democrats are putting a positive spin on it given local fundraising didn’t start until halfway through the quarter.

DPI’s state report showed the party raised just $65K in cash during the quarter. The other $35K came in the form of in-kind IT services contributions from several individuals at a data company in Delaware.

* The Illinois Republican Party reported raising $75K in cash during the quarter, but reported no in-kinds. Two years ago, DPI reported raising $334K in cash and the ILGOP raised $36K.

…Adding… ILGOP spokesperson Joe Hackler points out that the Republican Party also outraised DPI on the federal level, pulling in $223K to the Democrats’ $186K. Hilarious.

Also, the state DPI committee transferred $70K to its federal committee, but I’m not sure if that was double-counted above or not.

* Back to the story

Party chair Robin Kelly, who is not allowed to raise money personally for local races because she is a member of Congress, has established a separate fundraising committee within the party to focus on those contests. “Building Leadership, Unity, and Equity,” or BLUE, was started midway through the quarter in late August, so it’s still too early to analyze whether the fundraising mechanism is working.

Witt says BLUE is now funding support services that Democrats statewide can utilize, including data services, communications programs (that list Democratic accomplishments and talking points to counter Republicans) and helping individuals run their campaigns.

“These are the changes people wanted to see in their state party and this is just the beginning,” she said.


*** UPDATE *** Heh…

After bringing in a record haul last quarter, the Illinois Republican Party will report raising more than the Democratic Party of Illinois for the second quarter in a row. The ILGOP raised a combined $297,977 between our state and federal accounts. Despite some fuzzy math, the DPI was still only able to report raising roughly $286,000 total for this quarter.

“It’s safe to say Democrats in Illinois are in complete disarray with a state party in shambles, lacking leadership and vision. It could not be more clear that momentum is on the Republican side heading into 2022. The people of Illinois are fed up with a state government ran into the ground by corrupt and incompetent Democrats. Our fundraising strength is a testament to that momentum. We can’t thank every donor enough in partnering with the ILGOP in saving Illinois.” - ILGOP Spokesman Joe Hackler


Harmon’s chief of staff Jake Butcher recovering from “mild” breakthrough case

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Illinois Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) announced Friday that Chief of Staff Jake Butcher is recovering from a mild breakthrough case of COVID-19.

Butcher experienced symptoms earlier this week. He immediately self-isolated and sought testing. Contact tracing was implemented upon receiving the result.

Butcher was vaccinated this spring.

Harmon, who had a mild breakthrough case in August, reminded the public to remain vigilant against virus.

“I encourage everyone to get vaccinated but to also continue to take safety precautions and not let their guard down as we try to get back to normal,” Harmon said.

…Adding… Click here for the Senate’s veto session protocols.


Today’s must-read

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It is, indeed, a well-written piece…

Click here.


Pritzker quietly extends vax deadline during union negotiations while Lightfoot seeks injunction against the FOP

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I was told by the governor’s office this morning that the deadline for the state’s congregate-setting workers to receive their first vaccine dose has been extended to October 26, from October 14 (and that date was also an extension). “Negotiations are going well,” a Pritzker official said about the talks with AFSCME and the Teamsters. Here’s WICS

Thursday marked the deadline for all state workers in congregate care facilities, like prisons and veterans homes, in Illinois to receive at least their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31, or AFSCME, said they are still in negotiations with the state about the implementation of the governors vaccine mandate for congregate care workers and without an agreement, they say the deadline really means nothing to them. […]

According to employment lawyer Carl Draper, the governor and his departments are well within their rights to start punishing employees who are not vaccinated by the deadlines.

* Meanwhile, things aren’t nearly as professionally cordial in Chicago. FOP President John Catanzara took to YouTube yesterday to advise his members that the city had blinked and said they should refuse any direct order from superiors to disclose their vaccine status

Apparently, the city blinked a little bit here and backtracked. Everybody will be getting paid come midnight tomorrow night. You will not be sent home from work. They are saying you still have to respond to the order by midnight tomorrow night or be subjected to possible discipline in the future, whatever that may be, whenever they determine.

The new thing seems to be that they are going to have supervisors give direct orders to enter information in the portal. I’m telling you right now. It is an improper order. It is illegal. It is the same as the mayor telling you. You have to refuse that order.

* Sun-Times

“As you might imagine, it’s gonna take us a little bit of time to make sure that we’ve got information correct. And we want to make sure that we’re reaching out to people who appear not to be in compliance to determine if that’s, in fact, so,” Lightfoot told a news conference after Thursday’s City Council meeting.

“We want to do belt-and-suspenders on this and give people the benefit of the doubt. But, once we understand that people have not complied with the simple request to say yes or no or that I’m going to take the testing options, then, yes, we will be moving forward and putting people into no-pay status.”

Lightfoot hedged when asked how long it might take for City Hall to check and double-check.

“It’s not gonna be weeks. But it’s not gonna be Saturday or Sunday. It’s gonna take us … a couple of days to make sure that we’ve got the information correct… I don’t think that process will be complete over the weekend,” she said.

* And the city has asked for an injunction against the FOP. Friday morning press release from Mayor Lori Lightfoot…

Yesterday, at my direction the City of Chicago’s law department filed a Complaint for Injunctive Relief against the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 and its President John Catanzara for engaging in, supporting, and encouraging a work stoppage or strike.

As Chicago’s Mayor, I cannot and will not stand idly by while the rhetoric of conspiracy theorists threatens the health and safety of Chicago’s residents and first responders. President Catanzara has time and again deliberately misled our police officers by lying about the requirements of the policy and falsely claiming that there will be no repercussions if officers are insubordinate and refuse to follow a City and Department directive or order. Notably Catanzara has urged officers to reject the City’s vaccine policy and has repeatedly instructed police officers to refuse to comply with the City’s lawful directive which requires all City employees to report their COVID 19 vaccination status by October 15. By doing so, and by predicting that 50% or more officers will violate their oaths and not report for duty, Catanzara is encouraging an unlawful strike and work stoppage which carries the potential to undermine public safety and expose our residents to irreparable harm, particularly during an ongoing pandemic.

This action is brought pursuant to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act and Illinois common law which prohibits sworn officers from engaging in a strike. Additionally, the City and the FOP are parties to a collective bargaining agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of employment including Article 5 which includes a No Strike Commitment.


Open thread

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hiya.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Friday, Oct 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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Lynn Sweet: New congressional map will give Dems 14-3 advantage

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Lynn Sweet

A draft of the proposed new 17-district lllinois congressional map will be released on Friday, several Democratic [US] House incumbents were told on Thursday by representatives of Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Illinois Senate President Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, and House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Hillside. […]

The Chicago Sun-Times has learned the new congressional map, based on the 2020 Census, will be drawn to favor voters electing Democrats in 14 districts leaving only 3 where Republicans can easily win.

The current map, based on the 2010 Census has Illinois sending 13 Democrats and 5 Republicans to Congress.

There is only one Hispanic district on the proposed map, which must be approved by the Illinois General Assembly. There was a push to create two. The number of Black Districts will remain at three.

…Adding… SJ-R

Republicans said Thursday that Democrats are trying to tip local courts in their favor through the once-every-10-years redistricting process and taking actions to bypass Illinois House and Senate committees in the creation of new congressional district maps for the state.

Democratic lawmakers were vague in their responses to the GOP complaints, or they sidestepped or refused to answer the questions, as Tuesday’s kickoff to this month’s six-day veto session approaches.

Democrats who control the General Assembly have said they plan to use the veto session, scheduled for Oct. 19-21 and Oct. 26-28, to approve new district maps for Illinois’ U.S. House districts, and new maps for current judicial subdistricts. […]

State Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield, Republican spokesman on the House Redistricting Committee, said at a hearing in Springfield that he is concerned Democrats are considering creating new judicial subcircuits in downstate areas such as those covering Sangamon, Peoria and Champaign counties. No subcircuits currently exist in those areas.

…Adding… Republicans mad!…


Question of the day

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this earlier in the week…

House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch is excited to announce that more than 500 resumes were collected at the first ever Open House Job Fair held at the Illinois State Capitol on Tuesday. Multiple applications were submitted for each of the open positions and interviews are in the process of being scheduled.

“This job fair was all about attracting the best and the brightest, but it was also about opening our doors to those who may not have always felt like they had a place working in Illinois government and politics,” said Speaker Welch. “I’ve fought hard for diversity and equity inclusion my entire career and that is something I’ll continue to advocate for in my position as Speaker. I want to thank the staff that made this event possible and worked hard to ensure a diverse group of qualified job seekers from across this state applied for these open positions.”

Nearly 100 applicants attended the in-person event at the Capitol, traveling from all corners of the state. They were able to meet with Speaker Welch and other members of the House Democratic staff. Applicants ranged in age from young college students to retirees looking to reenter the workforce. In addition to the in-person event, 100 people registered for the virtual option.

“We’re a growing staff and it’s important that we are doing everything we can to recruit a diverse staff that reflects our state and can help our caucus and our office take the work we’re doing out to the next level,” said Tiffany Moy, Chief of Staff. “There is nowhere else in this state where you can get the experience that you will get working on House Democratic Staff. You come out of this experience with a skillset that nobody else in this state, nobody else in this country has, and that’s invaluable.”

* The Question: Should all legislative staff hiring be done as openly as this? Why or why not?


Rep./Mayor Thaddeus Jones accused of bullying… again

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ted Slowik at the Daily Southtown

Political bullying may be the reason Calumet City citizens and taxpayers have been denied access to their public library for nearly a week, and no one seems willing or able to put a stop to it.

The library remained closed Wednesday, five days after Mayor Thaddeus Jones ordered it shut down.

Jones, who also is a state lawmaker, is developing a reputation for demanding loyalty and exacting revenge upon those who dare stand up to him. He previously was accused of bullying City Clerk Nyota Figgs and creating a hostile workplace for his fellow elected official.

Jones dispatched three loyalists from the city Public Works Department to the library Friday to serve as muscle and supervise the removal of patrons and employees from the premises, according to two witnesses.

Jones said in a cockamamie statement issued Friday he shut down the library due to alleged corruption. He falsely claimed in the statement he appointed a new library board when he was sworn in as mayor May 1 and asked the new board to order a forensic audit at that time.

Quite a lot in there, so go read the rest.

* Slowik in July

Nyota Figgs, the elected city clerk of Calumet City, said she feels city hall is such a hostile workplace she can no longer go into the office.

Figgs said she feels harassed to the extent that she is working remotely in a public park across the street from the municipal center, 204 Pulaski Road.

“I’m basically protesting the bullying I feel and the intimidation and retaliation I feel,” Figgs said Wednesday. “I almost get a physical reaction going into the office.”

She has been working in the park for about three weeks, she said. About a dozen people stopped by Wednesday morning to show support.

“I believe the way she is being treated by this administration is disrespectful,” 6th Ward Ald. James Patton said. “It’s not right.”

Figgs claims newly elected Mayor Thaddeus Jones has sidelined her by reassigning her staff to a newly appointed city administrator and stripping her of duties and responsibilities.

* Meanwhile…

Today City Clerk and Collector of Calumet City, Nyota Figgs (“Clerk Figgs”), through her attorneys, The Royko Group, LLC, filed a complaint against Calumet City Mayor and State Representative Thaddeus Jones because of his interference in the performance of her job as City Clerk.

Figgs allegations include the fact that Jones has interfered repeatedly with her ability to do her job including locking her out of her office, blocking her access to the financial software for her office, and preventing her from answering questions directed to her at City Council meetings.

In recent weeks, Jones’s harassment of City Clerk Figgs has escalated. He “hired” someone to act as office manager for the City Clerk’s office. Clerk Figgs was not consulted about this hire and does not have any idea what he is doing in the Clerk’s office. He has removed records and boxes from the office and has also prevented the Clerk from doing her job.

Despite the bullying and interference, Clerk Figgs has attempted to continue performing the duties for which she was elected by the taxpayers. However, Jones has created such a hostile work environment that Figgs has been forced out of her office and has had to start working in the park across the street from City Hall.

Clerk Figgs is seeking injunctive relief to restore her duties for which she was elected to perform. Clerk Nyota Figgs, as elected to the office of City Clerk for Calumet City, is entitled to serve as City Clerk and Collector and perform all such acts and duties that are statutorily directed to those offices by the Calumet City Municipal Code. She is seeking to have all her duties and authority reinstated.

The complaint is here.

…Adding… Press release…

Today, one day after Calumet City Clerk Nyota Figgs was forced to file a lawsuit against Calumet City Mayor and State Representative Thaddeus Jones for repeatedly interfering with her ability to do her job including locking her out of her office, blocking her access to the financial software for her office, and preventing her from answering questions directed to her at City Council meetings, Figgs has discovered that Mayor Jones is using her electronic signature to sign documents without her knowledge or consent.

Clerk Figgs said in a letter to the Calumet City Attorney Mike Kasper, “Attached are business licenses signed LIVE by the mayor and my electronic signature is used. My electronic signature is in the system because I used it in the past administration at one time. However, for almost 2 years, I have signed licenses with a wet signature. This has been the practice under the Jones administration as well.”

Figgs continued, “Before my duties began to be usurped by the City Administrator & the office manager (who was improperly installed in the Clerk’s office by the Mayor) The mayor and I both signed the licenses with a live wet signature. For the past few months, I have not even seen any business license applications. I have not issued any business licenses. I have no idea of any new licenses, renewals, or the process of business license issuance. I recently became aware there are now “temporary licenses” issued without my signature by this administration.”

“Today staff attempted to seal the attached Business Licenses with my electronic signature. This is illegal and unethical. Why would this administration, and the mayor generate a Business License, sign it LIVE and then go into the system to use my electronic signature?”asked Figgs. “No one has asked me to sign anything!!! Here again is an attempt to take over my office, statutory duties, and even my RIGHT to sign my name! The audacity of an elected person with state and legal knowledge to do such a thing. This action lacks integrity for anyone. Who should do such a thing?

Figgs continued by asking why would the administration think she would be ok with signing without reviewing documents? How would she know if applications were submitted correctly? How would she know if other departments signed off appropriately?

Figgs went on to ask City Attorney Kasper why the Thaddeus Jones administration thinks that it is ok to override, disregard, and misuse an elected official’s signature? Is it because they have been able to do whatever they like without consequence and repercussions?

“This is a travesty. Please also defend me as the City Clerk in my position to rightfully do my job and sign my name on documents I approve,” pleaded Clerk Figgs.

Figgs went on to ask and state the following:


* I will be signing all documents in person.

* IT must remove my electronic signature from the system so it cannot be used.

* A letter to employees including the city administrator and office manager must be issued immediately instructing them not to use my signature WITHOUT MY CONSENT.
* Please send confirmation that you receive this communication and have acted on above requests.

According to Clerk Figgs, “ This is all disheartening, just yesterday the mayor accused me of illegally destroying records (in an email you all read) before his administration. He is also conducting a forensic audit. But he uses my signature on documents I have not seen. In addition, they were going to apply the city seal to these documents with my signature to authenticate. I wonder what else my signature has been used for without my knowledge? Accusations toward me and my office have been casually advertised and that same person authorizes the use of my signature? I do not trust this administration. I do not believe because of the current environment the mayor’s and his administration’s actions will, advocate, or perform in the best interest of myself or my office.”

She continued, “This is why elected offices have separate powers, rules, regulations, and employees. Now let’s think about that staff member who knew I wouldn’t approve something but was executing a directive. This environment is a breeding ground for corruption, bullying, intimidation, and a single authority- a dictatorship.”

Lastly Figgs told Attorney Kasper, “I will NOT be returning the licenses, I will hold them as proof. I am willing, able, and available to sign. Please reprint, sign, and send them to me with the application (as the ordinance states) and I will gladly sign them for execution to move things forward.”

“City Attorney Kasper, I know you will perform in a manner that protects ALL elected officials in the city and not just the mayor,” Figgs concluded.


Timuel Black

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here and read it all. A remarkably extraordinary life. RIP.


Pritzker preparing huge incentive package for electric-vehicle manufacturing industry

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Gov. J.B. Pritkzer is making a huge bet on the electric-vehicle manufacturing industry, unveiling an incentive package worth hundreds of millions of dollars that may be the largest in state history.

Included are a wide range of tax breaks, from payroll credits and exemption from utility and some sales taxes to assistance with job training and favored treatment in obtaining government permits and road construction funds.

Pritzker wants the much-anticipated package approved in the General Assembly’s two-week fall veto session, which opens next Tuesday, Oct. 19. […]

The proposal, to be introduced in bill form in the next few days, is the product of months of discussions with industry leaders and, more recently, legislative leaders including state House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch and state Senate President Don Harmon. The latter haven’t yet committed, but, “They understand the timing” after Ford Motors last announced billions of dollars in electric-vehicle facilities in Tennessee and Kentucky, facilities which received hundreds of millions of dollars in incentives from each state, Manar said.

Go read the whole thing.

* More from Crain’s

Five universities and a pair of Chicago-area ventures have won state grants to help develop high-quality lab space for biotechnology and pharmaceutical research under a new incentive program created by Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration.

The state’s Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity today will announce the recipients that will collectively receive $15.4 million to build or renovate such lab spaces, a move it hopes will help address a lack of research space in the region that for years has led early-stage life sciences companies to defect to other, more mature research markets as they grow.


The Ferrero candy plant in southwest Bloomington will soon get its chocolate next door, rather than from across the globe. Ferrero officials held a ceremonial groundbreaking Wednesday on its first chocolate processing facility in North America.

Construction has already begun and is expected to be completed in early 2023.

Ferrero North America President and Chief Business Officer Todd Siwak said it’s more efficient to make the chocolate in Bloomington instead of shipping it from Europe. […]

Ferrero is taking advantage of several tax incentives, including a sales tax break on building materials. McLean County and several other taxing bodies agreed to expand an enterprise zone to include the new facility. […]

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) runs the enterprise zone program to boost growth in economically depressed areas. DCEO acting director Sylvia Garcia said new training programs in manufacturing will help develop a workforce for these jobs. That includes the new manufacturing training academy at Heartland Community College.

* AP

More than 10,000 Deere & Co. workers went on strike Thursday, the first major walkout at the agricultural machinery giant in more than three decades.

The union had said its members would walk off the job if no deal has been reached by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday. The vast majority of the union rejected a contract offer earlier this week that would have delivered 5% raises to some workers and 6% raises to others at the Illinois company known for its green tractors. […]

Earlier this year, another group of UAW-represented workers went on strike at a Volvo Trucks plant in Virginia and wound up with better pay and lower-cost health benefits after rejecting three tentative contract offers.

The contracts under negotiation covered 14 Deere plants across the United States, including seven in Iowa, four in Illinois and one each in Kansas, Colorado and Georgia.

* More…

* In rare move, ComEd taps outsider as new CEO: Gil Quiniones, who runs the New York Power Authority, will have the challenging task of restoring the utility’s tarnished reputation.

* CEO move signals East Coast HQ for Exelon spinoff: Joe Dominguez, the ComEd boss tapped two weeks ago to run Exelon’s power-plant business slated to become a standalone company, has relocated from the Chicago area to the East Coast.

* The Deere strike from the picket line

* Metra fares hold steady for 2022 but budget shortfall looms as ridership stagnates

* Passenger train service out of Chicago could get major expansion under federal concept

* Walgreens to invest $5.2 billion in Chicago-based VillageMD, taking majority ownership stake


Campaign roundup

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This came in over the transom today and I thought it was post-worthy. Jesse Sullivan’s gubernatorial campaign website has had four different descriptions of his time in Afghanistan

September 8: “I led a Human Terrain Team in counterinsurgency operations in the deadliest district of Afghanistan as part of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.”

September 11: “I led a Human Terrain Team in counterinsurgency operations in the deadliest district of Afghanistan.”

September 21: “I led a Human Terrain Team as a DOD civilian in counterinsurgency operations in the deadliest district of Afghanistan.”

October 8: “I served as a Human Terrain Team Analyst on counterinsurgency operations in Helmand Afghanistan.”

* Lynn Sweet

[US Rep. Adam Kinzinger], the best-known Republican in Illinois, is also the most vulnerable because he and U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., are the leading Republicans in Congress willing to speak out against former President Donald Trump’s lies, election denials and embrace of conspiracy theories. While being a national leader of the non-Trump wing of the GOP has raised his profile and fundraising ability, it also means it will be very difficult for him to win a GOP primary for a House seat in Illinois — no matter what the new Democratic-designed map looks like.

For the third quarter — covering July, August and September — Kinzinger raised $957,177 for his two political committees, the Sun-Times has learned. He took in $562,355 for his reelection war chest and $394,822 for his Future First Leadership PAC, used to bankroll his “Country First” drive to build a movement to break Trump’s grip on the Republican Party.

Kinzinger has $3.3 million cash on hand just for his reelection campaign. What is noteworthy about the haul is that Kinzinger raised the cash mainly through direct mail and digital appeals — not big events with headliners. That is a sign of strength.

What will Kinzinger do? He’d like to stay in the House. “His intention is to run,” said spokeswoman Maura Gillespie, who added, “We’ll have to see what the map shows, and then we can review his options.”

* Speaking of the former president

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday predicted that Republican voters will sit out the 2022 and 2024 elections if the GOP doesn’t somehow manage to reverse the results of the election he lost in 2020. […]

“If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ’24,” the former president wrote. “It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do”.


* Press release…

Today, organizer, activist, and nationally-recognized gun-violence-prevention advocate Kina Collins announced that her campaign for Congress raised over $100,000, marking the second consecutive quarter in which the progressive challenger outraised the 25-year incumbent Rep. Danny Davis in the IL-07 primary. Last quarter, Collins more than doubled Davis’ fundraising haul.

The announcement comes on the heels of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent trip to Chicago to help boost Davis’ floundering campaign, and after the Congressman attracted controversy for saying R. Kelly would be “welcomed back into Chicago” as a “gifted” artist after the singer was found guilty on charges relating to racketeering and child sexual abuse.

“Despite fundraising visits by Democratic leadership, our campaign outraised our corporate-backed opponent for the second quarter in a row,” said Kina Collins. “Unlike my opponent, I didn’t take a dime from Big Pharma or Big Oil. We are proving definitively here in IL-07 that people power is stronger than any political machine. I’m grateful for all the small-dollar donors who know that we don’t just need more Democrats in Congress, we need better Democrats. Thanks to them, we’re ready to win this race.”

We’ll see what happens when Davis kicks it into gear - or if.

* Press release…

Illinois Veterans for Change Chicago Launch

Illinois Veterans for Change supports Democrat Veteran candidates that value integrity, progress, and a commitment to advancing communities while also possessing the toughness necessary to govern. Founding members of the organization have Honorably served our country in uniform and are proud Veterans in our Community: Thomas Day (US Army Veteran) along with Stephanie Kifowit (USMC Veteran) are Co-Chairs of the organization. The rest of the executive board include: Jan Donatelli (US Navy Veteran), Rodrigo Garcia (USMC Veteran), Paul Knudtson (US Army Veteran), Nikita Richards (US Navy Veteran), Chase Wilhelm (US Army Veteran).

Illinois Veterans for Change is an established Political Action Committee with the Illinois State Board of Elections. Its mission to help elect Democrat Veterans on the local, county and state level of Government.

The committee has raised just $200 so far, but it’s brand new.

* Press release…

Today, Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06), announced his endorsement of Nikki Budzinski’s campaign in Illinois’ 13th District. A scientist, clean energy entrepreneur, and CEO, Congressman Casten has represented IL-06 since 2019. Congressman Casten serves on the House Financial Services Committee, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, and the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. Since coming to Congress, Congressman Casten has led on critical issues like climate change, energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Congressman Casten’s endorsement is the latest in a broad coalition of support that Budzinski is building, including The Communications Workers of America (CWA), The Heat and Frost Insulators, Elect Democratic Women, The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), State Treasurer Mike Frerichs, former IL-13 candidate Erik Jones, The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois (AFFI), Rep. Cheri Bustos, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, UFCW Local 881, IBEW Locals 51, 146, 193, 309, 601 and 649, Pastor T. Ray McJunkins, State Representative Katie Stuart, County Chairs Bill Houlihan (Sangamon), Mark Pohlman (Jersey), Paul “Snow” Herkert (Calhoun), Ben Curtin (Christian) and Pam Monetti (Macoupin).

Congressman Sean Casten made the following statement: “I know we need advocates in Congress that are going to lead on issues that are going to make a difference in lives of working families across our state. In her work for President Biden, for the State of Illinois, and her career in the labor movement, I know we have an advocate in Nikki that will fight on critical issues like climate change and lowering the cost prescription drugs that are important to me. That’s why I’m happy to be supporting Nikki.”

Budzinski made the following statement: “I’m grateful for the work Congressman Casten has done on critical issues related climate, jobs, and working families. These are issues that are important to me, and that I want to fight for in Congress. I’m eager to work with Congressman Casten when I am elected next year.”

* Back to the governor’s race…

Gary Rabine, Republican candidate for Governor, issued the following statement on the City of Chicago’s policy to force police officers to provide vaccination status by October 15, or “be placed in a non-disciplinary, no-pay status.”

“The fact that City leaders would jeopardize the safety of Chicago residents by laying off police officers for not providing information about their vaccine status is appalling. These leaders don’t care about public safety, they only care about control. I stand with the brave men and women who keep our communities safe. Individuals should make their own healthcare decisions – not government bureaucrats.

As governor, I will vigorously oppose these types of policies and do everything I can to protect your freedom. To our police officers in Chicago and throughout Illinois, I stand with you.”

* And from the SoS race…

* More…

* Mike Thoms to announce candidacy for Illinois State Senate Thursday


Support Regulated Pet Stores And Defeat Puppy Mills

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Illinois families will soon be losing their opportunity to purchase dogs and cats from safe, highly-regulated local pet retailers, such as Petland, who offer their customers the choice of a pet that best fits their needs and provide health warranties. This change is coming because the state’s Animal Welfare Act has been updated through HB 1711 which bans the retail sales of dogs and cats obtained from licensed and regulated professional breeders.

But HB 1711 needs fixing, because while singularly blocking retail pet sales, it fails to strengthen any animal standards or protections at unregulated puppy mills across the state. Consumers looking for particular breeds will have no choice but to purchase dogs from unregulated breeders or dog auctions – thus perpetuating puppy mills. Responsible breeders and retailers will be heavily penalized while HB 1711 does nothing to address the issue of substandard breeders across the state.

Petland is dedicated to improving animal welfare and we have publicly demonstrated this commitment; in fact, we support the Humane Society’s petition effort to improve standards of care. Petland’s breeder pledge is a commitment to provide more space, more exercise, and more socialization for their pets plus numerous other improvements to standards of care.

Home - Protect Our Pets Illinois

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Today’s quotable

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’ve all heard about the shortage of nursing home workers. Capitol News Illinois has a story about a hearing yesterday on the topic. This quote stood out for me

Angela Schnepf, executive vice president of LeadingAge Illinois, an association of nonprofit aging service providers, said the policy changes DHFS recommend are long overdue and should have been part of the plan when Illinois first adopted its nursing home assessment in 2011.

“As many of you know, 10 years ago, the General Assembly by a thin margin passed the bed tax for a $105 million increase to support the staffing ratios passed in the spring of 2010,” she said. “The rate increase funded the status quo with an assumption that understaffed nursing homes would apply the money to increase their number of staff. One would have thought this made sense. However, the data shows that did not happen.”

Schnepf went on to say that a survey of nursing homes just before the pandemic showed that the 120 facilities with the lowest staffing levels had actually reduced their staffing hours per resident day by 5.8 percent since 2010, the year before the assessment went into effect, while the statewide average for all nursing homes in the state increased 4.5 percent.

“As you may or may not know, LeadingAge Illinois opposed the bed tax in 2011 because we anticipated the tax would shift money from well-staffed nursing homes to the pockets of owners of understaffed nursing homes because of the zero requirement of accountability to apply the new money to increasing their staff,” she said. “As a result, over 40 percent of Illinois nursing homes were losers or lost money, and over 60 percent of our LeadingAge Illinois members were losers. That means good providers bore the tax burden to fund the failed attempt to increase staffing in understaffed nursing homes, all to no avail.”

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services report is here.

* Related…

* Officials address nursing home payment model, staffing shortages


Pritzker’s office responds to Pfleger’s “state of emergency” demand

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We talked yesterday about Father Pfleger’s demand that Gov. Pritzker declare a “state of emergency” over Chicago’s gun violence. I asked the governor’s office for a response. Here it is in full…


    The Governor shares Fr. Pfleger’s sense of urgency. The epidemic of gun violence is a public health crisis that is worsening, and the Governor has taken and is taking action to make communities safer. Since he took office, he has focused on this issue – particularly with significant increases in funding for violence interruption and prevention programs. The Governor also believes that we must focus not only on the end of the cycle, when someone is shot. We must also attack the root causes – poverty and disinvestment – by investing in education, employment, human services and mental health to neighborhoods that have been left out and left behind. The State of Illinois is committed to an equitable and comprehensive short and long term approach to gun violence by investing in programs and strategies that have proven to reduce violence and pathways to good education, careers, and safe communities. The Governor and the General Assembly continue to serve as partners with the city, county governments and the philanthropic community in providing financial and public safety resources to get the job done.


    • In his first year in office, Gov. Pritzker increased investments in programs to interrupt and prevent violence by $50 million. In addition, this year’s budget invests $128 million in violence prevention and summer youth employment programs.
    • The General Assembly passed and the Governor signed legislation to create an Office of Violence Prevention.
    • Under Governor Pritzker’s leadership, the State Police started a gun violence task force. Governor Pritzker is also adding hundreds of new troopers to the depleted ranks of the State Police, building a new state-of-the-art forensics facility to investigate crimes and tackled the rape kit backlog left behind by his predecessor.
    • The Governor continues to offer and make available Illinois State Police and has invested in increased state police patrols of the highways, cameras, forensics labs and in reducing evidence backlogs that assist substantially in solving crimes.
    • On top of rebuilding our social safety net, the budgets signed by Gov. Pritzker have provided hundreds of millions of additional dollars to local governments and community-based organizations to support vulnerable communities.

Directs $1.4 billion for new crucial investments in Illinois businesses, families, and communities, including:

    • $570 million for small businesses and impacted industries, including for a $450M Economic Recovery plan with small business grants and workforce recovery investments
    • $400 million for public health response to Covid-19, pandemic assistance to health care industry and behavioral health investments
    • $160 million for community support centers
    • $128 million for violence prevention and summer youth employment and career pathway efforts across the state
    • $114 million for affordable housing, supportive housing and homelessness initiatives


Open thread

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Go for it.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
* Meanwhile… In Opposite Land
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and some campaign and court-related stuff
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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